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All right. I would also like to order the grilled Hasanan.

wa urid aiDan ann aTlub ad- dajj

chicken. al-mashwi.

A very good choice! The grilled chicken is ikhtiyar jayd jiddan! ad- dajj al-mashwi shah.
delicious. Would you like rice or salad with hal turdin ruz aw salaTa maad- dajj?
the chicken?

A salad, please. And if possible, a glass of salaTa min faDlak. wa idha samaHt, kb m wa
water and some bread. baD al-khubz.

Certainly. Would you like to order dessert now? bil-taakd. hal turden ann taTlubi al-Halwa

No. I will only have a cup of coffee with milk kalla. satanawal njn qahwa bil-Halb faqaT bad
after dinner. al-ashaa.

Okay, you already have enough knowledge of Arabic and have probably gured out the meanings of all
the new words that you just heard. Lets go over them just in case: anSaHuki bi (I recommend ), afDal
(better), sh-shit (in the winter), Hasanan (all right), mashui (grilled ), ikhtiyar (choice), idha samaht
(if you please), bil-taakd (of course), and faqaT (only). And you probably noticed the new preposition
maa (with) in maad-dajj (with the chicken).


Now lets practice some of what youve learned. First, youll hear a phrase in Arabic, and you should
translate it into English. Youll hear the correct answer after a pause.

qimat aT-Tm menu

shurbt al-khuDrawt vegetable soup

ad- dajj al-mashwi grilled chicken

kb m glass of water

njn qahwa cup of coffee

Great! Now do the opposite; translate the following words from English into Arabic. After a pause, youll
hear the right answer, which you should repeat for practice.

breakfast iftar

lunch ghada

dinner ashaa


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