Star Signs and Character Traits

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1 Astrology and Star Signs

2 Four Elements in Astrology

3 Fire

4 Aries

5 Leo

6 Sagittarius

7 Earth

8 Taurus

9 Virgo

10 Capricorn

11 Air

12 Gemini

13 Libra

14 Aquarius

15 Water

16 Cancer

12 Scorpio

13 Pisces
In its broadest sense, astrology is the
search for meaning in the sky.
Astrology is a form of divination
formulated based on the movements
and relative positions of the sun,
moon, and other celestial objects. The
planetary patterns at the time of your
birth, known as your star sign or
horoscope, explain aspects of your
personality, character traits and

Star signs are blueprints of

possibilities and probabilities. While
they do not predict your future,
understanding them will enable you to
understand yourself and identify
patterns of events in your life that
would allow you to consciously shape
your destiny.



The four elements in astrology are

fire, earth, air and water. Each of the
signs of the zodiac falls into one of
these four groups. Everyones birth
chart is a mixture of the four
elements but one or more will be
stronger and exhibit profound
influence on basic character traits,
behaviour, emotions, thinking and
intuition that is often manifested in
our relationships and careers.

Fire Signs represent the warming, radiating, energising life
principle which can manifest as enthusiasm, faith,
encouragement, and the drive to express self. Fire individuals
are intuitive, energetic, enthusiastic, spontaneous, optimistic
and confident. They have confidence and strong belief in their
abilities and their future. Like fire, they can go off easily and
quickly go from a small flame to a raging fire. Fire individuals
can be emotional, impatient, egocentric and insensitive to the
needs and feelings of others. They are driven and get on best
with the air signs whose ideas stimulate their creativity.

The fire signs:

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius


Aries is the Cardinal Fire sign, with the symbol of the Ram. Aries is the
beginning of the zodiac. They are the spark, the inspiration, the fire starter,
the big bang of newness. Independence and excitement are natural for
Aries people. Doing it before it was cool, striking out on an adventure,
being a trailblazer, these are hallmarks of an Aries disposition. They know
how to live for the moment.

Aries people are artistic, and even better, they are muses. They inspire
others to try something new, to look at the world with fresh eyes. They find
the excitement in the mundane just as easily as the truly fantastical. Aries is
a great cheerleader; they know what to say to cheer someone up and make
people feel important. As a result, they generally have many friends.
Sometimes too many to handle!

If there ever was a multi-tasker, its the Aries. Their attention can switch
seamlessly from one thing to the next, which makes them a great person to
be in the centre of diverse groups, the hub for projects and groups they are
involved in. Aries is also very honest. They give credit where credit is due
and share information without prejudice. Aries has a great memory for
faces and names.

Unfortunately, there are some downsides to being an Aries. One of them is

that so many ideas excite them at once! They say yes to all of them, only to
find out later that they conflict in time, place or ideology. Some people call
them flaky; truth is they are just easily excitable.

Another Aries downside is that they are easily bored. When situations
become stagnant, their attention will stray to the most interesting thing in
the room, which is not always what they need to focus on. Aries is also not
the most linear creature. They prefer to act in many directions at once,
rather than in a one after another stream.


Leo is the Fixed Fire sign of the zodiac, with the sign of the Lion. Leos know
how to put on a show. They know what the big picture looks like, and what they
need to get there. Leo sees the way small details and big pictures are related, but
they are not always willing or able to get the small details in order. This makes
them awesome delegators and great project leaders. They know when it is time
to hand over the task to an expert, and when that expert is themselves.

Leos are generous. They like to give to people around them. They know the
best thing they can give is love and time, which makes them popular in social
circles. Leos genuinely love many people. They know the real meaning of
unconditional love. Leos are kind, compassionate and know how to make you
feel seen and heard when their attention is focused on you. They are attracted
to big social groups and high ideals, though. They want to be a part of the
biggest and brightest movement.

