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‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS, 7 25 27 MULTIMETER ttn Soc Service Manual ‘Peper 5 Becsee Vania Sina sanck ee eee FLUKE. Figure 5-4, At Main PCB and AZ Dig PGB Scher (eon), ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS iva rogtredvaconak of Pipe Screw Cran “ahonis reps rare E. Oepat Cohen CO ‘Tesne Wis oo Pecans See ae ea oo SIGS i i a “ALL WIRE AOUND RESSTORS CODED “WW” once area 5 Eines 1 Res Me Be sme 5 em couagrey anes 7. AGES I AEWCE A Fe. Be. 6, LHF AESSTONS FRE Vow. 2 196 aa 2. SF ue cra ston PRAT tens Ske Lowes fe ge ee SER SSE fous * Suurmreamems eater te Leh ROTARY SMT Fea SECA Tepe 88 fa 1 2 now 52 3| us oe a pi feo 3 pal pes | ast 5 60 agony al e| oc cooumren ane aren “ERY mse : 2e| 6| as is ‘soiK &, | Fluke Corporation Fluke Europe B.V. PT 0. Box 9000 PO. Box 1188 Everett, WA 5602 8.. “201 98206-8000 Eindhoven eresat20 “The Netherlands Figure 61. At Maln PCB and A2 Digital PCB Schematc 53 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS ne Eanes) fo Bette 20, 2 fig lop 2 Table of Contents me INTRODUCTION I. INTRODUCTION 12, SPECIFICATIONS 2000002000. 1 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - ‘THEORY OF OPERATION .. 21, INTRODUCTION .. 221 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ---"” 23, BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION .. 24, Input Overload Protection : 3s. 26, Signal Conditioning Circuits 27. Cartom Analog ICU) = 28. Pesipheras to UI 25, Microcomputer Control «1 210 Display -- MAINTENANCE... INTRODUCTION. SERVICE INFORMATION (OPERATOR MAINTENANCE Battery Replaement Fuse Test, Disuasembly Reasembly Cleaning - : PERFORMANCE TEST | Display Test ov--ssesseesscccerecsessenes Voliage Functions Periormance Verification =. [AC and DC Current Performance Verification Obie Function Performance Verifeation Diode Test Performance Verfetion ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS, cominued SECTION me 348, CALIBRATION ADJUSTMENT «0.00000 319,“ Callration Preparation 320. DC Voliage Calibration si.i.iiliiiicecenes 321 AC Voltage Calibration INE 322. TROUBLESHOOTING : 323. PowerUp Sel Test w.csissssssesen 326 Owrall Sytem Check : 325, DC Volpe Signal Tracing v..s.ssssc0000 326 Fault Diagnosis Gude... 0sssssscccenesees 4 UST OF REPLACEABLE PARTS ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... 41. INTRODUCTION -.0-.ssssocsoonenns 42. HOW TO OBTAIN PARTS CIS 43, MANUAL STATUS INFORMATION 44, NEWER INSTRUMENTS 445° SERVICE CENTERS, 5 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS FIGURE a me [AL Main PCB and A2 Digital PCB Schematic Section 5 Schematic Diagrams PAGE [SERVICE CENTERS (cont) Serna =e enna EE Eeecrn ton a eee Prom Seep wees easter TBefronanar vars Yoersorc sn tater, tegument ‘estan oe Been uasrresmecous poten ‘Theis acre eretpmncirs eres Seat FitettonesA ees Srurpeprone Weer etna coon Be menace Sticervows eve ase bnon te BGreg roe Ue renee AT Feder t Seos Saas, ictal CoaDRzar0 410 List of Tables TABLE me PAGE 11, Speciiations ... Goma ut 31, Recommended Test Bguipment a 32. Ohms Funeton Performance Test 00... 38 33, Fault Diagnosis Guide =... : a MANUFACTURERS SUPPLY CODES. Boe Ee Bie re Bee, = See 2 Eee Been. Ser Soren List of Illustrations Se i, rhe ae 2s came EEE gwen Be = _ a ad = rreune ime sae 3 Bbee 9 eee Siege . * Zee, Bae a. =e an u = Sr : — 3 Say oe - Bene Shee Sr it Toe Roleon : oT x 5 3 3 Soeenae oe 3 SERVE CENTERS en ] Pd Bence comes cee, ee Sse EEEr. eae mete =e. a victory Bie — em, eee en -— S cee Hee me Blea S5= Ben Crmemreeee ime Sete, Ete SShecuranene Seca see Seow, Teer, oan REPLACEABLE PARTS [2 DIGITAL PCB ASSEMBLY 02sA-1602 Figure 43: AZ Digi PCB Asvonby Nore This meter has been designed and tested according to TEC Publleation 38, Sofety RequemertsforEetrone Measuring Apporan. Tiismarual conta formation and arngs which mst befollowedtoensarsafe operation and retain the meter in safe condition. 444. INTRODUCTION “This manual preseats service information forthe Fluke 25 and 27 Multimeter Incided ae theory of operation, ‘general maintenance procedures, performance tests, ‘alibration procedures, oubleshooting information, ¢ Ist of replaceable pars, and a sthematie diagram. 4-2, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS For operating instructions, refer to the Operators ‘Maat provided wilh che srament atte of purchase 1-3. SPECIFICATIONS Instrument specifications are presented in Table I ‘SPECIFICATIONS: Table 11. Spectcations REPLACEABLE PARTS. a er 7 |e | s =n Pal: an a | 8 aa = | ihe ses 2 | is ea o | Se | ie es . |#2) sh Ht ws! 2000 or ma ect 3 | Be iy = Sian > lay) | oy Ge Ge ee + | ge | my [Ses] igs | Sm: So | | Ses | Ges | ee so | ovr | ee | aes | ee. ae ee i = [aso | ee [lems Heat sot | GS | eg i SEE a a | ger | us [aes bre = | ge | ce | aes ie om. | Ber | EF | ee Bet Se eee fe ae See OVERLOAD Ll d NORMAL MODE runcrion | ,OvERLOKD, neseerion nano eens pr ioe ay Swe oe ve [ase aE Sire _[smerscaeSparestess pearsaces a Seep aerener | one See | Be eee aa (907 Ve man) (06 coupled) ha sence rare aE a | rm | Senne fac nce accra i specs om 18°C to 24C wn rete ty Up 2 9% or spate fone ‘eerahercaorton Alc comersonsare se couse, wtoporenporanganécouraesorasstetuetns {ake of sane wave np Aonrany species ae “ise esdag! + umber oes great) nang ternational fntona wih, otha on view ATA esa-160%, Figure 42. At Maln PCD Assembly LACEABLE PARTS [AT MAIN PCB ASSEMBLY seaman sensed S “Table 1-1. Speciation (con) SPECIFICATIONS etd raneron | rusrmorecron >] Gaon | _ SER MBVEAST 2A OV FAST vo a sb ct te ae sean ——o cowie cea eee ee a teowere = ee oe ——— nomevene — rere eae ee sone eel ee ee = = uy ee cen rane REPLACEABLE PARTS SERRE REE SEER ee REPLACEABLE PARTS ToP cASE/OIGTAL "Pop SUBSECTION eurronuP SUBSECTION ‘SUBSECTION FLUKE27 TaB, Figure 1.2527 Final Assembly 2.1, INTRODUCTION This section desctbes how the Fike 28 and Fluke 27 ‘woth First a functional description preentsan overview Of operation. This is folowed by a block diagram ‘escripion, which describes the major Gecut fonctions in more deta AI deserptions apply to both instruments Unless specified otherwite. For reference, a. detailed fehemate diagram ie need in Section 5. 