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I) Directions: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase for

each blank. (25 points)

1) UV rays emitted by _______ sun can cause skin cancer.

1. the
3. a
4. an

2) Create a coaching environment in your organization and watch your people

1. flourished
2. to flourish
3. flourishes
4. flourish

3) It _______ me a lot to have my hair done last week.

1. cost
2. costs
3. costed
4. is costing

4) Not many of his colleagues like Peter because he is such a _______ guy.
1. bad-temper
2. bad-tempering
3. bad-tempered
4. bad-tempers

5) The exhibitions of every library in the city _______ less attention

1. was attracting
2. are attracting
3. attracts
4. is attracting
6) It is practical to consider _______ alternative energy to replace traditional
1. to invest at
2. investing in
3. to invest with
4. investing on

7) The wonderful thing about microwaves is that _______clouds, smoke,

haze and water vapour.
1. can travel through
2. traveling through
3. they can travel through
4. to travel through

8) Hitachi Ltd, _______, will focus investments on infrastructure-related

businesses such as power plants.
1. that is Japans largest electronics maker
2. Japans largest electronics maker
3. is Japans largest electronics maker
4. it is the largest electronics maker of Japan

9) Swiss adventurers are preparing _______ solar-powered plane for

_______ first international flight next month.
1. its / their
2. theirs / their
3. theirs / its
4. their / its

10) The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that _______ of the
world's population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
1. two-five
2. second-five
3. two-fifths
4. second-fifths
11) Apart from the _______ selection of religious events that Bali offers, there
is an impressive line-up of festivals to fascinate tourists.
1. amazing
2. amazed
3. amaze
4. amazement

12) New York, which is a state in the Mid-Atlantic and North Eastern regions of
the United States, _______ New Amsterdam in the past.
1. call
2. called
3. is called
4. was called

13) Sir Paul McCartney confessed that if all the Beatles members had been
alive, they _______ for the Live 8 concerts.
1. will reunite
2. would reunite
3. will have reunited
4. would have reunited

14) The long march of colonialism was driven by Europes demand for crops
_______ do not flourish in northern climates.
1. which
2. who
3. whose
4. when

15) Power reserves for Thailand over the next five years may be at critical
levels _______ a new power plant can be built on schedule.
1. when
2. because
3. if
4. unless
16) Soft drinks do not contain the essential nutrients our bodies need,
_______ they are the most common drink choice for many people.
1. despite
2. but
3. because
4. therefore

17) Before Queen Victoria chose white dress instead of the traditional royal
silver wedding dress, brides simply wore their _______ dress on their
wedding day.
1. good
2. as good as
3. best
4. better

18) A flood warning has been issued for people living on both sides of the Chao
Phraya River to _______ their belongings to higher places.
1. rise
2. raise
3. arise
4. arisen

19) Brochures usually deliver a single message such as introducing a product,

educating readers about a subject or _______ for action.
1. ask
2. to ask
3. asked
4. asking

20) Despite a housing market contraction in the first half of the year,
condominiums near BTS and MRT routes continued to sell better than _______
in other areas.
1. this
2. that
3. those
4. these
21) The media frequently create absurd examples mocking attempts to change
language, such as coffee without milk supposedly _______ to avoid the
racist term black coffee.
1. uses
2. which used
3. used
4. which uses

22) Cattle are fed a concentrated high-corn diet which produces rapid weight
gain, but this has side effects which include increased acidity in the _______
1. digestive
2. digesting
3. digested
4. digest

23) The university is trying a new way to turn public transport green by using a
technology popular _______ electric toothbrushes and razors to power buses
and cars.
1. at
2. with
3. in
4. on

24) China has overtaken Japan to become _______, the fruit of three decades
of rapid growth that has lifted millions of people out of poverty.
1. the worlds second largest economy
2. the worlds largest second economy
3. the worlds economy second largest
4. the worlds second economy largest
25) _______ the pandas natural habitat is high in the mountains, from 8,500
to 11,500 feet above sea level, pandas have a thick hide to protect their six foot
tall, 200-300 pound, bodies from the cold.
1. Also
2. Nonetheless
3. Because
4. Due to

