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SAP-TO BE Process

New Allenberrry Works

Finance and Controlling
Version 1.0


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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Asset Accounting.....................................................................................................................................3
1. AS IS Process........................................................................................................................................4
2. Core to Be Process..........................................................................................................................8
Changes to Existing Organization........................................................................................................................12
Description of Improvements and Key Metrics.....................................................................................................12
Notes on Further Improvements...........................................................................................................................12
Functional Deficit and Method to Remove That....................................................................................................12
Interface Requirement..........................................................................................................................................12
System Configuration Considerations..................................................................................................................12
File Conversion Considerations............................................................................................................................13
Any reports required related to current business process....................................................................................13
Any document/output would be printed for this business process........................................................................13
Authorization Considerations................................................................................................................................13
End User Training Requirements..........................................................................................................................14

A. SAP Standard Reports.................................................................................................................15

B. Custom Developments................................................................................................................16

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SAP-TO BE Process

Asset Accounting

TO-BE Document

For SAP R/3 Implementation at New Allenberry Works.

Date: 28.09 2006

Sr. No of TO BE document 15

Ref. Sr. No. Of AS-IS document

Name of Business Process: Asset Accounting.

Module: Finance Sub module: Asset Accounting

Version no of document: Date: 28.09.2006

Version Management This Document is subject to change control. Every change of the document has
to Undergo change control procedure and has to be registered in the following table

Version Change Prepared By Date

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SAP-TO BE Process

1. AS IS Process
NAW currently has the following fixed assets and assets under construction

Fixed Asset





Electric Installations

Furniture and Fixtures

Tools and Dies



Office equipment

Asset under construction



At present Asset Master Record is managed in excel sheet. The Asset Master record
numbering is assigned internally.

There is no requirement to shut down an asset (discontinue depreciation) for a period of

time. NAW does physically verify the assets (No definite time) but as soon as it comes to
notice that any asset is no longer on hand or cannot be used, the uses of the asset are

None of the asset values are managed in foreign currency.

The fiscal year for asset accounting correspond to

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SAP-TO BE Process

Start 1st April of the year

End 31st March of the year.

NAW is not currently using a shortened fiscal year nor have used a shortened year in the

It is required for NAW to calculate quarterly depreciation.

Depreciation area

There is a distinction necessary between book depreciation (for external balance sheet) and
tax values (for tax balance sheet) in NAW as depreciation is charged on Straight Line
method in Books of Accounts and on WDV method for income tax purposes.

NAW needs to record depreciation for purposes other than the book depreciation-for income
tax purpose. Cost accounting depreciation / Special reserve for special depreciation / net
worth tax valuation are not used.

NAW needs the values for income tax purpose. At present NAW does not use any
depreciation area for calculating cost accounting depreciation and passing it on to cost

Chart of depreciation

Depreciation is to be calculated as per income tax act and companies act separately.

Asset class

The structure of fixed assets in NAW s Balance sheet is given in Annexure . A list of assets
types that are managed in the Asset Accounting System (e.g. Land, Building, Plant &
Machinery etc are given in the Schedule of Balance Sheet. At present only one class of
each asset category is maintained. NAW intends to classify assets in future as per sub class
also as provided in SAP.

NAW does not manage financial assets in the Asset accounting system. At the end of the
year depreciation is claimed as per Schedule 14 of company act.

For each category the default depreciation method and the period of depreciation in NAW is
Straight Line Method.

NAW does not have specific amount above which purchases are to be capitalized as fixed
assets. At the end of the year depreciation is claimed as per rule of companys act.

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SAP-TO BE Process

Direct acquisition of internal activity

Some services (internal activities) are also capitalized (legal costs or consultancy charges)

The information flow for asset acquisition in NAW is as follows

Requirement Approval from COO Quotation PO Asset receiving


Asset acquisition is posted on net basis. (Deducting any discount)

NAW wants down payment for assets to be shown differently. GL account is maintained to
keep a record of costs using acquisition to assets under construction.

After receipt of invoice it is verified with the purchase order and payment is made on due
date. The assets are capitalized on the date when these are put to use.

Subsequent acquisition

When subsequent acquisition becomes integral part of previously capitalized fixed assets
only than NAW intends to post this acquisition to previously capitalized fixed asset.

Depreciation Processing

NAW has the following method of depreciation that are currently being used.

Straight Line Method (SLM) for book depreciation

Written down method (WDV) for tax depreciation.

Depreciation values are calculated to the day in case of book depreciation and in case of tax
depreciation condition of 180 days are considered as per income tax act.

NAW does not want to allow negative depreciation for certain assets.

The period control for depreciation values are handled as per statutory rules and

Depreciation Posting

It is not necessary from business point of view to post depreciation directly to cost
accounting as at present NAW is not using cost centre.

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SAP-TO BE Process

NAW does not post depreciation to assets under construction.

NAW posts depreciation to depreciation account.

No depreciation is posted for assets under construction.

Summary settlement is used for asset under construction.

NAW does not have assets whose value appreciates.

NAW has not splitted any asset into one or more new asset till now.


No asset accounting is maintained in NAW separately, only GL account is maintained. It is

posted after preparation of invoice.

NAW can sell or transfer assets to affiliate or associated companies.

NAW conducts the physical inventories for fixed assets on suitable intervals.

