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Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, a

nd since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this
kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state t
hat is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into bein
g, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something
that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are
or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epistem
e] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art oper
ates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [t
echn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art t
hat is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, i
t follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Ev
ery art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an
art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of
being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessit
y that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural object
s (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the
variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a
reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this
kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the
same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with
bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to
bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it
is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [t
his is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have thei
r origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23
]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state,
and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of thi
s kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into be
ing, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somethin
g that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that a
re or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epist
eme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art op
erates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art
[techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned.
Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of a
n art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either o
f being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necess
ity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural obje
cts (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of th
e variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially
a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of th
is kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is th
e same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned wit
h bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how
to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For
it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned
[this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have th
eir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-
23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive stat
e, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of t
his kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive sta
te that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into
being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being someth
ing that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that
are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epi
steme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Ar
t operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an ar
t [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no a
rt that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an ar
t, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned.
Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of
an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either
of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of nece
ssity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural ob
jects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of
the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentiall
y a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of
this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is
the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned w
ith bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of ho
w to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being Fo
r it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerne
d [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have
their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a
1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive st
ate, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of
this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive s
tate that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something int
o being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being some
thing that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things th
at are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of e
pisteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves
) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an
art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no
art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an
art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasone
d. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice
of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eith
er of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of ne
cessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural
objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere o
f the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentia
lly a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state o
f this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art i
s the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned
with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of
how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not bein
g For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concer
ned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these hav
e their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 114
0a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive
state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state
of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive
state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something i
nto being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being so
mething that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things
that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of
episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselv
es) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is a
n art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is
no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringin
g something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring
into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not
with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is
the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origi
n in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since
building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and si
nce there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind
that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that i
s truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, an
d the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that
is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or c
ome to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] no
r with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates
in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn]
and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that i
s not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it fol
lows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every a
rt is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art i
s the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being
or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity tha
t art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (be
cause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the varia
ble . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reaso
ned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind
, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same
as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bring
ing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to brin
g into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is n
ot with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this i
s the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their ori
gin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Sinc
e building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and
since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kin
d that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that
is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being,
and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something tha
t is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or
come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme]
nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operate
s in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [tech
n] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that
is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it f
ollows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every
art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art
is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of bei
ng or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity t
hat art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (
because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the var
iable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a rea
soned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that is truly rea
soned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pract
ice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable
either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be o
f necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natu
ral objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphe
re of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is esse
ntially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a sta
te of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that a
rt is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is conce
rned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study
of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not
being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is co
ncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these
have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E.
1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned product
ive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no st
ate of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a produc
tive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somethi
ng into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into bein
g something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with thi
ngs that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domai
n of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in them
selves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building
is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there
is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is n
ot an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly r
easoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pra
ctice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capabl
e either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be
of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with na
tural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sp
here of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is es
sentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a s
tate of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that
art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is con
cerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the stu
dy of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of no
t being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is
concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because the
se have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.
E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned produ
ctive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no
state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a prod
uctive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somet
hing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into be
ing something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with t
hings that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the dom
ain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in th
emselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since buildin
g is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since the
re is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with b
ringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to
bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it
is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [th
is is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their
origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]
. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state,
and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this
kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into bei
ng, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something
that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that ar
e or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episte
me] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art ope
rates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [
techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. E
very art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an
art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of
being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessi
ty that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objec
ts (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the
variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a
reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of thi
s kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the
same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with
bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how t
o bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For i
t is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [
this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have the
ir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-2
3]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state
, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of th
is kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive stat
e that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into b
eing, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somethi
ng that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that
are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epis
teme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art o
perates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art
[techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no ar
t that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art
, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned.
Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of
an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either
of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of neces
sity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural obj
ects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of t
he variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially
a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that is tru
ly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the
practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is ca
pable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come t
o be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor wit
h natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in th
e sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and i
s essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not
a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows
that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is
concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the
study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or o
f not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art
is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because
these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable .
[N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned p
roductive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and
no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a
productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing s
omething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring int
o being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not wi
th things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the
domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin i
n themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since bui
lding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since
there is no art that is not a state of oncerned [this is the domain of episteme
] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art opera
tes in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [te
chn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art th
at is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it
follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Eve
ry art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an a
rt is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of b
eing or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity
that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects
(because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the v
ariable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a r
easoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this
kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the s
ame as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with b
ringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to
bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it
is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [th
is is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their
origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]
. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state,
and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this
kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into bei
ng, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something
that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that ar
e or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episte
me] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art ope
rates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [
techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. E
very art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an
art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of
being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessi
ty that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objec
ts (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the
variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a
reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that is truly
reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the p
ractice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capa
ble either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to
be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with
natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the
sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is
essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a
state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows th
at art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is c
oncerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the s
tudy of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of
not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art i
s concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because t
hese have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [
N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned pro
ductive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and n
o state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a pr
oductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing som
ething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into
being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with
things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the d
omain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in
themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since build
ing is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since t
here is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that
is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is tru
ly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the
practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is ca
pable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come t
o be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor wit
h natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in th
e sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and i
s essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not
a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows
that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is
concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the
study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or o
f not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art
is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because
these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable .
[N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned p
roductive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and
no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a
productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing s
omething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring int
o being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not wi
th things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the
domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin i
n themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since bui
lding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since
there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned wi
th bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how
to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For
it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned
[this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have t
heir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1
-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive sta
te, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of
this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive st
ate that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into
being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somet
hing that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things tha
t are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of ep
isteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) A
rt operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an a
rt [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no
art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an a
rt, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned
. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice o
f an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eithe
r of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of nec
essity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural o
bjects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of
the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essential
ly a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of
this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is
the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned
with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of h
ow to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being F
or it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concern
ed [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have
their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140
a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive s
tate, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state o
f this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive
state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something in
to being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being som
ething that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things t
hat are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of
episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselve
s) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an
art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is n
o art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an
art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reason
ed. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice
of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eit
her of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of n
ecessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural
objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere
of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essenti
ally a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that is
truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and
the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that i
s capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or co
me to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor
with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates i
n the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] a
nd is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is
not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it foll
ows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every ar
t is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is
the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being
or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that
art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (bec
ause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variab
le . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reason
ed productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind,
and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same a
s a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringi
ng something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring
into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is no
t with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is
the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their orig
in in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since
building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and s
ince there is no art that is not a state of oncerned [this is the domain of epis
teme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art o
perates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art
[techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no ar
t that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art
, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned.
Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of
an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either
of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of neces
sity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural obj
ects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of t
he variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially
a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of t
his kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is t
he same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned wi
th bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how
to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For
it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned
[this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have t
heir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1
-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive sta
te, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of
this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive st
ate that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into
being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somet
hing that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things tha
t are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of ep
isteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) A
rt operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an a
rt [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no
art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an a
rt, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned
. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice o
f an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eithe
r of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of nec
essity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural o
bjects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of
the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essential
ly a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that is t
ruly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and t
he practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is
capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come
to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor w
ith natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in
the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and
is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is n
ot a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follow
s that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art
is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is t
he study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or
of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that a
rt is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (becau
se these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable .
[N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned
productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, a
nd no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as
a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing
something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring i
nto being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not
with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is t
he domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin
in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since b
uilding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and sin
ce there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind t
hat is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is
truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and
the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that i
s capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or co
me to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor
with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates i
n the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] a
nd is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is
not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it foll
ows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every ar
t is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is
the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being
or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that
art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (bec
ause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variab
le . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reason
ed productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind,
and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same a
s a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringi
ng something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring
into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is no
t with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is
the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their orig
in in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since
building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and s
ince there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerne
d with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of
how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not bei
ng For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is conce
rned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these ha
ve their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 11
40a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive
state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state
of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productiv
e state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something
into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being s
omething that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things
that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain o
f episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themsel
ves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is
an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is
no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not
an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reas
oned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practi
ce of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable e
ither of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of
necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natur
al objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the spher
e of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essen
tially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a stat
e of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that ar
t is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concer
ned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study
of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not b
eing For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is con
cerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these
have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E.
1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned producti
ve state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no sta
te of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a product
ive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somethin
g into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being
something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with thin
gs that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain
of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in thems
elves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building i
s an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there
is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is no
t an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly re
asoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the prac
tice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable
either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be
of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with nat
ural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sph
ere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is ess
entially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state tha
t is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being,
and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something th
at is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are o
r come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme]
nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operat
es in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [tec
hn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art tha
t is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it
follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Ever
y art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an ar
t is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of be
ing or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity
that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects
(because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the va
riable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a re
asoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this k
ind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the sa
me as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with br
inging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to b
ring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it i
s not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [thi
s is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their
origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. S
ince building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, a
nd since there is no art that is not a state of oncerned [this is the domain of
episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselve
s) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an
art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is n
o art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an
art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reason
ed. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice
of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eit
her of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of n
ecessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural
objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere
of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essenti
ally a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state
of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art
is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerne
d with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of
how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not bei
ng For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is conce
rned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these ha
ve their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 11
40a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive
state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state
of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productiv
e state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something
into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being s
omething that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things
that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain o
f episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themsel
ves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is
an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is
no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not
an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reas
oned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practi
ce of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable e
ither of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of
necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natur
al objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the spher
e of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essen
tially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that
is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, a
nd the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that
is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or
come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] n
or with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates
in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn]
and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that
is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it fo
llows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every
art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art
is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of bein
g or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity th
at art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (b
ecause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the vari
able . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reas
oned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kin
d, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same
as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with brin
ging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bri
ng into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is
not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this
is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their or
igin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Sin
ce building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and
since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this ki
nd that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state tha
t is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being,
and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something th
at is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are o
r come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme]
nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operat
es in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [tec
hn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art tha
t is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it
follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Ever
y art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an ar
t is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of be
ing or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity
that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects
(because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the va
riable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a re
asoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this k
ind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the sa
me as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with br
inging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to b
ring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it i
s not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [thi
s is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their
origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. S
ince building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, a
nd since there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is conc
erned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the stud
y of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not
being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is c
oncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because thes
e have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E
. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned produc
tive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no s
tate of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a produ
ctive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing someth
ing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into bei
ng something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with th
ings that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the doma
in of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in the
mselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building
is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since ther
e is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is
not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly
reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pr
actice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capab
le either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to b
e of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with n
atural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the s
phere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is e
ssentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a
state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows tha
t art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is co
ncerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the st
udy of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of n
ot being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is
concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because th
ese have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N
.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned prod
uctive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no
state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a pro
ductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing some
thing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into b
eing something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with
things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the do
main of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in t
hemselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since buildi
ng is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since th
ere is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that i
s not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is trul
y reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the
practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is cap
able either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to
be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with
natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the
sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is
essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into be
ing, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somethin
g that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that a
re or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epist
eme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art op
erates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art
[techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned.
Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of a
n art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either o
f being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necess
ity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural obje
cts (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of th
e variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially
a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of th
is kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is th
e same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned wit
h bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how
to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For
it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned
[this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have th
eir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-
23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive stat
e, and since there is no art that is not a state of oncerned [this is the domain
of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in thems
elves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building i
s an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there
is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is no
t an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly re
asoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the prac
tice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable
either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be
of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with nat
ural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sph
ere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is ess
entially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a st
ate of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that
art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is conc
erned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the stud
y of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not
being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is c
oncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because thes
e have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E
. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned produc
tive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no s
tate of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a produ
ctive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing someth
ing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into bei
ng something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with th
ings that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the doma
in of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in the
mselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building
is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since ther
e is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is
not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly
reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pr
actice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capab
le either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to b
e of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with n
atural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the s
phere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is e
ssentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state t
hat is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into bein
g, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something
that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are
or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epistem
e] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art oper
ates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [t
echn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art t
hat is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, i
t follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Ev
ery art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an
art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of
being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessit
y that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural object
s (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the
variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a
reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this
kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the
same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with
bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to
bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it
is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [t
his is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have thei
r origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23
]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state,
and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of thi
s kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into be
ing, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somethin
g that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that a
re or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epist
eme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art op
erates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art
[techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned.
Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of a
n art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either o
f being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necess
ity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural obje
cts (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of th
e variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially
a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of th
is kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is th
e same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned wit
h bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how
to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For
it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned
[this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have th
eir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-
23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive stat
e, and since there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is
concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the
study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of
not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art
is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because
these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable .
[N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned pr
oductive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and
no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a p
roductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing so
mething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into
being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not wit
h things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the
domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in
themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since buil
ding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since
there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that
is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is tr
uly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and th
e practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is c
apable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come
to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor wi
th natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in t
he sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and
is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is no
t a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows
that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art i
s concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is th
e study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or
of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that ar
t is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (becaus
e these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable .
[N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned
productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, an
d no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a
productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing
something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring in
to being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not w
ith things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is th
e domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin
in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since bu
ilding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and sinc
e there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind th
at is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is
truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and
the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is
capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or com
e to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor
with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in
the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] an
d is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive s
tate that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something int
o being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being some
thing that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things th
at are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of e
pisteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves
) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an
art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no
art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an
art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasone
d. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice
of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eith
er of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of ne
cessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural
objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere o
f the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentia
lly a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state o
f this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art i
s the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned
with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of
how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not bein
g For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concer
ned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these hav
e their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 114
0a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive
state, and since there is no art that is not a state of oncerned [this is the do
main of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in t
hemselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since buildi
ng is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since th
ere is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that i
s not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is trul
y reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the
practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is cap
able either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to
be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with
natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the
sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is
essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not
a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows t
hat art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is
concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the
study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of
not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art
is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because
these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable .
[N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned pr
oductive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and
no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a p
roductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing so
mething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into
being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not wit
h things that are or come to be of necessity thaal objects (because these have t
heir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1
-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive sta
te, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of
this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive st
ate that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into
being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somet
hing that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things tha
t are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of ep
isteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) A
rt operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an a
rt [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no
art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an a
rt, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned
. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice o
f an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eithe
r of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of nec
essity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural o
bjects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of
the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essential
ly a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of
this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is
the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned
with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of h
ow to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being F
or it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concern
ed [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have
their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140
a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive s
tate, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state o
f this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive
state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something in
to being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being som
ething that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things t
hat are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of
episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselve
s) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an
art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is n
o aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing
something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring i
nto being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not
with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is t
he domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin
in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since b
uilding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and sin
ce there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind t
hat is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is
truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and
the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that i
s capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or co
me to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor
with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates i
n the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] a
nd is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is
not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it foll
ows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every ar
t is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is
the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being
or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that
art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (bec
ause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variab
le . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reason
ed productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind,
and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same a
s a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringi
ng something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring
into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is no
t with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is
the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their orig
in in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since
building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and s
ince there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind
that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that
is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, a
nd the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that
is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or
come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] n
or with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates
in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn]
and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that
is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it fo
llows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every
art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art
is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of bein
g or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity th
at art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (b
ecause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the vari
able . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reas
oned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that is truly reas
oned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practi
ce of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable e
ither of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of
necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natur
al objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the spher
e of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essen
tially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a stat
e of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that ar
t is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concer
ned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study
of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not b
eing For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is con
cerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these
have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E.
1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned producti
ve state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no sta
te of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a product
ive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somethin
g into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being
something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with thin
gs that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain
of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in thems
elves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building i
s an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there
is no art that is not a state of oncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor w
ith natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in
the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and
is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is n
ot a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follow
s that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art
is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is t
he study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or
of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that a
rt is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (becau
se these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable .
[N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned
productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, a
nd no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as
a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing
something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring i
nto being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not
with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is t
he domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin
in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since b
uilding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and sin
ce there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind t
hat is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is
truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and
the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that i
s capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or co
me to be of necessity thaal objects (because these have their origin in themselv
es) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is a
n art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is
no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not a
n art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reaso
ned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practic
e of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable ei
ther of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of
necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natura
l objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere
of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essent
ially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state
of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art
is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concern
ed with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study o
f how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not be
ing For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is conc
erned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these h
ave their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1
140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productiv
e state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no stat
e of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a producti
ve state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something
into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being
something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with thing
s that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain
of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themse
lves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is
an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there i
s no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not
an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly rea
soned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pract
ice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable
either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be o
f necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natu
ral objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphe
re of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is esse
ntially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that
is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being,
and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something tha
t is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or
come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme]
nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operate
s in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [tech
n] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that
is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it f
ollows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every
art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art
is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of bei
ng or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity t
hat art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (
because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the var
iable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a rea
soned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this ki
nd, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the sam
e as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bri
nging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to br
ing into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is
not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this
is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their o
rigin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Si
nce building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, an
d since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this k
ind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state th
at is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being
, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something t
hat is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are
or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme
] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art opera
tes in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [te
chn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art th
at is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it
follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Eve
ry art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an a
rt is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of b
eing or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity
that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects
(because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the v
ariable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a r
easoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this
kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the s
ame as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with b
ringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to
bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it
is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [th
is is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their
origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]
. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state,
and since there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is con
cerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the stu
dy of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of no
t being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is
concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because the
se have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.
