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Use this worksheet in conjunction with the Testing (General Items) and Ultrasonics worksheets


Specialist Testing Criteria Comments

What are the principal components of the system?

How has the test procedure been validated? (eg., against basic NDT
techniques, other test equipment, using a variety of discontinuities, etc.)

Has the repeatability of the test procedure been established using a

valid methodology?

What are the limits of detection ie., what are the dimensions of the
largest discontinuity (of the various types) likely to be missed?

How accurate is the discontinuity sizing? How has this accuracy been

Is signal enhancement or filtering applied? If so, has it been checked to

determine that useful data is not eliminated?

What equipment and system performance checking is carried out?

Are the reference testpieces of the same material and manufacture as

the workpieces?

Are there any special requirements for material preparation, eg. surface
finish, cleanliness, colour, etc.?

Is the test data captured and analysed or is it assessed in real time by

the operator?

How is the correctness of the probe(s) position(s) in relation to the

output signal established?
Is the equipment interfaced with a position encoder?
If used, how is the encoder checked for resolution and accuracy?

Data storage What measures are in place to authorise access,

prevent loss, preserve security, preserve data integrity (incorruptibility)
and for back-up? Are these data storage measures effective?

What procedure is in place for authorisation of reports?

What process controls are in place to confirm satisfactory operation or

to detect/draw attention to system malfunction?

How are environmental conditions, eg. vibration, EMC, etc., managed

to ensure satisfactory equipment operation?

What are the system safeguards in the event of a power failure?

How have operators been trained and qualified in the operation of the
specialist testing system?

Are there any operator safety or equipment safety issues?

NDT Specialist UT Assessor Worksheet (AW 10)/Issue 1/April 2009 Page 1 of 5

Use this worksheet in conjunction with the Testing (General Items) and Ultrasonics worksheets

Specialist Testing Criteria Comments


What forms of test records are produced?

Do test records contain:

Name of the testing authority

Identification details of the component

Product specification or application code number (acceptance


Test method, procedure designation/specific technique and

any departures from the method. e.g. details of areas not
scanned due to limitations of access of due to parent metal

Method of establishing evaluation sensitivity

Area tested and the sizing method used

Surface condition, including type of preparation and any

specific requirements

Serial number or unique identification of equipment and all


Couplant used

Details of any repairs carried out

Details of any retests

Test results including description, location and size of any

recordable discontinuities and whether the results comply with
the product standard or application code

Other information required for description or assessment of

test results

Date and place of test

Identification number of test

Identification of testing personnel

If the client has provided written agreement for simplified reporting, all of the following items must be available
within the facilitys record system

Are test reports: Hard copy?


Have reporting details and data presentation been agreed with the

Do reports contain the following:

A title (e.g. Ultrasonic test report)

Name of testing authority

Identification of the facility by its accreditation number and

street address

Clients name and address (for external clients)

NDT Specialist UT Assessor Worksheet (AW 10)/Issue 1/April 2009 Page 2 of 5

Use this worksheet in conjunction with the Testing (General Items) and Ultrasonics worksheets

Specialist Testing Criteria Comments

Identification details of all areas, e.g. welds tested

Product specification or application code (acceptance


Reference to test method, the test procedure

designation/specific technique and any departures from the
test method (e.g. areas not scanned due to limitations of
access or due to parent metal discontinuities)

Area tested and the sizing method used

Surface condition, including type of preparation and any

specific requirements.

Details of any repairs carried out

Details of any retests

Test data and whether it complies with the product standard or

application code

Other information required for description or assessment of

test results

Date and place of test

Report number (on each page) and date of issue

Identification of the officer responsible for performing NDT

operator who performed the test

Signature and name of approved signatory or delegated



What UT systems are being used by the facility (makes and models)?

What scans are used? A Scan

B Scan
C Scan
D Scan

What are the resolution capabilities of the systems?

What probes are used? Compression


What probe angles are used?

Reference Materials

Is there an inventory of reference materials/standards?

Have reference materials/standards been verified?

Have attenuation characteristics been established?

NDT Specialist UT Assessor Worksheet (AW 10)/Issue 1/April 2009 Page 3 of 5

Use this worksheet in conjunction with the Testing (General Items) and Ultrasonics worksheets

Specialist Testing Criteria Comments

How is allowance made for differences in attenuation between the

reference material/piece and the test item?

Test Methods

Contract review and client specification issues:

For what thickness ranges and materials have procedures been


How has the optimum probe configuration/testing geometry been


What scanning speeds are used? What is the applied maximum

scanning speed compatible with reliable discontinuity detection?

What sizing and identification techniques are used? Have these been
agreed with the client?


Does the system monitor for loss of probe contact or coupling?

Is the system adjusted for probe wear? How?

Are there any limitations to the area able to be tested?

Is the surface condition of the item under test appropriate?

Test item and test environment:

Is identification of the test item clear and unambiguous?

Are details adequately identified? eg, test areas, welds etc

Do the test site conditions impose any limitations on the test or its


The following additional items should be considered in the
evaluation of TOFD systems:

Means of setting gain, system gain typically used

Link to get equal separation between scans connects scan


Digitising rates and time jitter


B or D Scan: Monitor/printer with >64 grey scales


Probe types for internal flaws, surface-breaking flaws and flaw sizing

Are any probes used within their near-field?

NDT Specialist UT Assessor Worksheet (AW 10)/Issue 1/April 2009 Page 4 of 5

Use this worksheet in conjunction with the Testing (General Items) and Ultrasonics worksheets

Specialist Testing Criteria Comments

Is the beam width adequate to insonify the area of interest during


Equipment performance and testing:

At what intervals are performance checks performed?

Does the applied gain comply with relevant standard?

Have any sources of false indications been identified?

Are there any distinctive features of back wall traces?

Accuracy - precision
- resolution: lateral uncertainty in flaw position
scanning errors
velocity and timing issues

The following items should be considered
Equipment Performance Checks:
At what intervals are performance checks performed?

What is the transducer(s) configuration and number of elements?

What are the limits for the number of defective elements? How are
defective elements monitored?
What beam angles are generated?
Technique issues

Is there a technique sheet for each combination of thickness, diameter

of material to be examined?
Does the technique sheet include (as relevant)
Probe placement and movement
Size of sectorial scans (start & stop angles, start & end paths)
Focal distance
Aperture start & size
Index offset of each scan
Number of scans required
Sufficient coverage of area to be tested (eg, weld, HAZ)

Assessor Date

NDT Specialist UT Assessor Worksheet (AW 10)/Issue 1/April 2009 Page 5 of 5

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