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2016 Physicians Round Table Conference

29 31 January - Tampa - Florida

Topic: Health Begins in

the Colon as Seen
Through Iridology How
to Detoxify
Lecturer: Serge
Naturopathy Oncology Iridology
Integrative medicine - Nutrition
We are now rediscovering the power of
nature, the work of Hippocrates, the
hidden mechanism of defense and
auto-regulation of our body as taught
by the pioneers since antiquity.

2.500 years

From Hippocrates to Modern Day Medicine

We learn better to understand our body

The constipated person is always working towards his own

It makes continual attempts at suicide by intoxication.

From: Lessons on Autointoxication in Diseases Paris 1885

Dr. Charles Bouchard

Professor of pathology and general therapeutics

Extract: The body has a real tendency toward Toxemia by an accumulation of

morbid substances which is balanced by the emunctory organs.

Health and Life Are a Matter of Food Absorption, Expulsion,
and the Nourishment of Our 60 Trillion Cells

Naturopathy: Auto-intoxication
is the prime cause of disease

Ch. Bouchard, professor of pathology Lecons sur les auto-intoxications dans les maladies Editeur F-say Paris - 1885
Healthy food gives rise to
healthy cells.
Cells make up tissues
Tissues make up organs.
Organs make up systems.
Systems make up the body.
Healthy cells give rise to a
healthy body.

Treat the Cell naturally and you treat the Whole Body. 5
Organ Formation: Its Position in the Developing

Average American Eating Pattern

About 1.996 pounds of food per year

5 pounds per day
2/3 converted into liquid, water
2 pounds solid waste per day that must pass out through the colon
70 million North Americans suffer from chronic constipation

Constipation: Elimination of feces every 2 or 3 days or more

4 pounds of toxic waste, feces stored in the colon

Stick to the Wall putrefaction infiltration of toxins, oxidized fats, and

bacteria passing through the blood circulation.

You are constipated! You can always try...

Formation of Toxic Amines in the Colon

Badly digested cooked meat is

attacked in the large colon by bacteria
of putrefaction

Bacteria decompose the amino-acids

with a process called decarboxilation
producing the formation of toxic
amines such as escatol, indol, phenol,
mercaptone, ammonia, phenol, etc

The chemical process is responsable for the formation of gases, bad smelling
feces, intoxication of the blood, inducing nerve disorders, liver and kidney
damage, high blood pressure, skin diseases, and malignant diseases.

Reference: Health Begins in the Colon as Seen Through the Iris pages 135-137 12
What Toxemia means?

Formation of a small quantity of toxins in the body is almost inevitable, but

promptly eliminated

Chronic constipation causes an auto-intoxication of the colon and the

infiltration of excess of toxins, bacteria, and mucous in the blood circulation.

Toxemia results from an accumulation of toxins in the body over their

elimination and affect cellular function.

Toxemia overtaxes the immune system, irritates the nervous system, poisons
tissues, increases inflammation and infection risk.

Toxemia: The true interpretation of the cause of disease (John Henry Tilden M.D. 1926)
How you Intoxicate Your Body and Create Diseases

The blood circulates these toxins and bacteria to every part of the body and deposits
them in tissues, cells and even into brain neurons. 14
List of Symptoms and Diseases associated with
Auto-Intoxication - Constipation
Fatigue Cholesterol Bladder infection

Headaches Inflammation of the E.C.M. Body odor

Nervousness Immune deficiency Ovarian cysts

Irritability Lack of concentration Tumor (colon, ovary,

Dermatological conditions High blood pressure
Cysts (breast, ovary)
Insomnia Arthritis
Aging process
Kidney disorders Hemorhoidal pain
Example of Intoxicated Blood Seen Through Live Blood Microscopy Analysis

1. Food Quality Good quality of blood

2. Digestion
Clean Blood

3. Absorption
Auto-intoxication Intoxicated blood
Damaged red cells
Blood circulation cells

Overtaxed liver
Bad dietary style
Poor absorption Lower elimination
Excess of food
Lower nutrients
Overtaxed kidney
Live Blood Microscopy Analysis


Photo 1
Yeast forms candida-like invasion
Leaky gut
Immune deficiency
Low O2

Photo 2
Large cluster of candida and
Compacted microclots
Oxidized lipids
Damaged RBCs

Live Blood Microscopy Analysis


F. 19 years old
Rheumatoid arthritis
Chronic constipation
Bad diet high fat intake
Accumulation of large lipid
Bacterial invasion
Low antioxidant status

How Can We Damage Our Colon and Our Health ?

