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A Saga for My Seniors

This place is a stage, and you, the main character,

You fought in a war, and you came out the winner.
Congrats, hero! Because youre still alive,
Even though you walked out from a bees hive.

You gave my generation a peaceful era,

So as thanks, I wrote you a saga.
I hope you like it; I hope its good,
Because I know I am not as good as you:

Our Hero betrayed us! Even thoughnot really.

He lost his title, his sword, his dignity.
He became a soldier, to serve the country.
Even though the countrys people wronged him.

Then there was a war, which he had entered.

A war, where some of his comrades lives had ended.
Our Hero was fierce, fighting like a demon.
Until one day, the war, like his comrades lives, has ended

During the war, he had lost his comrades,

And 4 pints of blood too, I may be adding.
But he neer stopped fighting for it.
(It being what we are having)

He fought for 5 years, and he defeated:

The evil boss, so his crimes wouldnt be repeated,
He fought for 5 years, but what did he gain?
Well, he regained his title, of a true Johannian.

For many more years his soul will find

That endless peace for which it pined,
He will work hard to help unwind
The fighting and war, that he was once assigned

Untilthat light appears,

and to the eyes that still are blind.
With blood and tears,
their sight shall come all unconfined.

If he is needed, youll know where hell be

It is a place where his heart is always happy.
St. Johns Institution

Written by:
Ryan Tam Chee Man (2J)

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