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4114.5 The characteristics of the protective devices (see Regulation 411.44) and the circuit impedances shall fulfil the following requirement: Zales Un where: Z._ is the impedance in ohms (Q) of the fault loop comprising: = the source = the line eonduetor up to the point of the fault, and + the protective conductor between the point ofthe fault and the source. |. is the current in amperes (A) causing the automatic operation of the disconnecting device within the time specified in [BIG WHL.1 of Regulation 411.3.2.2 or, as appropriate, Regulation 411.3.2.3.Where an RCD is used this current is the rated residual operating current providing disconnection in the time specified in 1 of Regulation 411.3.2.3, Uo is the nominal ac. ms or de, line voltage to Earth in volts (V). NOTE: Where compliance with this regulation is provided by an RCD, the disconnection times in accordance with BIG relate wo prospective residual fault currents signficanfly higher than te rated residual operating eument of the RCD. 411.4.6 Where a fuse is used to satisfy the requirements of Regulation 411.3.2.2, maximum values of earth fault loop impedance (Z;) corresponding to disconnection time of 0.4 s are stated in HBIE H.2 for « nominal voltage (Us) of 230 V. For types and rated currents of general purpose (gG) fuses other than those mentioned in TRB 12, and for motor circuit fuses (gM), reference should be made to the appropriate British Standard to determine the value of I, for compliance with Regulation 411.45, 2 ‘Maximum earth fault loop impedance (Zs) for fuses, for 0.4 s disconnection time with Us of 230 V (see Regulation 411.4.6) (2) General purpose (96) fuses to BS 88-2.2 and BS 88-6 Rating 6 0 16 2» 25 2 amperes) Zs(ohms) 852 sl 270 7 Lat 108 (b) Fuses to BS 1361 Rating 5 15 20 30 amperes) Zs(ohms) 1045 328 170 Lis (c) Fuses to BS 3036 (@) Fuses to BS 1362 Rating 5 15 2 30 Rating 3 a amperes) (amperes) Zs(ohms) 958 ra 109 Za(ohms) 16d 22 NOTE: The iit op impedances given in the BE should ot be exceeded wien the condictos are at hr nol epentingemperatre, If the conductors areata different temperature when tested the reading shouldbe adjusted accordingly. See Appendix 14 411.47 Where cireuitbraker is used to satisfy the requirements of Regulation 4113.22 or Regulation 411,3.2.3, the maximum value of earth fault loop impedance (Zs) shall be determined by the formula in Regulation 41145, Altematively, fora nomial voltage (Uh) of 230 V and a disconnection te of 04 sin acondance with Regulation 41.322 or sin ceordance with Regulation 411.323, the vals specified in BBE HL for the ype and ratings of overcurent devices listed nay be used instead of calculation a Maximum earth fault loop impedance (Zs) for circuit-breakers with Us of 230 V, for instantaneous operation giving compliance with the 0.4 s disconnection time of Regulation 411.3.22 and 5 s disconnection time of Regulation 411.3.2.3 (2) Type B clrcull-breakers to BS EN 60898 and the overeurrent characteristics af RCBOs to BS EN 61009-1 Rem =~=S~=~=~SC* wd ‘ampere “acon 3a aa is nas oH a6 ain 15.33 00 230 La ase ost ox (0) Type circuit breakers to BS EN 60608 and the overcurrent characteristics of RCEOs to BS EN 6100-4 ing ° bw a © 0 9 6 W100 GS ampere) Za (ohms) 3 i 08 as 036 as Bh 20 Las on 046 a9 aug (6) Type D circultbreakers to BS EN 60899 andthe overcurrent characteristics of RCBOs to 8S EN 610094 ating * i Wm 2% = 4 50 mm 1m 195 ip (ampere) “e(oham) i on a8 ay ae an Tite Lis ost 036 os ous uw NOTE: ibs arcu bopmpedinss pen nthe HB shultnorte exceed wien concurs a athena open empennre [whe conductors are ata dierent empersture when rested, the reading should ke adjusted accordingly. See Appendix 14 4114.8 Where a fuse is used “or a distribution circuit or a final circuit in accordance with Regulation 4115.2, maximum values of cath foul loop mpedance (Z,)coresponding fo disconnection ime of 3s ae staal in HL fora noi von: (i) af 230 V. For types and rae cumens oF general purpose (2) fies 4, and for motor circuit fies (gM) reference should he made tothe appropriate Brish Standard to determine the value of for compliance with Regulation 41.4.5. 