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Patron Faction Take-Over

(Refugium Evaluation) (Start of Faction Take-Overs)

Option 1: Discard 3 slave cards, as Option 1: Take over all factions where House Brutii
per Refugium rules, to become a pa- no other players placed followers on the
tron. You must pay denarii equal to the follower spaces.
cards values. - or -
or Option 2: Try to take over all factions
Option 2: Discard as many pairs of where only one player placed a follower
slave cards as you wish to receive the on a follower space. In this case, you act
benefits for doing so. You pay nothing. as if you placed followers on the second
follower spaces (see base game rules).

Eternal Favor Of The Gods Slave Cards

(Pantheon Evaluation) (Immediately)
You can only play this card if another Immediately claim all face-up slave
player intends to sacrifice at the Pan- cards on the board. For each slave card
theon. You may not look at the card on claimed, replace it with 2 cards from
the Pantheon card field ahead of time. your hand. You may not claim any slave
Claim an eternal favour of the gods tile, cards that other players have already
provided that you sacrifice an appropri- claimed by placing followers.
ate card.

Favour Of The Imperator Cards

(Basilica Evaluation) (Forum Romanum, Curia, Catacombs
Claim the Favor of the Emperor tile,
provided that you can fulfill the require- Option 1: Receive, free of charge, all cards
ments. You may not claim a different tile from the Forum Romanum and Curia that
if another player has already claimed were not claimed by other players.
the face-up tile this round. or
Option 2: Receive, free of charge, all
cards that other players discarded at the
Curia as well as all cards from the Cata- Gladiators
combs that no other player chose to buy. Denarii from the Catacombs
Buy A Legion Mass Murder 1 Card + Assassin
(Immediately) (Immediately)
Immediately buy a legion, paying the Option 1: Remove the highest-value
cost to the stock. The cost is equal to the card from each faction card set consist- Legates
sum of card values of the current Leg- ing of more than 2 cards. Scroll
ate set. or
or 1 Card + Buy a Legion
Option 2: Remove all cards from one
faction card set except for the 2 lowest-
value cards. Praetorians
1 Legion
Laurel Wreaths Veto
(Field of Mars Evaluation) (Immediately)
Discard as many card pairs as the Field All other players must immediately take
of Mars has unoccupied follower spac- 1 follower from their stocks and place it Plebeians
es. Pairs must be made up of cards of on the coin bowl. They receive no den-
the same faction. For each discarded arii for this placement. The proconsul 1 Card + 2 Denarii
card pair, you receive one laurel. doesnt need to be placed. or
Tribune (With Scroll and Control of Patricians)

Denarii Official Proconsul
(Multiple Occasions) (Capitoleum Evaluation)
Latrine: Receive denarii equal to the Choose an official tile that no other play-
cards value if the Latrine is unoccupied. er chose this round, including one that a
If the Latrine is occupied and the occu- player owns from a previous round. Vestal Virgins
pying player chooses to buy the card, Temporary Favor of the Gods + 1 Laurel
receive the denarii from that player in-
stead. or
Coin Bowl: Receive 1 denarii from the Tribune (With Scroll and Control of Senators)
stock for each follower placed on the
coin bowl.
Chariot: Receive the denarii paid by the Senators
player who won the auction. You may Scroll
not take part in the auction. or
2 Cards

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