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AJR Integrative Imaging


Radiologic Diagnosis of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis:

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Pictorial Review
Colin S. Poon1,2, Ja-Kwei Chang1, Amar Swarnkar1, Michele H. Johnson2, John Wasenko1

Objective mechanisms: direct involvement of the dural sinuses (e.g.,

Cerebral venous thrombosis is often associated with non- infection, trauma, neoplastic infiltration), possibly with
specific clinical complaints. In addition, the imaging find- damage to the vascular endothelium; venous stasis; hyperco-
ings are often subtle. Underdiagnosis or misdiagnosis of ce- agulable states; and increased blood viscosity.
rebral venous thrombosis can lead to severe consequences, The frequency of these etiologic factors depends on age.
including hemorrhagic infarction and death. Often, the cause is multifactorial. In neonates, acute systemic
illness, such as shock or dehydration, may be the cause. Fre-
Conclusion quent causes in older children include local infection, such as
This article reviews the radiologic findings and diagnostic mastoiditis, and coagulopathy. In adults, intrinsic or acquired
pitfalls of cerebral venous thrombosis. After completing this coagulopathies become the most important factors, contrib-
article, the readers should have an improved ability to diag- uting to as many as 70% of cases. Infection contributes to less
nose cerebral venous thrombosis accurately, using the opti- than 10% of cases in adults [1, 3]. In women of childbearing
mal imaging tools to achieve this goal. age, oral contraceptive use and pregnancy are strong risk fac-
tors. CVT actually occurs more often in puerperium than dur-
Introduction ing the pregnancy. Although pregnancy-related CVT occurs
Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is often underdiagnosed more often in older women, age per se is not a risk factor.
because it is an uncommon disease, it is associated with a wide The pathogenesis of CVT is complex and remains poorly
spectrum of etiologic factors, clinical presentation is often non- understood. In 2035% of cases, the cause remains unknown;
specific, and the diagnostic imaging features can be subtle. therefore, one should remain suspicious, even in the absence
The correct diagnosis of CVT relies on neurologic imaging. of known risk factors [13].
Radiologists play a crucial role in patient care by providing early
diagnosis through interpretation of imaging studies. Early diag- Clinical Presentation
nosis leads to prompt treatment that can be effective. Delayed The clinical presentation of CVT is often nonspecific [16]
diagnosis is associated with high morbidity and mortality. (Table 1). Common presentation includes headache, focal neuro-
The purpose of this article is to review the clinical presenta- logic deficits, seizures, and altered consciousness. A syndrome of
tion and basic pathophysiology of the disease; review the ap- intracranial hypertension (headache and papilledema) accounted
proach for radiologic investigation, including emerging technol- for 40% of cases in a series, so CVT needs to be excluded in pa-
ogy such as CT venography; review the imaging features of CVT; tients considered for the diagnosis of benign intracranial hyper-
and show common pitfalls associated with the radiologic evalua- tension [1]. Although subarachnoid hemorrhage is a rare presen-
tion of this diagnosis. We have included many cases to illustrate tation of CVT, cases have also been reported [1, 8]. There is also
the radiologic features of CVT. Whenever possible, findings on a wide distribution in the mode of onset of symptoms, with ap-
different imaging techniques are correlated and compared. proximately 28% acute (< 48 hours), 42% subacute (between 48
hours and 30 days), and 30% chronic (> 30 days) [1]. The teach-
Predisposing Factors ing point is that CVT may have an atypical presentation or even
The list of factors associated with CVT is too extensive to an absence of clinical symptoms. The evaluation for evidence of
be memorized [17]. A more manageable approach is to un- CVT should be included in the diagnostic checklist in every neu-
derstand that they may involve one or more of the following roradiologic case.

Keywords: brain imaging, cerebral venous thrombosis, CT, MRI, neuroradiology

Received May 31, 2007; accepted after revision June 11, 2007.
Department of Radiology, State University of New York Upstate Medical University, 750 E Adams St., Syracuse, NY 13210. Address correspondence to C. S. Poon (

Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.

