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Job No.

: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 1+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in issue of Process deliverables for Open Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.2
engineering for NHT / ISOM due to delay in term
receipt of Process Package from M/s UOP
(Process pkg incl. resolution sheet received on
mid Aug'13 against sch of 30-Apr-13)
A 1 Schedule : 31-Jul-13
Anticipated : mid Nov'13

Delay in Finalisation of balance OSBL distribution Open Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
P&IDs due to delay in receipt of data from BPCL term
LAD - 30-Nov-12; Ant - 15-Oct13
Natural gas operating/ design condition
information has been received from BPCL during
meeting dated 13 & 14.8.13.
A 2 Steam distribution : Preliminary discussion on
BOO steam distribution held with BPCL. BPCL
approval on EIL scheme required.

Holds, missing information, corrections, changes Open Process Medium N N N N Short D 0

in PDS / P&IDs - CDU / VDU term
- DCNs on account of HAZOP recommendations
A 3 for CDU / VDU
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 2+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Holds, missing information, corrections, changes Open Process Medium N N N N Short D 0
in PDS / P&IDs - DCU term

A 4

Delay in Process Package for TGTU (M/s CB & Close BPCL / Low N N Y N Short I 0.4
INC) Process term
LAD : 31-Dec-12 ; Ant : 12-Apr-13
A 5
Agreement signed by BPCL-KR issued to Licensor
on 04.04.13

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs Close Process Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
for DHDT term
A 6 P&ID's : LAD : 30-Nov-12; Ant : 08-May-13

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS for Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
DCU term
LAD : 29-Dec-12; Ant : 19-Mar-13
A 7

Finalisation of Utility import / export requirements Close Process Low N N Y N Short I 0.4
from BOO by BPCL. Flare load changed term
A 8 substantially and repeatedly from estimated
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 3+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs Close Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.16
for FCC term
LAD :29-Jan-13; Ant : 08-May-13
A 9

-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs for Close Process Low N N N N Short I 0 0.00
DHDT term
LAD: 30-Nov-12
A 10

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
for VGO-HDT term
A 11 LAD : 29-Jan-13; Ant : 10-May-13

-Preparation of Offsite P&IDs for tankages (LAD - Close POSD Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
21.01.13) term
- Delay has been due to delay in receipt of As-built
drawings from BPCL-KR (except CEMP-II). All
A 12 details received now.
-Upgradation of Crude oil pipeline system (Inside
refinery) to be taken up.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 4+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
In view of increase in sulphur load PDS & P&IDs Close Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.16
for sulphur block (ARU, SWS & SRU) is being term
A 13
reviewed and released as per priority of
Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
A 14 Engineering after release of MR GG term

-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs Close Process High N N Y N Short I 0.4

LAD :30-Nov-12 term

A 15

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Low Y Y Y Y Long D 0.2
A 16 Engineering after Order GG/Procure term

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Very Low Y Y Y Y Long D 0.2
A 17 Engineering after Equipment manufacturing GG/Procure term

Updation of estimated utilities on account of Close Process Low N N Y N Long I 0.2

A 18 revision in process parameters (revision of PDS term
based on engg comments)

ISBL Distribution P&IDs for VGO-HDT Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
A 19 SCH: 30-Nov-12 term
ANT: Jun-13
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 5+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
ISBL Distribution P&IDs for FCCU Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
SCH: 30-Nov-12 term
A 20 ANT: 31-May-13

Utility distribution P&IDs for DCU Close Process Low N N N N Long I 0 0.00
A 21 term

Final issue for OSBL utility distribution P&IDs Open Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD: 30-Nov-12 term
ANT: 25-May-13
A 22 Updation of P&ID as per finalised condensate
philosophy to be taken up.

Incompatibility between Process design basis and Open Engg Very High N N N N Short D 0
Engineering Design Basis term
(Piping / SED / RED / PED / instrumentation /
HMTD design basis) - affects subsequent detailed
A 23 engineering activities.

Fuel oil system for GTG: Implementation of the Open Power High N N Y N Short D 0.16
system based on modalities finalised (associated Tech. term
system for existing Fuel oil tank tapping with new
A 24 GTG).
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 6+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
BPCL confirmation/clarification over Close Engg. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
datasheets/GADs for existing/new raw water term
intake pump obtained from M/s KBL
A 25 (LAD for MR for pumps - 07.03.13)

A 26 Identifications of hook-ups on flare lines and Close Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
finalisation of methodology
Signing of ISBL P&IDs and with BPCL
battery limiti.e.
P&IDs for Open Process / Low N N Y N term
Short D 0.16
availability of Shut down / Hot tapping.
Units, Utility packages & other packages. POSD term

A 27

Offsite Interconnection P&ID Close Process / High N N Y N Short D 0.16

- Updation of P&IDs based on HAZOP review for POSD term
A 28 offsite.

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for Open Engg. Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
NHT/ISOM Ant - 21-Aug-13) term
Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:
i) 3 D Modelling
B 1 ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender preparation
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 7+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for Close Engg. Very high N N Y N Short D 0.16
VGO-HDT term
B 2 LAD - 07-Nov-12
Ant- 26-Dec-12

Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for
i) 3 D Modelling Close Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16
FCCU (targeted by
ii) Civil/Structural & 27.12.2012)
UG Piping Tender preparation term
B 3 Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:
i) 3 D Modelling
ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender preparation
NIT for Heater for FCCU Open ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD -01-Apr-13 ; Ant - 18-Jun-13 term
B 4

a) Cost/time overrun due to rework Close Procure/EN Medium Y N Y N Long D 0.12

b) Non completion of critical project activities GG/CONS. term
within time & delay in Project completion
B 5 c) Poor performance of Sub-contractors and

New requirement of power recovery system Close Project High Y N Y N Short I 0.6
(FCCU) shall have impact on project cost. term
B 6 3 Nos PRTs envisaged (FCC-1 Nos ; VGO- 2 Nos)

Updation of Equipment layout for engineering for Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16
TGTU term
B 7 LAD - 21-Jan-13;
Ant: Mid Jun'13
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 8+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Issue 2nd MTO Piping (Sch - 30-Apr-13; Ant - End Close Piping Very High N N Y Y Short D 0.2
May 13) term
Piping preliminary MTO has been released without
covering DHDT, VGO FCC& offsite
B 8 interconnection P&IDs, Flare system & offsite
storage P&IDs. Prel. MTO covers 35% for large
bore pipes.

Delay in thermal design for Heat exchangers & Air Close HMTD Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
coolers for licensed and non licensed units - term
LAD (DHDT): 02-Feb-13
B 9 LAD (VGO-HDT): 09-Feb-13
LAD (FCCU): 08-Mar-13

Issue Overall UG piping layout drawing for the Close Engg. High N N N N Short D 0
complex term
B 10

Completion of 30 % Model review Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16

B 11 VGO- LAD: 09-Mar-13 term
FCCU-LAD : 23-Apr-13
NIT for Civil & Strl work for existing Refinery Area Open Project/C&P Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD: 31-Jan-13 term
C 12 ANT: 18-Jun-13
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 9+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
a) Inaccurate assessment of quantum of work Close Engg/procur Very High N N Y N Long D 0.08
ement term
B 13

MR issue for MCC (Main combustion Chamber) Close Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
packages. term
B 14
LAD: 16-Feb-13
Ant: 15-Apr-13
Timely finalisation of Package Interface Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16
CDSP-DCU awarded on 22-Aug-13; term
RR pkg-FCC awarded on 25-Jul-13.
(Battery Limit conditions for each package to be
frozen within three months of award to ensure time
availability for engg, procurement and construction
B 15 by all the concerned).

Unit and offsite interfaces (Elevation termination Close Engg. Medium N N Y Y Long D 0.1
levels) term

B 16
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 10+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Timely availability of piling and foundation load Open Projects High N N Y N Short D 0.16
data from Package (GTG, UB, HRSG) Vendors to term
meet piling tender & Civil / Strl tender schedule
B 17 requirements.
LAD - 28.02.13; Ant - upto Feb 14.

NIT for Heater for DCU Close PROCESS/ Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD -15-Feb-13; ENGG term
B 18

CPP: Integration of various packages & BOP Open Engg/Cont. Low N N Y N Long D 0.08
Items of CPP. term
90 % model review for CPP
Package wise HAZOP for GTG, HRSG, UB,Gas
B 19 Booster compressor.

Distributed Control System (DCS) Open Engg/procur Medium N Y N N Long I 0.15

Detailed engg., supply and erection ement term
B 20 (ordered on M/s Emerson Process on 04.11.13)

B 21
60 % Model review for Close ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
DCU (LAD:03.07.13 Act:13.09.13) term
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 11+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Package Vendor refuses to submit Instrumentation Open Engg/procur Low N Y Y N Long D 0.14
Drawings/ Documentation in Smart Plant ement term
B 22 Instrumentation Database as per Client

Delay in Interface Engineering (including control Open Engg/procur Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
system) due to non availability of Package Vendor ement term
B 23 Data

60 % Model review for DHDT (LAD:07.08.13 Open ENGG Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
Ant:04.10.13) term
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor,
Feed filter & Heater pkg awaited from vendor.
B 20 - Vendor drawings for sheds awaited.

Delay in completion of P&IDs by gen Civil Open GC Medium N N Y N Long D 0.08

LAD: 09-Jan-13 (DHDT) term
B 24 LAD: 30-Jan-13 (VGO-HDT)
LAD: 30-Mar-13 (FCCU)
Order of MR for DG set Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
Dely: (12 M FOB + 3 M Site work) term
B 25 Sch: 05.11.13
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 12+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Receipt of Inputs from Process / Vendors for 60 % Close ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
Model review for VGO-HDT required for term
procurement of piping material (LAD:14.08.13
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor,
Feed filter & Heater pkg awaited from vendor.
- Vendor drawings for sheds awaited.

B 26

60 % Model review for Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16

FCCU (LAD:16.09.13 Ant:25.10.13) term
- Line size for 300 nos P&IDs under hold
-Vendor data needed for coalescer, electric heater,
pumps & filters
- Review of model by Licensor (Stone & Webster)
B 27 envisaged.

60 % Model review for Open ENGG Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16

B 28 SRU (LAD:31.08.13; Ant:31.10.13) term
-As per P&IDs, No. of lines hold are 51 (ARU),
164 (SRU),15 (SWS) & 60(TGTU) + 155(Utilities
-CVs Size Hold as follows: 13 (ARU), 6 (SWS),
125 (SRU).
-All Control Valve Face to Face Dimensions are
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 13+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in release of Intermediate 2nd MTO Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD:30.09.13; Act:31.10.13) term
-CDU/VDU: Pump nozzle for 6 nos. pumps under
hold), sizes for 256 lines under hold, Control valve
matching flange, bypass valve and flanges (21
nos.) & PSV inlet outlet flanges and reducers (37
-DHDT: By-pass lines for CVs under hold (30nos),
B 29 PSV's mating flanges and reducers (44 nos),
Lines (103 nos.) not considered in MTO.

Generation of Surplus Piping material Open ENGG Low N N Y N Short D 0.16

B 30 term

B 31 HAZOP for FCCU Close ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16

LAD - 23-Sep-13
Completion of 90 % engineering by Mar-14. Open ENGG Low N N Y N term
Short D 0.16
Average progress achieved in last 3 months 3.0 % term

B 32 LD Milestone date - Dec'13

Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 14+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Release of final Piping MTO Open ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16
Sch: Jul'14 term
B 33

Finalisation of GTG fuel forwarding scheme for Open POSD Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
naphtha to day tank when Naphtha tank being term
B 34 under maintenance.

Delay in award of PRT -FCCU(Hot gas expander) Close Project Medium Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
LAD: 19.04.13 term
Ant: 30.12.13
Multiple Bids extensions leading to delay in
ordering. 02 Bids recd on 12.08.13 (Dresser
Rand ,Elliot Ebara)
Org. BDD: 27.06.13
C 1
1st extension: 16.07.13
2nd Extension: 01.08.13
3rd extension: 09.08.13
Duration: 16 M FOB

Award of Heater for VGO-HDT Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant -End Aug'13 term
C 2 Duration: 18 M
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 15+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Issue of RFQ for PRT (Hot gas expander) Close Project Very High Y Y Y N Short D 0.36
LAD: 25-Jan-13 term
C 3 Ant: 30-May-13
Duration: 16 M FOB

Variation in foreign exchange rates has an impact Close Project Very High Y N N N Short I 0.2
on the foreign component of overall project cost term

C 4

Award of Heater for DHDT Close ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
C 5 LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant - Mid Sep13 term
Duration: 18 M

NIT for Composite Works for DCU Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
C 6 LAD -06.06.13 ; Ant - 25.10.13 term

NIT for Composite Works for DHDT/VGO Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD -06.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13 term
C 7

NIT for Composite Works for FCCU Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD -12.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term
C 8

NIT for Composite Works for Offsite IREP area Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD -23.05.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term
C 9
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 16+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of PRT for DHDT & VGO-HDT unit (Pumps Open ENGG Medium Y Y Y N Short D 0.36
centrifugal multistage) term
Sch: 23.04.13
Ant: 15.03.14 (IV-P-301A/B)

C 10

NIT for Composite Works for Offsite DHDS area Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term
C 11

NIT for Composite Works for Existing refinery area Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13 term
C 12

Award of : Open Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4

Main fractionator for FCCU g term
LAD: 25-Mar-12
Ant: 20-Jul-13
C 13
Job No.: A307
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Issue NIT for Tankage-II Close Project/C&P Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 21-Jan-13 term
C 14 ANT: 31-May-13

Award for RO-DM Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4

LAD:30-Jan-13 term
C 15 Ant: end Jun'13
(Execution Duration - 20 M + 2 M)

Delay in award for Cooling tower Close Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD : 31-Dec-12; Ant - end Feb 13 term
C 16

NIT for Reactor regenerator package for FCCU Close Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
LAD : 01-Jan-13 Licensor term
Ant: 21-Feb-13
C 17 Changes in scope of supply led to revision in BQC
/ tender.

Award for Raw water quarries Close Project Low N N N N Short I 0

LAD :03-May-13 term
C 18
ANT: 15-Apr-13

Ordering of Reactor for VGO-HDT Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 29-Dec-12 term
C 19
ACT: 08-Apr-13
Job No.: A307
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of contract for Piling-II Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 31-Dec-12 term
C 20
Ant: 15-Apr-13

Award of Civil & Strl work for offsite new area Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 22-Jan-13 term
C 21 Ant: 30-Mar-13

Award of Crude and Vacuum heaters (LAD Close Engg. Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
29.12.12) term
C 22 Ant : 07.03.13

Storage of sulphur and related issues with Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7
Granulator to be finalised between BPCL / EIL. term
C 23

NIT for ETP package with WAO (Wet air oxidation) Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
C 24 LAD: 15-Jan-13 term
Ant: 16-Apr-13
Job No.: A307
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ordering of Desalter Internals (LAD:03-Dec-12) Close Project High N N Y N Short D 0.16
Ant: 07-Mar-13 term
C 25

Award of contract for Building incl substations Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 07-Feb-13 term
C 26 Ant: 15-Apr-13

Filling of existing part fire water pond required for Open Strl High N N Y N Short term D 0.16
area preparation.

Sch - 28.08.13; Area handed over to M/s L&T

C 27
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in ordering of Long Lead Items. Close Engg / C&P Very High N N Y N Short term D 0.16
Technical / Commercial evaluation of long lead
items (compressors & packages) taking more than
2 months.

C 28

Award of Waste heat Boiler package (Waste Heat Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
Boilers along with respective steam drums(un term
engineered ), Incinerator Combustion Chambers
(engineered), Incinerator vent stacks).
LAD: 27.04.13
Ant: 30.12.13
Bids extension:
C 29 1st extension - from 28.05.13 to 20.06.13.
2nd Extension- from 20.06.13 to 02.07.13.
3rd extension - from 02.07.13 to 08.07.13.
Duration: Supply + Erection - 18 M
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in award of CDSP package Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
Schedule: 02.03.13 term
Anticipated : 30.08.13
Completion of works
Sch: 01.05.15 ( M); RFQ Duration : ( M)
C 30 Anticipated: 23.11.15 (27 M)
Bidders quoted 27 M against schedule of 26 M.

Ordering of GTG Pkg (LAD:10-Mar-13; Ant - Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
20.07.13) term
Bid received on 28.03.13. Multiple extension (4
times) in bid due date on request of M/s Siemens.
C 31 Duration (Supply) - 15 M FOB /16 M FOT as per
RFQ; Sch : 20 M
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in Ordering of HRSG Close Projects / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6
(Sch Order - 22-May-13; Ant - 20-Dec-13) Engg term
Initial Change in configuration by BPCL.
Multiple extensions (twice) in bid due date due non
availability of exhaust data for GTG.
Post Enquiry changes in type of Fuel (LSVR) by
C 32 No PTR available for LSVR Fuel
Completion of Works
Sch. : 30.06.15
Ant. : 30.08.15 (20 M)

Ordering of Reactor regenerator package for Close Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
FCCU Licensor term
LAD : 10-Apr-13
Act: 10-Jul-13
Changes in scope of supply led to revision in BQC
C 33 / tender due to which NIT was delayed.
Bidders sought extension in dates.
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Coke handling system (DCU) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD :22-Apr-13 term
Ant :30-Oct-13
C 34 Duration: 21 M+2 M
No bidder could meet the BQC criteria in view of
which the tender has been re-floated.

Award of UB package Open Process / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4

LAD : 19-Jan-13 Engg / term
Ant : 31-Jul-13 constn
C 35 Duration: 20 M

Award of ETP tender. Close Project/C&P Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16

LAD: 24-Apr-13 term
Ant: 30-Sep-13
C 36 Duration: 22 M+2 M

Anticipated Completion: 29-Jul-15

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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Multiple Contracts awarded to same agency Close Purch / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
beyond their capabilities / capacities. Contrc. term

C 37

Failure of contractors Open Const. Low N N Y N Long D 0.08

C 38

Ordering of Ejector Pkg Open Project Medium Y Y Y N Short I 0.90

C 39 (LAD:12-Jan-13; Ant: 15-Jul-13) term

Award of Heater package for DCU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.40
(LAD:24-May-13; Ant: 15-Nov-13 term
Earlier 04 Bids recd on 21.05.13. (Petron,
Thermax, Heurtey, Technip).
C 40 Due to Technical and related commercial issues
enquiry re-floated.
Duration 20 M
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Civil & Strl work for DHDS offsite area Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.40
(LAD: 30-Mar-13; Ant: 20.07.13) term
C 41 Duration: 18 M

Award of Civil & Strl work for refinery area. Close Project High N N Y N Short I 0.40
(LAD:25-Apr-13; Ant: 10.10.13) term
Duration: 16 M
C 42
Completion of works Sch: 09-Sep-14
Ant: 24-Jan-15

Issue NIT for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
(LAD:24-Jun-13; Ant: 25.07.13) term
C 43 Duration : 16 M

Award of work for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
(LAD:17-Sep-13; Ant: 30-Oct-13) term
Duration: 16 M
C 44
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ordering of Main Air blower & wet gas compressor Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
for FCCU term
LAD: 04-Mar-13
Ant: 30-Sep-13
(Total execution duration is 25-27 M : 19 M FOT
C 45 for delivery of WGC & MAB at site + 6 to 8 M Site
installation & pre-comm; Time Available from
order to MC OF FCCU - 24 months)

Award of Civil & Strl contract for CDU/ VDU & Close Project Close N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00
DCU term
C 46 LAD: 15-Dec-12
Ant: 07-Mar-13

Ordering of wet gas compressor for DCU Close Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
C 47 LAD: 02-Feb-13 term
Ant: 30-Jun-13

Ordering of OFF GAS COMPRESSOR - VGO Open Project High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD: 08-Jun-13 term
Ant: 30-Oct-13
RFQ duration: 17 M FOB

C 48
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Sulphur Forming Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28
LAD: 03.04.13 term
Ant: 30.01.14
Earlier enquiry re-floated due to changes in MR
requirements by BPCL(MR was revised as
Evaluation methodology was to be based on NPV
and in view of 2 different types of technologies
C 49 viz., sulphur pelletiser and sulphur granule);
refloated again as financial criteria was not met by
all the bidders.

Award of contract for Civil & structural for FCCU Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28
area (refloated) term
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 15 M Dec'14; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated
C 50 19.06.13, based on past Performance of
recommended bidder tender refloated.
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of contract for Civil & structural for DHDT & Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28
VGO area (refloated) term
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 16 M Jan15; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated
C 51 19.06.13, based on past Performance of
recommended bidder tender refloated.

Award of contract for Civil & structural for CPP Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
area term
C 52 Ant: end Aug-13
Duration: 16 M

Award of MCC package Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4

LAD:10.06.13 term
Ant: 14.08.13
C 53 Duration: 12 M despatch and 6 M for site work
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* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of contract for RWTP (Refloat case) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 14-Jan-13 term
Ant: 19-Jul-13
C 54 (Execution Duration - 18+2 M)

Award of Thermal oxidiser burner & reduction pkg Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7
LAD: 28.05.13 term
Ant: 15.06.14 (Incinerator burner)
C 55 (Execution Duration - 14 M)

Award of Air blower/compressor for SRU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 29-Mar-13 term
Ant: 25-Jul-13
(Execution Duration - 17 M FOB/ 18 M FOT)
C 56
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in Award of contract for Demountable flare Close Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
(LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 28-Sep-13) term
Change in type of Flare. Initially as per DFR
normal flare was envisaged.

Post enquiry significant changes (received on

15.03.13) in Flare Load/Process Data Sheet due
to enormous increase in BOO flare load and non
acceptance of mitigation measures by FCCU
C 57 Change in flare load data due to change in flare
height upto 150 M.

Completion of works
Sch. : 31.01.15
Ant. : 28.02.15

Award for SG-III (Refloated) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 01.11.13 term
Ant: 30.01.14
C 58 Duration: 12 M
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* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award for:RGC compressor for VGO-HDT (LAD: Open Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
30-Mar-13; Ant: end Jun 13) g term
Dely: 18 M
C 59

Award of MUG compressor for VGO-HDT Close Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
(LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 30.11.13) g term
C 60 Dely: 16 M FOB

Award of Contract for Tankage-III (Crude tank: 02 Close Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
Nos & 1 surge relief tank and crude drain tank) g term
Outage of existing crude tank from crude to
naphtha can be taken up after commissioning of
new crude tanks. Shutdown of existing tanks- 17 &
18 depend on commissioning of new crude tanks-
C 61 25/26 under tankage-III.
Sch: 01.10.13
Ant: 15-Dec-13

Award for: Close Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4

RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD: 26-Mar-13; Ant: g term
C 62 Jun 13)
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* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award for: Close Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
MUG Compressor for DHDT (LAD: 30-Mar-13; g term
Ant: 20-Sep-13)
C 63 Duration : 18 M FOB

Award of Tankage-II Close BPCL High N N Y N Short D 0.16

(TF-4: 5 Nos, Exist ETP-II:2 Nos, Exist Asphalt: 2 term
C 64 Sch: 30.04.13
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Duration:22 M

Award of Tankage-IV (Total 15 Nos Tanks) Open BPCL / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: Jan14 Projects term
Outage for Tank YT-340 depends on readiness
of at least one new DCU feed tank which will
require 14 M durations. Alternative scheme
required to be finalised for outage.
Outage of Tankage YT-18 depends on readiness
C 65 of new crude tanks (Tankage-III; YT-25/26).
Alternative scheme required to be finalised for
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Composite Works for CDU/VDU (06 Bids Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
- L&T, Petron, Offshore, Mcnally Bharat, Albana, term
IOTL recd on 04.09.13)
LAD -30.08.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13
C 66
Duration - 20 M

Award for contract for development of flare area Close Project Very High Y N Y N Short D 0.24
LAD: 01-Nov-13 term
Ant: end Dec'13
C 67

Award of Composite Works for VGO-HDT, DHDT, Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
CPP and Offsites (DHDS) term
LAD 31.12.13 ; Ant - 30.05.14

C 68
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* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Heater package for FCCU Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
(LAD:08-Jul-13; Ant: 15-Dec-13 term
Earlier 05 Bids recd on 23.07.13. (Thermax,
C 69 Technicas, Petron, B&R, JNK).
Duration 20 M

Award of Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: Open Project Medium Y N Y N Short I 0.6
13 M FOB / 14 M FOT)) term
(LAD:29.12.13; Ant: 30.07.14)
C 70

Award of Slurry Filter (MR- 4880) for FCCU unit Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7
and existing refinery. (Dely: 10 M FOB) term
C 71 LAD:09.05.13
Ant: 10.10.14

Ordering for Intermediate Piping 2nd MTO. Open Project Low N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD: Jan'14 onwards term
C 72 Piping intermediate MTO-II released on 30.10.13.

Ordering of Critical Valves Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4

Sch: 11.07.14 term
C 73 Ant: 31.01.15
Dely: 06/07 M FOT /FOB
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* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of contract for Mechanical works-CPP area Open Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD: 28.02.14 term
C 74 Ant: 25.05.14

Release of balance piping Isometrics drawings Open Project Low N N Y N Short D 0.16
and GAD's. term
C 75 Target Sch: Jul'14
Ant: 15.05.15

Award of Composite Works (Structural Works & Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
Mechanical) for NHT/ISOM-Refloated term
Sch: 08.05.14
C 76
Ant: 25.03.15

Award of Fuel forwarding Pumps (08 nos) for GTG Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
(Dely: 6 M FOB / 7 M FOT) term
C 77 Sch:27.06.14
Ant: 05.08.14

Award of Electrical & Instrumentation Works for Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
Units & Offsite term
Sch: 30.06.14
Ant: 10.11.14
C 78 Electrical/Instr. Works: Part A: CDU/VDU, DCU,
Part B: SRU & DHDS/Refinery Offsite :
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in award of piping material with G2E Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
C 79 specification in CPP area. term

Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86
FCCU-M/s Essar-GRE term
LAD : 09.07.15
CCD: 09.10.15
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning)
Overall Progress:
D 1 Sch: 93.9% Act: 72.8 %
Construction Progress:
Sch: 90.24% Front: 95.62% Act: 35.23 %

Delivery of GTG Pkg at site (LAD:29-Sep-14; Ant - Close Project Very High Y Y N N Long I 0.25
24-Nov-14) term
Awarded to M/s BHEL
D 2 Duration (Supply) - 16 M
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of UB package Open Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19
LAD : 31.03.15 term
CCD : 23.03.15
Awarded to M/s ISGEC on 25.07.13
Construction Progress:
D 3
Sch:100 % Front: 100 % Act: 58.04 %
Manpower : Required 450, Deployed 333 incl 39

Delivery/Erection of Ejector Pkg Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.20

Delivery LAD : 11.06.14 term
D 4 Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery
period of 12 M FOB / 13 M FOT.

Delivery of wet gas compressor for DCU at Site Open Project Low N N N N Long I 0
(M/s Eliot Ebara) term
D 5 LAD: 05.12.14
(CDD: 27.01.15; EDD: 31.03.15)
Delivery of Air Blower / Compressor for SRU Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 18.09.14 term
D 6 (CDD: 24.12.14; EDD: 28.02.15)
Job No.: A307
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67
for FCCU :Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 term
(18 M incl erection).
LAD: 22.01.15
ECD: 15.10.15
Overall progress:
Sch: 100 % Act: 76.2 %
D 7 - Progress of works was affected due to delayed
handing over of fabrication yards and completion
of approach road upto fabrication yard, which
affected shifting of sections.

Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
LAD: 23.06.15 term
CCD:18.02.15 (including Site work)
ECD: 30.09.15 site work yet to start
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl
D 8 erection)
Job No.: A307
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86
Target Sch: 01.05.15 term
Ant Compl.: 30.07.16
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace).
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13.
Overall Progress:
Cum. Sch. 92.8 %; Act: 68.4 %
Construction Progress:
D 9 Sch: 87.08% Front: 100% Act: 43 %

Strl Steel: Out of total 3210 MT, 2926 MT

procured, 1929 MT fabricated & 1716 MT
Job No.: A307
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delivery of RGC compressor for VGO-HDT (LAD: Open Project/Eng Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
05.03.15 Ant : 27.12.14) g term
D 10 Dely: 18 M
Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13

Delivery of RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD : Open Project/Eng Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
D 11 05.02.15; Ant : 27.12.14) g term
Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13
Delay in hydrotesting of Vacuum column Open BPCL / Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
Sch: Jun 14 Projects / term
CCD: 21.08.14 Const.
Ant: 19.03.15
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit
D 12 Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude &
Vacuum column.

Logistics of VGO / DHDT reactors & Other ODC Open T&CC Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
equipments from Kochi port to BPCL-KR site term
(VGO Reator-2 Nos - CDD (07-Jan-15 FOB) EDD:
D 13 DHDT reactor reached at site
VGO reactor dispatched from L&T shop
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Close Monitoring of ODC equipment (including site Open Projects High N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.06
fabricated/assembled) up to receipt at site term
D 14

Close Procure/Co Low N N Y N Long I 0.2

Delay in delivery at site due to non-availability of nstr term
transporter / hindrances enroute.

D 15
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in delivery of equipments: Open Contract / Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
- M/s Gansons due to substantial rise in raw Inspection term
material cost due to current market conditions.

D 16

Completion of Demountable Flare works (Awarded Open Project Low Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.14
to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13) term
Sch: 31.03.15
CCD: 24-Apr-15
Ant: 24-Apr-15
D 17 Construction progress
Sch: 100 % Act:30.9 %
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Addition of 4th Riser in Demountable Flare and Open Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
identification of additional Equipment to be Process term
procured due to the same. (BPCL informed
additional of 1 no. riser during meeting dated 16th
Oct 13.)
- Flare (with 3 risers) awarded to M/s Airoil on 25-
D 18 Sep-13.
Completion of Flare work:
Sch: 31-Mar-15
Ant: 24-Mar-15 (Duration: 18 M)

Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on Open Projects Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
26.09.13) term
LAD: 09.01.15
D 19 CCD: 25.04.15
EDD: 31.10.15

Delivery of MAB-FCCU (Ordered to M/s Eliot Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
Ebara on 04.09.13) term
D 20 LAD: 09.01.15
CDD: 03.04.15
Ant: 30.04.15

Delivery of VGO-HDT Reactor Open Projects Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2

Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13 term
LAD ; 29.12.14
D 21 CDD: 07.01.15
EDD: 15.04.15
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delivery of DHDT Reactor Open Projects High N N Y N Long I 0.2
Ordered to M/s Doosan Engg & Const Co. on term
LAD ;15.12.14
D 22 CDD: 07.10.14
Overall Progress:
Sch: 98 % Act: 95.0 %

Completion of HRSG Package Open Projects Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23

LAD : 30.03.15 term
D 23 CDD: 19.08.15
Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13

Delivery of Hot Gas Expander (Ordered to M/s Open Projects Low Y Y Y N Long I 0.45
Dresser Rand on 31.012.13) term
LAD ;30.03.15
D 24 CDD: 30.04.15

Delivery of Sulphur Forming Pkg (Ordered to M/s Open Projects Medium N Y Y N Long I 0.35
Sandvik on 31.01.14) term
LAD :01.08.14
D 25 CDD: 30.03.15 (Excluding site work)
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delivery of steel plates by M/s Essar to other Open Projects Very Low N N Y N Short I 0.4
vendors. term
CDD: Progressively by 15.01.14.
D 26

Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2

-DHDT( Ordered to M/s Dresser Rand on term
D 27 11.09.13)
LAD: 29.01.15
CDD: 10.03.15
Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
-VGO( Ordered to M/s Nueman & Essar on term
D 28 14.11.13 )
LAD : 26.02.15
CDD: 13.04.15
ECD: 28.05.15
Delay by vendor with respect to CDD due to Open Projects Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10
financial constraint. term

D 29
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Non acceptance of PO for DHDT & VGO feed filter Open Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
by M/s Filtrex (MR-4370) term
Ordered on 21.12.13 to M/s Filtrex ( Dely: 13 M
D 30

Non acceptance of work order by M/s Flowserve Open Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
for DHDT Centrifugal pumps term
Ordered on 30.01.14 to M/s Flowserve (MR-5403)
D 31
(FOA No 550 & 551)
CDD: 01.03.15

Delay in delivery of Stripper column (IF-V-206) by Open Projects Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10
M/s Uttam Value Steel (Ordered on 19.08.13) term
CDD: 18.10.14
D 32

Availability of Piping materials to generate Open Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
adequate piping material front to composite term
D 33 Sch: (Final MTO): Dec'14-Feb'15
EDD: Jun'15

Delivery Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06
D 34 13 M FOB term
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in delivery of equipments by: Open Project Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10
M/s TEMA :CDD: 06.01.14 to 15.01.15; term
M/s Nuberg: CDD: 03.07.14 to 03.11.14; EDD:
D 35 M/s GR Engg: CDD: 28.01.14 to 31.07.14; EDD:
M/s Fabtech Projects: CDD: Jul14 to Jan15;
EDD: Aug15

Delay in submission & finalization of vendor Open Project Low N N Y N Short I 0.4
drawings for SRU burners & reduction burner term
D 36 Ordered to M/s UOP Callidus on 20.06.14.
CDD: 19.05.15

Slow Progress of works by Piling I contractor M/s Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
DBM. (CDU/VDU, DCU & Offsite) - Awarded on term
25.09.12 (Sch - 100 %, Act 91.7%)
RCC Piles:4822 / 5307 Nos.
Balance for offsite (SS VGO & compound area at
E 1 FACT).
Presently 5 total rigs are operating
Job No.: A307
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* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Space constraints: Open Constn. Very High Y N Y Y Short D 0.28 0.27
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and term
package contractors
E 2 ii) Area for Spool storage

Delay in completion of rock blasting affecting Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
release of construction front for VGO & offsite term
E 3 area as hard rock encountered.

Construction of NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86
- Target Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 12 M available Projects term
for construction works (excl. Dismantling works)
against schedule of 22 M.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to
delay in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award
of licensor.
- Change in the scope based on health check
report has an impact on Project cost and
E 4 schedule.
Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 94.4% Catch Up Sch: 86.1 % Act:
Job No.: A307
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* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Availability of Soil investigation Report for new Open BPCL / High N N Y N Long I 0.2
Crude tankages area. Projects / term
Delay in availability of soil data will affect Const.
preparation for piling tender and layouts drawings.
Further civil / structural tender will also affected.
E 5

Delay in completion of Building Works by M/s L&T Open Const Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38
for MCR and CPP control Room.
Contr. Sch: 100%
Front: 100 %
E 6 Act:79.9 %
CCD: 20.12.14
Ant: 15.07.15
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Backlog 20.6% as of 15-Apr-15 in Construction Open Const Very High N Y Y N Short term I 0.7 0.67
activities viz., Civil works and Mechanical works
for offsite area as well as unit areas.
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46
M; Time lapsed - 35 M
Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act
73.3 90.1 70.4 52.6
Contractors are facing problem in retaining the
labour at site.
Approx 13000 labours are available against
requirement of 20000 at site.

E 7

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Very High N N N N Long I 0 0.00
clearance for BOO area. term
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
E 8 commissioning of Demountable flare
(Commissioning expected by end Jun'15)
Job No.: A307
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of piling work by M/s L&T (Piling-II): Open Constn. High N N Y N Short I 0.4
CDD- 08.05.14. term
(Total 12003 Nos piles).
(Contr.Sch- 100%, Front-100%, Act-100%)
Only 10 nos. hydraulic & 4 nos. conventional rigs
E 9 are currently
operational at site. Total 10124 nos completed out
of 12003

Payment to contractors Close Constn. Low N N Y N Long D 0.08

E 10 term
Unrealistic project time leading to under quality Close Project / Low N N Y N Long D 0.08
Engg. / term
E 11 planning

Dismantling of LO CAT SRU and area handing Open BPCL Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
over to Tankage II contractor (Required for New term
tankagesTF-4) by BPCL.
E 12 Will affect release of front for tankages.
Job No.: A307
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* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of Raw water treatment plant Pkg (M/s Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15
Triveni Engg).(Delayed due to refloating) term
Overall Progress:
Contr. Sch: 99.7 % Act: 83.7%
Construction Progress:
Sch: 100 % Front: 100 % Act: 83.55 %
E 13 Sch: 15.11.14 CCD: 24.03.15 ECD: Aug'15
Compl: 18 M+2M

Slow construction progress of SRU Block due to Open Proj. / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57
delayed area handing over Constn. term
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from
end Jun14) are available with respect to schedule
of 25 M (As per past experience minimum
E 14 requirement for SRU is 30 M).

Area for FCC Feed Tanks (Diversion of ETP II to Open Proj. / Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
ETP III and development of area reqd. by Apr.13) Constn. term
E 15
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and Close Proj. Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
development of area reqd. by May, 2013 term
Ant - Dec 2013
E 16

Land acquisition for Crude tank (2 nos.) . (LAD - Close Proj. Very High N N N N Short I 0
Jul 13; Ant - 30-Aug-13) term
E 17

Allocation of identified fabrication areas for ODC OPEN BPCL Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
Equipments & Other Agencies term
E 18

Delivery of bought out items by BHEL for GTG Open Const. / Low N N N N Long I 0
package Projects term
(LAD supply:29.09.14; Ant - Jul'15)
E 19
Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13 with CDD for
delivery as 24.11.14.

HEAVY LIFT Cranes for INTALLATION OF Close Const. Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
Finalisation of Erection scheme and capacity the
crane, inclusion in scope and timely mobilisation at
E 20 site

E 21
Theft of material from Warehouse Close EIL Low Y N Y N Long D 0.12
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of UG piping work due delay in receipt Open Const. High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.48
E 22 of piping material and monsoon. term

Lighting during construction Open Constn. Low N N N Y Short D 0.04

E 23 term

Delay in construction due to monsoon. As work Open EIL Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
progress between Jun to Sep is expected to be term
hindered due to monsoon, all out effort to be made
to release tender as per sch. Generally to manage
delays in initial stages of project, constr. Duration
E 24 are reduced while floating tenders. This needs to
be avoided.

