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The term Sigma is a measurement of:

A. Profit of a company
B. Amount of variation present in a process relative to customer requirements and
C. Innovation rate based on incremental and radical improvements
D. Market share increase

2. Six sigma correspond to what value:

A. 99.6667%
B. 99.7779%
C. 99.8889%
D. 99.9997%

3. Six sigma methodology started at Motorola in the mid:

A. 1960s
B. 1970s
C. 1980s
D. 1990s

4. DMAIC stands for:

A. Define, Measure, Analyze, Imagine, Control

B. Dedicated, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control
C. Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control
D. Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Choose

5. To improve an organizations process sigma level, you must _____ the amount of _____
that occurs.

A. Increase, variation
B. Increase, production
C. Decrease, variation
D. Decrease, production

6. Lean six sigma is a ______for solving problems.

A. Mindset
B. Toolkit
C. Method
D. All of the above

7. Lean six sigma focuses on the:

A. Number of meetings attended

B. Number of projects started
C. Number of persons trained
D. Results generated
8. Key tools of lean six sigma for reducing defects are:

A. Pareto chart
B. Fishbone diagram
C. Box plot
D. All of the above

9. Key tools of lean six sigma for reducing variation are:

A. Histograms
B. Control charts
C. Box and whisker plot
D. All of the above

10. Lean six sigma works in:

A. Services
B. Manufacturing
C. Information technology
D. All of the above

11. The Japanese word for waste is:

A. Niokiour
B. Bistet
C. Janda
D. Muda

12. A firms warehouse moves a single crate of product 8 times before it is loaded for
shipment, this is an example of ____waste.

A. Organizational
B. Inventory
C. Transportation
D. Motion

13. Which of the examples distinguish quality focused organizations from non-quality
focused organizations?

A. Employees with advanced degrees

B. Higher customer complaints
C. External business focus
D. All of the above

14. Customer satisfaction is:

A. Achieved through higher quality

B. Less important than price of product/service
C. Achieved through always offering the lowest price and quality
D. None of the above

15. The role of the green belt is to:

A. Provide local process expertise to the team

B. Facilitate the brainstorming activities
C. Facilitate data acquisition activities
D. All of the above

16. Green belts are trained in ________concepts to work as part of a team.

A. Basic six sigma

B. Advanced six sigma
C. None of the six sigma
D. None of the above

17. Which of the following is/are quality characteristics of goods or services:

A. Reliability
B. Performance
C. Maintainability
D. All of the above

18. Which of the following is/are quality characteristics of goods or services:

A. Environmental impact
B. Appearance
C. Flawlessness
D. All of the above

19. Which of the following is/are quality characteristics of goods or services:

A. Safety
B. Durability
C. Credibility
D. All of the above

20. Which of the following is/are quality characteristics of goods or services:

A. Communication
B. Responsiveness
C. Empathy
D. All of the above

21. Master black belt is responsible to:

A. Mentor black belts or green belts

B. Focus on core team members in lean six sigma projects
C. Focus on cross-functional projects
D. Work as a project leader of small lean six sigma project
22. A black belt is:

A. Freed up from daily business for project work (almost 20%)

B. Responsible for project planning and execution
C. A member of complex lean six sigma projects
D. Both B and C

23. A green belt is:

A. Responsible to implement six sigma projects under the guidance of the black belt
B. Able to explain the processes of their company
C. Trained with extensive knowledge in DMAIC and statistics
D. All of the above

24. Yellow belt is:

A. Freed up from daily business for project work (almost 20%)

B. Trainer for green belt
C. Responsible for cross-functional projects
D. Project leader of small lean six sigma projects

25. Champions is/are;

A. Responsible for cross-functional projects

B. Initiator of lean six sigma project
C. A member of complex lean six sigma projects
D. All of the above

26. Sponsors:

A. Actively support the implementation of lean six sigma in the company

B. Recommend suitable candidates and projects within their area
C. Manage only one project at a time
D. Support projects as a team member

