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Westward Expansion Era

Manifest Destiny
The belief that the U.S. was ______________________ to expand to the
______________________ Ocean
Accomplished through territory _______________________________
European _______________________ legacy explore, spread religion, expand
Population Growth U.S. citizens + __________________________________
Cheap Land majority of people are still _____________________
Economic Opportunity West = a fresh start with _________________________ and
Land ____________________status raised political and social status
American Exceptionalism ______________________, education, innovations are an
example for the world
Monroe Doctrine prevented _________________________ nations from colonizing Western
New transportation and communication connected ________________ back to the
Slavery issue will ____________________ west with each new territory and
Mormons escape religious _________________________________ and settle in

Mexican War 1846-1848

James K. _________________ promised _________________________ if elected
Texas is __________________________ in 1845
Mexico ___________________________ the southern border (Rio Grande) and war
Both sides send troops to the region and fighting breaks out
United States wins relatively easily after two years
Treaty of _________________________________ ______________________________
Ended war - Rio Grande is the southern _____________________ of U.S.
Mexican _________________________
Mexico gives up huge amount of land for $15 million (current SW U.S.)
Many Mexican citizens now living in a different country
Often leads to ______________________________
Economy new _______________________ for goods
Slavery brought up the issue again with new _____________________________

Views on the war

Mexican perspective: U.S. invaded _________________________ soil
Pro-war US: Mexico invaded U.S. and spilled _____________________________ blood
Anti-war US: war of aggression and _______________________, not defense
Government wants to gain land for the expansion of _______________________
Henry David _________________________: author who refused to pay _________________
supporting the war and went to jail
Example of _________________ __________________________________

California Gold Rush 1849

Gold is first discovered at Sutters Fort in _____________________ California
_______________: thousands rush to California from all over the world to get rich
__________ _________________________ becomes an important economic city
Businesses boom _________________________ the miners
Most miners leave with nothing!
California _______________________________ explodes
Admitted into the _________________ in 1850 as a _____________ state
__________________________ immigrants arrive for economic opportunities
Chinese, Natives, and former Mexican citizens treated _____________________
Mining takes a toll on the ________________________________

Westward Migration
Overland Trails
Santa Fe, Mormon, _____________________, California
Thousands travelled in covered ___________________ and faced numerous dangers
Geographic Features
Great _______________, Rocky Mountains, ________________ Nevada Mountains
(Donner Party)
Transcontinental Railroad
Made possible because of _______________________ Steel Process
Workers: mainly _______________ and Chinese immigrants
_______________________ Purchase: allowed railroad to bypass Rocky Mountains
Promoted western _______________________________
Cities and towns ________________ along the _____________ lines
Negative _________________ on environment: disrupted wildlife and
_________________ features
__________________________ lines follow rail lines, connecting east and west
Pacific Railway Act (1862): authorized ___________________________________ railroad

Impact of Westward Expansion

Lasted throughout the 19th ____________________ (1800s)
Western population grew ____________________________ and factory workers move west
Westward Expansion Era
Economic Activity ___________________, farming, _____________________, railroad
North: industrial
Attracted immigrants and led to ________________________________
South: remained _____________________________
____________ labor, plantations, ____________ crops (cotton), lack of industry,
________ railroads
West: abundant natural ________________________
Opportunities for mining, ranching, farming
Rapid growth of _____________________________________

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