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Page 2 Page 3 CcouRT oF conan PLEA “QVILDVISON ; ee ‘evi DvNON CASEIN AOS {panini fBRETTANY MARINO Page SBME NACKE: 4 ‘ RANDYCREWR ad, PLANTS d 19 xaogerraxmensi, — perepavrs. |} Sarerinooers ay DRONE" GHITTANY MARINO = Baten ag B o ze wavcorr i eauRe store 2 2 Barlow a ai ea nm . Rept Vs aes, LC 2 cng, ey 01 i (855) 261-8440 a Pave 2 Page # 2 MedgutinotunrTany MAR, es | 2 RITEANY MARINO 2 ey ni we meen 2 Galeton bute Pat afer ving Den 5 Wincremntiectehemtctart | 3 Sct man we canted ee ow ‘5 $300 Sociale Foster Rond, Ste 200, Maan, Ohio “ CROSS-EXAMINATION { BeeAmaeaigaiiiamemmet |, | ByMRMAGKE: 5 Senatalds twa mca 6 Grodan. MMi, My eis g Reese Crete 5) ean erent Pi Randy Cos ad a sensseee 3 3 Cron Cv the tn ch og i APPEARANCES Steeped dit gigi big yo 2 18 semen, nd tee we ne acu 23 mamuspvmnoninaLanmis 11 tguerhretn ig teeing dove and eee 12 Te Nora aed Sed i wil. 1s Newotr kana a1 23 you pte ova ins tht wl a 1 taleontodys eae 7 INOTHE NDANTS: as ‘Pat, if sk you a question that you om Te dostanid ha Ty eset 1s Shee aunt pei owes 17 Gey tein awh eqn Sivsccanerte ont 1s Soe deena more ron 8 eso 15 dtundenuod ae kt etoon,Sexod, 5 20 powering mye 20 2 21 Tart rsoing cin jatbome he 2 22 caivakedo se ofa 23 23 A. Sate. oe 2h andi lg leah ‘he qui ffs you sa msweing and st 1 (Pages 1 to 4) suusotot ets Bet ct02 Page 5 you fin he answer, gets very confi i Shelying tite vo vices ates, And thelist hing i iyo need a beaks po, bathroom, ater, of, someting, stl me kno “This nended to be an endurance est. Sot Beir, weld you mind taling nyo fll tea oscupaton? "A. Britany Mergn Mab. Ta pharmacist. Q Andyoure employed by Kroges, cones A Yeu (How ag have youbeen with Kross? ‘A. Tera asa cinco n 200. And ve bec a pharmacist since 2008 1. Okey, Were you in school a thetine wh you were shia? ’A es inhigh shoo an thn work all trough alge and pharma sel (Q. Olay. Amd whore id you goto prmacy schoo! ‘A. Midwastre Univers in Chip. Okay. Have youteen the Kreps Cincinsat al ha tine? Tn essing ‘A. Yes. Yen | would come ome ding schol and were on beaks and ‘©. Oiay. Page 7 @ Chay. Whee ae younowW? A. Toe Koger in Norwood. (Oia. Doyou know the adres off the top ofyourtead? ‘A. Yeah, 4800 Montgomery Ron (@. Ghay. Aare you the plamacy manag: there ‘A No, (Whats yourtie tere? A Ast Q. Okay. Now, in ABEL2014, you were the armacy manage = A Ye Q. ~atKroge’son Kerr comes? A. (Woes noted hed) (How eng ha you tea in tat poston t thetine? "A. Sine Sepleer of 200, 1 Okay. You wer ized thre as the pharacy manager in September 208? "A Yes. Qh, And hat was shonly afer yout ten out ofolege~ rT say, ou of ~ ‘ten your ees your Pham D, dope, coet? 'A. Yes Iwasastffpbamcit attr in Page 6 AL Yea. (An the ha pe sem Midwest, win oy el hat? sot = "A. Dectorf humney. @. Decora humaey. A Ye Ave hr nits ta & PharmD. (Q. Pharm.D. ay. Ad when cid yo ptt degre? "A. 2008. , Youtol mets. And got for “Cconai? Whee dd yo go high seo” ‘A Pail Chr. And when aka you ef ify worked Keoge’s have you ays bee he se rose? A NO . Ohiy. Wooten str? Whar Kroger oust? "A. The Kiogs ia Haron, 0. Chay, How ong hve you been the Kesar Avenue Krog’? "A. work at at ref Seen of 2009 wil st Aut, 90 August of 2013, 10 n 2 1 a ” 6 20 22 Page aniton fr slot year. Andthen weno the ‘Kear tore (Okay, Who was th manager ofthe Halton sre phanacy nage! ‘A. Shay Fy, (Okay. So when ou got your Pharm.D. eae, ys wer a etisan a the Kroes anion; hat coret? ‘A. No, vas apy inte, So when yo pts phanry soa = . Ow. 'A. ~youkind af move anew le Bul wa athe Oxide. ‘Q.Ard oo lng st ineship A. Be fouryous, teenie duton of hanna) so {._Canyou give mea bri eopss aout how he on eit quart on aster off, semning the ao “A. Prumacy hoo? @ Yes A. Noyitwas— i tine the my ths nas, So when Iwas ning, would just ‘cams once petit work, So ually a ong ‘veka or bene And oon ding he 2 (Pages 5 to 8) etc tn 8 nnAB06009 Page 9 | summer would come hae tn work, BUC lived in ‘Chicago the duaan of pharmacy school (Olay. And you completed ut in four yous? A. Yosh. wean acetate propa, sit site ove thre years bat (Soha was the pharmacy dere ps the Invarship was competed in thee yar? ‘A. Yosh. Thelnaship someting you dat ave to do neces Oty. A Sothereare—yeah isa sept thine Okay. So tackle way opto wes you wor atachalian al ough your eters and hens pharmacist. Did you trough and do you go throagh now canting edaton vey yer? ‘A. Asaphumacist @ Yea, ‘A. Yes. Asam nem andtectnician, wos treed, (Okay. And asthe pharmacy manager the Kenan Kenget, you wae ool pharmacist ou were he manage ofthat ste that covet? "A. Yeah ofthe phamey. @ Soidyou toring and employee reviews aod hing he ta? n 2 3 a6 Page 11 (, Tiki fit me nas Cae Whe weld Atattane eee? ‘A Tas my sf pha Whats hintaan? A, Bardot, BURDETT, Okay, As part of wt aed Krges ara provident eas, provided 8 unber of llc nd proedemans nd tepial ben. Are you ware of os ocunes ta ere proved me? [MOL MOORE: 1m ging tobe oh use fee documents Ie ated fr aps bck of ajo tok ot of is materi wie