27. Process owner;

A. Responsible for conducting coaching

B. Take over the improved process from the black belt/green belt
C. A member of complex lean six sigma projects
D. Both B and C

28. Controllers:

A. Provides training for green belts

B. Manage only one project at a time
C. Assess lean six sigma projects from a financial point of view
D. Responsible for cross-functional projects
29. The goal of the define step is to:

A. Identify root causes and confirm them with data

B. Focus your improvement effort by gathering information about the current situation
C. Define the projects purpose and scope
D. develop, test and implement solutions that address root causes

30. Project charter contains information about:

A. The start of the project

B. Ideas, which cant be allocated to any group
C. Results of the processes and its customer(s)
D. Starting point and endpoint of the process

31. Adjustments to the project charter are possible only with the approval of the:

A. Master black belt

B. Champion
C. Green belt

32. A project charter is supposed to pass the SMART test. What does this acronym stand for:

A. Specific, Manageable, Attainable, Relevant, Temper

B. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time
C. Secure, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Tangible
D. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Targeted

33. Which of the following are essential parts of a project charter?

A. An overview of the purpose of the project

B. Team roles
C. Define the measures that will be used to judge the success of the project
D. All of the above

34. The completed project charter is a requirement for a projects:

A. Completion
B. Kick-off workshop
C. Success
D. All of the above

35. Project charter is created during the ______and ______phase.

A. Define, improve
B. Identification, measurement
C. Identification, definition
D. Define, control

36. A project scope is used to:

A. Validate what will be within the scope for the project and what will be outside scope
B. Identify the inputs and outputs of the project
C. Define the process between inputs and outputs
D. None of the above

37. Project scope is not used to:

A. Achieve clarity regarding the project focus

B. Measure the cost of the project
C. Achieve transparency in topics of the project framework examined
D. None of the above

38. If the project scope is too wide compared to the project duration then:

A. Stop the project scope

B. Extension of the project period must previously be discussed with the black belt
C. Extension of the project period must previously be discussed with the champion
D. Extension of the project period must previously be discussed with the master black belt

39. A tree diagram is used in order to:

A. Show all defects

B. Structure complex subjects
C. Achieve clarity regarding the product defects
D. None of the above

40. A tree diagram should be constructed at the _____ of the ____phase.

A. Beginning, define
B. During, measuring
C. End, planning
D. Beginning, measuring

41. The ideas from brainstorming are grouped in terms of their ____.

A. Cost
B. Complexity
C. Simplicity
D. Content

42. A tree diagram can also be used in brainstorming session, in order to clearly structure
ideas and their ____.

A. Dependencies
B. Cost
C. Benefits
D. None of the above
43. Tree diagram equivalent groups are arranged ______and the sub groups are arranged
_____ the appropriate superior groups.

A. On separate paper, above

B. On separate paper, under
C. Side by side, under
D. Side by side, above

44. Every ___should be involved in the structuring process, so that available knowledge can
flow in the process and every ____can take part in the decision.

A. Green belt
B. Team member
C. Manager
D. None of the above

45. In a tree diagram, ___the cards which appear twice, because they impede ____.

A. Remove, clarity
B. Add, clarity
C. Remove, complexity
D. Add, complexity

46. In a tree diagram, draw a line connects the ____ of the tree to make the structure more

A. Corners
B. Limbs
C. Edges
D. Center

47. SIPOC stands for:

A. Supplier Input Program Output Customer

B. Supplier Input Process Output Consume
C. Supplier Input Process Operate Customer
D. Supplier Input Process Output Customer

48. SIPOC helps to:

A. Indentify the relevant process steps in the project

B. Structure complex projects
C. Achieve clarity regarding the project focus
D. Both A and C

49. SIPOC is only a _____process description

A. Low level
B. High level
C. Medium level
D. None of the above

50. You do not have to define ___ and ______ for every process step in SIPOC, because it is
only a high level process description.