Adequacy Check for Hook-up of LPG Flare and Open Project Low Y N N N Short I 0.2
ACID Flare between existing CDU-II flare and term
CEMP-II flare

E 25
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Construction of Subway on the PWD road Open Project Very Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.04
including re routing of existing road / existing term
facilities and necessary liasoning with government
E 26 department.
Construction of culvert got affected

Slow construction progress in Offsite IREP area. Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s n term
KSSIIPL on 12.09.13
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: 15.09.15
Progress figures
Sch: 100% Front: 99.7% Act.: 55.85%
Insufficient mobilisation of manpower:
Required: 635 nos
Deployed: 216 nos

E 27
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
CPP term
Contr. Sch: 100%; Front: 100%; Act: 84.36%
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: 15.06.15
E 28

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU block Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) term
LAD: 12.01.15
CCD: 03.03.15
Ant: Oct'15
100% 100 % 62.17%
E 29
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Composite works for CDU/VDU Block Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
(Awarded to M/s Offshore on 04.11.13) term
SCH: 30.06.15
CCD: 03.07.15
ECD: 30.10.15
Contr. Sch: 91.29%
Front: 86.75%
Act: 54.96 %
E 30

Completion of Coke handling work Open Project Very High Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.29
(Awarded to M/s Thyssen on 04.11.13) term
LAD: 18.04.15
CCD: 03.07.15
EDD: Dec'15
Construction: Sch:85.2 %; Front:100.0%;
E 31
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of DCU Heater works (Awarded to M/s Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15
Heurtey on 04.11.13 (20 M) term
LAD: May 15
CCD: 03.07.15
Ant: Oct'15
E 32 Overall Progress:
Sch: 97.1 % Act: 83.7 %
Construction work: Sch- 97.09% Front:100%

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and Open Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2
development of area reqd. by May, 2013 term
Completion Sch: 30.01.15
Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. (Duration: 20
E 33
M+2 M incl pre commng)
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow progress of ETP works by M/s Paramount Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57
LAD: 30.09.15 term
ECD: 30.06.16
Overall progress:
Sch: 97.4 % Act: 59.1 %
Construction Progress:
E 34 Sch: 96.7% Front: 100 % Act: 36.9 %
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13.
(Duration: 21 M+2 M incl pre commng)

Completion of works for Tankage-II Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
Sch: 30.06.15; CCD: 24.07.15; ECD: Sep'15 term
Duration: 22 M
E 35 Sch: 96.68 %; Front:95.39% Act: 50.31 %

Awarded to M/s B&R on 25-Sep-13

Completion of works for Tankage-III (Crude Tanks) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
(M/s IOT Anwesha ) term
Sch: 27.02.15; CCD: 03.07.15
Duration: 20 M
E 36 Sch: 88.70 % Front: 100.0 % Act: 62.15 %
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow progress of FCCU Heater works (Awarded to Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
M/s Petron on 04.12.13 (16 M) term
LAD: 09.07.15
CCD: 03.04.15
Ant: Oct'15
Overall Progress:
E 37 Sch: 100% Act: 72.1 %
Construction progress:
Sch: 100% Front: 97.55% Act:42.07%

Handing over of fabrication space to M/s Fabtech Close Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2
for Main Fractionators Column of FCCU term
E 38

Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Boiler Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
Package for SRU Block (ordered to M/s Technicas term
on 31.012.13)
LAD: 09.06.15
CCD: 30.06.15; EDD: 30.09.15 (As per Vendor)
E 39
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow progress of RO-DM works Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57
(Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13) term
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16
(As per vendor)
Overall Progress:
Sch: 99 % Act: 74.4%
E 40 Construction Progress:
Sch: 100 %; Front: 100%; Act:49.9%

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works- FCCU Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67
Contr. Sch: 100 %; Front: 100% term
Act: 83.1 % (M/s SEPC)
CCD: 24.12.14
ECD: Oct'15
E 41
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of Heater Works-DHDT (M/s Technip) Open Project Very High Y N N N Long I 0.1 0.10
LAD: 24.04.15 term
CCD: 03.03.15; ECD: Sep'15
Constr. Progress:
Sch: 100 % Front: 100 % Act: 85.6 %
E 42 -Delay in completion of Radiography and PWHT

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Petron) Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
LAD:24.04.15 term
Ant: Dec'15

E 43 Construction Progress:
Sch: 100% Front: 97.4% Act.: 36.4%
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
McNally Bharat for DHDT & VGO term
CCD: 10.01.15
ECD: 30.06.15
Sch: 100 %; Front :99.6 % Act: 89.5 %
E 44

Completion of Pre-engineered Building Works (3 Open Project Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12
Nos) by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. term
E 45

Completion of Cooling Tower -I & II Open Project High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 01.02.13) term
LAD: 31.01.15
CCD: 20.10.14
ECD: Jun'15
E 46
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 100% Front: 100% Cum Act: 85.8%
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of Cooling Tower -III Open Project Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 11.09.15) term
LAD: 30.06.15
CCD: 10.01.15
ECD: Aug'15
E 47
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 100% Front: 100% Cum Act: 58.33%

Slow construction progress in Offsite-DHDS area. Open Constructio Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86
Work stopped by M/s KSS in DHDS area for Civil n term
& Strl work
CDD: 24.01.15
E 48 ECD:. Dec'15

Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
Works-FCCU n term
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14
CCD: 25.10.15
E 49 Construction Progress:
Sch: 69.38 %; Front: 27.48%; Act.:18.42%
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow progress of work & poor manpower Open Constructio High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32
mobilisation by M/s B&R for Composite Works- n term
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14
CCD: 11.11.15
Construction Progress:
Sch: 69.2 % Front: 45.75% Act.: 23.9%
E 50 AG piping fabrication: Only 133333 ID / 406975
ID fabrication completed.
AG piping erection: Only 89894 IM / 526435 IM
piping erection completed.

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Open Constructio Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57
Refinery area: Generation of front for mechanical n term
works affected (awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on
Sch:100%; Front: 98.26%; Act: 47.1%
E 51 CCD: 25.01.15
ECD: Oct'15
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow progress by M/s Tech Sharp for Composite Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
works: Offsite IREP area due to delay in n term
mobilisation. Awarded on 25.03.14.
CCD: 24.09.15.
E 52 Sch: 76.22% Front : 36.22% Actual : 18.76%

Slow construction progress by M/s B&R for Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
Composite works: Offsite Refinery area due to n term
delay in mobilisation.
Awarded on 25.03.14.
E 53 CCD: 24.09.15
Sch:79.1%; Front: 14.5%; Act:10%

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
works) by M/s L&T for CDU/VDU. n term
Sch: 04.09.14
E 54 CCD: 06.09.14
ECD: 31.03.15
Sch:100% Front: 100% Act: 97.03%

Completion of Heater Works-CDU/VDU (M/s Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
Technip) term
E 55 CCD: 06.02.15
Ant: Jun'15
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
works) by M/s L&T for DCU. n term
Sch: 04.09.14
CCD: 06.09.14
E 56 ECD: 15.03.15
Sch: 100% Front: 100 % Act: 97.1 %

Start of work for Tankage-IV by M/s Offshore Open Constructio Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
Awarded on 17.04.14 n term
CCD: 16.01.16
Scope of modification: total 10 nos; Front released
has been released for 2 nos (YT-383/391)
Sch : 64.6% Front : 58.4% Actual : 27.5%
E 57
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow progress for Tankage-I by M/s B&R Open Constructio Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
Awarded on 07.06.13 n term
CCD: 06.04.15
Sch: 100 % Front: 100 % Act: 68.9 %

E 58

Start of work for SRU Tankage works (Ordered to Open Constructio High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32
M/s Tuaman on 19.02.14 n term
Sch: 97.4 % Front: 74.7 % Act: 55.1 %
E 59

Composite works by M/s Albana for DHDT Open Constructio Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD: n term
E 60 Sch : 67.8% Front : 56.6% Actual : 29.1 %
Job No.: A307
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Start of Composite works by M/s Offshore for Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
Offsite DHDS area n term
Awarded to M/s OIL on 19.05.14 with CCD:
Sch: 70.97% Front: 14.95% Act: 9.18%

E 61

Composite works by M/s offshore for SRU area Open Constructio Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
Awarded to M/s OIL on 25.03.14 with CCD: n term
78760 / 298905 ID fabricated.
E 62 18200 IM / 299780 IM erected.
Sch : 58.5% Front : 31.2% Actual : 18%

Completion of balance piling work (Covered under Open Constn. Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12
E 63 Piling-IIII Contract) term
(Total 2077 Nos piles approx).
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of Composite works by M/s Albana for Open Constructio Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12
VGO Unit n term
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD:
E 64 18.11.15
Sch : 69.1% Front : 30.7% Actual : 22.3 %

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16
commissioning and commissioning of Project term
F 1

Implementation of Change management system Open PROCESS/ Medium N Y Y N Long D 0.14 0.07
The same affects : ENGG/CON term
- Finalization of basic philosophies S.
- Scope of services
- Release of deliverables
F 2 Various scope changes (as advised by BPCL),
resulting in expenditure of extra manhours against
control manhours.

Timely Commissioning of UB package to meet Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10
refinery commissioning schedule. term
LAD : 31.03.15 (UB 1)
F 3 30.06.15 (UB 2)
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* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Timely payment to sub contractor by main Open Const. Medium N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.05
contractor term

G 1

Infrastructure at Kochi Open Const. Low N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.03

G 2 term

Scope changes & information flow to executing Open Process / High N Y Y N Long D 0.14
group Engg. term
G 3

Non-performing vendors Open Inspn Low N N Y N Long I 0.2

G 4

Delay in Approval of Vendor List for various items Close Purch / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
of the project (specially for Long lead items) Contrc. term
G 5

Finalisation of Non plant buildings. Close BPCL Low N N Y N Short D 0.16

G 6 term
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* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Implementation of environmental clearance Open Projects Medium Y N N N Short D 0.08 0.04
conditions by EIL (received from MoEF vide Letter term
dated 22.11.12)
G 7

Delay in commencement of site work for dyke wall Close Engg. / Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2
inside TF-3 affected due to non availability of Proj. term
PESO approval for tankage area
I 1

Statutory approvals Open Projects / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06

- Factory inspectorate approval BPCL term
- CEA (Central electrical authority) approval
I 2 -IBR approval (LAD - IBR Package for DCU by
end Dec'13; CDU/VDU by 31.12.13)

Implementation of Health, Safety and Open Const. Very High N N Y Y Short I 0.5 0.48
environmental (HSE) system term
J 1

Delay due to Labour strikes (due to labour issue Close Const. Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
like wage revision, other benefits) during project term
K 1 execution phase
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(Open /


* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. High N N Y Y Short I 0.5 0.40
At present only approx 12000 labours are working
K 2 against requirement of 15000-18000 labours.

Constraint in movement & transportation of ODC Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
eqpt. term
K 3

ODC transportation in view of Kochi Metro Open Project/Eng High N N Y N Long I 0.2
ODC movement schedule is from Nov'13 to Feb g term
K 4

Quarry operator strike : Quarry operator strike in Open Const. High N N Y Y Short I 0.5
the state from 12.02.15 has affected the term
concreting work.
K 5

Cost monitoring & control on regular basis Close Costing High Y N N N Short D 0.08
M 1 term
Increase in facilities on account of deletion zero Open Environ. Very High Y N N N Short D 0.08
M 2 liquid discharge term
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* 10 *

Risk Id



( Y / N)
/ Low /

D/I )



Term /
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(95% /

( Score

High /
High /

(Y / N)
80% /
50% /
30% /





Key Risk Description




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Variation in foreign exchange rates from Rs 50 per Open Project Low Y N Y N Short I 0.6
USD as on Mar 12 to Rs. 60 per USD as on date term
and fluctuations in the intermediate period and
Scope changes w.r.t. DFR (additional in scope)
has significantly impacted on the overall project
M 3 cost.

Total Risk Score 20.78

Job No.: A307
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Actions Taken so far: Projects /
- UOP package received on 08.08.13. Process
- PDS issued for all Columns, Vessels, Air Fin Coolers, Exchangers & Refrigeration pkg, pumps (part balance).
- All 30 nos P&IDs issued for engineering
Action Plan for balance
- 19 nos out of 23 nos pumps datasheet issued for engineering. Balance progressively targeted by 15.11.13.

0.00 - Meeting held with BPCL on 18-20.09.13. Process /


0.00 - All P&IDs incorporating DCNs issued. Process

Job No.: A307
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Design Change Note based on Hazop recommendations issued on 03.01.14. All major process P&IDs
- Major pumps data received and foundation drawing released. Projects /

0.00 -Process package received on 14.04.13 Projects /


0.00 All PDS issued for Engg. All Process P&IDS issued. Utility P&IDs: 15 out of 15 nos issued for engineering.

0.00 Process package from M/s Lummus received on 17-Aug-12. Process

All Equipment PDS issued for engineering. Utility equipment issued for engineering.

0.00 Based on latest information from BOO HGU and SWII (FCC), Revised Design Basis issued. Projects /
Job No.: A307
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Process P&IDs: All process P&ID issued. Process
PDS: Heat Exch. - 52/52 issued for Engg.
Pumps 49/50 issued for Engineering.
Vessels 38/38 tags issued for Engg.
Air cooler 6/6 issued for Engineering.

0 0.00 - Common Interconnection P&ID for FCC, VGO and DHDT will be issued (covered under risk A09). Hence BPCL /
clubbed with Risk no. A09. Projects /

0.00 All process P&IDs issued. Process

Pumps PDS issued for engg,.
All Vessels PDS issued for engg.

0.00 - All 32 P&ID issued for engineering

Job No.: A307
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - All PDS and P&ID revised and issued.

0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process

0.00 - Out of 2 nos offsite interconnection P&IDs, 1 no. (New facilities) has been issued for engineering. Balance 1 no. BPCL /
targeted by 15.03.13 Projects /

0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering. Process

0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process

0.00 In case of revision in process parameters of an equipment the utility estimates furnished by engineering against RED / PED/
older Revision of PDS should not be used until same is got verified/ updated for current revision. PROCESS
RED to update all such changes within stipulated time frame as per departmental guidelines and Process to
incorporate in the revised PDS.
0.00 Utility P&IDs: P&IDs (14 / 17 ) issued for engg (except for small bore piping: Pump Seal & Vent Drain). The same Process
are targeted by Jun'13.
Job No.: A307
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Utility P&IDs: 30/36 issued for engineering. Process
P&IDs for small bore Piping shall be issued by 31.05.13.

0 0.00 Distribution P&IDs issued for engineering.

0.00 - Revised P&ID for Condensate System issued on 15.05.13. BPCL

0.00 - Inconsistency related to type of Isolation valve (Ball Vs. gate / globe/check) between instrumentation and Engg.
process design basis identified during coordination meetings resolved by TSD.

0.00 - System configuration including 8 pumps, filters & centrifuge finalised and PDS for pumps issued. Filters & Projects
Centrifuge PDS issued for engineering on 22.05.14. (CPP group)
- Readiness of the fuel forwarding system to be ensured w.r.t. GTG commg schedule (i.e. in Mar 15).
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - PDS for desalting pumps issued on 25.10.13. MR issued on 13.11.13. Engg

0.00 - Identification of hook ups for Flare line, FCC flare, PRU flare and NHT / ISOM completed during site visit by EIL Projects /
0.00 Process.
Signing of P&IDs completed for: Constn.
Process /
Hook sketches
prepared and signed by Piping / POSD / BPCL. Marking at site to be taken up on priority. POSD /
-- Finalisation
DCU unit on 03.07.14 & CR for
of methodology taking
LPG up 22.07.14.
unit on works targeted by end Dec 13.
- VGO unit on 12.07.14.
- DHDT unit on 24.07.14
- FCCU unit on 23.07.14
- SRU block on 25.07.14.
- Offsite P&IDs issued to BPCL. Signing completed

0.00 Updated P&IDs released. Process /


0.00 - Equipment layout issued for engineering on 23.08.13 Piping

Job No.: A307
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Equipment layout issued for engineering Piping

0.00 Equipment layout issued for engineering Projects /

Piping /

0.00 NIT issued on 24.06.13, bids due on 23.07.13 Projects /

Process /

0.00 1) Involvement of technical/engineering team and client with vendor where non-standard products are required Projects

2) Clarification of all doubts prior to beginning of work

3) Procedures for internal review and approval of design/deliverables to be followed

0.00 -Discussions with prospective bidders held seeking details on implementation methodology. Engg (Elec)
-Decision regarding System integration schemes taken during meeting dated 17th & 18th Dec 12. MR issued

0.00 - Layout finalised with licensor. Final layout under study. Piping
- Model review for SRU completed on 30th May'13 (except TGTU, incinerator section & downstream of sulphur
Job No.: A307
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Intermediate MTO released on 31.05.13. Piping

0.00 Thermal design completed for DHDT, VGO-HDT and FCCU. HMTD

0.00 - Layout for OWS, CRWS, CW & FW lines issued for Offsite. Gen Civil

0.00 VGO-HDT: 30 % modelling completed on 7th Jun'13 Piping

FCCU: 30 % modelling completed on 06.06.13.
SRU (excluding TGTU) completed on 30.05.13.
0.00 - NIT issued for publishing on 12.06.13 with sale period from 17.06.2013 to 05.07.2013 Project / C&P
Job No.: A307
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Wide variation of BOQ and site executed quantities for item rate tenders to be controlled. Engg
Past data to be analysed and used for reference purposes.

0.00 MR issued on 02.05.13. Engg

0.00 - Management level meetings with package contractors being organised to expedite the works. Projects /
- Battery limit conditions for CDSP Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13) submitted by vendor & approved Engg. /
under code 2 on 07.05.14. Process
- Battery limit conditions for R&R Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 25.07.13) received from vendor and approved.

0.00 - Clubbed with Risk ID A27 TSD

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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Data received from all vendors. All piling drawings for CPP area released. ENGG/PLNG
- Foundation drawings for & HRSG under progress and targeted by mid Mar'14.

0.00 - NIT issued on 11.03.13, bids due on 16.04.13. Pre bid meeting targeted on 02.04.13. (Delivery : 18 M for
Mechanical Completion including Pre-Commissioning Activities)

0.02 -0.02 - Integration of packages incl. GTG, HRSG & UB to be ensured based on vendor inputs. Engg
- HAZOP review completed for GTG, HRSG & UB package. Projects /
- 90% model review for HRSG completed on 04.02.15. Process
-90% model review for UB package held from 18.11.14 to 20.11.14. Process /
- GBC ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held with M/s BHEL for Gas booster compressor on 12-13 Aug'14. HMTD

0.00 - Preparation of Inst. dwgs./ docs. by the DCS vendor, using Smart Plant Instrumentation (SPI) is already Projects
covered in DCS vendors scope in DCS

0.00 - Model review completed on 13.09.13 ENGG

Job No.: A307
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Being taken up with respective package vendors for implementation. Instn /

0.00 Package vendor inputs being made available by expediting for updation of interface engineering documents. Projects /

0.00 Model review completed on 04.10.13 ENGG

0.00 - All P&IDs released G. Civil

0.00 - Ordered to M/s Powerica Ltd on 29.09.14 (Delivery duration 13 M+ 3 M site works). BPCL
Job No.: A307
Page 86+14 of 30



Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Model review completed on 24.10.13. Process /
Process to remove holds as per piping Hold up lists released till date by 25th Oct 13. Projects
- Piping to release updated hold up lists based on release of holds by process on fortnightly basis to process /
project / planning / TSD / Risk Coordinator.
- Meeting between Process, Piping, Projects shall be organised within 3 days of issue of hold up lists.
- Process to issue Revised P&IDs latest within 4 weeks of HAZOP recommendations.

0.00 - Model review completed on 25.10.13. ENGG

0.00 - Model review started on 28.10.13 and under progress. Targeted to complete by 31.10.13. ENGG
Job No.: A307
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Intermediate 2nd MTO released on 31.10.13, based on above MR under preparation. Projects /

0.05 -0.05 - Surplus material to be salvaged with effective substitution and being carried out during MTO preparation. ENGG

0.00 - HAZOP study completed on 29.11.13. ENGG

0.00 - As of 15 Aug'14 Engineering progress is 91.4 %. ENGG
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Final MTO released on 11.09.14.

0.00 - Revised P&IDs issued for connecting tank-101 & 102. Process /
New pump process datasheet released for piping naphtha from YT-332 to CPP day tank. Engg.

0.00 Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand on 30.12.13 Engg / C&P

0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron with delivery period of 18 M on 21.08.13. Projects

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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - BPCL confirmation sought for minimum nos (10.97 MW or 80% of 10.97) for qualifying criteria. Accordingly BQC C&P
changed and approved by BPCL. Draft NIT by 25.05.13. Publishing targeted by end May 13.

0.00 - As per latest cost status report the impact of cost variation has been neutralised by savings. Projects

0.00 Awarded to M/s Technip on 04.09.13 (Duration 18 M) Projects /


0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping

0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping

0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping

0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping
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14 15 16 17
0.00 -Ordered on M/s Shin Nippon & M/s Flowserve on 30.01.14 (except Tag IV-P-301 A/B due to poor past EIL
performance of PRT supplied under CEMP-II by M/s GENP);
- Separate MR released for item tag IV-P-301 A/B. BPCL informed that order expected to be placed as per
previous recommendation, ordering expected by mid Mar'14.
- As a parallel action MR was issued however RFQ kept under hold in view of BPCL information regarding
ordering by mid Mar 14.

0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Projects /

0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Projects /

0.00 -Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 Engg/Proj

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14 15 16 17
0.00 NIT issued on 29.05.13, bids due on 18.06.13. Project / C&P

0.00 - Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. duration is 22 M. Engg / C&P

0.00 Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 21.02.13. Duration is 20 Months. BPCL

0.00 BQC finalised on 15.01.13. Tender under compilation. Draft NIT being issued to BPCL for approval. Projects /
NIT targeted by 21-Feb-13. BPCL

0.00 Ordered to M/s Paulose George (15 M). BPCL

0.00 Ordered on M/s L&T on 08.04.13. Proj/Engg

Job No.: A307
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14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T on 09.04.13 with duration of 12 M. BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron on 09.04.13 with 18 M duration. BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s Technip on 07.03.13 (Duration 23 M) Projects /


0.00 - Scheme finalised. Projects /


0.00 Tender released on 26.03.13; BQC finalised on 08.04.13. NIT targeted by 16-Apr-13 Engg
Job No.: A307
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14 15 16 17
0.00 Award recommendation issued on 11.02.13. Awarded to M/s Howe baker on 07.03.13 Proj/Engg

0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T (duration 20 M) BPCL

0.00 KB tech completed development of flare area & handed over the area to M/s L&T.for piling. Projects
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14 15 16 17
0.00 - Evaluation of LLIs to be ensured with-in 1 month from receipt of bids by Engg. & PBO recommendation with-in 1 Engg / C&P /
week by C&P. Projects
- Pre tender / Pre enquiry meetings to be conducted with bidders to avoid extensions in bid due date due to lack
of clarity in scope / other requirements.
- Immediate after issue of Enquiry a firm action plan to be developed by the Project coordinator clearly indicating
targets for Issue of TQ / CQ , Post bid meetings, TBA/CBA, PBO reco., Price bid opening and award
recommendation dates.
- Uploading of bids in eDMS by C&P within 1 - 2 days (Max.) of bid submission by bidders.
- Restriction of multiple TQs / CQs.
- Rigorous follow up by C&P / Engg. / Projects for receipt of TQ / CQ replies from bidders within cut off dates.

0.00 Awarded to M/s Tecnicas Reunidas S.A. on 31.12.13 BPCL

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14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s Essar Project on 22.08.13 (Duration: 27 M) C&P / Engg /

0.00 - Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13. Projects /

Engg / C&P /
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14 15 16 17
0.00 - Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 Projects /
It is planned that common facility (incl. common piperack, utility lines etc) shall be taken up as per project
schedule requirement. This shall be taken up during KOM with selected bidder.

0.00 - 2 Bids (Essar & L&T) received on 25.04.13. Projects /

- TBA issued on 21.05.13. BPCL
- PBO recomn. issued on 30.05.13 and BPCL approval received on 03.06.13
- Price bids opened on 04.06.13.
- Award recommendation issued on 25.06.13.
- Awarded to M/s Essar on 10.07.13.
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14 15 16 17
0.00 BPCL
Awarded to M/s ThyssenKrupp ;
(Duration 21 M+2 M (Mech + Pre Commg)

0.00 - 3 no. bids received on extended date of 02.02.13. Projects /

- Meeting with bidders held from 19.02.13 to 26.02.13. PBO recomn. issued on 06.05.13. Price bids opened on C&P / BPCL
- Award recomm issued on 12.06.13.
Execution duration as per RFQ - 20 M; Sch - 24-26 M

0.00 Awarded to M/s Paramount (with 21 M for mechanical completion + 2 M for commissioning). C&P/Engg/Pr
Execution duration as per RFQ was - 22 + 2 M; Sch - 28 M oj
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14 15 16 17
0.00 Meeting held with EIL & BPCL. Approach paper prepared and signed jointly by EIL / BPCL for limiting single BPCL / C&P
agency getting work orders against more than 2 tenders. (In cases of big agencies with financial capability, one
agency can get maximum works order against 3 tenders)

0.00 Limit the number of works being awarded to one Agency so that alternatives can be worked out fast. C&P
BPCL/EIL To evolve a System to be implemented to ensure that the maximum number of jobs awarded to single
agency is only 2 if NOT to be preferably made ONE only.

0.00 Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery period of 13 M. BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s Heurtey, (Duration - 20 M) BPCL

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14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s KSS on 25.07.13. (Duration 18 M) BPCL

0.00 Awarded to Mcnally Bharat on 26.09.13. Project/C&P

Duration- 16 Months

0.00 NIT issued on 01.08.13, bids due on 30.08.13 Gen


0.00 Awarded to M/s McNally Bharat. Duration - 16 M Gen

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14 15 16 17
0.00 MAB awarded to M/s Elliot Ebara on 04.09.13. C&P/Engg/Pr
WGC awarded to M/s BHEL oj

0 0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T on 07.03.13. Award recomm sent to BPCL on 01.02.13. Award to be targeted by 07.03.13. C&P

0.00 Ordered to M/s Eliot Ebara on 28.06.13.

0.00 Ordered on M/s Dresser Rand, Dely - 17 M FOT Dispatch EIL/BPCL

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14 15 16 17
0.00 - Ordered to M/s Sandvik. BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s Sriram on 25.09.13 BPCL

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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s McNally bharat on 11.09.13 (with 16 M execution period) BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s Essar Projects on 19.08.13 BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s Thermax BPCL

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14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s Triveni BPCL

0.00 Ordered to M/s Callidus and M/s UOP India on 20.06.14. BPCL

0.00 Ordered on M/s Howden Process Compressors Projects /

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Score -

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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13 with duration of 18 M. Projects/
Engg / C&P/

0.00 - Awarded on M/s Ray Engineering on 23.01.14. Engg / C&P

Job No.: A307
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Score -

s Risk

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t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg

0.00 Ordered to M/s Neumen & Essar on 14.11.13 BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s IOT Anwesha on 04.12.13. (duration: 20 M) BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg

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14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand Proj/Engg

0.00 Awarded to M/s B&R BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s Offshore on 17.04.14. EIL / BPCL

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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 .Awarded to M/s Offshore (Duration- 20 months) BPCL

0.00 Contract for development of flare area awarded to M/s KB Tech.. Engg / C&P

0.00 Composite Works for VGO-HDT & DHDT Projects /

-DHDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M). Engg.
-VGO-HDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
Composite Works for Offsite
Part B (DHDS): Awarded to M/s Offshore on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
Composite Works for CPP: Awarded to M/s Zillion Infra. on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron on 04.12.13. Duration is 16 M BPCL

0.00 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. Dely: 13 M.

0.00 -Ordered on M/s Asco Filtri Srl ON 17.10.14. BPCL

0.00 - All pipes, fittings & flanges ordered. C&P


0.00 -Revised MR (MR-3415): Ordered to M/s Oswal, M/s Shalimar, M/s AV valves and M/s L&T. EIL/BPCL
- New MR-3515 (41 Nos) ordered on 05.02.15
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Awarded to M/s Zillion on 19.05.14.

0.05 -0.05 -Total 35526/ 35652 nos (99.7%) isometrics issued for units . Balance ISO's targeted progressively by mid Engg.
-All GADs issued released.

0.00 -Awarded to M/s OIL on 18.03.15 (Duration 12 M). EIL/BPCL

0.00 - Ordered to M/s Sulzer. BPCL

0.00 - Electrical Works: EIL/BPCL

Part A: M/s Technimont
Part B: M/s Consilium
- Instrumentation Works:
Part A: M/s Technimont .
Part B: M/s Consilium
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Score -

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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.20 0.00 Majority ordered, balance targeted by 2nd week of May'15. Deliveries to be expedited in order to timely availability EIL/BPCL
of piping material for completion of steam network in CPP area.

0.86 0.00 Management level review meeting held with M/s ESSAR/ GRE on 13.04.15. Following Major targets agreed: EIL/BPCL
- Delivery of all bought out progressively by Jun15.
- Completion of Flue Gas cooler & ESP by Jun15.
- Erection of TSS bottom section executed on 17.04.15
- Steam drum erected on 13.03.2015 & economiser panel erection commenced on 20.03.15, RHS, LHS &
economiser modules 3/5 for FGC erected.
- 1st lot of fabricated ESP materials received at port.
Site to update????

0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID E19 Project

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14 15 16 17
0.19 0.00 - Balance foundation to be expedited (including FD fan, HP pump drive turbine, blow down tank & other Project /
auxillaries). Constn.
- Completion of structural erection work to be expedited. Coil erection completed for UB-12 & in progress for UB-
13. Deaerator tank erection completed.

0.00 -All Indigenous component received at site within CDD. Project/Inspe

- All Foreign Source Components dispatched. ction

0.00 Compressor dispatched on 06.03.15 Project/Inspe


0.00 All parts dispatched. Project/Inspe

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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.67 0.00 - Main fractionator column: Top section dispatched to site on 26.04.15. Erection targeted by end May15. Stripper Project /
Column: Hydrotest erection by end Jun15. Rectifier Column: erection by mid Aug15. Constn.


0.38 0.00 - Erection of second Main combustion chamber (Tag No: IS-F-202) has been successfully & safely completed. EIL/BPCL
- Refractory lining agency expected to mobilise at site by 05.05.15????.
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.86 0.00 Following commitments have been made by M/s Essar. Constr.
-Shift Work: Works in two shifts implemented.
- Coke fractionator column delivery by 07.05.15 and coke drums progressively from 13.05.15 till 25.05.15.
- Crane (2000 MT): Mobilization & assembly of crane completed and erection of equipments targeted
progressively by May15.
-Clear water tank fabrication- Civil tank pad work completed, rolling in progress.- Shell erection of clear water tank
commenced. BPCL/EIL
- Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 590 nos have been deployed against
requirement of 836 nos.
- Above ground pipe fabrication commenced at a lower productivity due to non-availability of pipe fittings. EPIL
informrd that majority of pipe fittings will be available within one month.
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14 15 16 17
0.00 - All items received at site. Project/Inspe

0.00 - Received at site and erected. Project/Inspe


0.00 - Vacuum Column : Hydrotesting completed. Constn. /


0.38 -0.38 - Contract for ODC transportation awarded to M/s Urmila on 26.05.14. EIL/BPCL
- 2 no DHDT Reactor reached at site & erected.
- First dumb barge (newly fabricated) launched in the river after IRS certification.
- ISGEC Josen (3 nos) Column: expected to receive at Kochi port from upto end May'15.
- VGO reactor moved on way to site.
Job No.: A307
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.06 0.00 Out of total 57 nos. of ODCs; 25 nos received at site. & 29 nos under dispatch. Balance under close monitoring. Shipping

0.00 - Transporter philosophy frozen and hindrance enroute has been covered under Risk ID K3. Shipping
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Score -

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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Equipment by Ganson BPCL
- M/s Ganson agreed to supply balance item of CDU/VDU. Items for SRU and DCU refloated under MR-6560
(DCU): All items relocated to M/s Patel Airtemp, M/s Phils Heavy, M/s Acoustics India ; M/s Beekay Engg ; M/s
Fab-Tech, M/s Nuberg Engg.

0.23 -0.09 - Erection of Derrick structure up to 40 mtr completed. Projects/Con

- Flare tips likely to be reached at site by end Apr'15. 1 no water seal drum and Molecular seal received at site. str.
-Water Seal drum (3 nos) received at Kochi port.
Job No.: A307
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - BPCL confirmation on the additional flare stack addition received. BPCL / EIL
- Agreed with Air Oil / BPCL for completion of 4th riser within CDD.
- Revised PDS & P&IDs released on 15.11.13.
- Order placement (change order) issued to M/s Airoil on 14.11.13.

0.38 0.00 - Compressor Lube Oil Console : MRT completed for turbine & is under dispatch. LOP Drive Turbine ordered on Project/Inspe
KEPL is still under manufacturing and likely to be delivered during May 2015. ction

0.00 - MRT of compressor and Steam turbine completed & same is under dispatch. Project/Inspe

0.00 -Reactors reached RORO Jetty at Irumpunam on 28.04.15. Jacking and forecutting work under progress. Project/Inspe
Job No.: A307
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Reactor received at Kochi port and unloaded to barge on 26.12.14. Project/Inspe

0.23 0.00 - 90% model review for HRSG completed. Project/Inspe

- Balance engineering to be expedited by M/s Thermax. ction
- HRSG #3, 4 & 5: Foundation works completed and handed over to M/s Thermax. Erection in progress for
- All column alignment completed for HRSG-3.

0.14 -0.14 - Generator subordered. Project/Inspe

- Pedestal fabrication is at final-machining. ction
- Exhaust case assembly, including diffuser and thermal insulation has been completed

0.18 -0.18 -Silos with structure & Conveyors sub ordered by M/s Sandvik. Project/Inspe
- Bottom Cones for Silo C ,D, E & F dispatched to site. ction
-Delivery of Semi rolled sections of Silos shall commence from Jan'15 onwards. Structure to be made ready for
installation works to commence.
- Space for SILO's to be expedited.
- Foundations for pelletiser shed to be made ready.
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Score -

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s Risk

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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Strl. Steel for R&R- Project/Inspe
Major portion of steel plates have been delivered by M/s Essar. ction

0.00 - Equipment dispatched EIL/ BPCL

0.00 - Compressor & Accessories have been loaded on ship at Antwerp port & Motor EIL/ BPCL

0.10 0.00 - Following bidders showing slow manufacturing progress: EIL/ BPCL
- M/s Arjun Technologies (Pressure Vessel supplier): FOA No.:184. Meeting held on 24.04.15. Balance order
expected to dispatch by end May'15.
- M/s Universal: M/s UHE agreed to deliver balance items progressively upto May15.
- M/s Bharat Pumps & Compressors (Pumps): FOA No.: 311, 360, 423 & 444.
- M/s HDO (Columns, Heat Exchangers & Vessels): FOA No.: 199, 302, 310, 318, 320, 327, 389 & 395.
Job No.: A307
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Score -

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s Risk

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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - M/s Filtrex asking for deviations on commercial terms. Meeting held on 08.07.14 to resolve the issues with M/s EIL/ BPCL
Filtrex. Vendor provided all details.

0.00 - Order has been accepted by M/s Flowserve and amendment issued by BPCL on 11.07.14. EIL/ BPCL

0.10 0.00 - All part received at Kochi. EIL/ BPCL

0.20 0.00 - As of now around 90% piping material has been received at site. Ordering of balance material is in progress EIL/ BPCL
and expected progressively upto Apr'15.
-Vendors being expedited to prepone the deliveries.
- Storage area for piping materials to be expedited by BPCL. Additional requirement of 20000 m2 area in FACT
being taken for piping storage.

0.06 0.00 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held on 12-13.08.14. EIL
- Compressor Journal Bearings were ordered. Impeller manufacturing is in process
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14 15 16 17
0.10 0.00 Vendor being pushed for deliveries. Vendor shop visit/meeting being arranged. Inspection /

0.00 -All burner drawings finaised across the table. HMTD/Projec


0.00 Piling completed for CDU/VDU DCU & Offsite (except boundary wall) Constn.
Balance piling (479 nos) for GTG, UB & stack area being done by M/s DBM. Job given on 07.10.13 with CCD by
1st week of Dec'13.
Job No.: A307
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Score -

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s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.27 0.00 - During the project review meeting dated 23.01.15, following points discussed and requested with BPCL to BPCL
provide assistance:
- Additional storage space for owner supply items (20,000 Sq. M).
- Additional storage space for piping spools.
??? Site to update

0.00 -Major rock blasting work completed. Constn.

0.86 0.00 '- Tender splitter into two parts (Structural/ Mechanical works & Civil work). Awarded to M/s OIL. BPCL/EIL
Civil work being done by misc. Civil agency (M/s Furnace Fabrica). RCC substructure work commenced (340 m3
out of 2900 m3 RCC work completed).
Electrical Work: Awarded to M/s Konstelec on 05.05.15.
Instrumentation Work: Awarded to M/s Konstelec on 05.05.15.
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Agency finalized on 07.06.2013 and investigation to commence. BPCL /
- Report targeted to issue by mid Jul 13. Projects

0.38 0.00 - MCR, CPP control room : Release for panels by Oct'15 & total completion by Dec'15. Constn
- Other building works : SRR Completion progressively by end May'15.
- L&T also agreed to augment required manpower to 1000 from current deployment of 850 to meet the target
completion date.
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s Risk

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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.67 0.00 - Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica & M/s Deens has been lined Constn
up to supplement Civil works.
- Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion have been lined up to
supplement structural works.
- Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site. Approx 13000 labours are available at site, though
induction programme has been carried out for more than 18000 labours . requirement of manpower at site is
approx 19000 nos.
- RCC work & structural fabrication/erection work to be expedited to give complete front to mechanical contractor BPCL/EIL
progressively upto end May'15.
- Lighting of areas to facilitate night shift working.
- Provision made for snacks/dinner for labour to facilitate working in extended/night shift
- Provision of multiple entries inside plant areas to ease manpower/machinery mobilisation to be explored.
- Additional mechanical contracts being awarded to supplement existing mechanical contractors.
Site to update?????

0.00 0.00 Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by Jun'15. BPCL
Job No.: A307
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 L&T has completed all piles in Demountable flare area, Air compressor & DG shed area. Constr.

0.00 Ensure that 90% payment of the RA bills certified by EIL are released to the contractors within 7 days of receipt BPCL
by client.
0.00 Ensure that realistic dates of availability of inputs(drawings, front and materials) are considered in project/ Project /
construction schedule rather than compressing construction schedules alone to meet the completion target. Planning

0.00 All 5 nos tank area cleared and released. Area handed over to M/s B&R for Tankage-II works on 30.04.2014 BPCL
Job No.: A307
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.15 0.00 - M/s Triveni to augment manpower by mobilizing additional manpower (Manpower required is 300 nos while Constr.
available manpower is 235 Nos).
- Substation building: completion being targeted by Apr'15.
- Chemical house works completion being targeted by end Apr'15.
Site to update???

0.57 0.00 - All area handed over in SRU. Constn.

- Pond Retaining wall construction is in progress.
- Piling for SRU : All piling drawing released. To meet Euro-IV compliance, focussed efforts being made for
ARU/SWS. Piling for ARU/SWS is completed. Balance piling work completion targeted by end Apr'15.
- Civil works completion targeted by end May15 and handing over of front to mechanical contractor targeted from
end Mar'15 onwards.
- To meet Euro-IV compliance, readiness of ARU/SWS targeted by Dec15.


0.00 Graded and handed over to tankage-II Constr.

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s Risk

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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID E33 BPCL

0.00 M/s BPCL Vide mail dated 21.08.2013 has handed over the area for SG-III. BPCL

0.00 Details of area has been cleared and allocated by BPCL during Review meeting at site. BPCL

0.00 - All 3 GTGs received at site. Projects

0.00 -Included in mechanical contractor scope. Project /

- Based on prel. Erection scheme, 1600 T heavy lift crane with 600 T trailing crane envisaged for erection of both Constn.
VGO and DHDT reactors.
- Timely mobilization of cranes and preparation of Load Test.
- Finalization of erection scheme.

0.00 - Security arrangements in Warehouse in place by BPCL. Constn.

Job No.: A307
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Score -

s Risk

s Risk

t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.48 0.00 EIL/BPCL
- All balance material deliveries being expedited, subsequently all UG piping work completion targeted by end

0.00 Area lighting being done. Constn.

0.00 -During 2013-2014 monsoon following actions were taken Constn.

- Temporary drains were constructed for draining accumulated rain water.
- Pumping arrangements for draining water accumulated in pits were made.

0.00 LPG flare - As per EIL study LPG flare is adequate. Report issued to BPCL and clarification received. BPCL / EIL
Acid flare - HC flare & Sour flare system P&IDs issued for engineering on 15.06.13.
DHDS sour flare replacement: Sour Flare system P&ID (DHDS Area) issued for comments on 17.05.13, this
additional requirement of existing structure and replacement of sour stack by higher size (16") being checked for
New flare components to be procured for revised stack size.
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14 15 16 17
0.04 0.00 After construction of subway road opened on 10.04.15 Constrn.

0.38 0.00 -Management level meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL at site on 24.04.15. EIL/BPCL
- M/s AA Erectors being mobilized by KSSPPL for Structural work.
- M/s JD Works to be mobilized shortly by KSSPPL for UG piping works.
- Additional 80MT crane also shall be mobilized shortly. (Currently one 100MT, one 75MT & one 70MT available).
- Rock blasting being expedited for drain on West side of piperack area 104, CW line at East of VGO.
- BG already arranges for 400 MT cement, apart from current stock of 100MT.
- KSSPPL shall be expediting around 700 MT of strl steel required for completing the currently progressing areas
of piperack on priority. Entire fabrication completion targeted by 30.04.15.
- Bridge erection at area 117 shall be taken up. Bridge at area 113 nearing completion.
-Strl steel painting & repair works shall be expedited with new gang.
- Manpower for restarting manhole works shall be additionally deployed.
- CW road crossing of 84" pipes shall be expedited.
- Area wise handing over of piperack to mechanical agency to be expedited.
Job No.: A307
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14 15 16 17
0.38 0.00 Management review meeting held with M/s Essar on 20.03.15 at site EIL/BPCL
- Structural works for GTG shed under completion.
- Stack foundation : Only HRSG#3 fdn completed.
- boiler piperack foundations completed.
- GBC fdn completed.