Three times a day, day after day, we

are eating junk foods, red meat,
hamburguer, fried foods, denatured
food that can damage our intestinal
digestive system, decrease colon
elimination, accumulate waste matter,
bacteria, etc. develop local intestinal
disease or by reflex may develop a
number of symptoms or pathologies.

Food absorption, digestion, assimilation;
elimination is also dependent on the
Hereditary status of our intestinal tract
coming from our Parents and Grand

Iridology is the one science that permits us

to examine the health condition of your
patients, especially the condition of the
intestinal system.

The process of Total Detoxification and Elimination in Naturopathic Medicine

Liver Toxins, heavy metals, bacterias, carcinogenic substances

Colon Wastes from nutrition, lipids, bacterias, fecal accumulation

Kidney Heavy metals, uric acids, toxins

Skin Toxins, acidity, lipids

Lung Pollution, mucous

blood Mucous, toxins, bacterias, heavy crystals
system 22
Dietetic Supplementation, Natural Compounds, Vitamins, etc.
Technics that we have used in our clinic for the past 40 years for detoxification and
treatment of diseases.
 Diet: Avoid eggs, meat, white bread, pasta, white sugar,
refined industrial food.

 Juice diet: All organic fresh vegetables and fruits carrots,

celery, red beets, parsley, watercress, saurkraut, lemon,
fennel, apples, grapes (Grape juice cure)

 Fasting: In some cases, 3 days before starting treatment


 Clay therapy: Enema

 Colonic Colema: Beneficial for colon cleansing

 Hot baths: To detoxify the body, increase blood circulation

Biological and Therapeutic intervention of Enzyme Yeast Cells
Glutathione, cysteine, methionine, sulphur, Increase detoxification, increase redox,
glucuronic acid antioxidants, protect from pollutants
Vitamins A, C, E, K, betacarotene, inositol, Cell division, antioxidants , cellular
biotin differentiation
Selenium, zinc Crucial to activate metal antioxidant enzymes,
prevention of cancer
Magnesium, Vit. B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, iodine, To activate the krebs cycle, increase cellular
iron, magnesium energy production
Coenzyme A, cytochrome, coenzyme Q10 Increase cellular respiration and boost ATP
production in mitochondria
Coenzyme Q10 Strong antioxidants, boost ATP production,
support heart function against chemotherapy
adverse effects.
Nucleic acids, adenine nucleotides, Anti-aging rejuvenation necessary for cells
ribonucleic acid response and replace old cells by new cells
to synthesis de Novo from exogenous
nucleotides by liver Extract from the book: Health begins
S.O.D., gluthatione, catalase, selenium, Powerful combination of antioxidants with the colon as seen through
betacarotene iridology
May target pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic genes
Mitochondria To regenerate the whole respiratory chain of
Enzyme yeast cells contain billions of active mitochondria blocked such in case of
mitochondria that release the enzymes of the fibromyalia, chronic fatigue, P.D. cancer aging
respiratory chain etc.

Serge Jurasunas The clinical application of celular respiration to target cancer Townsend Letter August/Sept 2012 24
Also read: Serge Jurasunas The therapy of Enzyme Yeast Cells in cancer disease, CFS and Aging Process
Chlorella Extract: Sun-Chlorella Fermented Chlorella
A unique microscopic algae: High nutritional value, containing
DNA, growth factor (CGF) Nucleic acid, etc.

The highest source of chlorophyll

on the planet (28.9g/Kg).

20 different vitamins, minerals,

enzymes, etc.

Rich in fibers (hemicellulose, alfa

cellulose, etc).

Increases bowel movement.

Important for detoxifying the body.

My Detoxification and Revitalisation System

Enzyme yeast cell 30 40ml per day mixed with carrot, red beet, & apple juice

Sun-chlorella 15 30 tablets per day

extract - C.G.F. 20 ml per day

Probiotics 4 capsules before breakfast and before retiring

Colon cleanser 34 capsules before breakfast with 2 glasses of water

(Herbals mixture) same at bed time

Energy sand
Powder: 40-50gr diluted in a tub bath 3 4 times per week
bath (SGE)
Colon Hydrotherapy or Colema: The Best Way to Clean Your Colon

Do it yourself: Enema at Home
Various types of enema mixtures
can be used.
See my book Health Begins with
the Colon as Seen Through the Iris.

