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Anansi and His Six Sons

An African Myth


Anansi is one of the gods of Africa. When Anansis first son was
born and Anansi and his wife, Aso were ready to name the child, the
baby spoke up and said, I have brought my own name with me. It is
See Trouble. Their second son also announced his name in this way.
He was Road Builder.Each of his six sons in turn announced their
names in this way. There was River Drinker, Game Skinner, Stone
Thrower and Cushion.

Once, Anansi had to go on a long journey. On his trip, he found a

big, bright, shiny ball. He was bringing it home, when he fell into the
lake and was swallowed by a big fish. Anansi decided right then that he
would give the bright shiny object to whoever rescued him.

As time passed, and Anansi did not return home, his family
became worried. See Trouble looked ahead to see Anansi inside the
big fish. He told his brothers. Right away, Road Builder cleared a path
through the forest for his brothers to follow.When they got to the lake, it
was the thirsty brothers turn.River Drinker drank up all the water in the
lake. There was the big fish at the bottom. Game skinner went right to
work. He cut open that fish to let Anansi out. Anansi was still holding
that bright, shiny object he had found.

Suddenly a giant bird flew down and grabbed Anansi. It took him
way up into the sky. Stone Thrower grabbed a rock and threw it. He hit
the bird just right to make it let go of Anansi. Down, down Anansi fell,
but he didnt get hurt because Cushion put himself in the way. Anansi
landed softly.

Anansi wanted to give the bright, shiny object to the son who

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Motive question: Who was the African god with six sons?

1. Who was the African god with six sons? (LITERAL)

Answer: Anansi

2. What are the names of his sons?(LITERAL)

Answer: See Trouble, Road Builder, River Drinker, Game Skinner,
Stone Thrower and Cushion.
3. Why was his family and his sons See Trouble, Road Builder,
River Drinker, Game Skinner, Stone Thrower and Cushion
became worried?
Answer: because as time passed Anansi did not return home

4. Why did he not return home?(LITERAL)

Answer: Anansi had to go on a long journey. On his trip, he found a big,
bright, shiny ball. He was bringing it home, when he fell into the lake
and was swallowed by a big fish.

5. What did he thought of the moment he was swallowed by the

big fish?(LITERAL)
Answer:He decided right then that he would give the bright shiny object
to whoever rescued him.

6. How was he rescued by his sons?. Narrate the events in the

shortest way possible.(LITERAL)
Answer: See Trouble looked ahead to see Anansi inside the big
fish.Road Builder cleared a path through the forest for his brothers to
follow..River Drinker drank up all the water in the lake. There was the
big fish at the bottom. Game skinner cut open that fish to let Anansi
out. Stone Thrower grabbed a rock and hit the bird just right to make it
let go of Anansi.Anansi fell, but he was caught by Cushion.
7. What was Anansis reaction when he was rescued by his sons?
Answer:He was happy but he is confused at the same time because
he dont know who among his sons should receive the bright, shiny ball
he found.

8. What value was shown by Anansis sons when they rescued

their father ?
Answer: The love of a son to his parent.

9. If you were Anansi what other way will you do to determine who
among your sons deserve to receive the bright, shiny ball you

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Answer: If I were Anansi, I will wait for other opportunities and

instances that will help me decide who among my sons deserves to
have the bright shiny ball.
10. If Anansi had a seventh son, what will you name him and what
is his special power?. Fill out the Name tag and share your
work with your teacher and classmates.(CREATIVE)
Questions prepared by:

Shariffa Nur-Raizzah Jeanibvive H. Mohammad, Teacher I

Ipil District


S. MOhammad

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