Leos make excellent leaders and public figures because they are generally cool
in the spotlight. They know what to say to make everyone feel welcome, and
what to say to make themselves look good at the moment. Leos can talk their
way out of any awkward moment, and know how to work a room. They also
know how to present an idea with punchy words, and often make good public


Sagittarius is the Changing Fire of the zodiac, with the sign of the Archer.
Sagittarius is the philosopher of the zodiac. They love to explore! The new,
the different, the strange, the exotic, Sagittarius wants to see it all. They are not
afraid to look at the atrocities of life either. Sagittarius knows that for every
magical wonder there is an equally horrible fear. Their goal in life is to stay in
the magical exploratory space, and not lose their wonder at the beauty of life
to the mire of the mundane.

Sagittarius brings a unique approach to every situation they are confronted

with. When their problems or relationships feel stuck, they use the time to
seek out a solid Sag buddy and get some exciting ideas flowing. Sagittarius
people will really look at your situation, and allow it to be completely different
than anything theyve seen before. Sagittarius doesnt need boxes or labels as
much as the rest of us. They make excellent tailored service people or
craftspeople because their work is really made to fit the person.

Sagittarius people are more comfortable with change and evolution than
many. They can see the potential of an idea before it is even fully formed.
When they are inspired they are ahead of their time. Sagittarius people are
trend setters and fad changers. They see the amazing potential of things
before they really take off.

The flip side of exploration and change is that Sagittarius has a hard time
staying put and are easily misunderstood. Sometimes they are so far ahead of
their time that the people around them feel disconnected, and they feel
isolated. Sagittarius will explore an idea or ideology, and take it home to share
with others, but others sometimes misunderstand the message entirely, or
dismiss it as too far out there.

Sagittarius is an explorer; they are out there challenging the status quo and
looking for better ways to do things. Sagittarius challenge in life is to go slow
enough with the explanation of their changing spirit that the people who love
them can keep up!

Earth individuals are solid, grounded and very stable. They
react quietly and slowly. Emotionally they are deeply rooted
and slow to change. Like the many mineral compounds that
make the earth, earth individuals are multi-faceted; they are
practical, realistic, materialistic, nature-loving, sensual and
persistent. The earth signs are cautious and conservative and
value security and things that last. They are hardworking and
work best with the water signs whose imagination and
supportiveness nurture them.

Earth signs
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn



Taurus is the Fixed Earth of the zodiac, with the symbol of the Bull. Taureans
are the builders, the growers, the producers, the providers. These people see the
resources in even the most infertile situations. If you need more power or raw
materials, you need a Taurus on your team. Taurus is known for their ability to
provide stability. These people will set you on the right track and make sure
you get there.

Taurus people are determined. They pull through even when the odds are
stacked against them. Taurus knows all about mountains to climb. Taurus is the
mountain; steady, powerful, immovable. If your task needs follow through, or
you need someone who can take over in a pinch, a Taurus is a perfect fit.
Taurus people know how to get things done. They are incredibly practical and
experts at prioritising tasks. Once a Taurus has decided to do something, you
can rest assured it will be done.

Taurus is a beacon of stability. They provide security and safety for others.
Taurus people know how to nurture. They know how to care for others. They
are stable and grounded and often find themselves in caretaker roles. What
people need when they are looking for a Taurus is reliability. If you need
someone you can count on; Taurus has got your back.

The downside to all this power and determination often manifests as

stubbornness. Taurus people get frustrated when their perspective is challenged
without explanation, and when plans are altered without warning. Taurus
people love having a plan, but sometimes they love the plan too much, and it
becomes impractical. When Taurus gets attached to particular details and
events happening just so, it makes room for extreme disappointment. Leaving
room in the plan for last minute changes and deciding which points youre
willing to compromise on in advance will help keep Taurus calm.


Virgo is the Changing Earth of the zodiac, with the sign of the Virgin. Virgos
are analysts. They are incredibly detail oriented. They notice the slightest
deviations in data sets and understand the impact of subtle changes over long
periods of time. Virgos are like a diamond; clear, strong, multi-faceted, and
always working towards perfection.

