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TCVN VIETNAM STANDARDS TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 FIXED OFFSHORE PLATFORMS - PART 3: MACHINERY AND PROCESS SYSTEMS FEES DRE, erg 1300 Ferre Sa FR te M09 99% 1300 FOE LASCAUCRRLA TRULIA NEE PR RRATUIOO OF Z0OTLML ee RIE FROME tOO O7-Az0ose mL ara SPARE ARBRE 2 2A KAR VIETNAM STANDARDS TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 FIXED OFFSHORE PLATFORMS: PART 3: MACHINERY AND PROCESS SYSTEMS 1 Application “Thin Sandatd specitien requirements in design, construction and installation of machinery and process systems on alfshore insatlations, ‘Technical supervision required by this Standand ix to be pecformed hy Wistnam Register (heneinalter ruferred as VR). 2 References TCV 6767 : 2000 Fixed Ofshare Pladorms - Electrical Installations 3) General 3.1.1 Apast fram requirements of this Standaed, design, construction and installation of machinery aad provers systems on alfthare insiallaiions are én comply with existing relevani Standarle, 3.2 Plane and particulars 3.2.1 ‘The fallowing particulars ans to be subenitied: Specifications of materials, machinery, pressure vessels, valves, fittings sl pressure Lesing. types tof fuel wed, thermal insulation and fest racing, Specifications of quality wxsurance snd quality control preceshares, Specifications of all anti-pottution equipment, Specifications offemergeacy power unite and blsckatar arangements, Specifications and drawings of the flare radiation levels om the platforms at social and maximum outpa, Drawings of equipment location and hazardous ues. Drawings of deilting, production and aitity iiems including wellhead completions, blow out preventer, Detailed design and construction drawings of machinery items such as oil engines, gas enginas, eompresiors and transmission systems, maalifting appliances and heavy’ Hit equipmeet, Drawings af boilers bos gas ame ol fi. Drawings af pressure ves. Drawings of heat exchangers. Manufacturers dats for pressure relief devices Schematics of all process, drilling and wility piping systems, valve and filing lists, stress, and, thickness calculations. Schematics af all vetilation wysters, 5 TGVN 6767-3 : 2000 Schematics of wellhead completions. Schernatics of salva wells ad equipeent Deaveings of diving eyes when permancolly stranged on the platen, Schematics af deprewsurization and drainage syntems. ‘Constructional details of free standing tanks above 1000 litre capacity. 3.2.2 Ibis recommended that a full hazardous and operability study be carried oul on any proposed fixed offshare instalation, 3.3 Inslallation and commissioning. Installation of equipment is to be carried out under Special Survey. Commissioning tials are un be af realise working power and duration ensure all items are in guod working ander and function as intended. Commissioning trials ane to include all doilling, production nd powered machinery, their suvaciaed systems, als and suidowns. All rating machinery ix uo meet the specified performance, Tests at full rated capacity are tbe witnessed for emergency shutdown and.depressurizing systems, 4 Machinery: 41 General 4.1.1 Machinery units ure ta be built under Special Survey from approved plans ard: (2) "The cope of iaxpection to be carried aut at the manufacturer's works by the Surveyors ix to be agreed before the work is commenced. is {(b)— Where an approved Quality Assurance Scheme is in operation the extent af the inspect bbe agreed befure the work is commenced 4.12 ‘The units ane to be suitable for their intended purpase and ta comply with the Vietnamese Standands or 3 recognized Cove of Canséruction. Where appropriate the iprional rlration characteristics fa machinery system ane tbe spprived when the power qubput is greater that 110 KW. 4.1.3 Material used in the construction of the machinery units is to be masufsctured and teeted to a ‘Wietnamese Standard or an acceptable Code. 4.2 Fire and safety arrangements 4.21 Ol engines, unless protected in accondance with 7.6, or any other equipment which would comatinute 3 posible source of jgnition are aot ta be situa in haxardous sees. 4.22 Where the temperuure of an operating medium raises the external surfuse af any item shove MPC the surface is to be insulated. The insulating material is to he impervious ka bath il and water absorption. 42.3 Foritems of machinery where vibration and mechanical damage may seduce the characteristics af the insulating material, other means of ensuring that the temperate Lint of 200°C is not exceeded are tn be used. Details of the insulating material and design of lay up are ta be subeited, 4.24 Foreill engines sibested in hazardous ares, see 7.6. A.2S Any machinery item located in a vale area thal ean have & eurface lemperature exoseding 200°C, TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 ‘where personnel eoetact is possible under normal aperating, conditions, is to be insulated For personnel ‘Prolection, 4.2.6 Oil fuel used we power machinery is tu havea closed cup Mash point of tC: ane! abowe. In certain seograplical areas fuels with flash points of less than 67°C may be used provided the temperatures of the spaces where they are uted oe elored will aways be LUFC below the fash paint of the fusl e¢ an approved fice protection and extinction measure. 42.7 Specification of fusls uied far helicopters is to comply with Nationss| Authority Regulations or a recognized code. 42.8 Where machinery unite ure fuelled by gas the enclosed space surrounding the machinery unl are to be specially ventilated in aecordance with Section 8. 429 Pressurized fuel gas pipes which pass through wae areas ane uo be & minimum of 55 rum thick and sranged with a minimum number of flanges, 42.10 Pusl tanks ase not to be situsted above machinery itons where any spillage aff fuel could be ignited, Where fuel fines pass above machinery items they are to be well protected against mectanical dlammage and heut radiation, 42.11 Combustion air intakes and exhausts should be led from and to safe teas unless the machinery his been specially adapted for operation ia Zone HI havardins sees. 42.12 Where necessary the machinery is ta be protected agsinst the effects of filure or malfunction of the manual o¢ reevate control systems, Safe means af soeess for maaitoring and averhauling the machinery 9e to be provided 42.13 Oil or gas burning units such as boilers or fired healers ure wy be fied with independent detecting systems which will aperate audible and visual alarm saul autartaticslly shut ofthe fuel supply in the event of the following, applicable: = Low liquid level = Plarwe flare, = Low fui Mow. 42.14 All machinery ite associated with the drilling axl process systems, oil shorage tank and ages ‘where-ail spillages may occur ae to be peavided with bunds o oil comings ta contain the spread of el 43° Crankease safety fittings 43.1 Inengines snd compressors having eyliaders exceeding 200 rm bareerankane reliot valves are Lo be fides in accordance wide Vietnamese Standards or an seveplable exe, 43.2 I eagines and compresiors having cylindrs not exceeding 20 sin bore snd hs {s7oe voluine not exceeding 0,6 m? crankeuse relief valves may be omitied ng a crambeaie. 43.3 Vent pipes tram engine ceankeasee are to be led to the open sie al a cafe location. The pipe rameter is t be made ax small as practicable to reduce the ingress of air in the event of & ceankease explosion, 44 Starting arrangements, TGVN 6767-3 : 2000 44.1 On mamed platforms the emergency generator is i be capable of being readily started in the cold condition down to a temperaure af CRC or the Invest specified 2.8 Tris ambient temperature For which the installation i approved. Heating arrangements are to ke provided to protect the unit agsinst Low temperatures and in eosure realy staring AA2 Bach emergency generalor that ix arranged 10 be started automatically is to be equipped with spproved starting devices with 8 storage enetgy capubilily of at least Uhiee consecutive starts. A. second source of energy’ is to be provided foe an auditional three starts within 30 minutes unless ikind (manual) starting ca be demonstrated to be effective, 45 Governors AS.1 All recipmcating and turbine powered units are to be provided with efficient gowernons, 452 For diesel driven electric powee generators which have fixed setting goversees, the guvemars are to -conirol dhe speed within 5 per cent permunent variation and 10 per ent momentary variation, 454° Ror units operating in parallel the permanent speed. variuion between machinery is 10 be equal Within a tolerance of + 0,5 per cent. The characteristic details of fixed setting governors on tusbe-poweread ‘engines are tn be submitied, ASA For generators of 220 kW and above an independent overspeed protective device is i be Fivted. 