The Difference of Physical Shop and Online Shop

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1 Project Planning

Determining feasibility


How the systems business value to the organization is identified

(how will it lower costs or increase revenues)

The difference of Physical Shop and Online Shop

Physical shopping - The first of the three basic principles namely location. This is same
as it was a hundred years ago. Having a physical shop or store means that you are situated
in one street , one town and one country.This is also the most expensive part of running
your business. Leasing a building can be very expensive. The importance of location
becomes more clear when you look at the second principle.

Online shopping - The first principle here also being location but with a nice twist. The
internet has allowed you to have a store in each home , in every town in every country on
every continent. Now you can market your product or services globally. Since your
business is online you do not have to lease a building. Saving you allot of money.

ABC Solution Sdn Bhd provides convenience online store system that able to purchase
any product with simple step without any regional issues. Easy step for registration Id,
purchase product, filling information, and receives product.
The customer order list will be keep on the store respectively and will be display to the
admin. The admin able to get the latest details of the product once the list updated and do
the further plan to moving on either reorder the stock once stock finished. Neither to hire
a storekeeper instead of build the online system that 24 hour under control by system.
Determining feasibility:

1. Economic Feasibility
2. Organizational Feasibility
3. Technically Feasibility

Planning and Control:

o Estimating time required to complete each task
o Scheduling the project
o Taking Appropriate action to expedite or reschedule activities

With the action of planning, We have to determine the duration of each activity of project,
and the scheduling of the project. For example, expected activity present proposal it taken
10days to be finished so that we able take appropriate action to expedite or reschedule the
activitieves. The example of Project scheduling tools, Gantt charts & Pert Diagram.
o Gantt chart[Simple, drawn to scale]
o Pert Diagrams[useful when activities can be done in parallel]


What ABC Solution Sdn Bhd provides the service to the user?

ABC Solution Sdn Bhd provides high safety details customer security control to ensure
the information of customer never expose to public and provide a latest version of web
system that convenience the customer.

ABC Solution Sdn Bhd will be send a latest product of company to all the exist user once
product list updated and give offer once purchase up to specific unit.
4.1.1 Feasibility Study

The Feasibility Study of ABC Solution Sdn Bhd following:

1.Economic Feasibility

The Economic feasibility analysis is also called a cost-benefit analysis, that

identifies the cost and benefits associated with the system. In this case, ABC
solution Sdn Bhd have determines whether value of the investment with the
24hour online sale web system and the investment exceeds the time and cost, so
that can maximize the revenue.
This attempts to answer the question: [Should we build the system]

4. Organizational Feasibility

The Organizational feasibility of the system is how well the system ultimately
will be accepted by its users and incorporated into the ongoing operations of the
organization and determines if the human resources are available to operate the
system once it has been installed.
Online purchase is become the common thing to all the use, it is 24 hour without
working hour and hiring staff to manage the system. That is the reason why ABC
Solution Sdn Bhd build the system.
In Essence, an organizational feasibility analysis is to answer the question
[If we build the system, will they become]

5. Technically Feasibility

The Technically Feasibility Is the extent to which the system can be successfully
designed, developed, and installed by the IT group can current technical resources
be upgraded or added to in a manner that fulfills the request under consideration.
ABC Solution Sdn Bhd ensure the users and the system created that should be
familiar with the application.

4.1.3 Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart, adapted by Karol Adamiecki in 1896 and independently by
Henry Gantt in the 1910s, that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and
finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. Terminal elements and
summary elements comprise the work breakdown structure of the project. Modern Gantt charts
also show the dependency (i.e., precedence network) relationships between activities. Gantt
charts can be used to show current schedule status using percent-complete shadings and a vertical
"TODAY" line as shown here.

Although now regarded as a common charting technique, Gantt charts were considered
revolutionary when first introduced.This chart is also used in information technology to represent
data that have been collected.

The simple of gantt chart

Gantt charts are most commonly used for tracking project schedules. For this it is useful to be
able to show additional information about the various tasks or phases of the project, for example
how the tasks relate to each other, how far each task has progressed, what resources are being
used for each task and so on.

Gantt chart advantages

Allows for efficient organization In order for a Gantt chart to be successful, you first need to
identify project elements or tasks. If you are using this type of chart you are essentially forced to
focus on what truly needs to be done, thus making you somewhat more organized and
encouraging a potentially higher chance of success.

Helps establish timeframes Because many project elements often depend on other tasks, it can
be tough to deduce how long one task should take and when to start and finish it by. Gantt charts
use bars to indicate how long a task should take and what this does is give you a better
perspective of the total project, and timeframe as a whole. Just be sure to consider time factors
outside of the project such as holidays.

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