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Issues we may face setting up a College radio station

Issues Solutions
Financial issues The might be problems with trying to
raises money for the radio show to
proceed. To avoid running out of
money we could do money-raising
events e.g. fundraisers/marathons etc.
Publicity issues The show not be as popular as first
thought. The publicity might not be up
to the standard we expected it to be.
We have to make sure that we
advertise the radio show quite a lot on
social media so that people know
about it to avoid the show being
Problems with material We could possibly run out of things to
talk about or the material we are
using is boring or does not relate to
the audience. To avoid this we need to
make sure we know what our target
audience is before we decide on the
Length of show The show could possibly be too long
which can prove to be an issue if the
audience is finding the radio show too
boring to listen too. To avoid this we
need to make sure that all the
subjects we talk about are interesting
and that there is enough of it so the
show never has a dull moment.

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