46 Filters 46.1 Where a fillee could hecame choked and cause disruption to an essential service, the filler i to be duplicated so that 3 clean filler can quickly’ be pol-inta seevice. The filter must be éspable of being cleaned -or replaced without disrupting the essential service, Alteenatvely proposals th fit automnatic by - pases will be subject tn special comsideration, 47 Noise and vibration ALL Noise and vibration levels are to comply with Vietnamese Starklands or uther recognized Codes and ‘in general: a) Sound pressure levels should ond exceed 135 18-(inear), fb) For general wurking areas a noise level limit of SE ABA for a 12-hour period should not be exceeded {e) For accammedition working areas a anise finit off 60 ABA should not be exceeded and sleeping, squarlens should be 45 MBA or ess. A712 Where noise levels entoesl the first, warring natices are to be posted at the entrances. 48 Trials ABIL All machinery-commissioming tris are io demonsire that the safety devices and associated arms funetion correctly. AB2 ‘The manufacturer is to ensure that the specified machinery ratings will be oblained om the jnstallation, taking into accousl the geographical position and the vatiations in the snmsl ambient conditions, 49 Plant heating arrangements TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 4.9.1 For plaiorms ia cold climates or where low temperaiures may be expected heal tracing o other ‘inva off maintarsing, the equipment said process plant ins operation is to be provided, 49.2 In vessels whore Mamamsble Mids are bested, independent contealk are to be flied to the bet elements so that when the smperature of the fluid rises above a predetermined level, the independent controller will cutout. The controller smust anly be capable of being reset manually. A.W.3 Whee the Malic to be healed shove 200 Fall dedsile ans tobe eubenite. 494 Where electrical trace heating elements are provided and filed with auiemsiic lemmperatute control an additional independent sensor with manual reset capable of cutting of? the heating supply is Wo he fied, soe 4.212, ABS Where the elements are self-regulating and are limited to temperatures below 207C% the: ‘independent sensor may be eeitted. 5S. Pressure vessels and pressure systems SA General S..1 The design and construction of pressure vessels, steam generators, hot walker boilers, yal md mmeumatic pressure Yensels are to comply with the Vietnameve standards or an acceptable International ‘Stansarc or Cone S12 The design of a prossure veusel is required co be submitted for approval where the system gauge precsur, in mulliptied hy the internal volume, in litres exceeds 200, S13 Weshouldl be now that a fluid iv a substance consisting of purticles that move freely aman themwelves and yield to slight preswure changes. A fluid may be a liquid, vapour or gas or carnbinaige of all ‘of ther. S14 Vessels operating at less than an shsolule pressure of 1 kgfen are alsa to be submitted for -spprowal S15 ‘The procure vessel design nd maleriale of cansiniction ane to be rultable for the eaviroamental ‘conditians aad for any low temperatures encountered wither in the geographical areas im which the ‘installation is placed of as a tesull of any foreseable operating condition sich as installation depressarization. 52 Design pressure S21 The design prensure i to be mat less than: (®) "The presiure which will exist in the vensel or system when the pressure relieving device stats to relieve orthe set pressure of the pressure relieving device, whichever is the higher. (hb) "The maximum pressure which can be altained in service where this presvuse is not Tinted by relieving deview, 522 Where pressure parts are of such iegulse shape that i is tmpracticahle to design their seantlings by application of recognized formulas, the acceptability of their construction is ta be: determined by hydraulic proaf Weng and virain gauging or by an agreed alterstive metho. 53 Protective and pressure relief devices TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 S31 Pressure vessels are to be provided with protective devices so that they reenain safe under all freseeable enmlitioms 53.2 Where pumps or preesure surges ate capable of developing pressures exceeding the design conditions of the system effective means of prodection such as prensure relie? devices-or eyuivalent ane to be plowided. $3.4 Pressure eolief valven are to be sized such that any accumulation of gressune from any source will ‘tod exec T10 poe cent af the design pressure, Ror specific fire contingencies where accumaléted presse could exceed 110/per cent, dssign proposals will be. specially eon sidered S3A Bursting discs fitted in place of or in series with safecy valvex are Lo be raled to bur st 8 maximum ‘presnure nod exceeding the design pressure of the vessel atthe operating temperature, S35 Where a hurting disc is fited downstream of a safety valve, the maximum bursting pressure ix alsa uo be compatible wich the pressure rating of the discharge system. 53.6 In the case of bursting: dises fited in parallel with relief valves tn protect a vessel against rapid increase of pressure the bursting disc is to be rated to burst ala maxiiniwn pressure not exceeding 1.3 times thedesign pressure of the vessel al the operating temperabure. 53.7 Pressure relief doviees une tp be type tested to establish their discharge cupabilides at their ‘maximum raed design pressures and fempersiures-in aooundance with Wieinamese standands or an sppraved rode. 53.8 Where pressure relief devices ean be ixolaled (fom the pressure vessel whilet in service there ist be an alternative independent presstire relief device, ‘The system pressure soliel valve set pressure and bursting dise rupture pressure shale bes displayed a the respective operating pasition. 53.9 Any isolating walves wed in conjunction with pressure reliel devices: are to he.of the full flow type canable of heing locked in dhe full open. position, Whose isolating valves ans arranged downstream and uupstreain of 2 reliet device they are to be interlocked! ame wih smoker, $3.10 Whore pressure relief devices are duplicatec on the same vessel or system ancl ited with ixolating valves they aro to be so interlocked as 10 ensure that before one relief device i isolated the other rele! device is fully open and the required discharge capacity is maintained. ‘The interlocking system is U9 be submitted for approval S311 ‘The design of the pressure relioving. sysleen i ta lake into account the charaeteristice of the Mud handled and any extreme environmental condition recorded forthe geographical zine of operation, ‘The vent and pooseure relisving systems are to be sel draining 5.3.12 ‘The rated discharge eapucity of any pressure relief device is take into aueount the buck pressure in the vent systems, Where harardous vapaurs are discharged directly to the akmexphers the outlets sme tne soranged to ventuo a sa Ineatiom, SA Portable ga cylinders SA1 Povtahle gas eylindets an other vessels used to Gansport quid or gasen uewler presiure are tn comply with an axceptaile National or Intemational Sundar or Code aif Practice, SS Hydraulic teat TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 S51 Every pressure vesvel and sysieen is to be hydraulically teed befure taken inio service, $52 ‘The hytiraulic test may be earned out before erection pruvided leak tests of other accepsable meas of testing are witnessed upon cormpletion of erection. S53 Hydraulic teats are to be ia sccordance with the requirements specified ia a Vietsamese standard or arecognined Nations! Code, 6 Fluid transfer systems 61 General 6.1.1 "The requirements af this Section apply to the design and construction of piping systems andl Fitings forming par of such systems. They ane io be in accordance with the Vietnamese standards or a recognized International Standard or Code of Practice and in general Single Failure Criteria will be used for fault analyses dhuring the design of the installation, 6.1.2 Methods of fabrication are to take into secount sny epecial propedties of the material. "The design of the equipment and system is also to take into account the geographical position, temperature ranges and environmental loads which may oecur in apetalion. 