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Title/name of instrument: Modified Looping Track


The looping track (roller coaster) is a great example of conversions between potential
energy (stored energy) and kinetic energy (the energy of motion). As the marble are being
pulled up to the top of the first hill, they are acquiring potential energy. At the top of the hill, the
marbles potential energy is at its maximum. When the cars start down the other side, this
potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

You can investigate the conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy with this project.
You'll use aluminum screen frame (available at your local hardware store) to make a roller
coaster track. For the roller coaster itself, you'll use marbles. There are as many possible
variations to this project as there are twists and turns on a great roller coaster ride, but a good
place to start is to see how much initial height you need in order to have your marble
successfully navigate a loop in the track.

You'll use the same size loop for each of your tests, but you'll add (or subtract) track before
the loop so that you can change the initial height where the marble starts. For each track
configuration, you should try at least 10 separate tests with the marble to see whether it can
loop the loop or not. You should also measure the slope of each track configuration. An easy
way to think about the slope is the expression rise/run (see the illustration below). The rise is the
height of the starting point, and the run is the horizontal distance from the starting point to the
beginning of the loop.

The illustration above shows how to measure "rise" and "run" in order to calculate the average
slope of the track leading in to the loop.

1. The goal of this project is to build a roller coaster for marbles using foam pipe insulation
2. To investigate how much height is needed in order for the marble to run through a loop
of fixed size.


Potential energy (stored energy)

Kinetic energy (energy of motion)
Conservation of energy (basic law of physics)


Aluminum screen frame (at least 3 feet long) empty can (sardines)

Glass marbles hammer

Screw (2)

Screw driver

Piece of wood (stand or other support for roller coaster starting point)



Curl the aluminum into a loop of the desired diameter using the can to make sure that the loop
is circular. You can pick a diameter for the loop. Something in the range of 4-5 cm. the diameter
of the regular size of can (sardines) can do.

Raise the other end of the track up to make a ramp coming down in the loop.


Make a stand of the track using the woods. Make sure that each stand dont have the same
height (one is long and other is short).

Screw the two ends of the ramp place on a stand.


Measure the height of the starting point for the track (rise) and measure the horizontal distance
from the track starting point to the beginning of the loop (run)

Run a single marble down the track 10 separate times.

Change the height and repeat the previous step. If the marble makes it through the loop most of
the time, lower the height. If the marble fails to make it through the loop most of the time, raise
the height.


The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of a system can only change if
energy is transferred into or out of the system. This means that it is impossible to create or
destroy energy.

You've probably noticed that the first hill on the roller coaster is always the highest (unless
the coaster is given another "boost" of energy along the way). This is because not all of the
potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. Some of the potential energy is "lost" in other
energy conversion processes. The marble also make noise as it move on the tracks, so some of
the energy is dissipated as sound, the cars cannot possibly have enough kinetic energy to climb
back up a hill that is equal in height to the first one. The way that physicists describe this
situation is to say that energy is conserved in a closed system like a roller coaster. That is,
energy is neither created nor destroyed; there is a balance between energy inputs to the system
(raising the ball to the top of the initial hill) and energy outputs from the system (the motion of
the ball, its sound).

The marbles pick up speed as it go downhill. As the ball go through the next uphill section, they
slow down. Some of the kinetic energy (energy in motion) is now being converted to potential
energy (stored energy), which will be released when the marble go down the other side.
Title/name of instrument: Convection Fan


Convection fan is a heat user where there is no electrical energy involve enable to move, this
will used the heat energy coming from the lamp and covert into mechanical energy in the lamp,
consists of a rotating arrangement of vanes or blades which act on the air. The rotating
assembly of blades and hub is known as an impeller, a rotor, or a runner. Usually, it is contained
within some form of housing or case. This may direct the airflow or increase safety by
preventing objects from contacting the fan blades. Most fans are powered by electric motors,
but other sources of power may be used, including hydraulic motors and internal combustion
engines. Fans produce air flows with high volume and low pressure (although higher than
ambient pressure), as opposed to compressors which produce high pressures at a
comparatively low volume. A fan blade will often rotate when exposed to an air stream, and
devices that take advantage of this, such as anemometers and wind turbines, often have
designs similar to that of a fan. Thus, fans may become ineffective at cooling the body if the
surrounding air is near body temperature and contains high humidity.