E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned produ
ctive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no
state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a prod
uctive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somet
hing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into be
ing something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with t
hings that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the dom
ain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in th
emselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since buildin
g is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since the
re is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is
not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly
reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the p
ractice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capa
ble either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to
be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with
natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the
sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is
essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a
state of oncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (be
cause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the varia
ble . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reaso
ned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind
, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same
as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bring
ing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to brin
g into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is n
ot with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this i
s the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their ori
gin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Sinc
e building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and
since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kin
d that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that
is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being,
and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something tha
t is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or
come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme]
nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operate
s in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [tech
n] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that
is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it f
ollows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every
art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art
is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of bei
ng or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity t
haal objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sph
ere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is ess
entially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a st
ate of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that
art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is conc
erned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the stud
y of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not
being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is c
oncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because thes
e have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E
. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned produc
tive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no s
tate of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a produ
ctive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing someth
ing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into bei
ng something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with th
ings that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the doma
in of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in the
mselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building
is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since ther
e is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is
not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly
reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pr
actice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capab
le either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to b
e of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with n
atural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the s
phere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is e
ssentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a
state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows tha
t art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is co
ncerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the st
udy of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of n
ot being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is
concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because th
ese have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N
.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned prod
uctive state, and since there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Ev
ery art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an
art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of
being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessit
y that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural object
s (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the
variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a
reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this
kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the
same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with
bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to
bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it
is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [t
his is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have thei
r origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23
]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state,
and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of thi
s kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into be
ing, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somethin
g that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that a
re or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epist
eme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art op
erates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art
[techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned.
Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of a
n art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either o
f being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necess
ity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural obje
cts (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of th
e variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially
a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of th
is kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is th
e same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned wit
h bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how
to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For
it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned
[this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have th
eir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-
23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive stat
e, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of t
his kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive sta
te that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into
being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being someth
ing that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that
are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epi
steme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Ar
t operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an ar
t [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no a
roductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing so
mething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into
being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not wit
h things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the
domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in
themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since buil
ding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since
there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that
is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is tr
uly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and th
e practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is c
apable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come
to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor wi
th natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in t
he sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and
is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is no
t a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows
that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art i
s concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is th
e study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or
of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that ar
t is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (becaus
e these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable .
[N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned
productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of oncerned [thi
s is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their
origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. S
ince building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, a
nd since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this
kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state t
hat is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into bein
g, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something
that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are
or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epistem
e] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art oper
ates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [t
echn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art t
hat is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, i
t follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Ev
ery art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an
art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of
being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessit
y that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural object
s (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the
variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a
reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this
kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the
same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with
bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to
bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it
is not with things that are or come to be of necessity thaal objects (because t
hese have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [
N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned pro
ductive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and n
o state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a pr
oductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing som
ething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into
being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with
things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the d
omain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in
themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since build
ing is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since t
here is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that
is not an art, it follth natural objects (because these have their origin in the
mselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building
is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since ther
e is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is
not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly
reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pr
actice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capab
le either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to b
e of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with n
atural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the s
phere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is e
ssentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a
state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows tha
t art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is co
ncerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the st
udy of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of n
ot being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is
concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because th
ese have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N
.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned prod
uctive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no
state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a pro
ductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing some
thing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into b
eing something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with
things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the do
main of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in t
hemselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since buildi
ng is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since th
ere is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that i
s not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is trul
y reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the
practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is cap
able either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to
be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with
natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the
sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is
essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into be
ing, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somethin
g that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that a
re or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epist
eme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art op
erates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art
[techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned.
Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of a
n art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either o
f being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necess
ity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural obje
cts (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of th
e variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially
a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of th
is kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is th
e same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned wit
h bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how
to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For
it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned
[this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have th
eir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-
23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive stat
e, and since there is no art that is not a state of oncerned [this is the domain
of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in thems
elves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building i
s an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there
is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is no
t an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly re
asoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the prac
tice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable
either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be
of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with nat
ural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sph
ere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is ess
entially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a st
ate of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that
art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is conc
erned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the stud
y of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not
being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is c
oncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because thes
e have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E
. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned produc
tive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no s
tate of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a produ
ctive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing someth
ing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into bei
ng something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with th
ings that are or come to be of necessity thaal objects (because these have their
origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]
. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state,
and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this
kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into bei
ng, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something
that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that ar
e or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episte
me] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art ope
rates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [
techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follth natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operat
es in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [tec
hn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art tha
t is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it
follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Ever
y art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an ar
t is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of be
ing or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity
that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects
(because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the va
riable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a re
asoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this k
ind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the sa
me as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with br
inging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to b
ring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it i
s not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [thi
s is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their
origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. S
ince building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, a
nd since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this
kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state t
hat is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into bein
g, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something
that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are
or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epistem
e] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art oper
ates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [t
echn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art t
hat is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, i
t follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Ev
ery art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an
art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of
being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessit
y that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural object
s (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the
variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a
reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that is truly
reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pr
actice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capab
le either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to b
e of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with n
atural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the s
phere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is e
ssentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a
state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows tha
t art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is co
ncerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the st
udy of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of n
ot being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is
concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because t
hese have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [
N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned pro
ductive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and n
o state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a pr
oductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing som
ething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into
being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with
things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the d
omain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in
themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since build
ing is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since t
here is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that
is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is tru
ly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the
practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is ca
pable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come t
o be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor wit
h natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in th
e sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and i
s essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not
a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows
that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is
concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the
study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or o
f not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art
is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because
these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable .
[N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned p
roductive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and
no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a
productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing s
omething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring int
o being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not wi
th things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the
domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin i
n themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since bui
lding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since
there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned wi
th bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how
to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For
it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned
[this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have t
heir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1
-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive sta
te, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of
this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive st
ate that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into
being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somet
hing that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things tha
t are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of ep
isteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves
) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an
art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no
art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an
art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasone
d. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice
of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eith
er of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of ne
cessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural
objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere o
f the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentia
lly a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state o
f this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art i
s the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned
with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of
how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not bein
g For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concer
ned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these hav
e their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 114
0a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive
state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state
of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive
state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something i
nto being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being so
mething that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things
that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of
episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselv
es) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is a
n art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is
no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not a
n art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reaso
ned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practic
e of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable ei
ther of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of
necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natura
l objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere
of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essent
ially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that i
s truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, an
d the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that
is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or c
ome to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] no
r with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates
in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn]
and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that i
s not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it fol
lows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every a
rt is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art i
s the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being
or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity tha
t art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (b
ecause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the vari
able . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reas
oned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kin
d, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same
as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with brin
ging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bri
ng into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is
not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this
is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their or
igin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Sin
ce building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and
since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this ki
nd that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state tha
t is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being,
and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something th
at is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are o
r come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme]
nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operat
es in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [tec
hn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art tha
t is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it
follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Ever
y art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an ar
t is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of be
ing or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity
that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects
(because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the va
riable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a re
asoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this k
ind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the sa
me as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with br
inging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to b
ring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it i
s not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [thi
s is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their
origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. S
ince building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, a
nd since there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is conc
erned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the stud
y of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not
being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is c
oncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because thes
e have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E
. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned produc
tive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no s
tate of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a produ
ctive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing someth
ing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into bei
ng something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with th
ings that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the doma
in of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in the
mselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building
is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since ther
e is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is
not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly
reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pr
actice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capab
le either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to b
e of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with n
atural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the s
phere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is e
ssentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a
state of oncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (bec
ause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variab
le . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reason
ed productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind,
and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same a
s a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringi
ng something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring
into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is no
t with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is
the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their orig
in in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since
building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and s
ince there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind
that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that
is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, a
nd the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that
is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or
come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] n
or with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates
in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn]
and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that
is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it fo
llows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every
art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art
is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of bein
g or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity th
aal objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphe
re of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is esse
ntially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a sta
te of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that a
rt is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is conce
rned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study
of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not
being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is co
ncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these
have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E.
1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned product
ive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no st
ate of this kind that is not an art, it follth natural objects (because these ha
ve their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 11
40a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive
state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state
of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productiv
e state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something
into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being s
omething that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things
that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain o
f episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themsel
ves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is
an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is
no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not
an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reas
oned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practi
ce of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable e
ither of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of
necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natur
al objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the spher
e of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essen
tially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a stat
e of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that ar
t is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concer
ned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study
of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not b
eing For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is con
cerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these
have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E.
1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned producti
ve state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no sta
te of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a product
ive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somethin
g into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being
something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with thin
gs that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain
of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in thems
elves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building i
s an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there
is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with brin
ging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bri
ng into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is
not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this
is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their or
igin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Sin
ce building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and
since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this ki
nd that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state tha
t is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being,
and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something th
at is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are o
r come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme]
nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operat
es in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [tec
hn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art tha
t is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it
follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Ever
y art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an ar
t is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of be
ing or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity
that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects
(because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the va
riable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a re
asoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of oncern
ed [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have
their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140
a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive s
tate, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state o
f this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive
state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something in
to being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being som
ething that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things t
hat are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of
episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselve
s) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an
art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is n
o art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an
art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reason
ed. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice
of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eit
her of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of n
ecessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural
objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere
of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essenti
ally a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state
of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art
is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerne
d with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of
how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not bei
ng For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity thaal objects (be
cause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the varia
ble . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reaso
ned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind
, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same
as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bring
ing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to brin
g into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is n
ot with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this i
s the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their ori
gin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Sinc
e building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and
since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kin
d that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that
is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being,
and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something tha
t is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or
come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme]
nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operate
s in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [tech
n] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that
is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it f
ollows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every
art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art
is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of bei
ng or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity t
hat art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (
because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the var
iable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a rea
soned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this ki
nd, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the sam
e as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bri
nging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to br
ing into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is
not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this
is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their o
rigin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Si
nce building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, an
d since there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is conce
rned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study
of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not
being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is co
ncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these
have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E.
1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned product
ive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no st
ate of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a produc
tive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somethi
ng into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into bein
g something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with thi
ngs that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domai
n of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in them
selves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building
is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there
is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is n
ot an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly r
easoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pra
ctice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capabl
e either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be
of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with na
tural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sp
here of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is es
sentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a s
tate of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that
art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is con
cerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the stu
dy of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of no
t being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is
concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because the
se have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.
E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned produ
ctive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no
state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a prod
uctive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somet
hing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into be
ing something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with t
hings that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the dom
ain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in th
emselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since buildin
g is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since the
re is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is
not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly
reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the p
ractice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capa
ble either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to
be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with
natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the
sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is
essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into bei
ng, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something
that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that ar
e or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episte
me] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art ope
rates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [
techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. E
very art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an
art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of
being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessi
ty that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objec
ts (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the
variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a
reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of thi
s kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the
same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with
bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how t
o bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For i
t is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [
this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have the
ir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-2
3]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state
, and since there is no art that is not a state of oncerned [this is the domain
of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themse
lves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is
an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there i
s no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not
an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly rea
soned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pract
ice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable
either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be o
f necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natu
ral objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphe
re of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is esse
ntially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a sta
te of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that a
rt is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is conce
rned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study
of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not
being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is co
ncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these
have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E.
1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned product
ive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no st
ate of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a produc
tive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somethi
ng into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into bein
g something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with thi
ngs that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domai
n of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in them
selves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building
is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there
is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is n
ot an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly r
easoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pra
ctice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capabl
e either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be
of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with na
tural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sp
here of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is es
sentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state th
at is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being
, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something t
hat is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are
or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme
] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art opera
tes in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [te
chn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art th
at is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it
follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Eve
ry art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an a
rt is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of b
eing or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity
that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects
(because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the v
ariable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a r
easoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this
kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the s
ame as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with b
ringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to
bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it
is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [th
is is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their
origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]
. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state,
and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this
kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into bei
ng, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something
that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that ar
e or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episte
me] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art ope
rates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [
techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. E
very art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an
art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of
being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessi
ty that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objec
ts (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the
variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a
reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of thi
s kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the
same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with
bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how t
o bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For i
t is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [
this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have the
ir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-2
3]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state
, and since there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is c
oncerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the s
tudy of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of
not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art i
s concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because t
hese have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [
N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned pro
ductive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and n
o state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a pr
oductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing som
ething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into
being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with
things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the d
omain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in
themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since build
ing is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since t
here is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that
is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is tru
ly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the
practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is ca
pable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come t
o be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor wit
h natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in th
e sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and i
s essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not
a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows
that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is
concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the
study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or o
f not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art
is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because
these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable .
[N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned p
roductive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and
no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a
productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing s
omething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring int
o being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not wi
th things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the
domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin i
n themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since bui
lding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since
there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind tha
t is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is t
ruly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and t
he practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is
capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come
to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor w
ith natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in
the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and
is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive st
ate that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into
being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somet
hing that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things tha
t are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of ep
isteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) A
rt operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an a
rt [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no
art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an a
rt, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned
. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice o
f an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eithe
r of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of nec
essity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural o
bjects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of
the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essential
ly a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of
this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is
the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned
with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of h
ow to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being F
or it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concern
ed [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have
their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140
a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive s
tate, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state o
f this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive
state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something in
to being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being som
ething that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things t
hat are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of
episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselve
s) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an
art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is n
o art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an
art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reason
ed. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice
of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eit
her of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of n
ecessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural
objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere
of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essenti
ally a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state
of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art
is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerne
d with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of
how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not bei
ng For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is conce
rned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these ha
ve their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 11
40a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive
state, and since there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every ar
t is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is
the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being
or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that
art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (bec
ause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variab
le . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reason
ed productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind,
and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same a
s a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringi
ng something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring
into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is no
t with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is
the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their orig
in in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since
building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and s
ince there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind
that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that
is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, a
nd the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that
is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or
come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] n
or with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates
in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn]
and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that
is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it fo
llows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every
art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art
is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of bein
g or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity th
at art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (b
ecause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the vari
able . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reas
oned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kin
d, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same
as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with brin
ging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bri
ng into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is
not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this
is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their or
igin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Sin
ce building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and
since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this ki
nd that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state tha
t is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being,
and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something th
at is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are o
r come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme]
nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operat
es in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [tec
hn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroduct
ive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somethin
g into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being
something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with thin
gs that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain
of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in thems
elves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building i
s an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there
is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is no
t an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly re
asoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the prac
tice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable
either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be
of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with nat
ural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sph
ere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is ess
entially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a st
ate of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that
art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is conc
erned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the stud
y of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not
being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is c
oncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because thes
e have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E
. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned produc
tive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no s
tate of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a produ
ctive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing someth
ing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into bei
ng something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with th
ings that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the doma
in of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in the
mselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building
is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since ther
e is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is
not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly
reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pr
actice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capab
le either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to b
e of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with n
atural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the s
phere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is e
ssentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a
state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows tha
t art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is co
ncerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the st
udy of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of n
ot being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is
concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because th
ese have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N
.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned prod
uctive state, and since there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Ev
ery art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an
art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of
being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessit
y that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural object
s (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the
variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a
reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this
kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the
same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with
bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to
bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it
is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [t
his is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have thei
r origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23
]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state,
and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of thi
s kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into be
ing, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somethin
g that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that a
re or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epist
eme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art op
erates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art
[techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned.
Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of a
n art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either o
f being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necess
ity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural obje
cts (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of th
e variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially
a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of th
is kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is th
e same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned wit
h bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how
to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For
it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned
[this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have th
eir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-
23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive stat
e, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of t
his kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive sta
te that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into
being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being someth
ing that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that
are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epi
steme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Ar
t operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an ar
t [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no a
roductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing so
mething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into
being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not wit
h things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the
domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in
themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since buil
ding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since
there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that
is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is tr
uly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and th
e practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is c
apable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come
to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor wi
th natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in t
he sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and
is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is no
t a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows
that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art i
s concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is th
e study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or
of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that ar
t is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (becaus
e these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable .
[N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned
productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, an
d no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a
productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing
something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring in
to being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not w
ith things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is th
e domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin
in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since bu
ilding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and sinc
e there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind th
at is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is
truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and
the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is
capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or com
e to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor
with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in
the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] an
d is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is
not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follo
ws that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art
is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is
the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being o
r of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that
art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (beca
use these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variabl
e . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasone
d productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that is truly reasone
d. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice
of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eith
er of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of ne
cessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural
objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere o
f the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentia
lly a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state o
f this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art i
s the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned
with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of
how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not bein
g For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concer
ned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these hav
e their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 114
0a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive
state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state
of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive
state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something i
nto being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being so
mething that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things
that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of
episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselv
es) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is a
n art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is
no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not a
n art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reaso
ned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practic
e of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable ei
ther of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of
necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natura
l objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere
of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essent
ially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state
of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art
is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concern
ed with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study o
f how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not be
ing For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is conc
erned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these h
ave their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1
140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productiv
e state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no stat
e of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a producti
ve state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something
into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being
something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with thing
s that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain
of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themse
lves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is
an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there i
s no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bring
ing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to brin
g into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is n
ot with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this i
s the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their ori
gin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Sinc
e building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and
since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kin
d that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that
is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being,
and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something tha
t is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or
come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme]
nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operate
s in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [tech
n] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that
is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it f
ollows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every
art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art
is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of bei
ng or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity t
hat art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (
because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the var
iable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a rea
soned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this ki
nd, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the sam
e as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bri
nging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to br
ing into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is
not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this
is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their o
rigin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Si
nce building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, an
d since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this k
ind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state th
at is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being
, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something t
hat is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are
or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme
] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art opera
tes in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [te
chn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art th
at is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it
follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Eve
ry art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an a
rt is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of b
eing or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity
that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects
(because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the v
ariable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a r
easoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that is truly r
easoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pra
ctice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capabl
e either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be
of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with na
tural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sp
here of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is es
sentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a s
tate of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that
art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is con
cerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the stu
dy of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of no
t being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is
concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because the
se have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.