MR MACKE: Oty MR. MOORE: St’ nt aa hance sce he case it ant he ooking tough & ple ofetareous mals. MR MACKE: Ob MOORE: Go sea andask ston, But stn o clear oath cade has ot sen MB MACKE: Tat i, MBL MOORE: We aso copies th uses yoo wee proved review and yoo did ee rove ten Sil ve not rove the, wl fave to Ave ©. hay. cayoe tts. Tho er inv hae ede obedient Seainanin,Doporoal ta? Doe? Dade 2 Dur Wag Hews isin se? avn Anita af pian tae ea dat eee se. waht anc i ey, Olay Actor atthe amperes Tale ald odin Doge site & Om, 8 ka, O faeyn pen nee stem she tga Se Gly, ht ater a sede pen alt Senses, “tn Page 12 te set MR.MACKE: Otay, Ofte sed ora (ottaerecon) BYMR. MACKE: (. ls Marna, nyourcpniy at Kroger youl ilar witht pots andres in ‘he phumay, comer? Ye . Anddher aeasubr of marl d plates tae prs in play hat yo ‘ue scqsed wit? ‘s Yo ay, Andou vere smart ese ies sn wen wh pay ted wen Sou Nee ‘he rngsr i Apel of 204 caret? “A Yen (Q Andasthe pharmacy agp, you td bf ayo ves he ign press, he ing ees i ht play ta comet? A Yeu (© Chay. Andsowben fers in per ovat ck a Bes Pace Aden do yon ‘ow guna wat kg aba? 3 (Pages 9 to 12) task go-00 08 004002209 Page 13 AYs (Aol hey a pain esd ta ibe te way soe ngs sal be doen he raat? » Ye Oia. Fm geingto wk ost coe ple trast ely cove inay ofthe ais at revved haste cing resins inte parma, And pes ov sng tom how's ook of meets soca? ‘MR. MOORE: Obits Wht ine fae? In gf 2014 Aca nel 2058 rm Deseo 2073 tog Apo 214, ow wre sts reed wher means wuld be mune! [MRL MOORE: Notemy ohefon, Youn "A. Doyou muni hw ty wee psa ton be tte = ong ass? (Q. The orig rset 0 or pd ‘A Sa. So EPRN is ourconpue yea. A ekeap ok far onan ue. Ad it sls colts a ou mnan nou of ein tneiton bol, Soi il sabe eer T Page 15 phan at anya amen comet? Nh wt we sel end tacks wht we re, Sof we 6 reason fr 30 ll “edu that fois cine ety. And hen if ‘nooner anew boa tio tha. So yes, ‘Eke rong of htt blleves we ba onthe bl 1. Soit dort would wald al hat espng an ive ofthe edit on sock ‘Would you agree ha fi despot? ‘MR. MOORE: Objeion, You san ase ay. Now, nea coal of pars in ‘te manls where tesa poss oe mally Acting tives. Do ou know what Fn talking eho? Ave Whe would youd tat A. Wedolt wien ~ hee sever tounsans, ut e can att we st ace ee wong, fr where esa, he wtever ‘we be on te lf oot ach Wat sin EPR, "Wecanditif we tave to separ NDCs or generis ‘nade y he sane mae y ere micas, lta sue med. So santines we hie to Page a4 (Q. And we you ay iacomily es, pli tn. "A eres nor ht an be i, bt tn ore ie i eek es 8 of aden tt bles Wee ow on ad odo rer fr, or te et ay (Okay. Ande, fr example, wheat would cer, you woul espe ome webs of he new cans hatch pase hod? "A. Yee 2. Andsou woul te eich sto ole ih te em ook ble? th ow a werk? IA esoempiced, ee ds swe dt have ay, We wo we wuld at tbe — we ‘wo eave he ha es te lhe fd ptt este end t,t wet ‘dof werkng fom he dts the nent media 'Q. Ola So the PRN aod Fn olga cal star zagil-~ “A. Thats , jt eae har the nomenlite sed, Engl aka he uty of ny ation Page 16 sone verte ter Assn that eae we igh th oot er whatover wee sig. ‘Okay. Speaking special abot he two moctons noted Here labewlal and lanesgine, {doyou know what ia ho sak ates are that ‘howe metctons cone is? TA. HeLa, becuse even coe given manic wil often make metpe sock bole tis, 01 oa, wemay ve ad hunked cout, tute le meke S00 ad 100 counts, 0s bart omy. (Q. Suv, The~ and fsbuld bck up, Both of ‘tose medeton come sable Farm, eet? N See , Do‘tey cme her forms? 4. amet ‘MR MOORE: Hla, inser. Dothey came in ther frst ousocie at Krogers wes you wee herein ey aoe ‘MR. MOORE: Objet. You can ans, A. Melee te nati ones ina ius for bit dant beeve we cated any eter abt (, iay, An hsp stock ote tat 4 (Pages 13 to 16) soko stant beta age 0 jut made fires © wee 109 cor, $00 ome, 100 cont. Soa imsiee yore ae, is Ines prescription 9. Sot ws = 90 ‘ubes woud be a infeat prton ay one of thor took bot coats, woud itn? [MR MOORE: Object. You sn ane. A. Netosesiy, base i= itmay bee ost enn one 100 count bl, bat pein on Do ae how ay preston = filons pen macaion, we coaldhave seer of hom the sb. Sit teal Bat aso ty te eel own oper! wat etc Ps © Sim. A tat we we, yeah (0 Isbell popular~ high von ‘medion? Doyou sea lt of recite ra ‘M6. MOORE: Obetin Ort shoul syd yousee a eats proofing te 2013, cary 20187 MR. MOORE: Objeton,Youcan anv you kaw vt opr ‘At yea dont ise ta lay titer Page 19 Lamictal? ‘A Yee @ stat cores? A. Untinm © Soitaiso sts with LA. Is there a ‘ges Lani is adn anotgingo are ‘they in the sume spot on te sel? IMR. MOORE: Objection. Youn anew. A. Lamia i the brand sue and lnatigne Isthe gener, so we have bot of hose. {Q. Okay. Now, Lalo ed in some of te oly tha thre are provisions fer eta, fosock of waxed mots. And would ak if youre fe wth ht pratie “& Yes When would mediation be retuned the took shelve? ‘A. fthe pater never leks up thie resrgton, We lave them ey fr ton dyson oshelf. A ifthey art picked up ere then, thy get reed to tock. (QA by “returned oso does tht mean ‘atthe vil th hye ges