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DR. ibrahim A .A
Health education is the process
by which individuals and group
of people learn to :


Restore health.

Education for health begins

with people as they are, with
whatever interests they may
have in improving their living
. Health is the translation of what is

known about health

. Is process by which individual s and

groups of people learning

to the conductivities in order to
promote , maintenance and
restoration the health. Its combination
the of learning opportunities and
teaching the activities and to
conductive health program.
. Is to motivate and help people to
adopt and maintainers health practices
and advocated environmental
changes as needs to facilitate their
. Health education is part of primary
health care that concerning with
promoting health behaviour
Health education or Health Promotion?

Health education is defined as:

Any combination of learning experiences designed to facilitate
voluntary adaptation of behavior conducive to health.
This definition imply:
- All possible channels of influence on health are appropriately combined and
designed to support adaptation of behavior.
- The word voluntary is significant for ethical reasons.
(Educators should not force people to do what they dont want to do )

i.e. All efforts should be done to help people make decisions and have their
own choices.

- The word designed refers to planned, integral, intended activities rather

than casual, incident, trivial experiences.
Health education or Health Promotion?

With rising criticism that traditional H.E. was too

narrow, focused on individuals lifestyle and could
become victim blaming, more work was done about
wider issues eg. social policy, environmental safety


Health Promotion:

Is any combination of educational, organizational, economic and

environmental support for behaviors and conditions of living
conducive to health .
Health Promotion is a widely used term to encompass various
activities eg. :
Behavior & lifestyle,
Preventive health services,
Health protection directed at environment,
Health related public policy,
Economic & regulatory measures.

(Health Education is the primary and dominant measure in Health

Promotion ).
1. To develop a sense of responsibility for health
conditions, as individuals, as members of families &
(Promotion ,prevention of disease & early diagnosis
and management ).

2. To promote and wisely use the available health


3. To be part of all education, and to continue

throughout whole span of life.
4 .to encourage the people to adopt
and sustain health promotion and life
style practices .

5. to promote the proper use of

health services in order to become
available to them .
6 . to interest , provide new
knowledge , improves skills and
changes altitude in making rational
decision in order to solve their own
7. to stimulate individual and
community self reliance and
participation to achieve health
development through individual and
community involvement
Role of the care providers


A } provide opportunities for people

to learning how identify and analyse

health and health related problems .

B } makes health and health related

information easily accessible to

C} indication to the people alternative

solution for solving the health and

health related problems

D} people must have access to

preventive health
. Approach to health
education are

1,.regulatory approach,
2 .service approach ,
3. health education approach.
4 .primary health care approach
Model of health education are
as fallows .
A} medical model
B} motivation model
C] social intervention
Process of health education:

Dissemination of scientific
(about how to promote and
maintain health),
leads to changes in KAP
related to such changes.
Steps for adopting new ideas & practices :

AWARENESS (Know about new ideas)

INTEREST (Seeks more details )
(Advantages versus disadvant.+ testing usefulness )

TRIAL (Decision put into practice)

ADOPTION (person feels new idea is good

and adopts it)
Health habits

Safety rules
Basic (K) of disease & preventive

Proper use of health services

Sex education
Special education for groups( fd
handlers, occupations, mothers, school
health etc. )
Principles of healthy life style e.g.
sleep, exercise
.human biology is under stand health
demand and human biology

Hygiene is either personal and

environmental which from

A . Domestic animal s
Family health is the first defence

Disease prevention and controlling

Mental health

prevention of accidents.

Use of health services

Principles of health education:
Proceeding from the known to the
Reinforcement through repetition
Good human relations
People, facts and media:

knowledgeable, attractive , acceptable .

Principles of health education:
Learning by doing:
If I hear, I forget
If I see, I remember
If I do, I know.

i.e. awakening the desire to know and learn:
- Primary motives, e.g. inborn desires , hunger, sex.
- Secondary motives,
i.e. desires created by incentives such as praise, love, recognition,
Principles of health education;

. credibility it is a degree to which the

message the to be communicated the


Interest its a psychological principle

that people are un like listening

Principles of health education;

Participation is the key of word in

health education

Motivation in every person there is

fundamental desire to learning about

health education .
Principles of health education;
. Re- infor cement few people can
learning all that is new in a single
period time, so that repetition is

. learning by doing

. known to un known
Principles of health education;
. Good human relationship to each

. Feed back is one of the key concept

of the system approach

. Leaders is important
Communication in health education:

Education is primarily a matter of communication, the

components of which are:
- Individual - Conform with - Educator
- Media - Group objectives.
- 2 way - Public - understandable - needs+ interest
of audience
- 1 way - Public - Acceptable - ? Content of
1 . Audiovisual aids includes

A . auditory eg radio , recorder

,microphones, amplifiers and ear

phones .
B . visual is divided in to 1 not

required projectors

2 required projectors
C . Combinations for eg TV ,
2.THE METHODS in physical

condition community .

Indivuals for eg person to

persons , home visit and personal

letters etc
Groups for eg lectures ,

demonstration and discussion ,

mass approach for eg TV ,

RADIO , news paper and internet

Evaluation of health education programs:

There should be continuous


Evaluation should not be

left to the end but should
be done from time to time
for purpose of making
modifications to achieve
better results.
Describe problem Describe program State goals Determine needed

Modify program Establish basis for

proof of effectiveness

Analyze &compare Organize data Develop& test Determine data

results base instruments collecting method

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