T: Hal

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T: hal hdha baid?

Is it far?

P: kalla, innaha nuzhatun qasra min huna.

No, its a short walk from here.

T: lakin al-yaum Hrr jiddan. SaaHtaju sayrat ujra.

But its a very hot day. I will need a taxi.

P: hunka sayart ujra amam funduq an-nl.

There are taxis in front of the Nile Hotel.

T: wa ayna funduq an-nl?

And where is the Nile Hotel?

P: bijanib aS-Saydaliya, abr ash-shra.

Its next to the pharmacy, across the street.

T: wa mata taftaH al-matjir s-suq?

At what time do the shops at the souk open?

P: tafTah s-sa al-ashara.

They open at 10 oclock.

T: rubbama atanawal njn qahwa funduq an-nl qabl ann athhab ilas-suq.
Maybe I will have a cup of coffee at the Nile Hotel before going to the souk.

P: naam, ladaika sa whida qabl iftitaH al-matjer.

Yes, you have one hour before the shops open.

T: shukran li-musaadatik!
Thank you for your help!

P: bikulli-surur! waqtan mumtian!

My pleasure! Have a good time!

New words: turshidini (show me the way to or lead me to), istamirr (continue), hatta (till ), taSil (reach),
ittajih ilal-yamn (turn right), abr (across), taftaH (open), athhab (go), ladaika (you have).

Starting Out in Arabic. Copyright 2008, Living Language, A Random House Company.


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