6.1.3 Snge pressures and local temperature variations from eysterns which have: become unstable are ti be considered in the overall design of the systerns, Wheee high local eorroeion and erosion is antiepated in the piping xylem provision i toe mule for thickness monitoring: and change oul of spool pieces 6.14 Instrumentation gouges are to be cunable of being isolated, tested or renewed withoul recourse to sytem shat dora, GIS Every pressure system is to be capable of withstanding the maximum operating pressure. Relief valves, or other appraved means are to be provided for pipe systems downstream of pressure reducing valves where the pipes are.not capable of withstanding the upstrecm pressure, 62 Pireand safely arrangements 4.2.1 Valves and fitings which rely upon elastomeric sealing materials in yystems carrying flammable fluids are to be suitably fire tested toa Vietnamese Standard o¢ an approved Standard or Code. 6.22 Fluid transfer systems are to conlirm throughout to similar standards in design and construction, Al parts of the system are to have similar fie-rexistaat qualities. Piping xynleme which are incompatible from a safety aspect are to be kept entirely separateand distinct, 623 High-pressum pumps handling Nammable substances are to be fied with double seals in way of the shalting, Bach seul is wo te capable of taking the full fine pressure, Aliematively where a vent or dra ‘provided between the two seals a lower pressure rating far the ower seal could be accept, 624 Drsinage is w be provided for all open and enclosed spaces. Safe und havanlous are drainage syvlems are to be entirely separate and distinet, Drains from the helicaptee deck are to be led divectly overtone 62S Storage and seevice tanks for hasandoas and hydrocarbon liquids ste to be provided with their autlet valves no arranged tha under fire conditions the valves can be closed quickly and easily. 6.2.6 Where the tanks and yulves are inside enclosures the valve closing mechanism is to extend outside the enclosure, TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 6.27 Level gauge glasses wed in fired and unfired pressure vessels ure tb be af reflex type ane of fre-ranistant glass with means of isolation, Means uns tobe provided to prevent the discharge of the system contents in the event of gauge glass failure. 6.2.8 Level gauge glasses wied on storage inks over 1 m3 capacity for flarmmate or haxardous Muids ave to eo fire resistant glans with means. of isolation in the event of gus glass failure, 6.20 All gauge glasses are tobe adequately protected agsinst smechanical damage. 6.2.10 A flammable substance ix « gas, vapour, liquid, dust or void thal can react continuously with the oxygen in the atruasphere when ignited by a spark, flame or hot surface and will sustain a fire or esuse an explosion 6.2.11 A hazardous substance i thal which is toxic, seidie, alkaline, ar coctasive Lo persons ar subdtancee 62.12 A flume amester ix a device that will prevent the passage of flame in accemianee with a specified performance standard, Its sme smresting properties are based.on the principle ef quenching, 6.2.19 A time serwen ie a device utilising wire mech 10 prevent the pasage of useoafined Maes in aceondsnce with a specified persemanoe standart, 63 Nonferrous piping systems 6.3.1 Whore it is propose! to use material seasitive to heat, such as aluminium, lead or plasties for piping systems the details of the design snd construction of che pipes tagether with the results of fretests ae to be submited 63.2 Nommetallic materials, except far hoses ax shown in Table 1, are nut to be used in xysiems designed for hydrocarbom ow flumrable fluids, The details of the pipe support srungerents and provision for expansion and contraction sre te submited 63.3 Insulation filed on amn-metallic piping aystoms i« nol to be considered when assessing the piping Fire elastant properties 64 Flexible hoses 641 Where flesible hoses are used the fallewing requirements are to te complica with (3) A-sample of hose with the service end connectors attached i to be tested in accordance with an ‘Vietnamese standards or acceptable International Standard or Cade of Practice, The tests are also to include the rebevasl requirsenents ia Table 1 (b) Kill choke and jumper hoses ae to be expable of maintaining the design wodking pressure for a ‘intima period of 30 inutes whilet subjected 10 « minimurn external temperature of TOC {e) Hydruulic eomirol hoses serving well eompletion units and blaw out preventers ane tbe capable of maimiining the design waking pressure for a minimum period of 5 mines whilst subjected (oa minimum external temperature of 700°C, (@)— Atest of a prototype hove specimen, inchaling an end Fung, is io be performed to ensure thatthe awe rmoets che relevant fine inkegrity requirements, TCWN 6767-3 : 2000 Table 1 Flesible hove requirements Duly ‘Pract ating Gale Barat presture Rig wading | Toxic, acidic, alkaline, corrosive und | — aD, ‘amenable uid, compressed sit nul gasen le Wuer, dry powders and other safe products - ‘Stpadaad 0 4B, Cue Dali Kill sd choke Fie | Acceptable 238 Py, Sandantor ——(pge noi) s Cale Hydraulie drive, low pressune nud : 4eP, Wash down and drainage As agreed Production | Kamaper Fire | Acceptable 25s Py, Stundard or yee tay Cade Sub-sea hydruulie drive and comtrol : An Py Power and | Gil, water, chemicals, comprncad sir and | = ‘Acceplahle aah, waity gases, hydraulic fds Stadaed oe Cine (Note: For working presaure P, > 70MPu the burst pressure ratio ix to he agreed. 6S Tanks 6 All tanks are 10 be stilably vented te safe locations, ‘Tanks containing hazardous or flammable substances ste W be Vented ta locations such that isting substances cannot come into coatsct with bot surfaces or electrical equipment. Vents from tanks containing flammable substances are to bé& provided with fame screens or flame arrester, ee 6.2.13, 6.8.2 All tanks are to be provided with voats or overflow pipes. The size and arrangement of the vent or overflow pipe is w be xo designed thar the tank cannot he subjected is overpressure whilst being filled ta overflowing, The censs-séetional area of the went ar aveeflow pipe is to be not hex than 1.25 ties the eros= sectional ates of the filling pipe, The veat pipe internal disaneter i to he ot lees thar 40 sn. 683 Free standing storage tanks of mere than 1m! capseity comisining hazardous ar farnable substances are ta he davigmed and tested in accordance with a recognized standard, Ror guidance the panel height, 4, should notexcees twice the panel brea, b, je 2b, GSA Overflow piping from oil storage amd service tanks af snore than Ima? capacity is to fe Led directly te adesignaied tank ar caisssn, 65S Holicopter fuel tanks are to be sited i the open ans grotecied from high lovels of solar and fae ‘ralistion, Burst are to be fitted and have a capacity equal (0 110 pee cea af the volume of the Largest tank 1B TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 Focated within the bund. The fuel unk oullet is to have asinp valve, Where a Tl the fuel wystem to dhe tank, the have connection je howe is used o join ta be of the quick self-closing type 66 Compressed air 6.6.1 Discharge pipes frum sir compressions are ta be le direct 10 the sir receivers und provision is i be ‘made to remave the entrained oil sl water true the ai. 6.6.2 Insirument control air is tn be debueniliied snd filtered. 663 Whore an air receiver supplies alr to systems required i eontrol, operuie and protect the installation under normal ancl emergency conditions, bath the pressure andl. quantity of air is ta be capable of being mained for these wervices, 664A Where general service plant air is supplied from the samme snusce as the control, operation and emergency’ air then meané are to be provided to autornatically isolate the general wervics plant aie ia dhe even of low air pressure in the supply receiver. 6.65 Sop valves on compressed! gas oF sir receiver outlets are io be of che slaw opening type wo that, shock Loads are not transmnitied into the piping systems when the valves are npened 4.6.6 Fluid systems are to he prolecied by suitable nan — return devices so thal Unindectionsl reverse flow cannot occur, Where compressed air or slesin is used to atoriaa a Cuid, the pipe systems are to be olected against reverse flow from any of the fluids suck as in boilee oil bursing, systems and well bore ‘uid burning eysterns, 4.8.7 Turbqeompressors arto be provided with swiomutic surge control devices. 