2.2, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 'A block diagram of the Fike 25/2 circuitry is showin Figure 2-1. As this figure shows, the instrument is composed of two major Functional sections the analog seston aad the digtal section. Each section contains one Iajor active componeat and one or more peripheral SSreita, Most anslog fonctions are performed by a ftom analog IC (UI) and analog peripherals to Ul Digital fonctions are performed by 2 CMOS, +i sierocomputer, U2 “The curtom analog ICconainsthe A/D converts, signal conditioning cout, and the digital control circuitry fequired for communiation with the microcomputer. ‘Although the custom IC is primarily analog, digital ‘Greuite provide state machiae contre for the A/D converter, a fead counter for A/D samples, decoding ROMs for analog switch drive, and bus contol for ‘communication withthe mirocomputer, “The microcomputer controls the A/D converter inate the range end function switching, formats data for display, and drives the display. The mode push buttons upp input to the microcomputer to initiate various ‘modes, Output from the microcomputer is displayed on {he iguid ental display (LCD), Section 2 Theory of Operation 2.9. BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION Each ofthe blocks in the Figure 21 is dscosed inthe following paragraphs. In many esses, crcuitsections are ‘eseribed in greater deal thanisshown nthe Figure; therefore, itmay be Bepfl to eter tothe schematic located near the back ofthis manval 2-4, Input Overload Protection ‘Overload protection forthe volts/ohms| diodes input (Gin is provided by eneowork of fivemetaoxide Varistors {RU trough RIS) and wo crrealimitingresitors(Ri nd RQ), Rea okt), 2 Fsble resistor that wll open if fan extremely high encray signal is presen. “Two fuses in series provide protection forthe mA/uA input J2)eutrent shunts: a 3A, 600V fuse and 2630 m8, 2S0V fase A single ISA, 600V fuse provides protetion forthe 1 input J3) current shunt. In ation, forthe [And mA ranges, abridge rectifier (U7) and four diodes (CRI,CR2, CRS, CRS ensure thatthe fuss (instead of ‘he shunts) openin very high eurtent overload conditions. ‘Tramstore QI, Q2,and QI provide additional overload protection for the milivolt and ohms functions. If Fulfcent overiad voltages presen, the transistors tara fon and connest tht input to common through iniing fesstor R2, thereby protecting the ciety in UL. A ‘amp cireut(CR6and QIS) connecedto the vot/ ohms) ‘iode-tes inpot through Z1 and C3 provides similar pretection for the vols ohm diodexest input 2-5, Function Switching Circuits Input signals are routed from the overlond protection ‘irate fo the fonetion switch. The unetion Switch is 2 ovary swith with two double-sided wafers which provide ‘THEORY OF OPERATION the necessary switching to selet each of the various functions In addition, battery voltage is routed through ‘he funeton switch rom the battery voltage regulator 0 Ul, and from UT 0 U2. 246. Signal Conditioning Circults Each input signa is routed though signal conditioning circuitry before reaching Ul. Input signals reosived ‘through the volts ohas/dode-tet input (1 are routed ‘through Z1, precision resistor network. The veistor network provides precise input sealing forthe varios Woltage ranges, and it provides precision reference "esstors forthe ohms fanetio. The capacitors paral ‘ith the various resistors in Zl are wed in thea voltage functions; the variable capacitors provide calibration adjustment forthe high frequency ae ranges. CCurrept inputs eeceived though the A) A input (32) land the A'input (3) develop a voltage across shunt resistors R14, R20, and R23 (320 yA, 32 mA, and (0A, Fespectinely). Restore RO and RIO comprise a 101 Gide for the 3200-uA and 320-mA curent ranges, 2-7. Custom Analog IC (U1) ‘The analog-o-igial converter, autorange switching, and most of the remaining active analog cireitry (ncading additional signal conditioning) are contained in Ul,a custom LSI package. Peripherals to UT include {he site clock, the reference voltage regultor forthe ‘A/D ‘converter, and. some filtering and. amplifier abiiztion components. Ul also contains digital Circuitry for state machine control over the A/D comerter phases, a read counter for A/D samples, ‘decoding ROMS for analog switch dviveandreadeountet preset, and risers t0 store contol output fom the Inirocompute. ‘Analogto-igal conversion i accomplished within UL ‘sing 4 modified dualsiope A/D converter circuit, at shown in Figure22. The conversion method in he Flake 25/27 can be desrbed as a chargecoupled, muliple- Slope technique. A sens of 10 minor conversions oceur very 40. (each at 1/10th the desived resolution) ‘vithout taking time for an autozero phase between the Conversions. These minor conversions (or samples, at they are cae in the following discussion) occur at arate ‘of 25 persccond, and are wed to provide th fast response bargraph display and fast autorangiog Now samples are taken every 40 ms. Ten samples ace summed fo produce a ful-esoution digital display. with full sele greater than 3200 counts. A100-me autonero ‘hase octrs following every IOsample sequence co a. - i 7 1 vce vwitie| | ee i Soe ' ' 1 cet \ | iin! ' i ' ! t = ! fe YF Ver ! 1) lt a, bios a ' = a, coin “ ' t ' ao ' ~—t sare ours : oe ee ' atin t i Lo Ub Figure 2-1, Overal Functional Block Diagram 22 oa REPLACEABLE PARTS. REPLACEABLE PARTS. MAWAL STATUS INFORMATION ‘To enue prompt delivery ofthe crest prt, nade the folloning information when yu plac an oder: + Inrumeot model and serial munber 1 PartoumberandrevisionTevelofthepca conning te at + Refeoace designator Fluke sock umber 1 Desrpon (as piven under the DESCRIPTION eating) + Ousnly 43, MANUAL STATUS INFORMATION “The Manual Stas Information table that precedes the pars list defines the aserbly revision levee hat are documented inthe manval: Revision lovels ae pntd on he component fide of each ps. 4-4, NEWER INSTRUMENTS. ‘Changes and improvements made tthe instrument are iden ‘ied by incrementing the revision let marked on the sete pon, These changesaredocumentedonasuplemen- {al changelemta sheet which when applicable, since with the manu. 45. SERVICE CENTERS Atistf service centri leat at the end of his section. NOTE The Flake 25 and 27 Multimeters have ben designed to meet the reuiremens ofthe United ‘States Deparment of Labor Mine Sefer and “Health Adminisratin for we in mines. If your instent has MSHA approval, «deel stating {wl be preston the tom of your Is tment Theflloving WARNING appliesony ifthe Seclispreset: WARNING ‘THE FLUKE 25 AND 27 MULTIMETERS ARE APPROVED (PERMISSIBLE) BY THE UNITES STATES DEPARTMENT OF LA- [BORMINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMIN- ISTRATION (MSHA) FOR USE IN MINES (APPROVAL 26-3665). TO MAINTAIN MSHA PERMISSIBILITY, REPAIRS TO ‘THESE INSTRUMENTS MUST BE MADE USING PARTS EXACTLY LIKE THOSE FURNISHED BY THE FLUKE CORPORA- ‘TION, ANY CHANGES IN THE INTRINS!