A. Cost, benefit
B. Input, output
C. Advantages, disadvantages
D. None of the above

51. SIPOC is used in the ___ phase

A. Define
B. Measure
C. Control
D. None of the above

52. SIPOC uses a framework applicable to processes of all sizes, even for an entire ____.

A. Organization
B. Department
C. Function
D. All of the above

53. SIPOC process map is a tool best used for:

A. Identifying the boundaries of the process
B. Drilling down the Y=F(X) process
C. Determining what is currently being provided
D. Assists in determining a projects timeline

54. When is stakeholder analysis used during the entire project?

A. Define, improve
B. Measure, control
C. Control, improve
D. Improve, analyze

55. After performing stakeholder analysis, a ____should be set up.

B. Value Stream Map
C. Communication plan
D. None of the above

56. Stakeholder analysis is performed in order to identify important ___and the ___ the

A. Stakeholders, cost of
B. Stakeholders, attitude towards
C. Defects, cost of
D. None of the above

57. The groups and individuals that result from the SIPOC should be classified into a ___

A. Stakeholders
B. Organization
C. Partnership
D. None of the above

58. Stakeholders in stakeholder analysis are divided based on degree of ___ and degree of

A. Interest, income
B. Interest, influence
C. Impact, income
D. None of the above

59. After performing the stakeholder analysis, a ____should be set up. This explains who is
taking care of which ____.

A. Project plan, task

B. Matrix, part
C. Communication plan, stakeholder
D. None of the above

60. A communication plan is used to assure the involvement of the most important ___ during
the project.

A. Stakeholders
B. Customers
C. Team members
D. None of the above

61. VoC & CTQ is used during the ___phase to identify the critical ___.

A. Define, measuring points

B. Measure, measuring points
C. Analyze, mistakes
D. None of the above

62. The general VoC information is translated into ___customer____.

A. Measurable, profit
B. Measurable, requirements
C. Important, requirements
D. None of the above

63. CTQs should contain no ____and should be measurable.

A. Choices
B. Defects
C. Solutions
D. All of the above

64. Which of the following are steps in CTQ tree?

A. Identify critical needs, identify quality drivers, identify cost savings

B. Identify critical needs, identify quality drivers, identify performance requirements
C. Identify depending variables, identify independent variables, identify reduced impact
D. None of the above

65. In CTQ, you have to identify needs which are ____to your product.

A. Less important
B. Cost increasing
C. Price elastic
D. Critical

66. After identifying the critical needs, you need to identify the ____.

A. Quality drivers
B. Performance requirements
C. Cost structure of these of these critical needs
D. None of the above

67. After identifying the quality drivers, you need to identify ____.

A. Critical needs
B. Performance requirements
C. solutions
D. None of the above

68. Once you have completed a CTQ tree for each critical need, you will have a list of all
____ ____that you must meet to deliver a high quality product/service.

A. Identified demands
B. identified critical needs
C. Measurable costs
D. Measurable requirements

69. CTQs are based on ____features, which are measurable.

A. Product/service
B. Production level
C. Price
D. Cost

70. Which sequence is followed in CTQ tree building?

A. Need, drivers, CTQs
B. Drivers, need, CTQs
C. CTQs, need, drivers
D. CTQs, drivers, need

71. The project kick-off workshop is the official ____of the improvement project by the ____.

A. Initiation, master black belt

B. Initiation, champion
C. termination, champion
D. Completion, black belt

72. In project kick-off workshop, all participants become familiar with their ___, the project
___ and the project methodology.

