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Statement on Responding to Irans Missile Testing

Irans continued missile testing must be a U.S. concern, but we should not exaggerate the threat
that testing presents to the security of the U.S. and its regional partners. Instead we should place it
in context:

Without nuclear warheads, Irans missiles do not represent a grave threat and Iran is
prevented by the JCPOA from acquiring a nuclear warhead capability for at least 15 years.
Irans missile testing is not comparable to that of North Korea, which has nuclear weapons.
The UNSC has not ruled Irans recent missile testing a violation of UN Resolutions.
The U.S. has been cooperating with regional partners on missile defense for years.

The U.S. should take action to:

Fully enforce existing sanctions related to Irans missile program; expand designations under
current law to any entities found supporting the missile program; and working with partners to
seize shipments of missile-related technology or components as authorized under UN sanctions.
Impede Irans missile development by targeting any new legislation exclusively on closing
gaps in sanctions directly relevant to the missile program.
Press for regional negotiations to address the long-term security issues including the
challenge of ballistic missiles in the Gulf.
Preserve the JCPOA, which remains the most effective means of denying Iran nuclear weapons.

BGen. (ret.) Stephen A. Cheney, U.S. Marine Corps Admiral (ret.) Eric Olson, U.S. Navy, Commander of
Joseph Cirincione, President of the Ploughshares Fund U.S. Special Operations Command
Amb. (ret.) Chester A. Crocker, Assistant Secretary of Jessica T. Mathews, Director of the Office of Global
State for African Affairs Issues, National Security Council
Amb. (ret.) James B. Cunningham, Ambassador to Richard Nephew, Director for Iran at the National
Israel, Afghanistan, and the United Nations Security Council, Deputy Coordinator for Sanctions
Lee H. Hamilton, U.S. Representative, Chairman of the Policy at the Department of State
House Foreign Affairs Committee Amb. (ret.) Thomas Pickering, Permanent
Stephen B. Heintz, President, Rockefeller Brothers Fund Representative to the United Nations;
Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs;
LTG. Frank Kearney (ret.), U.S. Army, Deputy
Ambassador to Israel, Russia, India, El Salvador,
Director for Strategic Operational Planning at the
Nigeria and Jordan
National Counter-Terrorism Center
Paul R. Pillar, National Intelligence Officer for the
Amb. (ret.) Daniel Kurtzer, Ambassador to Israel
Near East and South Asia
and Egypt
Amb. (ret.) Edward S. Walker, Jr., Ambassador
Amb. (ret.) William H. Luers, Ambassador to
to Israel, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates
Czechoslovakia and Venezuela
Amb. (ret.) Frank Wisner, Under Secretary of State
Richard G. Lugar, U.S. Senator, Chairman of the
for International Security Affairs; Ambassador
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
to India, Egypt, the Philippines, and Zambia
Amb. (ret.) Richard W. Murphy, Ambassador to Saudi
Arabia, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern
and South Asian Affairs

* The signers of this statement are either former senior officials of the U.S. government or prominent national security leaders
who have not held senior government positions. The positions listed after the names of the former government officials are
the senior posts held while in government. The positions listed after the names of those who were not from the government
are listed with their current position.

For Press Inquiries Contact: iris bieri (212) 812- 4372

the iran project 475 riverside drive suite 900 , new york , ny 10115 email : iranproject @ fcsny . org

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