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SAP-TO BE Process

2. Core to Be Process
The Asset sub module handles the creation of assets, buying of an asset,
capitalization of assets, scrapping and selling/transferring, depreciating of an

Asset Master Data:

The "master data maintenance" component is used for recording the master data of
fixed assets on an individual asset basis. An asset master is created for each and every
asset. Asset number uniquely identifies a fixed asset. It consists of main asset number
and sub-asset number. Numbers for assets can be either assigned internally or
externally. For NAWFbd we will use numbering internally. Asset masters have to be
created before procurement and capitalization of assets

Chart of Depreciation

Chart of Depreciation contains the list of defined depreciation areas arranged according
to the business and legal requirements. Chart of Depreciation enables us to manage all
rules for the valuation of assets in a particular country or economic region. Company
code is assigned to Chart of Accounts. Several Company codes can work with the same
chart of accounts.

Asset Class

Asset class is the main criteria for classifying fixed assets according to the legal and
management requirements. For each asset class, control parameters and default values
are defined for depreciation calculation and other master data. Assets are created under
asset classes.

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SAP-TO BE Process

The following asset classes will be created for NAW Fbd

Building Office
Building Factory
Plant and machinery
Tube well
Electrical Installations
Furniture, Fittings and other equipments
Assets Under Construction

Group Assets for income tax purposes

Depreciation Area

It is an area showing the valuation of a fixed asset for a particular purpose like Book
purposes, Tax balance sheet purpose etc. The following Depreciation areas will be

Book Depreciation
Income Tax Depreciation as per Income Tax Act, 1961
Assets will be numbered and number ranges would be maintained which will be linked to
the Asset Class. The number range for the assets will be generated internally and would
be different for different asset classes so that there is no mix-up of Assets.
Depreciation Keys will be maintained in the system, which will fetch the rates of
depreciation. Account Determinations will be created. This depreciation will be posted to
the respective GL Accounts with the help of Account Determination. Insurance details of
the asset would be maintained in the insurance tab of the asset master.

Internal orders will be raised under the controlling module for each of the capex
proposal. For every internal order under capex will be attached to an asset under
construction in the settlement rule of the order.

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SAP-TO BE Process

Purchase requisitions and orders will be created under account assignment

category F with reference to the internal order. All the expenses will be collected
under the internal order. At the month end when the internal order is settled the
amounts will get transferred from internal order to asset under construction or
directly to main Asset.
Based on the technical completion certificate received from plant the asset under
construction will be capitalized using the standard transaction.

Depreciation will be calculated on monthly basis.

The following transactions are allowed for Fixed Asset management: --

Creation of an Asset
Capitalization of an Asset under Construction
Depreciation of an AssetBook as well as IT Depreciation
Unplanned Depreciation
Sale of an Asset with gain/loss
Scrapping of an Asset
Transfer of an Asset

Asset Purchase will be handled through the PO-GR route in MM.

Process Flow Chart:

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SAP-TO BE Process

Process Flow Diagram:

Creation of Po

Release the PO

G.R & Capture Asset will get posted to

Excise Invoice Internal Order

Post CENVAT I.O Settlement

Invoice Verification Asset created

Payment to vendors,
adjustments etc.

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SAP-TO BE Process

Further Notes

Changes to Existing Organization

- Assets will now have asset numbers in the SAP System.
- Procurement of assets through Purchase Orders with reference to internal

- Since the AUC can be monitored through raising internal orders, the raising of
internal orders will be done through accounts, and thereafter budgets will be

Description of Improvements and Key Metrics

Budgetary control on Capital Expenses Through internal orders .

Asset Register available on line & Asset related transactions will update the Balance
Sheet and Profit and Loss Account as soon as the transactions take place

Automated Depreciation computation both for Book purposes and income tax

Depreciation posted periodically (monthly) into accounts .

Depreciation simulation can be seen for any number of years through a standard

Notes on Further Improvements


Functional Deficit and Method to Remove That


Interface Requirement

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SAP-TO BE Process

System Configuration Considerations


File Conversion Considerations


Any reports required related to current business process


Any document/output would be printed for this business process

Authorization Considerations
Detailed Authorization matrix will be defined for all users in the common file for all

The high level Authorization requirements are as below.

Business Roles Number of Users

Business Manager

Operations Manager

Transaction Owners

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SAP-TO BE Process

End User Training Requirements <E.g.:

Business User Segments Number of Type of Transaction Geographical

Users Location

Business Manager Display, Reports

Operations Manager Change, Display,


Transaction Owners Create, Display, Reports

Sign-off (Approval) for this document:

Name of Team members: Organization / Bus. Signature


FI/CO Consultant-Vinod Atmakuri Caritor Inc

Business Process Owners-C.M.Duggar New Allenberry Works

Key User-Balbir Khanna New Allenberry Works

Key User-Vishal Sharma New Allenberry Works

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SAP-TO BE Process

A. SAP Standard Reports


SAP Standard Reports

S No: Report Description Selection Criteria Output

01 Asset Balances S_ALR_87011963 Screen View/Output











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SAP-TO BE Process

B. Custom Developments

Print Requirements

Sl No: Report Description Selection Criteria Output



Development Requirements

Sl No: Report Description Selection Criteria Output


Report Requirements

Sl No: Report Description Selection Criteria Output




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