0.38 0.00 EIL/BPCL

- As on date the manpower is 470 Nos against the requirement of 750 Nos.
- ARU/SWS : TS-1 & TS-2 being expedited
TS Completion committed by MBE
-TS-II : 30.04.2015
-TS-III: 30.04.2015
-TS-I : 31.06.2015
-TS-IV: 10.07.2015
-TS-V : 15.07.2015
-TS-VI: 15.04.2015
-MPR : 31.05.2015
-SILO: 20.04.2015
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14 15 16 17
0.38 0.00 - Management level Meeting held with M/s OIL on 25.03.15 and following action plan has been agreed EIL/BPCL
- M/s OIL has augmented manpower to 1122nos.
- Structural fabrication completion targeted for end May '15
- Alloy steel piping fabrication to be expedited.-Fabrication Completion target by End May '15
- Fire proofing of Crude Column completed.
- Dehumidification started in Crude Column. Column Internals completed o tray erect
- Order placed for fabrication of rain protection shed
- 350 out of 358 equipments erected.
Completion Plan : 1. SRLPG - Total loop 129 loops -completion by 30.06.2015 2. FO FG Treater 145 loops -
Completion target by 31.07.2015,3. 400 loops out of 799 loops will be completed by 31..07.2015

0.29 0.00 -Piling work to be completed by 30.04.15 Constr.

-TT-3, TT-4, TT-5, Circular stacker cum reclaimer work in progress.
- For CSR pit, due to collapse of excavation, revised scheme of excavation is being followed, in consultation with
Geotech experts of EIL and Dr. Moza, who visited site and envisaged the problem on 12/01/15.
- Pilling rate to enhance considering the upcoming dry period
- Structural erection need to be expedite, supply of matching sections need to expedite.
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14 15 16 17
0.15 0.00 -Heater A: Hot Work 6/6 box completed, Tube support fixing completed. Radiant coil erection completed. Pedestal Constrcution
grouting (56/60) in progress.
-Heater B:Hot Work 6/6 box completed, Tube support fixing 32/48 nos completed.
-Refractory Dry-out for 3/6 nos of convection module completed at shop. Fabrication for Stack in progress at
shop. APH- str erection is in progress. Glass APH & Fan erection in progress.
Crane-450 MT mobilised at site.

0.00 - Total area handed over on 05.05.14. Project

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14 15 16 17
0.57 0.00 - Mobilization of additional 75 nos manpower by end Apr'15 (Presently 190 nos manpower available) EIL/BPCL
- Completion of raft for TWT/SBR/ACT by 30.04.15.
- Completion of equalisation tank targeted by Jun'15.
- Procurement of BQ plate for Spent caustic tanks to be expedited.

0.38 0.00 - Management level meeting held on 25.03.15 at site. Total tanks: (New tanks 13 nos, work in progress for 12 EIL/BPCL
nos. Balance for 1 nos is YT-33 which shall be start after completion of YT-32; Modification tanks: Out of total 16
nos, work in progress for 5 nos, 3 nos handed over to BPCL.)
- B&R to augment resources to complete all balance work within agreed target. YT-32 completed.

0.38 0.00 Constr.

- Plate erection to be expedited for YT-26/28.
- Tank pad completion works to be expedited in YT-25.
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14 15 16 17
0.20 0.00 -Management level meeting held on 24.04.15 Project
- Structural steel: Out of total 217 MT, 217 MT received & 158MT fabricated & 120MT erected.
- Erection of radiant section completed.
- Coil tubes: Pipes & fittings (part) delivered. Coil fabrication commenced.
- Order placed for anchors & refractory blanket & expected at site progressively from 15.05.15

0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID D7 BPCL

0.38 0.00 - Vent Stacks: Common Stacks template already fabricated and dispatched to site. Projects
Bottom intermediate and top sections and transition cones are being manufactured as scheduled
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.57 0.00 - Sub-station-Completion of RCC super structure completion by 15.06.2015 EIL/BPCL
- DM tanks (2 nos) : Tank -A : All piling completed, pile cap completion by 30.04.2015
- Fabricated structural steel Qty. 80 MT reached site, Balance 40 MT expected to reach site by 10.05.2015
Erection started in R.O. shed.
- M/s DWEL being expedited to delivery of balance bought out items.

0.67 0.00 Management level meeting held with M/s Shriram on 22.04.15 at site.
- Mobilisation of resources is being expedited. At present only 160 nos, manpower mobilised against requirement
of 350 nos.
- M/s Shriram to complete balance Civil work by 15.05.15. EIL/BPCL
- SEPC to expedite structural erection for Tech str A,E,BPR-2
- 5575m3 offloaded to M/s Tuaman (3374m3 completed)
- 2432m3 offloaded to M/s PGC (692m3 completed)
- 2025MT structural work offloaded to REL
- 1684 MT structural work offloaded to ZIPL
- 310 MT Offloaded to TEL
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.10 0.00 -Erection of stack completed. Balance welding to be expedited. NDT and PWHT to be expedited Constr.

0.20 0.00 - Procurement completed for structural steel Projects

- Radiant panel erection completed for IV-H-101 & IV-H-201. APH Structure & Stack erection in progress
- Refractory for radiant section to be expedited.
- Delivery of Radiant coil tubes to be expedited.
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Score -

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t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.38 0.00 - Current manpower is 507 nos. against requirement of 600 nos. MBEL to mobilise 200 nos additional manpower Constrn.
for structural works
- 6 cranes mobilised in order to carry out structural erection in both VGO & DHDT simultaneously.
- In DHDT Unit: MPR, TS 1, TS 2, TS 4 completed and handed over to mechanical agencies for subsequent
works. All structural erection to be completed by 15.05.15. In VGO HDT Unit: MPR only handed over for
mechanical works. Balance structural shall be handed over progressively and handing over shall be completed by

0.12 0.00 PEB1: Project Material storage commenced. Constrn.

PEB 2 All works targeted to complete by 30.04.2015
PEB 3: All works targeted to complete by15.05.2015
Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.

0.16 0.00 Management level meeting held on 07.01.15 at site and PCTL to expedite to complete all works by Jun'15. EIL / BPCL
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.10 0.00 - Manpower - Additional manpower to be deployed for civil works. (Required: 150 nos, Available: 87 nos) EIL / BPCL
- Delivery of Bought out item to be expedited.
- Mechanical contractor to be finalised.
- RCC work for CWPH & CWTP to be expedited.
- Early delivery of Pipes and immediate commencement of Piping fabrication work.

0.86 0.00 -Work stopped by M/s KSSIIPL. Balance work being expedited by additional Misc. Civil/Strl contractor. EIL/BPCL
-Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica & M/s Deen has been lined
up to supplement Civil works.
- Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion have been lined up to
supplement structural works.

0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held on 24.04.15 at site. EIL/BPCL

- M/s Petron have started with night shift work.
- PECL have erected the gantry crane & same made operational.
- 10 nos semi automatic welding machines shall be operational by Apr'15
- Gratings & consumables are being ordered. Handrails, wrapping coating mtrls & GI pipes ordering to be
expedited. Strl steel partially ordered.
Structural steel & support fabrication to be expedited.
Job No.: A307
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.32 0.00 Management review meeting held on 25.03.15. EIL/BPCL

-Insulation/painting agency to be finalised.

- Hanger scaffolding to be installed at site.

0.57 0.00 - RCC sub structure work shall be completed by end Apr '15. EIL/BPCL
- 30MT /day shall be fabricated from 01.01.15 onwards.
Job No.: A307
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.38 0.00 Piping fabrication & erection work in progress in pipe rack 101-103, 108, 111-114. Fabrication in progress for Constr.
piperack area 115.
CS IBR & SS fabrication also commenced.
AG piping fabrication: Scope: 285505 ID; Front: 101111 ID; Completed 56586 ID
AG piping erection: Scope: 1214330 IM; Front: 373941 IM; Completed 261447 IM
- Release of adequate front for erection to be expedited.

0.38 0.00 - Management level meeting held 25.03.15 at site. EIL/BPCL

- B&R to take up compressor erection immediately.
- Due to delay in completion of civil work, release of front to composite contractor got affected.

0.20 0.00 Management level meeting held on 20.03.15 Constr.

-TS I handed over
-TS II, III & IV,VI handed over.
-TS V by 27.05.15
-TS VII handed over.

0.20 0.00 - MRM held on 23.03.15 Constr.

- Refractory of stack, dryout & erection of stack to be expedited.
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t risk
Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held on 20.03.15 EIL/BPCL
- TS I by 30.04.15
- TS II by 05.05.15.
- TS IV & TS-V handed over.
- Branch piperack completion targeted by 30.04.15.

0.20 0.00 - Management level Meeting held on 25.03.15, M/s OIl started night shift work in YT-150 from 10.03.2015 EIL/BPCL
- Scope of works : Modification of 10 No tanks and 02 No new tanks. Front has been released for YT-383,391 for
modification and 150 for new.
- YT-150: Tank Pad completed, erection of annular plate completed, welding u/p, bottom plate erection under
- YT-383: Roof structure erection completed, roof plate erection u/p.
- YT-391: Hydrotesting completed, blasting and painting under progress.
- Ordering of cladding and moisture barriers to be expedited.
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held on 25.02.2015 with M/s B&R at site. EIL/BPCL
Start of Hydrotest
- YT 341 : hydrotest by 06.05.2015
- YT 342 : Hydro test by 28.06.2015
- YT 343 : hydro test by 12.06.2015
- YT 344 : Hydrotest by 01.05.2015
- YT 112 : Hydrotest by 30.04.2015
- YT 113 : Hydrotest by 05.06.2015
- YT 114 : Hydrotest by 25.06.2015
-Manpower required is 250 nos, available is 161.

0.32 0.00 -These tankages (Amine water and sour water services) are required for commissioning of CDU/VDU. Constr.
- ISW-T-101 tank: 1st Shell & Bottom plate welding is in progress, Roof structural erection is in progress.
- ISW-T-201: Bottom plate & Shell erection is in progress.
- ISA-T-101: Annular plate welding completed & Bottom plate laying & Welding is in progress.
- IS-T-502 & IS-T-102 A/ B tand pad ready.

0.12 0.00 - Piping fabrication & piping erection in MPR in progress. Constr.
Structural fabrication in progress for reactor structure, piping supports, piping manifold
- Equipment erection in progress (50 nos equipment erection completed)
AG piping fabrication: Scope: 210605 ID; Front: 110882 ID; Completed 87644 ID
AG piping erection: Scope: 301995 IM; Front: 96604 IM; Completed 26364 IM
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.38 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 25.03.15 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to ensure sufficient Constr.
manpower mobilization when work front is released to them.
- Due to delay in completion of civil work, release of front to composite contractor got affected.
site update: site work started on 23/12/2014 the progress is as follows:- 1. 216 and 217 area handed over for pipe
laying, work in progress. 2. front release plan for next 3 months prepeared, based on which advance blasting &
painting,fabrication of spools, pipe doubling works going on. Monthly plan of fabrication and erection is as follows:
a) April,15- 15000 ID, 45190 IM b) May, 15- 20000 ID, 45000 IM c) June, 15- 20000 Id, 45000 IM. 3. Cement
lining of 20"pipe 492 running meter completed. 4. one underground vessel, 6 pumps already erected, erection of
fire water pumps to commence soon.

0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 25.03.15 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to mobilise additional Constr.
resources, M/s OIL confirmed to increase the resources and achieved 1200 ID/day by Mar'15.
- At present only 26 nos welders are available at site with per day rate of 1000 ID, however to achieve the
completion schedule minimum 1500 ID/day to be achieved.

0.12 0.00 -Out of 2205 nos piles, 1421 nos piles completed. BPCL
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.12 0.00 - Piping fabrication work & Piping erection work in progress. Constr.
- Equipment erection in progress (13 nos completed)
- Structural fabrication in progress for TS-2

0.16 0.00 BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun15 for CDU/VDU commissioning. BPCL

0.07 0.00 a. Change management should be in place immediately Projects

b. Strict discipline to be maintained else end objective would be difficult to meet.

All Disciplines are restricted to book manhours and all HOD's should review & make strict control of manhours

0.10 0.00 -Strict monitoring required at all stages upto commissioning. Constn. /
-Completeness of supply of all subparts, their assembly and other BOP Items to be ensured. Projects /
- Both steam drum delivered at site. RCC work for chimney completed, foundation work in progress for UB's. BPCL
Erection of structure started.
- Progress of work affected due to delay in completion of civil foundations.
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Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.05 0.00 Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: Project/BPCL
- Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being implemented as per contract
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank guarantee being implemented for
future contract of more than 5CR value.
- Expeditious processing of RA bills.

0.03 0.00 Contractor to identify the proposed areas in and around Project area and BPCL to facilitate by persuading with Constn. /
local authorities for required permission. Projects /
0.00 All DCN s and change orders, if any to be frozen and incorporated in P&IDs at 60% construction progress stage. Process /
Engg. /

0.00 The vendor list to be carefully selected to avoid overloading of vendors shops. Bulk materials to be distributed on Inspn
different vendors.

0.00 - Covered under risk ID C73 BPCL

0.00 - BPCL-KR vide e-mail dated 06-Dec-12 sent a list of Non plant buildings to be located under IREP Project. Projects
- The same is reviewed by EIL. Point wise issues targeted to be discussed with BPCL in week starting 15.04.13.
- List of buildings finalised between EIL and BPCL. Methodology for execution under finalisation.
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14 15 16 17
0.04 0.00 - Meeting held with BPCL on EIL recommendations and action plan finalised. BPCL /
- BPCL to take up with MOEF for approval of changes in system already incorporated. (e.g. configuration for Projects
- Incorporation of EC and RRA recommendations in balance systems under progress.

0.00 - Documents approved from PESO BPCL

0.06 0.00 - All drawings for F&B approval issued progressively upto 29.09.14. EIL/BPCL
-Compilation of documents for Factory Inspectorate, CEA approval to started on priority.

0.48 0.00 - Deployment of skilled manpower for enforcement of safety precautions. Constn.
- Monitoring of the HSE conditions and maintenance of records ./ reports.
- Safety Drills being organised on monthly basis.

0.00 Client to be persuaded to settle labour issues (wage revision, other benefits) for Project duration. BPCL
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14 15 16 17
0.40 0.00 -Utilisation of migrant and skilled labour from outside Kerala needs to be encouraged. However, the same will be Constn /
effective only if proper labour colony facilities are arranged by the contractors. BPCL
- Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade union leaders that workers
shall be instructed to improve productivity.

0.00 -A separate contract to be given to agency which will take care by approaching KSEB and telephonic authority. Shipping
-Fabn / transportation philosophy being finalised.

0.00 Closed as no concern as on date. BPCL

0.00 Quarry strike has been called off. Constn /


0.00 Cost engg. to issue cost status report on regular basis Costing

0.00 Scope of facilities finalised. Environ.

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14 15 16 17
0.00 - BPCL have informed that approval for revised cost received. EIL/BPCL

21.68 -0.90
Job No.: A307
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Target Date

18 19
15-Nov-13 Oct'13

15-Oct-13 sep'13

25/10/13 Oct'13
Job No.: A307
Page 150+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14




- Apr'13

- Mar'13

- Mar'13
Job No.: A307
Page 151+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

31-Dec-12 Jan'13


Job No.: A307
Page 152+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

- Apr'13

15-Mar-13 Feb'13

- Apr'13

- Apr'13

As Required Apr'13

31-May-13 Apr'13
Job No.: A307
Page 153+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
31-May-13 Apr'13


25-May-13 May'13

30-Apr-14 May'14

30-May-14 May'14
Job No.: A307
Page 154+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

30-Dec-13 Dec'13
31-Jan-15 Jan'15

Mar'14 & Apr'14

21-Aug-13 JUL'13
Job No.: A307
Page 155+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
26-Dec-12 Jan'13

21-Dec-12 Jan'13

18-Jun-13 May'13

As Required Apr'13

15-Jan-13 Jan'13

15-Jun-13 May'13
Job No.: A307
Page 156+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
31-May-13 May'13


31-May-13 May'13

Prog. May'13
Jun 13
18-Jun-13 May'13
Job No.: A307
Page 157+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required Apr'13



- Mar'14 & Apr'14

Job No.: A307
Page 158+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Mid Mar'14 Feb'14

10-Mar-13 Feb'13

30-Apr-15 May'15 & Jun'15

Continuous Sep'14 & Oct'14

Job No.: A307
Page 159+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Continuous Sep'14 & Oct'14

Continuous Mar'15

4-Oct-13 sep'13

25-Jul-13 JUL'13

5-Oct-14 Sep'14 & Oct'14

Job No.: A307
Page 160+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
25-Oct-13 sep'13

25-Oct-13 sep'13

31-Oct-13 sep'13
Job No.: A307
Page 161+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
31-Oct-13 Oct'13

Progressively May'15 & Jun'15

Job No.: A307
Page 162+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Sep'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14

Sep'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14

30-Dec-13 Dec'13

30-Aug-13 JUL'13
Job No.: A307
Page 163+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-May-13 May'13

Continuous Nov'13

15-Sep-13 Aug'13

25-Oct-13 sep'13

31-Oct-13 sep'13

15-Oct-13 sep'13

15-Oct-13 sep'13
Job No.: A307
Page 164+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14

15-Oct-13 sep'13

31-Oct-13 sep'13

20-Jul-13 JUL'13
Job No.: A307
Page 165+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
31-May-13 May'13

29-Jun-13 May'13

28-Feb-13 Feb'13

21-Feb-13 Feb'13


- Mar'13
Job No.: A307
Page 166+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
- Mar'13

- Mar'13

7-Mar-13 Feb'13


Job No.: A307
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Target Date

18 19
7-Mar-13 Feb'13


30-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14

Job No.: A307
Page 168+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
TBA - 1 month of Dec'13
bids receipt
PBO - 1 week of

30-Dec-13 Dec'13
Job No.: A307
Page 169+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Aug-13 JUL'13

20-Jul-13 JUL'13
Job No.: A307
Page 170+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
20-Dec-13 Nov'13

Job No.: A307
Page 171+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
31-Oct-13 Oct'13

31-Jul-13 JUL'13

Job No.: A307
Page 172+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
- sep'13

- sep'13

15-Jul-13 Jun'13

15-Nov-13 Oct'13
Job No.: A307
Page 173+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
20-Jul-13 JUL'13


25-Jul-13 JUL'13

30-Oct-13 Oct'13
Job No.: A307
Page 174+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Sep-13 Aug'13

7-Mar-13 Feb'13


30-Oct-13 Oct'13
Job No.: A307
Page 175+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Jan-14 Jan'14

30-Sep-13 Aug'13
Job No.: A307
Page 176+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

28-Aug-13 JUL'13

14-Aug-13 JUL'13
Job No.: A307
Page 177+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
19-Jul-13 JUL'13


19-Jul-13 JUL'13
Job No.: A307
Page 178+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
28-Sep-13 Aug'13

Job No.: A307
Page 179+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
29-Jun-13 Jun'13

30-Nov-13 Nov'13

15-Dec-13 Nov'13

28-Jun-13 Jun'13
Job No.: A307
Page 180+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

30-Sep-13 Aug'13

25-Apr-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14

Job No.: A307
Page 181+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
31-Oct-13 Oct'13

30-Dec-13 Nov'13

30-May-14 May'14
Job No.: A307
Page 182+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
15-Dec-13 Nov'13

30-Jul-14 Jul'14

Oct'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14

14-Aug-14 Aug'14

30-Apr-15 Feb'15
Job No.: A307
Page 183+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
25-May-14 May'14

30-Apr-15 May'15 & Jun'15


5-Aug-14 Jul'14

Nov'14 Nov'14
Job No.: A307
Page 184+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 III


24-Nov-14 Nov'13
Job No.: A307
Page 185+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Continuous III

Sep'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14

31-Mar-15 Mar'15

28-Feb-15 Feb'15
Job No.: A307
Page 186+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As stated


Job No.: A307
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Target Date

18 19
Erection by May'15

Job No.: A307
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Target Date

18 19
end Dec'14 Dec'14

27-Dec-14 Dec'14

19-Mar-15 Mar'15

May'15 May'15 & Jun'15

Job No.: A307
Page 189+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Continous IV

As Required Nov'13
Job No.: A307
Page 190+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

As Required III
Job No.: A307
Page 191+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required Oct'13


Continuous APR'15

Continuous APR'15
Job No.: A307
Page 192+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Continuous Dec'14

Continuous III

Continuous May'15 & Jun'15

Continuous May'15 & Jun'15

Job No.: A307
Page 193+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Continuous Jun'14

Continuous APR'15

Progressively APR'15

30-May-15 III
Job No.: A307
Page 194+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Aug'14 Aug'14

Jul'14 Jul'14

Feb'15 Feb'15

30-May-15 III

1-Jul-15 IV
Job No.: A307
Page 195+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
1-Jul-15 III


Mid Oct'13 sep'13

Job No.: A307
Page 196+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

sep'14 Aug'14


Job No.: A307
Page 197+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
15-Jul-13 JUL'13

As Required

Job No.: A307
Page 198+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required

Jun'15 IV
Job No.: A307
Page 199+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Immediate Jul'14

within 7 days of sep'13

certified RA bills
As Required sep'13

end Apr'14 May'14

Job No.: A307
Page 200+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 III


Job No.: A307
Page 201+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Dec'13 Nov'13


As Required sep'13

30-Apr-15 Feb'15

- Nov'13

- Mar'13
Job No.: A307
Page 202+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

As Required May'13

As Required sep'13

15-Nov-13 Oct'13
Job No.: A307
Page 203+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 IV


Job No.: A307
Page 204+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19


Job No.: A307
Page 205+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19


Job No.: A307
Page 206+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required III

As stated Jun'14
Job No.: A307
Page 207+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As stated

As stated

As stated

Job No.: A307
Page 208+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required III

As Required Dec'13

As Required

Job No.: A307
Page 209+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required

As Required

Job No.: A307
Page 210+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required III

As Required III
Job No.: A307
Page 211+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required

As Required III

As Required III
Job No.: A307
Page 212+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required III



Job No.: A307
Page 213+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19


Job No.: A307
Page 214+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19


30-Apr-15 III

As Required III
Job No.: A307
Page 215+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

30-Apr-15 III
Job No.: A307
Page 216+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 III


30-Apr-15 III
Job No.: A307
Page 217+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

30-Apr-15 III

30-Apr-15 III
Job No.: A307
Page 218+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 III

1-Jun-15 III

Continuous IV

as scheduled III
Job No.: A307
Page 219+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required IV

As Required IV

All by 60% constn sep'13


As Required sep'13

within 2 days of Nov'13


15-Apr-13 Apr'13
Job No.: A307
Page 220+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As required IV


30-Apr-15 IV


As Required Nov'13
Job No.: A307
Page 221+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required

As Required Jun'14

As stated Jun'14

As Required Mar'15

Monthly Apr'13

15-Oct-13 sep'13
Job No.: A307
Page 222+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 223+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in issue of Process deliverables for Open Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.2
engineering for NHT / ISOM due to delay in term
receipt of Process Package from M/s UOP
(Process pkg incl. resolution sheet received on
mid Aug'13 against sch of 30-Apr-13)
A 1 Schedule : 31-Jul-13
Anticipated : mid Nov'13

Delay in Finalisation of balance OSBL distribution Open Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
P&IDs due to delay in receipt of data from BPCL term
LAD - 30-Nov-12; Ant - 15-Oct13
Natural gas operating/ design condition
information has been received from BPCL during
meeting dated 13 & 14.8.13.
A 2 Steam distribution : Preliminary discussion on
BOO steam distribution held with BPCL. BPCL
approval on EIL scheme required.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 224+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Holds, missing information, corrections, changes Open Process Medium N N N N Short D 0
in PDS / P&IDs - CDU / VDU term
- DCNs on account of HAZOP recommendations
A 3 for CDU / VDU

Holds, missing information, corrections, changes Open Process Medium N N N N Short D 0

in PDS / P&IDs - DCU term

A 4

Delay in Process Package for TGTU (M/s CB & Close BPCL / Low N N Y N Short I 0.4
INC) Process term
LAD : 31-Dec-12 ; Ant : 12-Apr-13
A 5
Agreement signed by BPCL-KR issued to Licensor
on 04.04.13
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 225+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs Close Process Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
for DHDT term
A 6 P&ID's : LAD : 30-Nov-12; Ant : 08-May-13

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS for Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
DCU term
LAD : 29-Dec-12; Ant : 19-Mar-13
A 7

Finalisation of Utility import / export requirements Close Process Low N N Y N Short I 0.4
from BOO by BPCL. Flare load changed term
A 8 substantially and repeatedly from estimated

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs Close Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.16
for FCC term
LAD :29-Jan-13; Ant : 08-May-13
A 9
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 226+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs for Close Process Low N N N N Short I 0 0.00
DHDT term
LAD: 30-Nov-12
A 10

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
for VGO-HDT term
A 11 LAD : 29-Jan-13; Ant : 10-May-13

-Preparation of Offsite P&IDs for tankages (LAD - Close POSD Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
21.01.13) term
- Delay has been due to delay in receipt of As-built
drawings from BPCL-KR (except CEMP-II). All
A 12 details received now.
-Upgradation of Crude oil pipeline system (Inside
refinery) to be taken up.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 227+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
In view of increase in sulphur load PDS & P&IDs Close Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.16
for sulphur block (ARU, SWS & SRU) is being term
A 13
reviewed and released as per priority of
Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
A 14 Engineering after release of MR GG term

-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs Close Process High N N Y N Short I 0.4

LAD :30-Nov-12 term

A 15

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Low Y Y Y Y Long D 0.2
A 16 Engineering after Order GG/Procure term

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Very Low Y Y Y Y Long D 0.2
A 17 Engineering after Equipment manufacturing GG/Procure term
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 228+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Updation of estimated utilities on account of Close Process Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
A 18 revision in process parameters (revision of PDS term
based on engg comments)

ISBL Distribution P&IDs for VGO-HDT Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
A 19 SCH: 30-Nov-12 term
ANT: Jun-13

ISBL Distribution P&IDs for FCCU Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
SCH: 30-Nov-12 term
A 20 ANT: 31-May-13

Utility distribution P&IDs for DCU Close Process Low N N N N Long I 0 0.00
A 21 term

Final issue for OSBL utility distribution P&IDs Open Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD: 30-Nov-12 term
ANT: 25-May-13
A 22 Updation of P&ID as per finalised condensate
philosophy to be taken up.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 229+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Incompatibility between Process design basis and Open Engg Very High N N N N Short D 0
Engineering Design Basis term
(Piping / SED / RED / PED / instrumentation /
HMTD design basis) - affects subsequent detailed
A 23 engineering activities.

Fuel oil system for GTG: Implementation of the Open Power High N N Y N Short D 0.16
system based on modalities finalised (associated Tech. term
system for existing Fuel oil tank tapping with new
A 24 GTG).

BPCL confirmation/clarification over Close Engg. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4

datasheets/GADs for existing/new raw water term
intake pump obtained from M/s KBL
A 25 (LAD for MR for pumps - 07.03.13)

A 26 Identifications of hook-ups on flare lines and Close Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
finalisation of methodology with BPCL i.e. term
availability of Shut down / Hot tapping.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 230+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Signing of ISBL P&IDs and battery limit P&IDs for Open Process / Low N N Y N Short D 0.16
Units, Utility packages & other packages. POSD term

A 27

Offsite Interconnection P&ID Close Process / High N N Y N Short D 0.16

- Updation of P&IDs based on HAZOP review for POSD term
A 28 offsite.

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for Open Engg. Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
NHT/ISOM Ant - 21-Aug-13) term
Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:
i) 3 D Modelling
B 1 ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender preparation
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 231+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for Close Engg. Very high N N Y N Short D 0.16
VGO-HDT term
B 2 LAD - 07-Nov-12
Ant- 26-Dec-12

Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for
i) 3 D Modelling Close Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16
FCCU (targeted by
ii) Civil/Structural & 27.12.2012)
UG Piping Tender preparation term
B 3 Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:
i) 3 D Modelling
ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender preparation
NIT for Heater for FCCU Open ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD -01-Apr-13 ; Ant - 18-Jun-13 term
B 4

a) Cost/time overrun due to rework Close Procure/EN Medium Y N Y N Long D 0.12

b) Non completion of critical project activities GG/CONS. term
within time & delay in Project completion
B 5 c) Poor performance of Sub-contractors and
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 232+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
New requirement of power recovery system Close Project High Y N Y N Short I 0.6
(FCCU) shall have impact on project cost. term
B 6 3 Nos PRTs envisaged (FCC-1 Nos ; VGO- 2 Nos)

Updation of Equipment layout for engineering for Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16
TGTU term
B 7 LAD - 21-Jan-13;
Ant: Mid Jun'13

Issue 2nd MTO Piping (Sch - 30-Apr-13; Ant - End Close Piping Very High N N Y Y Short D 0.2
May 13) term
Piping preliminary MTO has been released without
covering DHDT, VGO FCC& offsite
B 8 interconnection P&IDs, Flare system & offsite
storage P&IDs. Prel. MTO covers 35% for large
bore pipes.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 233+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in thermal design for Heat exchangers & Air Close HMTD Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
coolers for licensed and non licensed units - term
LAD (DHDT): 02-Feb-13
B 9 LAD (VGO-HDT): 09-Feb-13
LAD (FCCU): 08-Mar-13

Issue Overall UG piping layout drawing for the Close Engg. High N N N N Short D 0
complex term
B 10

Completion of 30 % Model review Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16

B 11 VGO- LAD: 09-Mar-13 term
FCCU-LAD : 23-Apr-13
NIT for Civil & Strl work for existing Refinery Area Open Project/C&P Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD: 31-Jan-13 term
C 12 ANT: 18-Jun-13
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 234+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
a) Inaccurate assessment of quantum of work Close Engg/procur Very High N N Y N Long D 0.08
ement term
B 13

MR issue for MCC (Main combustion Chamber) Close Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
packages. term
B 14
LAD: 16-Feb-13
Ant: 15-Apr-13
Timely finalisation of Package Interface Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16
CDSP-DCU awarded on 22-Aug-13; term
RR pkg-FCC awarded on 25-Jul-13.
(Battery Limit conditions for each package to be
frozen within three months of award to ensure time
availability for engg, procurement and construction
B 15 by all the concerned).
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 235+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Unit and offsite interfaces (Elevation termination Close Engg. Medium N N Y Y Long D 0.1
levels) term

B 16

Timely availability of piling and foundation load Open Projects High N N Y N Short D 0.16
data from Package (GTG, UB, HRSG) Vendors to term
meet piling tender & Civil / Strl tender schedule
B 17 requirements.
LAD - 28.02.13; Ant - upto Feb 14.

NIT for Heater for DCU Close PROCESS/ Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD -15-Feb-13; ENGG term
B 18
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 236+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
CPP: Integration of various packages & BOP Open Engg/Cont. Low N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.02
Items of CPP. term
90 % model review for CPP
Package wise HAZOP for GTG, HRSG, UB,Gas
B 19 Booster compressor.

Distributed Control System (DCS) Open Engg/procur Medium N Y N N Long I 0.15

Detailed engg., supply and erection ement term
B 20 (ordered on M/s Emerson Process on 04.11.13)

B 21
60 % Model
Package review
Vendor for to submit Instrumentation Close
refuses ENGG
Open Engg/procur Very
LowHigh N N
Y Y N Short
Long D 0.16
DCU (LAD:03.07.13
Drawings/ Act:13.09.13)
Documentation in Smart Plant ement term
B 22 Instrumentation Database as per Client
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 237+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in Interface Engineering (including control Open Engg/procur Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
system) due to non availability of Package Vendor ement term
B 23 Data

60 % Model review for DHDT (LAD:07.08.13 Open ENGG Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
Ant:04.10.13) term
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor,
Feed filter & Heater pkg awaited from vendor.
B 20 - Vendor drawings for sheds awaited.

Delay in completion of P&IDs by gen Civil Open GC Medium N N Y N Long D 0.08

LAD: 09-Jan-13 (DHDT) term
B 24 LAD: 30-Jan-13 (VGO-HDT)
LAD: 30-Mar-13 (FCCU)
Order of MR for DG set Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
Dely: (12 M FOB + 3 M Site work) term
B 25 Sch: 05.11.13
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 238+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Receipt of Inputs from Process / Vendors for 60 % Close ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
Model review for VGO-HDT required for term
procurement of piping material (LAD:14.08.13
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor,
Feed filter & Heater pkg awaited from vendor.
- Vendor drawings for sheds awaited.

B 26
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 239+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
60 % Model review for Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
FCCU (LAD:16.09.13 Ant:25.10.13) term
- Line size for 300 nos P&IDs under hold
-Vendor data needed for coalescer, electric heater,
pumps & filters
- Review of model by Licensor (Stone & Webster)
B 27 envisaged.

60 % Model review for Open ENGG Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16

B 28 SRU (LAD:31.08.13; Ant:31.10.13) term
-As per P&IDs, No. of lines hold are 51 (ARU),
164 (SRU),15 (SWS) & 60(TGTU) + 155(Utilities
-CVs Size Hold as follows: 13 (ARU), 6 (SWS),
125 (SRU).
-All Control Valve Face to Face Dimensions are
HOLD. All CVs for TGTU are HOLD.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 240+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in release of Intermediate 2nd MTO Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD:30.09.13; Act:31.10.13) term
-CDU/VDU: Pump nozzle for 6 nos. pumps under
hold), sizes for 256 lines under hold, Control valve
matching flange, bypass valve and flanges (21
nos.) & PSV inlet outlet flanges and reducers (37
-DHDT: By-pass lines for CVs under hold (30nos),
B 29 PSV's mating flanges and reducers (44 nos),
Lines (103 nos.) not considered in MTO.

Generation of Surplus Piping material Open ENGG Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.05
B 30 term

B 31 HAZOP for FCCU Close ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16

LAD - 23-Sep-13 term

LD Milestone date - Dec'13

Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 241+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of 90 % engineering by Mar-14. Open ENGG Low N N Y N Short D 0.16
Average progress achieved in last 3 months 3.0 % term

B 32

Release of final Piping MTO Open ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16

Sch: Jul'14 term
B 33

Finalisation of GTG fuel forwarding scheme for Open POSD Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
naphtha to day tank when Naphtha tank being term
B 34 under maintenance.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 242+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in award of PRT -FCCU(Hot gas expander) Close Project Medium Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
LAD: 19.04.13 term
Ant: 30.12.13
Multiple Bids extensions leading to delay in
ordering. 02 Bids recd on 12.08.13 (Dresser
Rand ,Elliot Ebara)
Org. BDD: 27.06.13
C 1
1st extension: 16.07.13
2nd Extension: 01.08.13
3rd extension: 09.08.13
Duration: 16 M FOB

Award of Heater for VGO-HDT Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant -End Aug'13 term
C 2 Duration: 18 M

Issue of RFQ for PRT (Hot gas expander) Close Project Very High Y Y Y N Short D 0.36
LAD: 25-Jan-13 term
C 3 Ant: 30-May-13
Duration: 16 M FOB
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 243+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Variation in foreign exchange rates has an impact Close Project Very High Y N N N Short I 0.2
on the foreign component of overall project cost term

C 4

Award of Heater for DHDT Close ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
C 5 LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant - Mid Sep13 term
Duration: 18 M

NIT for Composite Works for DCU Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
C 6 LAD -06.06.13 ; Ant - 25.10.13 term

NIT for Composite Works for DHDT/VGO Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD -06.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13 term
C 7

NIT for Composite Works for FCCU Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD -12.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term
C 8
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 244+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
NIT for Composite Works for Offsite IREP area Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD -23.05.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term
C 9

Award of PRT for DHDT & VGO-HDT unit (Pumps Open ENGG Medium Y Y Y N Short D 0.36
centrifugal multistage) term
Sch: 23.04.13
Ant: 15.03.14 (IV-P-301A/B)

C 10

NIT for Composite Works for Offsite DHDS area Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term
C 11

NIT for Composite Works for Existing refinery area Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13 term
C 12
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 245+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of : Open Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
Main fractionator for FCCU g term
LAD: 25-Mar-12
Ant: 20-Jul-13
C 13

Issue NIT for Tankage-II Close Project/C&P Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 21-Jan-13 term
C 14 ANT: 31-May-13

Award for RO-DM Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4

LAD:30-Jan-13 term
C 15 Ant: end Jun'13
(Execution Duration - 20 M + 2 M)

Delay in award for Cooling tower Close Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD : 31-Dec-12; Ant - end Feb 13 term
C 16
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 246+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
NIT for Reactor regenerator package for FCCU Close Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
LAD : 01-Jan-13 Licensor term
Ant: 21-Feb-13
C 17 Changes in scope of supply led to revision in BQC
/ tender.

Award for Raw water quarries Close Project Low N N N N Short I 0

LAD :03-May-13 term
C 18
ANT: 15-Apr-13

Ordering of Reactor for VGO-HDT Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 29-Dec-12 term
C 19
ACT: 08-Apr-13

Award of contract for Piling-II Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 31-Dec-12 term
C 20
Ant: 15-Apr-13
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 247+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Civil & Strl work for offsite new area Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 22-Jan-13 term
C 21 Ant: 30-Mar-13

Award of Crude and Vacuum heaters (LAD Close Engg. Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
29.12.12) term
C 22 Ant : 07.03.13

Storage of sulphur and related issues with Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7
Granulator to be finalised between BPCL / EIL. term
C 23

NIT for ETP package with WAO (Wet air oxidation) Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
C 24 LAD: 15-Jan-13 term
Ant: 16-Apr-13
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 248+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ordering of Desalter Internals (LAD:03-Dec-12) Close Project High N N Y N Short D 0.16
Ant: 07-Mar-13 term
C 25

Award of contract for Building incl substations Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 07-Feb-13 term
C 26 Ant: 15-Apr-13

Filling of existing part fire water pond required for Open Strl High N N Y N Short term D 0.16
area preparation.

Sch - 28.08.13; Area handed over to M/s L&T

C 27
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 249+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in ordering of Long Lead Items. Close Engg / C&P Very High N N Y N Short term D 0.16
Technical / Commercial evaluation of long lead
items (compressors & packages) taking more than
2 months.

C 28
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 250+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Waste heat Boiler package (Waste Heat Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
Boilers along with respective steam drums(un term
engineered ), Incinerator Combustion Chambers
(engineered), Incinerator vent stacks).
LAD: 27.04.13
Ant: 30.12.13
Bids extension:
C 29 1st extension - from 28.05.13 to 20.06.13.
2nd Extension- from 20.06.13 to 02.07.13.
3rd extension - from 02.07.13 to 08.07.13.
Duration: Supply + Erection - 18 M
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 251+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in award of CDSP package Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
Schedule: 02.03.13 term
Anticipated : 30.08.13
Completion of works
Sch: 01.05.15 ( M); RFQ Duration : ( M)
C 30 Anticipated: 23.11.15 (27 M)
Bidders quoted 27 M against schedule of 26 M.

Ordering of GTG Pkg (LAD:10-Mar-13; Ant - Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
20.07.13) term
Bid received on 28.03.13. Multiple extension (4
times) in bid due date on request of M/s Siemens.
C 31 Duration (Supply) - 15 M FOB /16 M FOT as per
RFQ; Sch : 20 M
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 252+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in Ordering of HRSG Close Projects / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6
(Sch Order - 22-May-13; Ant - 20-Dec-13) Engg term
Initial Change in configuration by BPCL.
Multiple extensions (twice) in bid due date due non
availability of exhaust data for GTG.
Post Enquiry changes in type of Fuel (LSVR) by
C 32 No PTR available for LSVR Fuel
Completion of Works
Sch. : 30.06.15
Ant. : 30.08.15 (20 M)
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 253+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ordering of Reactor regenerator package for Close Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
FCCU Licensor term
LAD : 10-Apr-13
Act: 10-Jul-13
Changes in scope of supply led to revision in BQC
C 33
/ tender due to which NIT was delayed.
Bidders sought extension in dates.