AJR 2007;189:S64S75 0361803X/07/1886S64 American Roentgen Ray Society

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Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
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Fig. 15-year-old boy with severe headache and eye pain. Thrombosis was found in right lateral sinus (arrows).
A and B, Unenhanced CT images show thrombosis as hyperdensity (dense clot sign).
C and D, Enhanced CT images show same structure as filling defect with enhancing rim (empty delta sign).

Fig. 2Cord sign in cortical venous thrombosis in a

young woman.
A and B, Unenhanced CT scans show dense cortical
veins (white arrows, A), an uncommon direct sign of
cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) known as cord
sign. Note also indirect signs of CVT, including sub-
cortical hemorrhagic infarction (black arrows), dif-
fuse brain swelling, and small ventricular size.

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Fig. 338-year-old woman with history of pseudotumor cerebri who presented with headache and decreased consciousness. Diagnosis was thrombosis of superior
sagittal sinus, straight sinus, and internal cerebral veins. (Long white arrows indicate superior sagittal sinus; short white arrows, straight sinus; black arrows, Rosen-
thals veins).
A and B, Unenhanced CT scans show dense thrombosis. Note nonhemorrhagic infarction in basal ganglia, thalami, and internal capsules, which is typically seen in
deep cerebral venous thrombosis.
C, Axial T2-weighted MR image shows replacement of signal void by thrombus (arrow) in superior sagittal sinus. Veins at internal capsules are engorged.
D and E, Sagittal contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image (D) shows filling defects in sagittal and straight sinuses, correlating with absence of flow on 2D phase con-
trast MR venography (E).
F, After catheter-directed thrombolysis, flow was partially reestablished.

Neuroradiology ral sinus may give a dense clot sign (Fig. 1). The cord sign
Unenhanced CT remains the technique of choice for represents direct visualization of a thrombosed cortical
screening patients with nonspecific clinical presentation vein that is seen as linear hyperdensity (Fig. 2).
and a low suspicion of CVT. Contrast-enhanced CT provides More often, unenhanced CT shows only the indirect signs
a more accurate diagnosis of CVT. MRI and MR venogra- of CVT. These are often nonspecific and may include diffuse
phy have been the noninvasive imaging techniques of choice brain edema, leading to hypodensity of the brain (seen in
[46, 9] and are often used as the initial diagnostic test for 2050% of cases) or decreased ventricular size. In young
suspicious cases. CT venography is now emerging as a com- patients, the pathologic decrease in ventricular size may be
peting technique. It has been shown to be comparable to difficult to differentiate from the normally small ventricles
MR venography and, in some situations, to provide better commonly seen in young patients.
diagnostic information [10]. Venous infarction is the most specific indirect sign on unen-
hanced CT images. An infarction not conforming to a major
Unenhanced CT arterial vascular territory, such as the presence of multiple iso-
Direct signs of CVT are uncommon and are seen in only lated lesions, involvement of a subcortical region with sparing
one third of cases. Direct visualization of thrombosis in du- of the cortex, and extension over more than one arterial distri-

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Fig. 416-year-old girl with multiple traumatic injuries in head. Initial unenhanced CT (not shown) showed hyperdensity in right internal jugular vein (IJV) and sig-
moid sinus that was suspicious for venous thrombosis. Findings were confirmed on CT venography, MRI, and conventional venography.
A and B, Axial source images from CT venography. Thrombus in IJV (asterisk, A) and sigmoid sinus (black arrow, B) is clearly shown as filling defect. Note collateral
veins (white arrow, A) arising from right IJV.
C, Sagittal planar reconstruction of CT venography shows thrombus extending from right IJV (asterisk) into sigmoid sinus (arrow), correlating well with findings on
conventional venography (E).
D, T1-weighted MR image shows sigmoid sinus thrombosis (arrow) as seen on CT (B).
E and F, Venogram (E) shows thrombus as filling defects. Note collateral veins at region of right IJVs, also seen in A. Venogram after suction thrombectomy (F) shows
improved patency in right IJV and lateral sinus. Asterisk, right internal jugular vein; solid arrow, sigmoid sinus; open arrow, torcular Herophili.