4 ‘Maximum earth fault loop impedance (Zs) for fuses, for 5 s disconnection time with Us of 230 V (see Regulation 411.48) ‘other than thass mentioned in (a) General purpose (gG) fuses to BS 88-22 and BS 88-6 ating 6 Ww 6 2% = 2 0 so Camperes) Ze(ohmy) 15 7a a8 231 20 1s 1 Loe Rating @ 80 100 Bs 160 200 (amperes Za(ohms) 0 03 oy (b) Fuses to BS 1361 Rating 5 5 20 0 4s co 80 10 (amperes) Za(ohms) 184 5.00 20 1s 098 70 050 08 (c) Fuses to BS 2036 Rating 3 15 20 30 a oo 100 (amperes) Zs(ohms) 177 535 38 204 159 12 om (@) Fuses to BS 1362 ating 3 3B amperes) Zs(ohwns) 232 an (NOTE: The circ np mpesances pen inthe BE show not he exes when the candor are at shir nonal opatng pera Whe eonduetonsane ata diferent wemperaure when este, the rauling should fe just scoring. Sse Append 1 49 44449. Where an RCD is wed to satisfy the requirements of Regulation 411.322, the maximam values of anh fat loop impedance in BIE .S may be applied for non-delayed CDs to BS EN 61008-1 and BS EN 1009-1 for final cincuits not exceeding 22 A. In such cases, an overcurrent protective device shall provide protection apainst overload current and fault surrextin accordance with Chapter 43 411.5 ‘TT system 411.5. very exposed-conductive-part which is to be protected by & single protective device saall be connected, via the main earthing terminal, to a common earth electrode. However, iftwo or more protective deviees are in series, the exposed-conductive-parts may be comected to separate earth electrodes corresponding 10 each protective deviee 411.52 Onvor @ Anrep Gi) An overcurrent protective devie NOTE 1: An uppeuprine avereuren protective device may he ws! for Fall protection provid sahly ow vac ak Z< ermal and relia assed NOTE 2: Where an RCD is wed forcunh Gull potection the irc shoul ass incorparale an overeueren prossive dvi secordanee with Chapter, re of the following types of protective device sbull be used, the former being preferred: 411.5.3 Where an RCD is used for earth foult protection, the following conditions shall be fulfilled: (i) The disconnection time shall he that required by Regulation 411.3.2.2 or 411.3.2.4, and Gi) Rex tus Sov where: Ra isthe sum of'the resistances of the earth electrode and the proteetive conductor connecting it the expose cconduetive-parts (in ohms). Janis the rated residual operating current of the RCD. ‘The requirements of shis regulation are mt ifthe earth fault loop impedance of the final circuit prorected hy the so BR 5 NOTE 1: Where discrimination hehween RUD is necessny ef asl Regulation $912.9. NOTE 2: Where Ra is not known, rmay be replaced by Zs RED mes the require HEE ais Maximum earth fault loop impedance (Zs) to ensure RCD operation in accordance with Regulation 411.5.3 for non-delayed RCDs to BS EN 61008-1 and BS EN 61009-1 for final circuits not exceeding 32 A Rated ‘Maxim earth op impedance 7 (ahs) residual operating current vm) SOV UE IDV | QOV< Uns 230V]20V OV, 30 1607 1987" a 16877 100 00" Som 00 S00 500) 100) 100 oy on NOTE 1: Figues for Z, result ftom ihe application of Regulation 411.5.3(0) and 4115.3. Disconnection must be ensured vain te lis stated | NOTE 2:* theresstace ofthe installation ear elecisude should be ws low as practicable, A value exceeding 200 ohms may not be stable. Ketee 10 Regulation 542.22 411.54 Wherean overcurrent protective device is used the following condition shall be fulfilled Dx ks Un where: 7. isthe impedance in alms (02) of the earth fault Toop comprising: the source the line conductor up tothe point of the fault the proteetive vouductorlivut the exposed conductive pats « the earthing conductor 50

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