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Deja Jones

Margo Brines

ENG 103 Sec. 99

Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Improving The Lives of Mankind

Stem cell research is an intervention strategy that introduces new adult or embryonic

stem cells into damaged tissue in order to treat diseases or create new organs that can replace

failing ones. Many medical experts believe that this is the future of the medical field and can

help combat new and old illnesses. While some believe that stem cell research can lead to

beneficial possibilities, there is controversy over how these stem cells are acquired. Those that

are against stem cell research believe that all stem cells are taken from living human bodies or

embryos which are destroyed in the process and claim that embryos are actually an organism as

soon as there are fertilized. Those in support of stem cell research say that stem cells cannot be

turned into an organism and that the most they can be turned into are new organs. In addition to

that, researchers use embryos that have been created in a laboratory setting and not conceived in

a womans womb to extract stem cells. Therefore, the opposition to stem cell research is

misinformed and stem cell research has many benefits that can help advance the medical field.

Stem cells have the ability to differentiate, or transform into different specialized cells,

which are cells that carry out specific functions in the body. This is beneficial because those that

suffer from diseases such as cardiovascular diseases or Parkinsons disease will be able to have

the damaged cells replaced through the use of stem cells according to "Benefits of Stem Cells"

written by Ian Murnangham. Murnangham also states, The current benefits of stem cell usage

are already well documented and it is expected that continued research will pave the way for new
treatments. For those suffering from serious diseases, stem cells offer hope for effective

treatment or perhaps even a reversal of the disease. Time will confirm the full success of stem

cell therapies and continued research should teach us more about using stem cells to treat

debilitating medical conditions (Murnangham). This shows if research for stem cells is

continued, serious diseases can possibly be cured and that several medical advancements can be

made as time goes on.

While stem cell research is very beneficial, there is strong opposition to it. Many people

believe that stem cell research causes the death of a potential human being. According to Fox

News article, The Cases For and Against Stem Cell Research, Opponents of research on

embryonic cells, including many religious and anti-abortion groups, contend that embryos are

human beings with the same rights and thus entitled to the same protections against abuse

as anyone else. They believe life starts at the moment of conception, when a sperm fertilizes an

egg, since a distinct organism has come into being. Thus the destruction of an embryo is the

destruction of a human life (Fox News). While stem cells do come from embryos, many

researchers create embryos in a laboratory setting to extract the cells and does not involve any

abortions or destruction of human life.

To present my argument, I decided to create an infographic. I used the website Piktochart

to do so. I decided to go with this medium because it appeared to be a more advance version of

PowerPoint, which is a medium that I have used in the past for previous assignments and have

worked well with. This was my first time creating an infographic and I found that it was more

user-friendly than PowerPoint. For example, I decided to use square graphics to list the uses of

embryonic stem cell research. When creating an infographic, the square graphics were already

available, unlike in PowerPoint where someone has to draw the square if they wanted it to be in
their presentation. I also found it very convenient that Piktochart kept images available after you

uploaded them. It allowed me to easily track how many images I used within the infographic and

to go back and cite the images at the end of it. An infographic also has the option to show all of

the information all at once unlike PowerPoint which makes it easier for me to present. By having

all of the information all at once, I will not have to waste time clicking through the slides or

having to go back to a slide due to transitions being too fast.

I designed my infographic in a way so that those unfamiliar to embryonic stem cell

research can easily understand it. There are several scientific terms included in my design that

most viewers would not know about, so I decided to give brief descriptions about them in a

simplistic way.

For text, I went with the font Lustria for the titles and Helvetica for the body text. I

decided to go with these fonts because they are easy and clear to read by viewers. I bolded the

body text to direct the viewers eyes to the most important information within the infographic.

When it came to placing the text, I typically placed it to the right of images, or underneath them.

By doing so, I was able to create a balance of space within the infographic.

For color scheme, I decided to go with different colors for each block. I feel as though by

doing this, it would help keep the audiences attention since embryonic stem cell research is

something that most people are unfamiliar with. I went with cool colors for the background and

alternated between using black and white text, so the audience can see it without any problems.

I organized my design by first coming up with a title block to introduce my topic to the

audience. I then went into what embryonic stem cells are and where they come from. By doing

so, it gives the audience a bit of background knowledge about the topic. Next, I decided to talk

about the uses of embryonic stem cells. This allows the audience to see how they can benefit the
medical world and those with incurable diseases or ailments. I then went on to present the

counterargument and my stance on my subject. By presenting the counterargument, it allows the

audience to see the other side and allow them to pick a side. Finally, I presented my conclusion

to my argument. It summarizes my stance on embryonic stem cell research in a short and simple

way for the audience to understand.

Works Cited

Murnaghan, Ian. "Benefits of Stem Cells." Explore Stem Cells. Explore Stem Cells, 22 Dec.

2013. Web. 30 Nov. 2015.

The Cases For and Against Stem Cell Research Fox News, 09 Aug. 2001. Web. 30 Nov. 2015.

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