bution, is highly suspicious for a venous cause. The infarction the dural sinus, with peripheral enhancement possibly sec-
may be hemorrhagic (Fig. 2) or nonhemorrhagic (Fig. 3A). The ondary to the development of collaterals (Fig. 1).
location of the infarction with respect to the expected course Indirect evidence of CVT may be seen as contrast enhance-
of venous drainage may give a clue to the venous structure ment of the falx and tentorium secondary to venous stasis
involved. Thrombosis in the sagittal sinus often leads to im- and hyperemia of the dura mater, which is seen in approxi-
paired venous drainage and, therefore, parenchymal change in mately 20% of cases.
the parasagittal region. Thrombosis in Labbs vein should One should be aware that in 1030% of cases of CVT, the find-
lead to infarction in the temporal lobe. Bilateral or unilateral ings on either unenhanced or contrast-enhanced CT are negative.
infarction in the thalami, basal ganglia, and internal capsule is Therefore, in highly suspicious cases, further evaluation with CT
typically seen in deep venous thrombosis (Fig. 3). venography, or MRI with MR venography, is warranted.

Contrast-Enhanced CT CT Venography
Direct evidence of CVT on contrast-enhanced CT includes A more recent tool that can be used to evaluate CVT is
the empty delta sign, which may be seen 5 days to 2 months CT venography [1012]. CT venography allows direct visu-
from onset. This sign represents a filling defect (thrombus) in alization of thrombus as filling defects (Fig. 4).

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Fig. 54-day-old neonatal boy after idiopathic cardiac arrest.

A and B, Axial unenhanced CT scans show normal, hyperdense blood commonly seen in neonates and in-
C and D, T1- (C) and T2-weighted (D) MR images show normal findings.

On MRI, venous thrombus may be directly visualized. On
TABLE 1: Signs and Symptoms of Cerebral
conventional MRI sequences, patent dural sinuses are often Venous Thrombosis
seen as a flow void. This is particularly well seen when the
Presentation Frequency (%)
imaging plane is orthogonal to the blood flow direction (e.g.,
coronal images are best for visualization of the superior sag- Headache 75
ittal, transverse, and sigmoid sinuses). The effect of a flow Papilledema 49
void may be reduced in a plane parallel to the dural sinus, Seizures 37
although such an imaging plane often offers a better depic- Motor or sensory deficit 34
tion of the complete extent of thrombosis in the dural sinus. Mental status changes 30
For example, a sagittal T1-weighted image may show the
Dysphasia 12
complete extent of the superior sagittal sinus thrombosis as
Cranial nerve palsies 12
an abnormally bright signal filling the sinus. The thrombus
may manifest as absence of a flow void, which is often best Cerebellar incoordination 3
seen on FLAIR images and T2-weighted spin-echo images. Bilateral or alternating cortical signs 3
The abnormal signal intensity follows the signal characteris- Nystagmus 2
tics of intracranial hemorrhage and may evolve through the Hearing loss 2
stages of oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, methemoglo- NotePercentages total > 100% because patients may have multiple presentations.
bin, and hemosiderin [4]. On T1-weighted images, thrombus Adapted from [1].

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Fig. 6Middle-aged woman (exact age unknown) with history of multiple myeloma.
A and B, Axial unenhanced CT images show subdural hemorrhage at right cerebellar convexity that mimics thrombosis of right transverse sinus.
CE, Axial FLAIR image (C), coronal FLAIR image (D), and unenhanced CT scan (E) at location adjacent to B show similar finding of subdural hemorrhage (white arrow,
E) medial to right transverse sinus (black arrow, E).
F, Contrast-enhanced MR venogram shows patent dural venous sinuses. Right transverse sinus (arrows) is smaller and slightly irregular compared with left, possibly
secondary to mass effect from adjacent subdural hematoma.