ped bak inn the took bt? ‘A. That vas nthe practic a tat sy a 2 a“ 16 1 18 a age ie than 10 presrponsprient? Maen 207 Mowe than tone? Let do would, 5 doyousce mee than 20 pressions per nh or label or you sere tan 2 press et mouth for beta that prod? (Q. Now a the pyc! at of he lana, a mediates range ephabaaly "Woul hse to econ av bn coe a eh ber pysicaly boos they th tat who win aang ‘A. Ye. fs ranged aha 0 thy wre ey le eh ec he sel (Okay, Andjos out afer, Tantei sth gee of ce ee fr Page 20 pharmacy on Ken Sons paral ott way, tu he pr itt we en he ea he compte lth patos vi ha ever ame A items y penn mambo wht reise at as ‘Ani pt abel fr as put overt pues nbs. Anal tse ea me, Totmamter at kndofthing, And at ot ‘el gs back oto te sell. So osu te resin, area bar a tat ‘beehive an en agi wen they we at oe ‘he acurey so, (@ Soitcante, and tou ie fer wuld econ? A Ye Okay. Now, Im gsingto steering specs ofthis end ak wheter ot you reviewed yf t,t pra of is fore ‘he ees, the sad ends of reser. Did you ook ve anything bette (Q, Olay. Thee domy bt il ose fn Soitoeske the was a pessiion ied ‘on Dao st of 2013, abel. Ado you 5 (Pages 17 to 20) ‘aateeattde20-ant 24tb10c08 10 u a5 16 1 2 2 23 2 2s Page 22 recall tine whe this was fi poi ot, ‘ha ht was the ats fhe ese? Des ta sund abot right yout? ‘A You Okay. And it apps rom te doeunents ha leaked aut wast anew presto, bu twas el of exiting presrpto. Is tha cones with your ‘eeolecon? ‘A Yes, (© Do yeu cll ow many eis hee had bec on tha bere his? ‘A No. (Okay, And if lyon hatin eserpon fr 9 bets were provi [nts pest that conser with your reooleon? "A. did notre quusiy — © Oy. ‘A. = but tha sounds esol (Olay, Do you kaw what romped the ag ofthe presrpon on Deca 352 yay © Okay. Butyon know it asta now prescription calediaby he dose, twas 8 Page 23 ‘hat day. And he was he ne tel me what was ‘sppening ‘Okay, Andthen was it~ you hada cenveriaicn with Miss Crews sone pa?” ‘A. Yes Sb came, ble twas at sae dy othe ex day, to and We ave ee the ‘earectmsicaon. Andie spoke wi ber onthe ‘honca cup fines troghout the wek to see ow Mr, Cows was doing Q, Didshe relay to you a did you sete mccain tt shed ben provide? ‘At mem Tn acy bow do you now dt sho had he wrong meicaton? 'A_ Sh, aleve, ad Caleb ove the phe ta shed suposed har wasn be mdi. Ie know ish, she roa i the ecicn tim bat eorng or Lda remeber Buthe veri, bse oo whaver information se gave i tht twa ot bet it wath orgie. (Hw di you vey tha? A. Wetnvea (MR. MOORE: Objection Ifyou know. |A. Wall {ges 1 ot know how be verified we » a 2 23 24 Page 22 ref. So ypially would at have been te tien probebiy cling and eying ut of ‘afcatcn, eed a el ona presi? ‘A. Ural. hero ican eon ~ we Ive an uo refi progr th the compte an prompt tat, bt | dent row f Mr, Crows ws oa that program o not. Buty stall the patent ints tein ofthe peseiption. 'Q. Oka On au el, would [presume hen tt sore ou would mo the pat ad woul yey, ee rele the presario, you need o come ik up, hat asthe penis oF ices? ‘A. Ye. Th compute makes an ao cll 9 sto Ok. A Yeh (Now, do you real wht your ist oieation hatte may ve been pesrpion ror vas? "A Yes Who waste conc iti? ‘Aas ot the part ht took th all fom Nes. Ces it was Caleb Burts, He bat 25 opendthat morning, [ble anita inter | 25, Page 24 ot (Diy veri hit as ~ athe a ‘een gente wong medion? ‘Tove taw Se mein ate a he wong Tae sth reg meio, Som 1 tet pesca wy (Okay. Hive you ever sen ay recor? Did yada ay resech note ing at presse? Did you go bk andl te ‘wesrin fm December 50° MR. MOORE: Objection te ext ites feed pode But you can ase wept 2 lal you i dosh ste, Notatrequstof Cy Split, eit ee filing ord 50 seo Waser perf ling at resin. Buc ‘fier tat. (Okay, Ard wil ~ wel fyouca dit ‘oreo youre wo a vad and a hyd ting of i prescrip? "Alison tu Yost the fer para, atthe co ho reve ho prescipin, Dad ‘ng te teclan i isased And wes theme to veries 6 (Pages 21 to 24) sce dst 520.96 bet te808 Page 25 . Okay, sory. David was tbe tsi, td you sade id wha? ‘A. He dapesel Sob the ane who pot ‘he pls ina buts label te ote. 1. Olay. Sosfthe receipt as Caleb ‘Buren on the reserpine, how would have nn at? ‘MR. MOORE: Otjeeton. yeu kro A, Ldartkpow and mt whieh cng youre efeing Astin, apologizes, should ve ask this oes xt. Tn sowing you the recip rt resetigon, ae ithas an nica on ee RP CB. ees tha refer the armas linger wht does that mes. ‘A. That should pharmacist that is ogo in, working tha ny. Soi coer sees refet who sctulyfled he rectinion, neces (Okay. Bath thais Cale, cara? A Ye ie was censed pharmacist tte tne, ‘ome? a Yee 1 Arethen how di you bow could you Page 27 Olay, And she afer the pret, that abel sth st the tem ~ pinion aka tha ‘A. Thats ys, Cin wes tte? A How its nga, yak, (Q. Andtien geste whoever goings sponse he pein in ate thw ‘Dav Wang. He kos th and ker the ret ves ‘he sok ote of ction fom he le, cine? Yeu (Ania ps ofthe potieyand proceed radi that rt smn he a ‘ude on atthe prescription nd he ck tle, cores? ‘A. Yer (And was that dane nhs ase? Can you tell thar nes one in hse? 