Virgos can see problems coming from a mile. They are generally not surprised
by sticky situations, and often sidestep them altogether. They dont mind doing
the dirty work of research, but they do mind getting mud all over their good
clothes. There are play clothes or work clothes that are appropriate for that.
Virgo wants everything to be the best it can be, so if these are clothes to get
muddy theyll jump right in!

Virgo doesnt want to be second or third; they want to be number one - the best
of the best of the best. They understand that true perfection is multifaceted and
that all of those facets must work together to create a bigger picture. They are
willing to look at all the factors and bring them into alignment.

Virgo people are often aesthetic beauty or health-oriented. They know what
real beauty is, and real beauty is healthy because it is sustainable. They
understand the interrelated natural systems of health and environment. They
are graceful in transitional times. If youre struggling with change, get a Virgo to
your problem, and see if they cant help you find a more long term solution.

The downside to the Virgo beautiful mind is a tendency towards perfectionism.

Virgo dislikes nebulous solutions or solutions that dont solve the problem
completely. They may take a temporary compromise, but eventually, they will
become dissatisfied until they are allowed to pursue their idea of perfection.
Virgos hold themselves to very high standards, which can make them overly
critical. They see flaws in any plan, even if theyre minor. Virgos must
remember that not everyone can meet the same high standards that they set
for themselves. Virgos comes off critical and perfectionist but is really just an
extreme idealist. They just want the best for themselves and everyone else.


Capricorn is the Cardinal Earth of the zodiac, with the sign of the Goat.
Capricorn people come up with new plans all the time. They have a new idea
of how to get from point A to point B, so if youre looking to get going,
Capricorn is a good person to talk to. They make the most with what they
have. They may not have much, but those resources are working full time.

Capricorn wants to get to the heart of the matter. They want to deal with the
root cause of the issue, not just treat the symptom. The Capricorn hard at
work is a miner and a seed planter. They are willing to dig deep to find the
most fertile ground, and sort through the seeds to find the right one.
Capricorns know how to create stable environments. Their home is truly their
castle in most cases, whether they realise it or not. Capricorns are happy to
stay how and where they are, especially if changing means forcing the issue.
When they need to move, they will, but they want to move when the
moment is right.

Capricorns downside is a struggle with planning. They are constantly either

over or under planning. Balance is not the Capricorns strong suit. If theyre
not careful, they may miss the moment, but without careful planning, they
can become stagnant. They sometimes get caught up in the moment and
overlook the long-term consequences of their behaviour. On the other hand,
they can push themselves into over planning and become attached to
particular future that may not even be possible. The trick for Capricorn is to
get the general guidelines and the framework of a plan without worrying
about all of the details.

Air individuals are intellectual, curious, objective,
sociable, connected and mentally restless. They get
bored easily and in need of constant stimulation. Air
individuals can be elusive, uncertain, unpredictable,
cold and unfeeling. They apply their energies in very
diverse ways. They have a tendency to intellectualise
their feelings and expectations. They can get caught up
in their thoughts and out of touch with reality. Air
people are the thinkers of the zodiac and get on best
with the Fire signs whose strength and positivity inspire
them to put their ideas into action.

Air signs
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius



Gemini is the Changing Air of the zodiac, with the symbol of the Twins.
Gemini people are quick thinkers, they see the validity in many different
perspectives and can switch between approaches quickly and easily. Gemini is
the communications specialist of the zodiac. They are expert at gathering ideas
and information and putting it into a useful format. If youre having trouble
seeing another persons perspective, explain your problem to a Gemini.

Gemini people are information sponges; they can take in tonnes of information
at once. This allows them to be quick problem solvers. They know how to
think outside the box. They quickly identify the limitations of a situation and
look for a way out. Gemini can change their style and their speech to suit their
environment in the blink of an eye.