with methemoglobin is seen as hyperintensity. On T2*-weighted MR Venography

gradient-echo images, exaggerated signal loss is often seen MR venography may be performed without the use of a
because of the increased susceptibility effect of deoxyhemo- contrast agent using the time-of-flight (TOF) technique or
globin, methemoglobin, or hemosiderin. the phase contrast technique. Because these techniques use
Indirect evidence of venous thrombosis is often second- MR flow phenomena for contrast generation, they are sub-
ary to parenchymal change as a result of venous occlusion. ject to flow-related image artifacts.
This is similar to the findings on CT, including brain swell- Similar to CT venography, contrast-enhanced MR venog-
ing and hemorrhagic or nonhemorrhagic infarction. raphy takes advantage of luminal filling by contrast material
Conventional MRI sequences often provide sufficient in- rather than relying on the MR flow phenomena as in TOF or
formation to raise the suspicion or to make a diagnosis of phase contrast MR venography. Therefore, contrast-enhanced
CVT. The diagnosis can then be further confirmed on MR MR venography is less likely to be affected by complex flow.
venography or CT venography. Recently, gadolinium-enhanced MR venography has been

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Fig. 77-year-old girl with closed head injury.

AC, Unenhanced CT scans on first day show subdural hemorrhage along tentorium cerebelli and skull frac-
ture. Subtle density is seen in right lateral sinus (arrows, B and C) that was not well appreciated initially.
D and E, On next day, repeat CT scan shows dense thrombus in right lateral sinus (arrows) mimicking sub-
dural hematoma (compare E with A).
F and G, On sagittal T1-weighted MR images, normal flow void is seen in left lateral sinus (arrow, F), but note
isodense thrombus on right (arrow, G).

shown to be superior to TOF MR venography [13, 14] and CT venography has been shown to be superior to traditional
may offer the best evaluation using MRI. The various MR MR venography techniques based on 2D TOF or phase con-
venography techniques are summarized in Table 2. trast techniques [10]. However, a direct comparison between
CT venography and contrast-enhanced MR venography is not
Comparison of MR Venography and CT Venography yet available. These two techniques probably provide compa-
A comparison of CT venography and MR venography is rable performance, and preference will be dictated by the expe-
summarized in Table 3. rience and resources of the individual institutions.

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Cerebral Venous Thrombosis

TABLE 2: Comparison of MR Venography Techniques

Technique Advantages Disadvantages
Time-of-flight Shorter imaging time More prone to false-positive results from in-plane flow
False-negatives due to methemoglobin
Phase contrast Better background suppression More sensitive to motion artifacts and turbulent flow
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Can detect flow in all three orthogonal planes

Better flow quantification
No false-negatives due to methemoglobin
Gadolinium-enhanced Less likely to give false-positives due to slow or Potential false-negatives due to methemoglobina or
complex flow enhancing chronic thrombosis
But less likely than with time-of-flight.

Fig. 84-month-old girl with seizure.

A and B, Unenhanced CT scans show subdural
hemorrhage along falx and tentorium cerebelli,
simulating sagittal and transverse sinus thrombo-
sis. Note pseudo empty delta sign (arrow, A). Empty
delta sign of cerebral venous thrombosis is appli-
cable only on contrast-enhanced CT. Hyperdensity
along posterior parietal convexity simulates trans-
verse sinus thrombosis (black arrow, B). Extension
of hyperdensity beyond expected location of trans-
verse sinus suggests this is actually subdural he-
matoma (white arrow, B) [8].


Fig. 929-year-old woman woman with headache.

AC, Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image (A), source image of 2D time-of-flight (TOF) MR venography (B), and maximum-intensity-projection of 2D TOF MR venog-
raphy image (C) show fenestration of straight sinus (arrow). On basis of A alone, sinus thrombosis is difficult to exclude. However, other imaging series, including
unenhanced T1-weighted and FLAIR images (not shown), fail to show abnormal signal intensity to suggest presence of a true thrombus, raising suspicion that this
may have another cause. Two-dimensional TOF MR venogram (B) shows fenestration. Note small vessels representing fenestration are round and positioned on op-
posite sides of expected course of straight sinus. This appearance is unusual for residual patent lumen of dural venous sinus filled with thrombus because residual
lumen tends to be irregular or crescent-shaped.