'A. Wocantelift ws cove andifitwat ou can overeat i was overidéen. Sot curacy smn didnot an. (Soe enor ited by EPRN nd he wl and wae oer? "A. Yee Page 26 ‘entra what pu Davi Wang ad Yosef in ‘ais ingots prescpion? ‘When wells, eo int aur work ston 5 tthe peron wring witever sation here werng a hop an esos logot wo doe ta (Q. Olay. And justo cai ‘tat —s0 by preveiilon by Vo hat mas ‘tabasco pened abs fe tle! tat conee? [A everett verging ofthe Ina ha wile on ke tn compra tothe ban copy prsripion, Soith sis ‘te ae cay thre pet ioe contr, thet dct, eit cunt? So he oes tly yes rete the abs fr ts. sping recline. (Aad te abe s ulna ogo Bon ‘te ote ad ins 3 bar cole foe hat arcu matcwin come? “A inca bar coder at prac rsiption, 3 {Which ines quanti aswel ws he kind ‘oftmatcaion coree? ‘A. Onthelab ys, Page 26 © Who rere i? A The-- Devi bay. I heagheced smelt aly the pharmacist was suposed to overide a ssripion. tht sone oro? 'A. No. iy tesiian can vero ha Did David apy te abel othe vit? A Yen (Okay. And bene pases ata you fo wife? “A Yeu (Q. That verification teem of at fate slarmacist a dab cake! Yeu . And partof te vere be you 0 sly canine he lt and empare than tan age edo th compute core? s. You (War tht oe in tia? a. Yee (. lay. Andis there areca oft yo paromed ta verizon ep? "A. Theresth eerie cad. S01 vey in pci verfs someting, we havea ter codealour oma oa. And webve 7 (Pages 25 to 26) a4st84530 8 ORES Page 23 1 balgeoff nthe vertean before ilallow 2 theesripton wo besold seh elestonic 5 verfetn oft 4 "Q. Okay. Were youavare at hat pin ht be 5 hadoverken the ror inthe bar ade sp? © A. Tonk dane Twas ava 77 Thereisa note inthe op comer when tats done 8 cnt serenity aor over, 9 ase tht wa on be en, 20 "'Q) Well esyousithee ody, you know st 11 eovarde ied yu cat ol whether © at 22 yourotcel hat arte tine of werifcaton. S01 35 wlssune dats pit ater te mistake was 24 eid dt you wert bask and loked wo See— 425 sad thats when you discovered tbs hd venien 26 thebaronde enor? Itt ores? 17 A. Yew Inthe secon resort ae 18 ee itil sy ifthe was ascn override. So 19 jtsié that when Lwenthack to lak athe records, 20. Okay. Sade youknow aff tp of your 21 head wha amore whl ok ke and he 22° bell bis? 23 A. Thayare~ 2 (MB MOORE: Objection. Now ethan? 25 Then, Canyou cl what they ike Page 32 ber wel sony, sre tt queso iets a be been stamped wih be letrs 20, wc is be Incr ila, nth bee bles shoud Inve ben sanged wih NT 02 you would ve ced lat , ifr wa an ene, canoe? [A Tid ae ce at es. Guy, Wal sityour is iyour resolkcon tat youu tai er~ wh Le et eo elie hat he org ini. 'Q- Olay. As you sith eth fst evil aver thet a ry es a eth ocho nor min tt vas fhe ‘wen meiton nthe? ‘ML MOORE: Onesie, Yous anes, Page 20 (MR. MOORE: Otay. Then nce my ebjeton, A. They area, wi abies, bot bo ftir. 3. Ohay, Andie are —are thy thee 30 set AA, Thy sins ye. 12 Q Okay. Anda they embossed wit some 13 inigome ltrs, mbes? 34 A Matas, yot [would sume diy re 35 sesatl 36" Q. Olay, Wouk por of your ial inspection 217 inched comparing te uber an eters ht 8 werepsned on the pilsconpared wht asc. 39 theimage? Would tat ave een part of your 20 veri 22 A. That yes 22 Q Andyour testimony isha you proms 2 the? Taetro kindof pile wre talking about 2 hw? 3 MR. MOORE: Aad were thing Deoeber of 4% as 5 Q, Trvoigh Api of2014 6 ® | 23 watverifeation hx? uA Yen 25 Q, Olay, Sowhen Mes. Crews enti ~ nok Eel 2. ay, Bt when Miss Crow showed nb sal wee the wrong meetin oe, yo ‘fro sne Kin ofan nverdgnon an ou Got ‘bt ht sea te wrong moan nthe er ‘MR. MOORE: Holdon sean. @ Doyo? Mi MOORE: Overt. Tha us ot what the etinny ws of he qt ee. You can ‘A. No 10 doit tabs a he 0g sedan ‘Olay. At pat ofthe inven eng tack nd loka theo doce, he old econ er could you seit ~ ben te Tiel sce ha een opie is Was hat somthing yu woul av okt? as Atte nonber of resins that were taking abe wre ou deed ino wor, ‘at a ty pop meetin, and st alg yout, bt 21930 pesptos per ‘moth oe probaly tings new bch of ‘bell eae mach evry~ couple ties edit fe? @ (Pages 29 to 32) musa ast ctOMB EID n 12 2 16 v Page 33 MR MOORE: Objection. You cmaswe, A Yeah Yeu (Q. Whey eo bach of maton come a when, Tm sory anew stock tot of seta comes in thera operon betwen what EPRNT as inven and wat renal oa tec inventory? A Na Soyou would over nie there ‘EPR hg 90 tabetha bee persed ht Ind een persed you weld ocean err ike be ‘MBL MOORE: Objecion, Youcan answer A. Probbiy 2c andy Ces ao ha respon or Ina ie ie November of 201, se six Woks ‘efits. And guessmy ueton wile, di you go back nd oak a iat psp a pa of ‘he investigation io whar wat weg? ‘MR. MOORE: Obeton AN Oy, Why dy int our ison Jat othe Daze Sat pression? "A. Becne ats when he ator ocue wasatibe denn and verano be Page 35 MR.MOORE: Go atm. Ten pase repre. BY MR. MACKE: (@ Didyon ok when yuteane svar of sor, i you go tack and ok at oth resins ar ball the was provided te December 3k one andthe Novenber wate, 15h, seething ke thar Tare wee vo pespons fo Sea. Did you lock att of host sei onc or both was