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Video 3: Describing, Interpreting, Rethinking: The Developing Child 10%

Names: Rosette Espenida & Alysha Martin

Descriptions - observe Interpretations - analyze Questions and Curiosities

- reflect
Picture Documentation Picture Interpretation: Picture
Picture number 1 The children are all wearing
Physically Child J is seated on his knees, long sleeved shirts. Is it cold
Child J is sitting in the sand area surrounded by several other outside?
and is able to hold his head in a balanced
children. An adult is standing near the children holding a white
upward position. Child J is sitting in the Does he have any mobility
object. The children appear to be in the outdoor area. Child J is issues?
sand but does not appear to be socially
kneeling on his knees in the sand and his left leg is angled outwards
engaged with the children around him. It is What is Child J holding?
towards his left side where his shoe is visible. Child Js body is
unclear what his cognitive abilities are
Is Child J digging a hole in the
angled forward toward the camera but his face is angled and slightly
from the photo. sand?
lifted towards the adult on his left. Child J seems to be holding
Is Child J playing by himself or
something in his left hand but it is unclear what the object is.
Child J is able to hold his head from his with other children?
neck to his trunk, this is an indication of a
Why are they all gathered in the
developmental milestone. Child J sand area? Is the educator
addressing all of the children?
demonstrates head control and this was
developed in his early years when he was What is the educator holding?
still a baby.
Is Child J able to communicate
through language effectively?

Does he have any developmental

Video observations:
The educator explains that they are looking for something that is Video Interpretation: Use your text
book including page # to support your Video
sparkly, big, and gold. Child J can be seen walking towards the
interpretation What are the golden coins made
camera and holding the treasure map, while looking at the map he of? (Chocolate, plastic, etc.)
is heard saying we have to go all the way back there. Other
Physical: Why did he only throw the
children begin to run past Child J and he is heard saying No, you According to Martorell, G. & Kruk, R., shovelled sand on his right side
during the video?
cant run! Child J is seen on a red and yellow climber that the during the middle years, childrens motor
educator refers to as the mountain. Child J climbs up one side and abilities continue to improve. Children What are the ratios? How many
educators are present?
down the other steadily and then walks over to the other climber keep getting stronger, faster, and better
which has multiple bars. The educator can be heard calling it the big coordinated-and they derive great pleasure The children and educator spoke
with an accent. What country is
Mountain. Child J jumped with both feet from the ladder and from testing their bodies and learning new
the video from?
stepped down the netted part of the climber. Other children are seen skills. (2014, p.228)
Is the playground a part of their
after Child J runs out of view, getting briefly caught in the net. The Gross motor skills involves the use of
center or do they have to travel?
educator stays to make sure the other children make it over. large group muscle groups(Martorell,
Is this a school setting or a
The educator then joins the other children where Child J is seen G. & Kruk, R., 2014,p.106) Child J is
before/after school program?
using a shovel with both hands to dig a hole. Child J is not seen exercising his gross motor skills as he
What role did the other educator
interacting with the other children who are close by at this time. climbs up one side and down the other
Ellis have in planning the
Child J is depositing the sand on his right side and then gets up and steadily and then walks over to the other activity?
walks over to another area on his left. climber which has multiple bars. Child J
Child J looks around and the educator can be heard saying that also jumped at the Big Mountain with
looks like a good spot, huh? Child J then proceeds to join a couple both feet from the ladder and stepped
of children who are already digging. He gets his shovel stuck when down the netted part of the climber.
another child puts their shovel over his. The educator comes over and
moves the boy on Child Js right side over more to the right of the Child J is exercising his fine motor skills,
hole. Child J stands up and asks wheres my, wheres the treasure which requires precise coordination of
map? The educator who is kneeling just behind the children says, I small muscles, such as grasping a rattle
think its here. She picks it up out of the sand, shakes it off and and copying a circle. (Martorell, G. &
hands it to him. Child J briefly looks at the map, looks around, and Kruk, R., 2014,p.106)
then walks over to the other side of the educator on her right with his Child J is seen trying to open the box with
shovel in hand. Child J then puts the map down on the sand on his both hands pulling at the seams of the box.
right and joins another boy who is digging a hole. The educator He is heard saying I cant really open
indicates a certain spot and the boys dig briefly and then Child J lifts he then walks with the box and the shovel
a slim box out of the sand. Child J is seen trying to open the box with out of the sand area and kneels down on
both hands pulling at the seams of the box. Child J is heard saying I his knees and tries to open the box with the
cant really open he then walks with the box and the shovel out of shovel as the other children gather around
the sand area and kneels down on his knees and tries to open the box him. Child Js fine motor skills is
with the shovel as the other children gather around him. Child J demonstrated when he tries to open the
successfully opens it and the get closer to see whats inside. Child J box by grasping the shovel and opening
and other children can be seen with golden coins in their hands. the box.
Educator asks Child J would you be able to share your treasure?
The educator makes another comment about sharing. Child J replies
I cant give it to everybody until Ive got only one. Child J can Cognitive:
then be seen giving coins to other children. Child J can be seen According to Martorell, G. & Kruk, R.,
looking at his coin and then the video ends. children in the stage of concrete
operations can perform many tasks at a
much higher level than they could in the
preoperational stage. They have a better
understanding of spatial concepts(Table
12.1) For example, spatial thinking is
when a child can use a map or model to
help search for a hidden object and can
give someone else directions for finding
the object. (2014, p.242) Child J can be
seen using spatial thinking when he was
looking at a treasure map and he is heard
saying we have to go all the way back
there to the other children, Child J is
giving his peers directions for finding the
hidden object which is the gold treasure