Award of Coke handling system (DCU) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD :22-Apr-13 term
Ant :30-Oct-13
C 34 Duration: 21 M+2 M
No bidder could meet the BQC criteria in view of
which the tender has been re-floated.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 254+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of UB package Open Process / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD : 19-Jan-13 Engg / term
Ant : 31-Jul-13 constn
C 35 Duration: 20 M

Award of ETP tender. Close Project/C&P Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16

LAD: 24-Apr-13 term
Ant: 30-Sep-13
C 36 Duration: 22 M+2 M

Anticipated Completion: 29-Jul-15

Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 255+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Multiple Contracts awarded to same agency Close Purch / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
beyond their capabilities / capacities. Contrc. term

C 37

Failure of contractors Open Const. Low N N Y N Long D 0.08

C 38

Ordering of Ejector Pkg Open Project Medium Y Y Y N Short I 0.90

C 39 (LAD:12-Jan-13; Ant: 15-Jul-13) term
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 256+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Heater package for DCU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.40
(LAD:24-May-13; Ant: 15-Nov-13 term
Earlier 04 Bids recd on 21.05.13. (Petron,
Thermax, Heurtey, Technip).
C 40 Due to Technical and related commercial issues
enquiry re-floated.
Duration 20 M

Award of Civil & Strl work for DHDS offsite area Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.40
(LAD: 30-Mar-13; Ant: 20.07.13) term
C 41 Duration: 18 M

Award of Civil & Strl work for refinery area. Close Project High N N Y N Short I 0.40
(LAD:25-Apr-13; Ant: 10.10.13) term
Duration: 16 M
C 42
Completion of works Sch: 09-Sep-14
Ant: 24-Jan-15
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 257+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Issue NIT for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
(LAD:24-Jun-13; Ant: 25.07.13) term
C 43 Duration : 16 M

Award of work for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16
(LAD:17-Sep-13; Ant: 30-Oct-13) term
Duration: 16 M
C 44
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 258+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ordering of Main Air blower & wet gas compressor Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
for FCCU term
LAD: 04-Mar-13
Ant: 30-Sep-13
(Total execution duration is 25-27 M : 19 M FOT
C 45 for delivery of WGC & MAB at site + 6 to 8 M Site
installation & pre-comm; Time Available from
order to MC OF FCCU - 24 months)

Award of Civil & Strl contract for CDU/ VDU & Close Project Close N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00
DCU term
C 46 LAD: 15-Dec-12
Ant: 07-Mar-13

Ordering of wet gas compressor for DCU Close Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
C 47 LAD: 02-Feb-13 term
Ant: 30-Jun-13
Risk Id

Ant: 30-Oct-13
LAD: 08-Jun-13
Kochi Refinery, BPCL

RFQ duration: 17 M FOB

Key Risk Description
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project



(Open / Close)

Risk Owner

(Very High / High / Medium

/ Low / Very Low)


(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Project Cost

( Y / N)

EIL Cost

(Y / N)


( Y / N)

Output Quality

( Y / N)



(Long Term / Short term)


Controllability Condition

(D/I )

Impact Score =>


{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11

Current Risk Score ->


{5}* {12}
Page 259+14 of 30
Job No.: A307
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 260+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Sulphur Forming Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28
LAD: 03.04.13 term
Ant: 30.01.14
Earlier enquiry re-floated due to changes in MR
requirements by BPCL(MR was revised as
Evaluation methodology was to be based on NPV
and in view of 2 different types of technologies
C 49 viz., sulphur pelletiser and sulphur granule);
refloated again as financial criteria was not met by
all the bidders.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 261+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of contract for Civil & structural for FCCU Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28
area (refloated) term
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 15 M Dec'14; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated
C 50 19.06.13, based on past Performance of
recommended bidder tender refloated.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 262+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of contract for Civil & structural for DHDT & Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28
VGO area (refloated) term
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 16 M Jan15; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated
C 51 19.06.13, based on past Performance of
recommended bidder tender refloated.

Award of contract for Civil & structural for CPP Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
area term
C 52 Ant: end Aug-13
Duration: 16 M
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 263+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of MCC package Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD:10.06.13 term
Ant: 14.08.13
C 53 Duration: 12 M despatch and 6 M for site work

Award of contract for RWTP (Refloat case) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 14-Jan-13 term
Ant: 19-Jul-13
C 54 (Execution Duration - 18+2 M)

Award of Thermal oxidiser burner & reduction pkg Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7
LAD: 28.05.13 term
Ant: 15.06.14 (Incinerator burner)
C 55 (Execution Duration - 14 M)
Risk Id

Ant: 25-Jul-13
LAD: 29-Mar-13
Kochi Refinery, BPCL

Key Risk Description
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Award of Air blower/compressor for SRU

(Execution Duration - 17 M FOB/ 18 M FOT)


(Open / Close)

Risk Owner

(Very High / High / Medium

/ Low / Very Low)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /
Very High

Project Cost

( Y / N)

EIL Cost

(Y / N)


( Y / N)

Output Quality

( Y / N)



(Long Term / Short term)


Controllability Condition

(D/I )

Impact Score =>


{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11

Current Risk Score ->


{5}* {12}
Page 264+14 of 30
Job No.: A307
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 265+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in Award of contract for Demountable flare Close Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
(LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 28-Sep-13) term
Change in type of Flare. Initially as per DFR
normal flare was envisaged.

Post enquiry significant changes (received on

15.03.13) in Flare Load/Process Data Sheet due
to enormous increase in BOO flare load and non
acceptance of mitigation measures by FCCU
C 57 Change in flare load data due to change in flare
height upto 150 M.

Completion of works
Sch. : 31.01.15
Ant. : 28.02.15
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 266+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award for SG-III (Refloated) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 01.11.13 term
Ant: 30.01.14
C 58 Duration: 12 M

Award for:RGC compressor for VGO-HDT (LAD: Open Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
30-Mar-13; Ant: end Jun 13) g term
Dely: 18 M
C 59

Award of MUG compressor for VGO-HDT Close Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
(LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 30.11.13) g term
C 60 Dely: 16 M FOB
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 267+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Contract for Tankage-III (Crude tank: 02 Close Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
Nos & 1 surge relief tank and crude drain tank) g term
Outage of existing crude tank from crude to
naphtha can be taken up after commissioning of
new crude tanks. Shutdown of existing tanks- 17 &
18 depend on commissioning of new crude tanks-
C 61 25/26 under tankage-III.
Sch: 01.10.13
Ant: 15-Dec-13

Award for: Close Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4

RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD: 26-Mar-13; Ant: g term
C 62 Jun 13)

Award for: Close Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4

MUG Compressor for DHDT (LAD: 30-Mar-13; g term
Ant: 20-Sep-13)
C 63 Duration : 18 M FOB
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 268+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Tankage-II Close BPCL High N N Y N Short D 0.16
(TF-4: 5 Nos, Exist ETP-II:2 Nos, Exist Asphalt: 2 term
C 64 Sch: 30.04.13
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Duration:22 M

Award of Tankage-IV (Total 15 Nos Tanks) Open BPCL / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: Jan14 Projects term
Outage for Tank YT-340 depends on readiness
of at least one new DCU feed tank which will
require 14 M durations. Alternative scheme
required to be finalised for outage.
Outage of Tankage YT-18 depends on readiness
C 65 of new crude tanks (Tankage-III; YT-25/26).
Alternative scheme required to be finalised for
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 269+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Composite Works for CDU/VDU (06 Bids Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
- L&T, Petron, Offshore, Mcnally Bharat, Albana, term
IOTL recd on 04.09.13)
LAD -30.08.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13
C 66
Duration - 20 M

Award for contract for development of flare area Close Project Very High Y N Y N Short D 0.24
LAD: 01-Nov-13 term
Ant: end Dec'13
C 67
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 270+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Composite Works for VGO-HDT, DHDT, Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
CPP and Offsites (DHDS) term
LAD 31.12.13 ; Ant - 30.05.14

C 68

Award of Heater package for FCCU Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
(LAD:08-Jul-13; Ant: 15-Dec-13 term
Earlier 05 Bids recd on 23.07.13. (Thermax,
C 69 Technicas, Petron, B&R, JNK).
Duration 20 M

Award of Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: Open Project Medium Y N Y N Short I 0.6
13 M FOB / 14 M FOT)) term
C 70 (LAD:29.12.13; Ant: 30.07.14)
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 271+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Slurry Filter (MR- 4880) for FCCU unit Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7
and existing refinery. (Dely: 10 M FOB) term
C 71 LAD:09.05.13
Ant: 10.10.14

Ordering for Intermediate Piping 2nd MTO. Open Project Low N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD: Jan'14 onwards term
C 72 Piping intermediate MTO-II released on 30.10.13.

Ordering of Critical Valves Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4

Sch: 11.07.14 term
C 73 Ant: 31.01.15
Dely: 06/07 M FOT /FOB

Award of contract for Mechanical works-CPP area Open Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16
LAD: 28.02.14 term
C 74 Ant: 25.05.14
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 272+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Release of balance piping Isometrics drawings Open Project Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.05
and GAD's. term
C 75 Target Sch: Jul'14
Ant: 15.05.15

Award of Composite Works (Structural Works & Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
Mechanical) for NHT/ISOM-Refloated term
C 76 Sch: 08.05.14
Ant: 25.03.15

Award of Fuel forwarding Pumps (08 nos) for GTG Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
(Dely: 6 M FOB / 7 M FOT) term
C 77 Sch:27.06.14
Ant: 05.08.14
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 273+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Award of Electrical & Instrumentation Works for Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
Units & Offsite term
Sch: 30.06.14
Ant: 10.11.14
C 78 Electrical/Instr. Works: Part A: CDU/VDU, DCU,
Part B: SRU & DHDS/Refinery Offsite :

Delay in award of piping material with G2E Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
C 79 specification in CPP area. term
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 274+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86
FCCU-M/s Essar-GRE term
LAD : 09.07.15
CCD: 09.10.15
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning)
Overall Progress:
D 1 Sch: 93.9% Act: 72.8 %
Construction Progress:
Sch: 90.24% Front: 95.62% Act: 35.23 %

Delivery of GTG Pkg at site (LAD:29-Sep-14; Ant - Close Project Very High Y Y N N Long I 0.25
24-Nov-14) term
Awarded to M/s BHEL
D 2 Duration (Supply) - 16 M
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 275+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of UB package Open Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19
LAD : 31.03.15 term
CCD : 23.03.15
Awarded to M/s ISGEC on 25.07.13
Construction Progress:
D 3
Sch:100 % Front: 100 % Act: 58.04 %
Manpower : Required 450, Deployed 333 incl 39

Delivery/Erection of Ejector Pkg Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.20

Delivery LAD : 11.06.14 term
D 4 Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery
period of 12 M FOB / 13 M FOT.

Delivery of wet gas compressor for DCU at Site Open Project Low N N N N Long I 0
(M/s Eliot Ebara) term
D 5 LAD: 05.12.14
(CDD: 27.01.15; EDD: 31.03.15)
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 276+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delivery of Air Blower / Compressor for SRU Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
LAD: 18.09.14 term
D 6 (CDD: 24.12.14; EDD: 28.02.15)

Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67
for FCCU :Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 term
(18 M incl erection).
LAD: 22.01.15
ECD: 15.10.15
Overall progress:
Sch: 100 % Act: 76.2 %
D 7 - Progress of works was affected due to delayed
handing over of fabrication yards and completion
of approach road upto fabrication yard, which
affected shifting of sections.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 277+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
LAD: 23.06.15 term
CCD:18.02.15 (including Site work)
ECD: 30.09.15 site work yet to start
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl
D 8 erection)
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 278+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86
Target Sch: 01.05.15 term
Ant Compl.: 30.07.16
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace).
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13.
Overall Progress:
Cum. Sch. 92.8 %; Act: 68.4 %
Construction Progress:
D 9 Sch: 87.08% Front: 100% Act: 43 %

Strl Steel: Out of total 3210 MT, 2926 MT

procured, 1929 MT fabricated & 1716 MT
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 279+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delivery of RGC compressor for VGO-HDT (LAD: Open Project/Eng Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
05.03.15 Ant : 27.12.14) g term
D 10 Dely: 18 M
Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13

Delivery of RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD : Open Project/Eng Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
D 11 05.02.15; Ant : 27.12.14) g term
Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13
Delay in hydrotesting of Vacuum column Open BPCL / Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
Sch: Jun 14 Projects / term
CCD: 21.08.14 Const.
Ant: 19.03.15
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit
D 12 Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude &
Vacuum column.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 280+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Logistics of VGO / DHDT reactors & Other ODC Open T&CC Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
equipments from Kochi port to BPCL-KR site term
(VGO Reator-2 Nos - CDD (07-Jan-15 FOB) EDD:
D 13 DHDT reactor reached at site
VGO reactor dispatched from L&T shop

Close Monitoring of ODC equipment (including site Open Projects High N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.06
fabricated/assembled) up to receipt at site term
D 14

Close Procure/Co Low N N Y N Long I 0.2

Delay in delivery at site due to non-availability of nstr term
transporter / hindrances enroute.

D 15
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 281+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in delivery of equipments: Open Contract / Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
- M/s Gansons due to substantial rise in raw Inspection term
material cost due to current market conditions.

D 16
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 282+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of Demountable Flare works (Awarded Open Project Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23
to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13) term
Sch: 31.03.15
CCD: 24-Apr-15
Ant: 24-Apr-15
D 17 Construction progress
Sch: 100 % Act:30.9 %

Addition of 4th Riser in Demountable Flare and Open Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9
identification of additional Equipment to be Process term
procured due to the same. (BPCL informed
additional of 1 no. riser during meeting dated 16th
Oct 13.)
- Flare (with 3 risers) awarded to M/s Airoil on 25-
D 18 Sep-13.
Completion of Flare work:
Sch: 31-Mar-15
Ant: 24-Mar-15 (Duration: 18 M)
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 283+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on Open Projects Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
26.09.13) term
LAD: 09.01.15
D 19 CCD: 25.04.15
EDD: 31.10.15

Delivery of MAB-FCCU (Ordered to M/s Eliot Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
Ebara on 04.09.13) term
D 20 LAD: 09.01.15
CDD: 03.04.15
Ant: 30.04.15

Delivery of VGO-HDT Reactor Open Projects Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2

Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13 term
LAD ; 29.12.14
D 21 CDD: 07.01.15
EDD: 15.04.15
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 284+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delivery of DHDT Reactor Open Projects High N N Y N Long I 0.2
Ordered to M/s Doosan Engg & Const Co. on term
LAD ;15.12.14
D 22 CDD: 07.10.14
Overall Progress:
Sch: 98 % Act: 95.0 %

Completion of HRSG Package Open Projects Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23

LAD : 30.03.15 term
D 23 CDD: 19.08.15
Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13

Delivery of Hot Gas Expander (Ordered to M/s Open Projects Low Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.14
Dresser Rand on 31.012.13) term
LAD ;30.03.15
D 24 CDD: 30.04.15
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 285+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delivery of Sulphur Forming Pkg (Ordered to M/s Open Projects Medium N Y Y N Long I 0.35 0.18
Sandvik on 31.01.14) term
LAD :01.08.14
D 25 CDD: 30.03.15 (Excluding site work)

Delivery of steel plates by M/s Essar to other Open Projects Very Low N N Y N Short I 0.4
vendors. term
CDD: Progressively by 15.01.14.
D 26

Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2

-DHDT( Ordered to M/s Dresser Rand on term
D 27 11.09.13)
LAD: 29.01.15
CDD: 10.03.15
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 286+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
-VGO( Ordered to M/s Nueman & Essar on term
D 28 14.11.13 )
LAD : 26.02.15
CDD: 13.04.15
ECD: 28.05.15
Delay by vendor with respect to CDD due to Open Projects Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10
financial constraint. term

D 29

Non acceptance of PO for DHDT & VGO feed filter Open Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
by M/s Filtrex (MR-4370) term
Ordered on 21.12.13 to M/s Filtrex ( Dely: 13 M
D 30
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 287+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Non acceptance of work order by M/s Flowserve Open Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
for DHDT Centrifugal pumps term
Ordered on 30.01.14 to M/s Flowserve (MR-5403)
D 31
(FOA No 550 & 551)
CDD: 01.03.15

Delay in delivery of Stripper column (IF-V-206) by Open Projects Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10
M/s Uttam Value Steel (Ordered on 19.08.13) term
CDD: 18.10.14
D 32

Availability of Piping materials to generate Open Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
adequate piping material front to composite term
D 33 Sch: (Final MTO): Dec'14-Feb'15
EDD: Mar'15-Jun'15

Delivery Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06
D 34 13 M FOB term
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 288+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in delivery of equipments by: Open Project Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10
M/s TEMA :CDD: 06.01.14 to 15.01.15; term
M/s Nuberg: CDD: 03.07.14 to 03.11.14; EDD:
D 35 M/s GR Engg: CDD: 28.01.14 to 31.07.14; EDD:
M/s Fabtech Projects: CDD: Jul14 to Jan15;
EDD: Aug15

Delay in submission & finalization of vendor Open Project Low N N Y N Short I 0.4
drawings for SRU burners & reduction burner term
D 36 Ordered to M/s UOP Callidus on 20.06.14.
CDD: 19.05.15
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 289+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow Progress of works by Piling I contractor M/s Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
DBM. (CDU/VDU, DCU & Offsite) - Awarded on term
25.09.12 (Sch - 100 %, Act 91.7%)
RCC Piles:4822 / 5307 Nos.
Balance for offsite (SS VGO & compound area at
E 1 FACT).
Presently 5 total rigs are operating

Space constraints: Open Constn. Very High Y N Y Y Short D 0.28 0.27

i) Area for Storage of materials for project and term
package contractors
E 2 ii) Area for Spool storage

Delay in completion of rock blasting affecting Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
release of construction front for VGO & offsite term
E 3 area as hard rock encountered.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 290+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Construction of NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86
- Target Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 12 M available Projects term
for construction works (excl. Dismantling works)
against schedule of 22 M.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to
delay in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award
of licensor.
- Change in the scope based on health check
report has an impact on Project cost and
E 4 schedule.
Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 94.4% Catch Up Sch: 86.1 % Act:
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 291+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Availability of Soil investigation Report for new Open BPCL / High N N Y N Long I 0.2
Crude tankages area. Projects / term
Delay in availability of soil data will affect Const.
preparation for piling tender and layouts drawings.
Further civil / structural tender will also affected.
E 5

Delay in completion of Building Works by M/s L&T Open Const Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38
for MCR and CPP control Room.
Contr. Sch: 100%
Front: 100 %
E 6 Act:79.9 %
CCD: 20.12.14
Ant: 15.07.15
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 292+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Backlog 20.6% as of 15-Apr-15 in Construction Open Const Very High N Y Y N Short term I 0.7 0.67
activities viz., Civil works and Mechanical works
for offsite area as well as unit areas.
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46
M; Time lapsed - 35 M
Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act
73.3 90.1 70.4 52.6
Contractors are facing problem in retaining the
labour at site.
Approx 12000 labours are available against
requirement of 20000 at site.

E 7
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 293+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Very High N N N N Long I 0 0.00
clearance for BOO area. term
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
E 8 commissioning of Demountable flare
(Commissioning expected by end Jun'15)

Completion of piling work by M/s L&T (Piling-II): Open Constn. High N N Y N Short I 0.4
CDD- 08.05.14. term
(Total 12003 Nos piles).
(Contr.Sch- 100%, Front-100%, Act-100%)
Only 10 nos. hydraulic & 4 nos. conventional rigs
E 9 are currently
operational at site. Total 10124 nos completed out
of 12003

Payment to contractors Close Constn. Low N N Y N Long D 0.08

E 10 term
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 294+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Unrealistic project time leading to under quality Close Project / Low N N Y N Long D 0.08
Engg. / term
E 11 planning

Dismantling of LO CAT SRU and area handing Open BPCL Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
over to Tankage II contractor (Required for New term
tankagesTF-4) by BPCL.
E 12 Will affect release of front for tankages.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 295+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of Raw water treatment plant Pkg (M/s Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15
Triveni Engg).(Delayed due to refloating) term
Overall Progress:
Contr. Sch: 99.7 % Act: 83.7%
Construction Progress:
Sch: 100 % Front: 100 % Act: 83.55 %
E 13 Sch: 15.11.14 CCD: 24.03.15 ECD: Aug'15
Compl: 18 M+2M

Slow construction progress of SRU Block due to Open Proj. / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57
delayed area handing over Constn. term
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from
end Jun14) are available with respect to schedule
of 25 M (As per past experience minimum
E 14 requirement for SRU is 30 M).
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 296+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Area for FCC Feed Tanks (Diversion of ETP II to Open Proj. / Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
ETP III and development of area reqd. by Apr.13) Constn. term
E 15

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and Close Proj. Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4
development of area reqd. by May, 2013 term
Ant - Dec 2013
E 16

Land acquisition for Crude tank (2 nos.) . (LAD - Close Proj. Very High N N N N Short I 0
Jul 13; Ant - 30-Aug-13) term
E 17

Allocation of identified fabrication areas for ODC OPEN BPCL Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4
Equipments & Other Agencies term
E 18
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 297+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delivery of bought out items by BHEL for GTG Open Const. / Low N N N N Long I 0
package Projects term
(LAD supply:29.09.14; Ant - Jul'15)
E 19
Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13 with CDD for
delivery as 24.11.14.

HEAVY LIFT Cranes for INTALLATION OF Close Const. Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
Finalisation of Erection scheme and capacity the
crane, inclusion in scope and timely mobilisation at
E 20 site

E 21
Theft of material
Completion of UGfrom Warehouse
piping work due delay in receipt Close
Open EIL
Const. Low
High Y N Y N Long
Short D
I 0.12
0.6 0.48
E 22 of piping material and monsoon. term

Lighting during construction Open Constn. Low N N N Y Short D 0.04

E 23 term
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 298+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in construction due to monsoon. As work Open EIL Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
progress between Jun to Sep is expected to be term
hindered due to monsoon, all out effort to be made
to release tender as per sch. Generally to manage
delays in initial stages of project, constr. Duration
E 24 are reduced while floating tenders. This needs to
be avoided.

Adequacy Check for Hook-up of LPG Flare and Open Project Low Y N N N Short I 0.2
ACID Flare between existing CDU-II flare and term
CEMP-II flare

E 25
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 299+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Construction of Subway on the PWD road Open Project Very Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.04
including re routing of existing road / existing term
facilities and necessary liasoning with government
E 26 department.
Construction of culvert got affected
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 300+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow construction progress in Offsite IREP area. Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s n term
KSSIIPL on 12.09.13
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: 15.09.15
Progress figures
Sch: 100% Front: 99.7% Act.: 55.85%
Insufficient mobilisation of manpower:
Required: 635 nos
Deployed: 216 nos

E 27
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 301+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
CPP term
Contr. Sch: 100%; Front: 100%; Act: 84.36%
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: 15.06.15
E 28

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU block Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) term
LAD: 12.01.15
CCD: 03.03.15
Ant: Oct'15
100% 100 % 62.17%
E 29
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 302+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Composite works for CDU/VDU Block Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
(Awarded to M/s Offshore on 04.11.13) term
SCH: 30.06.15
CCD: 03.07.15
ECD: 30.10.15
Contr. Sch: 91.29%
Front: 86.75%
Act: 54.96 %
E 30
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 303+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of Coke handling work Open Project Very High Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.29
(Awarded to M/s Thyssen on 04.11.13) term
LAD: 18.04.15
CCD: 03.07.15
EDD: Dec'15
Construction: Sch:85.2 %; Front:100.0%;
E 31

Completion of DCU Heater works (Awarded to M/s Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15
Heurtey on 04.11.13 (20 M) term
LAD: May 15
CCD: 03.07.15
Ant: Oct'15
E 32 Overall Progress:
Sch: 97.1 % Act: 83.7 %
Construction work: Sch- 97.09% Front:100%
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 304+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and Open Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2
development of area reqd. by May, 2013 term
Completion Sch: 30.01.15
Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. (Duration: 20
E 33
M+2 M incl pre commng)
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 305+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow progress of ETP works by M/s Paramount Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57
LAD: 30.09.15 term
ECD: 30.06.16
Overall progress:
Sch: 97.4 % Act: 59.1 %
Construction Progress:
E 34 Sch: 96.7% Front: 100 % Act: 36.9 %
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13.
(Duration: 21 M+2 M incl pre commng)

Completion of works for Tankage-II Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
Sch: 30.06.15; CCD: 24.07.15; ECD: Sep'15 term
Duration: 22 M
E 35 Sch: 96.68 %; Front:95.39% Act: 50.31 %

Awarded to M/s B&R on 25-Sep-13

Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 306+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of works for Tankage-III (Crude Tanks) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
(M/s IOT Anwesha ) term
Sch: 27.02.15; CCD: 03.07.15
Duration: 20 M
E 36 Sch: 88.70 % Front: 100.0 % Act: 62.15 %

Slow progress of FCCU Heater works (Awarded to Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
M/s Petron on 04.12.13 (16 M) term
LAD: 09.07.15
CCD: 03.04.15
Ant: Oct'15
Overall Progress:
E 37 Sch: 100% Act: 72.1 %
Construction progress:
Sch: 100% Front: 97.55% Act:42.07%
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 307+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Handing over of fabrication space to M/s Fabtech Close Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2
for Main Fractionators Column of FCCU term
E 38

Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Boiler Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
Package for SRU Block (ordered to M/s Technicas term
on 31.012.13)
LAD: 09.06.15
CCD: 30.06.15; EDD: 30.09.15 (As per Vendor)
E 39
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 308+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow progress of RO-DM works Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57
(Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13) term
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16
(As per vendor)
Overall Progress:
Sch: 99 % Act: 74.4%
E 40 Construction Progress:
Sch: 100 %; Front: 100%; Act:49.9%
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 309+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow Construction progress for Civil Works- FCCU Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67
Contr. Sch: 100 %; Front: 100% term
Act: 83.1 % (M/s SEPC)
CCD: 24.12.14
ECD: Oct'15
E 41

Completion of Heater Works-DHDT (M/s Technip) Open Project Very High Y N N N Long I 0.1 0.10
LAD: 24.04.15 term
CCD: 03.03.15; ECD: Sep'15
Constr. Progress:
Sch: 100 % Front: 100 % Act: 85.6 %
E 42 -Delay in completion of Radiography and PWHT
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 310+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Petron) Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
LAD:24.04.15 term
Ant: Dec'15

E 43 Construction Progress:
Sch: 100% Front: 97.4% Act.: 36.4%
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 311+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
McNally Bharat for DHDT & VGO term
CCD: 10.01.15
ECD: 30.06.15
Sch: 100 %; Front :99.6 % Act: 89.5 %

E 44

Completion of Pre-engineered Building Works (3 Open Project Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12
Nos) by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. term
E 45
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 312+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of Cooling Tower -I & II Open Project High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 01.02.13) term
LAD: 31.01.15
CCD: 20.10.14
ECD: Jun'15
E 46
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 100% Front: 100% Cum Act: 85.8%

Completion of Cooling Tower -III Open Project Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 11.09.15) term
LAD: 30.06.15
CCD: 10.01.15
ECD: Aug'15
E 47
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 100% Front: 100% Cum Act: 58.33%
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 313+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow construction progress in Offsite-DHDS area. Open Constructio Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86
Work stopped by M/s KSS in DHDS area for Civil n term
& Strl work
CDD: 24.01.15
ECD:. Dec'15
E 48

Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
Works-FCCU n term
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14
CCD: 25.10.15
Construction Progress:
E 49 Sch: 69.38 %; Front: 27.48%; Act.:18.42%
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 314+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow progress of work & poor manpower Open Constructio High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32
mobilisation by M/s B&R for Composite Works- n term
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14
CCD: 11.11.15
Construction Progress:
Sch: 69.2 % Front: 45.75% Act.: 23.9%
E 50 AG piping fabrication: Only 133333 ID / 406975
ID fabrication completed.
AG piping erection: Only 89894 IM / 526435 IM
piping erection completed.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 315+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Open Constructio Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57
Refinery area: Generation of front for mechanical n term
works affected (awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on
Sch:100%; Front: 98.26%; Act: 47.1%
E 51 CCD: 25.01.15
ECD: Oct'15

Slow progress by M/s Tech Sharp for Composite Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
works: Offsite IREP area due to delay in n term
mobilisation. Awarded on 25.03.14.
CCD: 24.09.15.
Sch: 76.22% Front : 36.22% Actual : 18.76%
E 52
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 316+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow construction progress by M/s B&R for Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
Composite works: Offsite Refinery area due to n term
delay in mobilisation.
Awarded on 25.03.14.
E 53 CCD: 24.09.15
Sch:79.1%; Front: 14.5%; Act:10%

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
works) by M/s L&T for CDU/VDU. n term
Sch: 04.09.14
E 54 CCD: 06.09.14
ECD: 31.03.15
Sch:100% Front: 100% Act: 97.03%

Completion of Heater Works-CDU/VDU (M/s Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
Technip) term
E 55 CCD: 06.02.15
Ant: Jun'15
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 317+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
works) by M/s L&T for DCU. n term
Sch: 04.09.14
CCD: 06.09.14
E 56 ECD: 15.03.15
Sch: 100% Front: 100 % Act: 97.1 %

Start of work for Tankage-IV by M/s Offshore Open Constructio Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
Awarded on 17.04.14 n term
CCD: 16.01.16
Scope of modification: total 10 nos; Front released
has been released for 2 nos (YT-383/391)
Sch : 64.6% Front : 58.4% Actual : 27.5%
E 57
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 318+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Slow progress for Tankage-I by M/s B&R Open Constructio Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
Awarded on 07.06.13 n term
CCD: 06.04.15
Sch: 100 % Front: 100 % Act: 68.9 %

E 58

Start of work for SRU Tankage works (Ordered to Open Constructio High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32
M/s Tuaman on 19.02.14 n term
Sch: 97.4 % Front: 74.7 % Act: 55.1 %
E 59
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 319+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Composite works by M/s Albana for DHDT Open Constructio Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD: n term
E 60 Sch : 67.8% Front : 56.6% Actual : 29.1 %

Start of Composite works by M/s Offshore for Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38
Offsite DHDS area n term
Awarded to M/s OIL on 19.05.14 with CCD:
Sch: 70.97% Front: 14.95% Act: 9.18%

E 61
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 320+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Composite works by M/s offshore for SRU area Open Constructio Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20
Awarded to M/s OIL on 25.03.14 with CCD: n term
78760 / 298905 ID fabricated.
E 62 18200 IM / 299780 IM erected.
Sch : 58.5% Front : 31.2% Actual : 18%

Completion of balance piling work (Covered under Open Constn. Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12
E 63 Piling-IIII Contract) term
(Total 2077 Nos piles approx).

Completion of Composite works by M/s Albana for Open Constructio Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12
VGO Unit n term
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD:
E 64 18.11.15
Sch : 69.1% Front : 30.7% Actual : 22.3 %
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 321+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16
commissioning and commissioning of Project term
F 1

Implementation of Change management system Open PROCESS/ Medium N Y Y N Long D 0.14 0.07
The same affects : ENGG/CON term
- Finalization of basic philosophies S.
- Scope of services
- Release of deliverables
F 2 Various scope changes (as advised by BPCL),
resulting in expenditure of extra manhours against
control manhours.

Timely Commissioning of UB package to meet Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10
refinery commissioning schedule. term
LAD : 31.03.15 (UB 1)
F 3 30.06.15 (UB 2)
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 322+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Timely payment to sub contractor by main Open Const. Medium N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.05
contractor term

G 1

Infrastructure at Kochi Open Const. Low N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.03

G 2 term

Scope changes & information flow to executing Open Process / High N Y Y N Long D 0.14
group Engg. term
G 3

Non-performing vendors Open Inspn Low N N Y N Long I 0.2

G 4
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 323+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Delay in Approval of Vendor List for various items Close Purch / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
of the project (specially for Long lead items) Contrc. term
G 5

Finalisation of Non plant buildings. Close BPCL Low N N Y N Short D 0.16

G 6 term
Implementation of environmental clearance Open Projects Medium Y N N N Short D 0.08 0.04
conditions by EIL (received from MoEF vide Letter term
dated 22.11.12)
G 7

Delay in commencement of site work for dyke wall Close Engg. / Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2
inside TF-3 affected due to non availability of Proj. term
PESO approval for tankage area
I 1
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 324+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Statutory approvals Open Projects / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06
- Factory inspectorate approval BPCL term
- CEA (Central electrical authority) approval
I 2 -IBR approval (LAD - IBR Package for DCU by
end Dec'13; CDU/VDU by 31.12.13)

Implementation of Health, Safety and Open Const. Very High N N Y Y Short I 0.5 0.48
environmental (HSE) system term
J 1

Delay due to Labour strikes (due to labour issue Close Const. Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
like wage revision, other benefits) during project term
K 1 execution phase

Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. High N N Y Y Short I 0.5 0.40

At present only approx 12000 labours are working
K 2 against requirement of 15000-18000 labours.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 325+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Constraint in movement & transportation of ODC Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2
eqpt. term
K 3

ODC transportation in view of Kochi Metro Open Project/Eng High N N Y N Long I 0.2
ODC movement schedule is from Nov'13 to Feb g term
K 4

Quarry operator strike : Quarry operator strike in Open Const. High N N Y Y Short I 0.5
the state from 12.02.15 has affected the term
concreting work.
K 5

Cost monitoring & control on regular basis Close Costing High Y N N N Short D 0.08
M 1 term
Increase in facilities on account of deletion zero Open Environ. Very High Y N N N Short D 0.08
M 2 liquid discharge term
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Page 326+14 of 30

Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High / Medium

(Long Term / Short term)

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30% /

Controllability Condition

Current Risk Score ->

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
/ Low / Very Low)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality
Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)
Key Risk Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Variation in foreign exchange rates from Rs 50 per Open Project Low Y N Y N Short I 0.6
USD as on Mar 12 to Rs. 60 per USD as on date term
and fluctuations in the intermediate period and
Scope changes w.r.t. DFR (additional in scope)
has significantly impacted on the overall project
M 3 cost.

Total Risk Score 21.68

Job No.: A307
Page 327+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Actions Taken so far: Projects /
- UOP package received on 08.08.13. Process
- PDS issued for all Columns, Vessels, Air Fin Coolers, Exchangers & Refrigeration pkg, pumps (part balance).
- All 30 nos P&IDs issued for engineering
Action Plan for balance
- 19 nos out of 23 nos pumps datasheet issued for engineering. Balance progressively targeted by 15.11.13.

0.00 - Meeting held with BPCL on 18-20.09.13. Process /

Job No.: A307
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Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - All P&IDs incorporating DCNs issued. Process

0.00 - Design Change Note based on Hazop recommendations issued on 03.01.14. All major process P&IDs
- Major pumps data received and foundation drawing released. Projects /

0.00 -Process package received on 14.04.13 Projects /

Job No.: A307
Page 329+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 All PDS issued for Engg. All Process P&IDS issued. Utility P&IDs: 15 out of 15 nos issued for engineering.

0.00 Process package from M/s Lummus received on 17-Aug-12. Process

All Equipment PDS issued for engineering. Utility equipment issued for engineering.

0.00 Based on latest information from BOO HGU and SWII (FCC), Revised Design Basis issued. Projects /

0.00 Process P&IDs: All process P&ID issued. Process

PDS: Heat Exch. - 52/52 issued for Engg.
Pumps 49/50 issued for Engineering.
Vessels 38/38 tags issued for Engg.
Air cooler 6/6 issued for Engineering.
Job No.: A307
Page 330+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0 0.00 - Common Interconnection P&ID for FCC, VGO and DHDT will be issued (covered under risk A09). Hence BPCL /
clubbed with Risk no. A09. Projects /

0.00 All process P&IDs issued. Process

Pumps PDS issued for engg,.
All Vessels PDS issued for engg.

0.00 - All 32 P&ID issued for engineering

Job No.: A307
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Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - All PDS and P&ID revised and issued.

0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process

0.00 - Out of 2 nos offsite interconnection P&IDs, 1 no. (New facilities) has been issued for engineering. Balance 1 no. BPCL /
targeted by 15.03.13 Projects /

0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering. Process

0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process
Job No.: A307
Page 332+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 In case of revision in process parameters of an equipment the utility estimates furnished by engineering against RED / PED/
older Revision of PDS should not be used until same is got verified/ updated for current revision. PROCESS
RED to update all such changes within stipulated time frame as per departmental guidelines and Process to
incorporate in the revised PDS.
0.00 Utility P&IDs: P&IDs (14 / 17 ) issued for engg (except for small bore piping: Pump Seal & Vent Drain). The same Process
are targeted by Jun'13.

0.00 Utility P&IDs: 30/36 issued for engineering. Process

P&IDs for small bore Piping shall be issued by 31.05.13.

0 0.00 Distribution P&IDs issued for engineering.

0.00 - Revised P&ID for Condensate System issued on 15.05.13. BPCL

Job No.: A307
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Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Inconsistency related to type of Isolation valve (Ball Vs. gate / globe/check) between instrumentation and Engg.
process design basis identified during coordination meetings resolved by TSD.

0.00 - System configuration including 8 pumps, filters & centrifuge finalised and PDS for pumps issued. Filters & Projects
Centrifuge PDS issued for engineering on 22.05.14. (CPP group)
- Readiness of the fuel forwarding system to be ensured w.r.t. GTG commg schedule (i.e. in Mar 15).

0.00 - PDS for desalting pumps issued on 25.10.13. MR issued on 13.11.13. Engg

0.00 - Identification of hook ups for Flare line, FCC flare, PRU flare and NHT / ISOM completed during site visit by EIL Projects /
Process. Constn.
- Hook sketches to be prepared and signed by Piping / POSD / BPCL. Marking at site to be taken up on priority.
- Finalisation of methodology for taking up works targeted by end Dec 13.
Job No.: A307
Page 334+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Signing of P&IDs completed for: Process /
-CDU/VDU Block on 24.06.14. POSD /
- DCU unit on 03.07.14 & CR LPG unit on 22.07.14.
- VGO unit on 12.07.14.
- DHDT unit on 24.07.14
- FCCU unit on 23.07.14
- SRU block on 25.07.14.
- Offsite P&IDs issued to BPCL. Signing completed

0.00 Updated P&IDs released. Process /


0.00 - Equipment layout issued for engineering on 23.08.13 Piping

Job No.: A307
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Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Equipment layout issued for engineering Piping

0.00 Equipment layout issued for engineering Projects /

Piping /

0.00 NIT issued on 24.06.13, bids due on 23.07.13 Projects /

Process /

0.00 1) Involvement of technical/engineering team and client with vendor where non-standard products are required Projects

2) Clarification of all doubts prior to beginning of work

3) Procedures for internal review and approval of design/deliverables to be followed
Job No.: A307
Page 336+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 -Discussions with prospective bidders held seeking details on implementation methodology. Engg (Elec)
-Decision regarding System integration schemes taken during meeting dated 17th & 18th Dec 12. MR issued

0.00 - Layout finalised with licensor. Final layout under study. Piping
- Model review for SRU completed on 30th May'13 (except TGTU, incinerator section & downstream of sulphur

0.00 Intermediate MTO released on 31.05.13. Piping

Job No.: A307
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Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Thermal design completed for DHDT, VGO-HDT and FCCU. HMTD

0.00 - Layout for OWS, CRWS, CW & FW lines issued for Offsite. Gen Civil

0.00 VGO-HDT: 30 % modelling completed on 7th Jun'13 Piping

FCCU: 30 % modelling completed on 06.06.13.
SRU (excluding TGTU) completed on 30.05.13.
0.00 - NIT issued for publishing on 12.06.13 with sale period from 17.06.2013 to 05.07.2013 Project / C&P
Job No.: A307
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Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Wide variation of BOQ and site executed quantities for item rate tenders to be controlled. Engg
Past data to be analysed and used for reference purposes.

0.00 MR issued on 02.05.13. Engg

0.00 - Management level meetings with package contractors being organised to expedite the works. Projects /
- Battery limit conditions for CDSP Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13) submitted by vendor & approved Engg. /
under code 2 on 07.05.14. Process
- Battery limit conditions for R&R Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 25.07.13) received from vendor and approved.
Job No.: A307
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Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Clubbed with Risk ID A27 TSD

0.00 - Data received from all vendors. All piling drawings for CPP area released. ENGG/PLNG
- Foundation drawings for & HRSG under progress and targeted by mid Mar'14.

