A Year of Transition: Creepy Clowns Pose Threat To P.B.C

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Features FALL 2016 2


First and foremost, Byer wants erything we do that relates to the safety the schools recent tumult occurred in the so its not the student bodys problem.
the entire community to understand that, of the institution and the people in it. Residential Life Program, Byer said that But, some students have concerns
as he explained, My primary concern While I think those situations created all changes that are reflected in safety as to how the schools recent tumult will im-
is the safety of the students. Were talk- a setback for this school, they will also standards and procedural standards in pact its future. Within the school nothing
ing about the physical safety, the moral make us stronger as long as we respond the Residential Life Program will trick- has changed, but it may hurt our chances of
safety, the academic safety, of students. positively and move forward, he said. le down to affect the day population. going to college because it gives the school
Thus, Byer explained that risk In an email to the community In large part, students do not a bad reputation, senior Jordan Peck said.
management will be a central focus for him on October 19, Dr. Byer explained that seem impacted by the scandal that sur- According to Dr. Byer, the stu-
in his role at the school this year. Thats a the school has hired Dr. Fred Alford, for- rounded the school or the changes dent body has, largely, been taking ev-
big deal to me, he stated. I dont think mer Dean of Students at Trinity College that have directly resulted. Instead, erything in stride. He said, I have
the school has paid as much attention to in Hartford, Connecticut, as Associate they are focused on living their lives. mixed impressions [of student reaction];
that, and [Im talking about] the assess- Headmaster for Safety and Risk Manage- Senior Mario Mercado said, We some people are very concerned and
ment of all kinds of risks, from transporta- ment. Dr. Alford will evaluate, assess, can either let it affect us and bring us down upset, but I think the majority of stu-
tion on busses to the immersion program. and act on all matters related to safety as a community or we can cope with it dents have gone along with their lives.
As the school moves forward, as part of his comprehensive review of and push forward. It doesnt need to affect Ultimately, despite the turmoil
Byer feels that the administration will need our schools policies and procedures. me personally. I can do well socially, aca- Saint Andrews has recently faced, this is
to reconsider every aspect of the schools Further, the school has also en- demically, athletically, and push forward. still Saint Andrews School. And, just as
policies and procedures in order to ensure gaged the services of Dr. David Hanson, a Additionally, senior and board- Saint Andrews has faced recent trials that
that the students safety in every regard. nationally-recognized expert in risk man- ing student Enrique Rodenas-Parra have caused the community to look in-
The incidents that occurred agement and student health and safety. stated, I think students dont really ward, it now has the opportunity to grow
will make us look very closely at ev- Even though the incidents that have caused take part [in what has happened.] The and flourish and better itself. As Dr. Byer
problems are with the administration, said, I havent lost faith in this school.