II) Directions: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase for

each blank. (15 points)

The Australian government has angered koala conservationists by again delaying a

decision on whether to add the national icon to the country's endangered species list.
Last year, a Senate inquiry 26)______ the status, health, and sustainability of Australia's
koala population heard that there could be as few as 43,000 koalas left in the country.
Millions 27)______ since the arrival of European settlers in the 18th century. Numbers
were slashed again during open hunting seasons in the early 20th century and in recent
decades tens of thousands have died 28)______ habitat destruction, disease including
Chlamydia and retrovirus and dog attacks. On average, four koalas are admitted every
week to Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital, 29)______, after being hit by cars. The animals
are also vulnerable to bushfires and drought.

30)______, environment minister Tony Burke says he needs 10 more weeks to consider
new information from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC) on where
31)______ marsupial is under the greatest threat. It is the second time he has
32)______ the decision, which was initially due in October. I cant provide a blanket
threatened species listing across Australia since there are many places 33)______ koala
numbers remain high, he said in a statement. While the Senate report found there had
been a marked decline in Australias national koala population with the largest
34)______ reported in the states of Queensland and New South Wales it said that in
some areas of Victoria and South Australia koala colonies were flourishing.
Some say the disparity between survival rates in different parts of the country is
complicating 35)______ should be a simple decision to grant koalas greater protection.
Currently, koalas are listed as vulnerable under state legislation in Queensland and
New South Wales, and as rare in South Australia. A 36)______ listing would offer
greater protection to the koala under Australia's Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999. Currently, more than 1,700 species and ecological
communities 37)______ the threat of extinction, according to government figures.
However, they are not granted any extra protection under federal law. The question of
38)______ koalas should be considered endangered has been considered three times in
the last 15 years by the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC). Each time, the
committee found there was not enough data on koala populations 39)______ that
populations had fallen far enough to reach the threshold 40)______ to declare them
endangered under federal law.

26) 1. into 2. with

3. for 4. at

27) 1. have killed 2. have been killed

3. killed 4. were killed

28) 1. in spite of 2. in addition to

3. contrary to 4. as a result of

29) 1. the country's largest wildlife hospital

2. the country's wildlife largest hospital
3. the country's largest hospital wildlife
4. the country's hospital largest wildlife

30) 1. However 2. Therefore

3. Furthermore 4. After that

31) 1. - 2. a

3. the 4. some
32) 1. reached 2. considered
3. delayed 4. rejected

33) 1. when 2. which

3. where 4. why

34) 1. loses 2. looses

3. lost 4. losses

35) 1. it 2. that
3. what 4. whether

36) 1. nation 2. national

3. nationally 4. nationality

37) 1. face 2. faced

3. will face 4. would have faced

38) 1. what 2. how

3. which 4. whether

39) 1. concluded 2. concluding

3. to conclude 4. conclude

40) 1. need 2. needed

3. needing 4. to need
Part II: Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the following passages and choose the most

appropriate answer for each question. (40 points)

Passage I
If you do not want to pay hefty prices for imported beef, try buffalo meat, which
may not have the organic label but will be grass-fed and leaner than cow meat. That will
satisfy your craving for red meat. Fresh meat markets in Bangkok and the Northeast
mostly sell cow meat, but if you are living in the North, the markets mainly sell buffalo
meat. (P1)

As for white meat, you can go for organic pork chops and eat no more than
eight ounces per meal. A three-oz serving of pork contains 0.105 oz of fat, while a
chicken breast without the skin contains 0.106 oz of fat, according to studies at the
Universities of Wisconsin and Maryland. (P2)

A much leaner and tastier alternative to chicken is turkey with its white and dark
meats that are packed with a gamy flavor. (P3)

Now that you are getting the go-ahead for meats, dont forget to take
everything in moderation and make sure to trim the fats. For optimal health, balance
your diet with whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables. (P4)

41) The word hefty (P1) means _______.