- ALLY SAFE CIRCUITRY OF COMPO- NENTS MAYFESULTINANUNSAFECON- DITION. THE FLUKE 25 AND 27 MULTIMETERS WERE TESTED BY THE [MSHA FOR INTRINSIC SAFETY IN METH- ANE AIR MIXTURES ONLY. THE FLUKE 25 AND 27 MULTIMETERS ARE MSHA ‘APPROVED WITH A BV NEDA 1604 (CAR- ‘BONZINC) BATTERY ONLY.DONOT USE ‘TO CHECK ELECTRICAL BLASTING CIR- (CUITS. DO NOT CONNECT TO AN ELEC- TRICALLY ENERGIZED CIRCUIT IN A HAZARDOUS AREA. AGWARNING WHEN SERVICING, USE ONLY SPEC HIED PARTS. WARNING ‘THis INSTRUMENT CONTAINS A FUS- IBLERESISTOR (PN6S0085).TOENSURE SAFETY, USE EXACT REPLACEMENT ONLY. ‘Manaul Status Information ‘THEORY OF OPERATION ‘CUSTOM ANALOG IE (1) asic A/D conversion elements and waveforms are ‘stated in Figure 2-2, As this figure shows, a tesidual ‘harp retana by the integrator capacitor due to the ‘overshoot past the true-ero base ine In the absence of fn autozero phase, the residual charge would normally produce « sgnicant e1ror in the sample next taken However, «digital algorithm elimiaates the eror and ‘ecounts fr the reside ait propagates through all 10 Samples, Digital circuitry in UI provide state machine control for the A/D converter, a read counter for A/D samples, ‘decoding ROMS for png switch deve and for read ‘ounter preset, and bidiretonal us conto for string control outputs from the microcomputer and for transfering data to the microcomputer. The digital Sentry wth UI ie otaed in Figure 23, [asic timingforthe A/D converters defined asaseriesof To integrate ead cycles (samples), followed bya 10-ms sutonero phase. However, the diode test and continuity funtion, the -M rang, the battery test the powersp Self test, overload recovery, avtoranging. andthe Touel- Hold ode all require vritons from the basi timing. “The ste machine in combination withthe ROM and preset read counter plusanautozeroflagunder computer onto, establishes the ining variances necessary forthe ‘avious functions GH 7 BUFR INTEGRATOR COMPARATOR REF OR FLUKE | Genon | asseuscy | ‘Pant | nevision wor | “Swawe | "wow | "tevet | marco | osone | m2_| domree | sewer | 42 RTO MNF eohour (GBA, eb ear pet E94 aerenence| a neko commen Came_ etl | 0 ae on tent eo | ovr. or unten sass To ean cu roo cowensns. 0 cittin ropena. Crestron eae) moey (ESE A CONPMINON NPT woesmre "reap zo ae fie onthe (reso AIDA erent mom vo SAMPLE SAMPLE - ‘SAMPLE mre oa "0 ‘Figure 22. A/D Conversion Elements and Wavelorm ‘THEORY OF OPERATION whe = Fa [corto] | -——costtron ow Tar Tass 1a Pitact oar NB so | RS | RT| | she SZ ee fF] et jie oR mg ce tos [romero hay wo ot Oe coal ia B 7] atts = ae Mie atbes we a pee eee BE ana Seis py 5 be f TY as 26 [race Line] ruts mroyye © | ae — fa [tS — aes at Som Etim vite To FUER sues Stns * 1a 2 nas |r a Ser mee} ‘snices S rover ae SNE Figure 25. Digital Creuiry Within UF 28. Peripherals to U1 Circuitry peripheral to UI provides regulated batery voltage fo power UI, a regulated reference vllageorthe ‘A/D converter, assstem clock, signal conditioning, and amplifier stablinaion. The battery voltage regulator ‘onssts of ARI, Q12, and associated components the ‘egulator circuit supplies eosistent operating power to UL and through second repuator cet UI, tthe microcomputer (U2), Voltage regulator VRI (aad associated components) supplies a regulated 1.000 ‘eferencevollage forthe A/D converter Potentiometer RIS provides fr calibration adjustment ofthe reference voltage [Additional cireuits are necessary for the active fier, integrator, and butler in Ul. The ative fier response ‘etermined by RIB, R16, C18, and C19. Inepator and bute signal characterises are determined by C20, C2, Aad two resistor in ZI, Several components exeral to Ur provide for acto-de conversion they are C81, C&2, (Ca3, RSS, RY, Cle, R30, RSL, and RSD. ‘The system clock, with @ frequency of 32.768 kite, conuolsaltiing synchronization frtheinstrument Yi ‘sa quart crystal which determines the frequency of the lock eselator ere, 2.8. Microcomputer Contro! ACMOS, 4-bit microcomputer (U2) conrosthe vatious instrament functions and drives the LCD display. The microcomputer reads and processes data samples fom the A/D converte, sends a code to Ul which represents the operatorseested function, peforms the Toul Ald algorithm, selects the correct A/D mode forthe fantion Inuse, controls range, sts the autozero Nag, aed disables the analog fier during autoranging In seeding and processing A/D samples, the computer acceptsraw sample data, applies necessary corrections as ‘escribod in the preceding disustion of Ul, and fascumulates 10 Samples which then become the fll= resolution conversion for digital diaplay. Each minor Conversion is aso proceed for the bar-graph dieplay For the diode test and continuity function, the microcomputer evaluates the data and determines ‘whether of notte beeper should be sitched on. TTouch-Hold operation requires the microcomputer to perform a different algorithm. The microcomputer dost ot allow a full-esoluton coavesion to be completed Unless the input signal is stable, When a stable reading ‘occurs, the conversion ir completed and the ‘microcomputer generates the corespondingdiplay end Section 4 List of Replaceable Parts TABLE OF CONTENTS [ASSEMBLY NAME 25/27 Final Assembly : ‘AL Main PCB Ascemtiy ‘A2Digial FCB Assembly 41. INTRODUCTION ‘Thissecton continnillsrated ist ofrplaceable par for ‘he Fske25and27 Mulimters Parts are lintedby sembly Alphabetize by reference designator. Each assembly Is ac ‘ompaniedby aniston showing the oeaton fesch pa ands eference designator. The pass ive te flowing information: + Reference designator + Anindicaon if the partis subj to damage by static Sischarge + Desxsion + Flake sock number + Manufacturers soppy code(code-omame ist athe end ofthis section} + Manufacturer par number or genre ype + Tota quan + Any special notes (i, factory selected pst) TABLE PAGE FIGURE PAGE ol ar wore eeworiie nor 443 tat a 4s a ‘cAUTION ‘A symbol indicates adevice that maybe ‘damaged by static discharge. 