0.00 - NIT issued on 11.03.13, bids due on 16.04.13. Pre bid meeting targeted on 02.04.13. (Delivery : 18 M for
Mechanical Completion including Pre-Commissioning Activities)

Projects /
Process /
Job No.: A307
Page 340+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.02 0.00 - Integration of packages incl. GTG, HRSG & UB to be ensured based on vendor inputs. Engg
- HAZOP review completed for GTG, HRSG & UB package.
- 90% model review for HRSG completed on 04.02.15.
-90% model review for UB package held from 18.11.14 to 20.11.14.
- GBC ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held with M/s BHEL for Gas booster compressor on 12-13 Aug'14.

0.00 - Preparation of Inst. dwgs./ docs. by the DCS vendor, using Smart Plant Instrumentation (SPI) is already Projects
covered in DCS vendors scope in DCS

0.00 Model taken

- Being reviewup
completed on 13.09.13
with respective package vendors for implementation. ENGG/
Job No.: A307
Page 341+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Package vendor inputs being made available by expediting for updation of interface engineering documents. Projects /

0.00 Model review completed on 04.10.13 ENGG

0.00 - All P&IDs released G. Civil

0.00 - Ordered to M/s Powerica Ltd on 29.09.14 (Delivery duration 13 M+ 3 M site works). BPCL
Job No.: A307
Page 342+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Model review completed on 24.10.13. Process /
Process to remove holds as per piping Hold up lists released till date by 25th Oct 13. Projects
- Piping to release updated hold up lists based on release of holds by process on fortnightly basis to process /
project / planning / TSD / Risk Coordinator.
- Meeting between Process, Piping, Projects shall be organised within 3 days of issue of hold up lists.
- Process to issue Revised P&IDs latest within 4 weeks of HAZOP recommendations.
Job No.: A307
Page 343+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Model review completed on 25.10.13. ENGG

0.00 - Model review started on 28.10.13 and under progress. Targeted to complete by 31.10.13. ENGG
Job No.: A307
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Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Intermediate 2nd MTO released on 31.10.13, based on above MR under preparation. Projects /

0.05 0.00 - Surplus material to be salvaged with effective substitution and being carried out during MTO preparation. ENGG

0.00 - HAZOP study completed on 29.11.13. ENGG

Job No.: A307
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Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - As of 15 Aug'14 Engineering progress is 91.4 %. ENGG

0.00 - Final MTO released on 11.09.14.

0.00 - Revised P&IDs issued for connecting tank-101 & 102. Process /
New pump process datasheet released for piping naphtha from YT-332 to CPP day tank. Engg.
Job No.: A307
Page 346+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand on 30.12.13 Engg / C&P

0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron with delivery period of 18 M on 21.08.13. Projects

0.00 - BPCL confirmation sought for minimum nos (10.97 MW or 80% of 10.97) for qualifying criteria. Accordingly BQC C&P
changed and approved by BPCL. Draft NIT by 25.05.13. Publishing targeted by end May 13.
Job No.: A307
Page 347+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - As per latest cost status report the impact of cost variation has been neutralised by savings. Projects

0.00 Awarded to M/s Technip on 04.09.13 (Duration 18 M) Projects /


0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping

0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping

0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping
Job No.: A307
Page 348+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping

0.00 -Ordered on M/s Shin Nippon & M/s Flowserve on 30.01.14 (except Tag IV-P-301 A/B due to poor past EIL
performance of PRT supplied under CEMP-II by M/s GENP);
- Separate MR released for item tag IV-P-301 A/B. BPCL informed that order expected to be placed as per
previous recommendation, ordering expected by mid Mar'14.
- As a parallel action MR was issued however RFQ kept under hold in view of BPCL information regarding
ordering by mid Mar 14.

0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Projects /

0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Projects /
Job No.: A307
Page 349+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 -Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 Engg/Proj

0.00 NIT issued on 29.05.13, bids due on 18.06.13. Project / C&P

0.00 - Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. duration is 22 M. Engg / C&P

0.00 Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 21.02.13. Duration is 20 Months. BPCL

Job No.: A307
Page 350+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 BQC finalised on 15.01.13. Tender under compilation. Draft NIT being issued to BPCL for approval. Projects /
NIT targeted by 21-Feb-13. BPCL

0.00 Ordered to M/s Paulose George (15 M). BPCL

0.00 Ordered on M/s L&T on 08.04.13. Proj/Engg

0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T on 09.04.13 with duration of 12 M. BPCL

Job No.: A307
Page 351+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron on 09.04.13 with 18 M duration. BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s Technip on 07.03.13 (Duration 23 M) Projects /


0.00 - Scheme finalised. Projects /


0.00 Tender released on 26.03.13; BQC finalised on 08.04.13. NIT targeted by 16-Apr-13 Engg
Job No.: A307
Page 352+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Award recommendation issued on 11.02.13. Awarded to M/s Howe baker on 07.03.13 Proj/Engg

0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T (duration 20 M) BPCL

0.00 KB tech completed development of flare area & handed over the area to M/s L&T.for piling. Projects
Job No.: A307
Page 353+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Evaluation of LLIs to be ensured with-in 1 month from receipt of bids by Engg. & PBO recommendation with-in 1 Engg / C&P /
week by C&P. Projects
- Pre tender / Pre enquiry meetings to be conducted with bidders to avoid extensions in bid due date due to lack
of clarity in scope / other requirements.
- Immediate after issue of Enquiry a firm action plan to be developed by the Project coordinator clearly indicating
targets for Issue of TQ / CQ , Post bid meetings, TBA/CBA, PBO reco., Price bid opening and award
recommendation dates.
- Uploading of bids in eDMS by C&P within 1 - 2 days (Max.) of bid submission by bidders.
- Restriction of multiple TQs / CQs.
- Rigorous follow up by C&P / Engg. / Projects for receipt of TQ / CQ replies from bidders within cut off dates.
Job No.: A307
Page 354+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s Tecnicas Reunidas S.A. on 31.12.13 BPCL
Job No.: A307
Page 355+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s Essar Project on 22.08.13 (Duration: 27 M) C&P / Engg /

0.00 - Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13. Projects /

Engg / C&P /
Job No.: A307
Page 356+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 Projects /
It is planned that common facility (incl. common piperack, utility lines etc) shall be taken up as per project
schedule requirement. This shall be taken up during KOM with selected bidder.
Job No.: A307
Page 357+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - 2 Bids (Essar & L&T) received on 25.04.13. Projects /
- TBA issued on 21.05.13. BPCL
- PBO recomn. issued on 30.05.13 and BPCL approval received on 03.06.13
- Price bids opened on 04.06.13.
- Award recommendation issued on 25.06.13.
- Awarded to M/s Essar on 10.07.13.

0.00 BPCL
Awarded to M/s ThyssenKrupp ;
(Duration 21 M+2 M (Mech + Pre Commg)
Job No.: A307
Page 358+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - 3 no. bids received on extended date of 02.02.13. Projects /
- Meeting with bidders held from 19.02.13 to 26.02.13. PBO recomn. issued on 06.05.13. Price bids opened on C&P / BPCL
- Award recomm issued on 12.06.13.
Execution duration as per RFQ - 20 M; Sch - 24-26 M

0.00 Awarded to M/s Paramount (with 21 M for mechanical completion + 2 M for commissioning). C&P/Engg/Pr
Execution duration as per RFQ was - 22 + 2 M; Sch - 28 M oj
Job No.: A307
Page 359+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Meeting held with EIL & BPCL. Approach paper prepared and signed jointly by EIL / BPCL for limiting single BPCL / C&P
agency getting work orders against more than 2 tenders. (In cases of big agencies with financial capability, one
agency can get maximum works order against 3 tenders)

0.00 Limit the number of works being awarded to one Agency so that alternatives can be worked out fast. C&P
BPCL/EIL To evolve a System to be implemented to ensure that the maximum number of jobs awarded to single
agency is only 2 if NOT to be preferably made ONE only.

0.00 Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery period of 13 M. BPCL

Job No.: A307
Page 360+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s Heurtey, (Duration - 20 M) BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s KSS on 25.07.13. (Duration 18 M) BPCL

0.00 Awarded to Mcnally Bharat on 26.09.13. Project/C&P

Duration- 16 Months
Job No.: A307
Page 361+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 NIT issued on 01.08.13, bids due on 30.08.13 Gen

0.00 Awarded to M/s McNally Bharat. Duration - 16 M Gen

Job No.: A307
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Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 MAB awarded to M/s Elliot Ebara on 04.09.13. C&P/Engg/Pr
WGC awarded to M/s BHEL oj

0 0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T on 07.03.13. Award recomm sent to BPCL on 01.02.13. Award to be targeted by 07.03.13. C&P

0.00 Ordered to M/s Eliot Ebara on 28.06.13.

Job No.: A307
Page 363+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Ordered on M/s Dresser Rand, Dely - 17 M FOT Dispatch EIL/BPCL
Job No.: A307
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Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Ordered to M/s Sandvik. BPCL
Job No.: A307
Page 365+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s Sriram on 25.09.13 BPCL
Job No.: A307
Page 366+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s McNally bharat on 11.09.13 (with 16 M execution period) BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s Essar Projects on 19.08.13 BPCL

Job No.: A307
Page 367+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s Thermax BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s Triveni BPCL

0.00 Ordered to M/s Callidus and M/s UOP India on 20.06.14. BPCL
Job No.: A307
Page 368+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Ordered on M/s Howden Process Compressors Projects /
Job No.: A307
Page 369+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13 with duration of 18 M. Projects/
Engg / C&P/
Job No.: A307
Page 370+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Awarded on M/s Ray Engineering on 23.01.14. Engg / C&P

0.00 Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg

0.00 Ordered to M/s Neumen & Essar on 14.11.13 BPCL

Job No.: A307
Page 371+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s IOT Anwesha on 04.12.13. (duration: 20 M) BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg

0.00 Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand Proj/Engg

Job No.: A307
Page 372+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Awarded to M/s B&R BPCL

0.00 Awarded to M/s Offshore on 17.04.14. EIL / BPCL

Job No.: A307
Page 373+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 .Awarded to M/s Offshore (Duration- 20 months) BPCL

0.00 Contract for development of flare area awarded to M/s KB Tech.. Engg / C&P
Job No.: A307
Page 374+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 Composite Works for VGO-HDT & DHDT Projects /
-DHDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M). Engg.
-VGO-HDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
Composite Works for Offsite
Part B (DHDS): Awarded to M/s Offshore on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
Composite Works for CPP: Awarded to M/s Zillion Infra. on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).

0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron on 04.12.13. Duration is 16 M BPCL

0.00 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. Dely: 13 M.

Job No.: A307
Page 375+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 -Ordered on M/s Asco Filtri Srl ON 17.10.14. BPCL

0.00 - All pipes, fittings & flanges ordered. C&P


0.00 -Revised MR (MR-3415): Ordered to M/s Oswal, M/s Shalimar, M/s AV valves and M/s L&T. EIL/BPCL
- New MR-3515 (41 Nos) ordered on 05.02.15

0.00 - Awarded to M/s Zillion on 19.05.14.

Job No.: A307
Page 376+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.15 -0.10 -Total 35526/ 35652 nos (99.7%) isometrics issued for units . Balance ISO's targeted progressively by mid Engg.
-All GADs issued released.

0.00 -Awarded to M/s OIL on 18.03.15 (Duration 12 M). EIL/BPCL

0.00 - Ordered to M/s Sulzer. BPCL

Job No.: A307
Page 377+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Electrical Works: EIL/BPCL
Part A: M/s Technimont
Part B: M/s Consilium
- Instrumentation Works:
Part A: M/s Technimont .
Part B: M/s Consilium

0.38 -0.18 Majority ordered, balance targeted by 1st week of May'15. Deliveries to be expedited in order to timely availability EIL/BPCL
of piping material for completion of steam network in CPP area.
Job No.: A307
Page 378+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.86 0.00 Management level review meeting held with M/s ESSAR/ GRE on 13.04.15. Following Major targets agreed: EIL/BPCL
- All strl. steel dispatch by end Apr15.
- Delivery of all bought out progressively by Jun15.
- Completion of Flue Gas cooler & ESP by Jun15.
- Erection of TSS bottom section executed on 17.04.15
- Steam drum erected on 13.03.2015 & economiser panel erection commenced on 20.03.15, RHS, LHS &
economiser modules 3/5 for FGC erected.
- 1st lot of fabricated ESP materials received at port.

0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID E19 Project

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0.19 0.00 - Balance foundation to be expedited (including FD fan, HP pump drive turbine, blow down tank & other Project /
auxillaries). Constn.
- Completion of structural erection work to be expedited. Coil erection completed for UB-12 & in progress for UB-
13. Deaerator tank erection completed.

0.00 -All Indigenous component received at site within CDD. Project/Inspe

- All Foreign Source Components dispatched. ction

0.00 Compressor dispatched on 06.03.15 Project/Inspe

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0.00 All parts dispatched. Project/Inspe

0.67 0.00 - Main fractionator column: Top section dispatched to site on 26.04.15. Erection targeted by end May15. Stripper Project /
Column: Hydrotest erection by end Jun15. Rectifier Column: erection by mid Aug15. Constn.
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0.38 0.00 - Erection of second Main combustion chamber (Tag No: IS-F-202) has been successfully & safely completed. EIL/BPCL
- Refractory lining agency expected to mobilise at site by 05.05.15.
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0.86 0.00 Following commitments have been made by M/s Essar. Constr.
-Shift Work: Works in two shifts implemented.
- Coke fractionator column delivery by 07.05.15 and coke drums progressively from 13.05.15 till 25.05.15.
- Crane (2000 MT): Mobilization & assembly of crane completed and erection of equipments targeted
progressively by May15.
-Clear water tank fabrication- Civil tank pad work completed, rolling in progress.- Shell erection of clear water tank
commenced. BPCL/EIL
- Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 590 nos have been deployed against
requirement of 836 nos.
- Above ground pipe fabrication commenced at a lower productivity due to non-availability of pipe fittings. EPIL
informrd that majority of pipe fittings will be available within one month.
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0.00 - All items received at site. Project/Inspe

0.00 - Received at site and erected. Project/Inspe


0.00 - Vacuum Column : Hydrotesting completed. Constn. /

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0.38 0.00 - Contract for ODC transportation awarded to M/s Urmila on 26.05.14. EIL/BPCL
- 2 no DHDT Reactor reached at site & erected.
- First dumb barge (newly fabricated) launched in the river after IRS certification.
- ISGEC Josen (3 nos) Column: expected to receive at Kochi port from upto end May'15.
- VGO reactor reached at Koch port.

0.06 0.00 Out of total 57 nos. of ODCs; 25 nos received at site. & 29 nos under dispatch. Balance under close monitoring. Shipping

0.00 - Transporter philosophy frozen and hindrance enroute has been covered under Risk ID K3. Shipping
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0.00 Equipment by Ganson BPCL
- M/s Ganson agreed to supply balance item of CDU/VDU. Items for SRU and DCU refloated under MR-6560
(DCU): All items relocated to M/s Patel Airtemp, M/s Phils Heavy, M/s Acoustics India ; M/s Beekay Engg ; M/s
Fab-Tech, M/s Nuberg Engg.
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0.23 0.00 - Erection of Derrick structure up to 40 mtr completed. Projects/Con
- Flare tips likely to be reached at site by end Apr'15. 1 no water seal drum and Molecular seal received at site. str.
All flare riser expected to receive at site from workshop progressively by 30.04.15.
-Water Seal drum (3 nos) is under transit.

0.00 - BPCL confirmation on the additional flare stack addition received. BPCL / EIL
- Agreed with Air Oil / BPCL for completion of 4th riser within CDD.
- Revised PDS & P&IDs released on 15.11.13.
- Order placement (change order) issued to M/s Airoil on 14.11.13.
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0.38 0.00 - Compressor Lube Oil Console : MRT completed for turbine & is under dispatch. LOP Drive Turbine ordered on Project/Inspe
KEPL is still under manufacturing and likely to be delivered during May 2015. ction

0.06 -0.06 - MRT of compressor and Steam turbine completed & same is under dispatch. Project/Inspe

0.19 -0.19 -Reactors reached RORO Jetty at Irumpunam on 28.04.15. Jacking and forecutting work under progress. Project/Inspe
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0.00 - Reactor received at Kochi port and unloaded to barge on 26.12.14. Project/Inspe

0.23 0.00 - 90% model review for HRSG completed. Project/Inspe

- Balance engineering to be expedited by M/s Thermax. ction
- HRSG #3, 4 & 5: Foundation works completed and handed over to M/s Thermax. Erection in progress for
- All column alignment completed for HRSG-3.

0.14 0.00 - Generator subordered. Project/Inspe

- Pedestal fabrication is at final-machining. ction
- Exhaust case assembly, including diffuser and thermal insulation has been completed
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0.18 0.00 -Silos with structure & Conveyors sub ordered by M/s Sandvik. Project/Inspe
- Bottom Cones for Silo C ,D, E & F dispatched to site. ction
-Delivery of Semi rolled sections of Silos shall commence from Jan'15 onwards. Structure to be made ready for
installation works to commence.
- Space for SILO's to be expedited.
- Foundations for pelletiser shed to be made ready.

0.00 Strl. Steel for R&R- Project/Inspe

Major portion of steel plates have been delivered by M/s Essar. ction

0.06 -0.06 - Equipment dispatched EIL/ BPCL

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0.06 -0.06 - Compressor & Accessories have been loaded on ship at Antwerp port & Motor EIL/ BPCL

0.10 0.00 - Following bidders showing slow manufacturing progress: EIL/ BPCL
- M/s Arjun Technologies (Pressure Vessel supplier): FOA No.:184. Meeting held on 24.04.15. Balance order
expected to dispatch from end Apr'15 to May'15.
- M/s Universal: M/s UHE agreed to deliver balance items progressively upto May15.
- M/s Bharat Pumps & Compressors (Pumps): FOA No.: 230, 311, 360, 423 & 444.
- M/s HDO (Columns, Heat Exchangers & Vessels): FOA No.: 199, 302, 310, 315, 318, 320, 327, 369, 389 & 395.

0.00 - M/s Filtrex asking for deviations on commercial terms. Meeting held on 08.07.14 to resolve the issues with M/s EIL/ BPCL
Filtrex. Vendor provided all details.
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0.00 - Order has been accepted by M/s Flowserve and amendment issued by BPCL on 11.07.14. EIL/ BPCL

0.10 0.00 - All part received at Kochi. EIL/ BPCL

0.20 0.00 - As of now around 90% piping material has been received at site. Ordering of balance material is in progress EIL/ BPCL
and expected progressively upto Apr'15.
-Vendors being expedited to prepone the deliveries.
- Storage area for piping materials to be expedited by BPCL. Additional requirement of 20000 m2 area in FACT
being taken for piping storage.

0.06 0.00 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held on 12-13.08.14. EIL
- Compressor Journal Bearings were ordered. Impeller manufacturing is in process
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0.16 -0.06 Vendor being pushed for deliveries. Vendor shop visit/meeting being arranged. Inspection /

0.00 -All burner drawings finaised across the table. HMTD/Projec

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0.00 Piling completed for CDU/VDU DCU & Offsite (except boundary wall) Constn.
Balance piling (479 nos) for GTG, UB & stack area being done by M/s DBM. Job given on 07.10.13 with CCD by
1st week of Dec'13.

0.27 0.00 - During the project review meeting dated 23.01.15, following points discussed and requested with BPCL to BPCL
provide assistance:
- Additional storage space for owner supply items (20,000 Sq. M).
- Additional storage space for piping spools.

0.00 -Major rock blasting work completed. Constn.

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0.86 0.00 '- Tender splitter into two parts (Structural/ Mechanical works & Civil work). Awarded to M/s OIL. BPCL/EIL
Civil work being done by misc. Civil agency (M/s Furnace Fabrica). Rigorous follow up with contractor to be made
after award of contract.
Electrical Work: Award recommendation issued on 30.03.15.
Instrumentation Work: Award recommendation issued on 30.03.15.
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0.00 - Agency finalized on 07.06.2013 and investigation to commence. BPCL /
- Report targeted to issue by mid Jul 13. Projects

0.32 0.06 - MCR, CPP control room : Release for panels by Oct'15 & total completion by Dec'15. Constn
- Other building works : SRR Completion progressively between Apr'15 to May'15.
- L&T also agreed to augment required manpower to 1000 from current deployment of 850 to meet the target
completion date.
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0.67 0.00 - Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica & M/s Deens has been lined Constn
up to supplement Civil works.
- Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion have been lined up to
supplement structural works.
- Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site. Approx 12000 labours are available at site, though
induction programme has been carried out for more than 18000 labours . requirement of manpower at site is
approx 19000 nos.
- RCC work & structural fabrication/erection work to be expedited to give complete front to mechanical contractor BPCL/EIL
progressively upto end May'15.
- Lighting of areas to facilitate night shift working.
- Provision made for snacks/dinner for labour to facilitate working in extended/night shift
- Provision of multiple entries inside plant areas to ease manpower/machinery mobilisation to be explored.
- Additional mechanical contracts being awarded to supplement existing mechanical contractors.
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0.00 0.00 Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by Jun'15. BPCL

0.00 L&T has completed all piles in Demountable flare area, Air compressor & DG shed area. Constr.

0.00 Ensure that 90% payment of the RA bills certified by EIL are released to the contractors within 7 days of receipt BPCL
by client.
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0.00 Ensure that realistic dates of availability of inputs(drawings, front and materials) are considered in project/ Project /
construction schedule rather than compressing construction schedules alone to meet the completion target. Planning

0.00 All 5 nos tank area cleared and released. Area handed over to M/s B&R for Tankage-II works on 30.04.2014 BPCL
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0.15 0.00 - M/s Triveni to augment manpower by mobilizing additional manpower (Manpower required is 300 nos while Constr.
available manpower is 235 Nos).
- Substation building: completion being targeted by Apr'15.
- Chemical house works completion being targeted by end Apr'15.

0.57 0.00 - All area handed over in SRU. Constn.

- Pond Retaining wall construction is in progress.
- Piling for SRU : All piling drawing released. To meet Euro-IV compliance, focussed efforts being made for
ARU/SWS. Piling for ARU/SWS is completed. Balance piling work completion targeted by end Apr'15.
- Civil works completion targeted by end May15 and handing over of front to mechanical contractor targeted from
end Mar'15 onwards.
- To meet Euro-IV compliance, readiness of ARU/SWS targeted by Dec15.

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0.00 Graded and handed over to tankage-II Constr.

0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID E33 BPCL

0.00 M/s BPCL Vide mail dated 21.08.2013 has handed over the area for SG-III. BPCL

0.00 Details of area has been cleared and allocated by BPCL during Review meeting at site. BPCL
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0.00 - All 3 GTGs received at site. Projects

0.00 -Included in mechanical contractor scope. Project /

- Based on prel. Erection scheme, 1600 T heavy lift crane with 600 T trailing crane envisaged for erection of both Constn.
VGO and DHDT reactors.
- Timely mobilization of cranes and preparation of Load Test.
- Finalization of erection scheme.

0.30 0.00
0.18 - Security arrangements in Warehouse in place by BPCL. Constn.
- All balance material deliveries being expedited, subsequently all UG piping work completion targeted by end

0.00 Area lighting being done. Constn.

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0.00 -During 2013-2014 monsoon following actions were taken Constn.
- Temporary drains were constructed for draining accumulated rain water.
- Pumping arrangements for draining water accumulated in pits were made.

0.00 LPG flare - As per EIL study LPG flare is adequate. Report issued to BPCL and clarification received. BPCL / EIL
Acid flare - HC flare & Sour flare system P&IDs issued for engineering on 15.06.13.
DHDS sour flare replacement: Sour Flare system P&ID (DHDS Area) issued for comments on 17.05.13, this
additional requirement of existing structure and replacement of sour stack by higher size (16") being checked for
New flare components to be procured for revised stack size.
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0.04 0.00 After construction of subway road opened on 10.04.15 Constrn.
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0.38 0.00 -Management level meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL at site on 24.04.15. EIL/BPCL
- M/s AA Erectors being mobilized by KSSPPL for Structural work.
- M/s JD Works to be mobilized shortly by KSSPPL for UG piping works.
- Additional 80MT crane also shall be mobilized shortly. (Currently one 100MT, one 75MT & one 70MT available).
- Rock blasting being expedited for drain on West side of piperack area 104, CW line at East of VGO.
- BG already arranges for 400 MT cement, apart from current stock of 100MT.
- KSSPPL shall be expediting around 700 MT of strl steel required for completing the currently progressing areas
of piperack on priority. Entire fabrication completion targeted by 30.04.15.
- Bridge erection at area 117 shall be taken up. Bridge at area 113 nearing completion.
-Strl steel painting & repair works shall be expedited with new gang.
- Manpower for restarting manhole works shall be additionally deployed.
- CW road crossing of 84" pipes shall be expedited.
- Area wise handing over of piperack to mechanical agency to be expedited.
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0.38 0.00 Management review meeting held with M/s Essar on 20.03.15 at site EIL/BPCL
- Structural works for GTG shed under completion.
- Stack foundation : Only HRSG#3 fdn completed.
- boiler piperack foundations completed.
- GBC fdn completed.

0.38 0.00 EIL/BPCL

- As on date the manpower is 470 Nos against the requirement of 750 Nos.
- ARU/SWS : TS-1 & TS-2 being expedited
TS Completion committed by MBE
-TS-II : 30.04.2015
-TS-III: 30.04.2015
-TS-I : 31.06.2015
-TS-IV: 10.07.2015
-TS-V : 15.07.2015
-TS-VI: 15.04.2015
-MPR : 31.05.2015
-SILO: 20.04.2015
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0.32 0.06 - Management level Meeting held with M/s OIL on 25.03.15 and following action plan has been agreed EIL/BPCL
- M/s OIL has augmented manpower to 1122nos.
- Structural fabrication completion targeted for end May '15
- Alloy steel piping fabrication to be expedited.-Fabrication Completion target by End May '15
- Fire proofing of Crude Column completed.
- Dehumidification started in Crude Column. Column Internals completed o tray erect
- Order placed for fabrication of rain protection shed
- 350 out of 358 equipments erected.
Completion Plan : 1. SRLPG - Total loop 129 loops -completion by 30.06.2015 2. FO FG Treater 145 loops -
Completion target by 31.07.2015,3. 400 loops out of 799 loops will be completed by 31..07.2015
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0.29 0.00 -Piling work to be completed by 30.04.15 Constr.
-TT-3, TT-4, TT-5, Circular stacker cum reclaimer work in progress.
- For CSR pit, due to collapse of excavation, revised scheme of excavation is being followed, in consultation with
Geotech experts of EIL and Dr. Moza, who visited site and envisaged the problem on 12/01/15.
- Pilling rate to enhance considering the upcoming dry period
- Structural erection need to be expedite, supply of matching sections need to expedite.

0.15 0.00 -Heater A: Hot Work 6/6 box completed, Tube support fixing completed. Radiant coil erection completed. Pedestal Constrcution
grouting (56/60) in progress.
-Heater B:Hot Work 6/6 box completed, Tube support fixing 32/48 nos completed.
-Refractory Dry-out for 3/6 nos of convection module completed at shop. Fabrication for Stack in progress at
shop. APH- str erection is in progress. Glass APH & Fan erection in progress.
Crane-450 MT mobilised at site.
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0.00 - Total area handed over on 05.05.14. Project
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0.57 0.00 - Mobilization of additional 75 nos manpower by end Apr'15 (Presently 190 nos manpower available) EIL/BPCL
- Completion of raft for TWT/SBR/ACT by 30.04.15.
- Completion of equalisation tank targeted by Jun'15.
- Procurement of BQ plate for Spent caustic tanks to be expedited.

0.32 0.06 - Management level meeting held on 25.03.15 at site. Total tanks: (New tanks 13 nos, work in progress for 12 EIL/BPCL
nos. Balance for 1 nos is YT-33 which shall be start after completion of YT-32; Modification tanks: Out of total 16
nos, work in progress for 5 nos, 3 nos handed over to BPCL.)
- B&R to augment resources to complete all balance work within agreed target. YT-32 completed.
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0.32 0.06 Constr.
- Plate erection to be expedited for YT-26/28.
- Tank pad completion works to be expedited in YT-25.

0.20 0.00 -Management level meeting held on 24.04.15 Project

- Structural steel: Out of total 217 MT, 217 MT received & 158MT fabricated & 120MT erected.
- Erection of radiant section completed.
- Coil tubes: Pipes & fittings (part) delivered. Coil fabrication commenced.

- Order placed for anchors & refractory blanket & expected at site progressively from 15.05.15
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0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID D7 BPCL

0.38 0.00 - Vent Stacks: Common Stacks template already fabricated and dispatched to site. Projects
Bottom intermediate and top sections and transition cones are being manufactured as scheduled
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0.57 0.00 - Sub-station-Completion of RCC super structure completion by 15.06.2015 EIL/BPCL
- DM tanks (2 nos) : Tank -A : All piling completed, pile cap completion by 30.04.2015
- Fabricated structural steel Qty. 80 MT reached site, Balance 40 MT expected to reach site by 10.05.2015
Erection started in R.O. shed.
- M/s DWEL being expedited to delivery of balance bought out items.
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0.67 0.00 Management level meeting held with M/s Shriram on 22.04.15 at site.
- Mobilisation of resources is being expedited. At present only 160 nos, manpower mobilised against requirement
of 350 nos.
- M/s Shriram to complete balance Civil work by 15.05.15. EIL/BPCL
- SEPC to expedite structural erection for Tech str A,E,BPR-2
- 5575m3 offloaded to M/s Tuaman (3374m3 completed)
- 2432m3 offloaded to M/s PGC (692m3 completed)
- 2025MT structural work offloaded to REL
- 1684 MT structural work offloaded to ZIPL
- 310 MT Offloaded to TEL

0.10 0.00 -Erection of stack completed. Balance welding to be expedited. NDT and PWHT to be expedited Constr.
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0.20 0.00 - Procurement completed for structural steel Projects
- Radiant panel erection completed for IV-H-101 & IV-H-201. APH Structure & Stack erection in progress
- Refractory for radiant section to be expedited.
- Delivery of Radiant coil tubes to be expedited.
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0.38 0.00 - Current manpower is 507 nos. against requirement of 600 nos. MBEL to mobilise 200 nos additional manpower Constrn.
for structural works
- 6 cranes mobilised in order to carry out structural erection in both VGO & DHDT simultaneously.
- In DHDT Unit: MPR, TS 1, TS 2, TS 4 completed and handed over to mechanical agencies for subsequent
works. All structural erection to be completed by 15.05.15. In VGO HDT Unit: MPR only handed over for
mechanical works. Balance structural shall be handed over progressively and handing over shall be completed by

0.38 -0.26 PEB1: Project Material storage commenced. Constrn.

PEB 2 All works targeted to complete by 30.04.2015
PEB 3: All works targeted to complete by15.05.2015
Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.
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0.16 0.00 Management level meeting held on 07.01.15 at site and PCTL to expedite to complete all works by Jun'15. EIL / BPCL

0.10 0.00 - Manpower - Additional manpower to be deployed for civil works. (Required: 150 nos, Available: 87 nos) EIL / BPCL
- Delivery of Bought out item to be expedited.
- Mechanical contractor to be finalised.
- RCC work for CWPH & CWTP to be expedited.
- Early delivery of Pipes and immediate commencement of Piping fabrication work.
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0.86 0.00 -Work stopped by M/s KSSIIPL. Balance work being expedited by additional Misc. Civil/Strl contractor. EIL/BPCL
-Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica & M/s Deen has been lined
up to supplement Civil works.
- Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion have been lined up to
supplement structural works.

0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held on 24.04.15 at site. EIL/BPCL

- M/s Petron have started with night shift work.
- PECL have erected the gantry crane & same made operational.
- 10 nos semi automatic welding machines shall be operational by Apr'15
- Gratings & consumables are being ordered. Handrails, wrapping coating mtrls & GI pipes ordering to be
expedited. Strl steel partially ordered.
Structural steel & support fabrication to be expedited.
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0.32 0.00 Management review meeting held on 25.03.15. EIL/BPCL

-Insulation/painting agency to be finalised.

- Hanger scaffolding to be installed at site.
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0.48 0.09 - RCC sub structure work shall be completed by end Apr '15. EIL/BPCL
- 30MT /day shall be fabricated from 01.01.15 onwards.

0.38 0.00 Piping fabrication & erection work in progress in pipe rack 101-103, 108, 111-114. Fabrication in progress for Constr.
piperack area 115.
CS IBR & SS fabrication also commenced.
AG piping fabrication: Scope: 285505 ID; Front: 101111 ID; Completed 56586 ID
AG piping erection: Scope: 1214330 IM; Front: 373941 IM; Completed 261447 IM
- Release of adequate front for erection to be expedited.
Job No.: A307
Page 420+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.38 0.00 - Management level meeting held 25.03.15 at site. EIL/BPCL
- B&R to take up compressor erection immediately.
- Due to delay in completion of civil work, release of front to composite contractor got affected.

0.20 0.00 Management level meeting held on 20.03.15 Constr.

-TS I handed over
-TS II, III & IV,VI handed over.
-TS V by 27.05.15
-TS VII handed over.

0.20 0.00 - MRM held on 23.03.15 Constr.

- Refractory of stack, dryout & erection of stack to be expedited.
Job No.: A307
Page 421+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held on 20.03.15 EIL/BPCL
- TS I by 30.04.15
- TS II by 05.05.15.
- TS IV & TS-V handed over.
- Branch piperack completion targeted by 30.04.15.

0.20 0.00 - Management level Meeting held on 25.03.15, M/s OIl started night shift work in YT-150 from 10.03.2015 EIL/BPCL
- Scope of works : Modification of 10 No tanks and 02 No new tanks. Front has been released for YT-383,391 for
modification and 150 for new.
- YT-150: Tank Pad completed, erection of annular plate completed, welding u/p, bottom plate erection under
- YT-383: Roof structure erection completed, roof plate erection u/p.
- YT-391: Hydrotesting completed, blasting and painting under progress.
- Ordering of cladding and moisture barriers to be expedited.
Job No.: A307
Page 422+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held on 25.02.2015 with M/s B&R at site. EIL/BPCL
Start of Hydrotest
- YT 341 : hydrotest by 06.05.2015
- YT 342 : Hydro test by 28.06.2015
- YT 343 : hydro test by 12.06.2015
- YT 344 : Hydrotest by 01.05.2015
- YT 112 : Hydrotest by 30.04.2015
- YT 113 : Hydrotest by 05.06.2015
- YT 114 : Hydrotest by 25.06.2015
-Manpower required is 250 nos, available is 161.

0.32 0.00 -These tankages (Amine water and sour water services) are required for commissioning of CDU/VDU. Constr.
- ISW-T-101 tank: 1st Shell & Bottom plate welding is in progress, Roof structural erection is in progress.
- ISW-T-201: Bottom plate & Shell erection is in progress.
- ISA-T-101: Annular plate welding completed & Bottom plate laying & Welding is in progress.
- IS-T-502 & IS-T-102 A/ B tand pad ready.
Job No.: A307
Page 423+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.12 0.00 - Piping fabrication & piping erection in MPR in progress. Constr.
Structural fabrication in progress for reactor structure, piping supports, piping manifold
- Equipment erection in progress (50 nos equipment erection completed)
AG piping fabrication: Scope: 210605 ID; Front: 110882 ID; Completed 87644 ID
AG piping erection: Scope: 301995 IM; Front: 96604 IM; Completed 26364 IM

0.38 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 25.03.15 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to ensure sufficient Constr.
manpower mobilization when work front is released to them.
- Due to delay in completion of civil work, release of front to composite contractor got affected.
site update: site work started on 23/12/2014 the progress is as follows:- 1. 216 and 217 area handed over for pipe
laying, work in progress. 2. front release plan for next 3 months prepeared, based on which advance blasting &
painting,fabrication of spools, pipe doubling works going on. Monthly plan of fabrication and erection is as follows:
a) April,15- 15000 ID, 45190 IM b) May, 15- 20000 ID, 45000 IM c) June, 15- 20000 Id, 45000 IM. 3. Cement
lining of 20"pipe 492 running meter completed. 4. one underground vessel, 6 pumps already erected, erection of
fire water pumps to commence soon.
Job No.: A307
Page 424+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 25.03.15 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to mobilise additional Constr.
resources, M/s OIL confirmed to increase the resources and achieved 1200 ID/day by Mar'15.
- At present only 26 nos welders are available at site with per day rate of 1000 ID, however to achieve the
completion schedule minimum 1500 ID/day to be achieved.

0.12 0.00 -Out of 2205 nos piles, 1421 nos piles completed. BPCL

0.12 0.00 - Piping fabrication work & Piping erection work in progress. Constr.
- Equipment erection in progress (13 nos completed)
- Structural fabrication in progress for TS-2
Job No.: A307
Page 425+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.16 0.00 BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun15 for CDU/VDU commissioning. BPCL

0.07 0.00 a. Change management should be in place immediately Projects

b. Strict discipline to be maintained else end objective would be difficult to meet.

All Disciplines are restricted to book manhours and all HOD's should review & make strict control of manhours

0.10 0.00 -Strict monitoring required at all stages upto commissioning. Constn. /
-Completeness of supply of all subparts, their assembly and other BOP Items to be ensured. Projects /
- Both steam drum delivered at site. RCC work for chimney completed, foundation work in progress for UB's. BPCL
Erection of structure started.
- Progress of work affected due to delay in completion of civil foundations.
Job No.: A307
Page 426+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.05 0.00 Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: Project/BPCL
- Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being implemented as per contract
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank guarantee being implemented for
future contract of more than 5CR value.
- Expeditious processing of RA bills.

0.03 0.00 Contractor to identify the proposed areas in and around Project area and BPCL to facilitate by persuading with Constn. /
local authorities for required permission. Projects /
0.00 All DCN s and change orders, if any to be frozen and incorporated in P&IDs at 60% construction progress stage. Process /
Engg. /

0.00 The vendor list to be carefully selected to avoid overloading of vendors shops. Bulk materials to be distributed on Inspn
different vendors.
Job No.: A307
Page 427+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - Covered under risk ID C73 BPCL

0.00 - BPCL-KR vide e-mail dated 06-Dec-12 sent a list of Non plant buildings to be located under IREP Project. Projects
- The same is reviewed by EIL. Point wise issues targeted to be discussed with BPCL in week starting 15.04.13.
- List of buildings finalised between EIL and BPCL. Methodology for execution under finalisation.
0.04 0.00 - Meeting held with BPCL on EIL recommendations and action plan finalised. BPCL /
- BPCL to take up with MOEF for approval of changes in system already incorporated. (e.g. configuration for Projects
- Incorporation of EC and RRA recommendations in balance systems under progress.

0.00 - Documents approved from PESO BPCL

Job No.: A307
Page 428+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.06 0.00 - All drawings for F&B approval issued progressively upto 29.09.14. EIL/BPCL
-Compilation of documents for Factory Inspectorate, CEA approval to started on priority.

0.19 0.29 - Deployment of skilled manpower for enforcement of safety precautions. Constn.
- Monitoring of the HSE conditions and maintenance of records ./ reports.
- Safety Drills being organised on monthly basis.

0.00 Client to be persuaded to settle labour issues (wage revision, other benefits) for Project duration. BPCL

0.40 0.00 -Utilisation of migrant and skilled labour from outside Kerala needs to be encouraged. However, the same will be Constn /
effective only if proper labour colony facilities are arranged by the contractors. BPCL
- Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade union leaders that workers
shall be instructed to improve productivity.
Job No.: A307
Page 429+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 -A separate contract to be given to agency which will take care by approaching KSEB and telephonic authority. Shipping
-Fabn / transportation philosophy being finalised.