1. moderate
2. reasonable
3. cheap
4. high
42) What does craving (P1) mean?
1. taste
2. desire
3. choice
4. search

43) Which is NOT true about buffalo meat?

1. It is not expensive because it is a local product especially in the
2. It is grass-fed and so is leaner than cow meat.
3. It can as well satisfy your desire for red meat.
4. It is definitely tastier and more tender than cow meat.

44) What is the authors advice?

1. Eat buffalo meat that has the organic label.
2. Eat chicken, which is leaner and tastier than turkey.
3. Eat meat in moderation.
4. Eat a good balance of various kinds of meats.

45) According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

1. Buffalo meat contains more fat than cow meat.
2. Northeastern people prefer cow meat to buffalo meat.
3. Turkey contains less fat than chicken.
4. A 3-oz serving of pork has about the same amount of fat as a skinned chicken breast.
Passage II

Your brains performance levels and your overall mental abilities are largely
governed by your state of mind, which is determined by your brainwaves. According to a
scientific study, they create peak performance mental states for learning, thinking,
studying and virtually every mental task. (P1)

Listening to iMusic, an advanced acoustic technology, automatically dials your

brainwaves into a peak performance state for any situation or environment. Most people
are shocked when they are told that increasing their IQ and cognitive abilities is possible.
It was once thought that intelligence and mental capabilities were set in stone,
unchanging since birth. But much of what we know about the mind has changed since
then, particularly in the last 10 years. (P2)

Research has found that there are many factors playing even larger roles in IQ,
focus, memory and overall intelligence. With the brain technology, someone can
experience huge leaps in IQ score, sometimes up to 30 or more points! (P3)

46) What is the main idea of this passage?

1. Science has uncovered brainwaves.
2. Intelligence and mental abilities can be improved.
3. There are many factors affecting brain performance levels.
4. There are many factors controlling IQ.

47) What does the word they (P1) refer to?

1. performance levels
2. mental abilities
3. brainwaves
4. mental states

48) What controls ones state of mind?

1. Ones brain
2. Ones performance levels
3. Ones mental abilities
4. Ones brainwaves
49) What is true according to the passage?
1. Mental capabilities are unchanged since birth.
2. iMusic can raise mental abilities to their best performance.
3. What we know about brainwaves has not been changed.
4. There are only few factors that determine brain performance.

50) What does set in stone (P2) mean?

1. fixed
2. unstable
3. known
4. accepted

Passage III

Quietly and without much fanfare there is a paradigm shift taking place in the
global economy. Africa, a continent that until now has only been associated with poverty
and political unrest, is emerging as a land rich in opportunity. For those visionaries who
see its vast potential, this long-awaited trend is exciting. It means this huge emerging
market will follow in the footsteps of other powers to gain its rightful place of influence in
the world. Over the past decade, China has been the big economic story. That, however,
may soon change. Says Bruce Wrobel, the CEO of Sithe Global, a project development
firm that builds power plants, dams, refineries and other infrastructure internationally:
Within 10 years people will be talking about Africa the way they talk about China today.

Whats he getting at? Africas population, at one billion, is currently smaller than
Chinas, but over the next decade experts expect it to explode. For one thing, malaria
will likely be eradicated within the next five years. The continent is also making progress
on the AIDS front. Once the impact of these diseases is mitigated, Africa has the
potential, given its natural resources and huge landmass, to support many times its
current population. (P2)
The global business community, however, is not waiting that long. Many forward-
looking multinational corporations already know that the economies of many African
countries are on the verge of taking off. According to the African Development Bank, the
GDP of the continent, which has been growing 5% to 6% annually, hit $1.3 trillion last
year. Much of that growth has come from burgeoning telecommunications and banking
systems, plus increased trade with China for both natural resources and manufactured
goods. Today Africas economy is larger than Indias, and not far behind those of Brazil
and Russia. (P3)