4-2, HOW TO OBTAIN PARTS lecwcal components may be orerd diety fiom the sanufacurer By using the manufacturers part namber, of ‘fom the Fake Corporation nits atoized represents byusing the part sumber under the hating FLUKE STOCK NOznthe US, order directly rom the Fluke Pas Dee by calling I-800-5264731 ar pec information i available ‘bom the Fake Corporation re representatives, Pies also available in aFluke Replacement Parts Catalog whichis alae op requ. nthe event thatthe part rdeed has oso replved by anew improved par tieepacemeat wl be accompanied by an ‘explanatory noe and instalation instructions if neces. 4“ MAINTENANCE oe Check pin of Z1 for approximately 200 mV e200 aV isnot present, either Z1 of UL may be defective. (Measurement may be Spproximately 10% low if a 1OMO input Impedance DVM is being used for signal tiscing) ‘Check the active filter input (pin 28 of UI) for spproximately 200 mV de. 1f 200 mV is not prosent, Ul may be defective, (Measurement may be allected by loading} 6. Check he ative iter ouput (pin 29 of UI) for approximately 200 mV de If 200 BV isnot present, RIS, R16, C18, or C19 may be ‘efetve. (Measurement may be affected by loading) 3-26, Fault Diagnosis Guide “Table 23 presents fault dagnosis guide forthe Fhake2S, and 27. The left column lists various malfunction ‘jmptoms. The ceater column recommends actions to ‘etermine the exact problem. The right column lists the ‘Components mos ikely to be defective ‘THEORY OF OPERATION freezes it. The microcomputer then wats for a change in the signal fo exceed certain teshold and then Begins ‘watching for a stable reading apnin’ There are two {xceptions fo thisimple algorithm: Fist, open test ead {nication doesnot allow ful resolution conversion to be completed either; the microcomputercontinies 0 wait for a stale signal whichis outside the open test ad ‘etion, (Open test ead in vokage or curent functions fenut in low readings; open test leads in resistance or diode text functions result in off cae readings.) Second, ifthe Touch-Hols button is momentary presse at any time, then the fallresoltion conversion is forced to ‘complete inspite of input or test lead conditions. “The microcomputer also sets the requited A/D converter ‘mode A single mode i used in all voltage and current Conversions, ut thee ate three ohms function A/D ‘converter modes, 4 diode test mode, and two power-up test modes (eatery text and el est). Themlcrocomputer ‘ends the proper code to Ul to select the required A/D Converter mode. Followiag each group of 10 sample, ‘pormal operation te microcomputer ses the autozero ‘ag, Both manual and autoranging are controlled by the microcomputer. The microcomputer loads a range Terister in Ul in conjunction with a modedependent ‘nap. In atorange, the analog iter disabled snrease the autoranging speed, Peripheral components QI3 and C12 force the Iietocomputer to reset when the function switch it moved to OFF. A vollage-ditader network (R3, RS, and CC13)euppliesa mid-level volags to dive the multiplexed ‘isp. 2410. Display “The Ligui-crystal display (LCD) operates under direct Control ofthe microcompater. Characters ate generated by the computer and displayed on the LCD. Both digital ‘adings and an analog bararaph display ae presented, ‘in conjunction with annuncators and decimal points. Refer to the uke 25/27 Operator's Manual fora more detailed description ofthe dpa. 2526 MAINTENANCE BC VOLTAGE SIGNAL TRACING 4. Perform step 15 of the reassembly causes are VRI, RIZ, RIS, RIB, RI9, R37, oF procedure to secure the main pob tothe UL Input terminals 2. Selet the de voltage function 6. Usea DVM tocheck for Vm(voltagemidle) at pin $8 of U2 pia 16 of 8, or atthe junction of R3and RA, Vmshould be 6 de-201V. FV 4. Use Digital Volieter (DVM) to check the Js not present, the most ely cause are R3, battery voltage at the battery connector Re, or C13 (artery voltage mist be aboves.3V)- Ibatery ‘voltages less than 7V, battery placements Advice, Normal curent drain les than 600 $25. DC Voltage Signal Tracing BA “The following procedure isa step-bystep method of tracing a de voltage input through the instrument's 4. Connect either an oscilloscope or frequency circuits to the output of the active fier. Faulty counter, usingalow-capactace probe, o pin componente in the input signal path can be identiied 534 Ui orto the junction of C17 and YI (the geng this procedure. All measurements are taken with crys), A S276bKHe sine wave with an respect {o common, ‘mapltude of approximately 600 mV peakto- ‘ea should be preset atthe junction of C17 1 Select the de voltage function (7, then apply a ad V1 GV peak-to-peak at UL, pin 54, Note 2V de input though the vols obtay diode test, ‘hat U2 and the display will not operate ifthe lock signal isnot present Ifthe cock signals ‘ot present, the mast likely causes are UI, 1 inp termina. 2. Using a DVM, measure the 2V input at the ore input terminal). 5. Uses DVM 10 check fora reference voltage of 1LO0V de (adjustable through RIS) at pin 13 of 3. Check pin tof the input divider (2) for2V de UL ovat the junction of RIS and RIB. Ifthe 12V de isnot present, R2, Sl RJT, RU2, RIB, ‘efeence voltage i 1 present, the most key RUS, or RIS ay be defective. be 3-3, Fault agnosis Gulde yarrow ‘RECOMMENDED ACTION POSSIBLE COMPONENT Tank aan Bo eye cheek given m paragraph @24| BTV, U1, U2, ¥1,Ci8 Display rots zr n vt de Do de signal racing in paragraph 9.28. | Ra, 21,UN,S1 Diopay hangs up setsest mode Dlepay reds OL oF 0 n 920 mA range Display reads On 320 mA oF YOA ranges AC vot is inaccurate 520 iV range read OL [AC volts messuramentnoiy at S080 He ‘onmsinacu Intermiten pay Display race constant ose invite ‘onms read ow or will ao reas OL (Ohm reas random or sterates between onesie and OL 10 system check given in paragraph 32s, | A15, 18, 818, Ara, RST Wat. 2is UN, 620,621 9, F10, U1 71, 72,65, 9, Roo. Check eatbraton 1,2, R20, 0 on.ut ‘chock caliraton ruo-rus zur Ctean cannactors and connector atins on | Display Aasomtly cD ana pb (018, 618, C20 shots (01,02 sores teat ra,AT2 MAINTENANCE 3-21. AC Voltage Calibration “There isa single actor converter adjustment fr basic sc voltage aceuracy, However cachac voltage ange mst ie ealbyated independent for high frequency accuracy. Variable capacitors provide there high Trequency Adjustments, There shouldbe no interaction beeen the Savious ranger when adjustments are made in the {pected order Use the following procedure to calbeate the ac voltage ranges 14. Verify that the UUT display ndieates2.700V ac ITV ae 15, Switeh