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Diagnostic Pitfalls
Pitfalls are associated with all imaging techniques [15].
To improve diagnostic accuracy, it is important to be aware
of these pitfalls. Always correlate findings on multiple im-
aging sequences. If in doubt, other imaging techniques
should be used to confirm the findings.
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Pitfalls on Unenhanced CT
Hyperdense blood in patent dural sinuses may mimic
thrombosis. Hyperdense blood may be seen in children, par-
ticularly neonates and infants, and in patients with a hemo-
concentration of the blood, as might be present in poly-
cythemia or dehydration. At times, hyperdense blood may
Fig. 10Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis in young woman (exact age un- be difficult to differentiate from true dural venous throm-
known) on T1-weighted image. Sagittal T1-weighted images can be useful for bosis, but symmetry of involvement, homogeneity of the
depiction of extensive superior sagittal sinus thrombosis. However, bright sig-
nal of thrombus with methemoglobin (arrow) may mimic patent sinus on con-
hyperdensity, and involvement of virtually all visualized
trast-enhanced T1-weighted images and time-of-flight MR venography. dural venous sinuses and major venous structures should



Fig. 1125-year-old woman with headache. Black arrows indicate left transverse and sigmoid sinuses; white arrows indicate right transverse and sigmoid sinuses.
A, Axial phase contrast MR venogram shows loss of flow signal (arrow).
B, Axial T1-weighted image fails to show thrombus.
C, Axial T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced image shows smooth enhancement in hypoplastic left transverse and sigmoid sinuses.
DF, Coronal reformations of CT venography, from posteriorly to anteriorly, show smooth enhancement in hypoplastic left transverse and sigmoid sinuses. Hypopla-
sia of ipsilateral jugular foramen also serves as important corroborative evidence of hypoplastic dural sinus.

S72 AJR:189, December 2007

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis

suggest that hyperdense blood is present rather than venous nuses. Contrast-enhanced MR venography (Fig. 6F) confirms
thrombosis (Figs. 5A and 5B). The presence of normal flow patent dural venous sinuses and no evidence of thrombosis.
void in the venous sinuses should confirm the presence of CVT may mimic subdural hematoma (Fig. 7). CVT should be
patent sinuses. Hyperdense blood may also mimic subdural confined entirely in the expected lumen of the dural venous si-
hemorrhage on CT, but the symmetry of apparent involve- nuses. On the contrary, subdural hemorrhage is seen exterior to
ment, the limitation of the hyperdensity in the expected the dural venous sinuses. Patients with subdural hemorrhage in
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lumen of the dural sinuses, and a negative MRI study would the posterior fossa may be at risk for CVT (possibly as a result of
effectively exclude this possibility (Figs. 5C and 5D). direct injury of the dural venous sinuses or venous stasis). In a
Subdural hematoma may mimic CVT (Figs. 6 and 8). The patient with preexisting subdural hematoma, increasing density
clue to the correct interpretation is that the abnormal signal of at the location of the dural venous sinuses should prompt consid-
the subdural hematoma is located more medial than the expect- eration of the possibility of CVT (Fig. 7).
ed location of the transverse sinus. Figure 6 shows the abnormal Retained contrast material from previous radiologic ex-
FLAIR signal extending too far inferiorly and medially, beyond aminations due to severely slow flow, such as might occur af-
the expected location of the normal transverse and sigmoid si- ter ligation of the internal jugular vein, may mimic CVT.

Fig. 1274-year-old man with headache and mas-

A, Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image shows fill-
ing defects (arrows) in bilateral transverse sinuses.
B, Maximum-intensity-projection of contrast-en-
hanced MR venography using sagittal 3D spoiled
gradient-recalled echo (SPGR) sequence. Diagnosis
is suggested by presence of normal patent flow im-
mediately proximal and distal to filling defects, con-
tinuity of defects with dural surface, localized round
or lobulated appearance, and central enhancement.


Fig. 13Arachnoid granulations simulating thrombus in dural venous sinuses.

A, In conventional angiography of 16-year-old boy with developmental venous anomaly (long arrow), persistent filling defect is seen in right transverse sinus (short arrow).
B, Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image in same patient as in A shows soft-tissue structure (black arrow) at corresponding location. This structure is round and
well defined, consistent with arachnoid granulation.
C, Coronal T2-weighted image in different patient, 40-year-old man, shows typical round arachnoid granulation in left transverse sinus (arrow) that is abutting supe-
rior medial wall of transverse sinus. Normal flow void is seen adjacent to this structure (at arrow tip) and in consecutive images (not shown), further supporting this
is an arachnoid granulation.

