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What genre of music video is the text?

Indie Pop

What subject matter and basic themes is the text concerned with?


How typical of the genre is this text in terms of content?

What expectations do you have about texts in this genre?

I expect texts in this genre to be lively, performance based, bold, eye

catching, focused on star image and use fast editing to keep with the beat
of the tracks.
Have you found any generic labels for this particular text?

Illustration (some shots like when the lead singer walks across the stage
on the line lets run not walk)
Which conventions of the genre do you recognise in the text?

Bright lights, performance, lip-sync, close ups of the lead singer, star
Find 3 examples of this text using the conventions of its genre:

0:06 bright lights

1:16- Close up of lead singer.
2:10- performance

Find 2 examples where it challenges the conventions of its genre:

The video is performance based and looks as though it is a gig. However,

it is a gig rehearsal and there are no clips of an audience that the reader
would expect to see as the majority of indie performance videos use
audience shots.
Find 3 examples of familiar motifs or images used:

The shots switch between other band members but focuses on the female
lead when she sings. 0:25
The shots, again, switch until the male vocalist joins in. 0:28
Any drum solos in the song are focused on the drummer. 1:01

What relationship to reality does the text lay claim to (verisimilitude)?

The performance by the band is natural and the video has been produced
in a naturalistic form. Everything seems realistic; especially the idea that
the band are rehearsing.
What purposes does the genre serve (entertainment/information/self

The purpose of the video is to entertain. The indie pop genre is based on
entertainment as well as expressing their individual selves.
What predictions about events did your generic identification of the
text lead to (and to what extent did these prove accurate)?

Mode of Address:
What sort of audience was your text aimed at (and how typical was this
of the genre)?

The audience our text was aimed at was indie scenesters (from UK
Tribes) and this is typical of the genre because these kinds of teenagers
and young adults listen to indie music; including the sub categories like
Indie Pop.
How does the text address your audience?

The text addresses the audience by showing them something they would
enjoy and relate to. The gig environment would be relatable for this type
of audience as many indie scenesters attend gigs regularly. The lead
singer addresses the audience by making eye contact with the camera at
0:52 and 1:15.
What sort of person does it assume they are?

It suggests the audience members are people who enjoy music and a
broad variety of indie type music. They like to go out and first-hand
experience it at gigs and enjoy it with other people in the same
environment. It suggests they are energetic and laid back which is what
our band reflect.
What relevance does the text actually have for you?

The text is relevant because it shares the conventions within the indie
genre to make it work and become successful.
What knowledge does it take for granted?

Are there any noticeable shifts in the texts mode of address (and if so,
what do they involve)?

Sometimes the lead vocalist looks into the camera (suggesting they are
filming a video) and sometimes the band look out and take no notice of
the camera (as though they are in a performance and unaware of the
What responses does the text seem to expect from your audience?
We expect responses to be positive and that the audience were
emotionally lifted when watching it. We wanted them to experience the
fun the band were having, but through the screen.
What is the preferred, oppositional and negotiated reading of your

The preferred reading would be it is a gig environment. However, we

decided to show the negotiated reading that it was a rehearsal as we
never used shots of an audience like our target audience would expect to

Relationship to other texts:

What intertextual references are there in the text you have created
(and to what other texts)?


Generically, which other texts does the text you created resemble most

Foals My Number- influences lighting, editing, shots.

Catfish and The Bottlemens Twice- shots.

What key features are shared by these texts?

Shots, editing, lighting, camera angles.

What major differences do you notice between them?

Costume, performance style, setting, instruments.

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