Africa has barely tapped into its potential as a major source of oil, timber, and
ores. Consider that this enormous continent into which could fit the U.S., Europe, and
China contains roughly 75% of all the Earths strategic minerals. The Republic of
Guinea, one of the poorest countries in the world, has, according to U.S.G.S. data, 30%
of the worlds bauxite, the raw material from which aluminum is extracted. Recent tests
suggest the nation may actually have closer to 60% of global reserves, much of it easy
and relatively cheap to recover. (P4)

Today, however, Guinea accounts for only 1% of the worlds alumina production.
Over the next 20 years, major aluminum makers including Alcoa, Global Alumina,
Russian Aluminum, and Australias BHP Billiton will together invest an estimated $20
billion for bauxite refineries in Guinea. BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto are also developing iron
ore mines there. (P5)

51) What does the passage mainly discuss?

1. A paradigm shift in Africa
2. Africas potential natural resources
3. Possibility for economic growth in Africa
4. Economic and medical situation in Africa

52) What does the word eradicated (P2) mean?

1. wiped out
2. taken in
3. observed
4. developed
53) Which word is closest in meaning to the word mitigated (P2)?
1. increased
2. reduced
3. recovered
4. maintained

54) According to Paragraph 3, whose economy is the smallest?

1. Indias
2. Africas
3. Brazils
4. Russias

55) The phrase on the verge of taking off (P3) means about to _______.
1. grow
2. drop
3. change
4. stop

56) What does the nation (P4) refer to?

1. U.S.
2. China
3. Russia
4. Guinea

57) Which of the following is NOT a factor for the change in the economies of
many African countries?
1. Telecommunications
2. International trade
3. Banking systems
4. Natural resource conservation
58) According to recent tests, how much bauxite may the Republic of Guinea
1. 20% of global reserves
2. 30% of global reserves
3. 60% of global reserves
4. 75% of global reserves

59) What raw material will probably increase Guineas economic growth?
1. Bauxite
2. Timber
3. Gold
4. Oil

60) Which company is NOT an aluminum maker?

1. BHP Billiton
2. Sithe Global
3. Rio Tinto
4. Alcoa

Passage IV

The inexplicable blandness of airline food has been pondered at 30,000 feet by
generations of travellers. Now an explanation has been offered in the form of research
showing that people lose their sense of taste when listening to the sort of white noise
heard inside an aircraft's cabin. (P1)

White noise consists of random collections of sounds at different frequencies such as

the muffled noise of aircraft engines and scientists have demonstrated that it is
capable of diminishing the taste of salt and sugar. The findings could explain a
phenomenon well known to airline companies: passengers tend to lose their sense of
taste when they are in the air. For this reason, airline meals are often "improved" with
extra salt, sugar and other flavourings. (P2)
The study also lends further support to the idea that sound plays an important role in the
perception of taste. Heston Blumenthal, the celebrity chef, has exploited the trait in a
specially designed seafood dish which is served while diners hooked up to iPods listen to
the sound of surf crashing on a beach. (P3)

Ellen Poliakoff of Manchester University said the study investigated how background
noise influenced a person's perception of food. The scientists found that certain sounds
not only affected people's sense of saltiness or sweetness, they also influenced how
crunchy some types of food sounded to the diners which in turn affected their
perceptions of freshness and palatability. Weve compared how people rated food that
they ate while they sat in headphones listening to various kinds of sounds and we've
speculated as to why this might explain why airline food has a reputation for not being
very tasty, Dr Poliakoff said. (P4)

The white noise of an aircraft cabin could act as a distraction to a person's sense of
taste, which would account for why airline food needs to compensate by being saltier or
sweeter than usual. Alternatively, the effect could be due to the contrast between the
pleasure of eating and the stress of listening to white noise, Dr Poliakoff said. (P5)

The study involved asking a panel of volunteers to rate the taste of different kinds of
food while listening to quiet or loud background noise, or no noise at all. Sweetness and
saltiness were rated significantly lower in the presence of the louder background music,
while crunchiness was reported to be higher when listening to loud sounds. A further
part of the study showed that people listening to sounds they deemed to be pleasant
were also more likely to say that their food was tastier, which may explain why many
restaurants play ambient background music. If you are enjoying the music you are
listening to, it may affect the enjoyment of the food you are eating, Dr Poliakoff said.