1. To investigate the energy changes occurred in the convection fan

2. To determine the difference of energy and work.


Energy conversions (heat to mechanical energy)

Potential and kinetic energy


Empty can (coke) scissors sizes of tee (3) screws

Spoke sizes of PVC end cap (2) 1 meter pipe lighter

Aluminum curtain rail elbow (2) screw driver can



Prepare a 400 mm long aluminum curtain rail. Bend at its center using empty milk can as form
letter U.


Drill a 2.2mm- diameter holes on one ends marked with (*) on the label (procedure 1).

Drill a 4.2mm- diameter hole at the center of the curve marked by (*) on the figure (proced.1).


Make a pointed shaft from your bicycle spoke with a length of 100 mm from its threaded end.

From your empty cola can, cut out a rectangular sheet with minimum width of 90mm


To make a tin fan with diameter of 80mm, make a pattern on a tin sheet and cut along the lines
with a pair of scissors.

Make a center hole by piercing it with the pointed shaft.


Take out the pattern and carefully twits each blade at the free end.

A. B.

C. D.

E. F.
G. H.

I. J.

K. L.
M. N.

Build a stand using the pipe (cut into diff. sizes) and PVCs


Placed the aluminum on it and screw at the center of the curved


Put inside the pointed shaft on one ends and the tin fan on it.


Light the lamp and placed it below the tin fan. It takes time to see your convection fan to turn.
Later on you can observe that the fan will start to move.

In physics, energy is a property of objects, transferable among them via fundamental

interactions, which can be converted in form but not created or destroyed. The total energy of a
system can be subdivided and classified in various ways. For example, Classical mechanics
distinguishes between kinetic energy, which is determined by an object's movement through
space, and potential energy, which is a function of the position of an object within a field.

Heat and work are special cases in that they are not properties of systems, but are instead
properties of processes that transfer energy. In general we cannot measure how much heat or
work are present in an object, but rather only how much energy is transferred among objects in
certain ways during the occurrence of a given process. When work is already done, it applied
mechanical energy. Both mechanical and potential energy are ways the work we did is stored.
In the case of kinetic energy, the work creates motion.

Energy transformation or energy conversion is the process of changing one form of energy to
another. In physics, the term energy describes the capacity to produce certain changes within a
system, without regard to limitations in transformation imposed. Changes in total energy of
systems can only be accomplished by adding or removing energy from them, as energy is a
quantity which is conserved (unchanging), as stated by the first law of thermodynamics

The heat energy from the lamp is converted into mechanical energy in the fan. The fan that is in
potential energy will be now in motion. The blade must not in low angle (meaning nearly flat),
they wont do either, and instead they will have much the same effects as an airplanes. They will
just through the air without pushing the air at all. But the thing is when I did the presentation, it
takes a lot of time to see the fan moving. The curtain rail is a little bit wide the reason why the
fan cannot directly be heated and cant able to move in a few minutes. You cannot fully convert
heat energy into mechanical energy without losing some waste as heat.
Title/ name of instrument: Pinhole Camera Using Pringles


A pinhole camera is a simple camera without a lens and is a very simple piece of apparatus that
demonstrates a number of points about the physics of light.
The pinhole camera was first used in about 1000 AD and since then it has been a simple way of
producing a correct image of a scene. Artists from the sixteenth century onwards used a pinhole
camera to help them get the correct proportions for a painting.
In its basic form it is simply a light-tight box with a pinhole in one end and a translucent screen
of, say, tracing paper at the other.
The first type of camera ever evented was called camera obscura (darkened room). The first
record of the camera obscura principle goes back to Ancient Greece, when Aristotle noticed how
light passing through a small hole into a darkened room produces an image on the wall
opposite, during a partial eclipse of the sun. However, it may be much older than that. Stone
Age man may have used the principle of the camera obscura to produce the world's first art in
cave drawings.
Pinhole camera is just a portable version of this ancient camera obscura.


1. To understand how light rays travel in straight line are used in the processing image
2. And to show the basic of how pinhole camera works


Light (optics)


Empty pringle chip scissors marker

Tracing paper push pin ruler

Constructional paper (black) cellulosic tape



Take the pringles can and wipe out the inside.


Make a hole at the bottom end using the push pin.


Trace a circle out of the tracing paper that can fit inside the can. This will serve as the viewing
screen or film of your camera.


In the construction paper, you roll it and tape. It will form a like the pringles chip can that will
serve as the light shielding eyepiece.

Put your tracing paper at the other end of your light shielding eyepiece and


Place inside the pringle chip, so you can now get ready to see objects.

