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to This fire will not burn

you, it will only burn

YOURSELF! what you are not.


17th Annual Enlightenment Intensive May 18-21, 2017

at the Mt. Baldy Zen Center With Cynthia Spillman and Patsy Boyer

The enlightenment intensive completely changed my life! My

relationship to myself, to the world, and to others. Before in my
Truth is available to each and everyone of us. life, I felt like an aimless wanderer, without a center, it was like
my life was permeated with a fog or a vagueness.

The Enlightenment Intensive is open to all Now, no matter the external or internal circumstances, I know
that I always have myself, that is always here. This awareness
people. gives me the strength to be up against the unknowing without

It is a challenging and sometimes demanding fear. --Peter S., CA.

residential retreat, dedicated to helping The Enlightenment Intensive is a precious gem in the realm of my
lifelong spiritual practices. I use the technique in my daily life to clear
individuals make deep inquiry into their true obstacles, open my mind and imagination to be present with whats
most important. This practice has made me a better friend, a better
nature and come into conscious union with listener, more kind, more successful, happier and more confident, The
work is challenging, empowering, revelatory and entirely, 100% worth
Truth. it. - Gillian C., Los Angeles

To register and for information email us at or

or call/text 831.708.8219.
Fees for the intensive include retreat tuition, meals and accommodations. Early registration, $425- if paid in full by March 15th, $475- thereafter.
$100- non refundable deposit upon registration. If you are 25 and under fees are reduced. PayPal & Venmo accepted. A payment plan is available on
an as needed basis and we are happy to work with you.

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