7. Drilling and process systems TA General 7.1L ‘The drilling equipment ane process systems are to be desigmed amd mamufactured in accordance with a Vietusmese standand ur acceptable Intemational Standin! or Code. 7.12 Whee drilling and process equipment i to be thnanufscturéel undee Special Survey, il a to be commtructed in secordance with the Rules and Appeaved Plans, The scope af the suey to be: carrie aut at the manufacturer's works ix to be agreed by Vik befoee the work ix commenced. Where sn approved Quality Assurance Scheae isin operation, this will be reflected inthe extent of the survey required, 71d Material used in sour crude piping systems is 1 conform « the Vietnamese standards or Recognized Cee. 7.2 Drilling systems 7.2.1 Diver vent lines are Wo be aranged tn discharge through straight steel pipes whenever posse. ‘The open eau of the discharge pipes are to be le. to safes locations, Where bends camot be avoided, the divertor Hines are tn be frmly anchored. The design af dbe henels will be the subject of special consideration. T:22 Any valvecin the diverter vent lines are to be of the full opening type snd open subomnatically when the diverter i clawed, 7.24 ‘The wellshead lines are to he srranged so that pumping though the kill and choke fines ean be cartied out whilst simultaneously Newing back through the wellhead choles valves TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 724 Well completion units are to be five with a permanent kill connection to the sytem, vmessure mud 725 All Mesibbe hoses used during the drilfing operations are to be of an appeared type, Transfer, mud, hydraulic and poumatic hows Hable ts heavy extvenal wearane to be specially peutecteeh, 7.2.8 Where oil is alded tthe drilling mod wyster, provision is to be nde to limit the spread. of oil 08 the installation snd (0 prevent the discharge of oily residues ino the ses, De - eile and oil swoeitaring equipment sre uo be provided, 7.2.7 Ta prevent oil pollution of the surrounding sree feo any ayslem where oil aay be present sde-oilers asd suitably alarmed oil monitoring equipment are to be peavided in the dixcharges 72.8 Ventilation in the ares of the mud tanks is tn be specially considered tn Basan proper dilution of sy dangerour gases, 7.2.9 Where oil ig used in the sud aysien the tanks arm to be provided with special ventilating serangements. For apen systems the maximum oil density ia the sir above the tanks is mo io exceed $ agin F210 Where sour oil or gat is found at leas 5 self-contsined sek of compressed air breathing apparatuses are to be provided at the dell Noor and in addition to thoge required elsewhere in the Rules for Firefighting purposes The compressed air is to be of breathable quality complying with an Vietnamese standard or reengnized Standard. 7.211 Where dhilfing and related operations are carried out below the conductor casing a blow out ‘preventer and diverier system isto be ital. 7.2.12 The blow out preventer ix torbe capable of being activated from the drill floar and at least one other location remiode frown the well 7.2.13 Materials used in castings, forgings and fabricated items for well-head equipment suc ax blow out Preventers, well-diead completion units, pipes and headers subject 10 full Geld pressure are ua have suitable Charpy V-notch impoct properties. Charpy impact (ests are ta be carried out at the specified minzmum sesign temperature on which the design of the iastalltion is haned or lower at specified. See also other Paste of the Rules 73° Man lifting and personnel transfer equipment 73.1 Man fiting and perme! transfer machinery is to comply with the following requirements: {a) The meant of stopping ur braking the machinery is to be duplicated. 1) One brake is ta he-mmanually operated, and the xecond brake is ta he-automstic in operation 46). Speed control or braking systems: are to be progressive in operation. {d) Operating salety factors for machinery items hased an safe working load, are to comply with the Vietnamese standards or Recogrtined Code. 42) Inspection and testing is te comply with a Vietnamese standard or an anceptable Rule fur Lifting Appliances in 8 Marine Environment, TA Process systems TCVN 6767-3 ; 2000 TAI ‘The pracers mydem is io be located in its own designated area and ix in be neparate from any accommodation and utility ares, 7A2 The process systom ix to be provected against fire, mechanical dimage, erosion and carvosion. Corrosion coupons o¢ test spoal picess are to-he. designed into the various systems. The spool pieces are to be fitted in such a mannee 3s ta be easily removed o¢ renewed. TAS Process control socms are io have two means of access, One meank af acces isto be fram ouside the proves. TAA Unles: otherwise approved the discharge (rom preciute telief devices and low-presssire wens sre te be led te a clased verting sy'stoen. TAS Opec and cloved havanfous drain sysiems are to be entively separate and distinct from open and closed sale drain systems, 7A.8 Proves aystem, flammable and hazardous chemical drains which may be pressurized in normal service ate Lo be led to a cloned drain ay teen, TAT Ventilation of the process area is comply with the requirements of Section 8, FAB When the products of the procoss system are exported into the sub-sea pipe fine, the installation export line und sub-sea pipe fineare to be capable of heing isolated from each other by ut least two valves. 742 Audible and visual alarms are to be provided for main oi! line pumps in the event of: (@) Low flo, {by High temperate, 46) High pressure, TA10 Gasscompreciont ane to be protactad a in 74.9 and include protection fot (9) Low suetion pressure, (h) Surge pressures 74.11 Gas compressors and export pumps are to be provided with protective controls and pressure wemscirs that ae duplicated much that single insirument fsilure or routine testing in service will not require an ingtalation shut down, JA Pressure vessel wakh aut connections ate lo be filled with aon-retum valve in addition. to Uhe ‘normal shut-all valves. TAD ‘Where the peucens system depends upon the utility seevices for its operation sat as: 42) Instewncet control ai, ‘Salt watoe cooling, (e) Fresh watereooling or 4) Hysdraulic or pneumatic power, ‘Am alterriive source of supply is tobe provideelf single lure in dhe wiity supply wystern crm cause an uenacceplable operating condition to arise. 7A ers used in water or gan injection systems are to be duplicated to postit the filters to be cleaned TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 without interrupting the pumping system if the loss af the injection wystem could cause an unscveptuble fomecating coreition ta arise TALIS Where gi of waler is reinjected into the reservoir the arangements avd protective devices an the ‘machinery and pumping syalenie ane to be similar to the production well arrangemeats. 7.8 Flaring, depressurizing and heat radiation 7.51 All instalistions whens hydracarbon Liquids or gases are processed are to be capable of being depmessurized, 7S.2 Where flare systems are installed the design is to easure 4 cles continuous flame. Make-up gas ix Lo be injected inta the veot system in ameven and controlled manner ts maintain steady faring: comics, 2. "The flare gues are to be capable of being ignited and extinguished ty the opersions fram a remote ‘pawition TSA "The flare system is to be capable of controfling excess wax presaures caumed whee emergency deprossurization takes place under conditions of fiw on the installation. 7.55 "The process venting system isin be led bo liquid veparator befire entering the vent or flare stack. Amy entrained figuids are to be removed in the separator or knock-out drum for separate eispesal 75.6 Whete teesperatures helow rinuk 29°C may be expected ia the vent lines during depressuetization the malerial of the valves and pipe Kinesis to be pecially considered and to have Charpy V impact values of 27 Joules at the west operational design teenperatre, 78.7 Under emorgeney depressurization conditions, the pressure in the pressure veswels and pipelines ix wo be reduced trom the initial condition to half the maximum allowable working pressure. Other epmecsurization rates may be specially considered depending On the design parsivetere involved, 7.8.48 For narmal operating conditions the levels of thermal radiation at manned ar operational positions is nat td exceed 1,9 kWin? in dan conditions. Highe® level: of Ghermnal radiation way be Secepited in lemperate climates afer field tests have been earried out andl the results subenitted for caesideration. 