Dialogue 2

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A: naam, akhi wa ailatihu yaskunun bijanib maidan ath-thawra; innaha nuzha

qarba min huna.

Yes, my brother and his family live near the Al-Thawra square; its a short walk from here.

N: mabrk, ya aHmed! annahu baytun jaml.

Congratulations, Ahmed! Its a beautiful house.

A: shukran. innana maHDHDHun.

Thank you. We are very lucky.

New words: faalta (did ), at-tajdidt (renovations), bit-takd (for sure), a laysa kadhalik? (Right?/Isnt
that so? ), maHDHDHun (lucky).


aHmed wa mona yatanawalan al-ashaa

Ahmed and Mona have dinner

Mona: hdha maTam laTif, ya aHmed.

This is a nice restaurant, Ahmed.

Ahmed: naam, ya mona, annhu jayd jiddan lil-ashaa.

Yes, Mona. Its very good for dinner.

M: hunaka ashyaa shahiya kathra qimat aT-Tm.

There are many delicious things on the menu.

A: ana urid shurbat al-khuDrawt.

I would like a vegetable soup.

M: aw rubbama shurbat al-ads?

Or maybe the lentil soup?

A: mumkin ann naTlub shurbatn mukhtalifatn.

We can order two different soups.

M: wa bad ash-shurba urid salaTa shahiya.

And after the soup, I would like a delicious salad.

A: kra haila! as-salaTa jayda jiddan S-Saif.

Great idea! Salad is very good in the summer.

M: wa anta, madha turid?

And you, what would you like?

A: satanawal ad-dajj al-mashwi maar-ruz.

I will have the grilled chicken with rice.


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