61) What is the best title for this passage?

1. Why In-Flight Meals Dont Taste Good
2. Noises and Blandness
3. Research on Taste
4. Can Airline food Be Tasty?
62) What is the main idea of this passage?
1. Many airlines have been trying hard to improve their in-flight meals.
2. Background sounds have influence on perceptions of taste.
3. Airline meals are notorious for their poor quality and tastelessness.
4. Peoples enjoyment of food depends on a range of sensory responses.

63) What does the word diminishing (P2) mean?

1. bringing
2. changing
3. balancing
4. decreasing

64) What does the word they (P4) refer to?

1. the scientists
2. certain sounds
3. people
4. senses of saltiness and sweetness

65) Which is NOT included in Dr Poliakoffs experiment?

1. diners
2. headphones
3. airline food
4. various kinds of sounds

66) What does the word compensate (P5) mean?

1. give up on
2. take up with
3. make up for
4. put up for

67) What does the word they (P6) refer to?

1. sweetness and saltiness
2. different kinds of food
3. sounds
4. people
68) Which of the following increases peoples sense of freshness and
1. soft music
2. loud sounds
3. sitting on a beach
4. a specially designed seafood dish

69) Which is true, according to the passage?

1. A person's sense of sweetness and saltiness could be distracted by loud
2. People enjoy food less because they are in the air.
3. Volunteers rated the food as tastier when the sounds were made louder.
4. Heston Blumenthal, the celebrity chef, has taken part in Dr Poliakoffs research.

70) Where can this passage be found?

1. Airline in-flight magazines
2. Cooking magazines
3. Newspaper articles
4. Sound engineering textbooks

Passage V

Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science concerned with making

computers behave like humans. The term was coined in 1956 by John McCarthy at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Artificial intelligence includes game playing,
robotics, expert systems, natural language, and neural networks. (P1)

Currently, no computers exhibit full artificial intelligence (that is, are able to
simulate human behavior). The greatest advances have occurred in the field of games
playing. The best computer chess programs are now capable of beating humans. In May,
1997, an IBM super-computer called Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Gary
Kasparov in a chess match. (P2)
In the area of robotics, computers are programmed to see and hear and
react to other sensory stimuli. Computers are now widely used in assembly plants, but
they are capable only of very limited tasks. Robots have great difficulty identifying
objects based on appearance or feel, and they still move and handle objects clumsily.

In the early 1980s, expert systems (programming computers to make decisions

in real-life situations) were believed to represent the future of artificial intelligence and of
computers in general. To date, however, they have not lived up to expectations. Many
expert systems help human experts in such fields as medicine and engineering, but they
are very expensive to produce and are helpful only in special situations. (P4)

Natural-language processing offers the greatest potential rewards because it

would allow people to interact with computers without needing any specialized
knowledge. You could simply walk up to a computer and talk to it. Unfortunately,
programming computers to understand natural languages has proved to be more difficult
than originally thought. Some rudimentary translation systems that translate from one
human language to another are in existence, but they are not nearly as good as human
translators. There are also voice recognition systems that can convert spoken sounds
into written words, but they do not understand what they are writing; they simply take
dictation. Even these systems are quite limited you must speak slowly and distinctly.

Today, the most popular area of artificial intelligence is neural networks, which
are systems that simulate intelligence by attempting to reproduce the types of physical
connections that occur in animal brains. The systems are proving successful in a number
of disciplines such as voice recognition and natural-language processing. There are
several programming languages that are known as AI languages because they are used
almost exclusively for AI applications. The two most common are LISP and Prolog. (P6)

71) What is the topic of the passage?

1. The history of artificial intelligence
2. The fields of artificial intelligence
3. The pros and cons of artificial intelligence
4. The effects of artificial intelligence
72) What does the word simulate (P2) mean?
1. act like
2. relate to
3. depend on
4. back up

73) The word they (P3) refers to _______.