0.00 Closed as no concern as on date. BPCL

0.00 Quarry strike has been called off. Constn /


0.00 Cost engg. to issue cost status report on regular basis Costing

0.00 Scope of facilities finalised. Environ.

Job No.: A307
Page 430+14 of 30

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score

Action Plan Action By

14 15 16 17
0.00 - BPCL have informed that approval for revised cost received. EIL/BPCL

21.86 -0.18
Job No.: A307
Page 431+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
15-Nov-13 Oct'13

15-Oct-13 sep'13
Job No.: A307
Page 432+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
25/10/13 Oct'13

15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14



Job No.: A307
Page 433+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
- Apr'13

- Mar'13

- Mar'13

Job No.: A307
Page 434+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
31-Dec-12 Jan'13


Job No.: A307
Page 435+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

- Apr'13

15-Mar-13 Feb'13

- Apr'13

- Apr'13
Job No.: A307
Page 436+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required Apr'13

31-May-13 Apr'13

31-May-13 Apr'13


25-May-13 May'13
Job No.: A307
Page 437+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-14 May'14

30-May-14 May'14


30-Dec-13 Dec'13
Job No.: A307
Page 438+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
31-Jan-15 Jan'15

Mar'14 & Apr'14

21-Aug-13 JUL'13
Job No.: A307
Page 439+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
26-Dec-12 Jan'13

21-Dec-12 Jan'13

18-Jun-13 May'13

As Required Apr'13
Job No.: A307
Page 440+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
15-Jan-13 Jan'13

15-Jun-13 May'13

31-May-13 May'13
Job No.: A307
Page 441+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

31-May-13 May'13

Prog. May'13
Jun 13
18-Jun-13 May'13
Job No.: A307
Page 442+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required Apr'13


Job No.: A307
Page 443+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
- Mar'14 & Apr'14

Mid Mar'14 Feb'14

10-Mar-13 Feb'13
Job No.: A307
Page 444+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 IV

Continuous Sep'14 & Oct'14

Continuous Aug'13
Sep'14 & Oct'14
Job No.: A307
Page 445+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Continuous Mar'15

4-Oct-13 sep'13

25-Jul-13 JUL'13

5-Oct-14 Sep'14 & Oct'14

Job No.: A307
Page 446+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
25-Oct-13 sep'13
Job No.: A307
Page 447+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
25-Oct-13 sep'13

31-Oct-13 sep'13
Job No.: A307
Page 448+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
31-Oct-13 Oct'13

Progressively IV

Job No.: A307
Page 449+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

Sep'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14

Sep'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14

Job No.: A307
Page 450+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Dec-13 Dec'13

30-Aug-13 JUL'13

30-May-13 May'13
Job No.: A307
Page 451+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Continuous Nov'13

15-Sep-13 Aug'13

25-Oct-13 sep'13

31-Oct-13 sep'13

15-Oct-13 sep'13
Job No.: A307
Page 452+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
15-Oct-13 sep'13

15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14

15-Oct-13 sep'13

31-Oct-13 sep'13
Job No.: A307
Page 453+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
20-Jul-13 JUL'13

31-May-13 May'13

29-Jun-13 May'13

28-Feb-13 Feb'13
Job No.: A307
Page 454+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
21-Feb-13 Feb'13


- Mar'13

- Mar'13
Job No.: A307
Page 455+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
- Mar'13

7-Mar-13 Feb'13


Job No.: A307
Page 456+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
7-Mar-13 Feb'13


30-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14

Job No.: A307
Page 457+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
TBA - 1 month of Dec'13
bids receipt
PBO - 1 week of
Job No.: A307
Page 458+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Dec-13 Dec'13
Job No.: A307
Page 459+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Aug-13 JUL'13

20-Jul-13 JUL'13
Job No.: A307
Page 460+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
20-Dec-13 Nov'13
Job No.: A307
Page 461+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

31-Oct-13 Oct'13
Job No.: A307
Page 462+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
31-Jul-13 JUL'13

Job No.: A307
Page 463+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
- sep'13

- sep'13

15-Jul-13 Jun'13
Job No.: A307
Page 464+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
15-Nov-13 Oct'13

20-Jul-13 JUL'13

Job No.: A307
Page 465+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
25-Jul-13 JUL'13

30-Oct-13 Oct'13
Job No.: A307
Page 466+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Sep-13 Aug'13

7-Mar-13 Feb'13

Job No.: A307
Page 467+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Oct-13 Oct'13
Job No.: A307
Page 468+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Jan-14 Jan'14
Job No.: A307
Page 469+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Sep-13 Aug'13
Job No.: A307
Page 470+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

28-Aug-13 JUL'13
Job No.: A307
Page 471+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
14-Aug-13 JUL'13

19-Jul-13 JUL'13

Job No.: A307
Page 472+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
19-Jul-13 JUL'13
Job No.: A307
Page 473+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
28-Sep-13 Aug'13
Job No.: A307
Page 474+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

29-Jun-13 Jun'13

30-Nov-13 Nov'13
Job No.: A307
Page 475+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
15-Dec-13 Nov'13

28-Jun-13 Jun'13

Job No.: A307
Page 476+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Sep-13 Aug'13

25-Apr-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14

Job No.: A307
Page 477+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
31-Oct-13 Oct'13

30-Dec-13 Nov'13
Job No.: A307
Page 478+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-May-14 May'14

15-Dec-13 Nov'13

30-Jul-14 Jul'14
Job No.: A307
Page 479+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Oct'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14

14-Aug-14 Aug'14

30-Apr-15 Feb'15

25-May-14 May'14
Job No.: A307
Page 480+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 IV


5-Aug-14 Jul'14
Job No.: A307
Page 481+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Nov'14 Nov'14

30-Apr-15 III
Job No.: A307
Page 482+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

24-Nov-14 Nov'13
Job No.: A307
Page 483+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Continuous III

Sep'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14

31-Mar-15 Mar'15
Job No.: A307
Page 484+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
28-Feb-15 Feb'15

As stated

Job No.: A307
Page 485+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

Job No.: A307
Page 486+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Erection by May'15

Job No.: A307
Page 487+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
end Dec'14 Dec'14

27-Dec-14 Dec'14

19-Mar-15 Mar'15
Job No.: A307
Page 488+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

Continous IV

As Required Nov'13
Job No.: A307
Page 489+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Job No.: A307
Page 490+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required III

As Required Oct'13
Job No.: A307
Page 491+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19


Job No.: A307
Page 492+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Continuous Dec'14

Continuous III

Continuous III
Job No.: A307
Page 493+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Continuous III

Continuous Jun'14

Job No.: A307
Page 494+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

30-May-15 III

Aug'14 Aug'14
Job No.: A307
Page 495+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Jul'14 Jul'14

Feb'15 Feb'15

30-Apr-15 III

30-Apr-15 IV
Job No.: A307
Page 496+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 III

Job No.: A307
Page 497+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Mid Oct'13 sep'13


sep'14 Aug'14
Job No.: A307
Page 498+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

Job No.: A307
Page 499+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
15-Jul-13 JUL'13

As Required

Job No.: A307
Page 500+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required

Job No.: A307
Page 501+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Jun'15 IV

Immediate Jul'14

within 7 days of sep'13

certified RA bills
Job No.: A307
Page 502+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required sep'13

end Apr'14 May'14

Job No.: A307
Page 503+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 III


Job No.: A307
Page 504+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

Dec'13 Nov'13


As Required sep'13
Job No.: A307
Page 505+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 Feb'15

- Nov'13

May'15 - Mar'13

As Required May'13
Job No.: A307
Page 506+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required sep'13

15-Nov-13 Oct'13
Job No.: A307
Page 507+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 IV
Job No.: A307
Page 508+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

Job No.: A307
Page 509+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19


Job No.: A307
Page 510+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

Job No.: A307
Page 511+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

As Required III
Job No.: A307
Page 512+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As stated Jun'14
Job No.: A307
Page 513+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As stated

As stated

Job No.: A307
Page 514+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As stated

As Required III
Job No.: A307
Page 515+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required Dec'13

As Required

Job No.: A307
Page 516+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required

Job No.: A307
Page 517+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required

As Required III
Job No.: A307
Page 518+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required III
Job No.: A307
Page 519+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required

As Required III
Job No.: A307
Page 520+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required III

As Required III
Job No.: A307
Page 521+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19


Job No.: A307
Page 522+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

Job No.: A307
Page 523+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19


Job No.: A307
Page 524+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

30-Apr-15 III

As Required III
Job No.: A307
Page 525+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19

30-Apr-15 III
Job No.: A307
Page 526+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 III


Job No.: A307
Page 527+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 III


Job No.: A307
Page 528+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 III

30-Apr-15 III

30-Apr-15 III
Job No.: A307
Page 529+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
1-Jun-15 III

Continuous IV

as scheduled III
Job No.: A307
Page 530+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required IV

As Required IV

All by 60% constn sep'13


As Required sep'13
Job No.: A307
Page 531+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
within 2 days of Nov'13

15-Apr-13 Apr'13

As required IV

Job No.: A307
Page 532+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
30-Apr-15 IV


As Required Nov'13

As Required

Job No.: A307
Page 533+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
As Required Jun'14

As stated Jun'14

As Required Mar'15

Monthly Apr'13

15-Oct-13 sep'13
Job No.: A307
Page 534+14 of 30

Target Date

18 19
Job No.: A307
Page 535 of 749
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


Risk Owner
(Open /
Risk Id


Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Management level meeting held on 20.03.15 at site. EIL/BPCL Apr'15
FCCU-M/s Essar-GRE - Out of 3842 MT strl steel qty, only 3273 MT fabricated, 3160 MT received at site &
LAD : 09.07.15 2537 MT erected.
CCD: 09.10.15 - Regenerator bottom section erected on 21.03.15
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) - Erection of TSS bottom section targeted by mid Apr'15.
Overall Progress: Balance deliveries comprising of nozzles, insert plates for equipment fabrication of
Sch: 93.9% Act: 70.8 % Regenerator (top section), Reactor, TSS to be expedited.
Construction Progress: - Steam drum erected on 13.03.2015 & economiser panel erection commenced on
Sch: 83.6% Front: 85.8% Act: 30.8 % 20.03.15
D 1 - 1st lot of fabricated ESP materials received at port.

Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns for Open Project - Main fractionator column: Hydrotest targeted by end Apr15. Stripper Column: EIL/BPCL As stated
FCCU :Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 (18 M Hydrotest targeted by mid Jun15. Rectifier Column: Hydrotest targeted by mid Aug15
incl erection).
LAD: 22.01.15
ECD: 15.05.15
Overall progress:
Sch: 100 % Act: 74.0 %
D 7 - Progress of works was affected due to delayed
handing over of fabrication yards and completion of
approach road upto fabrication yard, which affected
shifting of sections.

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Following commitments have been made by M/s Essar. EIL/BPCL Erection by
Target Sch: 01.05.15 -Shift Work: Works in two shifts implemented. May'15
Ant Compl.: 30.07.16 - M/s Essar have been pressurized to deliver all coke drums progressively and Coke
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). fractionator upto end Apr15.
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. - Crane (2000 MT): Mobilization & assembly of crane completed and erection of
Overall Progress: equipments targeted progressively by May15.
Cum. Sch. 89.0 %; Act: 65.4 % -Clear water tank fabrication- Civil tank pad work completed, rolling in progress.
Construction Progress: - Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 590 nos
Sch: 77.58% Front: 100% Act: 39.08 % have been deployed against requirement of 836 nos.

D 9 Strl Steel: Out of total 3210 MT, 2926 MT procured,

1929 MT fabricated & 1716 MT received.

Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on Open Projects - Steam turbine: MRT completed for turbine. Main Compressor: MRT targeted EIL/BPCL Continuous
26.09.13) progressively by May15.
LAD: 09.01.15
D 19 CCD: 25.04.15
EDD: 31.10.15

Availability of Piping materials to generate adequate Open Projects - As of now around 90% piping material has been received at site. Ordering of EIL/ BPCL 15-Apr-15 III
piping material front to composite contractors. balance material is in progress and expected progressively upto Apr'15.
Sch: (Final MTO): Dec'14-Feb'15 -Vendors being expedited to prepone the deliveries.
EDD: Apr'15-Jun'15

D 33

Space constraints: Open Constn. - During the project review meeting dated 23.01.15, following points discussed and BPCL 15-Apr-15
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and requested with BPCL to provide assistance:
package contractors - Additional storage space for owner supply items (20,000 Sq. M).
E 2 ii) Area for Spool storage - Additional storage space for piping spools.

Job No.: A307
Page 536 of 749
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


Risk Owner
(Open /
Risk Id


Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Construction of NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / - Tender splitted into two parts (Structural/ Mechanical works & Civil work). Awarded BPCL/EIL 15-Apr-15
- Target Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 12 M available Projects to M/s OIL.
for construction works (excl. Dismantling works) Civil work being done by misc. Civil agency (M/s Furnace Fabrica). Rigorous follow up
against schedule of 22 M. with contractor to be made after award of contract.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay Electrical Work: Award recommendation issued on 30.03.15.
in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award of Instrumentation Work: Award recommendation issued on 30.03.15.
- Change in the scope based on health check report
has an impact on Project cost and schedule.
E 4 Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 92.5% Catch Up Sch: 75.2 % Act:

Backlog 18.2% as of 15-Mar-15 in Construction Open Const - Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica & As Required
activities viz., Civil works and Mechanical works for M/s Deens has been lined up to supplement Civil works.
offsite area as well as unit areas. - Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; have been lined up to supplement structural works.
Time lapsed - 34 M - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site. Approx 12000 labours
Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act are available at site, though induction programme has been carried out for more than
66.7 85.9 66.4 48.5 18000 labours . requirement of manpower at site is approx 19000 nos.
Contractors are facing problem in retaining the - RCC work & structural fabrication/erection work to be expedited to give complete BPCL/EIL
labour at site. front to mechanical contractor progressively upto Apr-May'15.
Approx 10000 labours are available against - Lighting of areas to facilitate night shift working.
requirement of 20000 at site. - Provision made for snacks/dinner for labour to facilitate working in extended/night
- Provision of multiple entries inside plant areas to ease manpower/machinery
mobilisation to be explored.
E 7 - Hiring of cranes: Awarded to M/s Ideal movers on 27.03.15 to supplement
mechanical works.

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by BPCL Jun'15 IV
clearance for BOO area. Jun'15.
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
E 8 commissioning of Demountable flare
(Commissioning expected by end Jun'15)

Slow construction progress in Offsite IREP area. Open Constructio -Management level meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL at site on 25.03.15. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s n - M/s AA Erectors being mobilized by KSSPPL for Structural work.
KSSIIPL on 12.09.13 - M/s JD Works to be mobilized shortly by KSSPPL for UG piping works.
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15 - Payment released for 150 MT crane by KSSPPL. One 80MT crane also shall be
Progress figures mobilized shortly. (Currently one 100MT, one 75MT & one 70MT available).
Sch: 100% Front: 99.7% Act.: 54.78% - Rock blasting being expedited for drain on West side of piperack area 104, CW line
Insufficient mobilisation of manpower: at East of VGO.
Required: 635 nos - BG already arranges for 400 MT cement, apart from current stock of 100MT.
Deployed: 216 nos - KSSPPL shall be expediting around 700 MT of strl steel required for completing the
currently progressing areas of piperack on priority. Entire fabrication completion
targeted by 30.04.15.
- Bridge erection at area 117 shall be taken up. Bridge at area 113 nearing
-Strl steel painting & repair works shall be expedited with new gang.
E 27 - Manpower for restarting manhole works shall be additionally deployed.
- CW road crossing of 84" pipes shall be expedited.
- Area wise handing over of piperack to mechanical agency to be expedited.

Slow progress of ETP works by M/s Paramount Open Project - Mobilization of additional 120 nos manpower by Mar-15(Presently 145 nos EIL/BPCL As stated
LAD: 30.09.15 manpower available)
CCD:10.08.15 - Completion of raft for TWT/SBR/ACT by 30.04.15.
ECD: 30.06.16 - Control room slab casting in sub-station by 1st week of Apr'15.
Overall progress: - 2nd slab in chemical house under completion stage.
Sch: 94.6 % Act: 55.7 % - Completion of equalisation tank targeted by Jun'15.
Construction Progress: - Procurement of BQ plate for Spent caustic tanks being expedited.
E 34 Sch: 92.5% Front: 100 % Act: 31.5 %
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13. (Duration:
21 M+2 M incl pre commng)

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


Risk Owner
(Open /
Risk Id


Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Slow progress of RO-DM works Open Project - Sub-station-Completion of RCC super structure completion by 15.06.15 EIL/BPCL As Required
(Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13) - DM tanks (2 nos) : All 160nos piling completed & pile cap expected to complete by
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16 (As 1st week of Apr'15.
per vendor) - Delivery of fabricated structural steel to be expedited to reach at site. Strl steel
Overall Progress: erection will start by 1st week of Apr'15.
Sch: 99 % Act: 72% - M/s DWEL being expedited to delivery of balance bought out items by Jun'15.
E 40 Construction Progress:
Sch: 100 %; Front: 100%; Act:46.41%

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works- FCCU Open Project Management level meeting held with M/s Shriram on 19.03.15 at site. As Required
Contr. Sch: 100 %; Front: 100% - Mobilisation of resources is being expedited. At present only 160 nos, manpower
Act: 78.42 % (M/s SEPC) mobilised against requirement of 350 nos.
CCD: 24.12.14 - M/s Shriram to complete balance Civil work by 15.04.15. EIL/BPCL
ECD: Oct'15 - SEPC to expedite structural erection for Tech str A,D,BPR-2
- 5575m3 offloaded to M/s Tuaman (3374m3 completed)
- 2432m3 offloaded to M/s PGC (692m3 completed)
- 2025MT structural work offloaded to REL
E 41 - 1684 MT structural work offloaded to ZIPL
- 310 MT Offloaded to TEL

Completion of Pre-engineered Building Works (3 Open Project PEB1: Project Material storage commenced. EIL/BPCL As Required
Nos) by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. PEB 2 All works targeted to complete by 20.04.2015
PEB 3: All works targeted to complete by 1st week of Apr'15.
Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.
E 46

Slow construction progress in Offsite-DHDS area. Open Constructio -Work stopped by M/s KSSIIPL. Balance work being expedited by additional Misc. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
Work stopped by M/s KSS in DHDS area for Civil & n Civil/Strl contractor.
Strl work -Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica &
CDD: 24.01.15 M/s Deen has been lined up to supplement Civil works.
ECD:. Dec'15 - Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion
E 49 have been lined up to supplement structural works.

Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 25.03.15 at site. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
Works-FCCU n - M/s Petron have started with night shift work.
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14 - PECL have erected the gantry crane & same made operational.
CCD: 25.10.15 - 10 nos semi automatic welding machines shall be operational by Apr'15
Construction Progress: - Auto blasting installed to be made operational by Apr'15.
Sch: 54.68 %; Front: 20.95%; Act.:14.61% - Gratings & consumables are being ordered. Handrails, wrapping coating mtrls & GI
pipes ordering to be expedited. Strl steel partially ordered.
Structural steel & support fabrication to be expedited.
E 50

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun15 for CDU/VDU BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project commissioning.
F 1

Timely payment to sub contractor by main contractor Open Const. Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: EIL/BPCL As Required IV
- Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented
on request from contractors.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being
implemented as per contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank
G 1
guarantee being implemented for future contract of more than 5CR value.
- Expeditious processing of RA bills.

Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. - Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade EIL/BPCL As Required
union leaders that workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.
At present only approx 12000 labours are working - Respective contractors being persued to increase manpower commensurate with
against requirement of 15000-18000 labours. site requirement.
- Additional entry gate provision being made to facilitate smooth entry inside working
K 2 area.
- Availibilty of permits being made available for inside refinery works.

Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 538+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in issue of Process deliverables for Open Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.2 0.00 Actions Taken so far: Projects / 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
engineering for NHT / ISOM due to delay in term - UOP package received on 08.08.13. Process
receipt of Process Package from M/s UOP - PDS issued for all Columns, Vessels, Air Fin Coolers, Exchangers & Refrigeration pkg, pumps (part
(Process pkg incl. resolution sheet received on balance).
mid Aug'13 against sch of 30-Apr-13) - All 30 nos P&IDs issued for engineering
A 1 Schedule : 31-Jul-13 Action Plan for balance
Anticipated : mid Nov'13 - 19 nos out of 23 nos pumps datasheet issued for engineering. Balance progressively targeted by 15.11.13.

Delay in Finalisation of balance OSBL Open Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Meeting held with BPCL on 18-20.09.13. Process / 15-Oct-13 sep'13
distribution P&IDs due to delay in receipt of term Projects
data from BPCL
LAD - 30-Nov-12; Ant - 15-Oct13
Natural gas operating/ design condition
information has been received from BPCL
A 2 during meeting dated 13 & 14.8.13.
Steam distribution : Preliminary discussion on
BOO steam distribution held with BPCL. BPCL
approval on EIL scheme required.

Holds, missing information, corrections, Open Process Medium N N N N Short D 0 0.00 - All P&IDs incorporating DCNs issued. Process 25/10/13 Oct'13
changes in PDS / P&IDs - CDU / VDU term
- DCNs on account of HAZOP
A 3 recommendations for CDU / VDU

Holds, missing information, corrections, Open Process Medium N N N N Short D 0 0.00 - Design Change Note based on Hazop recommendations issued on 03.01.14. All major process P&IDs 15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
changes in PDS / P&IDs - DCU term released.
- Major pumps data received and foundation drawing released. Projects /
A 4 Engg 31-Mar-14

Delay in Process Package for TGTU (M/s CB & Close BPCL / Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 -Process package received on 14.04.13 Projects / Apr'13
INC) Process term Process
LAD : 31-Dec-12 ; Ant : 12-Apr-13
A 5
Agreement signed by BPCL-KR issued to
Licensor on 04.04.13

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / Close Process Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 All PDS issued for Engg. All Process P&IDS issued. Utility P&IDs: 15 out of 15 nos issued for engineering. - Apr'13
P&IDs for DHDT term
A 6 P&ID's : LAD : 30-Nov-12; Ant : 08-May-13

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS for Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Process package from M/s Lummus received on 17-Aug-12. Process - Mar'13
DCU term All Equipment PDS issued for engineering. Utility equipment issued for engineering.
LAD : 29-Dec-12; Ant : 19-Mar-13
A 7

Finalisation of Utility import / export Close Process Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Based on latest information from BOO HGU and SWII (FCC), Revised Design Basis issued. Projects / - Mar'13
requirements from BOO by BPCL. Flare load term Process
A 8 changed substantially and repeatedly from
estimated values.

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / Close Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Process P&IDs: All process P&ID issued. Process Apr'13
P&IDs for FCC term PDS: Heat Exch. - 52/52 issued for Engg.
LAD :29-Jan-13; Ant : 08-May-13 Pumps 49/50 issued for Engineering.
A 9 Vessels 38/38 tags issued for Engg.
Air cooler 6/6 issued for Engineering.

-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs Close Process Low N N N N Short I 0 0.00 0 0.00 - Common Interconnection P&ID for FCC, VGO and DHDT will be issued (covered under risk A09). Hence BPCL / 31-Dec-12 Jan'13
for DHDT term clubbed with Risk no. A09. Projects /
LAD: 30-Nov-12 POSD
A 10
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 539+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 All process P&IDs issued. Process Apr'13
P&IDs for VGO-HDT term Pumps PDS issued for engg,.
A 11 LAD : 29-Jan-13; Ant : 10-May-13 All Vessels PDS issued for engg.

-Preparation of Offsite P&IDs for tankages Close POSD Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - All 32 P&ID issued for engineering Apr'13
(LAD - 21.01.13) term
- Delay has been due to delay in receipt of As-
built drawings from BPCL-KR (except CEMP-II).
A 12 All details received now.
-Upgradation of Crude oil pipeline system
(Inside refinery) to be taken up.

In view of increase in sulphur load PDS & Close Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - All PDS and P&ID revised and issued. Apr'13
P&IDs for sulphur block (ARU, SWS & SRU) is term
A 13
being reviewed and released as per priority of
Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process - Apr'13
A 14 Engineering after release of MR GG term

-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs Close Process High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Out of 2 nos offsite interconnection P&IDs, 1 no. (New facilities) has been issued for engineering. Balance BPCL / 15-Mar-13 Feb'13
LAD :30-Nov-12 term 1 no. targeted by 15.03.13 Projects /
A 15

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Low Y Y Y Y Long D 0.2 0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering. Process - Apr'13
A 16 Engineering after Order GG/Procure term

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Very Low Y Y Y Y Long D 0.2 0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process - Apr'13
A 17 Engineering after Equipment manufacturing GG/Procure term

Updation of estimated utilities on account of Close Process Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 In case of revision in process parameters of an equipment the utility estimates furnished by engineering RED / PED/ As Required Apr'13
A 18 revision in process parameters (revision of PDS term against older Revision of PDS should not be used until same is got verified/ updated for current revision. PROCESS
based on engg comments) RED to update all such changes within stipulated time frame as per departmental guidelines and Process to
incorporate in the revised PDS.
ISBL Distribution P&IDs for VGO-HDT Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Utility P&IDs: P&IDs (14 / 17 ) issued for engg (except for small bore piping: Pump Seal & Vent Drain). The Process 31-May-13 Apr'13
A 19 SCH: 30-Nov-12 term same are targeted by Jun'13.
ANT: Jun-13

ISBL Distribution P&IDs for FCCU Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Utility P&IDs: 30/36 issued for engineering. Process 31-May-13 Apr'13
SCH: 30-Nov-12 term P&IDs for small bore Piping shall be issued by 31.05.13.
A 20 ANT: 31-May-13

Utility distribution P&IDs for DCU Close Process Low N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0 0.00 Distribution P&IDs issued for engineering. Jan'13
A 21 term

Final issue for OSBL utility distribution P&IDs Open Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Revised P&ID for Condensate System issued on 15.05.13. BPCL 25-May-13 May'13
LAD: 30-Nov-12 term
ANT: 25-May-13
A 22 Updation of P&ID as per finalised condensate
philosophy to be taken up.

Incompatibility between Process design basis Open Engg Very High N N N N Short D 0 0.00 - Inconsistency related to type of Isolation valve (Ball Vs. gate / globe/check) between instrumentation and Engg. 30-Apr-14 May'14
and Engineering Design Basis term process design basis identified during coordination meetings resolved by TSD.
(Piping / SED / RED / PED / instrumentation /
HMTD design basis) - affects subsequent
A 23 detailed engineering activities.

Fuel oil system for GTG: Implementation of the Open Power Tech. High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - System configuration including 8 pumps, filters & centrifuge finalised and PDS for pumps issued. Filters & Projects 30-May-14 May'14
system based on modalities finalised term Centrifuge PDS issued for engineering on 22.05.14. (CPP group)
(associated system for existing Fuel oil tank - Readiness of the fuel forwarding system to be ensured w.r.t. GTG commg schedule (i.e. in Mar 15).
A 24 tapping with new GTG).
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 540+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
BPCL confirmation/clarification over Close Engg. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - PDS for desalting pumps issued on 25.10.13. MR issued on 13.11.13. Engg Nov'13
datasheets/GADs for existing/new raw water term
intake pump obtained from M/s KBL
A 25 (LAD for MR for pumps - 07.03.13)

A 26 Identifications of hook-ups on flare lines and Close Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Identification of hook ups for Flare line, FCC flare, PRU flare and NHT / ISOM completed during site visit Projects / 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
finalisation of methodology
Signing of ISBL P&IDs and with BPCL
battery limiti.e.
P&IDs Open Process / Low N N Y N term
Short D 0.16 0.00 by EIL Process.
Signing of P&IDs completed for: Constn.
Process / 31-Jan-15 Jan'15
for of Shut
Units, Utility down / Hot
packages tapping.
& other packages. POSD term - Hook sketches
-CDU/VDU Blocktoonbe24.06.14.
prepared and signed by Piping / POSD / BPCL. Marking at site to be taken up on POSD /
- DCU unit on 03.07.14 & CR LPG unit on 22.07.14.
-- VGO
unit onof12.07.14.
methodology for taking up works targeted by end Dec 13.
A 27 - DHDT unit on 24.07.14
- FCCU unit on 23.07.14
- SRU block on 25.07.14.
- Offsite P&IDs issued to BPCL. Signing completed

Offsite Interconnection P&ID Close Process / High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Updated P&IDs released. Process / Mar'14 & Apr'14
- Updation of P&IDs based on HAZOP review POSD term POSD /
A 28 for offsite.

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for Open Engg. Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Equipment layout issued for engineering on 23.08.13 Piping 21-Aug-13 JUL'13
NHT/ISOM Ant - 21-Aug-13) term
Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:
i) 3 D Modelling
B 1 ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for Close Engg. Very high N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Equipment layout issued for engineering Piping 26-Dec-12 Jan'13
VGO-HDT term
B 2 LAD - 07-Nov-12
Ant- 26-Dec-12

Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for
i) 3 D Modelling Close Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Equipment layout issued for engineering Projects / 21-Dec-12 Jan'13
FCCU (targeted by
ii) Civil/Structural & 27.12.2012)
UG Piping Tender term Piping /
B 3 Delay in
preparation this activity shall hamper the following: BPCL
i) 3 D Modelling
ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender
NIT for Heater for FCCU Open ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 NIT issued on 24.06.13, bids due on 23.07.13 Projects / 18-Jun-13 May'13
B 4 LAD -01-Apr-13 ; Ant - 18-Jun-13 term Process /

a) Cost/time overrun due to rework Close Procure/EN Medium Y N Y N Long D 0.12 0.00 1) Involvement of technical/engineering team and client with vendor where non-standard products are Projects As Required Apr'13
b) Non completion of critical project activities GG/CONS. term required
within time & delay in Project completion 2) Clarification of all doubts prior to beginning of work
B 5 c) Poor performance of Sub-contractors and 3) Procedures for internal review and approval of design/deliverables to be followed

New requirement of power recovery system Close Project High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.00 -Discussions with prospective bidders held seeking details on implementation methodology. Engg (Elec) 15-Jan-13 Jan'13
(FCCU) shall have impact on project cost. term -Decision regarding System integration schemes taken during meeting dated 17th & 18th Dec 12. MR
B 6 3 Nos PRTs envisaged (FCC-1 Nos ; VGO- 2 issued

Updation of Equipment layout for engineering Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Layout finalised with licensor. Final layout under study. Piping 15-Jun-13 May'13
for TGTU term - Model review for SRU completed on 30th May'13 (except TGTU, incinerator section & downstream of
B 7 LAD - 21-Jan-13; sulphur pit).
Ant: Mid Jun'13

Issue 2nd MTO Piping (Sch - 30-Apr-13; Ant - Close Piping Very High N N Y Y Short D 0.2 0.00 Intermediate MTO released on 31.05.13. Piping 31-May-13 May'13
End May 13) term
Piping preliminary MTO has been released
without covering DHDT, VGO FCC& offsite
B 8 interconnection P&IDs, Flare system & offsite
storage P&IDs. Prel. MTO covers 35% for large
bore pipes.

Delay in thermal design for Heat exchangers & Close HMTD Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Thermal design completed for DHDT, VGO-HDT and FCCU. HMTD Apr'13
Air coolers for licensed and non licensed units - term
LAD (DHDT): 02-Feb-13
B 9 LAD (VGO-HDT): 09-Feb-13
LAD (FCCU): 08-Mar-13
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 541+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Issue Overall UG piping layout drawing for the Close Engg. High N N N N Short D 0 0.00 - Layout for OWS, CRWS, CW & FW lines issued for Offsite. Gen Civil 31-May-13 May'13
B 10 complex term

Completion of 30 % Model review Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 VGO-HDT: 30 % modelling completed on 7th Jun'13 Piping Prog. May'13
B 11 VGO- LAD: 09-Mar-13 term FCCU: 30 % modelling completed on 06.06.13. To
FCCU-LAD : 23-Apr-13 SRU (excluding TGTU) completed on 30.05.13. Jun 13
NIT for Civil & Strl work for existing Refinery Open Project/C&P Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - NIT issued for publishing on 12.06.13 with sale period from 17.06.2013 to 05.07.2013 Project / C&P 18-Jun-13 May'13
Area term
C 12 LAD: 31-Jan-13
ANT: 18-Jun-13

a) Inaccurate assessment of quantum of work Close Engg/procur Very High N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 Wide variation of BOQ and site executed quantities for item rate tenders to be controlled. Engg As Required Apr'13
ement term Past data to be analysed and used for reference purposes.
B 13

MR issue for MCC (Main combustion Chamber) Close Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 MR issued on 02.05.13. Engg Apr'13
packages. term
B 14
LAD: 16-Feb-13
Ant: 15-Apr-13
Timely finalisation of Package Interface Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Management level meetings with package contractors being organised to expedite the works. Projects / May'14
CDSP-DCU awarded on 22-Aug-13; term - Battery limit conditions for CDSP Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13) submitted by vendor & Engg. /
RR pkg-FCC awarded on 25-Jul-13. approved under code 2 on 07.05.14. Process
(Battery Limit conditions for each package to be - Battery limit conditions for R&R Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 25.07.13) received from vendor and
frozen within three months of award to ensure approved.
time availability for engg, procurement and
B 15 construction by all the concerned).

Unit and offsite interfaces (Elevation termination Close Engg. Medium N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.00 - Clubbed with Risk ID A27 TSD - Mar'14 & Apr'14
levels) term

B 16

Timely availability of piling and foundation load Open Projects High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Data received from all vendors. All piling drawings for CPP area released. ENGG/PLNG Mid Mar'14 Feb'14
data from Package (GTG, UB, HRSG) Vendors term - Foundation drawings for & HRSG under progress and targeted by mid Mar'14.
to meet piling tender & Civil / Strl tender
B 17 schedule requirements.
LAD - 28.02.13; Ant - upto Feb 14.

NIT for Heater for DCU Close PROCESS/ Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - NIT issued on 11.03.13, bids due on 16.04.13. Pre bid meeting targeted on 02.04.13. (Delivery : 18 M for 10-Mar-13 Feb'13
LAD -15-Feb-13; ENGG term Mechanical Completion including Pre-Commissioning Activities)
B 18

CPP: Integration of various packages & BOP Open Engg/Cont. Low N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.02 0.02 0.00 - Integration of packages incl. GTG, HRSG & UB to be ensured based on vendor inputs. Engg 30-Apr-15 IV
Items of CPP. term - HAZOP review completed for GTG, HRSG & UB package. Projects /
90 % model review for CPP - 90% model review for HRSG completed on 04.02.15. Process
Package wise HAZOP for GTG, HRSG, UB,Gas -90% model review for UB package held from 18.11.14 to 20.11.14. Process /
B 19 Booster compressor. - GBC ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held with M/s BHEL for Gas booster compressor on 12-13 HMTD
Aug'14. C&P

Distributed Control System (DCS) Open Engg/procur Medium N Y N N Long I 0.15 0.00 - Preparation of Inst. dwgs./ docs. by the DCS vendor, using Smart Plant Instrumentation (SPI) is already Projects Continuous Sep'14 & Oct'14
Detailed engg., supply and erection ement term covered in DCS vendors scope in DCS
B 20 (ordered on M/s Emerson Process on 04.11.13)

B 21
60 % Model
Package review
Vendor for to submit
refuses Close ENGG
Open Engg/procur Very
LowHigh N N
Y Y N Short
Long D 0.16
0.14 0.00 Model taken
- Being reviewup
completed on 13.09.13
with respective package vendors for implementation. ENGG/
Instn Continuous Aug'13
Sep'14 & Oct'14
DCU (LAD:03.07.13
Instrumentation Act:13.09.13)
Drawings/ Documentation in ement term Projects
B 22 Smart Plant Instrumentation Database as per
Client Requirement
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 542+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in Interface Engineering (including control Open Engg/procur Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 -0.06 Package vendor inputs being made available by expediting for updation of interface engineering documents. Projects / Continuous
system) due to non availability of Package ement term Engg.
B 23 Vendor Data

60 % Model review for DHDT (LAD:07.08.13 Open ENGG Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Model review completed on 04.10.13 ENGG 4-Oct-13 sep'13
Ant:04.10.13) term
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor,
Feed filter & Heater pkg awaited from vendor.
B 20 - Vendor drawings for sheds awaited.

Delay in completion of P&IDs by gen Civil Open GC Medium N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 - All P&IDs released G. Civil 25-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 09-Jan-13 (DHDT) term
B 24 LAD: 30-Jan-13 (VGO-HDT)
LAD: 30-Mar-13 (FCCU)
Order of MR for DG set Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Ordered to M/s Powerica Ltd on 29.09.14 (Delivery duration 13 M+ 3 M site works). BPCL 5-Oct-14 Sep'14 & Oct'14
Dely: (12 M FOB + 3 M Site work) term
B 25 Sch: 05.11.13

Receipt of Inputs from Process / Vendors for 60 Close ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Model review completed on 24.10.13. Process / 25-Oct-13 sep'13
% Model review for VGO-HDT required for term Process to remove holds as per piping Hold up lists released till date by 25th Oct 13. Projects
procurement of piping material (LAD:14.08.13 - Piping to release updated hold up lists based on release of holds by process on fortnightly basis to process
Ant:25.10.13) / project / planning / TSD / Risk Coordinator.
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor, - Meeting between Process, Piping, Projects shall be organised within 3 days of issue of hold up lists.
Feed filter & Heater pkg awaited from vendor. - Process to issue Revised P&IDs latest within 4 weeks of HAZOP recommendations.
- Vendor drawings for sheds awaited.

B 26

60 % Model review for Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Model review completed on 25.10.13. ENGG 25-Oct-13 sep'13
FCCU (LAD:16.09.13 Ant:25.10.13) term
- Line size for 300 nos P&IDs under hold
-Vendor data needed for coalescer, electric
heater, pumps & filters
- Review of model by Licensor (Stone &
B 27 Webster) envisaged.

60 % Model review for Open ENGG Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Model review started on 28.10.13 and under progress. Targeted to complete by 31.10.13. ENGG 31-Oct-13 sep'13
B 28 SRU (LAD:31.08.13; Ant:31.10.13) term
-As per P&IDs, No. of lines hold are 51 (ARU),
Delay in release
164 (SRU),15 of Intermediate
(SWS) & 60(TGTU) 2nd
+ MTO Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Intermediate 2nd MTO released on 31.10.13, based on above MR under preparation. Projects / 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
155(Utilities Act:31.10.13) term ENGG
-CVs Size Hold as follows: 13 (ARU), 6 (SWS),
125 (SRU). Pump nozzle for 6 nos. pumps
-All hold),Valve
Control sizesFace
for 256 lines under
to Face hold, are
HOLD. Allvalve
for TGTU flange, bypass valve
are HOLD.
and flanges (21 nos.) & PSV inlet outlet flanges
and reducers (37 nos.)
-DHDT: By-pass lines for CVs under hold
B 29 (30nos), PSV's mating flanges and reducers (44
nos), Lines (103 nos.) not considered in MTO.

Generation of Surplus Piping material Open ENGG Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.00 - Surplus material to be salvaged with effective substitution and being carried out during MTO preparation. ENGG Progressively IV
B 30 term

B 31 HAZOP for FCCU Close ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - HAZOP study completed on 29.11.13. ENGG Nov'13
LAD - 23-Sep-13 term

LD Milestone date - Dec'13

Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 543+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Completion of 90 % engineering by Mar-14. Open ENGG Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - As of 15 Aug'14 Engineering progress is 91.4 %. ENGG Aug'14
Average progress achieved in last 3 months 3.0 term
B 32

Release of final Piping MTO Open ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Final MTO released on 11.09.14. Sep'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14
Sch: Jul'14 term
B 33

Finalisation of GTG fuel forwarding scheme for Open POSD Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Revised P&IDs issued for connecting tank-101 & 102. Process / Sep'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14
naphtha to day tank when Naphtha tank being term New pump process datasheet released for piping naphtha from YT-332 to CPP day tank. Engg.
B 34 under maintenance.

