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Digital Literacy

My Digital Footprint


A digital footprint is made up of everything you've liked, posted, made written,

commented, snapped, and said online. A person's digital footprint can help or hinder

them if they are applying for a job of for a university.

My Digital Footprint
Personally I think my digital footprint is small because I dont post a lot of stuff online like
most people my age do, i think if I was somehow able to apply for a job with all the right
qualifications I think that i'd be able to get the job.
1. If my digital footprint was large with inappropriate things it might prevent me
from getting a good job or from getting into a good school.

If my footprint was large but showed me doing philanthropic things like

volunteering for a charity or working with sick kids it might boost my chances of
getting that job or getting into that university

If someone was slandering me on my page it

might make me less trustworthy by other people i meet.

2. I could do these three things to keep my digital footprint safe

I could post things without my personal information
I could put my account on private
I could only accept requests from people i know
3. I learnt that people can learn a lot about you with just a few clicks and by
searching your name.

I would tell other people this information honestly without mincing my words but
without scaring them.

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