Literacy The ability to read and write

once children can translate the marks on a
page into patterns of sound and meaning,
they can develop increasingly sophisticated
strategies to understand what they read.
(Martorell, G. & Kruk, R., 2014,p.251)
Child Js language and literacy can be
clearly seen when he is holding a treasure
map and looking for the treasure in the
map, Child J is exercising his ability to
read and interpret the marks on a page to
where the treasure is located. Child J asks
for the map again in the middle of the
video, and finally after digging several
holes, he accomplishes his objective.

Cooperative play is when The child
plays in a group organized for some goal-
to make something, play a formal game or
dramatize a situation((Martorell, G.
& Kruk, R., 2014,p.212) When Child J
then proceeds to join a couple of children
who are already digging. He gets his
shovel stuck when another child puts their
shovel over his. Child J is demonstrating
cooperative play as they dig in the hole
and have the same goal as to find the
sparkly and gold treasure.

Pretend play also called fantasy play,

dramatic play or imaginary play...
(Martorell, G. & Kruk, R., 2014,p.182) can
be seen in the video when Child J and his
peers go for a treasure hunting activity.
Child J is having an outdoor play and
dramatic play with the educator and the
other children. Child J refers to a treasure
map in the beginning of the video and
pretends to find a treasure in the sandbox.

Linking to the Early Learning Framework continuum:

Skill Identified Write down the Reference: What is the Proof that the child demonstrated this skill from your observations. Refer to
same terminology used in the domain, page number observation that demonstrates this skill
Child J is exercising his gross motor skills as he climbs up one side and down the
5.2 Gross Motor Skills other steadily. His increasing in coordination, speed and endurance is seen when
Increasing in coordination, speed,
and endurance ELECT, 2007, p.58 He was the first one to finish climbing the Big Mountain. Child J clearly has

superior physical skill in relation to the other children, he is faster, has more

endurance and coordination and accurately finishes the obstacles in front of him.
Child J jumped with both feet from the ladder and stepped down the netted part
PHYSICAL : 5.2 Gross Motor Skills of the climber. Child Js physical skill specifically jumping can be seen in this

Jumping ELECT, 2007, p.58 scenario and his coordination increases as well. Other children are seen after

jumping increases in co-ordination Child J runs out of view, getting briefly caught in the net. The educator stays to

make sure the other children make it over. Child Js gross motor skill of jumping

can be clearly seen in this scenario.

Child J is seen trying to open the box with both hands pulling at the seams of the
PHYSICAL : 5.3 Fine Motor Skills
box. He is heard saying I cant really open he then walks with the box and the
Tool Use ELECT, 2007, p.60
shovel out of the sand area and kneels down on his knees and tries to open the
stringing large beads
box with the shovel as the other children gather around him. Child J successfully
cutting paper with scissors
opens it and the get closer to see whats inside. Child Js physical skill is the use
cutting a straight line
of tools and resources around him, he could not open the box with his bare hands

so he used the shovel out of the sand area to open the treasure box. Child Js fine

motor skills is exercised when he was grasping the shovel to open the treasure

box, his small muscles are working together to handle the shovel and exert effort

to open the gold box.