ene? A No. ‘MR. MOORE: Objeton. ( Yatealy loka te December 3st one od A Yee Gay. And becase ou juste tat you woul notes an ear of 90 ables thar was incre you woud ave ized iter bad ‘ronan ee wih he Noverber psp, ue or S0 bles? (MB MOORE: Objetion. Youre caling for speciation, You gets one more f ese a at lingo inst er or tai prey ean. Co hon sd answer, ‘A. Win wh ae you aking? Yor wuld bee nse there as rele presrgion in Deere was = estan wrong With est of November. (Did you go tack and ck atthe st, uss ay ues? "* No. Sotierecould ve bean sare ta eat undetected right? Tear, you dit go bask ~ IMR MOORE: Objector. Areyeu ew vesting? "MR MACKE: Yao esting, (MR MOORE: Or making tb stems you score making the sateen your lt id ‘heel Novenber an saton the eve ‘monte? ‘MR.MACKE: Tim not making sass, ft aking a quesion. "MBL MOORE: Wel ptt inthe frm of question then. “MR. MACKE: Olay. MR. MOORE: And maybe Fi widhawal the bjeon. Bocase har sounds al oa ike te puta evidence athe reoud thet does not [MRL MACKE: No, no, Pm askingaquesion. Page 36 sects eno f 9 table foo many abet hatha ben imgopry proved? 'MR. MOORE: Objection, Thats ifirent ‘usin. You can newer. ‘A. No (2 Okay. Did you ok in dei atthe at the overide hat David permed? Could yout ‘Both elect ert ou reviewed, wit the barcode sted forthe wobec that des? "A. No. ltdoet kop record ofthat. (What does itive you ecard of? Wt does ‘A. That wa vee, (0. Ohay. mismatch between the bar odes wat vein Yes And hate ita? Yes. Ata hat inthe EPR? Ye Ad yu testified hat tt happens seer tines ay corse? ‘A Yes (QA in genera, ink you tid tat ppeper 9 (Pages 33 to 36) Ska dt4n0098 beds808 Page 37 ‘hs appears samen che sen whe yoke doing the erin, that ar been a veri lane ur onde machin, cet? A Yen Wien tht xc does hates beige sense of verfaton on your frat harsh thes Been nove do you bade it jie anyother preeti? ‘A tds usually wake yok aie Sarin tse ey as vee, ya 10 Olay Hatha eed iat rors eso, itr in ber ror whe ou ‘wee tthe Keon Kroger nts 2013 nly aie MR. MOORE: Objection, yeu know, you can ‘A Did wit? (Weeder ote vei tht rsd smtieatice eros? ‘MIL MOORE: Objection, Youcan swe it oukaow. "A. Ton —1 do ow, dot enunber eating ay emo tha Wee bated tha. ont om ‘Q. Okay. Ad ils you by reporting Page 39 te. (MR. MACKE: Tn ot Tada ft as ‘Nf. MOORE: Toa goverment enti. I seunds ike tees areuereat. Why dat you ‘kerf thee a rumen hat tis be repel [BY MR. MACKE: QT ack whee or mat theresa if spate are ofthe iene an he OAPP— ‘MR MOORE! Then sk that (= Resmmencig tt eos repr ‘Ave you sara tat guideline ‘& No. 1 Otay, Ans this or was wot repoe to the OAPP cary» the seb fps ay Page 38 ero tats our worden dose he lingo ‘a eidnt ope seal o Koper, cect? ‘A. Yeu (Qiagen ors are otra any aovemmtal gency cary pannel oversight tard by you aby Kroges, cares? 'ME-MOORE: Objection [AL Naty me. Ld a wat Kroger pons. {Q. Okay, Bat cons sere was not repel to anyone oe ~ ous of Kose, com MR. MOORE: Objeston, Azali your question ropetng that hr gal request {ha hy op thse? TM MACKE: No, in jos asking iit wes oom, ‘MR. MOORE: Okay. Wel, sounds he ‘yore puting tout hr, 0 soands ks an Inpoper gesicn, "NR MACKE: Maka flon-yp question. [MR MOORE: Oy. Well thn do nsver the queton. Mak yout clan typ and T dont ke the guetonbacase oun ke yore suggesting hy haven obligation ht thy doo Page 40 A No . And syoustbee day, ou dot why he verde tose? You dx know if he erfomed ny verification abut why ey it ‘uch? ‘A. No. . Fn athe ast sep of vraton, nado the visual sontioacon betwee the eda inte tte ad the rag, Lead aso Saati part ofthe verifies procedure to ‘conf hat to the abel ba depen othe medication onthe able and ta tts tobe enol wih he tbl al. tht oesiert ‘ith your understanding of te vetienton process? A Yeu Okay. Asif th mascaion was bled 2 12, eve hog twa round white il, bathe abel indo it sould ave Been NT 042 thon hat ‘vein sep fad as wel coe "A. Yes. Okay, Doss Easy et updo’ won tsk iererdred? When i planes anode fora replace bate of edition andthe you tseive the bre of meetin, o you ete myting it the sim saying we cescve , weve 10 (Pages 37 to 40) sous bt e300 20006800 Page sw got anther Stet ot! "A. Ver We dont = we sop the ode whoiead types al ofthe ena al of toe cine ha were ina given oder = Q Oy, A. = forte dy Ando ow yore not te oar peton wing ad your andormaeding at anil espe oft quant of mediation oft vargas meds en in he phareasy? ‘MR MOORE: Okjeion. You cananserif youn oifou ate ove peca, “A. Yeah (ea, dont ow tow =r Aon iow wit emt yo ing me ‘Qk, Can ou can ou ass oy ment equi of ek on asin our phony ‘hough Ear? 1. Voce tegen ht ay abies we haven, on hand which he a tr, jut bed on wht thinks ee sald and ‘what eve ase no the or. Taiteversomcted maa? Howotes? "That des of tines ay at avn rere Page @ (Das testis soni te amount token 1 week firth meouins toca in ‘be poarmary? "MR MOORE: Objection, (MR. MACKEE 1th ha wat he ost teat ‘MBL MOORE: Wel, youeashng he agxin, othe? mean, dat now ity i, Youre king hy. Should they. she sa {Qt Is te ~ we they do