Internal Wash Image from Tibetan medical practice of the

XVIII century (Art of healing in Tibet). A Tibetan doctor
purges the patient in Spring and Autumn, to purify theA28 body.
Cleansing the Colon Before and After

Clean colon = Clean blood

Better circulation

Good cells

New tissue

Benefit of a Colon Cleansing with Colonic Irrigation -
 Better general condition Relaxation Tonic More energy

 Decreasing abdominal volume (gases, feces, bacterias)

 Improving from pains, colitis, constipation, blood circulation

 Improving skin and eye conditions

 Decreasing muscular and articulation pains

 Improving liver fucntion (much less toxins)

 Improving sleeplessness

 Improving intestinal function Decreases risk of colon cancer

 Overall we observe a general benefit on the whole body

My Clinic Work with Patients


Live Blood Analysis

Oxidative dried blood test

Computorized Vega
electromagnetic field system


Live Blood Analysis
Clinical case N 1
M 56 years old
A.D. Arthrosis High blood pressure
Large cluster of oxidized fat
Heavy crystals
Oxidative stress
Bad circulation

After one month of treatment and diet

Live Blood Analysis

Clinical case n 2
Strong blood intoxication
Before After 34 days of treatment

Heavy mucous Necrotic tissues After one month with detox, diet, improving
Oxidize lipids Bad dietary style colon-liver, kidney function 100% modification
Low oxygen status Poor bowel function Good shaped RBCs
Poor kidney function Enzyme yeast cells Fermented Chlorella 33
Carrots, lemon, apple, red beet juice
Iris Observation
Clinical case N 1
F 28 years old

Clinical story: Migraine, anxiety,

cognitive disorders, fatigue,

Iris signs
Restricted collarette: intestinal and
digestive disorders, stagnation of the
lymphatic circulation around the iris.
Dark bowel: accumulation of waste

Mother: much stress during pregnancy

Iris Observation
Clinical case N 2 Pancreatic Cancer

Left iris - blue

Iris signs - Bowel spasticity in the

descending colon distended (enlarged)

Indication: dilated colon, poor

assimilation of nutrients
Flatulence, gases
Tail of the pancreas at 5:00 oclock
Nervous person, emotional, sensitivity

Iris Observation
Clinical case N 3
Left iris color: brown
F 26 years old

Clinical story: Migraine, nervousness,

aggressivity, poor memory, fatigue.

Iris signs
Absent collarette (constipation), poor
absorption of nutrientes very dark bowel
tissue (toxins), Deep radial furrows like
aspargus lacuna on brain area (11.00 oclock -
12.30 oclock (concentration, memory,
learning, etc)

Needs Detox

Iris Observation
Clinical case N 4
Female 45 years old
(Aging process)

Clinical story: Cancer of the uterus

Family risk: Mother died of colon cancer
Father intestinal disorder

Iris signs
Distensed collarette, balloned colon
Dilatation of the abdmen Pains in the legs
Inflammation pressure on interior organs
uterus - intoxication E.C.M.
Constipation (3-8 days)

Detox treatment before surgery eliminated

2 pounds of worms with feces.
Iris Observation
Clinical case N 5
Male 59 years old
Right iris

Clinical story: Lung cance (left) AVC

Total coletomia Heart
Left iris
Iris signs
Very intoxicated and dark colon
Degenerative tissue
Intoxication E.C.M.
One lacuna on heart rea
One smaller above on lung area
Deep concentration furrows (nerve
Right iris 39
Iris Observation
Clinical case N 6 Comment
Male 30 years old

Clinical story: Chronic constipation, extremely nervous, high

blood pressure, anxiety, impatient, stress, insomnia, difficulty in
Left iris urination, psychic and physical stress
Family cancer risk. Five persons died of cancer breast
stomach colon lung.

Iris signs
Left iris enlarged collarette balloned colon, gases, many closed
lacunas tissue weakness strong pressure at 7:00 oclock from
colon collarette (prostate bladder) lymphatic congestion.
Brain area involved pituitary, hypothalamus at 11.00 oclock,
Right iris inherent mental (11:30 oclock) midbrain, etc involved in the
clinical story.

Molecular markers Test: P53 mutation, overexpressed BCL2,
Survivin, Prostate tumor

To be more healthy, detox your body,

increase bowel function, activate your
liver and kidney function.

Eat more green, yellow vegetables,

fibers, sprouts, seaweed.

Take daily supplementation.

Some daily exercise is suggested:

Walking, bicycle, swimming will keep
you and your colon more healthy.

To follow a detoxification program
- Natural supplementation
- Description of food value
- Diet
- Vegetable juices
- Enema
- SGE bath
- Read

For more information:

- Clinical cases
- Live blood analysis
- Conferences
- Articles
- Questions
- Find out when the book is published
Thank You for
Your Attention

The whole is more than a

part, but the part belongs
to the whole.


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