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Ultimate Frisbee/Football Game Day

Learning Objectives:
o Psychomotor: student will be able to perform at least one correct
football pass OR Frisbee pass during at 5-minute game.
o Affective: Students will be able to work on their teamwork and
cooperation by passing to at least 5 different teammates before
scoring in a game setting.
o Cognitive: Students will be able to organize themselves into 6
teams quickly to work on self-management and rotate fields
within 20 seconds when prompted by the teacher.
o Health related fitness: Students will be able to remain active for
at least 80% of each game (4 minutes) during the lesson.

Equipment Needed:
o Uniforms
o 3 footballs OR foam balls OR Frisbees
o Penny jerseys
o Cones to mark field boundaries

o Informal, teacher observation of ability to stay moving and use
correct form
o Can mark off objectives on a clipboard

Set Induction/Instructional Procedures:

o Game play day!
o Students should already know the rules of the game from
previous lessons, review briefly and split them into teams.
Typically, 6 different teams so 3 games can be going at the same
time. Sized of teams will vary with class size.
o Game rules:
Must kick off
Once ball is caught, player may only take 2 steps then they
must pass
If the ball is dropped or deflected or intercepted, the other
team takes it at that spot
Must stay one arms length away from opponent with the
ball/Frisbee. No puppy guarding
Team MUST pass to at least 5 different team mates before
scoring. If the team has less than 5, ball must be passed to
all players before scoring.

o Students really like to play this game with a football, if they are
outside then you can substitute Frisbees for footballs.
o If they get stuck inside for weather, use foam balls instead of
Frisbees and footballs for safety. You may have 1 football at the
top court if the students can handle it but be prepared to swap it
out if off task behavior starts.

Warm Up:
Jog 2 gym laps.
25 jumping jacks
25 high knees
25 butt kicks
25 arm circles

Main Activity:
Option 1: if weather permits, take the class outside. Set up 4 cones to
indicate each courts boundaries. 2 teams per court. Play for 5 minutes.
Team with the highest score wins.
Option 2: if the weather is poor, the games can be played inside in the
gym. Courts will be smaller and teams may have to sub 2-3 players
each game to have room.
Whether inside or outside, they will play King of the Court. Winners
will move up at the end of each 5 minutes, losers will move down. If
you win at the top court you stay until you lose, if you lose at the
bottom you stay until you win. Winner of the top court after the last
game can get a prize of your choice.

Cool Down
Walk 2-3 cool down laps, stretch

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