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2016-2017 Mid-Year Resident Survey Comments

What was positive about the coaching support you received from your Clinical Coach?

-My coach is always so approachable and works to collaborate with me to come up with innovative solutions. She is
coming from a large pool of experience and she uses that experience to help me to avoid easy mistakes and walks
me through how to learn from the mistakes I do make. I am so pleased with my coach and everything she has done
for me; I can't thank her enough!!!
-Specific to my requests, builds upon my requests with her prior knowledge, willingness to meet in person, her ability
to know ahead of my needs at the time and prepare for the upcoming tasks before I have made a complete
understanding of situations
-My coach was always there when I needed her. She didn't judge and offered my amazing advice that I will use
throughout my career.
-I really like having someone I can go to and talk freely about any issues/concerns I may have.
-I've been given time to talk through my ideas and find the answers I need on my own, with prompting as necessary
from my coach. She has been there when I need emotional and instructional support.
-My coach has been phenomenal in supporting me! She continuously gives feedback and tips on how I can improve
my teaching instruction and behavior management in my classroom. She has provided me resources for students in
need of enrichment activities and she has provided resources for students in need of re teaching. She has taught me
useful tasks like how to use my classroom phone to filling out child intervention forms. She taught me how to organize
student data and how to document that data on excel. She has prepared me for parent teacher conferences, IEP
meetings, and child study meetings. She writes me positive notes and leaves them on my desk when she visits my
classroom. She continuously does research for future lessons I will teach. She has covered my room for trainings I
have had and she covered my classroom when I was not feeling well and had to stay home. I would not be the
teacher I am today without Marie's guidance. There isn't enough words to express how grateful I am to have her as
my GIP coach, she helps me grow as a teacher and as a person. I am extremely thankful to be a part of the GIP
program and have been loving the experience
-My coach was very flexible and respondent to my needs. She was incredibly easy to talk to and easy going. She
was professional, flexible, friendly, and understanding. She was also a great listener.
-My coach was very flexible and respondent to my needs. She was incredibly easy to talk to and easy going. She
was professional, flexible, friendly, and understanding. She was also a great listener.
-I always feel that I can be honest with Rhonda when I am confused or have a question that I would normally feel
embarrassed to ask. I also feel that Rhonda has given me many resources that I would not have thought of without
her. She has helped me feel confident in my teaching skills and because of that, I have had more confidence in
-She is always there when you need her and gets back to you right away.
-She is great about giving specific feedback such as suggestions that I can use in my room that will make my lessons
more engaging.
-Rhonda is kind and supportive
-Encouraging me to come up with a variety of activities that are meeting my students needs. Planning with me to
ensure that I am understanding some of the concepts and agendas of the project
-Her co-planning for my curriculum has been a huge help. Also, her guidance of how to get materials has been great.
-Sarah has always been more than willing to come into the classroom and do whatever she can to help. She has
been very supportive through tough situations. Overall, it has just been great to have that emotional and academic
support while trying to figure out all the different aspects of teaching and being a first year teacher.
-Sarah comes with lots of great ideas on making things easier and solutions to the obstacles I face.

What could be done differently to improve the coaching process?

-Nothing at this point. I feel the balance we have struck has been extremely effective.
-Increasing the amount of time dedicated to onsite visits, having multiple weekly one on one visits
-I really enjoyed observing my coach teach. I could use more modeling because it was incredibly insightful.
-I am grateful for my coaches support.
-I feel the coaching process has been successful for me so far this year and I can't think of any specific changes I
would make currently.
-I wouldn't change a thing.
-Perhaps some more co-taught lessons.
-I can't think of anything that could be done differently.
-I honestly do not feel like I could be helped differently. I love that Rhonda gives me space to be independent but
she is always there for me when I need it.
-If the coaches had more time to spend in our classrooms they could give us more on the spot feedback and
suggestions to better our teaching.
-It would be great if coaches would be more forthcoming in all they have to offer. We were told at the beginning all
2016-2017 Mid-Year Resident Survey Comments

of the different ways in which a coach can help us, but I think we forget all of it once we get into the school year. It
would be nice if they would take the lead and suggest co-teaching/co-planning/ covering classes so we can observe
other classrooms because as a busy resident we may forget that we have these opportunities.
-Possible having other coaches take a look at our SOMIE's and give feedback.
-I wish I had more emotional support. I don't click as well with my coach on an emotional level.
-I would like to co-teaching happen more in the classroom. This would help so I could have the opportunity to step
back, observe, and spend more time with students I have not had as much time to work with in small groups or
-I think it works well as it is.

What do you feel are the greatest strengths of the GIP program?