7.5. Solar radiation wich may affect the lovels of exposure is uo be taken into account in the design of the platform. Under emergency flaring conditions the therm! radiation level atthe muster stations is ttn vexoeed 4,7 EW. 75.10 Consideration ix to be given to the effects of flame radiation level: upon ilems of machinery and -euuipsmend in exposed locations, Items to be comsidered shoul include: 3) Structural members af the flare boom, 4b) Handrails, (6) Tanks containing combustible and volatile Mud a) Ca cylinders, (@) Hetiderks and parked helicopters. <0) Lighting equipment, 2) Communications equipment 4h) Cable trays. TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 (Life saving equipment (6) Cranes, hoist Hines. and pulleys, 75.11 Thormal rutiation readings from selected positions together with surisee temperstuns reaulings a exposed machinery items are also to be recorded and sufenitied for approval. 75.12 Where cold wecting ix provided the arrangements are to minienise: (a) Accumulation af tesce-and flammable Furnes. (H) Ignition From outwide souress. (e} Flash-back upon ignition of the vend gaves, 75.13 ln the event of the cold vent gines becoming: ignited the flume shuld be capable af being extiaguished from the platform fry «suitable inert gas, 76 Protected oil engines for hazardous areas ore inal 7.6.1. Oil engines which are required to eperate in Zone HI azanious areas cn comply with the requirements of 7.6.2 ta 7.6.23, where che Vietnamese standards which differ from these requirements, cay also be accepted provided an equivalent standard of protection ix achieved, 7.6.2 The air induction systoen is tbe provided with a shutol valve located between the engine air inlet Fito anl the Maine artester. ‘The valve ig 10 be capable of being closed manually. The valve is also 10 be capable of being subomatically closed by the engine overspeed device and it i# recommended thal the induction ait valve and engine fuel supply shuld automatically clove by a signal from a local gas senso. 7.63. Atv approved corrosion revisian flame amester constructed and tevted 1 thes Vietnamese standards iucton system, The flare arester isto be as close to the or s recognized standard ist he provides in thes engine 2s possible with good scvexs tor inspection und overhaul 764 Joinie uoad in the induction and exhaust eystems are to be either oper joinls et closed jaints constructed in accordance with Fig. 1 eg 04 - E fnengivm 03 & — é 02 } . I Pempittell dispenqions f ou - | | Flsrnopath length (itn) Fig.1. Relationship between length and gop for flamepaths 765 Am open jaint will allow the (ree pasuge of gus but will nod allow che pangs of flume. A Mone sarecter is a particular type of open joint considered veparainly by testing. 76:6 —Aclosed joint will not allow the passage of either gas or Name ander neem or test conditions, The TCWN 6767-3 : 2000 ‘mnimum joiat width is to be not fess than 9 au 7.6.7 Am approved corrosion resistant Name arrester is 0 be provided in the exhaust system. ‘The Mame ameter is to be consirucied and tested to the Vietnamese standands or a recogrizmed standard. "The flame smroster is to be fide as close to the engine as possible with goad avcess for inspection andl replacement "The flame arrester can be eeiited if the exhaust terminates in a safe anes, 76.8 A spark arestor is to be fitted in the exhaust syatem downstieam of the flame arrester. The spark ameuter is i he-consirocted and iexted in 3 recognized standard 789 lis recommended that a ick pressure indicator is fitted to the exhaust manifold uo provide-peior ‘warning of exhaust Mame amester fouling, T6.10 ‘The engine cramkcace beeather pipe is to be fitled with a flame aresier, For engines in eloeed Zooe Ul areas the breather pipe is ta be led to the open atmosphere, The breather pipe is not to be led tothe engine induction system, 78.11 “Theengine crankcase is 0 operate ala small positive pressure, 7.5.12 With the engine at full powee and temperature stabilized no surface temperature on ihe engine or exhaust cystom in to exceed 200°C, 7.8.13 Ventilation fin blades and belts are uo be of the anti-static type, The combination of materials fan impellers and the housings ane to be nen-spasking under both normal and fault conditions, 7.6.14 Engine starting syatems ave not to introduce a source of ignition external tothe engi The system sto have appropriate sale (ype cenilication, or ia be capable of heing demonstrated as being of a safe type by spymopeiste testing. 7.8.15 “The engine i nod tn be capable af running in reverse, 7.6.16 Fuel supply is to be capable of being shutoff mesma and automaticaly it the event al: ta) Overspeeiing, {by High exhaust temperate, 86'7.6.17. (6) High cooling water temperatura, {Lows lubricating oil prewsare, 7.6.17 The high exhaust lumperuiure sonvor is ube Fecated upstream of the exhaust flame arrestee. The high exhaust temperuurs seaser and engine shut-down om high exhaust (ermperuiune ean be omitied if the coxhaust pipe terminates in a safe area, 7.8.18 Basic operaiing insiructionx should be permanently stiached to the uni giving details of stop, stare and emergency procedures 7.6.19 Where an engine is fitted inside any enclosure the following requirements ane ta be carnplieel with 8 applicable: fa) Where an engine is locued inside an enclosed Zone IE hazardous area, the space ix to be independently vented at a recommended engine is runing ard 12 wr changes pee hour whee stopped wu rate of 20 ar changes pec hour whilst the {b) Where sn engine & located inside an enclosed acoustic hood on the ‘Open Deck’, the hood ix to 19 TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 be vontilaed at a recommended niimum rate of 12.aér changes per bur befre start up 7.6.00 A hytranlic proof test a a gauge pressure of 0,5 MPa or 1,5 times the explesion pressure in ocomlance with 7.6.21 ix ta be witnessed om the induction and exaust systems without showing signs af leakage 7.6.21 Forengines of 370 kW and abowe the induction and.echaust systems are to be explosion tested the Vietnasneee standards ora recognized standard without showing signs of damage or Mane tranemiscion to the almasphere, ‘The maximum explosion pressure is 1 be neconded and used in che hydraulic prot test in 76.20, 7.6.22 Complete engine units and driven components are tx be examined. snd tested at the manufacturer's ‘works or othes suitable works before being pul intn service. Therealter, the complete teil is to be examined annually and the original certificate codarsed or as otherwise agieed tn ensure a permanent written record cof survey. Ibis recommended tat time elocks of the nam-reseting type be fitted 1 the engine. 7.6.22 Where sn engine manufactures catries oul wiefaclory type Lele on aa engine or series of engin and subssquenily provides conversion kits for similar engines, proof iasis can he vauived. However, each converted engine ix bu be shop tested ia accordance with 7.6.22. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) 1 Design aspects B11 In designing HVAC services consideration should be given te the following aspects: {a} Installation arieatation and prevailing: wind. {b) Hazardous area classification and segregation of hayardous areas, {e) Fire und gos detection and protection system, {) ntegrity of Fre division fe}, Design criteria regarding external and ioternal, emperatures, humidities, stati pressures, and rise levels, 16) Location of HVAC inlets, oullets and air change rates. (2) Dilution of removal of Msrmmable or toxic Furmex. fh) Remeaval af excess beat f) Air tocks. ) Safety philawophy reyording the following: partial shut down, total abut down and slur arrangerteats. 