New Courses Promote 21st Century Skills

ALEXA ANDRIOFF incorporated in Honors Investment and gender and repre-
STAFF WRITER Entrepreneurship, a new course taught sentation in games
by Mr. Daly that teaches students about (in terms of plot
The process of getting new cours- personal finance. Students practice build- and mechanics).
es approved first begins with student inter- ing and managing a portfolio by invest- T h e
est and teachers who are willing to teach ing with a virtual platform and by man- height of Gamer-
the course. This year, some of these new aging a portfolio using real funds from gate hit just as Ms.
courses are Philosophy for Gamers, IB an account set-up by Saint Andrews. Wilkinson was
Global Politics SL, IB Economics SL, and After writing a business plan, teaching gender in
Honors Investments and Entrepreneurship. students participate in a competition IB Philosophy HL,
IB Economics is a course taught with students from other schools and so video games/
by Mr. Toth that emphasizes the economic present their business plan to business the Gamergate
theories of microeconomics, which deal leaders in the community in a Shark discussion became
with how economic variables affect indi- Tank format called Spark Tank. incorporated into
viduals, firms, and markets, and the eco- Senior Mathew Reyes, enrolled the lesson plan.
nomic theories of macroeconomics, which in the course, describes Honors Invest-
deal with how economic variables affect ments and Entrepreneurship as a great Senior James
countries, governments, and societies. class taught by Mr. Daly. We are able to Chanpalangsri, cepts by grounding them in real-world ex-
According to Mr. Toth, The goal learn more about stocks and trading, which a student in Philosophy for Gam- amples and case studies, Mr. Pozo said.
of adding this course was to offer more is beneficial since I want to go into the fi- ers, said he enjoys the course be- Senior Alyssa Daily, a student
course choices in the IB program, both nancial field, and the class offers important cause [he] likes playing games and [he] taking IB Global Politics, became in-
for Diploma and Certificate students. life skills I am going to need in the future. would love to explore more aspects trigued by the course and said, [since]
Students like senior Hannah Hagen, who is Life skills are also incorporated of gaming other than playing for fun. Im pretty sure about joining the military,
not in the full IB Diploma program, became in Philosophy for Gamers, a course that In IB Global Politics, a new I figured taking a class in international
intrigued by IB Economics after hearing allows students to engage in the study of course taught by Mr. Pozo, many aspects politics would be a good idea since I po-
about it from Mr. Toth last year in her eco- philosophy on a number of levels. Ap- of modern history are explored in depth. tentially want to go into national security.
nomics class. Hagen felt it was an impor- proaching philosophy via narrative struc- Students are given various sources to un- As Saint Andrews looks to the
tant class to take since she has an interest in ture, the games in question provide the derstand the world we live in today, and future, Dr. Laliberte, the JK-12 Dean of
the subject and wants to get extra practice starting point for students to explore a they view the world from multiple perspec- Studies said, We will continue to ex-
in writing and developing stronger essays. number of topics including: Formation of tives that complement political theories set plore different options that will expand
She describes the transition Identity, Reality, Good vs. Evil, Justice forth by intellectuals and philosophers. the array of classes that the IB program
from regular economics to IB as a step and Duty, Love, Freedom, and Gender. The course is broken down into is able to offer at Saint Andrews. Part of
up, since they use a lot of writing and Ms. Wilkinson, the teacher of the four mandatory units and each unit must be that is finding the right balance between
examples that connect to ideas that in- course, said that the idea for the course explored from the perspective of People, the range of courses to offer and then
volve international markets, Hagen said. started with the whole side of the Gamer- Power and Politics. The course helps stu- having a large enough body of students
Writing is also an important skill gate discussion that focused on aspects of dents to understand abstract political con- who are willing to take these courses.


Schools, saying, we will be at every The threatening post from Palm Beach County Schools have taken
school in Palm Beach County and we @_clownlivesmatter_ has since these threats seriously by raising their
Clowns have always struck fear will kill all the teachers and principles been deleted, but it exists in screen- security. The Palm Beach Sheriffs Of-
into the greater number of the population. first before we get to the childrens. shots lurking around the Internet. fice said that if anyone is found wear-
It, Twisty the Clown, the Joker and his ing a clown mask, he or she could pos-
femme fatale companion, Harley Quinn, sibly be arrested for disturbing the peace.
are all famous clown criminals recognized Regarding these creepy clown
across the world. It is not known where threats, Saint Andrews School sent an
exactly the most recent surges of giggly email to the community on October 4,
obsessions have come from, but one thing 2016 and said, As a safety precaution,
is for sure: Clowns are inciting fear and please note that our school will not be al-
wrecking havoc through Instagram ac- lowing any type of clown costumes during
counts and sightings in random areas in- upcoming Halloween activities on Oc-
cluding our county and around the world. tober 31. The email states that no direct
If one goes on Twitter and search- threats have been made against Saint An-
es clown, thousands of tweets and media drews School directly, but they are taking
attachments pop up showing clowns chas- safety precautions as the threats were made
ing cars, standing on the side of the road and against the schools of Palm Beach County.
luring young girls into the woods. The fear In response to the threats, se-
is not within the appearance of the clowns nior Zack Sadaka said, I dont believe
themselves, but what could be lying beneath they are legit and they [the clowns] are
the gaudy makeup that frightens to the core. someone who is trying to cancel school
An Instagram post from the for their friends. Yet Sadaka said he
account @_clownlivesmatter_ threat- does feel threatened when making night-
ened to attack Palm Beach County time errands or going out after dark.

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