off both the DMM Calibrator and the ‘DUT. Disconnect the DMM Calibrator from {he UUT 16, Refer to the instructions in paragraph 3-100 reasemble the UUT after calibration. WARNING 3-22, TROUBLESHOOTING ‘THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE REQUIRES ‘CAUTION ‘THAT HIGH VOLTAGES BE SUPPLIED TO THE UUT FOR CALIBRATION. READ THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS INTHE FLUKE 25/27 OPERATOR'S MANUAL BEFORE PERFORMING THE FOLLOWING PRO- ‘CEDURE. Static discharge can damage CMOS ‘components Ut and U2 Follow the handing precestion for sae senstve components ‘ven previously. Never remove or install Componente without test connecting input to-the Instrument and turning the function selector switch to OFF. Refer to Figure 3-3 and tothe schematics in Section Sof, 1, Sele the ae voltage funtion (V) on the UT, 2 Connect the DMM Calibrator to the this manval as necessary during the following volts/obms)diodeest input terminal on the oubleshooting procedures, uur, : 3-23, Power-Up Soll Test 4. Program the DMM Calibrator output for2.7V When the function switch is moved to any position rom seat 100 the OFF positon, the instrument performs a power-on Seite AITLCD segments ae switched on while the test, 4. Adjost R7 to obtain a display of 2.700V ac it being performed (about 1 second), then the unit *20001V ae. commences normal operation. ‘5. Program theDMM Calibrator output for270V 3-24, Overall System Check seat 10 KH If the LCD splay segments do not light, or if other Inalfenction indications occur during power-up of ‘Operation, perform the folowing overall assem check. ‘Almeaguremens ae taken with respect common. The ‘verll pte check helpfulinsolting a malfunction to the component area, and Table 33 provides further fault isolation within the component area. Refer to the Gisassombly and assembly procedures as necenary (paragraphs 3.9 and 3-10, 6. Adjust C4 to obtain a display of 2700V ac 01V ac, 7. Program the DMM Calibrator output for TOV neat 10 He 8, Adjust ClOtoobiaina display of100V ac-41V 1. Setup the instrument a follows: 9, Program the DMM Calibrator outpst for ° 2700V ac at 10 ki ‘Perform steps 1 through 10 of the disassembly procedure to remove the battery cover, bottom case, and main pb/sbieldascmbly frm the instrument (Skip ep 5) 10, Adjust C8 to obtain a display of 27.00V ae 001V ae 11, Program the DMM Calibrator output for 2TW0V ae at 10 KH b. Perform steps 21 through 23 of the Aiasembly procedore to remove the top 12, Adjust 06 to obtain a display of 2.700V ac fn bottom Sheds from the main pe. 200010 ae Perform step 14 of the reassembly 13, Program the DMM Calibrator output for procedure to instal he main pebinthe top 2.7000 ae at 100 He cae @Q ie Liem NLA LoeoeS) (23) ‘A Message From Fluke Corporation Some semiconductors and custom ICs can be damagec by electrostatic dsoharge curing handing. This note explains how you can tmniize the chancos of desvoying uch devices aie oy {Koa tha her elo Sgt eines raring hem ible a tsecoen pct rd pon ec a oe eco “The following practices shoul be followed to minimize damage to SS. state sensitive} devices. 3, DISCHARGE PERSONAL STATIC BEFORE HANDLING DEVICES. USE A HIGH RESIS. 1. MINIMIZE HANDLING ‘TANCE GROUNDING WRIST STRAP. 2 KEEP PARTS IV ORIGINAL CONTANERS Sart ReaD Fon USE {HANDLES 8, DEVICES BY THE BOD. 5. USE STATIC SHIELDING CONTAINERS FOR HANDLING AND TRANSPORT. 6. DONOT SLIDE S'S. DEVICES OVER. ANY SURFACE, [vail 7. AVOID PLASTIC.VINYL AND STYROFOAM® IN WORK AREA. Wn Persson FROM TEKTRONK NC nb Geena rhAatics, POMONA 8, WHEN REMOVING PLUG-IN ASSEMBLIES HANDLE ONLY BY NON-CONDUCTIVE EDGES AND NEVER TOUCH OPEN EDGE ‘CONNECTOR EXCEPT AT STATIC-FREE WORK STATION. PLACING SHORTING STRIPS ON EDGE CONNECTOR HELPS. PROTECT INSTALLED SSS. DEVICES. 9. HANDLE SS. DEVICES ONLY AT A SSTATIC-FREE WORK STATION. 10, ONLY ANTLSTATIC TYPE SOLDER- SUCKERS SHOULD BE USED, 11. ONLY GROUNDED-TIP SOLDERING IRONS SHOULO BE USED. MAINTENANCE CALIBRATION ADIUSTAENT ‘Connect the DMM Calibrator to the UUT volt/ohms/diode-test input terminal and ‘common, and switch oa Calibrator power, 4 Program the DMM Calibrator output for (0090V, thea push the 300 divider override Dutton on the Calibrator to place the Calibrator in the 2V range 5S. Verify thatthe UT indicates approximately (0050V and the beperissoundingaconinuou 6. Increase the DMM Calibrator outputto0.11V, The beeper should tra off. 7. Inerease the Caieator output to 1L0V, then slowly dereae the Calibrator ontpit t0 0.6, Note thatthe UUT beeper produces a short beep as the voltage descends through O.7V (ype soon diode threshol), 3-18. CALIBRATION ADJUSTMENT Under normal operating conditions, the Fluke 25 and 77 should maintain ts specication ora perio ofone year tr calibration, Ifthe nsrument hs been repaited, rif it has failed any ofthe performance tests, the following talibration adjustment procedures most be performed Ute a non-conductive tool for adjurtments Nore Inthe following procedures, the Fluke 28 and 127 are refered to asthe rit under tes, wr. 3-19, Calibration Preparation Allow the UUT to stabilize at an ambient temperature of 211025 degrees Celsius (701077 degrees Fahrenei) nd ata elaive humidity of es than 80% with the power of for at east 30 minutes before beginning calibration. Calibration adjustments require removal ofthe botons cover. Complete steps | thzough 7 of the dsasembly procedure gen eae inthis section, and then reconnect {he battery tothe UT bakery connector 3-20. DC Voltage Calibration The de volage function must be calibrated before calibrating the other functions. Use the following procedure to calibrate the de voltage function, 1. Connsst the DMM Calibrator to the UUT volts/ohms/diode-test input terminal and Common. Refer to Figure 3-4 for ealbration omponeat locations 2. Select the de voltage function {V} on the UUT. 41. Switeh on power to the DMM Calibrator and program the Calibrator outps for 2 TOV de. 4. Adjust potentiometer R19 on the UUT for a ‘splay indication of 2 700V on the 3V range. 