Delay in award of PRT -FCCU(Hot gas Close Project Medium Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand on 30.12.13 Engg / C&P 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
expander) term
LAD: 19.04.13
Ant: 30.12.13
Multiple Bids extensions leading to delay in
ordering. 02 Bids recd on 12.08.13 (Dresser
Rand ,Elliot Ebara)
C 1
Org. BDD: 27.06.13
1st extension: 16.07.13
2nd Extension: 01.08.13
3rd extension: 09.08.13
Duration: 16 M FOB

Award of Heater for VGO-HDT Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron with delivery period of 18 M on 21.08.13. Projects 30-Aug-13 JUL'13
LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant -End Aug'13 term
C 2 Duration: 18 M

Issue of RFQ for PRT (Hot gas expander) Close Project Very High Y Y Y N Short D 0.36 0.00 - BPCL confirmation sought for minimum nos (10.97 MW or 80% of 10.97) for qualifying criteria. Accordingly C&P 30-May-13 May'13
LAD: 25-Jan-13 term BQC changed and approved by BPCL. Draft NIT by 25.05.13. Publishing targeted by end May 13.
C 3 Ant: 30-May-13
Duration: 16 M FOB

Variation in foreign exchange rates has an Close Project Very High Y N N N Short I 0.2 0.00 - As per latest cost status report the impact of cost variation has been neutralised by savings. Projects Continuous Nov'13
impact on the foreign component of overall term
project cost
C 4

Award of Heater for DHDT Close ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Awarded to M/s Technip on 04.09.13 (Duration 18 M) Projects / 15-Sep-13 Aug'13
C 5 LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant - Mid Sep13 term HMTD
Duration: 18 M

NIT for Composite Works for DCU Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping 25-Oct-13 sep'13
C 6 LAD -06.06.13 ; Ant - 25.10.13 term

NIT for Composite Works for DHDT/VGO Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping 31-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -06.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13 term
C 7

NIT for Composite Works for FCCU Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -12.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term
C 8

NIT for Composite Works for Offsite IREP area Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -23.05.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term
C 9

Award of PRT for DHDT & VGO-HDT unit Open ENGG Medium Y Y Y N Short D 0.36 0.00 -Ordered on M/s Shin Nippon & M/s Flowserve on 30.01.14 (except Tag IV-P-301 A/B due to poor past EIL 15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
(Pumps centrifugal multistage) term performance of PRT supplied under CEMP-II by M/s GENP);
Sch: 23.04.13 - Separate MR released for item tag IV-P-301 A/B. BPCL informed that order expected to be placed as per
Ant: 15.03.14 (IV-P-301A/B) previous recommendation, ordering expected by mid Mar'14.
- As a parallel action MR was issued however RFQ kept under hold in view of BPCL information regarding
C 10 ordering by mid Mar 14.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 544+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
NIT for Composite Works for Offsite DHDS area Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Projects / 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term HMTD
C 11

NIT for Composite Works for Existing refinery Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Projects / 31-Oct-13 sep'13
area term HMTD
C 12 LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13

Award of : Open Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 -Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 Engg/Proj 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
Main fractionator for FCCU g term
LAD: 25-Mar-12
Ant: 20-Jul-13
C 13

Issue NIT for Tankage-II Close Project/C&P Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 NIT issued on 29.05.13, bids due on 18.06.13. Project / C&P 31-May-13 May'13
LAD: 21-Jan-13 term
C 14 ANT: 31-May-13

Award for RO-DM Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. duration is 22 M. Engg / C&P 29-Jun-13 May'13
LAD:30-Jan-13 term
C 15 Ant: end Jun'13
(Execution Duration - 20 M + 2 M)

Delay in award for Cooling tower Close Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 21.02.13. Duration is 20 Months. BPCL 28-Feb-13 Feb'13
LAD : 31-Dec-12; Ant - end Feb 13 term
C 16

NIT for Reactor regenerator package for FCCU Close Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 BQC finalised on 15.01.13. Tender under compilation. Draft NIT being issued to BPCL for approval. Projects / 21-Feb-13 Feb'13
LAD : 01-Jan-13 Licensor term NIT targeted by 21-Feb-13. BPCL
Ant: 21-Feb-13
C 17 Changes in scope of supply led to revision in
BQC / tender.

Award for Raw water quarries Close Project Low N N N N Short I 0 0.00 Ordered to M/s Paulose George (15 M). BPCL Apr'13
LAD :03-May-13 term
C 18
ANT: 15-Apr-13

Ordering of Reactor for VGO-HDT Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Ordered on M/s L&T on 08.04.13. Proj/Engg - Mar'13
LAD: 29-Dec-12 term
C 19
ACT: 08-Apr-13

Award of contract for Piling-II Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T on 09.04.13 with duration of 12 M. BPCL - Mar'13
LAD: 31-Dec-12 term
C 20
Ant: 15-Apr-13

Award of Civil & Strl work for offsite new area Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron on 09.04.13 with 18 M duration. BPCL - Mar'13
LAD: 22-Jan-13 term
C 21 Ant: 30-Mar-13

Award of Crude and Vacuum heaters (LAD Close Engg. Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Technip on 07.03.13 (Duration 23 M) Projects / 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
29.12.12) term C&P / BPCL
C 22 Ant : 07.03.13

Storage of sulphur and related issues with Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.00 - Scheme finalised. Projects / Apr'13
Granulator to be finalised between BPCL / EIL. term BPCL
C 23

NIT for ETP package with WAO (Wet air Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Tender released on 26.03.13; BQC finalised on 08.04.13. NIT targeted by 16-Apr-13 Engg Apr'13
C 24 oxidation) term
LAD: 15-Jan-13
Ant: 16-Apr-13
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 545+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ordering of Desalter Internals (LAD:03-Dec-12) Close Project High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Award recommendation issued on 11.02.13. Awarded to M/s Howe baker on 07.03.13 Proj/Engg 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
Ant: 07-Mar-13 term
C 25

Award of contract for Building incl substations Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T (duration 20 M) BPCL Apr'13
LAD: 07-Feb-13 term
C 26 Ant: 15-Apr-13

Filling of existing part fire water pond required Open Strl High N N Y N Short term D 0.16 0.00 KB tech completed development of flare area & handed over the area to M/s L&T.for piling. Projects 30-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
for area preparation.

Sch - 28.08.13; Area handed over to M/s L&T

C 27

Delay in ordering of Long Lead Items. Close Engg / C&P Very High N N Y N Short term D 0.16 0.00 - Evaluation of LLIs to be ensured with-in 1 month from receipt of bids by Engg. & PBO recommendation Engg / C&P / TBA - 1 month of Dec'13
Technical / Commercial evaluation of long lead with-in 1 week by C&P. Projects bids receipt
items (compressors & packages) taking more - Pre tender / Pre enquiry meetings to be conducted with bidders to avoid extensions in bid due date due to PBO - 1 week of
than 2 months. lack of clarity in scope / other requirements. TBA
- Immediate after issue of Enquiry a firm action plan to be developed by the Project coordinator clearly
indicating targets for Issue of TQ / CQ , Post bid meetings, TBA/CBA, PBO reco., Price bid opening and
award recommendation dates.
- Uploading of bids in eDMS by C&P within 1 - 2 days (Max.) of bid submission by bidders.
- Restriction of multiple TQs / CQs.
C 28
- Rigorous follow up by C&P / Engg. / Projects for receipt of TQ / CQ replies from bidders within cut off

Award of Waste heat Boiler package (Waste Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Tecnicas Reunidas S.A. on 31.12.13 BPCL 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
Heat Boilers along with respective steam term
drums(un engineered ), Incinerator Combustion
Chambers (engineered), Incinerator vent
LAD: 27.04.13
Ant: 30.12.13
C 29 Bids extension:
1st extension - from 28.05.13 to 20.06.13.
2nd Extension- from 20.06.13 to 02.07.13.
3rd extension - from 02.07.13 to 08.07.13.
Duration: Supply + Erection - 18 M

Delay in award of CDSP package Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 Awarded to M/s Essar Project on 22.08.13 (Duration: 27 M) C&P / Engg / 30-Aug-13 JUL'13
Schedule: 02.03.13 term Projects
Anticipated : 30.08.13
Completion of works
Sch: 01.05.15 ( M); RFQ Duration : ( M)
C 30 Anticipated: 23.11.15 (27 M)
Bidders quoted 27 M against schedule of 26 M.

Ordering of GTG Pkg (LAD:10-Mar-13; Ant - Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 - Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13. Projects / 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
20.07.13) term Engg / C&P /
Bid received on 28.03.13. Multiple extension (4 BPCL
times) in bid due date on request of M/s
C 31 Siemens.
Duration (Supply) - 15 M FOB /16 M FOT as
per RFQ; Sch : 20 M
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 546+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in Ordering of HRSG Close Projects / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.00 - Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 Projects / 20-Dec-13 Nov'13
(Sch Order - 22-May-13; Ant - 20-Dec-13) Engg term BPCL
Initial Change in configuration by BPCL. It is planned that common facility (incl. common piperack, utility lines etc) shall be taken up as per project
Multiple extensions (twice) in bid due date due schedule requirement. This shall be taken up during KOM with selected bidder.
non availability of exhaust data for GTG.
Post Enquiry changes in type of Fuel (LSVR) by
C 32 No PTR available for LSVR Fuel
Completion of Works
Sch. : 30.06.15
Ant. : 30.08.15 (20 M)

Ordering of Reactor regenerator package for Close Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 - 2 Bids (Essar & L&T) received on 25.04.13. Projects / Jun'13
FCCU Licensor term - TBA issued on 21.05.13. BPCL
LAD : 10-Apr-13 - PBO recomn. issued on 30.05.13 and BPCL approval received on 03.06.13
Act: 10-Jul-13 - Price bids opened on 04.06.13.
Changes in scope of supply led to revision in - Award recommendation issued on 25.06.13.
C 33
BQC / tender due to which NIT was delayed. - Awarded to M/s Essar on 10.07.13.
Bidders sought extension in dates.

Award of Coke handling system (DCU) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 BPCL 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
LAD :22-Apr-13 term Awarded to M/s ThyssenKrupp ;
Ant :30-Oct-13 (Duration 21 M+2 M (Mech + Pre Commg)
C 34 Duration: 21 M+2 M
No bidder could meet the BQC criteria in view
of which the tender has been re-floated.

Award of UB package Open Process / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - 3 no. bids received on extended date of 02.02.13. Projects / 31-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD : 19-Jan-13 Engg / term - Meeting with bidders held from 19.02.13 to 26.02.13. PBO recomn. issued on 06.05.13. Price bids opened C&P / BPCL
Ant : 31-Jul-13 constn on 09.05.13.
C 35 Duration: 20 M - Award recomm issued on 12.06.13.
Execution duration as per RFQ - 20 M; Sch - 24-26 M

Award of ETP tender. Close Project/C&P Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Awarded to M/s Paramount (with 21 M for mechanical completion + 2 M for commissioning). C&P/Engg/Pr Aug'13
LAD: 24-Apr-13 term Execution duration as per RFQ was - 22 + 2 M; Sch - 28 M oj
Ant: 30-Sep-13
C 36 Duration: 22 M+2 M

Anticipated Completion: 29-Jul-15

Multiple Contracts awarded to same agency Close Purch / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Meeting held with EIL & BPCL. Approach paper prepared and signed jointly by EIL / BPCL for limiting single BPCL / C&P - sep'13
beyond their capabilities / capacities. Contrc. term agency getting work orders against more than 2 tenders. (In cases of big agencies with financial capability,
one agency can get maximum works order against 3 tenders)

C 37

Failure of contractors Open Const. Low N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 Limit the number of works being awarded to one Agency so that alternatives can be worked out fast. C&P - sep'13
term BPCL/EIL To evolve a System to be implemented to ensure that the maximum number of jobs awarded to
single agency is only 2 if NOT to be preferably made ONE only.
C 38 BPCL /

Ordering of Ejector Pkg Open Project Medium Y Y Y N Short I 0.90 0.00 Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery period of 13 M. BPCL 15-Jul-13 Jun'13
C 39 (LAD:12-Jan-13; Ant: 15-Jul-13) term

Award of Heater package for DCU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.40 0.00 Awarded to M/s Heurtey, (Duration - 20 M) BPCL 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
(LAD:24-May-13; Ant: 15-Nov-13 term
Earlier 04 Bids recd on 21.05.13. (Petron,
Thermax, Heurtey, Technip).
C 40 Due to Technical and related commercial issues
enquiry re-floated.
Duration 20 M
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 547+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Award of Civil & Strl work for DHDS offsite area Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.40 0.00 Awarded to M/s KSS on 25.07.13. (Duration 18 M) BPCL 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
(LAD: 30-Mar-13; Ant: 20.07.13) term
C 41 Duration: 18 M

Award of Civil & Strl work for refinery area. Close Project High N N Y N Short I 0.40 0.00 Awarded to Mcnally Bharat on 26.09.13. Project/C&P sep'13
(LAD:25-Apr-13; Ant: 10.10.13) term Duration- 16 Months
Duration: 16 M
C 42
Completion of works Sch: 09-Sep-14
Ant: 24-Jan-15

Issue NIT for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 NIT issued on 01.08.13, bids due on 30.08.13 Gen 25-Jul-13 JUL'13
(LAD:24-Jun-13; Ant: 25.07.13) term Civil/Project
C 43 Duration : 16 M

Award of work for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Awarded to M/s McNally Bharat. Duration - 16 M Gen 30-Oct-13 Oct'13
(LAD:17-Sep-13; Ant: 30-Oct-13) term Civil/Project
Duration: 16 M
C 44

Ordering of Main Air blower & wet gas Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 MAB awarded to M/s Elliot Ebara on 04.09.13. C&P/Engg/Pr 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
compressor for FCCU term WGC awarded to M/s BHEL oj
LAD: 04-Mar-13
Ant: 30-Sep-13
(Total execution duration is 25-27 M : 19 M
C 45 FOT for delivery of WGC & MAB at site + 6 to
8 M Site installation & pre-comm; Time
Available from order to MC OF FCCU - 24

Award of Civil & Strl contract for CDU/ VDU & Close Project Close N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 0 0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T on 07.03.13. Award recomm sent to BPCL on 01.02.13. Award to be targeted by C&P 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
DCU term 07.03.13.
C 46 LAD: 15-Dec-12
Ant: 07-Mar-13

Ordering of wet gas compressor for DCU Close Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Ordered to M/s Eliot Ebara on 28.06.13. Jun'13
C 47 LAD: 02-Feb-13 term
Ant: 30-Jun-13

Ordering of OFF GAS COMPRESSOR - VGO Open Project High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Ordered on M/s Dresser Rand, Dely - 17 M FOT Dispatch EIL/BPCL 30-Oct-13 Oct'13
LAD: 08-Jun-13 term
Ant: 30-Oct-13
RFQ duration: 17 M FOB

C 48

Award of Sulphur Forming Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28 0.00 - Ordered to M/s Sandvik. BPCL 30-Jan-14 Jan'14
LAD: 03.04.13 term
Ant: 30.01.14
Earlier enquiry re-floated due to changes in MR
requirements by BPCL(MR was revised as
Evaluation methodology was to be based on
NPV and in view of 2 different types of
C 49 technologies viz., sulphur pelletiser and sulphur
granule); refloated again as financial criteria
was not met by all the bidders.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 548+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Award of contract for Civil & structural for FCCU Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28 0.00 Awarded to M/s Sriram on 25.09.13 BPCL 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
area (refloated) term
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 15 M Dec'14; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated
C 50 19.06.13, based on past Performance of
recommended bidder tender refloated.

Award of contract for Civil & structural for DHDT Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28 0.00 Awarded to M/s McNally bharat on 11.09.13 (with 16 M execution period) BPCL Aug'13
& VGO area (refloated) term
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 16 M Jan15; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated
C 51 19.06.13, based on past Performance of
recommended bidder tender refloated.

Award of contract for Civil & structural for CPP Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Essar Projects on 19.08.13 BPCL 28-Aug-13 JUL'13
area term
C 52 Ant: end Aug-13
Duration: 16 M

Award of MCC package Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Thermax BPCL 14-Aug-13 JUL'13
LAD:10.06.13 term
Ant: 14.08.13
C 53 Duration: 12 M despatch and 6 M for site work

Award of contract for RWTP (Refloat case) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Triveni BPCL 19-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 14-Jan-13 term
Ant: 19-Jul-13
C 54 (Execution Duration - 18+2 M)

Award of Thermal oxidiser burner & reduction Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.00 Ordered to M/s Callidus and M/s UOP India on 20.06.14. BPCL Jun'14
pkg term
LAD: 28.05.13
C 55 Ant: 15.06.14 (Incinerator burner)
(Execution Duration - 14 M)

Award of Air blower/compressor for SRU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Ordered on M/s Howden Process Compressors Projects / 19-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 29-Mar-13 term C&P
Ant: 25-Jul-13
(Execution Duration - 17 M FOB/ 18 M FOT)
C 56
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 549+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in Award of contract for Demountable Close Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 Awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13 with duration of 18 M. Projects/ 28-Sep-13 Aug'13
flare (LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 28-Sep-13) term Process/
Change in type of Flare. Initially as per DFR Engg / C&P/
normal flare was envisaged.

Post enquiry significant changes (received on

15.03.13) in Flare Load/Process Data Sheet
due to enormous increase in BOO flare load
and non acceptance of mitigation measures by
FCCU Licenser.
C 57 Change in flare load data due to change in flare
height upto 150 M.

Completion of works
Sch. : 31.01.15
Ant. : 28.02.15

Award for SG-III (Refloated) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Awarded on M/s Ray Engineering on 23.01.14. Engg / C&P Jan'14
LAD: 01.11.13 term
Ant: 30.01.14
C 58 Duration: 12 M

Award for:RGC compressor for VGO-HDT Open Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg 29-Jun-13 Jun'13
(LAD: 30-Mar-13; Ant: end Jun 13) g term
Dely: 18 M
C 59

Award of MUG compressor for VGO-HDT Close Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Ordered to M/s Neumen & Essar on 14.11.13 BPCL 30-Nov-13 Nov'13
(LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 30.11.13) g term
C 60 Dely: 16 M FOB

Award of Contract for Tankage-III (Crude tank: Close Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s IOT Anwesha on 04.12.13. (duration: 20 M) BPCL 15-Dec-13 Nov'13
02 Nos & 1 surge relief tank and crude drain g term
Outage of existing crude tank from crude to
naphtha can be taken up after commissioning
of new crude tanks. Shutdown of existing tanks-
C 61 17 & 18 depend on commissioning of new
crude tanks-25/26 under tankage-III.
Sch: 01.10.13
Ant: 15-Dec-13

Award for: Close Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg 28-Jun-13 Jun'13
RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD: 26-Mar-13; g term
C 62 Ant: Jun 13)

Award for: Close Project/Eng Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand Proj/Engg Aug'13
MUG Compressor for DHDT (LAD: 30-Mar-13; g term
Ant: 20-Sep-13)
C 63 Duration : 18 M FOB

Award of Tankage-II Close BPCL High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Awarded to M/s B&R BPCL 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
(TF-4: 5 Nos, Exist ETP-II:2 Nos, Exist Asphalt: term
2 Nos)
C 64 Sch: 30.04.13
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Duration:22 M
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 550+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Award of Tankage-IV (Total 15 Nos Tanks) Open BPCL / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Offshore on 17.04.14. EIL / BPCL 25-Apr-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
LAD: Jan14 Projects term
Outage for Tank YT-340 depends on
readiness of at least one new DCU feed tank
which will require 14 M durations. Alternative
scheme required to be finalised for outage.
Outage of Tankage YT-18 depends on
C 65 readiness of new crude tanks (Tankage-III; YT-
25/26). Alternative scheme required to be
finalised for outage.

Award of Composite Works for CDU/VDU (06 Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 .Awarded to M/s Offshore (Duration- 20 months) BPCL 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
Bids - L&T, Petron, Offshore, Mcnally Bharat, term
Albana, IOTL recd on 04.09.13)
LAD -30.08.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13
C 66
Duration - 20 M

Award for contract for development of flare area Close Project Very High Y N Y N Short D 0.24 0.00 Contract for development of flare area awarded to M/s KB Tech.. Engg / C&P 30-Dec-13 Nov'13
LAD: 01-Nov-13 term
Ant: end Dec'13
C 67

Award of Composite Works for VGO-HDT, Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Composite Works for VGO-HDT & DHDT Projects / 30-May-14 May'14
DHDT, CPP and Offsites (DHDS) term -DHDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M). Engg.
LAD 31.12.13 ; Ant - 30.05.14 -VGO-HDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
Composite Works for Offsite
Part B (DHDS): Awarded to M/s Offshore on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
C 68 Composite Works for CPP: Awarded to M/s Zillion Infra. on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).

Award of Heater package for FCCU Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron on 04.12.13. Duration is 16 M BPCL 15-Dec-13 Nov'13
(LAD:08-Jul-13; Ant: 15-Dec-13 term
Earlier 05 Bids recd on 23.07.13. (Thermax,
C 69 Technicas, Petron, B&R, JNK).
Duration 20 M

Award of Gas Booster Compressor for CPP Open Project Medium Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.00 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. Dely: 13 M. 30-Jul-14 Jul'14
(Dly: 13 M FOB / 14 M FOT)) term
C 70 (LAD:29.12.13; Ant: 30.07.14)

Award of Slurry Filter (MR- 4880) for FCCU unit Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.00 -Ordered on M/s Asco Filtri Srl ON 17.10.14. BPCL Oct'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14
and existing refinery. (Dely: 10 M FOB) term
C 71 LAD:09.05.13
Ant: 10.10.14

Ordering for Intermediate Piping 2nd MTO. Open Project Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - All pipes, fittings & flanges ordered. C&P 14-Aug-14 Aug'14
LAD: Jan'14 onwards term
C 72 Piping intermediate MTO-II released on Engg

Ordering of Critical Valves Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 -Revised MR (MR-3415): Ordered to M/s Oswal, M/s Shalimar, M/s AV valves and M/s L&T. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15 Feb'15
Sch: 11.07.14 term - New MR-3515 (41 Nos) ordered on 05.02.15
C 73 Ant: 31.01.15
Dely: 06/07 M FOT /FOB

Award of contract for Mechanical works-CPP Open Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Awarded to M/s Zillion on 19.05.14. 25-May-14 May'14
area term
C 74 LAD: 28.02.14
Ant: 25.05.14
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 551+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Release of balance piping Isometrics drawings Open Project Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.00 -Total 35484/ 35618 nos (99%) isometrics issued for units . Balance ISO's targeted progressively by mid Engg. 15-Apr-15 III
and GAD's. term Apr'15.
C 75 Target Sch: Jul'14 -All GADs issued except SRU block 172 nos balance). Same shall be targeted by mid Apr'15.
Ant: 15.04.15

Award of Composite Works (Structural Works & Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 -0.38 -Awarded to M/s OIL on 18.03.15 (Duration 12 M). EIL/BPCL
Mechanical) for NHT/ISOM-Refloated term
C 76 Sch: 08.05.14
Ant: 25.03.15

Award of Fuel forwarding Pumps (08 nos) for Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Ordered to M/s Sulzer. BPCL 5-Aug-14 Jul'14
GTG (Dely: 6 M FOB / 7 M FOT) term
C 77 Sch:27.06.14
Ant: 05.08.14

Award of Electrical & Instrumentation Works for Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Electrical Works: EIL/BPCL Nov'14 Nov'14
Units & Offsite term Part A: M/s Technimont
Sch: 30.06.14 Part B: M/s Consilium
Ant: 10.11.14 - Instrumentation Works:
C 78 Electrical/Instr. Works: Part A: CDU/VDU, DCU, Part A: M/s Technimont .
FCCU, DHDT, VGO-HDT & IREP Offsite: Part B: M/s Consilium
Part B: SRU & DHDS/Refinery Offsite :

Delay in award of piping material with G2E Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 All items have been ordered, deliveries to be expedited in order to timely availability of piping material for EIL/BPCL Apr'15
specification in CPP area. term completion of steam network in CPP area.
C 79
Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 Management level meeting held on 20.03.15 at site. EIL/BPCL Apr'15
FCCU-M/s Essar-GRE term - 1600MT Demag CC-8800 made ready for erection after load test.
LAD : 09.07.15 - Out of 3842 MT strl steel qty, only 3273 MT fabricated, 3160 MT received at site & 2537 MT erected.
CCD: 09.10.15 - Regenerator bottom section erected on 21.03.15
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) - Erection of TSS bottom section planned on 06.04.15
Overall Progress: Balance deliveries comprising of nozzles, lifting trunions, insert plates for equipment fabrication of
Sch: 93.9% Act: 70.8 % Regenerator (top section), Reactor, TSS to be expedited.
D 1 Construction Progress: - Steam drum erected on 13.03.2015 & economiser panel erection commenced on 20.03.15
Sch: 83.6% Front: 85.8% Act: 30.8 % - 1st lot of fabricated ESP materials received at port.

Delivery of GTG Pkg at site (LAD:29-Sep-14; Close Project Very High Y Y N N Long I 0.25 0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID E19 Project 24-Nov-14 Nov'13
Ant - 24-Nov-14) term
Awarded to M/s BHEL
D 2 Duration (Supply) - 16 M

Completion of UB package Open Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 - 90% model review for UB package completed. Project / Continuous III
LAD : 31.03.15 term - Erection of steam drum-I & II completed. (Sch: 16.09.14: got delayed as 550MT crane could not be Constn.
CCD : 23.03.15 mobilized from M/s.TWC).
ECD:10.08.15 - Completion of structural erection work to be expedited. Coil erection completed for UB-12 & in progress for
Awarded to M/s ISGEC on 25.07.13 UB-13. Deaerator tank erection completed.
Construction Progress:
Sch:100 % Front: 100 % Act: 54.66 %
D 3 Manpower : Required 450, Deployed 333 incl
39 welders

Delivery/Erection of Ejector Pkg Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.20 0.00 -All Indigenous component received at site within CDD. Project/Inspe Sep'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14
Delivery LAD : 11.06.14 term - All Foreign Source Components dispatched. ction
D 4 Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery
period of 12 M FOB / 13 M FOT.

Delivery of wet gas compressor for DCU at Site Open Project Low N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0.00 Compressor dispatched on 06.03.15 Project/Inspe 31-Mar-15
(M/s Eliot Ebara) term ction
D 5 LAD: 05.12.14
(CDD: 27.01.15; EDD: 31.03.15)
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 552+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delivery of Air Blower / Compressor for SRU Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 All parts dispatched. Project/Inspe 28-Feb-15 Feb'15
LAD: 18.09.14 term ction
D 6 (CDD: 24.12.14; EDD: 28.02.15)

Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67 0.38 0.29 - Main fractionator column: Hydrotest targeted by end Apr15. Stripper Column: Hydrotest targeted by mid Project / As stated
for FCCU :Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 term Jun15. Rectifier Column: Hydrotest targeted by mid Aug15 Constn.
(18 M incl erection).
LAD: 22.01.15
ECD: 15.05.15
Overall progress:
Sch: 100 % Act: 74.0 %
D 7 - Progress of works was affected due to
delayed handing over of fabrication yards and
completion of approach road upto fabrication
yard, which affected shifting of sections.

Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.20 0.18 - M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration due to delayed availability of burner data from M/s EIL/BPCL 15-May-15
LAD: 23.06.15 term Aecometric. Letter forwarded on 11.06.14 to BPCL for recommending extension for supply portion to M/s
CCD:18.02.15 (including Site work) Thermax upto 30.11.14. Further M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration upto 31.03.15 for supply
ECD: 30.09.15 site work yet to start through letter dated 08.10.14.
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl - Refractory lining work in Combustion chamber can be started only after erection of MCC pkg.
D 8 erection) - Erection of MCC package could not started as MCC foundation yet to be handed over. Delivery of
refractory material also deffered due to delay in erection of MCC.

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 Following commitments have been made by M/s Essar. Constr. Erection by May'15
Target Sch: 01.05.15 term -Shift Work: Works in two shifts implemented.
Ant Compl.: 30.07.16 - Coke Drum Supporting Structure concreting completed.
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). - EPIL to deliver Coker fractionator by 08.04.15
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. - Crane (2000 MT): All consignment reached at port. Mobilization & assembly of crane by end of Mar'15 and
Overall Progress: erection of equipments targeted to commence from Apr15 to May15.
Cum. Sch. 89.0 %; Act: 65.4 % -Clear water tank fabrication- Civil tank pad work completed, rolling in progress. BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: - Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 590 nos have been deployed
D 9 Sch: 77.58% Front: 100% Act: 39.08 % against requirement of 836 nos.

Strl Steel: Out of total 3210 MT, 2926 MT

procured, 1929 MT fabricated & 1716 MT

Delivery of RGC compressor for VGO-HDT Open Project/Eng Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - All items received at site. Project/Inspe end Dec'14 Dec'14
(LAD: 05.03.15 Ant : 27.12.14) g term ction
D 10 Dely: 18 M
Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13
Delivery of RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD : Open Project/Eng Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Received at site and erected. Project/Inspe 27-Dec-14 Dec'14
D 11 05.02.15; Ant : 27.12.14) g term ction
Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13
Delay in hydrotesting of Vacuum column Open BPCL / Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 -0.38 - Vacuum Column : Hydrotesting completed. Constn. / 19-Mar-15
Sch: Jun 14 Projects / term VTV /
CCD: 21.08.14 Const. Projects
Ant: 19.03.15
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit
D 12 Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude &
Vacuum column.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 553+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Logistics of VGO & DHDT reactors from Kochi Open T&CC Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Contract for ODC transportation awarded to M/s Urmila on 26.05.14. EIL/BPCL May'15
port to BPCL-KR site term - 2 no DHDT Reactor reached at site & erected.
(VGO Reator-2 Nos - CDD (07-Jan-15 FOB) - First dumb barge (newly fabricated) launched in the river after IRS certification.
EDD: Mar'15 - ISGEC Josen (3 nos) Column: expected to receive at Kochi port from upto mid May'15.
DHDT reactor reached at site

D 13

Close Monitoring of ODC equipment (including Open Projects High N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.00 Out of total 57 nos. of ODCs; 25 nos received at site. & 29 nos under dispatch. Balance under close Shipping Continous IV
site fabricated/assembled) up to receipt at site term monitoring.
D 14

Close Procure/Co Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Transporter philosophy frozen and hindrance enroute has been covered under Risk ID K3. Shipping As Required Nov'13
Delay in delivery at site due to non-availability of nstr term
transporter / hindrances enroute.

D 15

Delay in delivery of equipments: Open Contract / Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Equipment by Ganson BPCL Jun'14
- M/s Gansons due to substantial rise in raw Inspection term - M/s Ganson agreed to supply balance item of CDU/VDU. Items for SRU and DCU refloated under MR-
material cost due to current market conditions. 6560 (DCU): All items relocated to M/s Patel Airtemp, M/s Phils Heavy, M/s Acoustics India ; M/s Beekay
Engg ; M/s Fab-Tech, M/s Nuberg Engg.

D 16

Completion of Demountable Flare works Open Project Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23 0.23 0.00 - Erection of Derrick structure up to 40 mtr completed. Projects/Con As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13) term - Flare tips likely to be reached at site by end Apr'15. 1 no water seal drum and Molecular seal received at str.
Sch: 31.03.15 site. All flare riser expected to receive at site from workshop progressively by 30.04.15.
CCD: 24-Apr-15 -Water Seal drum (3 nos) dispatched from Adani port.
Ant: 24-Apr-15
D 17 Construction progress
Sch: 99 % Act: 18.1 %

Addition of 4th Riser in Demountable Flare and Open Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 - BPCL confirmation on the additional flare stack addition received. BPCL / EIL As Required Oct'13
identification of additional Equipment to be Process term - Agreed with Air Oil / BPCL for completion of 4th riser within CDD.
procured due to the same. (BPCL informed - Revised PDS & P&IDs released on 15.11.13.
additional of 1 no. riser during meeting dated - Order placement (change order) issued to M/s Airoil on 14.11.13.
16th Oct 13.)
- Flare (with 3 risers) awarded to M/s Airoil on
D 18 25-Sep-13.
Completion of Flare work:
Sch: 31-Mar-15
Ant: 24-Mar-15 (Duration: 18 M)

Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL Open Projects Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Steam turbine: MRT completed for turbine. Main Compressor: MRT targeted progressively by May15. Project/Inspe Continuous
on 26.09.13) term ction
LAD: 09.01.15
D 19 CCD: 25.04.15
EDD: 31.10.15

Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 554+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delivery of MAB-FCCU (Ordered to M/s Eliot Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - MRT of compressor and Steam turbine completed. Project/Inspe Continuous IV
Ebara on 04.09.13) term ction
LAD: 09.01.15
D 20 CDD: 03.04.15
Ant: 03.04.15

Delivery of VGO-HDT Reactor Open Projects Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 -Hydrotesting for first reactor completed and second reactor hydrotesting planned in end Mar15. Project/Inspe Continuous III
Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13 term ction
LAD ; 29.12.14
CDD: 07.01.15
D 21
EDD: 09.04.15

Delivery of DHDT Reactor Open Projects High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Reactor received at Kochi port and unloaded to barge on 26.12.14. Project/Inspe Continuous Dec'14
Ordered to M/s Doosan Engg & Const Co. on term ction
LAD ;15.12.14
D 22 CDD: 07.10.14
Overall Progress:
Sch: 98 % Act: 95.0 %

Completion of HRSG Package Open Projects Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23 0.23 0.00 - 90% model review for HRSG completed. Project/Inspe Continuous III
LAD : 30.03.15 term - Balance engineering to be expedited by M/s Thermax. ction
CDD: 19.08.15 - HRSG #3, 4 & 5: Foundation works completed and handed over to M/s Thermax. Erection in progress for
Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 HRSG-4 & HRSG-5
D 23 - All column alignment completed for HRSG-3.

Delivery of Hot Gas Expander (Ordered to M/s Open Projects Low Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.14 0.14 0.00 - Generator subordered. Project/Inspe Continuous III
Dresser Rand on 31.012.13) term - Pedestal fabrication is at final-machining. ction
LAD ;30.03.15 - Exhaust case assembly, including diffuser and thermal insulation has been completed
D 24
CDD: 30.04.15

Delivery of Sulphur Forming Pkg (Ordered to Open Projects Medium N Y Y N Long I 0.35 0.18 0.18 0.00 -Silos with structure & Conveyors sub ordered by M/s Sandvik. Project/Inspe Continuous III
M/s Sandvik on 31.01.14) term - Bottom Cones for Silo C ,D, E & F dispatched to site. ction
LAD :01.08.14 -Delivery of Semi rolled sections of Silos shall commence from Jan'15 onwards. Structure to be made ready
D 25 CDD: 30.03.15 (Excluding site work) for installation works to commence.
- Space for SILO's to be expedited.
- Foundations for pelletiser shed to be made ready.

Delivery of steel plates by M/s Essar to other Open Projects Very Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Strl. Steel for R&R- Project/Inspe Continuous Jun'14
vendors. term Major portion of steel plates have been delivered by M/s Essar. ction
CDD: Progressively by 15.01.14.
D 26

Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - Synchronous Motor ordered to M/s Toshiba Mitsubishi dispatched. MRT completed for compressor. EIL/ BPCL Continuous IV
-DHDT( Ordered to M/s Dresser Rand on term
D 27 11.09.13)
LAD: 29.01.15
CDD: 10.03.15
Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - Main motor ordered. KOM for Motor held on 06-07.05.14 & expected to receive by 13.04.15 (FOB: EIL/ BPCL Progressively IV
-VGO( Ordered to M/s Nueman & Essar on term Germany).
D 28 14.11.13 ) MRT completed.
LAD : 26.02.15
CDD: 13.04.15
ECD: 28.05.15
Delay by vendor with respect to CDD due to Open Projects Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 - Following bidders showing slow manufacturing progress: EIL/ BPCL 15-Apr-15 III
financial constraint. term - M/s Arjun Technologies (Pressure Vessel supplier): FOA No.:184. . Meeting held on 09.02.15. Balance
order expected to dispatch from Jan'15 to May'15.
- M/s Universal: Meeting held on 25.11.14, M/s UHE agreed to deliver balance items progressively upto
- M/s Bharat Pumps & Compressors (Pumps): FOA No.: 230, 311, 360, 423 & 444.
- M/s HDO (Columns, Heat Exchangers & Vessels): FOA No.: 199, 302, 310, 315, 318, 320, 327, 369, 389 &
D 29
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 555+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Non acceptance of PO for DHDT & VGO feed Open Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - M/s Filtrex asking for deviations on commercial terms. Meeting held on 08.07.14 to resolve the issues with EIL/ BPCL Aug'14 Aug'14
filter by M/s Filtrex (MR-4370) term M/s Filtrex. Vendor provided all details.
Ordered on 21.12.13 to M/s Filtrex ( Dely: 13 M
D 30

Non acceptance of work order by M/s Open Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Order has been accepted by M/s Flowserve and amendment issued by BPCL on 11.07.14. EIL/ BPCL Jul'14 Jul'14
Flowserve for DHDT Centrifugal pumps term
Ordered on 30.01.14 to M/s Flowserve (MR-
D 31
5403) (FOA No 550 & 551)
CDD: 01.03.15

Delay in delivery of Stripper column (IF-V-206) Open Projects Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 - All part received at Kochi. EIL/ BPCL Feb'15 Feb'15
by M/s Uttam Value Steel (Ordered on term
D 32 CDD: 18.10.14

Availability of Piping materials to generate Open Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.38 -0.18 - As of now around 90% piping material has been received at site. Ordering of balance material is in EIL/ BPCL 15-Apr-15 III
adequate piping material front to composite term progress and expected progressively upto Apr'15.
contractors. -Vendors being expedited to prepone the deliveries.
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-3): Oct'14 - Storage area for piping materials to be expedited by BPCL. Additional requirement of 20000 m2 area in
EDD: Mid Feb'15 FACT being taken for piping storage.
D 33 Sch: (Final MTO): Dec'14-Feb'15
EDD: Mar'15-Jun'15

Delivery Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held on 12-13.08.14. EIL 15-Apr-15 IV
D 34 13 M FOB term - Compressor Journal Bearings were ordered. Impeller manufacturing is in process

Delay in delivery of equipments by: Open Project High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 Vendor being pushed for deliveries. Vendor shop visit/meeting being arranged. Inspection / 15-Apr-15 III
M/s TEMA :CDD: 06.01.14 to 15.01.15; EDD: term Project
end Mar15
M/s Nuberg: CDD: 03.07.14 to 03.11.14; EDD:
Feb'14 to May'15
D 35 M/s GR Engg: CDD: 28.01.14 to 31.07.14;
EDD: Mar'15 to 30.06.15
M/s Fabtech Projects: CDD: Jul14 to Jan15;
EDD: Feb'14 to Aug15

Delay in submission & finalization of vendor Open Project Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 -All burner drawings finaised across the table. HMTD/Projec Feb'15
drawings for SRU burners & reduction burner term ts
D 36 Ordered to M/s UOP Callidus on 20.06.14.
CDD: 19.05.15

Slow Progress of works by Piling I contractor Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Piling completed for CDU/VDU DCU & Offsite (except boundary wall) Constn. Mid Oct'13 sep'13
M/s DBM. (CDU/VDU, DCU & Offsite) - term Balance piling (479 nos) for GTG, UB & stack area being done by M/s DBM. Job given on 07.10.13 with
Awarded on 25.09.12 (Sch - 100 %, Act 91.7%) CCD by 1st week of Dec'13.
RCC Piles:4822 / 5307 Nos.
Balance for offsite (SS VGO & compound area
E 1 at FACT).
Presently 5 total rigs are operating

Space constraints: Open Constn. Very High Y N Y Y Short D 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.00 - During the project review meeting dated 23.01.15, following points discussed and requested with BPCL to BPCL 15-Apr-15
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and term provide assistance:
package contractors - Additional storage space for owner supply items (20,000 Sq. M).
E 2 ii) Area for Spool storage - Additional storage space for piping spools.

Delay in completion of rock blasting affecting Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 -Major rock blasting work completed. Constn. sep'14 Aug'14
release of construction front for VGO & offsite term
E 3 area as hard rock encountered.
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 556+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Construction of NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 '- Tender splitter into two parts (Structural/ Mechanical works & Civil work). Awarded to M/s OIL. BPCL/EIL 15-Apr-15
- Target Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 12 M Projects term Civil work being done by misc. Civil agency (M/s Furnace Fabrica). Rigorous follow up with contractor to be
available for construction works (excl. made after award of contract.
Dismantling works) against schedule of 22 M. Electrical Work: PBO recommendation issued to BPCL on 20.03.15.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to Instrumentation Work: PBO recommendation issued on 16.03.15.
delay in P&IDs review meeting and delay in
award of licensor.
- Change in the scope based on health check
report has an impact on Project cost and
E 4 schedule.
Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 92.5% Catch Up Sch: 75.2 % Act:

Availability of Soil investigation Report for new Open BPCL / High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Agency finalized on 07.06.2013 and investigation to commence. BPCL / 15-Jul-13 JUL'13
Crude tankages area. Projects / term - Report targeted to issue by mid Jul 13. Projects
Delay in availability of soil data will affect Const.
preparation for piling tender and layouts
E 5
Further civil / structural tender will also affected.