Look around your yard through the tube. The lid makes a screen that shows you upside-down
color pictures!

Data information:

We see image upside down since light travels in a straight line, rays from above the
pinhole pass through it and hit the bottom of the wall opposite, while rays from below the
pinhole end up at the top of the back wall.
Light travels in a straight line in a pinhole camera because there is no refracting or
reflecting optical element to change the path of the rays of light. The bottom of the film is
on the line passing through the pinhole and top of the object. Since all light must pass
through the pinhole that means the top of the object exposes the bottom of the film.

For a pinhole camera to work, the only light coming from the image obtains come in
through the hole. We cannot make the pinhole bigger to allow more light because the
bigger we make the pinhole, the less sharp the image becomes, because rays from each
point on the subject hit more than one place on the wall or film.
Actually most cameras have the image upside down when it hits the film or sensor, the
lenses basically turn upside down by going through a glass. It just when you get the
picture from the developer, you turn out the right way, digital camera flip it automatically
so you can see the right side picture of your screen.
In reality, your eyes reads the same way, the things you see are actually seen upside
down in the back of your eyes, our brain flip for us to the correct down is down picture.
Title/name of instrument: Basic Rubber Band Car


The rubber band car is a car powered by a single rubber band. Energy efficiency is the amount
of energy that is first stored in an object. The physics definition of energy efficiency is very
similar. Their term is the linear distance traveled using the energy stored in one rubber band.
Energy efficiency is usually found when an object's energy transfers into a different type of
energy. For us to find this, we have to attach a rubber band onto the car and release the rubber
band to make the car move forward. The physics definition is very reasonable because the
rubber is the main and only source of energy that is applied to the car.

This project also introduces the students to energy. Energy can be divided into two general
categories: potential and kinetic. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. Two main types of
kinetic energy are rotational and translational (for rigid, non-rotating objects). Potential energy is
stored energy. It can be in many different forms including gravitational (falling objects), elastic
(springs, bows), and chemical (fuel burned to convert to heat).

For this lesson, we do not need to give a comprehensive explanation of these concepts.
Potential energy can be explained as stored energy that transforms into kinetic energy as an
object moves. In this lesson, the car has potential energy when the rubber band is wound up
and kinetic energy as the rubber band unwinds and the car moves forward.


1. To make a basic rubber band car that can travel a distance of 5 feet or greater
2. To show how the rubber band the car forward

Theory/ topic:

Potential and kinetic energy


Cardboard 8 inches of dowel 2 binder clip scissors

4 cds plastic straw rubber band ruler

2 pencils 4 paper clip hot glue cellulosic tape



Use a piece of cardboard to make the body of the car. Fold it into 4


Unfold the paper clips


Place the paper clips inside the cardboard and tape it.


Refold the cardboard and tape it.


Also cut a notch in the cardboard body so the skewer could spin freely.


Place the pencils on each side the body and glue it.

Cut the plastic straw that measure 3 inch and 1 inch (2 shorts).


Tape it at the body of the car. Try to put the dowel inside to make sure that it can spin well.

Cut into half the 8 inches dowel.


Use CDs for the wheels. It needs to tape another piece of cardboard over the center hole to
stick the skewer (axle) through.

Use the dowel as axles. One way to attach the axles to the car is to stick the skewer through the
straw and tape them on top of the cardboard body so that the skewers can slide through them
and into the wheels.


Place the binder clip at each end of the cardboard. Press the holder so that you can place the
rubber band on it

To power the car, wrapped around the rubber band and wind it around the axle by turning the
skewer. Let go, and the car should move forward!


Energy is an ability to exert power; energy is stored in the rubber band. Youll get that force from
stretching the rubber band over a distance

The more you twisted the rubber band around the axle, the more potential energy you built up.
When you let go, the rubber band snapped back to its original form, spinning the axle in the
process. The potential energy in the stretched band was converted into kinetic energy propelling
the car forward!

A rubber band is attached to any fixed surface of the car and then the other end is attached to
the rear axle of the car. You wind the car up by turning the back tires but are sure and keep the
tires from free spinning until you are ready for the car to go. When you let it go, the rubber band
that has been stretched will unwind from the axle and force the cars tires to turn thus pushing
the car forward

In the act of my presentation my car didnt went go more than a foot. The rubber band is clearly
taut and taped in place. After you wind it up and let it go, the rubber band will unwind, causing
the car to move forward, but then, because the rubber band is taut and affixed to the axle, it will
act as a brake, preventing the axle from further spinning.


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