5. Program the DMM Calibratorforzerooutput, and disconnect the Calibrator fom the UUT. ‘craren0v AC Range) 9 | i Qe D sate By ai%. oil 3) ot RI9(0C VOLTS) .R7(32V AC RANGE) on AC RANGE) (820 AC RANGE AT 10 kt) “igure 54 Calbraion Adjustment Locations MAINTENANCE (has FUNCTION PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION oe 15, 6 1s. ‘Switch on power tothe DMM Calibrator and program the DMM Calibrator ouput for 27 mast $0 He ‘Verily that the UUT indicates between 26:8 and 7142 mA. Program the DMM Calibrator output for 200 mA 50H Verify that the UUT indicates between 1968 and 2052 mA. rogram the DMM Calibrator output for 270 amps Switch the UT to the ae A funtion ZA), then program the DMM Calibrator outpt for 2000 i at 50 Hz Verify that the UT indicates between 1968, and 2032 nA, rogram the DMM Calibrator output for zero amps Disconnect the DMM Calibrator from the “Transconductance Amplifier, then connect the ‘Transconductance Amplifier othe UUT amp (A) and common (COM) input teminal. Switch the UUT to the AC MAA function, thes rogram the DMM Calratr ouput fran ota from the Trasconductance Amplifier of SA at 1 ka ‘Verity thatthe UUT indicates between 491 and S.09A. Program the DMM Calibrator to standby. Setthe UUTtothe deni A function (ATA. Program the DMM Calibrator ouput for coutpat from the Transconductance Amplifier of 308 de ‘Verity thatthe UT indicates between4.94and 51064. Program the DMM Calibrator o standby Disconnect the DMM Calibrator from the “Transeonductance Amplifier, “Tyggthe function sgh on the UUT tothe de ATA position (aA A). 20, Connect the DMM Calibrator output tothe ‘UUT maj uA iopuerminal, then program the DMM Calibrator for an output of 77 mA de 21, Verify that the UUT indicates between 26.78 and 7.22 mA. 22, Program the DMM Calibrator output #2200 ‘Tie. Setthe UUT othe deh fonction (id) 23, Program the DMM Calibrator for 2.7 mA, 24, Verify thatthe UUT indicates between 2678 and 272 uA, 3-16. Ohms Function Performance Verification “The following test may be used to verify correct ohms function operation and to verify UUT accarey inthe ‘rou ohms ranges 1. Connect the DMM Calibetor to the UUT ‘sing the volts ohms/diode-test input terminal land common 2 Turn the function switch tothe 0 position 3. Switch om power to the DMM Calibrator. Propiau ie DMM Callratorto the reseance “ales indieated i Table 32, and verify that the UUT indication i within the tolerances fen foreach input vale. Tob 3-2. Ohm Function Performance Tet INPUT ‘DISPLAY sver_| pesisrance | _WOICATION 7 10 ohms ‘99510 1005 2 1e00 ons 907101003 8 | saooorms | 997 0 100% 2 | sea owns | 997% 100k 3 " megorm 57 te cosh 8 | toImogorm 80 0 som +7 | openaveut | 0000 00.1005 “NOTE! Gondvetance (5) range must be orared ting manual range seston. 2-17, Dlode Test Performance Verification “The following procedure may be wed to verify proper operation ofthe diode test fanetion. This test ean not be performed unless he source can sink 6 mA at 09V.) 1, Tur the UUT function selection switch tothe diode test function. 2. The UUT should display OL. Section 3 Maintenance WARNING. “THESE SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR USE BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ONLY. TO AVOID. ELECTRIC SHOCK. DO NOT PERFORM ANY SERVICING OTHER THAN OPERATOR MAINTENANCE UNLESS YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO DO SO. 341, INTRODUCTION ‘This section presents instructions for disassembly, performance tests, calibration adjustment, and {roubleshooting. The performance tests may be used as an acceptance test wea the instruments ist received and ‘an be used ltr as a preventive maintenance tool, [A Lye calibration eee is recommended 10 maintain the insirument’sspecifations. In addition, the sels Should he replaced during servicing to maintain the ‘hvitoumenal speiiealons stated in that manual. Aseal it is available fom the factory. The seal kit (Model {80254-7401 part umber 738112) contains ecompeteset fof seals and four replacement screws and washes forthe bottom eae “The tert equipment required forthe performance tests Aad calibration adjustments is sted in Table 3-1 Test fauipment with equivalent speifiations may be used {Me revommended models are unavailable 3-2, SERVICE INFORMATION “The Fluke 25 and 27 are warranted fo a period of two ear upon shipment of the instrament tothe original purchaser, Conditions of the warranty are deserted on ‘he registration ear Malfontions that occur within the limite ofthe warranty wil be corrected at no cst tthe purchaser. For in-watranty servic, ship the instrument postpaid to the Fuke Serie Center nearest you. ist ‘tscrie center is incoded atthe back of thi mana Fluke Service Centers arcaleo available for calibration ot repair of instruments that are beyond the warranty period. Upon request, a ost estate willbe provided before work is performed on instrument that are beyond the warranty period Mreshpmeatis necessary, please we the original shipping Container Ifthe orginal container isnot avaiable, be fore that adequate protection is provided to prevent damage during shipment. Its recommended thatthe Instrument be surrounded by alas 3 inches of shocks Abvorbing materia in the shipping container. “Tobl 31. Recommended Test Equipment REQUIRED CHARACTERISTICS. ‘RECOMMENDED MODEL ‘Vortage Range 0-10007 se Vonage Range o-000V de, Value: 100 ohm io, {regan 10 megan ii CALIBRATOR curacy 205% Jot Fake Mods 51008, Curent Range: 2 mA-28 ‘ror, 5028, 216A ecurecy 228 "TRANSCONDUGTANCE ‘Outpt Range 70K Fie Mose 52208 By MAINTENANCE 3-3. OPERATOR MAINTENANCE. ‘TO AVOID ELECTRICAL SHOCK, REMOVE THE TEST LEADS AND ANY INPUT SIGNALS BEFORE REPLACING THE BATTERY OR FUSES. CLOSE CASE AND REPLACE SCREWS BEFORE USING METER, 3-4, Battery Replacement NOTE ‘The Fluke 25 and 27 Multimeters have been signed to meet the requirements of the United Stes Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Adminstration for we ‘ne. I'your nsirament has MSHA appro decal steting 10 willbe presen on the Betton of your nsrument. The folowing WARNING apples only if the decalispresent WARNING ‘THE FLUKE 25 AND 27 MULTIMETERS ARE ‘APPROVED (PERMISSIBLE) BY THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION (MSHA) FOR USE IN MINES (APPROVAL 26.3655). TO MAINTAIN MSHA PERMISS!. BILITY, REPAIRS TO THESE INSTRUMENTS ‘THOSE FURNISHED BY JOHN FLUKE MFG, (00, INC. ANY CHANGES IN THE INTAINS. ICALLY SAFE CIRCUITRY OR COMPONENTS MAY RESULT IN AN UNSAFE CONDITION. ‘THE FLUKE 25 AND 27 MULTIMETERS WERE TESTED BY THE MSHAFORINTRINSICSAFETY INMETHANE AIR MOCTURES ONLY. THE FLUKE 25 AND 27 MULTIMETERS ARE MSHA AP- PROVED WITH A BV NEDA 1608 (CARBON "ZINC)BATTERY ONLY.D0 NOTUSETOCHECK ELECTRICAL BLASTING CIRCUITS. DO NOT ‘CONNECT TO ANELECTRICALLY ENERGIZE ‘CIRCUIT INA HAZARDOUS ARER. ‘The Fluke 25 and 27 are each powered bye single 9V battery (NEDA 1608, 6F22, or GP). Referring tothe Figure 31, use the fllowing procedure to replace the atte 1. Tum te rotary switch to OFF, and remove the test lead, 2 Lift the instrument stand on th back ofthe lastrument, then remove the four #6 X 32, Pozidrv® eres from the battery cover, 3. Pall the battery cover saight out from the ‘ack of the instrument (A coin-sot inte side ofthe batery cover facitates removal) 32 Figure 31 Batery and Fuse Replacement 4 Remove the battery from the battery olde, then dconnect the battery connestor, S.