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However, these conditions may also predispose the patient to MR images (Fig. 10). Slow flow leading to loss of flow void may
developing thrombosis, so a contrast-enhanced study should mimic thrombosis.
be performed to clarify the findings.
Pitfalls on MR Venography
Pitfalls on Contrast-Enhanced CT Signal loss on unenhanced MR venography may result
An empty delta sign may be mimicked by intrasinus sep- from in-plane flow, extremely slow flow, or complex flow,
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ta or by a split or fenestrated dural sinus, which may mani- mimicking thrombosis.

fest as false-positive filling defects. Thrombus with methemoglobin may show hyperintensity
and mimic patent flow on TOF MR venography (Fig. 10). If in
Pitfalls on MRI doubt, phase contrast venography (which depends only on blood
Intrasinus septa or a split or fenestrated dural sinus may flow characteristics and is not affected by the hyperintensity of
also mimic CVT on MR images (Fig. 9). Acute and early sub- methemoglobin) can be performed to clarify the findings.
acute hemorrhage may show hypointensity on T2-weighted
MR images, mimicking the flow void that would normally be Pitfalls on All Techniques
seen in a patent venous sinus. Thrombus with methemoglobin A hypoplastic or aplastic dural sinus may mimic CVT. Figure
may mimic a patent sinus on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted 11 shows a hypoplastic left transverse sinus. MR venography

Fig. 146-year-old boy with neuroblastoma.

A, T1-weighted image shows isointense lesion (ar-
row) at region of left transverse sinus, simulating
sinus thrombosis.
B, Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image shows
enhancing lesion (black arrow) is dural extension of
neuroblastoma, compressing lateral sinus (white ar-
row). Mass lesion is also seen posterior to torcular
Herophili, compressing and displacing it anteriorly.
Note mass lesion at lateral wall of left orbit.



Fig. 1542-year-old woman with headache.

A, Coronal FLAIR image shows hyperintensity in subarachnoid space, consistent with subarachnoid hemorrhage.
B, Sagittal gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted image shows extensive filling defects in superior sagittal sinus, straight sinus, and torcular Herophili (arrows).
C, Coronal gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted image confirms that loss of flow void in A represents thrombosis of superior sagittal sinus. Note filling defect of throm-
bus, giving rise to empty delta sign (arrow).

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Cerebral Venous Thrombosis

TABLE 3: Comparison of MR Venography and CT Venography

Technique Advantages Disadvantages
MR venography No radiation risk Cannot be used in patients with contraindication to MRI
Better established Unenhanced techniques more prone to flow-related image artifacts, leading to
higher incidence of false-positive results
CT venography Short imaging time Requires iodinated contrast agent
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Less prone to motion artifacts

Generally better availability
More accessible for critical patients
Better depiction of small vessels
Easy to interpret

(Fig. 11A) can be misleading if it is interpreted in isolation. The Patients with low clinical suspicion of an intracranial ab-
significant change in blood flow dynamics in stenotic or hyp- normality can be screened with unenhanced CT. If in doubt,
oplastic dural venous sinuses can give rise to loss of flow signal further workup may include CT venography or MRI with MR
(Fig. 11A). Unenhanced T1-weighted images (Fig. 11B) fail to venography. CT venography and contrast-enhanced MR
show thrombus, which should be evident given the severe nar- venography are probably comparable in accuracy for evaluat-
rowing of the left dural sinuses. On the contrary, conventional ing CVT, and the technique of choice will depend on the expe-
gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted images (Fig. 11C) show rience and resources of individual institutions. Conventional
smooth enhancement in the hypoplastic left transverse and sig- angiography is usually reserved for difficult cases or performed
moid sinuses, which is subsequently confirmed on CT venogra- in conjunction with neurointervention.
phy (Figs. 11 D11F). Hypoplasia of the ipsilateral jugular fora-
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