52 General 52.1 Allenciesed accormmodatinn, plant, drilling and process spaces are to be power ventilated 52.2 Where enclosed epuces are aurmmunded by or are siljacent to: hazardous areas the power ventilated sysiem is to have automatic standby capabilities 5.23 Safe area and hazardous area ventilation is be enfirely sequre, ‘The ventilation (an inlets and chants are to be arranged so that crass camtamination by the effects of the fans, winds or adjacent building oe structures, comnos lake place, 20 TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 R2A ‘The rate off wir change is to be in arcomdance with the Vietnamese standanls er Recognized Code for the saved ares i tebe in acexmance with Tuble 2, Table 2 Rate af air change ‘Spaces ‘Air changes per how ENCLOSED SPACES | Hazardous dilting snd proces 20 Minimum Sale driling and process 220 Power generation 220 Emergency machinery a2 Utility machinery B12 ‘OPEN SPACES 6 Minium Semi-enclused with vindwalls or is B12 NOTES: 1, An enclowed space: (a) Any spmce that exmnot schievs an axlequate rate of ventilation without mechanical (b) Any srace thal is opec on ome side oily, (c} Any totally enelosed space, 2. Asemi-onclaved sae (a) A space that ie open dn tw oppaaing widen. (by A space thats fited with windwalls ar athee wind and weather obstructions an bbvo opposiag sides 3, An open space is a space that is open on we apposing nides plus af Feastome other surface which can he-either a bulkhead, deck or deckhesd. R23 All enclosed ventilued spares are to have the sir change rate verified by instrument rocundings, “The secordings ans to-be made with the installation in the normal functional condition. B26 Where the diilting, process, aifity and power services are arranged in the open and rely on natural ventilation, the ventilation re ix to be recorded by meter reaings taken under calm weather conditiems B.27 ‘The air changes are to be verified with che wind coming from different directions af the cormpass. ‘The results ane to be nubemited for approval. BAK For machinery items operating in their own particular enclosure ae acoustic hood the details sre 10 be submnitied, B29 Emergency machinery and electrical equipmeat spaces are to be independently ventilaied at the 2 TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 specified rate K2.10 Ventilation fan blades snd their enclosures sre tn be fitied with a brass rubbing aisip on the fare basing oF are ln be aranged to be aon-sprerking under both errand faall conditions 83 Safe areas B21 Bacloved safe ares ane to be pressured and maintained at a higher pressure than any surounding or ajacent hazardous ares. RA2 Ventilation inled ducts to cafe snes ae. to-be provided with gp detectors sa all ilety ate bo have ‘plotection agains! snow or water ingress. B33 Whee the exhausts fram the drilting and production safe srewe are led to Zone I hazardous areas, the outlets are to be provided with self closing sbutiers and gas detectorsin the exhaust sinew, 83.4 Accommenlution and usility safe-area space exhausts are to be lel tn safe areas B35 When the veotilation aysier ix einpped or hax failed, the sisrt-up- procedures to: be carried. aut tx ensure the spaces are sale to resume operations ars ta be indicated in the Operations Massa, ‘84 Haxardous areas 84.1 Bnolosed hazamious ares are tn be maintained at a lower pressure than the surrounding area. A ‘pressure differential of S mm HC between adjacent areas is considered sufficient. BAZ A dilfercotial preswute gauge ie to be provided lo monitor any loss of differeetial preswute asd in the even! of loss of pressure to activate audible and visial alanis ia the central Goatrol station, 8A3 Ror deifling and process areas where packets or stratification of gas may take place additional ‘means of cireulating the aie shold be comsidened 9 Control Rngineering Systems 94 General 9.1.1 These requirements apply ta manned offshore installations, Special consiiderution will be given ls unmanned offshore invtallations which ane controlled from the sbore or from another effiiore installation. 9.1.2 I addition to thece requirements allention should alco be given lo any relevant statutory ‘requirements of ether Standards. 92 Plans 92.1 Plans required by 9.2.2 10 9.2.6 ane woe submitted in wiplicale, 92.2 Where control, alarm and safety systems ane intended! for machinery ar equipment as defineel in 9.2.3, the following is tobe subwnitied!: (3) Description of operation with explanatory diagrams 4b) Line diagram of control circuits, 4e) Test schedules which should ineluds methods of testing and test Facilites provided. 92.4 Plans for the eontrol, alarm and salty aysdem of the following are ta be wubsnitbed: (a) Utility equipenent: Air compressors, 22, TCWN 6767-3 : 2000 Electric generating plant, Evaporating and distilling system, Fuel gas processing equipment, ‘General seevice plant air and contol and instrument air xystems Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. Lifting applisnees. Mechanical refrigeration systems, il fuel trate sna storage {parifiens sa oil heaters. Olly water separators, ‘Sioa raising plant (boilers and their ancillary equipment). “Tempered water system, ‘Thee fli heaters, liscellaneous machinery (where contre, alarm and safety sysiems are called for in olher nections of the Rules). 1b) Process equipment ‘Coalencers, skimmers and detryratars, Export pumps and compressions. Gas compressors Gas Lit systems Glycol contactors and seyeneeators, Heut exchanger, HIP aad LP Mate syteras Process analyser, Production ane test separate vessel, Sond detection systems. Semubbers Sphere launching and receiving systerns, Surge, flash and kooek out deuas. ‘Water, ga and chemical injection sysierns Well-head, choke and hoadee systems Wireline systems, (©) Drilling equipment: Blow out prevenine stacks and diverier nysiems ‘Comeot and baryles storage and haalling systems. 23 TGVN 6767-3 : 2000 Choke an il cysts Draw works and eddy current fakes, Mud tagging syetoens. ‘Mud and cement pumps. ‘Mud tseament snes Rotary table, ‘Wireline systerms, 924 Alani systems Details of the overall arm system, Hinking the main coninil point subvidisry central paints, the CMshore Installation Manager's (O.LM.3) office, the radio rom, the accommodation and other arews where duty personnel may be present, ate to bo subsite 92.5 Control points ‘Location and details of control points ate tobe submited, «.¢ coatrel panels and consoles 1.2.6 Programmable electronic gymtems Details of system block diagram, flow chert, logic oF ladder diagram und detsils of self monitoring techniques are to be submitied together with detsile ofthe eaftware quilily assurance plan. 93 Salety systems 93.1 Fine and gus detection systems Plans showing the «yslees (8) operation, the type and location of fire and gaz detector points and tbe fice and sae indice panels sre to be submited wake, manual call 93.2 Uulity, process, dilling if applicable) and emergency shut dawn systems, Details of dhe shut down philosophy, ayster logic disgrams, caine and effect matrix diagrams, inop diagrams and description af ‘operation are to be submitted 933 Details of personnel wamiing systems (public address and platform sisuus indicators) are us be subemitteh, 94° Alarm and contra! equipment 9.4.1 Major units of equipment associated with eanteal, alarm and slaty systems a defined in 9.2 aro to lhe surveyed at the manufacturer's works and. the inspection and testing is Lobe ta the Surveyors watnfactiom, 9.4.2 Equipment used in control, alarm and safety systems should be suitable for its intended purpase, and accondingly wheaewer practicable, he selected frum the List of Type Approved Equipment, Far fire detectors, nee 95 Alterations or additions 9.5.1 When an alteration oradkdiion to the sparoved xystern(s) ix propused plans are ibe submited for approval. Any alterations o additions ars ta be carried aut under survey and the inspection, texting snd ‘installation are to be to the Surveyors satisfaction. 9.6 — Rassential features for control, alarm and safely eystems TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 9.6.1 Whore itis proposed to install control, alarm and safedy system to the equipment defined in 9.6.3 the applicable feainnes in 9.6.2 to 9.6.8 ane i be incorporate in the system design. 9.62 Control points for machinery and equigmest 9.62.1 A system of alarm displays and contrls is to be provided which readily ermures satisfactory supervision and idendiffcation of faulls in the machinery and equipment, ‘This may be provided at « main conérol paint or, alternatively at subsidiary control points, fn de latter case, a master alarm display is 1 be ‘provided at the min comiral point showing: which of the subsidiary control points is indicating = fame coming, 9.62.2 Means of communication are io be provided as applicable between the main comirol point, subsidiary control points, the ©:1.M.'s nffice, and dill floor, the tol pusher's oflice and the accemmeuxlation for operating persormel. 