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Winter 2016

Saint Andrews School Student Newspaper 3900 Jog Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33434
@sabagpiper Volume 54 Edition 2

For the first time in Saint Andrews
History, students have properly participated
in No Shave November, a growing move-
ment centered around raising awareness for
prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and gen-
eral mens health. To emulate the Movem-
ber Foundation, Saint Andrews is help-
ing to change the face of mens health.
According to the official No Shave
Organization website, No Shave Novem-
ber, also known as Movember, is a month-
long journey during which participants for-
go shaving and grooming in order to evoke
conversation and raise cancer awareness.
The rules, as laid out by the of-
ficial organization, are simple: put down
your razor for thirty days and donate your
monthly hair-maintenance expenses to the
cause. The Movember Foundation encour-
ages participation of any kind; groom-
ing and trimming are perfectly acceptable.
The added rule for Saint Andrews is
that students and teachers alike are required to
pay $20, where half of the money will go to can-
cer research, and the other half will help fund
our prom. This year, twenty-six members of the
Saint Andrews community participated, result-

CGO Restructures: Students Start Sooner

ing in $520 raised for prom and cancer research.
Saint Andrews has participated
college admissions process, you know Since weve restructured in No Shave in the past, but the commu-
DANIELA PEREZ the students better, Dr. Bouressa added. the CGO and now get to work with nity would always begin after Saint An-
SENIOR EDITOR Sophomores, however, will not start their sophomores and juniors and se- drews Day had passed. Participants would
college search and selection process as un- niors, we can develop meaningful then end the event in the middle of De-
With about 84% of the Class of derclassmen. [It will be] more academic relationships with students. Being cember, rather than the end of November.
2017 applying Early Decision and Early Ac- advising that will have the continuity of able to see someones progression Carson Fregosi pushed for No Shave
tion, the College Guidance Office decided moving into true college guidance in the throughout those 3 years is going to to start on the first day of November. I hope we
to restructure in order to help students bet- 11th-12th grade, Tammy Friedman, As- be the best part, Ms. Jacobs said. make a solid donation to cancer awareness orga-
ter compete in this ever-changing college sociate Director of College Guidance, said. After counseling students nizations and that people see others not shaving
landscape. Instead of students being given The new College Guidance of- at the New School in Houston and and realize, oh its No Shave November,[which]
officers in the middle of their junior year as fice still includes familiar faces such as Leysin American School in Switzer- raises awareness for cancer, Fregosi said.
is typical among independent schools, they Ms. Niemiec and Dr. Bouressa, but it also land, Ms. Hanowitz joins the Saint Senior and No Shave Partici-
will join the College Guidance Office (CGO) added Ms. Tammy Friedman, former grade Andrews College Guidance office. pant Glen Ged said, I think its impor-
programming in their sophomore year. chair, as well as two new faces: Ms. Cal- She urges students to visit and tant to do it the whole month so its an
With college admissions becom- lie Jacobs and Ms. Audrey Hanowitz. create relationships with their officer. actual event, and not a Saint Andrews regu-
ing more and more competitive and appli- Former grade chair Ms. Dont be afraid to come see your col- lated version of it. Were a part of something
cations being submitted earlier, Dr. Robert Friedman is excited about her lege counselor. We all have an open- thats bigger than just us. Its ubiquitous.
Bouressa, Director of the College Guidance new role in college admissions. door policy. We look forward to seeing Women are welcome to participate
Office, said it was a conscious decision. In many ways, its not different because you come in to ask questions. It helps as well by not shaving their legs or simply
What Ive seen is the [college] de- its a very holistic approach. [We are not us get to know you. Were all on the donating the money. Mr. Pozo, the Assistant
cision making keeps happening earlier and only] looking at a students academic prog- same side of the desk and we all want Dean of Students, is looking for more ways
earlier. When I first started in this field, [peo- ress, but how they are taking advantage the same thing, Ms. Hanowitz said. to allow women to participate in the future.
ple did] Early Decision and Early action, but of the community both here in school and Many upperclassmen believe Mr. Borthwick, whose father re-
it wasnt the number that it is now. Theres an outside of school, Ms. Friedman said. this change to structure is a positive cently died of cancer, is encouraged about
incentive for students to complete applica- Previously a college admissions one. Senior Sasha Homleid said, In the opportunity to create a dialogue with
tions for early deadlines, Dr. Bouressa said. counselor at the University of Chicago, Ms. a way, Im kind of jealous because if students. If we start talking about these is-
[This will provide] a chance to get to Jacobs feels getting sophomores integrated I had been part of [the CGO] earlier, sues [of mens health] that are often sensitive
know students earlier so that when youre earlier into the office is necessary in order to I feel like I would have been more for men to talk about, it can save your life.
talking about the real nuts and bolts of the create important connections with students. motivated to keep my grades up. Thats a big deal to me, Mr. Borthwick said.


What can Do they Is the Senior
ICare represent Internet Athletes
truly see? the teenage ruining who have
years? flirting? Signed

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