Data Analysis Using Spss Course Objective

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Course Objective:

1. Managerial Statistics covered in semester I deals with a conceptual introduction to the

field of statistics and its many applications. Statistical concepts are aimed to be explained in
simple manner without going into the derivation of formulas. The text is applications oriented
where only mathematical prerequisite is successful completion of foundation course in Statistical
and Quantitative Reasoning. The discussion of each statistical technical is to be based in an
application setting for providing insights to rational decision making in respect of solution to

2. This syllabus assumes that students know different ways of presentation and description
of data. Unit 1 presents the basic concepts of probability distributions and sampling distributions.
Unit 2 dewells on drawing conclusions about a population based on information obtained from a
sample in respect of z-test, t-test and an introduction to F distribution. Unit 3 dewells on drawing
conclusions about a population based on information obtained from a sample in respect of
ANOVA and Chi-sqaure test. Unit 4 deals with studying relationship between two linear
variables, and some of the important non-parametric testing of hypothesis. The course intends to
motivate students to use popular software programs SPSS on self-learning basis.
At the end of the course the student should be able to:

1. Exercise basic concepts of statistical techniques in the business area using theory and
practical applications.

2. Interpret the results in terms of the problem language after performing the statistical

3. Teach yourself effective statistical analysis through computer by using MS Excel,

Minitab and SPSS.

4. Show uses of statistics in business and economics through Indian case studies.

1. This syllabus guides students to make the best use of statistics by using a variety of
learning tools. Some problems are provided at the end of important sections to enable students to
practice the ideas discussed. A case study at the end of each chapter acquaints the students with
an assortment of organizational scenarios that they may encounter in future.

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TOPIC I:- (0.5 Hours)

1. SPSS Windows Processes: Mouse and keyboard processing, frequently used dialog
boxes, editing output, printing results, and the Options option.
(1 Hour)
1. Creating and editing a Data File

Managing data: Listing cases, replacing missing values, computing new variables,
recoding variables, exploring data, selecting cases, sorting cases, merging files

TOPIC III:- (45 minutes)

1. Graphs: Creating and editing graphs and charts

TOPIC IV:- (45 minutes)

1. Frequencies: Frequencies, bar charts, histograms, percentiles

TOPIC V:- (1.5 Hours)

1. Descriptive Statistics: Measures of Central Tendency, Variability & variability measures

CLASS TEST-I (20 Marks): (It covers from topic no I to V of the syllabus)

TOPIC VI:- (4.5 Hours)

Testing of Hypotheses

1. One sample test for parameter population mean

2. Comparison of two independent parameters-two population means.

3. One way Anova techniques and Scheff,s procedure.

4. Chi-square test

TOPIC VII:- (3 Hours)

1. Scatter diagram

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2. Bivaraite correlation coefficient and regression analysis

3. Multiple and partial correlation coefficients

CLASS TEST-II (20 Marks): (It covers from topic no I to VII of the syllabus)

TOPIC:-VIII (2 Hours)

1. Cross-Tabulation Basics

Total (14 Hours)

Teaching Methodology

1. Lecturing: Spoken explanations to be accompanied by visual aids i.e. Power Point

Presentations & Videos

2. Direct practice on computers in the LAB

3. Collaboration: Collaborative discussions to garner active participation in the learning

process, Group projects & Brainstorming sessions.

Reference Books

1. Darren George, Paul Mallery: SPSS for Windows Step by Step: Pearson Education,

2. Gupta S. L.: SPSS 17.0 for Researchers, International Book House Pvt. Ltd.

3. Alan Bryman, Duncan Cramer: Quantitative Data Analysis With SPSS: A Guide for
Social Scientists, Routledge.

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