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I gave you access to my private gallery photos from the very first
communication between us....?? What in God's green earth are you on about? First
you tell me that you love my photos, both on here & on sms,... then you tell me,
sorry you mixed me up but you still like my profile & pics,...& now this? You clearly
gave scant regard to actually spending time properly reading my profile or viewing
my pics if this is to be believed? Not one thing in my status, access, profile or pics
has changed since i first made contact with you.

I have been only utterly honest & respectful with you from the very beginning. The
least you could do is return me the favour. You really don't know me or my
circumstances well enough to address me in the manner you do in your last
message. The sexual aspect of my relationship has evolved by force of my
partner's medical complications. I told you honestly that we had previously been on
the site together... You then deigning to pass judgement on another person's 25+
year long relationship is simply disrespectful... i wouldn't speculate as to what
became of your relationship to the father of your beautiful teenager?

My partner & I have been together since the age of 17 & overcame this infantile
obsession with exclusive ownership of another human (i.e. jealousy) probably by our
mid-twenties. So i don't know about the ability of making a deeper connection
"bearing" (sic barring?) an 'affair' outside the "reigns" (sic reins?) of the
relationship? I think 25 years plus would indicate a pretty strong For a
start, if you are in an open-relationship you dont have 'affairs'. You might take a
lover, or you might make longer term friends, but you are simply honest about it.
That doesn't mean you fuck everything on two legs, it just means you can tell each
other the simple truth. Also, a healthy relationship scarcely places 'reins' of control
in one or another of the parties hands...? Just think of the language you are
using....? I have no desire to rein anybody in, if you need to control someone & lock
them up to keep them, they aren't actually even yours!

I think if you care to look up research on the matter you'll discover that 'open
relationships', or polyamorous relationships, have proven to be some of the most
enduring & secure. Simply because they force a level of honesty, integrity,
selflessness & maturity seldom present in relationships predicated on jealosy,
insecurity, possessiveness, & obsession. We both know that proclaimed 'monogamy'
rarely bears scrutiny, & that one or both parties are cheating in thought, word or
deed. Simply removing the necessity to lie in any relationship frees both parties to
evolve, change, & express themselves without having to sacrifice the relationship to
do it. Why grow apart when, if you are simply honest, you can grow together?
I'm sensing all this may just be an avoidance strategy anyway. If not these excuses
then others would be found to use once the reality of actually meeting someone
confronted you? Passive aggressive I'd say. The site, afterall, is a sexual dating are bound to see images of sexual I'm sorry if you are offended
but the gallery is private & the pics are clearly marked 'R'. And again, having
someone say 'arrrgh' in feigned disgust at private pictures shared in confidence is
pretty damned rude. And if you claim you hadn't seen them before now, then you
are still rude for not having viewed them when i first opened the gallery to you
weeks ago. You were asking me about the nature of AMM? Well, I think if this type
of thing is a bit too mature & offends your widdle sensibilities then you are better off
heading over to rsvp, where you can hook up with a nice boring office lemming. I'm
sure he'll reassure against all your insecurities, pat you on your widdle head, tell
you you're the 'only one', & then go screw an Asian prostitute every Friday after the

Now i know why your cat hates Abyssinian loves me. Maybe case i keep
him rather than a human as a pet...hrmpffff....

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