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Remedial Cementing
Squeeze Cementing Plug Cementing

Squeeze cementing is the process by which cement is forced During its life, every well will require a plug-back cementing
into the casing-hole annulus. Fluid returns are not normally job. Slurry is pumped down drillpipe or tubing and into the
expected at the surface. Perforations in the pipe are often annulus; unlike primary cementing jobs, the cement levels in
required to obtain a flow path to the annulus. The channel or the annulus and inside the tubular goods are the same. This
area of poor bond, as well as the perforations, are filled with creates a blocked area which is referred to as a cement plug.
cement. Pump pressure is allowed to rise in order to Typical length of a cement plug is 100 to 500 ft.
"squeeze" cement slurry into the desired area. The cement is
allowed to harden into a plug which blocks fluid movement.
Drill-out of set cement inside the casing is normally required.


A. Squeezing to repair casing

B. Squeezing cement onto formation

C. Block squeezing

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