Elements of Democracy

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Democracy: (from the Greek demos, the people; kratein, to rule) a

political system in which the people of a country rule through any form of
government they choose to establish

Democracy is the best way to meet the diverse needs of the people
People make decisions that reflect the will of the majority
True democratic citizens not only enjoy their rights and freedoms, but
they also take very seriously the responsibilities of living
Open communication and mass participation are also important
responsibilities of the democratic citizen
The democratic citizen upholds
Human dignity
Respects the rights
Works for the common good
Having a sense of responsibility for other people

Elements ~

Rule of Law: Individuals, persons and government shall submit to, obey and
be regulated by law, and not arbitrary action by an individual or a group of
individuals. - www.duhaime.org

Political Equality: Everyone is treated in the same way in the political

sphere. This means, among other things, that everyone has the same status
under the law (everyone is entitled to legal representation, for example, and
every citizen gets one vote) and that everyone gets equal treatment under the
law. Everybody must obey the laws, regardless of race, creed, religion,
gender, or sexual orientation, and in return, everyone enjoys the same rights.
- www.sparknotes.com
Common Good: The advantage or benefit of all people in society or in a
group. - www.dictionary.com

Personal Freedom: Freedom of the person in going and coming,

equality before the courts, security of private property, freedom of
opinion and its expression, and freedom of conscience subject to the
rights of others and of the public. - www.merriam-webster.com

Human Dignity: An individual or group's sense of self-respect and self-

worth, physical and psychological integrity and empowerment. -

Political Freedom: A central concept in history and political thought and

one of the most important features of democratic societies. -

Being Informed and getting involved: People communicate about and

participate in important issues. - www.nelson.com.pdf

Respect: A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by

their abilities, qualities, or achievements. - www.dictionary.com

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