Physics Blackbody Radiation Ex

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Group Problems #13 - Solutions

Wednesday, September 21

Problem 1 Blackbody Radiation

The filament of a light bulb is cylindrical with length l = 20 mm and radius r = 0.05
mm. The filament is maintained at a temperature T = 5000 K by an electric current.
The filament behaves approximately as a black body, emitting radiation isotropically.
At night, you observe the light bulb from a distance D = 10 km with the pupil of
your eye fully dilated to a radius = 3 mm.

(a) What is the total power radiated by the filament?

The Stefan-Boltzman Law is:
= T 4 , (1)
where dP/dA is the power radiated per unit surface area of the source, =
5.6108 Wm2 K4 is the Stefan-Boltzman constant, and T is the temperature
in Kelvin. Multiplying both sides of the equation by dA and integrating over the
surface area of the filament, gives:

Ptot = AT 4 = 2rlT 4 (2)

3 8 2 4 4
= 2(0.05 10 m)(0.02 m)(5.6 10 W m K )(5000 K) (3)
= 220 W. (4)

(b) How much radiation power enters your eye?

Since the lightbulb emits radiation equally in all directions (isotropic), the power
entering your eye is just the total power radiated times the fraction of your pupil
disk to the total surface area of a sphere centered at the source and of radius
D = 10 km. Thus, we have:

(3 103 m)2
Peye = Ptot = 4.95 1012 W. (5)
4(10 103 m)2


(c) At what wavelength does the filament radiate the most power?
Here, we simply use Wiens Law:

b 2.9 103 m K
max = = = 5.8 107 m = 580 nm. (6)
T 5000 K

(d) How many radiated photons enter your eye every second? You can assume that
= 600 nm.
the average wavelength for the radiation is
The energy of a photon is given by Ephoton = hc/. So, dividing the total power
(energy per unit time) entering your eye by the energy of an average photon, we

Peye (4.95 1012 W)(600 109 m)

Nphotons = = (7)
hc/ (6.63 1034 J s)(3 108 m/s)
= 1.5 107 photons/s. (8)

Note that the most sensitive electronic photon detectors have a quantum efficiency
near 100% in the visible spectral region; that is, a measurable electronic signal
is produced for nearly every photon incident on the detector. They also have
quantum noise due to thermal energy (dark noise) of 100 photons/s at room
temperature. Thus, a signal of 107 photons/s would be easily measured. The
human eye has a quantum efficiency of around 1%, and a dark noise that depends
on how long the eye has been in the dark. However, this signal would probably
still be detectable by the human eye.

Problem 2 Stefan-Boltzmann Law

If we consider the Earth as a blackbody in thermal equilibrium,

(a) estimate the global temperature of our planet in terms of the temperature of the
Sun, Tsun , its radius Rsun , and distance D between the Earth and Sun.
Thermal equilibrium implies as much power is radiated by the earth into space
as is received from the sun, so
Pin = Pout , (9)
where Pin is the power received by the sun and Pout is the power radiated by the
earth. The total power radiated by the sun is the power density (power per unit
area in this case), denoted by dPsun /dA, integrated over the entire surface area of
the sun, 4Rsun . At a distance D from the sun, the earth only receives a fraction
of this power:
dPsun 2 Rearth
Pin = 4Rsun (10)
dA 4D2
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We can now use the Stefan-Boltzmann law to substitute for dPsun /dA = Tsun ,
8 2 4
where = 5.67 10 W/m /K is Stefans constant. Substituting into the Eqn.
above gives:
4 2 Rearth
Pin = Tsun 4Rsun (11)
Now considering the Earth also as a blackbody, we can use a similar procedure to
find Pout . The total power radiated by the Earth is the power density integrated
over the surface area of the Earth:
dPearth 2
Pout = 4Rearth (12)
4 2
= Tearth 4Rearth , (13)

where we have again used the Stefan-Boltzmann law in the second line of the
equation above. Equating the input and output powers and simplifying gives:
4 2 Rearth 4 2
Pin = Pout Tsun 4Rsun = Tearth 4Rearth (14)
R2 T 4
Tearth = sun 2sun (15)
Tearth = Tsun (16)

(b) Compute this temperature using Tsun = 5700 K, Rsun = 7 105 km, and D =
150 106 km.
Plugging numbers gives:
7 105 p
Tearth = 5700 = 5700 7/3 103 (17)
2(150 106 )
= 275 K ' 2 C. (18)

This is actually a reasonable number since it is above freezing - otherwise we

would expect more ocean water to be locked up in ice. Recent data suggests
that the Earths temperature is trending upward faster than previous natural
fluctuations. The strongly supported hypothesis is that this warming is caused
by the greenhouse effect (which is not in dispute, as it is clearly understood
in many systems across many scales), which tends to trap a portion of Earths
outgoing radiation, thus reducing Pout without effecting Pin . This would clearly
lead to a non-equilibrium situation that results in warming of the globe.

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