the hack ery 12 wes they aml at he “vemos abst reps een ‘whats actly on the selfs wat Easy Indice? A They MEL MOORE: Objection. Ifyou ow, A. Thy they tang te cand in Easy 0 atch ts these, 1, Doth ep dcrepances to ouas or thease! Or i te eet =a hs ard of ‘ng, woal ty bv epred dsrepanlsbeween the cra ad wha was enti te yl msn, oh? (O. Woul they hve epred srepmncles ed Page a2 ego be aus, 'Q, Well lime how’ woul occur wit Iabetall jeug the bt nd youre tat ‘ther ato my oro fo abet of bal, ot mea pon i een © Olay. Dita cur tht you el, eteeen aur and pel of 20147 "A. Tea dat knw ftom at specie oe. Bats part teh’ ‘espns, nye ech aged a section of Ineletion at on hands ery 12 weeks. So bring tht. hat woul have teas bee asd rng tat te ame lst cce, bt beyond tha eo 1. Sodotheecnicins doasweep of every medeton on ands jst hem every 12 weeks? shat wat yu sid? ra (Q. Okay Am anor in cling that a ivenay sci Ian esos? ‘oslo of tha) "MR. MOORE: Otjeso, [da aive shes qualified discus or dose whet Ft thas an ievetry et. Page a ‘sen the onan and what was eal the shat ou tere was a dcr? ‘A. Only inte cue of coco substance. ©. Oa, A. Yat, . Soifite wasa disrepancy baween wb ‘wa inte lmoeigne ate Pa sory, what wes ‘nba amore sad what ws en bad per xsl nd here was a dsrpany fo what 8.08 tend fr aba and what as onthe bl for Inet ey woul hve djs thos bes, tthe oad mt hve repre ito you essai! ‘A. Yet. Corot (©, stb any ont whee «drepany woul! ‘so eat hy woul ave poi MB MOORE: Objetion. Ifyou ow what they would do ‘A. Iyer would be pendent on the cues, bt, it wes aby jst, ‘ey mare han ty woul have sig thing O,_ Wel gies question was, twas off tyra bod thre asa whole bate oF metic msg wood hat ave bss repr ou? Or would yon haere asa parnsy 11 (Pages 41 to 44) enc censor gontbce808 Page «5 mans, tathey woul ae eo it? MR MOORE: Objection, Cal for speclaion, Goated and specu. “A. Notveossaly, bese te ora ean be of etre bones If weve poten ‘naufctrer 9 that would et be ha ns fang have happened. Q, Soren temps ein or ronal of, yt undestdee dzcrpancies,corac? There ane ~ thew m9 lg fr evn he dlsepances. cae "MR. MOORE: Object. Youcansoswe- A. Nottatmavar of 0 (Did you gotack and oak the er the ~ er ti dition err cae ot, id sou go back an lok athe inverse and the amon ofthe n-ne revit Sever mons wea his edition enor cane to sake [MB.MOORE: Objection. Calls fr subsequent remedial sss. You cn ane. ‘® No. ‘MR, MOORE: ify hve a tur ree coming up, Loul we on. IMR MACKE: We ean go of | Page 37 A. Lam tue. (War ete iroughout 014 ordi eee in 3015 cede you have any wean of when he vane ‘A. Hows thee ia 2004, Dnt cet en beet. (0. And Lapoogize, youve tod is bt wien did ou lee the Kena ore ‘A. Acs of 205. 157 A Useham, (The repor ofthis that you refered © ‘ie an ape we te en en your poy manufrs por. Tere wa an Incident eet repr with espst oti? a Ye (hay. And the fil up, crn tte ley mama, ta tare san tion plan epare, Was natin plan posed? A. Yee ‘ML MOORE: Objeon, Sbvequnt remedial (Okay, Well ask wht Tn sre ging tobe mn bet | ‘War haat pln ~ Page 16 BY MR. MACKE: QT asked you before, and I hink that Miss Crest conversion as with Caleb, comet? aon {Qi prior to her coming, he acoally conveyed 0 you wat she had a, comet? ‘A Yes Ishesill employed ty Kroge's? AN. Q Do you know where is employed 0¥/? 1A. Isa peivete—I dort now the ame of she company. 'Q. Doyouinow oughly wien he left? ‘AL Agus of ste, 701% And Yosef, do youknow where Yosef st this poi? ‘A. Léon. (When did out fling ins fares you ‘no? Wa it shoei afer this niet hate ‘qi filing no de continue oi? "A. He ws nly at cursor forthe week covera wasn, dont know how long he was ‘working else ~ tober ses, 1. Olay. Is Dvd Wang til with Kroger? bage 4 (MR. MOORE: He’ ust easing fer ne (0, Wis dean action plan aed ering ot of i motion err? TM. MOORE: Contin bjectic, A Yes 0. Okay, Did it edies verfeatn or ‘pe-wetfetono bath? “A Tele karte veri aswel es digensicg, (@-Okay. When you bas tr paras och s You, west your espansty 0 confi ‘squat bison his degre or ‘a tht ne by ame Kroger’ oversight boar? ‘Would you bia flere tt, anager? ‘A. No, L-s4 para rags, 1d tive paras. Koger does. (Ql. tnloing temperate ike A Yon = Yes? Okay So yourenotaware of whether onthe a the qulifcaas to bea Pine. Youre asain src le id Sh comet ‘A Ye What abou with David Wang? Wood you have ~ iyo ie ie? Di you ies 12 (Pages 45 to 48) net sat an ae 2008 echt tine? "MR. MOORE: For sro sobstnces? Forced sutnees. -MR. MOORE: Conn objection, This Snelevart. Youssn sare ‘A. We dosn aml required chek on ll conti sbsances, Anda quater check oo Schedle eooled sabes. (Andis hat done ct of Ea Fil? ‘A. What oyouess? (How ito? stat done manly where ‘yu ectuly check th meant of contd faces tht ron and A Yen (, —anyeu fl cua shot mally or ftedone ‘A. is yan, Page &@ Page 5 2A Yes 2 Okay. Arettose invent sil in 2 Q, Okay. Andyoa wouldhave cnt his 2 exited Into tar wee some esrds 5 quulietios before hing hi, cere? 3 retain tine pv. Ar thos rears destroyed TA Yer 4 rsoul ey tl boa band? SQ Douro dsingtar mpecifcllyoe 5 ‘MR MOORE: Objection, This ie wi expect 5 me © so Sshudue fact? 7A. Nope 90 7 MR. MACKE: fis fr the cone 8 Q. Okay. Itwoald be possible, walked in substances investi mainte in erly 204, 9 rightwow or youre eHow mh bel was | 9 (MR. MOORE: For cooled substances? 