9.62.3 Provision iste be madeal the main coniral point and any other subsidiary contre! point from which the machinery or equipment may be controlled to indicate witich prints in camteul, 8.624 Control af machinery, and equipment is tobe possible aly from one control point at time. 9.62.5 Changeover between contro! points is be arranged so that it may any be effected with the seceptance af the point taking: control. The systen is to be provided with inteelocks or other suitable means Loewe effective transter of extol 9.63 Alarm systems 9.621 Am alarm aysiem which will provide warning of fauhs in machinery and equipment ix to be installed. The system ix to satis the requirements of 10 9.632 Machinery, equipment, nafety snd control aystems fats ars be indicated at tho relevant control ‘points to advise duty pemonnel of « foult condition, ‘The presence of unrecéfied faults i to be clearly indicated at all times. 8.63.3 Aliens avccialed with machinery, equipment, safety and control aysterns fants are to be clearly distinguishable from other alarms (e.g, fie, general alr), 8.634 Whore alarms are displayed as group alarms provision i to be made to ideetity sndividual alarms al the main central point or alternatively at sabsidiary control paints, 9.63.5 All alms are to be both audible und visual, Wf amrangements are made to silence sudible absrmns they sre not to entingnrsh visual alarms, 9.63.6 Acknowledgement of visual farms ix 10 be clearly indicated. 9.63.7 ‘The acknowledgement of alarms at main and subsidiary central points is un be smranged so that the opecati required to take action ix avane.of the fault, 9.63.8 Wan alum has heen acknowledged andi a second funit occurs prive 0 the first being rectified, sails snl visual alarms are again ts operate 9.62.8 For the detection of transient faulis which are subsequendly vell-comecting, alarms are required to loci im until accepted. 9.63.10 The alarm system is to be arranged with automatic changeover tn a standby powrer supply it the event ofa Failure of the normal power supply. TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 63.11 Failure of the normal power supply tn the alum system ic to be indicated, both audibly and ‘visually 3 separate fault alarm. 9.63.12 Tho alarm system should be designed with seli-momitoring properties, Insnfar as practical, any Faull in the alarm system thould eause it to fail to the alarm condition ®, fhe ulsrm sy'seen in 4a be capable af being tested during normal machinery operation, 9.63.14 The alarm system i tn bo devigned as far 36 practicable to function independently of cantrul and safely aysiems such thal failure or malfunction in thew systems will not prevent the alae (4) from operating, 9.63.15 Disconnection or msxnual overriding of any part of the alarm systems should be elesrty iwicated, 9.63.16 When ular syviems are provided with means io aeljuat their vet point, the arrungernerts ane tr be such that the final settings can be reulily ideatifie. 9.6.4 Control systems, general requirements S641 Whore conésol systenns ate provided, the requirements of 9.6.4: to 9.64.7 ars to be satisfied. 964.2 Control systems For machinery and process aperatioay are in be sable Umoughout their operaiing range. Failure of the power supply to a cantral system is to operate an audible and visual alarm. 9.644 Control systems should he designed to sil sale’, The characteristicn of the ‘fail waft operaiom are ts be evaluated on the basis nat only of the control system and its ssinciaied machinery and process equipment but also the cornplete installation, B.6AS ‘The control system it to be designed such that notinal aperation of the controls eanoet induce etsimental mechsical ar thermal averload in the machinery or process equiprrent 264,68 Remo automatic contrals are tte. pravided with suflicient instrumentation at the relevant control points to ensure effective contral and indicate thal the system is functioning. correctly 9.64.7 ‘When control systems are provided with means io aifjust their sensitivity ar set paint, the serangements are io fe such thad che Final seitings can fe really identified. 96.5 ire and gas detection alarm systems BHS.1 An sulomatic fire and gan detection system is to be fitled which satisfiew the requirements of 965.2 10 A fire and gas detector indicator panel ist be located at the main control point ur the fire control ‘poinc (if ited). The panel is uo iwicats the source of the firs in accordance. with arrunged fine zones by ‘means of vist sigma 8.65.3 An audible fire and gas lari is to be provided having. & characteristic tone which distinguistws it from the alarm ayster required by 2.3 ae any oher alarm system. The alarm is to be audible on all parts of the installation, S654 Facilities are to be provided ia the fire and gas detecting system ta msaually initiate the alarm from the following, locations: 4a) Positions adjacent in entrances to machinery and process equipment compartments. 26 TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 (b) Accommunistion ares. 6) The O.LMs office. (@) Control points in machinery sel precess areas. 2) The main eamdral print or fire eomtral pint Fite). 9165.5 The alan eystoe is to be decigged with self-monitoring properties, Power or syste failures are 10 ‘initiate sn audible alerm ditingtihsble from the fire anal gas alarm. This alarm may be incorporated in the alarm sytem as required by 2.3. 9165.6 For powee supple, nee TCVN 6767 » 4:2000. 96.5.7 Detector heals and manual call points are un be Type: Approved. 96.5.8 Fine detector heads are to be Ineated so that all potential fire outbreak points are guarded, A combination af detectors is recommended in order that the system will react to all possible fire characteristics 96.5.9 When fire detectors are provisee! with means to adjust heir weraitvity, ve arrangerments are to be such this. the set point can be fixed and readily identified, When itis intended that a particular loop or deiector is to be temporarily switehed of, this state is tw be clearly indicated, The fine detector heads are to be wa type which ean be tested and reset without the renewal af any ccompodeat. Facilities are to be provided an the fire snd gs control panel for functional toting and reset of the system, 965.12 Smoke detectors wed for the protection of living quarters ane ta operate before the smoke density exceeds 12,5 per cent obscuration per mete, bul not undil the amoke density exceeds 2 pee cent ehseuration pee metre 9.65.13 Heal detectors used for the protection of living quarters are u- operate before the temperature rexceesls 78°C but mat until the temperature exceeds 54°C, when the temperatures raised do those limits at a ale Fest than 17C per minute, AL higher rates ef temperature rise, the heat detector is 10 operate within satisfactory temperature limits having regard (o the avoidance: of detector insensitivity oe oversensitivity 9.65.14 The permissile temperature of operation of heat detectors may be increased tx 20% abowe the maximum deckhead iemperaturs in drying rooms and other living quurters of a normal high ambient leenperature, 9.65.18 The maximum spacing of detectors in the living quartees is tbe in accordance with Table 3. Other spscing hased upon test dais which demonstrate the characteristics of the detectors may be permitied, Tables Maxiorum distance away Maxinwana oor area per | Maxiingmn datance apart ype of detector detector in mi? between contres, jn metros oa bute, i raetres Heat 7 ° 48 Sooke 1” ss TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 9.65.16 Gas detectors are: tn be selected having regaed to the flammable andfor tasie gasen likely to be ‘Ptesent in each particular ates or compantinent ane are to be sited having regard to the probable dispersal af the gas a4 guverned by deesity, HVAC air flows: and possible points of leakage 9.65.17 Means are to be provided sar tha the sensidvity of gas detectors ean be realy tested in. their ‘mgunied positions by the injection of span gas ar other eyuivalent method, In addition to the fixed gax detection ayatern two partable sax dadectoos of each type, taygether with any necessary test facilities for checking their accuracy, are do be provided forall anticipated gas fazands including the following: Hydrocarbon gas detectons-range 010 100-per cent of the Lower explisive iit, "Tonic gas detectors, (Oxygen concentration meters. 