1. stimuli
2. computers
3. plants
4. tasks

74) The word they (P4) refers to _______.

1. expert systems
2. programming computers
3. decisions
4. human experts

75) What is the main idea of Paragraph 5?

1. The translation systems in programming computers are not as efficient as human
2. Natural-language processing has made more profits than any other areas of artificial
3. Programming computers understand what people say and they are able to give
response back to them.
4. Even though there has been some progress in natural-language processing, some
limitations can still be found.

76) The word distinctly (P5) means _______.

1. meaningfully
2. personally
3. clearly
4. fluently
77) Which is NOT true?
1. The term artificial intelligence was coined by
2. The super-computer can play better than humans in a chess game.
3. Robots are used in some factories but they still have limited capacity.
4. There has been significant progress in the field of expert systems as previously

78) Which area of AI is the most successful?

1. Identification of objects based on the way they look or feel
2. Expert systems in medicine and engineering
3. The ability to play games with humans
4. The voice recognition systems

79) What is the purpose of the passage?

1. To describe the advancement in a field of computer science
2. To explain why humans need the computers to do humans tasks
3. To point out the limitations of artificial intelligence
4. To persuade the programmers to do more research in the field

80) Which branch of artificial intelligence is concerned with programming

computers to make their own decisions?
1. Robotics
2. Expert systems
3. Natural language
4. Neural networks
1 1 2 4 3 1 4 3 5 2 6 2 7 3 8 2 9 4 1 3

1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

2 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 1 3 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 4 3 3 4 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

4 4 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 2 5 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

5 3 5 1 5 2 5 1 5 1 5 4 5 4 5 3 5 1 6 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

6 1 6 2 6 4 6 2 6 3 6 3 6 4 6 2 6 1 7 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

7 2 7 1 7 2 7 1 7 4 7 3 7 4 7 3 7 1 8 2
1 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Instruction: Select the most appropriate choice for each item. (Q1 - Q5)

Interviewer: Good afternoon, please have a seat.

Interviewee: (1) _________.
Interviewer: How are you doing?
Interviewee: Im fine, thank you.
Interviewer: (2) _________?
Interviewee: No, sir, I had no trouble at all.
Interviewer: Could you tell me a little about your (3) _________?
Interviewee: I graduated from UCLA in 1995, with a Bachelors degree in Journalism.
Interviewer: Any post-graduate degrees?
Interviewee: Yes, I enrolled in NYUs master program for journalism and (4) _________.
Interviewer: How about your (5) _________?
Interviewee: After I left NYU, I worked for a year at the Cincinnati Daily.

Q1 :

Yes, please

Thank you

With pleasure

Sit down, please

Q2 :

What is the problems at your office

Did you like the office you worked

Was there any problems at the office

Did you have any trouble finding us

Q3 :


private life

previous experience

educational background

Q4 :

didnt finish

dropped out in 1998

earned a degree

took a break

Q5 :

previous job

post education

work experience

other qualifications
Q6 : The Prime Minister will be leaving today to ____________the Asia-Europe Meeting.





Q7 : There is a high ______ of an accident when driving in heavy rain.





Q8 : Artists normally use only acoustic guitars to play acoustic ______ of songs.





Q9 : If they can buy personal computers, they should also be able to ______ the software.




Q10 : Will you accept a credit card or do you prefer _______?





Q11 : Thailand's gross domestic product ________ to expand four to five percent this year.


is expect


is expected

Q12 : Quality control is performed _______ every stage of our company's production.





Q13 : You can see all ___________ you need on the screen.


an information

the information

of information
Q14 : As president of Homeland Estate Company, I would like to thank our business partners
_____ contributed to our success.