1.6 Co-operating The educator explaining that they are looking for something that is sparkly, big,
exchanging ideas and materials during
play ELECT, 2007, p. 44 and gold. Child J can be seen walking towards the camera and holding the

taking part in setting and following treasure map. While looking at the map he is heard saying we have to go all
rules and inviting others to join them
in play the way back there. Child J is co-operating with the educator and with his peers

listening, thinking and responding by taking part in setting and he is following rules by checking the treasure map.
appropriately as others speak during Child J is also inviting other to join them in play when he said, we have to go all
group time
the way back there. Child Js listening, thinking and responding appropriately as
engaging in group decision making
with voting and accepting that the others speak can be seen when the educator asks Child J would you be able to
majority vote will be followed by the
entire group share your treasure? The educator makes another comment about sharing. He

replies I cant give it to everybody until Ive got only one. He can then be seen

giving coins to other children. Child J listened to his educator about sharing his

treasure coins to the other children, he responded appropriately by sharing his

treasure coins.Lastly, Child J demonstrates his exchanges with materials during

play can be seen when he shared his gold coins. It was also a group decision that

each child who has more than one gold coin will give their remaining treasure to

other children, this can be seen when the educator comments about sharing and

then the children agrees when they give out their other gold coins.

COGNITIVE : 4.2 Problem Solving Child J demonstrates his cognitive skills by problem solving and this is clearly

identifying problems ELECT,2007, p.52 shown when Child J can be seen identifying a problem as the educator explains

beginning to plan ahead that they have to find something big, sparkly and gold. Child J plans ahead by

collecting and organize information looking at the treasure map in the beginning of the video. Child J is seen using a
brainstorming solutions and outcomes shovel with both hands to dig a hole. He is not seen interacting with the other

children who are close by at this time. He is depositing the sand on his right side.
taking action to solve problems
He then gets up and walks over to another area on his left. Child J is collecting

and organizing information as he digs the holes by himself and when he couldnt
find it alone, he looks around and the educator can be heard saying that looks

like a good spot, huh? Child J then proceeds to join a couple of children who are

already digging. Child J is brainstorming solutions and outcomes and decides to

join other children so that there will be an increased likelihood of finding the

treasure. He gets his shovel stuck when another child puts their shovel over his.

The educator comes over and moves the boy on Child Js right side over more to

the right of the hole. Child J stands up and asks wheres my, wheres the treasure

map? Child J can be seen taking action to solve problems by checking the

treasure map again to look for the marked treasure. The educator who is kneeling

just behind the children says, I think its here. She picks it up out of the sand,

shakes it off and hands it to him. He briefly looks at the map, looks around, and

then walks over to the other side of the educator on her right with his shovel in

hand. He then puts the map down on the sand on his right and joins another boy

who is digging a hole. The educator indicates a certain spot and the boys dig

briefly and then Child J lifts a slim box out of the sand.

SOCIAL EMOTIONAL: Child J is clearly developing his social-emotional skills through friendship with
1.1 Friendship
participating in peer groups the outdoor treasure hunt activity, which is also a group game. Child J is

participating in complex socio- participating in peer groups through the treasure hunt. Child J is seen
dramatic play ELECT, 2007, p. 61
participating in complex socio-dramatic play when he was walking on the slides
playing group games
and jumping on the ladders with netting, the educator called it the Big
interest in pleasing adults mountain. This can also be seen when he was looking at a treasure map to find

the sparky, gold treasure box. Child J also has interest in pleasing adults when

the educator suggested to Child J to give some of his gold treasure coins to his

peers, Child J agrees and gives his other gold coins to his friends.
Child J demonstrates his social-emotional skills through co-operating and
SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL: 1.3 Co-operation
sharing. This can be seen when the educator asks Child J would you be able to
co-operating and sharing frequently ELECT, 2007, p.61
share your treasure? The educator makes another comment about sharing. He

replies I cant give it to everybody until Ive got only one. Child J can then be

seen giving coins to other children. Child J is seen sharing his gold coins to other

children and he is cooperating with his peers.



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