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G: Hasab an-nashra al-jawiya al-asbua al- qadim Hrr jiddan.

The weather forecast says it will be very hot weather next week.

R: aS-Saif l- qhira daiman Hrr.

Summers in Cairo are always hot.

G: naam, Hrr wa jaf.

Yes, hot and dry.

R: hdha SaHH. hdha muftaHak.

This is true. Here is your key.

G: shukran li-musaadatik.
Thank you for your help.

New words: wujudi (my presence), ziara (trip), tatakallam (you speak), logha (language), adresu (study),
takiif (air-conditioning), muftaHak (your key), SaHH (true).


adh- dhihab ilal-suq

Going to the souk

Tourist: afwan, mumkin ann turshidini ilas-suq?

Excuse me, can you show me the way to the souk?

Passerby: istamerr hdha ash-shra hatta taSel ilal-maydn.

Continue on this street till you reach the square.

T: maydn ath-thawra?
Al-Thawra square?

P: naam. wa maydn ath-thawra ittajeh ilal-yamn wa istamerr Hatta taSel ilal-

Yes. And at al-Thawra square you turn right and go straight ahead till you reach the hospital.

T: hal al-mustashfa qarb min al-jmia?

Is the hospital near the university?

P: naam, al-mustashfa bijanib aj-jmia.

Yes, the hospital is next to the university.

T: was-suq aiDan bijanib aj-jmia?

And is the souk next to the university, too?

P: as-suq khalf aj-jmia, bad at-taqTua.

The souk is behind the university, after the intersection.


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