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_—_ 5 BloomFoss Valve Actuator Maintenance Manual Hydraulic Remote Valve Control & Tank Gauging System Actuator Maintenance Manual Caution ‘Only personne th adequate training shall cry out the repair and maintenance for the actuator system. Before attempting any maintensnes or repair ensure thatthe system has been depressuried and #necesary, aned of any dengerous Mud The Main Components of the Actuator Ponsforthe Autor oem aera 2 snack nel ren 2 Chanberuh/Rahd One pacer es 3 Topcover One plecor es Raker neigh Sein gent nec htese an 6 fakouie/Seom ons 7 owe ac ing Tefen wth arg 5 eadsoppe es Farsforhe cot! Boek 9 Male connacsr crbon sees tess 00 tonnes herr 0 12 20 ukeeeancten ss 22 Sedona ane 52 Conplaeeoiy The susan cnc er comple aca apastearosen eration tem te, onal inf Boones: ST Hee trun te se end etertandparfr proton AB fhe re ‘ih uly on high restr tocoroon andra Page 2 We abo produce the BT Hyaulc Actuator a Stoless Stel 34 or 316 mater. Version Version? Page| ‘Charabers, Rack Sleeves and O-Rings Disassombly/Assembly Procedures Steps: Prpacethe Wering Aces for Actuator. step-2 Proparethe Proper Hand Took steps Fernave the Chamber Screws with ln ey. seep: Remove the Chamber from Main Black, Chamber's now removed away from Main Block. Page step s Remove the 1" Outer O-ingfrom Facksleeve steps: Remove the RockSleeve from Chamber step-7 Rernove the 2 Outer Org irom RackSleeve step: Remove the ne ig fom Rack Sleeve steps: Remove Both Chambers, ack leeves nd O-Rings Now O-Rings re ready tobe repfecd. Assemble the Acustor in reverse sequences of Disassembly Procedure, IBLY/ASSEMBLY PROCEDL step-a: Remove the Top Cover Screws step-2: ‘Removethe Top Cover by using Tore Screus step: Remove the Pinion Gear by using let Remove the Rack Gear step: Pion Gear and Racker ae naw removed from Min Blok. Assemble the Pion Gear and Rack Geer in Reverse sequences of isassey Procedures, JON ADJUST Step ‘pen the Stopper Cap step loosen theodk-wut step [At Closing Chamber side = Turmadjustngsrew to Clockviseforless storing + Turmaclustingsrew to Ant-Clochwise for more closing [At Opening Chambo side = Turmagjusting screw to Clockwise forest opening = Turmadhusting stew to AntClockwise for mere opening

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