E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned produ
ctive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no
state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a prod
uctive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somet
hing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into be
ing something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with t
hings that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the dom
ain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in th
emselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since buildin
g is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since the
re is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is
not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly
reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the p
ractice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capa
ble either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to
be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with
natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the
sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is
essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a
state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows th
at art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is c
oncerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the s
tudy of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of
not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art i
s concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because t
hese have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [
N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned pro
ductive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and n
o state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a pr
oductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing som
ething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into
being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with
things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the d
omain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in
themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since build
ing is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since t
here is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with
bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how t
o bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For i
t is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [
this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have the
ir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-2
3]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state
, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of th
is kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive stat
e that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into b
eing, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somethi
ng that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that
are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epis
teme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art o
perates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art
[techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no ar
t that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art
, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned.
Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of
an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either
of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of neces
sity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural obj
ects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of t
he variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially
a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of t
his kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is t
he same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned wi
th bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how
to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For
it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned
[this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have t
heir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1
-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive sta
te, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of
this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive st
ate that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into
being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somet
hing that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things tha
t are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of ep
isteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) A
rt operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an a
rt [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no
art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an a
rt, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned
. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice o
f an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eithe
r of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of nec
essity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural o
bjects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of
the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essential
ly a reasoned productive state, and since there is no are that is truly reasoned
. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice o
f an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eithe
r of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of nec
essity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural o
bjects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of
the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essential
ly a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of
this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is
the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned
with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of h
ow to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being F
or it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concern
ed [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have
their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140
a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive s
tate, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state o
f this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive
state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something in
to being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being som
ething that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things t
hat are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of
episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselve
s) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an
art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is n
o aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing
something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring i
nto being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not
with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is t
he domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin
in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since b
uilding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and sin
ce there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind t
hat is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is
truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and
the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that i
s capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or co
me to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor
with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates i
n the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] a
nd is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is
not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it foll
ows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every ar
t is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is
the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being
or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that
art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (bec
ause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variab
le . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reason
ed productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind,
and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same a
s a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringi
ng something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring
into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is no
t with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is
the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their orig
in in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since
building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and s
ince there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind
that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that
is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, a
nd the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that
is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or
come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] n
or with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates
in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn]
and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that
is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it fo
llows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every
art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art
is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of bein
g or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity th
at art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (b
ecause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the vari
able . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reas
oned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that is truly reas
oned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practi
ce of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable e
ither of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of
necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natur
al objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the spher
e of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essen
tially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a stat
e of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that ar
t is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concer
ned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study
of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not b
eing For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is con
cerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these
have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E.
1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned producti
ve state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no sta
te of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a product
ive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somethin
g into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being
something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with thin
gs that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain
of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in thems
elves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building i
s an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there
is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is no
t an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly re
asoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the prac
tice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable
either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be
of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with nat
ural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sph
ere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is ess
entially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a st
ate of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that
art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is conc
erned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the stud
y of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not
being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is c
oncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because thes
e have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E
. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned produc
tive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no s
tate of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a produ
ctive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing someth
ing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into bei
ng something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with th
ings that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the doma
in of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in the
mselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building
is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since ther
e is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with br
inging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to b
ring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it i
s not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [thi
s is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their
origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. S
ince building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, a
nd since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this
kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state t
hat is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into bein
g, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something
that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are
or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epistem
e] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art oper
ates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [t
echn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art t
hat is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, i
t follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Ev
ery art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an
art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of
being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessit
y that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural object
s (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the
variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a
reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this
kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the
same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with
bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to
bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it
is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [t
his is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have thei
r origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23
]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state,
and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of thi
s kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into be
ing, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somethin
g that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that a
re or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epist
eme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art op
erates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art
[techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned.
Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of a
n art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either o
f being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necess
ity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural obje
cts (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of th
e variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially
a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that is trul
y reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the
practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is cap
able either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to
be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with
natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the
sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is
essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not
a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows t
hat art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is
concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the
study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of
not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art
is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because
these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable .
[N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned pr
oductive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and
no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a p
roductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing so
mething into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into
being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not wit
h things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the
domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in
themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since buil
ding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since
there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that
is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is tr
uly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and th
e practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is c
apable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come
to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor wi
th natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in t
he sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and
is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is no
t a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows
that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art i
s concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is th
e study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or
of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that ar
t is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (becaus
e these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable .
[N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned
productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, an
d no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a
productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing
something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring in
to being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not w
ith things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is th
e domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin
in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since bu
ilding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and sinc
e there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned w
ith bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of ho
w to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being Fo
r it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerne
d [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have
their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a
1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive st
ate, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of
this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive s
tate that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something int
o being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being some
thing that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things th
at are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of e
pisteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves
) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an
art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no
art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an
art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasone
d. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice
of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable eith
er of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of ne
cessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural
objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere o
f the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentia
lly a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state o
f this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art i
s the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned
with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of
how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not bein
g For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concer
ned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these hav
e their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 114
0a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive
state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state
of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive
state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something i
nto being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being so
mething that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things
that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of
episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselv
es) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is a
n art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is
no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not a
n art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reaso
ned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practic
e of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable ei
ther of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of
necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natura
l objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere
of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essent
ially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state that i
s truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, an
d the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that
is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or c
ome to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] no
r with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates
in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn]
and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that i
s not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it fol
lows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every a
rt is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art i
s the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being
or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity tha
t art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (be
cause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the varia
ble . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reaso
ned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind
, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same
as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bring
ing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to brin
g into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is n
ot with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this i
s the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their ori
gin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Sinc
e building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and
since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kin
d that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that
is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being,
and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something tha
t is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or
come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme]
nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operate
s in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [tech
n] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that
is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it f
ollows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every
art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art
is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of bei
ng or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity t
hat art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (
because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the var
iable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a rea
soned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this ki
nd, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the sam
e as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bri
nging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to br
ing into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is
not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this
is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their o
rigin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Si
nce building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, an
d since there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is conce
rned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study
of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not
being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is co
ncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these
have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E.
