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Project Update Memo #4

Date: February19, 2017
To: Mary Laskowski, Program & Outreach Coordinator, KCSARC
Rachel Taylor, Prevention Services Specialist, KCSARC
CC: Kristi Lewis Tyran
From: Micheii Nading
RE:FourthProject Update

Mary and Rachel,

I am glad we got to touch base in person this past Friday with my mom. Here is an update
on what I did this previous week and my plan for this coming week.

Week of February 13-20:

1. Asked co workers who have worked in corporations about risk reductions
2. Called UW inquiring about actors
3. Added ideas on the story board through googledoc
4. Met with you both + my mom at KCSARC on Friday, the 17th

Plan for this week (February 20-27):

1. Search for videographer + send you updates along the way
2. Create a flyer to send to Chris to find our actress (I will send this to you two)
3. Begin drawing out the story board

I am looking forward to finding the videographer and continuing the story board! As
always, let me know along the week if there is anything else I can contribute.

-Micheii Nading

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