A. Roles, objective
B. Roles, structure
C. Teams, objective
D. Teams, structure

73. The ___ invites the participant to the kick-off workshop.

A. Green belt
B. Black belt
C. Master black belt
D. Champion

74. The ___ has to be filled in and agreed together with the ___before the kick-off.

A. Project charter, master black belt

B. Detailed project plan, champion
C. Project charter, champion
D. project charter, sponsor

75. Which of the following is not a milestone of the define phase?

A. Project charter
B. High-level map of the process
C. Detailed process map
D. Project kick-off workshop

76. Which of the following are important checkpoints in the define tollgate?

A. The customers are clearly defined and their requirements are measurably described
B. A high-level process map has been created
C. The project kick-off workshop has been conducted
D. all of the above

77. Who should be involved in the brainstorming session?

A. People involved in the actual process
B. People responsible for the future process
C. People directly affected by the process
D. All of the above

78. Brainstorming can be used for ____.

A. Finding appropriate measuring points in analyze phase

B. Developing a solution in the improvement phase
C. Solving a problem, when solution of the problem is not obvious
D. All of the above

79. You should do following things during idea prioritization except ____.

A. Dont criticize ideas

B. Involve people who are involved in the actual process
C. Involve people who will be responsible in the future process
D. Prioritize ides based on position of person giving the idea

80. In idea prioritization, the idea that has been allocated the highest number of dots has the

A. Highest priority
B. Lowest priority
C. Lowest cost
D. Highest cost

81. Idea prioritization can be used during following situation, except ____.

A. When a decision regarding the future solution has to be taken

B. When many people would be/have involved in the decision making process.
C. When applying the actual solution identified in brainstorming
D. In all project phases where decisions have to be taken

82. Mood barometer is used to measure the ____of the team regarding the achievement of the
goal regularly.

A. Cost
B. Confidence
C. Ideas
D. None of the above

83. Mood barometer is used to measure the ____of the team regarding the achievement of the
goal regularly.

A. If individual team members are unsatisfied/satisfied with the project progress, or the team
B. If cost of the project is increasing
C. If goals of the project are too ambitious
D. All of the above
84. Elevator speech should be maximum time of ____.

A. 1 minute
B. 2 minutes
C. 3 minutes
D. 5 minutes

85. Elevator speech should include following topics except ____.

A. What is the project target?

B. Which are the benefits for the company, for the customer?
C. What are the names and team roles of people working in the project?
D. How can the dialogue partner benefit from the project?

86. The project report is a summary of the ____on one page.

A. Cost variables
B. Most important status information
C. Team members in the project
D. Benefits of the project

87. The project report should be updated ____.

A. At the start of the project

B. At the end of the project
C. Every 2 weeks
D. Every month

88. A project status report includes the following information except ____.

A. Current project status

B. Possible obstacles
C. Names of the project team
D. Planned next steps

89. Project planning is a democratic process, which means team should be involved in:

A. Defining what is required

B. How requirements are delivered
C. Delivery plan by whom and when
D. All of the above

90. The milestone plan should contain:

A. A condition or state that must be achieved

B. Specification of what not how.
C. Measurable (SMART)
D. All of the above
91. The server should be kept up to date with:

A. Weekly status report

B. Tollgate minutes
C. Tollgate deliverables
D. All of the above

92. Which of the following roles are supposed to be included in the responsibilities chart

A. Who executes the work

B. Who makes the sole decision
C. Who makes decisions jointly
D. All of the above

93. Which of the following is not a key of successful project management?

A. Scope is aligned with the goals and expected benefits

B. Stakeholders are actively managed
C. Tasks to deliver the result are unknown and unplanned
D. Risks are identified and addressed
10 D
11 D
12 C
13 C
14 A
15 D
16 A
17 D
18 D
19 D
20 D
21 A
22 D
23 D
24 A
25 D
26 A
27 D
28 C
29 C
30 A
31 B
32 B
33 D
34 B
35 C
36 A
37 B
38 C
39 B
40 A
41 D
42 A
43 C
44 B
45 A
46 B
47 D
48 D
49 B
50 B
51 A
52 D
53 A
54 A
55 C
56 B
57 A
58 B
59 C
60 A
61 A
62 B
63 C
64 B
65 D
66 A
67 B
68 D
69 A
70 A
71 B
72 A
73 D
74 C
75 C
76 D
77 D
78 D
79 D
80 A
81 C
82 B
83 A
84 A
85 C
86 B
87 C
88 C
89 D
90 D
91 D
92 D
93 C

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