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Pandemic Cheat Sheet

Game Objective
Win: Cure all 4 diseases.
Lose: 1. 8 outbreaks happen.
2. Run out of disease cubes to place on the board(of any color).
3. Run out of blue cards to draw.

Infection deck is green, player deck is blue. Place infection rate, outbreak, and cure
markers on board.

Epidemic Cards
They basically worsen the spread of disease in the game. When drawn, follow
instructions on card. Remove Epidemic card from the game. Do NOT draw a
replacement blue card for them.

* If the bottom card already has a disease cube of the color you are infecting it with,
an outbreak occurs.
* In the (rare) event two Epidemic cards are drawn, do the first epidemic, and then
the second, before drawing from the top of the infection deck. So for the 2 nd
Epidemic card, the only card that is in the discard pile is the bottom card from the
2nd Epidemic.

Game Setup
1. Each player gets a role. Depending on # of players, start with different number of
(Blue cards)
4 Players- 2 cards
3 Players- 3 cards
2 Players- 4 cards
2. Take the pawn corresponding to your role. All pawns start in Atlanta, where there is
a research station.
3. (Green cards) Infect 9 cities. The first 3 cities get 3 cubes, the next 3 cities get 2
cubes, and the last city gets 1 cube.
4. (Blue Cards) Choose to play with 4,5 or 6 epidemic cards. (The more you play with,
the harder the game.) Once youve chosen a number, split the deck into that
number of piles, so you can place an epidemic card on top of each pile. Each pile
should be roughly even. Shuffle each pile so that the epidemic card is somewhere in
the middle. Stack the piles, small piles on the bottom.
5. Look at your hand. Whichever player has the city with the largest population goes
(Players Hand can have 7 cards max. Even if not your turn, you still have to
get rid of cards in your hand until you have 7.)

Players Turn

Each turn has 3 components.

1. Make (up to) 4 actions.
2. Draw two blue cards. (Keep in hand, if more than 7, have to discard some.)
3. Draw the # of Infection Cards, according to the infection rate marker. Infect those
cities by adding a cube of that citys color to the city. If a city already has 3 same
colored cubes, and you have to infect it, an outbreak occurs.

Each of the following is 1 action. Can be done multiple times in a turn.

Ways to Move Around the Board

1. Moving along the lines on the board.

2. Direct Flight- (from your hand) Discard the city card. Fly to that city.
3. Charter Flight- (from your hand) Discard the city card you are in. Fly to any city.
4. Research station to research station.

Other Actions

1. Remove a cube. (Treat a disease)

2. Give a card from your hand to another player or take a card from another
player. Both players have to be in the city of the card youre giving or taking.
(Sharing knowledge)
3. Build a research station, by discarding city card of city youre in. 6 research
stations total, if all 6 are on the board, remove one and build at desired city.
4. Cure a disease. You have to be AT at research station. Discard 5 cards of the
same color from your hand to cure that disease. Move the cure marker.

Other Rules
Outbreaks: cant have more than 3 cubes of a single color in a city. If you have to
infect a city that already has 3 same color cubes, the city outbreaks. When a city
outbreaks, each city touching that city gets a cube in the color of the outbreak. Can
have multiple cubes of different colors on a city, but will only outbreak once you
already have 3 of the same color, and have to infect it. Move the outbreak marker.
*Chain outbreaks: an outbreak can only occur once per city per infection card drawn
Event Cards: there are 5. Can be used at any time, does not use an action. Cannot
be played btw when a card is drawn and resolved. (ex: outbreak in a city, cannot
airlift after infection card is drawn, but before city outbreak has been resolved)

Curing: a disease can be cured at ANY research station. Color of the disease cured
does not have to match research station. Once a disease is cured, all cubes of that
color can be removed in one action. If the city has multiple colors of cured diseases,
each color requires an action. Once a disease is eradicated, flip cure marker over, if
it comes up in the infection deck, it cannot be infected, so no cubes are placed.

Each role has 1 or 2 special abilities, some of which are considered taking an action,
and some which stay in place throughout the game, no action required.

Dispatcher- moves one pawn to another pawn (one action), or move another
players pawn as if it were theirs(one action). Can make flights for other players by
discarding cards from their hand.
Operations Expert- builds a research station in the city they are in WITHOUT A CITY
CARD(one action), or can fly to any city from a research station by discarding ANY
card(one action)(ONCE PER TURN)

Medic- can remove all cubes of a color in one action. Once the disease is cured,
being in that city automatically removes cubes, no action required. If disease is
cured, cube placements and outbreaks are prevented if the medic is in city hes in.

Scientist- 4 cards to cure a disease

Researcher- can give, not take, ANY city cards in his hand, as long as both players
are in the same city, on either players turn. Cards can only leave the researchers
hand with the special ability. Actions still apply.
*card given does not have to match the city theyre in, but general rules for taking

Quarantine Specialist- prevents outbreaks and disease cube placements of the city
shes in AND all the cities shes connected to. (Disclaimer: Does not apply to cubes
placed in game setup.)

Contingency Planner- can take event card that was used from discard pile and store
on role card, NOT in players hand, can be used a second time, and then removed
from game. Event card does not have to be recently discarded. Can only store one
event card at a time, so have to use the event card stored, before storing another.

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