-Soap the battery connector othe terminals on {he new battery, then side the batery into the bate holder, Sip each battery lead int the slot in the holder. 6. Insert the battery holder/eover into the insirument, then start the four serews removed instep 2. Presfirmly onthe battery cover while tightening the screws ina diagonal pater, 3-5. Fuse Test 1. Turn the funeton selector switch to the 2 Connest a test lead from the volts/chms/ diode-test input terminal to the A input termina 3. The display should indicate between 0.10 and (0.30. This ets F3 (ISA, 600V fat, 4. Mose one end ofthe tes ead from the A input terminal tothe mA uA input termi S. The display should indicate between 5.30 and (600. Thistests FI GA, 6OOV fas) and F2 (630 ‘mA, 2509 fet) 6, Weiter ofthe above display indications is OL (overload), replace the appropiate fuse. 36. Fuse Replacement Referring to Figure 31, use the following procedure to ‘chook orreplioe the Fluke 25/27 fuses MAINTENANCE inspection, periodic calibration verification andas anaié in troubleshooting. Ifthe istument fas any tet calibration adjustment or repr kneaded Prior to performing any ofthe testing procedures, allow the instrument to sablze to room temperature (18 to 28 ogres Casas). Alo, check the fares and if the batery fnnuriatoris displayed, change the battery. Nore Inthe following procedures, the Fake 25 and 27 are referred tos the nt inde tes, ver, 3-18, Display Test When the fanetion switch is moved from the OFF Postion to any other postion, the instrument peeforms Powerap sl test. All LCD segments i the display are Soitched on while the tests in progres, them the instrament commences normal operation. TAis futomatic sei test verifies that the insteument is onctionl and that all LCD segments ae fntoning. 3-14, Voltage Functions Performance Verteation “The following procedure may be used to verify proper ‘operation and calibration of the ac and. de volage measurement functions. Required testequipmentisised caution ‘Connect the common terminal ofthe Digat MaitimeterCalrator to the COM terminal on ‘the UUT. 1. Verify that both the Digital Multimeter Calibrator (hereafter refered to asthe DMM. (Calibrate) and the UUT ate of 2 Connect the UUT, using the vots/obms) Giodesest input terminal 10 the ac output ‘connections ofthe DMM Calibrator. 5, Tuom the funtion gwteh om the UUT tothe ae voltage poston (V). 44. Switch on power tothe DMM Calibrator, and program ifr aa output of 2 7V ay at 100 2 5S. Verify that the UT indzates Bereen 2.684 and 2716V ae {6 Program the DMM Caliratorforsnoutputof 2IV'ae, at 10 KHz 7. Verity that the UUT indzates between 2643 and 2757V ae, 8. Program theDMM Calibrator output for 250V a6, 10 kHz 9. Verify thatthe UUT indicates between 248:7 and 58.3 ac 10, Program the DMM Calieatorforan output of 1O00V a, at 10 KH, Verity thatthe UUT indintes between 967 and 1053 ac, 12, Program the DMM Caliratorforanoutputof 13, Turn heUYT funtion switch othe de voltage position 14, Program the DMM Calibrator output for2.7¥ a 1. Verily that the UUT indicates between 2696 and 2704V de, 16, Program the DMM Caliratorforanouputof ade 17. Verity thatthe UUT indicates between 26.96 and 2.08V de 18, Program the DMM Calibrator output 0 250V a 19, Verily thatthe UUT indicates between 249.6 and 2904V de 20, Program the DMM Calibrtorforan outputot 1000 de 2 ‘Verity thatthe UUT indicates beeen 98 and 1002 de 22, Switch off the DMM Calibrator, Disconnest the Calibrator from the UUT. 3-15. AC and DC Current Performance Vertication ‘The following procaure may bowed totesttheacand de current functions, and to verify current measurement sesurey 1. Turn the UUT function switch othe ac mA/A, position (ATA) 2 Connect the DMM Calibrator output 0 the WUT mA/sA input termina, a7 MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE (GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMATION 16 Lubricate the outer edges of the detent spring (MPS) with 4 very thin layer of silicon Fabricant, then instal the detent spring over the rotary switch safe Detent spring orientation Install the Esing retainer (MPS) on the rotary itch shaft Rotate the rotary switch to the upper OFF poston lace the rotary switch extension saft(MP17) fon the rotary switeh shaft, Note the small pointer onthe bas ftheextension shaft. Place fhe pointer toward the center ofthe display whe the rotary svitch knob is in the upper OFF postion. ‘To reantemble the main pcbjshield assembly, fi the top tied (MPS) over the component sie of the pb, taking care not to bend the ‘connector pins. Make Sure the shield post fit {rough te holes in the pob and verify that he fotary switch isin the upper OFF postion Position the botom shield (MP3 onthe back ofthe pob with the stand-off fied through the poh then Poston the top shield oa the top of fhe peb with the molded sand-olls ited ‘thug the pob Insall the to Phillipsshead machine sews (Gis) and flat washers through the top shield {tothe botom shi. Insal he tre hread- {oming Philiprhesd screws (Ha) though the bottom shield int the tp shield Carefully ft the nin po she assembly into the top eae, taking cae to ensure that the ‘sonaetor pins on the main peb are lined up propery withthe connector on the digital peb, nd tat the switch shaft extension aligns With the two rotary switch wafers in the OFF postion (do not vse force). Engage the Eonnector by presing lightly on the bottom Shield tthe case ere Roles, Insta the four Philip-heed machine srews (G13 with lock washers that secure the ain ebishild assembly to the Back of the ipt {erminals, again using a diagonal patter, Ingalls new O-ring (MP13)onthebottom case (MPIO), if i was not replaced during ‘isaasembly, and postion tat the bepianing of the pared area. 17, Place the botiom cas on the topcase thenstart four now threadlorming screws (H7) with rubber washers (The new srewe and wachere dre provided in the seal kit) Press the case halves firmly together, and using a number 2 Posidivescrewariver, tighten the srews in a iagonal pattern (lower-right, upper-left, “apper-iht, lower left)o ensure properseal 18, Ifthe battery compartment O-ring (MPI) was rot replaced during disassembly, should be feplaced before ressembly. Use the procedure {Sven in step 5 ofthe disassembly procedure 19. Connect the battery tothe battery terminal fconnsetor, then side the batter) into the battery holder (MPI6), Place the wires inthe slot in the upper edge ofthe battery holder. 