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Reviews FALL 2016 8


HANNA WOOLF At 10:30 the lights shut off, subtle
STAFF WRITER music started to play to hype up
I was about an hour Uber the crowd, and everyone started
car ride away from Boca Raton screaming and jumping around.
when my friends and I stepped As the taunting music
out of the car into the humid air of started to get louder, the entire
South Beach. With the sound of crowd had their phones out await-
bass bumping the floor under my ing the drop. Then BOOM, the
feet and my friends by my side, drop exceeded expectations and
I stepped into the Fillmore venue sent a chilling and satisfying rush
where Flume was about to per- throughout my body. From the
form. Flume, whose real name is VIP section, I could see Flume
Harley Edward Streten, most cer- smiling and bouncing to the beat.
tainly lived up to his expectations My favorite song from
as a music icon for all electronic his set was Smoke and Retribu-
dance music fans. tion, which is one of his more fa-
After getting our tick- mous songs. The neon light boxes
ets scanned, we walked through hanging over his DJ booth that
the doors into the venue where would change colors as the mu-
we were immediately faced with sic shifted fit perfectly with his
hundreds of excited fans shuffling music. A large screen behind the
around trying to find the nearest booth on the back wall displayed
entrance to the stage. I managed pictures pertaining to the theme
to sneak my way into the VIP sec- of Flumes latest album and for- was truly breathtaking. His music ing deeply in love but also being with the crowd still chanting, and
tion where I had a clear view of mer classics. With every is so unique and unlike any other blinded by the lust of other peo- Flume once again failed to disap-
the stage and where Flume would song, pictures that resembled EDM artists. ple. These songs resonated well point by playing two more songs
soon appear. his album covers and the lyrics He portrays a message with the crowd because, after his that kept the crowd moving and
All I could hear at this swiftly transitioned to captivate with each song, for example the last song of the set, the whole jumping. Flume had an unbeliev-
point was the loud conversations the crowds attention. song Never Be Like You fea- audience repeatedly screamed, able set, and delivered an unfor-
of the hundreds of fans patiently It was my first time see- turing Kai. The song resembles a One more song! gettable experience.
waiting for something to happen. ing Flume perform live, and it relationship and the feeling of be- A few minutes went by,

I Survived A Donald Trump Rallyand Liked It

STAFF WRITER would, we accepted. half chanted U S A for a good sial comments that make these people, I inched my way to the
Unlike the attendees of Fast-forward a couple forty-five minutes. events so infamous, but I could barrier that separated him and
senior Boris Cherneys bar mitz- days and I am now in the main Two hours later, the only focus on how much Trump the crowd. As my hand met
vah, I never met Donald Trump ballroom of the Hilton, only resembled the Annoy- his, I noticed the legendary tiny
in person until this summer. five rows away from the ing Orange. The only digits were nowhere to be seen.
Rather than celebrate a friends stage that Donald Trump person he should not Though pudgier and more orange
coming of age with Trump, I wit- would be speaking on. In be paying for his or her than most, Donald Trumps fin-
nessed him officially announce front of me is a podium services is the tanning gers are not short.
his running mate, Mike Pence, with Trumps campaign salon. Donald Trump raced
Governor of Indiana. logo, TRUMP PENCE Finally, the through the crowd with Ivanka
The perks of being 2016 plastered across the speeches were over and Trump trailing behind him She
Greek include being related to front. Behind me is a hoard the part of the event I made up for his haste by shaking
Trumps front man. George Gigi- of press from all different had awaited all morn- hands and sharing smiles with
cos is plans all of Trumps events news stations, liberal and ing for came: picture all. She even said, Put me on
and rallies. Without this position conservative. To my right time! For the next your story! which I did, mul-
on the campaign team, Trump is my father receiving text twenty-four hours, my tiple times.
would have few opportunities to messages from people all Snapchat story would Even though my experi-
express his controversial sound over the country that had consist of at least five ence with Donald Trump was no-
bites that we all know and love seen my family on TV. selfie-videos of me and where near the level of dining as
on a platform other than Twitter. The guests of this Donald Trump, one of party guests together, I enjoyed
My journey to this his- event included passionate which made Snapchats every minute of running around
toric event began after running capitalist fraternity brothers national campaign trail the ballroom like a crazy person,
into George at JFK airport just decked in Vineyard Vines story, an accomplish- recording every glimpse of the
days before the announcement. and extremely successful, ment I will forever ~future~ president I could get.
As any good cousin would, he extremely old businessmen. Half event started. Both Donald cherish in my heart. And I assume he did too since
invited me and my family to the of the room conversed through Trump and Mike Pence spoke for I eventually put my he gifted our school with a new
Hilton in Midtown where Trump silent handshakes and small talk about a half hour. I tried so hard phone down and turned my wall (or fence, rather) around the
would be announcing his run- about how millennials are ruin- to listen to their political points, focus to shaking Trumps hand. library in remembrance of our
ning mate. As any good cousins ing everything, while the other rallying cries, and controver- Pushing through at least twenty shared moment.


STAFF WRITER ing to the news correct predictions of ing one of the most popular
and, the forecast, Dark Sky weather apps available. The
Hurricane Matthew only cons of this app are that
showed this super provides every user
hitting on Thursday and Friday it does not provide users with
storm coming with exact location
pops up on the home screen of more than a seven day forecast,
straight for Boca predictions of the cor-
your phone and you know its unlike other apps that can give
Raton, that could rect weather forecast.
time to evacuate. Having the app up to two weeks of weather. The
result in destroyed Dark Sky
Dark Sky just saved you from an- other downfall of the app is that
homes and even never lets me go a
other day of school and possibly it only notifies people about their
some deaths, Dark day of school without
a flooded home. current location. Although users
Sky predicted it warning me about
Not only does the can go into the app and view
would move a little possible lightning
weather app Dark Sky save you the weather of other locations,
more east, putting alarms. For just $3.99,
from superstorms but it can give this small inconvenience can
people in the area this app notifies users
you minute-by-minute forecasts be troublesome at times, such
at much less of a 5 minutes before rain
for the hour. Using GPS to find as when you wanted to know if
risk, which later or snow falls and will
your exact location and provide Uncle Randy was okay in South
was proven to be also notify users 5
you with efficient and accurate Carolina during the Hurricane.
correct. minutes before rain or
forecast predictions, Dark Sky is Taking everything into
In South snow stops.
one of the top weather apps on consideration, I would rate this
Florida, where With a four
the market. app with a 4.5 out of 5. Dark Sky
weather can be er app around. As a previous star rating on the app
During Hurricane Mat- is a resource that all iPhone and
very unpredictable, I find Dark user of Weather Bug and other store and thousands of users
thew where the storm, accord- Android users should purchase.
Sky to be the most useful weath- weather apps, which provide in- daily, Dark Sky is easily becom-

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