-The resources and experience that you gain during your time as a GIP resident prepare you for the rest of your
teaching career. It is challenging, but the challenge helps you grow and discover who you really are as a teacher.
-Knowing I have someone with a high quality of educational knowledge that is dedicated to me succeeding. Having
someone that is creating as many new opportunities to challenge and allow me to reflect as possible on a continual
basis with feedback.
-The amount of support the GIP program gives is incredible. I often have other new teachers wish they had as much
support as my cohorts and I.
-The instructional coach support
-Support from coaches; feedback on lessons and other assignments; time with other GIP candidates (time with our
grade level and intermixed).
-The clinical coach, the seminars, and being able to be coached throughout your first year of teaching.
-Where to begin! There are SO many! The support of your coach. The support of your quad. The support of your grad
cohort. Guidance with everything along the way!!!!!! Knowing your not alone. The encouragement. The seminars on
things like Parent Teacher Conferences, NWEA Testing, Stations, etc., Guidance as needed. The weekly meetings
with coaches. Knowing you have safe people to ask questions.
-The greatest strength of the GIP program is having that mentor support. I used my coach so much this year, I do not
know how I could have gotten through without her.
-I feel that the staff is a huge reason for the success of GIP. The knowledge that comes from our coaches, Wendy,
and Colleen is incredible. Without this program I would feel so lost walking into my first year of teaching. I couldn't
imagine not having all of the resources that we do.
-The ability to learn hands-on and gaining experiences to become a solid educator.
-The seminars have been very helpful. Especially conferences, and small group reading. I love getting feedback on
my somies, good and bad. Rhonda is very good about making that a balance and not making anyone feel badly
about work that we do.
-The program exposes us to many different aspects of a well-balanced classroom
- The support that the residents have during the program. The amount of feedback that we receive from a variety of
people. Getting residents ready for all of the challenges that are coming and preparing us for the year in the order
that items come up.
-If ever you are stuck, you can ask anyone on staff for help. The situation could be big or small.
-By far the support is the greatest strength. There is always someone there willing to help you navigate your first year
of teaching. Whether that be planning or emotional support. Another strength is the quality of the seminars. They are
relevant to what we need in the classroom. Because we are GIP we get a lot more resources and ideas to take back
to our classroom than other first year teachers. Our coaches are then always willing to help us implement those new
-Additional support that is not shared among an entire school, preparation for upcoming processes (guided
reading/math, conferences, etc.), go between/advocate in difficult circumstances

What suggestions do you have for continued improvement of the GIP program?

-Keep doing what you're doing. We appreciate it!

-Increase the timing of the seminars or do a bit less during them, I feel they are rushed lessons that have awesome
ideas that need greater discussion and reflection.
-I think I would appreciate more time to discuss my experiences and learn from the experiences with others in the
same way.
-When applicants apply, let them know exactly how much work it will be and that you will have classes twice a week
during the second semester.
-Know the make-up of the grade levels where GIP are placed.
2016-2017 Mid-Year Resident Survey Comments

-Perhaps being in a quad with your grade level groups? Or close to your grade at least? Maybe create extra time to
create station activities or activities for small group instruction?
-The SOMIEs aren't helpful. I never refer to them. Placing residents at schools where they can work with their grade
level teams on the same curriculum. Trying to place residents in the same grades so they can collaborate with other
residents with the same curriculum.
-My suggestion would be to watch where residents are placed in STEM schools because it can be hard to plan and
collaborate with team members when they have parts of a different curriculum to follow.
-At the beginning of the year, I think it would be beneficial to create emergency sub plans, checklists, etc. that
would come in handy later.
-Something with the SOMIE's. They are not realistic to teaching and feel that at times could be a waste of time.
-I wish you still did a seminar or class on Microsoft excel. Someone who did GIP years ago said it used to be a
requirement and she still uses those skills to this day to track various data.
-Don't push the residence too hard. Sometimes they need to hear that is is okay to slow down and get your love of
teaching back. If you push too hard, you end up feeling like you are doing a bad job and that can be degrading.
-Continue being open and sensitive to the needs of the residents and making adjustments to the assignments and
work - it has been SO helpful and much appreciated

What continued support from WSU would be of value to you?

-Keep doing what you're doing. We appreciate it!

-Follow-ups on employment, licensing, professional progress, future employment support
-Having a point of contact/support would be beneficial after I've completed the program.
-Help applying for a full time position.
-Contact availability to ask questions even when I am done with the GIP program. Information about supports outside
of WSU, for continuing education or other aspects of teaching.
-I feel greatly supported! :)
-Observing more lessons from other teachers in the building would be incredibly helpful. I would love seeing how
other teachers teach and run their classrooms.
-It would be nice to be able to have a sub for a day so that I could go observe other classrooms. I do not know if that
is an opportunity I have towards to end of the year but I feel as though that would be beneficial.
-After this program, I would love to keep in contact with Rhonda, Wendy, Colleen, and the other coaches as
colleagues that I could turn to just as I would a coworker in the building.
-I like that Wendy and Colleen both make it out to the classrooms and provide feedback for us. The more people that
come into my room the better teacher I will become, so continued observations would be of value.
-The university/program should work to have the stipend increased
-Loved that we have been given planning days in my building. That takes to load off outside of school
-Being able to access some of the resources even after we complete the GIP program.
-Access to STEM Village.

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