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eB est cope 02234020 FORM TP 2012234 ‘o MAY/JUNE 2012 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION roe MarueMartes UNT2-Pwper REFERENCE! ANALYSIS, MATRICES AND COMPLEX NUMBERS eee ‘This examination paper consists of THREE sections: Module 1, Module 2 and Modile 3. Each section consists of 2 questions ‘The maximum mark for each Module is 50 ‘The maximum mark for this examination is 150, This examination consists of7 printed pages READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. DONOT open this examination paper until instructed to do 50. Answer ALL questions ftom the THREE sections ‘Waite your solutions, with fall working, in the answer booklet proved. Unless otherwise stated in the question, any numerical answer tht is not ‘exact MUST be written correct o thre significant figures, ‘Examination Materials Permitted Graph paper (provided) ‘Mathematical formulae and table (provided) - Revised 2012 ‘Mathematical instruments Silent, non-programmsble, electronic caleulator DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO So. ees Copyright © 2011 Caribbean Examinstions Couneil Allsights reserved, SECTION A (Module 1) Answer BOTH questions, -L .@) @ Ghentecuney=¥e, «tat ana iets 0) Sedtessconrdaer ob pins which 0 (2a ©) Ande seouriatoftepoinsawich £0 marta Gi) Hence , determine if the coordinates identified in () ) and c) above ae atthe ‘maxima, minima or poins of inflection of y= xe [7 marks) (©) Acurveis defined by the parametric squtons x= sin V7, y= #24 Find the gndien ofataagentt the caveat the point wit parameters [6 mark) (3) the equation ofthe tangent at the point where = 1, (3 marks) ‘Total 25 marks 20, © wo ® @ a co) Express SS 3 in partial actions. ede Hence, find lene Given that sin A cos B~c0s Asin B= sin (A —B) show thet cos Sr sin r=sin Be cos x sin 2s mg flora bes Jp= foot esn2eae, ‘prove that (m-+3)f, = mul, — cos" 608 38. ‘ence, by putting m= 1, prove that af concsinseae 3 fF sinaear + 3 [Smarks} (2 marks} fr marks} marks} i marks) ‘Total 25 marks he SECTION B (Module 2) © Answer BOTH questions. 3. G@) Fora particular GP, u, = 486 and », = 118 098, where u, isthe erm, (9 Calelate the fst wm, a andthe commen 0, 7 ts marks] (i) Hence, cteulate iS, 177 146. 4 mar (b) The st fourterms ofa sequence ae 1 = 3,2 4,3 *5.4°6. Expres in terms of tbe term, ny ofthe sequence. (2 marks} (i) Prove, by mathematical indton, tht Eur green Quem vnen (7 marks] (©) _VseMaclaurn’s Theorem to find the fis thee non-zero tems in the power ‘expansion of cos 2x is Hence, of otherwise, obtain the frst two non-zero terms in the power expansion of sin'x. @ Expres ( } in terms factorial mark | scene} (24) — IS marks) Fd eater ott [2- (Gv) Using the identity (1-+2)"= (1 +2) (1+ 59 show that (Bl-dreede. oaks tel wine, =("] [8 marks) () LetfQy= 28 +38 de Use the intermediate value thearem to determine whether the equation f(x) has ‘any roots in the interval (0.2, 2]. marks} Gi) Using, =0.6 as rst approximation ofa root T off), exeeute FOUR iterations ofthe Newion-Raphson method to obtain a second approximation, x, of T. [6 marks} ‘Total 25 marks o SECTION € (Module 3) Answer BOTH questions. How many 4-digit even numbers can be formed from the digits 1,2, 3, 4,678 ()_ifeach digit appears at most once? (4 marks Gi) ifthere i no restriction onthe number of times a digit may appear? [3 marks} ‘A committe of fve is to be formed from among six Jamaicans, wo Tobagonians and three Guyanese, Find the probability that he commite consis erly of Jamaicans. (5 marks} (i) Find the numberof ways in which the commitee can be formed, given the Following renttion: Thee areas mary Tobagonians onthe commits as there are Guyanese: T6marks| 5 Find the matrix B, where B = A?—3A ~T. Show that AB = 91 Hence, find the inverse, A", of A Solve the system of linear equations (2) 6 @)—@-_Drawshepoints A and B on an Argand diagram, wher A= 124 aod B= 72, {6 maris} (Hence, orothersse, how that he argument of OF *D igexacrty 32, {Smarts} ©) Find ALL complex numbers, z, such hat 18 marks} (@) Hence, nd ALL complex roots of he equation 2-@+ s2-4-19=0. {5 marks} (©) Usede Moivre theorem o show tat cos 6 0= cos! 815 cot Bin? 0+ 15 cos sit O- sinh @ {6 mars} ‘Total 25 ma END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. x ™

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