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Drones and the Future of Medicines

Speaker: Timothy Amukele


Health and medicine is very important to us, it is a big role for our society to
understand how medicine affect our lifestyle and have benefits in ourselves
and of course in our todays society. On the other hand laboratories are also
one of the essentials in developing new drugs and specimens that needed in
most of the country. Some of the developing countries have a lot of problem
about laboratories it is because of the type of surroundings, laboratories are
far away from clinics and communities and also lack of equipments that are
using in medical field. I chose this topic because it will give a new
perspective and creative ideas on how to manipulate and innovate
something might helpful, one example of this is technology nowadays.
Drones are kind equipment and an innovation that will help the
transportation of specimens and medicines from one place to another this
kind of technology has something to do with easy and stable transportation
to other laboratories and communities. Drones are one of the creative
methods of bringing reliable laboratory diagnoses to developing country. This
will bring hope to other communities that really need an improvement when
it comes to future medicines and technology.


I learned that even small creative ideas, perspective and imaginations will
help the future of our generation. The rise of using technology will make a
big difference in influencing issues and easy way of living life in present and
in the future but with proper use and not to abuse. An open mind and heart
will change everything and this may cause the life worth living. The most
important is what you want to develop, innovate and share for better
improvement in our own country.


If I will be given a chance to apply this I can manage it when it comes to

developing healthcare resources and help to improve communities like the
speaker did. I will share my opinion, innovation and creative thinking by
understanding different situations that they are experiencing and showing
concerns and capability to support their needs. Examples are health issues,
poor services in communities and far from hospitals and lack of medicine
provided. I will be given a quick service like sending medical practitioners:
red cross, pharmacist, doctors and nurses etc. The other one is humbly
asking for donation coming from government officials and heath

The New Disrupters in Healthcare Patients and

Speaker: Dr. Rajiv Shah


The topic is all about healthcare system and technology. Here in the
Philippines is a developing country that must take an action or focus on what
are the important of healthcare services to patients that will make them
better for the rest of the succeeding years. Not only the services but also
cost, availability and afford to buy the medicines. This topic is interesting
because it base on the recognizing of pharmacist and how they will
contribute to the heathcare system.

What is Disruption? Disruption means disturbance or problems that interrupt

an event, activity or process. The connection of this topic with healthcare
system is different meaning of disruption it is a word that is representing
problems but today it gives a simple solution to our difficulties. This solution
is accordance with technology and how it affects or changes the healthcare
industries between patients and health professionals like doctors ad
pharmacist. As the future keep moving forward technology brings changes
and bright ideas to the world. The healthcare system and technology are
good partners that are now focusing on what is efficient. In todays
disrupters it is not only on the technology itself but it is also views between
patients and pharmacist. Using of technology makes an impersonal actions
but it has an advantages to save time, easy health care provider and having
transformation of good communications between your doctor.
On my opinion the patients also need a personal talk because it is only way
to inform them about their medications without an error. Patients have a
different own perspective in life they want to control on what is the best
medicine for them but it can affect taking their medications. In our
healthcare system, heath professionals are not quite helpful in giving advices
and options that they need. I observed that the Pharmacist are the one who
forgotten and least known, this is the time must the pharmacist will properly
introduced and what are their roles in providing medicines in healthcare
system. Most of the patients are depends only on doctors medication or
prescription, but some of the doctors dont know on how different medicines
that combined will affect the health of the patient and forget about what is
the role of pharmacist.


I learned that healthcare system is an important in our society. It gives the

services that most of the patients need. Healthcare system must show the
different responsibilities and It is a must that the pharmacist will recognize
and importance of what are their roles in our country. For me I know that
doctors and pharmacist have a lot of differences when it comes to drugs and
medications. Doctors are the one who giving prescription to patients and
have an ability to choose what are the right medications. Pharmacist on the
other side knows the drug interaction when combining medicines and how it
will affect ones health and what is the best medicine for you to take by
preventing critical health issues.


As I am a Pharmacy student I will apply this by develop and recognizing a lot

of services that a pharmacy degree can. Also to study hard, for to me share
my knowledge about medicines and to be part of healthcare team. Pharmacy
students can manage an industrial pharmacies here in the country,
managing medicine therapy, clinical pharmacist that are interacting with
their patients. A knowledge about pharmacy is also a weapon when there are
bioterrorism attacks and immunizations like vaccines because they are the
one who knows to make drugs as a defense mechanism. Pharmacy is a
demand course it has a lot of career opportunities and services that can offer
it has no limit to help other patients demands and need. Developing
countries must improve, need more pharmacist to keep influence to the rest
of the world.
How Pharma Waste Go from Problem to Solution?
Speaker: Janet Carlson


In developing countries like here in the Philippines, many patients cannot

afford medicines because of the high cost. Most of the laboratories,
hospitals, clinics have a tendency to waste pharmaceutical products because
of over-stocked, and short term expiration. Pharmaceutical representatives
also giving samples of medicines to each doctor and even hospitals, but
these medicines are only stocked until it expires. We all know that some
prescription and medications are not in long term use, patients taking them
by one at a time and have limitations. I think this topic will enlightened
healthcare professionals to have an idea to recycle drugs and medicines.
This will help to innovate ideas to replace all the extra medicines by donating
them to other people who cannot afford, but it has a disadvantage because
expired medicine can accidentally take and causes dangerous health issues. I
think that this issue is not seen by the other people, and this is one way to
keep us aware. We must give importance to our money and buying high cost
medicines that not only putting it into waste.


We must keep in mind that drugs and medicines are in high cost and it is
very important to use it wisely. I think that medicines put into waste must not
be practiced and there are ways on how to recycle and help other people
who in need. There are long and short term expiration of medicines that
limits the patients to use it. Medicines that played a big role it treat many
conditions. Nowadays there are cases of new diseases found and dont have
an idea to cure it. Disposing medicine can also cause hazardous and might
cause pollution. It is necessary to be creative, and have an idea to manage
prescription drugs and medicines by not destroying environmental resources.


I will build a charity or seminar, simply giving a donation that will help other
patients who cannot afford medicines based on their condition and other
community pharmacy and hospital For future healthcare system, another
option is I will be give a chance to have an organization, there are collectors
of uneeded medicines and delivered it to another laboratories to replace
drug ingredient so that it may still be used. Asking the doctor to give smaller
amount of prescription if it works gives help because it will save more money
and preventing to throw medicines into waste.

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