9.6.6 tility and process safety and shuidoun gystems S61 Whore safety aystoens ane provided the requirements of to 9.66.11 are to be ais fed. Safety systems une uo operate automatically in case of serious faults endangering the machinery or equipement thats {a) Normal operating conditions are restored, e.g. by the starting of standby machinery and equipment, {b) the operation of machinery of the process is temporarily adjusted to the prevailing: conditions, 2g. ‘by reducing outpat, or {€) the machinery or process ix protected from ezitical conditions by shuiting afl the fuel ar power supplies or process flow thereby slopping the machinery o¢ dhulting in the process, S66) Safety systems ame Ww be designed as far as practicable to gnerue independently of cartral and alarm systems, such that a fathare o# malfunction ia these systeena will not prevent the safety systems from pecating. 866A Safety xyntems are ta be arranged sa that cascade operation of safely shut downs due to back up effects in the process are avoided S.6.S Safety aystomns for diflereet items of the plant sre to be arranged s0 that failure of dhe safely system fone pat of the plant ix aotto inlerfers with the operation of the safety system in nother pant of the pant, 9.66.6 Safety aysiemns should be designed i al safe. The characteristics of the ail afe! operation ne to be evaluated on the basis not only of the wafety system and its sssociaied machinery or process, fut alse the complete instalation, When a safety system is activated, an audible and visual alarm ix to be provides! to indicate the cause ofthe safety action, S68 Safety systems are to-be providee with maul reset D669 Where arrangements ate provided foe overriding a safely eyntem, they are to be such that inadvertent operation ix preventeeL Visual indication is to be given af the relevant control paini(s) when a safety override is operated, 28 TCVN 6767-3 : 2000 9.6610 Safety systems are to fre arranged with automatic changeover to a standby power supply in the event of failure of the narmal power supply.] Failure of che power supply ta a safety system is to operate an auulible and visual slarm, 9.6.7 Emergency shuttlown (E-S.D.) systems 9.67.1 An BS.D. system is tn be provided when any process presents a havard which eauld afleet the safety of pemonnel, the overall safety of the installation oe the pollution af the envirenment, The system ix Loowatisly the requirements of 96:7. "The BSD. system is to operate on those items of plant defined in 9.2.4 as applicaile and ix bu incompocate levels of ehut down appropriate to the degies of hazard to persoewsel, plant ancl the eavirenenent, "The operation of the ESD, system is to be initiated mamsslly. In addition, oneeutiom may be initiated sutemstically by signals derived trom the fire and gos detection system and signals derived from ‘process and other equipment sensirs, 9.674 Manus! ESD. actuation points for complete shut down of the installations are tn be provided at suitable locations, ¢.g. main control point, helicopter decks, eanergency evacustion stations Hach manual ESD. actuation point around the installation is up be clearly identified, 9.67.6 "he E.S.D. systom is ta be arranged with automatic change over toa stindby poser supply in the event of failure of the normal power supply. Failure a power supply to the ESD, syatem is to operate an ausfible and visual alarm, 9.67.8 The ESD. system is tn be arranged! tn a ‘ail safe’ concept, ‘The charactorsties of the ‘fail sate! operation une to fe evaluated am the basis aut only of the E.S.D, system and its asoeiated machinery or ‘Process, but slso the cornplets installation. "The ESD, system ik to be provided (sith manual revel, Where amungements are provided fur overriding parts of an E.S.D. system they shield be such that inadvertent operation is prevents Wisuiil indication ig to be given at the tain control point when an override is operated. 9.67.11 Accumulators for preumatic and hydraulic aysterns are to have sufficient capacity to perfore ame complete shutdown follower by reset capabilites witha the need foe recharging the accumulatee, 9.6.8 Programmable electronic systems 9.68.1 Where control, alarm or safely system incorporate programmable electronic equipment se requirements of 9.6.82 to 9.6,8.11 are to be satisfied. 9.682 Control, alarm and safety shut down functions are to be arranged such that 2 single failure or ‘malfunction of the electronic equipment will not affect wore than ane of these functions, achieved by dedicated equipment for each off these Functions within a single system, or by the prerision of may be standby equipment, or hy ather suitable means. 9.683 Where standby equipment is provide the changeover arrangemeets are. tn be such 3s tn prevent ‘malfunctions ofthe standhy electronic system and the machinery wer conteal 9.6.84 The system is to be designed with vell-monitoring Facilities and any fault causing failure wf the 29 TCWN 6767-3 : 2000 eystem te carry out i inlanded function is to initiste an sudible and -wisal alarm, Both operaling sd etandby equipment {if (ited) is to be rnamitored. 9.6465 ‘The location of handware fault is uo be indicated to a level computise with the equipments designed repaineplacement policy. ‘The system isto be arranged io operuie auomatically from an alleenasive power supply in the event of a filure of the normal power supply. Failurwof any power supply to the system isto initiate an audible and visual alares Progra and dats held in the syntem are to be protected from corruption by lows power. Where any part of the program is stored in volatile memory a permanent copy of the prograsn and the rears to reenter it are to be provided. Acooss for alterations to pragram om-dlaia is to have etfecsive weeurity arrangements. The quality comirul procedures governing software devefopment, design, mudification, replication and installation are to be in aecontance with mn acceplable National or Internation! Standard. oF Code of Practice 9.6.9 Personnel warning system 9.69. Apercnnel warning system is tn be fitied which satisfies the requirements of ta A public subliest (PA) ayilien ic to be provided which if to be audible in all parts of the installation "The P.A. microphones are 19 tre located at the main contra pointand at the fire com pai Ci fitted), Additional microphomes may be provided at oder suitable locations, «.g, inthe (. 1, M.'s office, Platiorm status indicators are tn be provided at tho Follawing locations: 42) Entrances to all work spaces 4b) Eatrances to the accommodation. (6) Recreation area and mes roms, {d) Helicopter deck, 4@) The main control point, 40) The CLM office. g)"The dll oor, {h)"The Teal Pusher’ office, 9.6.94 Installation status indicator displays are uo relate to the hazard potential an the installstion from ‘normal’ conditions to prepare Uo abandon installation’ conditions, ‘The controls for the installation status indicatnes are to be lecated al the main control point and at the fire control point (if Fited). Additional controls may be provided at cuher suitable locations, e.g, in dhe OLM‘soffice. Fire and gas status indicators may be initiated automatically from the fire and ga detection system, ‘required. by 8.6.8, ‘The PA, and inatallation satus indication systems: are to be aringed with aulimnatic changeover to TCWN 6767-3 : 2000 standby power supply in the event of a filure of the-norrual power supply, Failure of the normal power supplies to the PA, and installation status indicator systems is to be indicated both audibly andl visually 3s 8 seperate fat alarm, 9.6.10 Drilling safety equipment °. 1 Blow out prevents snd diverters are uo be provided. 9.6.102 The hydraulic; scounulators for the blow out preventer rani and arbulus are to have sufficient saipacity for two closing actions and one reseting action. Clasing times are, in general, do be lees than 30) seconde. Foe annular proventors anger than 500 enim (20 in) diameter dhe elacing tw is bee less than 85 seconde, 9.6.103 ‘The hydraulic pumps sre Uo have sufficient capscity 10 enable the annular preventor ancl the hydraulically opersied choke line valve 10 be closed within 2 minutes without sesorting to the: hydraulic scoumulstirs 9. (4 The hydraulic purnps ar ta be capable of providing a hydroulic gauge pressure of 14 bar ubove the ‘normal charge presente of the accumulators withi 2 sinutes ®. (5 Twa independent sources of pawer are to be provided to drive the hydraulic purmps, aI

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