1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned product
ive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no st
ate of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a produc
tive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somethi
ng into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into bein
g something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with thi
ngs that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domai
n of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in them
selves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building
is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there
is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is n
ot an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly r
easoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pra
ctice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capabl
e either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be
of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with na
tural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sp
here of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is es
sentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a s
tate of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that
art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is con
cerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the stu
dy of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of no
t being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is
concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because the
se have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.
E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned produ
ctive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no
state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a prod
uctive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somet
hing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into be
ing something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with t
hings that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the dom
ain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in th
emselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since buildin
g is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since the
re is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is
not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly
reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the p
ractice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capa
ble either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to
be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with
natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the
sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is
essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into bei
ng, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something
that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that ar
e or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episte
me] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art ope
rates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [
techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. E
very art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an
art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of
being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessi
ty that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objec
ts (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the
variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a
reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of thi
s kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the
same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with
bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how t
o bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For i
t is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [
this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have the
ir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-2
3]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state
, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of th
is kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive stat
e that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into b
eing, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somethi
ng that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that
are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epis
teme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art o
perates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art
[techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no ar
t that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art
, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned.
Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of
an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either
of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of neces
sity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural obj
ects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of t
he variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially
a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of t
his kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is t
he same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned wi
th bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how
to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For
it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned
[this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have t
heir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1
-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive sta
te, and since there is no arhe domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (bec
ause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variab
le . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reason
ed productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind,
and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same a
s a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringi
ng something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring
into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is no
t with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is
the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their orig
in in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since
building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and s
ince there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind
that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that
is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, a
nd the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that
is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or
come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] n
or with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates
in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn]
and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that
is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it fo
llows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every
art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art
is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of bein
g or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity th
at art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (b
ecause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the vari
able . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reas
oned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kin
d, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same
as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with brin
ging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bri
ng into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is
not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this
is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their or
igin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Sin
ce building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and
since there is no aroductive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concer
ned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study
of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not b
eing For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is con
cerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these
have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E.
1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned producti
ve state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no sta
te of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a product
ive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing somethin
g into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being
something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with thin
gs that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain
of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in thems
elves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building i
s an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there
is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is no
t an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly re
asoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the prac
tice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable
either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be
of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with nat
ural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sph
ere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is ess
entially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a st
ate of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that
art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is conc
erned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the stud
y of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not
being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is c
oncerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because thes
e have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E
. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned produc
tive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no s
tate of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a produ
ctive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing someth
ing into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into bei
ng something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with th
ings that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the doma
in of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in the
mselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building
is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since ther
e is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is
not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly
reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the pr
actice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capab
le either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to b
e of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with n
atural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the s
phere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is e
ssentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no aroductive state t
hat is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into bein
g, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something
that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are
or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epistem
e] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art oper
ates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [t
echn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art t
hat is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, i
t follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Ev
ery art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an
art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of
being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessit
y that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural object
s (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the
variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a
reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this
kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the
same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with
bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to
bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it
is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [t
his is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have thei
r origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23
]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state,
and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of thi
s kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state
that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into be
ing, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being somethin
g that is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that a
re or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of epist
eme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art op
erates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art
[techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art
that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art,
it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned.
Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of a
n art is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either o
f being or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necess
ity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural obje
cts (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of th
e variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially
a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of th
is kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is th
e same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned wit
h bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how
to bring into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For
it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned
[this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have th
eir origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-
23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive stat
e, and since there is no ar capable either of being or of not being For it is not
with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is t
he domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their origin
in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since b
uilding is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and sin
ce there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind t
hat is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that is
truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, and
the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that i
s capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or co
me to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor
with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates i
n the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] a
nd is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that is
not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it foll
ows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every ar
t is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art is
the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of being
or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity that
art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (bec
ause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variab
le . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reason
ed productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kind,
and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same a
s a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringi
ng something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring
into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is no
t with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is
the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their orig
in in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since
building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and s
ince there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind
that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state that
is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being, a
nd the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something that
is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are or
come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] n
or with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates
in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn]
and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art that
is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it fo
llows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every
art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an art
is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of bein
g or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity th
at art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (b
ecause these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the vari
able . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reas
oned productive state, and since there is no art that is not a state of this kin
d, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it follows that art is the same
as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with brin
ging something into being, and the practice of an art is the study of how to bri
ng into being something that is capable either of being or of not being For it is
not with things that are or come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this
is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects (because these have their or
igin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Sin
ce building is an art [techn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and
since there is no art that is not a state of this kind, and no state of this ki
nd that is not an art, it follows that art is the same as a productive state tha
t is truly reasoned. Every art is concerned with bringing something into being,
and the practice of an art is the study of how to bring into being something th
at is capable either of being or of not being For it is not with things that are o
r come to be of necessity that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme]
nor with natural objects (because these have their origin in themselves) Art operat
es in the sphere of the variable . [N.E. 1140a1-23]. Since building is an art [tec
hn] and is essentially a reasoned productive state, and since there is no art tha
t is not a state of this kind, and no state of this kind that is not an art, it
follows that art is the same as a productive state that is truly reasoned. Ever
y art is concerned with bringing something into being, and the practice of an ar
t is the study of how to bring into being something that is capable either of be
ing or of not being For it is not with things that are or come to be of necessity
that art is concerned [this is the domain of episteme] nor with natural objects
(because these have their origin in themselves) Art operates in the sphere of the va
riable . [N.E. 1140a1-23].

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