20 omhand in your pha, comet? 10 shat war yo asking? uu ‘MR MOORE: Objection Iyoucananewer, | 12 "MR MACKE: Yes 2 2 MR MOORE: Objection. Yau can ater if 3 Lou ou the atl. Like 25 yeaknow. 1¢ woul conte pil ontheshelfyou wanedto | «14 A. Wererequie to gp the fortwo yas. 25 wow much tall wa nthe pay. 38 BYMR MACKE: 16, Okay. isthe may it wouldve been 16 Q. Okay, And snow ben more than wo 37 done atte of his nn 013, cary 2014, 17-year so would you expt hat hey had Been 38 cewouliyouhavecenitedtheEasFilon band | 18 decoyed” 29° sumter aA Ye. 20 A. No, Wewouldelaysgotothe sel, 20 Q. Olay: etre any ~ rsa, en gig 21 teceusetheEagl munberis quite on nat what | 21 sopbrasdhis differen. Thee ideo 22 isthe wl ontand 0. 22 suvelnge fhe pharmacy he Kenrd Krag, 23 Q. Okay. Theis stteroquronent for 23 corac? And hae was 2013, 204, ort? 24 muloaining inverts ofcouraledsubsances, | 24 0A. Yeu. 25 cnet? 25 Q,_ Watt ~ the vio eon in parca Page 50 Page 52 2 A Yes 1 fcr 3st, 201, wa tht ve reviewed with 2 MR. MOORE: Object 2 respect ths prescription ad the steps ia ware SQ. Andthee wat at te ine of hia = 3 takes? ‘ (MR MOORE: Otjecion, Pa sery. 4 TR Ne 5 Q =in2013,2014 comet? 5G. stat video lin xisece? 5 MR. MOORE: Otjeton, Youcan answer, 5 A Téomatino. 7k Yen 7, Oa, Thera dal grep gest 2 Q. Andbowofenwertoeinventorsschested | witha the Bayi star, core? ‘A. Which og whic og repr? , Canyox pent ut he day fil lagreport ‘any ey i BFE a Ye . And a wil ge you every pesripon dat was wlan har dy, cone? A Ye (Wis tha done when you leased of his ery, to sb st the pees har were ‘tna Deemer 20137 ‘MR MOORE: Objecion AN. (Q. Olay. Woald hse rece exis the sl ag cope "MRMOORE: Objection. Vou can answer if youlzow, "A. Ldontow. 13 (Pages 49 to 52) sede cat4a90S-204H6 102108 Page 53 (2. Okay. Inthe sponses to some discovery rogue Iwas provided og of pesos iat snr fii fer Randy Cro an jhe couple (ietins about the. Tha daunnt hat you rovied me, MB MOORE: Yes. (On hi, can you tel me whats meat by prescription sue, fint fal? (A That iho the prescription cane tbe fille, So ft sys store, tat means sme tecnica the soe ited te il basso pene cally or we cn get oyu itm ptints ‘em theirhoue, Soh means somes at ese romped ine preston efile. 'Q. Okay. Andie woud indicate sore wheter ‘rot itwes en ol shone writen preigion reps? 'A. Soesresrption woul ny Pr @ Oy. AL Af — ews fii was ocd lnzew preseipin. But mst of then that ye sual meas i el, Oy. A, Or meen brought nha oy ad we pysiallysamed iin that wa. Page 55 itwas PP, which means it wasn ecto esr in sec file on Nove — Okay, A =16 The prsripton =e dats 1029, ‘hink wha i ‘A. Ubud, (That wld have bee the dt that it was rected fom the prescele? ‘A. The doth seer wrote tbe csrtion a rbd the peerigin, ys. 'Q. Olay. And there sare detled record ofthe eesatins than what Thave ere, sine!” ‘a Yeu Q. Youhaenresrd ofthe peered probably he ign document isa coe? 'A. You. Tho mage ofthe igi presripton named ino EPRN. (Olay, And hoe pestis provide or labial one anda youth every cgi hours "ask yout contin thi A Yee, © 1doee equation abou ha, boas if ia was ~ in descbng its every igi bous is Page 5¢ | Q Olay. And dhe column next tat sys il smanber ‘A. Um, (And Tm assuming tat wen teem ‘hana eo, one or ato oca thre ta prescription ta ad amu of rls it ‘carecl a Ye. . Soift look spect tthe et dod 12/311, fr abt, he fur Tine fourth ie down. ‘A. Olay Q Thtindcates that it as be fs veil ‘A. Umm, Q. fora tore generate prescrip? A Yeu Q. Canyou tel wheter o not — wel wit ‘he crignal preszrpin looked ike? Thre sone eed not ong Before ta ht was ed cn 11 une. ‘A So, ya these are the prescription umber, if hey shar th sane peesrton ‘uber, ha eens tat hy are frm the sae ‘tga preseiption. Soto ne bere thal ys Page 56 ‘A. Thnt woul be based on what the prescriber ton the presen 5, @ Ohay. A You {@. Wel, andl you why Yn king thst. ‘So ho was pressed 9 ales oneal fever eight hours, And tht woud inate tome ‘hat he was taking tow wie ay basil, cet?” TA. No, Evry eight hous isthe tines dy, Q. Okay. Thenift wos retines aay at cooand-ehalfbles,itwouldbe ourand-ehalt | ‘wblasa day. 35 pe 30 day period, Care? "A ifthe resceber was prescribing 30 dys, (Wel hat ismy question. fm tying to ‘igre out where the =r teat ise, ‘Waseprecerbing it every ight hours ~ nd let me put his inthe form of question. ‘Would he presrber dae not enly he, tho prio of dosing but als the number of bls to fu Or woud te xy giveth 830 dy respon taking ono every ah hous? 14 (Pages 53 to 56) sucess son a 0208 Page 57 A. No. Well we MR. MOORE: Objection, Ifs nota clear ‘ueston, “A Yeah Well te way you read thi sha. 30 ey presen? ‘A. No. © Otay, Falsenosh ‘MR MOORE: Youom show her apicnre of ‘the il ote tt sys TID on i. ‘MR. MACKE: Off the roe (OfTbe record). BY MR. MACKE: @ Backontherncord, Allright Britny, going t show you but Tm ne ging adit this ar an exit Bt that the original pil ot and dts th be! woud ve Bon _eterated he Kroger pharmacy comet? ‘MR MOORE: Wel, objection ts nt ‘anid as an exit 0 wel assume isthe Page 59 . Olay, And sorbose were all peszigans forOotble, And coos Hk ty wee ied uly 166, Aut 2 September 2d, nd Speer 24. A Ye ay, And hrs ofthe same reson, andere ware basal fou fitson ‘hat prescrip, come? Who was Sally Glen A, Shay Fim, FLYNN, She was my isi mong . Trabestll it Kioges? A Ye. Worse pyc? Is sb in sini? * Ye. Anew bos Kevin Fa, 6 you kw ho hei | ‘A Hews dist manger for anther 21 orgitpill bot 21 ait Cina. 22 A Yes 22 Q. Attetie be was 23 Q. Okay. Does tatindiete desing onthe | 23° A, thet 24 umberofpilsanand when tiey aretobe takes? | 24 Q, ~ anor dir? 25" A Ranysjesonmandatalftaesorery | 250A Yew Page 58 Page 60 eithous, And tey ae jut pracy set (Q. Olay. And oneandaalfwhies every manages comet? cighthours would bye bee re times ade, A Yes {oranda ables day woul be your testing, comet? ‘A. Yes Okay. Bute doctor would have provided bo the dosing of every eit our, a8 wel asthe ne andl ables, as wells te nthe of tables, comet? ‘A Yes. Okay. Tor area numberof beta prescriptions tht Rand eeived ~ [should sy amber of ls that were dose ia ly 2013. ‘and ak you aout couple of questions about hove indites Terumo is ws the ign! precipi he the sys 20 toc, ‘zero he fllmmber And hea he ste, ‘dan he acon re sys TVR. What oes hat ‘met? ‘A. ‘Thats whe he psn phones in onthe autora ine and just pes inthe prescription ‘number orefil. The patent does aly speak to someone in the parma, sth hove ne ints ht el. Ft Crowne id never bought he sro rosin back o Kroger and red ‘heute any Metbod ta you evr ‘wale etd ta an eer ad occured? MR MOORE: Objecon. Cll or socuaioe. Goaboad. “A. No. (Win eepect to uncontrolled sabres you once hep ives prem any acuracy heck hat woud identify one et, a) 7 Q Ard Think an bo fal ts, at we can aretha hare were tas tropa where ‘error vas male wih is prescription. Fast be risrahing ofthe cans, tar was mistake at pot rough he jst core! "A. Yes, (Second she vial veto ofthe medion comparag he illo an imag, hat ‘uke, comet? ‘MR MOORE: Objection, Yu can answer 15 (Pages 57 to 60) ‘sudo ata 96-2048 s108 Page 6 A Yeu Page 6 ther insiders invoving ptt ingesting he ‘A: The Fail was working yes. (@. Olay. Semoers wore working ss a8 farasyooloew the? A Yee (Were tae ay ete pain eosin ey 201 tat genera ent per? MR. MOORE: Objtice you know, youean "A. 1doot een, @. Thee is dierent in che poy mans betwen tiation eros wee he tee o¢ shold ey eusone, cual ages te medion and dos ot Are you fir it tee “A Yes, @ ~ dite? Otay, Werte any 1 1 2 Q. nds the veietn of wha as on 2 wrong medzton fr 213020147 3 helbelconpanelto what waetampedcn hpi | 2 IMR. MOORE: tection. 4 and show you that opin The abe is stumped 4A, Tee emember 5 with roud whe print NT 02, Conse? SQ, Okay. How oes des he Kroger oversight 6 (MR. MOORE: Objection. You can sswer © commie, andthe xual ate thas, bat 7A Ye 7 eat tthe Kroger Corporate Accuracy 8, Olay The diffrence batwaee working 8 Steering Commits, tow of do they generate the 9 isang nd normal ening is Tein 9 Best Pacticesmenes? Ith one year? Once 10 understand this comecty~aomal dopa is 10 everyive years? Temes year? 11 whe one person does evening and working u ‘MR. MOORE: Objection. st cal for 12 Giopasing owen secon upendmulph people | 12 speculation. Youcan answer. 13 handle aprospon’ Is a= 13 "A. Tdoetinow Fa natn he smite, 1e A, [Nenever heard thee Wotan ew 35, Okay. Makipepople er involatin 15 Q Doyouseethoseonceamontharonses | 16 lng tis peeriplon,sbvity. Is tae 16 year? Whats piel? | 17 pier? n (MR. MOORE: Objection. | 8A Yew 38 A. Thoseareazessbletousamtine, But 19. Ketuld any, wa tat pili 19° itaprtyrare tbat they lew ust acange 20° KenaedKropers ery 20147 20 unless someting tht eons affecs cur 2 Yee 23 everday practic. 22 Wasthe KrogesonKemurdthatyoumerihe | 22 "MR: MACKE: Lets taka quick break. 23, manager of undergoing renova during hispid | 23 (eit recen) 24 oft ety 2018? 2 25 A, That the renovations were compl 25 Page 62 1 Oxeber of 2013. a 2 Q Oey. 2 (Wines excused) 3A Tink 3 (Deposition concluded a 1:03 pm.) 4 Q Diddharemse any drag inthe 4 5 parmcy? 5 6 TA Ye 6 7 Q Werecamputes was the Bal em 3 8 working trouhot ordi bt ase ay upton 8 BRITTANY MARINO DATE Sina 8 16 (Pages 61 to 64) sez 6 200400105808 Page 6 > COMMONWEALTH OP KENTUCKY) > tee Aa Gof Naty Pisin the connsweto Rechy, Soy ei: “The wines aed ine epson, er ag xa, ee ul sme "Peat i pnton wa ken Bef totic’ pie ten fred sae So ty ein shrtnd ang theca anced i ‘porting nde dren ad ope "Tat ai epson inn erase tesimoy sve fe wines ofall cies made tetera. "coi at wale cou Ser eed ay pry al cena ay ‘yrds oar st TN WITNESS WHEREOF | ave sibs my eae sd ad my el 7 ay of May, 26. ‘ke Got Ney ae My Cones aes: 117 17 (Page 65) south fOABECIOD

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