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Project Update Memo #1

Date: January 30, 2017
To: Mary Laskowski, Program & Outreach Coordinator, KCSARC
Rachel Taylor, Prevention Services Specialist, KCSARC
CC: Kristi Lewis Tyran
From: Micheii Nading
RE: First Project Update
Mary and Rachel,
It was so great to meet with the two of you a couple Fridays ago! I am looking
forward to this project, I know it will be a lot of fun and I am so glad I get to work
with KCSARC and each of you. Here is a summary of my project so far and my
plans for this coming week:

Week of January 20-27:

1. Met with the two of you at KCSRC and discussed client contract +
scheduled a new meeting
2. Began watching videos about sexual assault prevention/read more articles
on the topic
3. Created an account with Survey Monkey and brainstormed questions to

Plan for this week (January 30-February 5)

1. Create the survey and post it to my social media
2. Facilitate surveys around campus
3. Watch additional videos to present to you

Thank you again for allowing me to join you guys in this video project. Please
let me know if I should plan on doing anything else between now and when I
meet with you on February 10th.
Micheii Nading

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