20, Slide the battery hoierjcover assembly into the back ofthe instrument 21 Start the four serews (H6) that secure the ‘ater cover, Press firmly onthe battery cover ‘while tightening the screws in a diagonal pattern using e number 2 Posidrive icrowérve. 22. Move the rotary switch knob fom OFF to any fuasction “All segments of the LCD should ‘luminate bie ifthe instrument as been propery assemble. 3-11, Cleaning cAuTION 2 aromatic nya ‘leaning. The Solutions ‘wil react with the plate materiale ‘ed nthe instrument. ‘cAUTION ‘be not allow the LCD to come n contact with moisture. ‘Can the exterior plastic parts using mil solution of ‘detergent and Wate ona sft cloth, Clean dust fom the pbs using clean, dry air at low pressure ess than 20 ps). Giean contaminates from te pebs using soprops} ‘lcohol and soft brush, followed by demineralized water fin a soft brash remove the LCD before washing). Dry the pob at 50 to 40 depres Celsius for 24 hours aftr ‘washing (and before reassembly) 10 aSsue that no Imoitre i sealed inthe instrument 2:12, PERFORMANCE TEST ‘The following procedures allow you to check the performance of the Fluke 25 or 27 against the Epecifcatons given in the Floke 25/27 Operator's Manual. The procedures ar recommended for incoming 1. Perform steps 1 through 3 of the batery replacement procedure 2. Remove the defective fuse (or check continity through the suspected fuse), and if necessary instal a new fase ofthe same size and rating. (Remove te batery from the battery holder fain access to the spare fse for F2) 3. Reinstall the battery holder cover as instructed in sep 6 of the batery replacement procedure, 3-7, GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMATION 3-8, Handling Precaullons For Static-Sensitive Devices caution “This unit contsine CMOS components which can be damaged by static eecharge. Staic- enatve components include U1 (he custom fnaiog IC), U2 (the miexocomputen), and op lamp ARI. To prevent static dlecharge damage, {ake the following precautions when servicing the inairument. ‘© Pesiorm all work at a satic‘tee workstation. © Do not handle components or pe (printed circuit board) assembles by ther connectors, Wear static ground straps, ‘Use conductive foam to store components Remove all plastic, vinyl, and styrofoam from the work are, (© Use 4 grounded, temperature-egulated soldering 3-8, Disassembly WARNING ‘TO AVOID THE POSSIBILITY OF ELECTRIC ‘SHOCK, REMOVE THE TEST LEADS PRIOR ‘70 DISASSEMBLY. ‘cAUTION ‘opening the instrament case in damp, hui fenvironments followed by moving the Instrument to. cooler environment could ‘cause condensation Inside the 6 Instrument performance may be adversely _atlecied by Condensation. ‘CAUTION “Toavoid contaminating the pebs with fom the hands (or O-ring tubscan), handle the obs bythe edges orwear gloves taped does Become contaminated, refer to the cleaning Inatuetons glen later in tis section. Do not ‘alow the LCD to come in contact with molture, Nore Disassembly requires a number 2 Posy © Serendriver forall exterior screws and a number 1 Philipehead serevdriver forall Intrior screws. Reassembly requires icone Lbricant (Parker Super Oskubetrecommend- ‘ed and new seas A Flake seal kit (Model ‘80254-7401, Fhe Port Number 738112)pro- ides complete se of seals and four replace: ‘ment sere and washers for the bottom case 14. 0s tube of Parker Super-O-Labe can be ‘obtained rom the John Flake Mie. Co Ine by dering pn 812230. Most maintenance procedures require atleast parti instrument disassembly. The following procedure (strated in Figure 32) provides compete step-by-step Sisssemblyinstractions fo grin acs to any assem. Complete disassembly isnot required to ain access to ‘most assembler the following procedure contains notes that explain which maintenance procedures te posible at various level of disassembly. |. Turn the function sviteh to the upper OFF position 2 Lift he st bai yp about 1 inch up fom the ‘ck the instrament, then get pullout the ds ofthe tit Bil and remove i | Remove the four Posdev® machine screws (G6 that hol the batery cover (MPI) tthe bottom case, then It the battery cover and battery holder out ofthe instrument. 4. Remove the battery and battery connector ftom the batery holder, then disconect the batery 5, Remove the battery holder from the battery cover by iting the battery holder toward the non-skid footand siingitoff the battery over (way from the nos foot), Remove the ld (Oring (MPIS). Clean the Oving surfaces of the batery cover and the instrument case. Install the battery holes on the batery cover, then inal the new O-ring. 6 Remove the four Posdev® screws (H7) with rubber waters from the bottom exe 7. Lift the botiom cate off the instrument, and emove the O-ring (MPI3) between the top and bottom eases. (Always install © new O-ring prior to reassembly.) AL this point, ll calibration adjustments are fsccessible through the openings in the side of the peb shield, Refer to the calibration adjustment procedure later in this section to ‘aibeate the instrument MAINTENANCE Disassenur ‘TOP CASE/DIGITAL Poe SUBSECTION MAIN BOARD aurronur SUBSECTION Bs 0 Figure 9. Dassen Remove the four Philpshead srews (HS) at the Bottom ofthe peb that connect the peb to the input terminals molded into the top case. Carefully lift the upper en ofthe main pod and Shield amembly 10 dconnect he amembly from the digital eb, then it the main po and Shield assembly clear ofthe case. Note the position ofthe rotary itch extension shaft (MPI7) With the rotary switch in the (OFF postion, the single smal pointer on the base ofthe extension shafts pointed toward the top ofthe instrament. Refer to Figure 33, Lift the rotary svitch extension shaft (MP1) ‘off the rotary switch shaft (the safton MP2}, Remove the E-ring retainer (MPO) and the

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