One of Geminis biggest challenges is that they can talk themselves out of doing
things they want to do because they let their brain override their heart. Gemini
people compartmentalise their lives relatively easily. Even though they see the
different sides of a situation, they may not understand the way those systems
interact. They can bring in all the information, but they very consciously switch
modes or perspectives to analyse their findings. This makes them seem
disingenuous because they dont easily agree with others. Even if they think
you are right, that may not be their first response to your situation. They want
to look at it from all sides before they say how they feel. Geminis can come off
as immature or commitment phobic but they just want to examine a situation
before they say they can commit. Give them the time to think things over.


Libra is the Cardinal Air of the zodiac, with the symbol of the Scales. Libras
are bastions of balance and diplomacy. They dont want to rock the boat; they
just want everyone to get along. The Libra way is to wait and see, careful
observation over time is the hallmark of their insights. Libras have the
patience of a saint. They know that going with the flow is the best way in most
cases, and rarely force their way into situations.

Libras are often unsung heroes. They are the social glue behind the curtain of
group success. They dont need or want the spotlight; they just want to feel
included, and know that their opinion is valuable. Libras crave intimate
discussion and shine in small groups and one on one settings where real issues
are on the table. Libras dont often take leadership roles, but when they do
they become the philosopher kings of old; benevolent, just, kind,
compassionate, truly working for the good of all.
Libras are the masters of balance. Work life balance, emotional balance,
relationship balance, physical equilibrium. These people excel at moderation.
Social justice and equality in personal relationships are primary concerns for
Libras. They like to see that what goes in comes out and that what is unfairly
taken is somehow repaid.

The downside to the Libra patience and balance can manifest as sloth or
feeling unmotivated. Libra will sometimes mull an idea over for so long,
weighing the pros and cons that they have a hard time taking action. Their
tendency towards relaxed situations can make them seem slow moving, or
unenthusiastic. Theyre just trying to think things over and make the best of
the moment, but it may look like inactivity. Another Libras challenge is feeling
heard. Because they are so worried about other people, sometimes they dont
speak their piece loud enough, and then become frustrated or resentful. For
Libra, its important to get everyones attention so you can say what you need
to say. That will keep you feeling included, and help you maintain your role
in your social groups.


Aquarius is the Fixed Air of the zodiac, with the sign of the Water Bearer.
Aquarians are the revolutionaries of the zodiac. They want to do it better than
its ever been done before. There has to be a way to make all of it work
together. They see all the moving parts of a situation and want them to be in

Aquarius is the first one to hop on board for a different, more innovative
approach. Aquarians are often painfully aware of the shortfalls of society, and
push themselves to do better than the status quo. They know there are
solutions that heal humanity as a whole and they are willing to pursue them,
even if its a long way in the coming. They know that life takes hard work, but
without a proper ideal to motivate them hard work becomes nearly

These people live for the cause. An Aquarius without a cause is lost. Even a
lost cause is better than none. For their self-confidence and mental health to
be at its peak, though, the Aquarian needs to feel like they can and will make a
difference. Making a difference is the highest form of motivation for a true
Aquarius soul.

Aquarius people are so in touch with the needs of the world that sometimes
they lose sight of their immediate needs, or become hyper critical of the
world around them. When Aquarius people experience deep paradigm
shifts, it inspires them to new heights, but they need to grieve the loss of their
old way and hold compassion for themselves. They can become highly self-
critical if they feel like they were wronged or led astray.

They are not critical people on the whole, but the see the way things could be
and that the need for change is so great. Sometimes they can become
impatient with themselves or the world. Aquarius has to remember that the
bigger the change, the longer it takes, but that doesnt mean its impossible.
Every action in the right direction, no matter how small, is contributing to the
bigger picture.


Water people are emotional, sensitive, sympathetic,

imaginative, creative and private. They can be
refreshing, like a cool stream or dark and mysterious
as the depths of the ocean. Water is complex and a
paradox; it is everywhere and can be almost
anything: liquid, solid like ice or evaporate into air.
Water people have a knack for dealing with others;
they can see through other people, understand their
motives and needs. They are the empaths of the
zodiac and get on best with the Earth signs whose
steadiness and solidity ground and comfort them.