Q15 : An Australian tourist died in Russia after _______ from swine flu.


to suffer


was suffered
Instruction: Read the following letter and select the best answer for each item. (Q16 -


Pitsanuloke Road, Dusit, Bangkok 10300, THAILAND

Tel: 66 2547 1000, Fax 66 2547 1000

3 May 20XX

Mr. Denis Ives

Public Sector Management Consultant

17 Wagga Street

Canberra ACT2607


Dear Mr. Ives:

I am writing to you to express our appreciation for your warm hospitality and efforts in arranging
the seminar programme for our group of executives from Thailand. The programme was very
well designed and was structured exactly as we had hoped. The sessions with you, I would
say, were the highlight of the programme. While the introduction helped us greatly to
comprehend the structure and framework of the Australian public service and its reform, your
executive session was invaluable in clarifying the issues and areas that had been a bit unclear
during the week of discussions and observations.

It was extremely valuable for us to have had this opportunity to observe the practice of
Australian public service reform, to exchange ideas about our work, and to discuss our
problems. This programme has given me new insights into our own situation and approaches
to improve our procedures.

I hope that we will be able to keep in contact, and that perhaps we can reciprocate your
hospitality in Thailand in the near future.

Yours sincerely,


Q16 : What is the purpose of this letter?

Thanks for study visit arrangement

Thanks for participating in the seminar

Acknowledgement of the benefits of the study visit

Appreciation for Australian public service management

Q17 : It can be assumed that the sessions before Mr. Ive's lecture were _____ .





Q18 : What is considered the best part of the seminar programme?

The meeting they had with Mr. Ives

Discussion with people involving the reform

Observations of Australian public management

Exchange of ideas concerning reform obstacles

Q19 : The seminar programme largely deals with the ______.

obstacles of Australian government

reform of Australian public service

structure of Australian public facilities

management of Australian public service

Q20 : The word "insight" (line 3, paragraph 2) refers to _____.

valuable innovations

a long vision

modern practices

deep understanding

Instruction: Read the following passage and choose the best answer. (Q21 - Q25)

Structured learning certainly has its place. But if it replaces unmediated engagement with the
world, it has a negative effect on a childs education. Children learn the fragility of flowers by
touching their petals. They learn to cooperate by organizing their own games. The computer
cannot simulate the physical and emotional nuances of resolving a dispute during kickball, or
the creativity of inventing new rhymes to the rhythm of jumping rope. These full-bodied, often
deeply heartfelt experiences educate not just the intellect but also the soul of the child. When
children are free to practice on their own, they can test their inner perceptions against the world
around them, develop the qualities of care, self-discipline, courage, compassion, generosity,
and tolerance and gradually figure out how to be part of both social and biological

Its true that engaging with others on the playground can be a harrowing experience, too.
Children often need to be monitored and, at times, disciplined for acts of cruelty, carelessness,
selfishness, even violence. Computers do provide an attractively reliable alternative to the
dangers of unsupervised play. But schools too often use computers or other highly structured
activities to prevent these problematic qualities of childhood from surfacing out of fear or a
compulsion to force-feed academics. This effectively denies children the practice and feedback
they need to develop the skills and dispositions of a mature person. If children do not test the
waters of unsupervised social activity, they likely will never be able to swim in the sea of civic
responsibility. If they have no opportunities to dig in the soil, discover the spiders, bugs, birds,
and plants that populate even the smallest unpaved playgrounds, they will be less likely to
explore, appreciate, and protect nature as adults.
Q21 : The passage is mainly about ________.

childrens activities

childrens education

how to stimulate childrens creativity

the negative effects of structured learning

Q22 : The author thinks that _________.

structured learning is the best way for children to learn

children learn to co-operate by playing computer games

computers can supplement physical activities for children

computers cut children off from direct experience of the world

Q23 : According to the passage, children should have _________so that they can adapt
themselves to be part of society.

free time with their family

highly structured activities

unsupervised social activities

attractive and monitored activities

Q24 : Which of the following agrees with the passage?

Children should learn how to swim properly.

Children should be encouraged to engage with nature.

Children will eventually mature into responsible adults.

Children need to be supervised most of the time to prevent violence.

Q25 : The word "harrowing" (paragraph 2, line 1) is closest in meaning to _____.





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