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Student Opinions WINTER 2016 11

Comprehensive Sex Education: a Heated Debate hand- be riddled with cruel jokes, insensitiv-
KATHRYN SILBERSTEIN i n - ity, and a lack of genuine understanding.
SENIOR EDITOR hand Im not asking for a bin of condoms
With Virtues Class in Lower with in the Student Life Office that students can
School, and Life Skills in Middle and High s e x take from at their leisure, or for excessively
School, the students at Saint Andrews edu- graphic videos included in the Life Skills
are educated on health and well-being cation curriculum. Im asking that the school rec-
throughout their school careers. Saint that ognize that sex and sexuality are pertinent
Andrews markets itself as dedicated to issues in nearly all of its students lives.
nurturing each student in mind, body, and Right now, the Florida State
spirit. However, in the area of body, Laws on Sex Education are antiquated at
the school might be missing the mark by best; they mandate that all public schools
a few body parts by omitting comprehen- promote abstinence from sexual activ-
sive Sex Education from the curriculum. ity outside of marriage as the expected
Sexual Education has been a standard for all school-age students while
nationwide, heated debate for decades. teaching the benefits of monogamous
In fact, according to IssueLab: a service heterosexual marriage. This year, legisla-
of Foundation Center, Since the early tion calling for more comprehensive sex
1980s, Congress has devoted significant education in public schools failed to pass.
resources to abstinence-only program- However, according to the Sexu-
ming. While abstinence-plus program- ality Information and Education Council of
ming promotes the benefits of abstinence As a young person trying to should be happening. When we dont talk the United States, the Episcopal Church is
while teaching contraceptive and dis- navigate sensitive, precarious issues in about sex in the classroom, we elimi- among the religious denominations that sup-
ease-preventing methods, abstinence- my own life, I would rather be educat- nate the chance to have any genuine ports comprehensive sexuality education.
only curricula teach total abstinence as ed according to the latter option: meth- discussion about what sexuality really The Episcopal Churchs 1988
the only option for unmarried people. ods that have been proven effective by means, what the different sexualities General Convention emphasized strong
A 2007 federally funded evalu- peer-reviewed research and literature. are, and why none of them are incorrect. support to responsible local public and
ation of Title V Abstinence-Only-Until- I want to be able to feel like my school If were not talking about sex private school programs of education in
Marriage programs, conducted by Math- is providing a space where my under- in the classroom, were not talking about human sexuality. Furthermore, in 2008,
ematica Policy Research Inc., found standing can stretch and augment itself. consent in the classroom. As the issues of the Episcopal Church, responding to the
no evidence that these programs in- By not talking about sex in date rape and sexual assault comes into the proposed REAL (Responsible Education
creased rates of sexual abstinence an educational way, the school implic- spotlight of pop culture more and more, About Life) Act, commented that sup-
the essential goal of these programs. itly tells students that we cant talk our school should be charged with educat- port for responsible sex education in our
On the other hand, according to about sex in an educational way, in- ing its students on what consent is, why schools is more important than ever.
the Sexuality Information and Education stead conveying to its student body that its important, and what actually differ- Saint Andrews, as a private,
Council of the United States, comprehen- sex is still a dirty word that shouldnt entiates consensual and unconsented sex. Episcopal institution, has the opportuni-
sive sexuality education is an effective be audibly uttered on school grounds. By not facilitating those impor- tyand maybe even the responsibilityto
strategy to help young people de- A conversation about sex, in or tant conversations in a safe classroom do what government-funded schools can-
lay their initiation of sexual inter outside the classroom, is going to be un environment, the school sets students not, to pioneer a progressive movement
course and can reduce the number of comfortable, but its also entirely necessary up to have them instead amongst their in our states educational system, and
sexual partners and in- in school. There are conversations that go friends, and for those conversations to be the beacon of forward-thinking and
crease contraceptive use. modern education that it promises to be.


We wont be able to teach math if [stu- who have very real fears, such as the depor-
dents] feel scared and if they feel like tation of their families or a loss of health
they are at risk, said a New York City care. However, I do find it wrong for teach-
private school administrator to PBS New- ers and professors to imply that there was
shour. After Donald Trump was named a right or wrong outcome for the election.
President-Elect, reports claimed that some The purpose of educational in-
teachers and professors decided to cancel, stitutions, private or public, is to pres-
postpone, or make optional their exams. ent facts and teach students to formu-
At Yale University, an econom- late well-constructed ideas of their own,
ics professor decided to make his or her not to push ones opinions onto stu-
exam optional after getting so many dents or imply ones opinions as fact.
heartfelt notes from students who are I have no doubt that these teach-
in shock over the election results. The ers and professors are doing what they
professor then notes that the ones I find think is right, and there is an argument for
most upsetting are those who fear, right- the unique situation of Donald Trumps
ly or wrongly, for their own families. lack of temperament and experience.
Students at Cornell Univer- However, I also fear that some educators
sity held a cry-in for those in fear after may have missed the opportunity to have
the election. Some classes at Iowa State meaningful conversations or debates in
University, Rochester University, and the classroom about the electoral col-
University of Connecticut simply can- lege, the peaceful transition of power,
celled classes the day after the election. or the general outcome of the election.
University of Michigan students participat- It would be a different story if
ed in a candlelight vigil in the schools library Clinton had won the election. Would stu-
where the universitys president addressed dents be exempt from exams if they feared
students saying, Ninety percent of you that their religiously affiliated school
rejected the kind of hate and the fractious- would be shut down for not complying
ness and the longing for some sort of ide- with gender and sexual identity directives?
alized version of a nonexistent yesterday. Now more than ever, we need edu-
I voted for Hillary Clinton, yet I cators to help mend the division in the coun-
am surprised by these particular educators try. My hope going forward is that teachers
who felt that Trumps election warranted look to see if their own opinions are twist-
such a reaction. I certainly take no issue with ing a knife in the wounds they hope to heal.
teachers who want to comfort their students

Editorial Policy: The opinions expressed in this issue of the Saint Andrews School Bagpiper reflect those of individual staff writers and in no way reflect the views of the fac-
ulty, advisor, administration, or the Saint Andrews community. The Bagpiper welcomes letters to the editor about any issues concerning Saint Andrews School and/or the school
community. Inclusion of letters depends on the content and relevance to the current issue. Letters must be signed and should be submitted to any of The Bagpipers staff members.

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