Water signs
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.



Cancer is the Cardinal Water sign of the zodiac, with the symbol of the Crab.
Cancers may have a tough exterior, but these are some of the sweetest most
loving people in the zodiac. Cancer experiences their emotions in a pure state,
undiluted. They know what pure emotion is and know how to handle it. If you
need someone who understands what youre going through, talk to a Cancer.
Cancer also knows how to create a safe place for other people. If Cancer asks,
they genuinely want to know how youre doing.

Cancers are often empathic; they understand the emotional component of

any situation quickly. They thrive in environments where they feel safe and
know how to create a safe emotional space for others as well. Cancer people
have impeccable intuition. If they have a bad feeling about something, they
may not be able to make a clear, logical argument for why, but they are usually

Cancers may be squishy on the inside, but they have a tough exterior that
makes them very hard workers when the moment demands it. If a Cancer is
motivated by your cause, they will give it their all. Cancers are amazing
healers, healing our bodies and minds, our planet, and even complex systems.
Cancer provides the right environment for true healing to occur.

Cancers' biggest downfall is that they can be overly emotional or sensitive, or

read too much into small interactions. Cancer can be easily wounded if they
let down their guard and someone doesnt notice. For Cancers, its important
to discuss your boundaries with other people, and make sure people know
when you are counting on them, or when they have made it into your circle of
trust. Cancers are not too sensitive; they just feel taken advantage of because of
their readiness to give. For Cancer its important to surround yourself with
generous, kind people, so your giving doesnt go unrequited.


Scorpio is the Fixed Water of the zodiac with the sign of the Scorpion.
Scorpio is like the ocean; deep, powerful, subtle, and complex. Scorpio people
are not afraid of the mystery of life. Knowing may be half the battle, but the
mystery is half the fun. Scorpio thrives in the nebulous, undefined areas of
life. Scorpio can hold space for different kinds of life and beauty, and are often
community builders, and backbones of social movements. They understand
relationships as a complex ecosystem of love and strive to give everyone a
place that is as unique as they are.

Scorpios are interested in the edges of things. They are willing to look beyond
conventional wisdom for Truth. They explore and try out different ideas of
Truth, sometimes to the extent of fanaticism. Now and then Scorpios need a
practical reality check, but once you pull them back from the ideal, they
quickly adjust their perspective and deal with the reality of their situation.

Scorpios dont do things halfway. They give it their all, or it doesnt happen. If
they commit to you, theyre friends for life, but getting to that level of Trust
with a Scorpio takes time. They dont trust easily, and they are quickly
discouraged by unreliable people. They dont get burned twice. They wont be
rude, but it will take serious effort to regain their trust.

Scorpios have to be careful not to hold grudges. Creating suspicion in

situations is natural for Scorpio. They turn to doubt very quickly, because
they are acutely aware that there is always more to the story. Scorpios can be
given to wild conjecture and conspiracy theory if they dont check their facts
and keep their belief systems grounded with some solid common sense.
Theres no way to say what is fact, right, or wrong, but if it sounds too good to
be true, usually it is. Remember to check your facts Scorpio, in relationships
that mean going directly to the source, and in life that means good old
fashioned research.


Pisces is the Changing Water of the zodiac, with the sign of the Fishes. Pisces
people are in the flow. They know how to change with the changing times.
They are not trend setters. They would rather wait and see if it sticks around.
Once a way is proven and accepted they quickly adapt.

Pisces people need to feel beautiful. Beauty is not always conventional for
them. A beautiful soul, or heart, or mind, is just as important to the Piscean as
a beautiful face. Pisces knows how to make another person feel beautiful at
the moment, and a compliment from a Pisces is usually one you remember.

Pisces likes the spotlight more than they would ever admit. They know that
humility is a mark of good character, and will demure a compliment at the
moment, but under all that they need to feel admired. Pisces doesnt need to
have public acknowledgement. They dont do it for the reputation; they do it
because it feels good.Pisces knows how to enjoy the journey.


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