Delay in completion of Building Works by M/s Open Const High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - MCR, CPP control room : Release for panels by Oct'15 & total completion by Dec'15. Constn As Required
L&T for MCR and CPP control Room. - Other building works : SRR Completion progressively between Mar'15 to May'15.
Contr. Sch: 100% SRR 4 handed over, SS 2 & SRR 6 to be handed over by 31.03.15
Front: 100 % - L&T also agreed to augment required manpower to 1000 from current deployment of 850 to meet the
Act:76.6 % target completion date.
E 6 CCD: 20.12.14
Ant: 15.07.15

Backlog 18.2% as of 15-Mar-15 in Construction Open Const Very High N Y Y N Short term I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 - Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica & M/s Deens has been Constn As Required
activities viz., Civil works and Mechanical works lined up to supplement Civil works.
for offsite area as well as unit areas. - Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion have been lined up to
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - supplement structural works.
46 M; Time lapsed - 34 M - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site. Approx 12000 labours are available at site,
Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act though induction programme has been carried out for more than 18000 labours . requirement of manpower
66.7 85.9 66.4 48.5 at site is approx 19000 nos.
Contractors are facing problem in retaining the - RCC work & structural fabrication/erection work to be expedited to give complete front to mechanical BPCL/EIL
labour at site. contractor progressively upto Apr-May'15.
Approx 10000 labours are available against - Lighting of areas to facilitate night shift working.
requirement of 20000 at site. - Provision made for snacks/dinner for labour to facilitate working in extended/night shift
- Provision of multiple entries inside plant areas to ease manpower/machinery mobilisation to be explored.
E 7 - Additional mechanical contracts being awarded to supplement existing mechanical contractors.

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Very High N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by Jun'15. BPCL Jun'15 IV
clearance for BOO area. term
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
E 8 commissioning of Demountable flare
(Commissioning expected by end Jun'15)
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 557+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Completion of piling work by M/s L&T (Piling-II): Open Constn. High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 L&T has completed all piles in Demountable flare area, Air compressor & DG shed area. Constr. Immediate Jul'14
CDD- 08.05.14. term
(Total 12003 Nos piles).
(Contr.Sch- 100%, Front-100%, Act-100%)
Only 10 nos. hydraulic & 4 nos. conventional
E 9 rigs are currently
operational at site. Total 10124 nos completed
out of 12003

Payment to contractors Close Constn. Low N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 Ensure that 90% payment of the RA bills certified by EIL are released to the contractors within 7 days of BPCL within 7 days of sep'13
E 10 term receipt by client. certified RA bills
Unrealistic project time leading to under quality Close Project / Low N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 Ensure that realistic dates of availability of inputs(drawings, front and materials) are considered in project/ Project / As Required sep'13
Engg. / term construction schedule rather than compressing construction schedules alone to meet the completion target. Planning
E 11 planning

Dismantling of LO CAT SRU and area handing Open BPCL Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 All 5 nos tank area cleared and released. Area handed over to M/s B&R for Tankage-II works on 30.04.2014 BPCL end Apr'14 May'14
over to Tankage II contractor (Required for New term
tankagesTF-4) by BPCL.
E 12 Will affect release of front for tankages.

Completion of Raw water treatment plant Pkg Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15 0.29 -0.14 - M/s Triveni to augment manpower by mobilizing additional manpower (Manpower required is 300 nos Constr. 30-Apr-15 III
(M/s Triveni Engg).(Delayed due to refloating) term while available manpower is 235 Nos).
Overall Progress: - Substation building: completion being targeted by Apr'15.
Contr. Sch: 99.7 % Act: 83.7% - Chemical house works completion being targeted by end Apr'15.
Construction Progress:
Sch: 100 % Front: 100 % Act: 77.6 %
E 13 Sch: 15.11.14 CCD: 24.03.15 ECD: Aug'15
Compl: 18 M+2M

Slow construction progress of SRU Block due Open Proj. / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - All area handed over in SRU. Constn. 30-Apr-15
to delayed area handing over Constn. term - Pond Retaining wall construction is in progress.
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from - Piling for SRU : All piling drawing released. To meet Euro-IV compliance, focussed efforts being made for
end Jun14) are available with respect to ARU/SWS. Piling for ARU/SWS is completed. Balance piling work completion targeted by mid Apr'15.
schedule of 25 M (As per past experience - Civil works completion targeted by mid May15 and handing over of front to mechanical contractor targeted
minimum requirement for SRU is 30 M). from end Mar'15 onwards.
- To meet Euro-IV compliance, readiness of ARU/SWS targeted by Dec15.


Area for FCC Feed Tanks (Diversion of ETP II Open Proj. / Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Graded and handed over to tankage-II Constr. Jul'14
to ETP III and development of area reqd. by Constn. term
E 15

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and Close Proj. Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID E33 BPCL Dec'13 Nov'13
development of area reqd. by May, 2013 term
Ant - Dec 2013
E 16

Land acquisition for Crude tank (2 nos.) . (LAD - Close Proj. Very High N N N N Short I 0 0.00 M/s BPCL Vide mail dated 21.08.2013 has handed over the area for SG-III. BPCL Aug'13
Jul 13; Ant - 30-Aug-13) term
E 17

Allocation of identified fabrication areas for OPEN BPCL Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Details of area has been cleared and allocated by BPCL during Review meeting at site. BPCL As Required sep'13
ODC Equipments & Other Agencies term
E 18
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 558+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delivery of bought out items by BHEL for GTG Open Const. / Low N N N N Long I 0 0.00 - All 3 GTGs received at site. Projects 30-Apr-15 Feb'15
package Projects term
(LAD supply:29.09.14; Ant - Jul'15)
E 19
Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13 with CDD for
delivery as 24.11.14.

HEAVY LIFT Cranes for INTALLATION OF Close Const. Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 -Included in mechanical contractor scope. Project / - Nov'13
REACTORS - term - Based on prel. Erection scheme, 1600 T heavy lift crane with 600 T trailing crane envisaged for erection of Constn.
Finalisation of Erection scheme and capacity both VGO and DHDT reactors.
the crane, inclusion in scope and timely - Timely mobilization of cranes and preparation of Load Test.
E 20 mobilisation at site - Finalization of erection scheme.

E 21
Theft of material
Completion of UGfrom Warehouse
piping work due delay in Close
Open EIL
Const. Low
Medium Y N Y N Long
Short DI 0.12
0.6 0.30 0.57 0.00 - Security arrangements in Warehouse in place by BPCL.
-0.27 Constn.
EIL/BPCL May'15 - Mar'13
receipt of piping material and monsoon. term - All balance material deliveries being expedited, subsequently all UG piping work completion targeted by
E 22 end May'15.

Lighting during construction Open Constn. Low N N N Y Short D 0.04 0.00 Area lighting being done. Constn. As Required May'13
E 23 term

Delay in construction due to monsoon. As work Open EIL Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 -During 2013-2014 monsoon following actions were taken Constn. As Required sep'13
progress between Jun to Sep is expected to be term - Temporary drains were constructed for draining accumulated rain water.
hindered due to monsoon, all out effort to be - Pumping arrangements for draining water accumulated in pits were made.
made to release tender as per sch. Generally to
manage delays in initial stages of project,
E 24 constr. Duration are reduced while floating
tenders. This needs to be avoided.

Adequacy Check for Hook-up of LPG Flare and Open Project Low Y N N N Short I 0.2 0.00 LPG flare - As per EIL study LPG flare is adequate. Report issued to BPCL and clarification received. BPCL / EIL 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
ACID Flare between existing CDU-II flare and term Acid flare - HC flare & Sour flare system P&IDs issued for engineering on 15.06.13.
CEMP-II flare DHDS sour flare replacement: Sour Flare system P&ID (DHDS Area) issued for comments on 17.05.13, this
additional requirement of existing structure and replacement of sour stack by higher size (16") being
checked for adequacy.
E 25 New flare components to be procured for revised stack size.

Construction of Subway on the PWD road Open Project Very Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.04 0.04 0.00 Management level meeting held with B&R on 25.02.15 at site. Culvert top slab completed, road work in Constrn. 31-Mar-15 IV
including re routing of existing road / existing term progress. Restoring of diverted KWA water line completed. Road opening by mid Apr'15
facilities and necessary liasoning with
E 26 government department.
Construction of culvert got affected

Slow construction progress in Offsite IREP Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -Management level meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL at site on 25.03.15. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
area. n term - M/s AA Erectors being mobilized by KSSPPL for Structural work.
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s - M/s JD Works to be mobilized shortly by KSSPPL for UG piping works.
KSSIIPL on 12.09.13 - Payment released for 150 MT crane by KSSPPL. One 80MT crane also shall be mobilized shortly.
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15 (Currently one 100MT, one 75MT & one 70MT available).
Progress figures - Rock blasting being expedited for drain on West side of piperack area 104, CW line at East of VGO.
Sch: 100% Front: 99.7% Act.: 54.78% - BG already arranges for 400 MT cement, apart from current stock of 100MT.
Insufficient mobilisation of manpower: - KSSPPL shall be expediting around 700 MT of strl steel required for completing the currently progressing
Required: 635 nos areas of piperack on priority. Entire fabrication completion targeted by 30.04.15.
Deployed: 216 nos - Bridge erection at area 117 shall be taken up. Bridge at area 113 nearing completion.
E 27 -Strl steel painting & repair works shall be expedited with new gang.
- Manpower for restarting manhole works shall be additionally deployed.
- CW road crossing of 84" pipes shall be expedited.
- Area wise handing over of piperack to mechanical agency to be expedited.

Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 559+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management review meeting held with M/s Essar on 20.02.15 at site EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
CPP term - Structural works for GTG shed under completion.
Contr. Sch: 100%; Front: 100%; Act: 80.91% - Stack foundation : Only HRSG#3 fdn completed.
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: May'15 - boiler piperack foundations completed.
E 28
- GBC fdn completed.

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Management level meeting held at site on 24.02.15. EIL/BPCL Continuous
block term - As on date the manpower is 470 Nos against the requirement of 750 Nos.
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) - ARU/SWS : TS-1 & TS-2 being expedited
LAD: 12.01.15 TS Completion committed by MBE
CCD: 03.03.15 -TS-II : 30.03.2015
E 29 Ant: Oct'15 -TS-III: 31.03.2015
SCH. FRONT. ACT. -TS-I : 31.06.2015
100% 100 % 57.86% -TS-IV: 10.07.2015
-TS-V : 15.07.2015
-TS-VI: 15.04.2015
-MPR : 31.05.2015 II
Composite works for CDU/VDU Block Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 -SILO: 20.03.2015
- Management level Meeting held with M/s OIL on 25.03.15 and following action plan has been agreed EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Offshore on 04.11.13) term - M/s OIL has augmented manpower to 1122nos.
SCH: 30.06.15 - Structural fabrication completed targeted for end Apr'14
CCD: 03.07.15 - Alloy steel piping fabrication to be expedited.
ECD: 30.10.15 - Fire proofing of Crude Column completed.
Contr. Sch: 83.9% - Agency for column dehumidification mobilised
E 30 Front: 68.73% - Order placed for fabrication of rain protection shed
Act: 47.5 % - 257 out of 318 equipments erected.

Completion of Coke handling work Open Project Very High Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.29 0.15 0.14 -Piling work to be completed by 15.04.15 Constr. Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Thyssen on 04.11.13) term -TT-3, TT-4, TT-5, Circular stacker cum reclaimer work in progress.
LAD: 18.04.15 - For CSR pit, due to collapse of excavation, revised scheme of excavation is being followed, in consultation
CCD: 03.07.15 with Geotech experts of EIL and Dr. Moza, who visited site and envisaged the problem on 12/01/15.
EDD: Dec'15 - Pilling rate to enhance considering the upcoming dry period
Construction: Sch:73.6 %; Front:100.0%; - Structural erection need to be expedite, supply of matching sections need to expedite.
E 31
Overall Progress:
Sch: 84.7 % Act: 59.2%

Completion of DCU Heater works (Awarded to Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.00 Constrcution As Required III
M/s Heurtey on 04.11.13 (20 M) term -Heater A: Hot Work 6/6 box completed, Tube support fixing completed. Radiant coil erection completed.
LAD: May 15 Pedestal grouting (56/60) in progress.
CCD: 03.07.15 -Heater B:Hot Work 6/6 box completed, Tube support fixing 32/48 nos completed.
Ant: Oct'15 -Refractory Dry-out for 3/6 nos of convection module completed at shop. Fabrication for Stack in progress at
E 32 Overall Progress: shop. APH- str erection is in progress. Glass APH & Fan erection in progress.
Sch: 97.1 % Act: 83.7 % Crane-450 MT mobilised at site.
Construction work: Sch- 92.84% Front:100%

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and Open Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Total area handed over on 05.05.14. Project As stated Jun'14
development of area reqd. by May, 2013 term
Completion Sch: 30.01.15
Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. (Duration:
E 33
20 M+2 M incl pre commng)
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 560+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Slow progress of ETP works by M/s Paramount Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - Mobilization of additional 120 nos manpower by Mar-15(Presently 145 nos manpower available) EIL/BPCL As stated
LAD: 30.09.15 term - Completion of raft for TWT/SBR/ACT by 30th Apr-15
CCD:10.08.15 - Control room slab casting in sub-station by 31.03.2015
ECD: 30.06.16 - 2nd slab in chemical house by 25th Mar-2015
Overall progress: - Completion of equalisation tank targeted by Jun'15.
Sch: 94.6 % Act: 55.7 % - Procurement of BQ plate for Spent caustic tanks to be expedited.
Construction Progress:
E 34 Sch: 92.5% Front: 100 % Act: 31.5 %
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13.
(Duration: 21 M+2 M incl pre commng)

Completion of works for Tankage-II Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Management level meeting held on 25.03.15 at site. Total tanks: (New tanks 13 nos, work in progress for EIL/BPCL As stated
Sch: 30.06.15; CCD: 24.07.15; ECD: Sep'15 term 12 nos. Balance for 1 nos is YT-33 which shall be start after completion of YT-32; Modification tanks: Out of
Duration: 22 M total 16 nos, work in progress for 5 nos, 3 nos handed over to BPCL.)
E 35 Sch: 94.47 %; Front:95.39% Act: 45.77 % - B&R to augment resources to complete all balance work within agreed target.

Awarded to M/s B&R on 25-Sep-13

Completion of works for Tankage-III (Crude Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 Constr. As stated
Tanks) term - Plate erection to be expedited for YT-26/28.
(M/s IOT Anwesha ) - Tank pad completion works to be expedited in YT-25.
Sch: 27.02.15; CCD: 03.07.15
E 36 Duration: 20 M
Sch: 86.82 % Front: 100.0 % Act: 57.17 %

Slow progress of FCCU Heater works (Awarded Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 -Management level meeting held on 25.03.15 Project As Required III
to M/s Petron on 04.12.13 (16 M) term - Structural steel: Out of total 217 MT, 217 MT received & 158MT fabricated & 60MT erected.
LAD: 09.07.15 - Erection of radiant section completed.
CCD: 03.04.15 - Coil tubes: Pipes & fittings (part) delivered. Coil fabrication commenced.
Ant: Oct'15 - Delivery of soot blowers and FD fans to be preponed to suit completion of heater by 03.04.15.
Overall Progress: - Order placed for anchors & refractory blanket & expected at site progressively from 31.03.15
E 37 Sch: 100% Act: 67.7 %
Construction progress:
Sch: 94.09% Front: 89.7% Act:39.74%

Handing over of fabrication space to M/s Close Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID D7 BPCL As Required Dec'13
Fabtech for Main Fractionators Column of term
E 38

Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Vent Stacks: Common Stacks template already fabricated and dispatched to site. Projects As Required
Boiler Package for SRU Block (ordered to M/s term Bottom intermediate and top sections and transition cones are being manufactured as scheduled
Technicas on 31.012.13)
LAD: 09.06.15
CCD: 30.06.15; EDD: 30.09.15 (As per Vendor)
E 39 Overall Progress:
Sch: 82 % Act: 35 %

Slow progress of RO-DM works Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - Sub-station-Completion of RCC super structure completion by 15.06.2015 EIL/BPCL As Required
(Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13) term - DM tanks (2 nos) : Tank -A : 120/160nos piling completed, expected pile cap by 28.03.2015.
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16 - Delivery of fabricated structural steel to be expedited to reach at site by 31.03.2015. Strl steel erection will
(As per vendor) start by 1st week of Apr'15.
Overall Progress: - M/s DWEL being expedited to delivery of balance bought out items.
Sch: 99 % Act: 72%
E 40 Construction Progress:
Sch: 100 %; Front: 100%; Act:46.41%

Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 561+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Slow Construction progress for Civil Works- Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 Management level meeting held with M/s Shriram on 19.03.15 at site. As Required
FCCU term - Mobilisation of resources is being expedited. At present only 160 nos, manpower mobilised against
Contr. Sch: 100 %; Front: 100% requirement of 350 nos.
Act: 78.42 % (M/s SEPC) - M/s Shriram to complete balance Civil work by 15.04.15. EIL/BPCL
CCD: 24.12.14 - SEPC to expedite structural erection for Tech str A,D,BPR-2
ECD: Oct'15 - 5575m3 offloaded to M/s Tuaman (3374m3 completed)
E 41 - 2432m3 offloaded to M/s PGC (692m3 completed)
- 2025MT structural work offloaded to REL
- 1684 MT structural work offloaded to ZIPL
- 310 MT Offloaded to TEL

Completion of Heater Works-DHDT (M/s Open Project Very High Y N N N Long I 0.1 0.10 0.10 0.00 -Modification of coils to be completed by end Mar'15. Constr. As Required III
Technip) term
LAD: 24.04.15
CCD: 03.03.15; ECD: Sep'15
E 42 Constr. Progress:
Sch: 100 % Front: 100 % Act: 80.56 %

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Procurement completed for structural steel Projects As Required III
Petron) term - Radiant panel erection completed for IV-H-101 & IV-H-201. APH Structure & Stack erection in progress
LAD:24.04.15 - Refractory for radiant section to be expedited
CCD:20.02.15 - Radiant coil tubes in transit and expected to arrive by 31.03.15
Ant: Dec'15
E 43 Overall Progress:
Sch: 100% Act: 71.7%
Construction Progress:
Sch: 99% Front: 97.4% Act.: 33.53%

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Current manpower is 436 nos. against requirement of 600 nos. MBEL agreed to mobilise 200 nos Constrn. As Required
M/s McNally Bharat for DHDT & VGO term additional manpower for structural works
CCD: 10.01.15 - 6 cranes mobilised in order to carry out structural erection in both VGO & DHDT simultaneously.
ECD: Apr'15 - All structural erection to be completed by 31.03.15
Sch: 100 %; Front :99.55 % Act: 86.67 %

E 44

Completion of Pre-engineered Building Works Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 PEB1: Project Material storage commenced. Constrn. As Required
(3 Nos) by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. term PEB 2 All works targeted to complete by 20.04.2015
PEB 3: All works targeted to complete by 31.03.2015
Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.
E 45

Completion of Cooling Tower -I & II Open Project High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 -Major backlog is due to construction (37%). Management level meeting held on 07.01.15 at site and PCTL EIL / BPCL As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 01.02.13) term to expedite to complete all works by Apr'15.
LAD: 31.01.15
CCD: 20.10.14
ECD: Mar'15
E 46 Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 100% Front: 100% Cum Act: 84.25%
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 562+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Completion of Cooling Tower -III Open Project Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 - Manpower - Additional manpower to be deployed for civil works. (Required: 150 nos, Available: 87 nos) EIL / BPCL As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 11.09.15) term - Delivery of Bought out item to be expedited.
LAD: 30.06.15 - Mechanical contractor to be finalised.
CCD: 10.01.15 - RCC work for CWPH & CWTP to be expedited.
ECD: Aug'15 - Early delivery of Pipes and immediate commencement of Piping fabrication work.
E 47
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 100% Front: 100% Cum Act: 54.04%

Slow construction progress in Offsite-DHDS Open Constructio Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 -Work stopped by M/s KSSIIPL. Balance work being expedited by additional Misc. Civil/Strl contractor. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
area. n term -Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica & M/s Deen has been
Work stopped by M/s KSS in DHDS area for lined up to supplement Civil works.
Civil & Strl work - Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion have been lined up to
CDD: 24.01.15 supplement structural works.
E 48 ECD:. Dec'15

Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held on 25.03.15 at site. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
Works-FCCU n term - M/s Petron have started with night shift work.
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14 - PECL have erected the gantry crane & same made operational.
CCD: 25.10.15 - 10 nos semi automatic welding machines shall be operational by Mar'15
Construction Progress: - Auto blasting installed to be made operational by Mar'15
Sch: 54.68 %; Front: 20.95%; Act.:14.61% - Gratings & consumables are being ordered. Handrails, wrapping coating mtrls & GI pipes ordering to be
E 49 expedited. Strl steel partially ordered.
Structural steel & support fabrication to be expedited.

Slow progress of work & poor manpower Open Constructio High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 Management review meeting held on 25.03.15. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
mobilisation by M/s B&R for Composite Works- n term
DCU -Insulation/painting agency to be finalised.
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14 - Hanger scaffolding to be installed at site.
CCD: 11.11.15
Construction Progress:
Sch: 59 % Front: 33.5% Act.: 17.8%
E 50 AG piping fabrication: Only 92041 ID / 406975
ID fabrication completed.
AG piping erection: Only 66896 IM / 526435 IM
piping erection completed.

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work Open Constructio High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.48 0.48 0.00 Management level meeting held at Kochi site on 20.01.15 EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
for Refinery area: Generation of front for n term - RCC sub structure work shall be completed by end Mar '15.
mechanical works affected (awarded to M/s - 30MT /day shall be fabricated from 01.01.15 onwards.
Mcnally Bharat on 26.09.13.)
Sch:100%; Front: 98.3%; Act: 41.4%
E 51 CCD: 25.01.15
ECD: Oct'15

Slow progress by M/s Tech Sharp for Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.19 0.19 Piping fabrication & erection work in progress in pipe rack 101-103, 108, 111-114. Fabrication in progress for Constr. 30-Apr-15
Composite works: Offsite IREP area due to n term piperack area 115.
delay in mobilisation. Awarded on 25.03.14. CS IBR & SS fabrication also commenced.
CCD: 24.09.15. AG piping fabrication: Scope: 285505 ID; Front: 101111 ID; Completed 47154 ID
Sch: 64.67% Front : 32.28% Actual : 15.91% AG piping erection: Scope: 1214330 IM; Front: 373941 IM; Completed 217195 IM
E 52 - Release of adequate front for erection to be expedited.

Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 563+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Slow construction progress by M/s B&R for Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.19 0.19 - Management level meeting held 25.03.15 at site. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
Composite works: Offsite Refinery area due to n term - B&R to take up compressor erection immediately.
delay in mobilisation. - Due to delay in completion of civil work, release of front to composite contractor got affected.
Awarded on 25.03.14.
E 53 CCD: 24.09.15
Sch:44.1%; Front: 11.1%; Act: 5.3%

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 Management level meeting held on 20.03.15 Constr. 30-Apr-15 III
works) by M/s L&T for CDU/VDU. n term -TS I by 20.03.15
Sch: 04.09.14 -TS II, III & IV,VI handed over.
E 54 CCD: 06.09.14 -TS V by 27.05.15
ECD: 31.03.15 -TS VII by 15.03.15.
Sch:100% Front: 99.44% Act: 88.20% - Main piperack 100% completion targeted by 12.03.15

Completion of Heater Works-CDU/VDU (M/s Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - MRM held on 23.03.15 Constr. As Required III
Technip) term - Refractory of stack, dryout & erection of stack to be expedited.
CCD: 06.02.15
Ant: Jun'15
E 55

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held on 20.03.15 EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
works) by M/s L&T for DCU. n term -TS I by 25.03.15
Sch: 04.09.14 -TS II by 10.04.15.
CCD: 06.09.14 - TS IV handed over.
E 56 ECD: 15.03.15 -TS V by 31.03.15
Sch: 100% Front: 100 % Act: 96 %

Start of work for Tankage-IV by M/s Offshore Open Constructio Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level Meeting held on 25.03.15, M/s OIl started night shift work in YT-150 from 10.03.2015 EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15 III
Awarded on 17.04.14 n term - Scope of works : Modification of 10 No tanks and 02 No new tanks. Front has been released for YT-
CCD: 16.01.16 383,391 for modification and 150 for new.
Scope of modification: total 10 nos; Front - YT-150: Tank Pad completed, erection of annular plate completed, welding u/p, bottom plate erection
released has been released for 2 nos (YT- under progress..
383/391) - YT-383: Roof structure erection completed, roof plate erection u/p.
E 57
Sch : 61.27% Front : 57.56% Actual : 24.19% - YT-391: Hydrotesting completed, blasting and painting under progress.
- Ordering of cladding and moisture barriers to be expedited.

Slow progress for Tankage-I by M/s B&R Open Constructio Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held on 25.02.2015 with M/s B&R at site. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15 III
Awarded on 07.06.13 n term Start of Hydrotest
CCD: 06.04.15 - YT 341 : hydrotest by 06.04.2015
ECD:Aug'15 - YT 342 : Hydro test by 28.06.2015
Sch: 100 % Front: 100 % Act: 64.85 % - YT 343 : hydro test by 12.06.2015
- YT 344 : Hydrotest by 01.05.2015
E 58 - YT 111 : Hydrotest by 24.03.2015
- YT 112 : Hydrotest by 04.04.2015
- YT 113 : Hydrotest by 05.06.2015
- YT 114 : Hydrotest by 25.06.2015
-Manpower required is 250 nos, available is 161.

Start of work for SRU Tankage works (Ordered Open Constructio High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 -These tankages (Amine water and sour water services) are required for commissioning of CDU/VDU. Constr. 30-Apr-15
to M/s Tuaman on 19.02.14 n term - ISW-T-101 tank: 1st Shell & Bottom plate welding is in progress, Roof structural erection is in progress.
CCD:18.06.15 - ISW-T-201: Bottom plate & Shell erection is in progress.
E 59 Sch: 92.9 % Front: 74.7 % Act: 49.6 % - ISA-T-101: Annular plate welding completed & Bottom plate laying & Welding is in progress.
- IS-T-502 & IS-T-102 A/ B tand pad ready.

Composite works by M/s Albana for DHDT Open Constructio Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12 0.12 0.00 - Piping fabrication & piping erection in MPR in progress. Constr. 30-Apr-15 III
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD: n term Structural fabrication in progress for reactor structure, piping supports, piping manifold
18.11.15. - Equipment erection in progress (50 nos equipment erection completed)
Sch : 53.18% Front : 38.41% Actual : 22.46 % AG piping fabrication: Scope: 210605 ID; Front: 110882 ID; Completed 76965 ID
AG piping erection: Scope: 301995 IM; Front: 96604 IM; Completed 22215 IM
E 60
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 564+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Start of Composite works by M/s Offshore for Open Constructio Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.20 0.18 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 25.03.15 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to ensure Constr. 30-Apr-15
Offsite DHDS area n term sufficient manpower mobilization when work front is released to them.
Awarded to M/s OIL on 19.05.14 with CCD: - Due to delay in completion of civil work, release of front to composite contractor got affected.
Sch: 60.44% Front: 11.52% Act: 6.82%
E 61

Composite works by M/s offshore for SRU area Open Constructio Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 25.03.15 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to mobilise Constr. 30-Apr-15 III
Awarded to M/s OIL on 25.03.14 with CCD: n term additional resources, M/s OIL confirmed to increase the resources and achieved 1200 ID/day by Mar'15.
42530 / 298905 ID fabricated. - At present only 26 nos welders are available at site with per day rate of 1000 ID, however to achieve the
E 62 18200 IM / 299780 IM erected. completion schedule minimum 1500 ID/day to be achieved.
Sch : 48.79% Front : 32.5% Actual : 13%

Completion of balance piling work (Covered Open Constn. Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12 0.12 0.00 -Out of 2205 nos piles, 949 nos piles completed. BPCL 30-Apr-15 III
E 63 under Piling-IIII Contract) term
(Total 2077 Nos piles approx).

Completion of Composite works by M/s Albana Open Constructio Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12 0.12 0.00 - Piping fabrication work & Piping erection work in progress. Constr. 30-Apr-15 III
for VGO Unit n term - Equipment erection in progress (13 nos completed)
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD: - Structural fabrication in progress for TS-2
Sch : 56.96% Front : 28.95% Actual : 17.12%
E 64

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun15 for CDU/VDU commissioning. BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project term
F 1

Implementation of Change management Open PROCESS/ Medium N Y Y N Long D 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.00 a. Change management should be in place immediately Projects Continuous IV
system ENGG/CON term b. Strict discipline to be maintained else end objective would be difficult to meet.
The same affects : S.
- Finalization of basic philosophies All Disciplines are restricted to book manhours and all HOD's should review & make strict control of
- Scope of services manhours booking.
- Release of deliverables
F 2 Various scope changes (as advised by BPCL),
resulting in expenditure of extra manhours
against control manhours.

Timely Commissioning of UB package to meet Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 -Strict monitoring required at all stages upto commissioning. Constn. / as scheduled III
refinery commissioning schedule. term -Completeness of supply of all subparts, their assembly and other BOP Items to be ensured. Projects /
LAD : 31.03.15 (UB 1) - Both steam drum delivered at site. RCC work for chimney completed, foundation work in progress for UB's. BPCL
F 3 30.06.15 (UB 2) Erection of structure started.
- Progress of work affected due to delay in completion of civil foundations.

Timely payment to sub contractor by main Open Const. Medium N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.00 Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: Project/BPCL As Required IV
contractor term - Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being implemented as per
contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank guarantee being implemented
G 1 for future contract of more than 5CR value.
- Expeditious processing of RA bills.

Infrastructure at Kochi Open Const. Low N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.03 0.03 0.00 Contractor to identify the proposed areas in and around Project area and BPCL to facilitate by persuading Constn. / As Required IV
G 2 term with local authorities for required permission. Projects /
Scope changes & information flow to executing Open Process / High N Y Y N Long D 0.14 0.00 All DCN s and change orders, if any to be frozen and incorporated in P&IDs at 60% construction progress Process / All by 60% constn sep'13
group Engg. term stage. POSD / progress
G 3 Engg. /
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 565+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Non-performing vendors Open Inspn Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 The vendor list to be carefully selected to avoid overloading of vendors shops. Bulk materials to be Inspn As Required sep'13
term distributed on different vendors.
G 4

Delay in Approval of Vendor List for various Close Purch / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Covered under risk ID C73 BPCL within 2 days of Nov'13
items of the project (specially for Long lead Contrc. term request
G 5

Finalisation of Non plant buildings. Close BPCL Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - BPCL-KR vide e-mail dated 06-Dec-12 sent a list of Non plant buildings to be located under IREP Project. Projects 15-Apr-13 Apr'13
G 6 term - The same is reviewed by EIL. Point wise issues targeted to be discussed with BPCL in week starting
Implementation of environmental clearance Open Projects Medium Y N N N Short D 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.00 -- Meeting held with
List of buildings BPCL on
finalised EIL recommendations
between and action plan
EIL and BPCL. Methodology for finalised.
execution under finalisation. BPCL / As required IV
conditions by EIL (received from MoEF vide term - BPCL to take up with MOEF for approval of changes in system already incorporated. (e.g. configuration for Projects
Letter dated 22.11.12) CPP)
G 7 - Incorporation of EC and RRA recommendations in balance systems under progress.

Delay in commencement of site work for dyke Close Engg. / Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Documents approved from PESO BPCL Apr'13
wall inside TF-3 affected due to non availability Proj. term
of PESO approval for tankage area
I 1

Statutory approvals Open Projects / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - All drawings for F&B approval issued progressively upto 29.09.14. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15 IV
- Factory inspectorate approval BPCL term -Compilation of documents for Factory Inspectorate, CEA approval to started on priority.
- CEA (Central electrical authority) approval
I 2 -IBR approval (LAD - IBR Package for DCU by
end Dec'13; CDU/VDU by 31.12.13)

Implementation of Health, Safety and Open Const. Very High N N Y Y Short D 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 - Deployment of skilled manpower for enforcement of safety precautions. Constn. Continuous III
J 1 environmental (HSE) system term - Monitoring of the HSE conditions and maintenance of records ./ reports.
- Safety Drills being organised on monthly basis.
Delay due to Labour strikes (due to labour issue Close Const. Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Client to be persuaded to settle labour issues (wage revision, other benefits) for Project duration. BPCL As Required Nov'13
like wage revision, other benefits) during project term
K 1 execution phase

Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. High N N Y Y Short I 0.5 0.40 0.40 0.00 -Utilisation of migrant and skilled labour from outside Kerala needs to be encouraged. However, the same Constn / As Required
term will be effective only if proper labour colony facilities are arranged by the contractors. BPCL
At present only approx 12000 labours are - Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade union leaders that
K 2
working against requirement of 15000-18000 workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.
Constraint in movement & transportation of Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 -A separate contract to be given to agency which will take care by approaching KSEB and telephonic Shipping As Required Jun'14
ODC eqpt. term authority.
K 3
-Fabn / transportation philosophy being finalised.

ODC transportation in view of Kochi Metro Open Project/Eng High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Closed as no concern as on date. BPCL As stated Jun'14
ODC movement schedule is from Nov'13 to Feb g term
K 4

Quarry operator strike : Quarry operator strike Open Const. High N N Y Y Short I 0.5 0.40 -0.40 Quarry strike has been called off. Constn / As Required
in the state from 12.02.15 has affected the term BPCL
concreting work.
K 5

Cost monitoring & control on regular basis Close Costing High Y N N N Short D 0.08 0.00 Cost engg. to issue cost status report on regular basis Costing Monthly Apr'13
M 1 term
Increase in facilities on account of deletion zero Open Environ. Very High Y N N N Short D 0.08 0.00 Scope of facilities finalised. Environ. 15-Oct-13 sep'13
M 2 liquid discharge term
Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Mar'15
Page 566+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality

{6+7+8+9} * 10

Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)
Low / Very



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

* 11
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Variation in foreign exchange rates from Rs 50 Open Project Low Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.00 - BPCL have informed that approval for revised cost received. EIL/BPCL Jan'15
per USD as on Mar 12 to Rs. 60 per USD as on term
date and fluctuations in the intermediate period
and Scope changes w.r.t. DFR (additional in
scope) has significantly impacted on the overall
M 3 project cost.

Total Risk Score 21.86 22.50 -0.65

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


Risk Owner
(Open /
Risk Id


Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Management level meeting held on 20.02.15 at site. EIL/BPCL Mar'15
FCCU-M/s Essar-GRE - 1600MT Demag CC-8800 made ready for erection after load test.
LAD : 09.07.15 EPIL/GRE committed the following :
CCD: 09.10.15 - Regenerator bottom section planned for erection on 15.03.15
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) - Erection of TSS bottom section planned for erection on 27.03.15
Overall Progress: Balance deliveries comprising of nozzles, lifting trunions, insert plates, spreader &
Sch: 90.0% Act: 63.7 % lifting beam for equipment fabrication of Regenerator (top section), Reactor, TSS to
Construction Progress: be expedited.
Sch: 77.2% Front: 85.8% Act: 28.7 % - Steam drum delivery expected in 1st week of Mar'15.
D 1 - 1st lot of fabricated ESP materials dispatched, dispatch of balance materials to be

Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns for Open Project -Vendor being expedited to erect main fractionator by end Mar15 and ensure balance EIL/BPCL As stated
FCCU :Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 (18 M columns by May15.
incl erection). - Foundation for main fractionator column completed & erection planned by 1st week
LAD: 22.01.15 of Apr'15.
CCD:14.01.15 - Revised erection scheme approved.
ECD: 15.05.15 - Hard stand readiness to be ensured by end Mar'15.
Overall progress:
Sch: 100 % Act: 70.0 %
D 7 - Progress of works was affected due to delayed
handing over of fabrication yards and completion of
approach road upto fabrication yard, which affected
shifting of sections.

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Following commitments have been made by M/s Essar. EIL/BPCL Erection by
Target Sch: 01.05.15 -Shift Work: Works in two shifts implemented. May'15
Ant Compl.: 30.07.16 - Coke Drum Supporting Structure concreting completed on 13.02.15.
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). - Opening of LC for imported items: M/s EPIL informed letter of credit through Bank of
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. India opened.
Overall Progress: - M/s Essar have been pressurized to deliver all coke drums progressively upto Apr15
Cum. Sch. 84.5 %; Act: 63.1 % and Coke fractionator by end Mar15.
Construction Progress: - Crane (2000 MT): All consignment reached at port. Mobilization & assembly of crane
Sch: 69.0% Front: 100% Act: 36.5 % by 3rd week of Mar'15 and erection of equipments targeted to commence from Mar15
to May15.
D 9 Strl Steel: Out of total 3210 MT, 2800 MT procured, -Clear water tank fabrication- Civil tank pad work completed, rolling in progress.
1539 MT fabricated & 1296 MT received. - Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 590 nos
have been deployed against requirement of 836 nos.

Delay in hydrotesting of Vacuum column Open BPCL / - Vacuum Column : Vacuum column erected on 19.01.15, welding of mid & top section EIL/BPCL 15-Mar-15
Sch: Jun 14 Projects / completed, pickling & passivation in progress hydrotesting targeted by 15.03.15.
CCD: 21.08.14 Const.
Ant: 15.03.15
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit
D 12 Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude &
Vacuum column.

Logistics of VGO & DHDT reactors from Kochi port Open T&CC - Contract for ODC transportation awarded to M/s Urmila on 26.05.14. EIL/BPCL 15-Mar-15
to BPCL-KR site - 1st DHDT Reactor rolled off on 26.02.15. 2nd Reactor likely to be rolled off by 2nd
(VGO Reator-2 Nos - CDD (07-Jan-15 FOB) EDD: week of Mar'15.
Mar'15 - Erection of reactor planned with 1000 MT crane by 15.03.15
(DHDT Reactor-2 Nos - CDD (07-Oct-14 FOB: - First dumb barge (newly fabricated-For VGO reactor) launched in the river after IRS
unloaded onto barge on 26.12.14) certification and other dumb barge targeted by 15.03.15.
D 13 ISGEC Josen (3 nos) Column: expected to receive
at Kochi port from upto Mar'15.

Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on Open Projects - Management level review meeting held at Hydrabad on 10.02.15. M/s BHEL agreed EIL/BPCL Continuous
26.09.13) to dispatch main compressor by 25.04.15 and completion of MRT for drive turbine
LAD: 09.01.15 targeted progressively by 11.03.15.
D 19 CCD: 25.04.15
EDD: 31.10.15

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


Risk Owner
(Open /
Risk Id


Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Availability of 90 % Piping materials to generate Open Projects - As of now around 88% piping material has been received at site. Ordering of EIL/ BPCL 15-Apr-15
adequate piping material front to composite balance material is in progress and expected progressively upto Apr'15.
contractors. -Vendors being expedited to prepone the deliveries.
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-3): Oct'14
EDD: Mid Feb'15
D 33 Sch: (Final MTO): Dec'14-Feb'15
EDD: Mar'15-Jun'15

Space constraints: Open Constn. - During the project review meeting dated 23.01.15, following points discussed and BPCL 15-Mar-15
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and requested with BPCL to provide assistance:
package contractors - Additional area requirement in FACT being taken up for storage of materials.
E 2 ii) Area for Spool storage - Additional storage space for piping spools.

Construction of NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / - Tender splitter into two parts (Structural/ Mechanical works & Civil work). Award BPCL/EIL 15-Mar-15
- Target Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 12 M available Projects recommendation issued on 17.02.15.
for construction works (excl. Dismantling works) Civil work being done by misc. Civil agency (M/s Furnace Fabrica). Rigorous follow up
against schedule of 22 M. with contractor to be made after award of contract.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay Electrical Work: Bids received on 10.02.15.
in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award of Instrumentation Work: 09 nos bids received on 11.02.15.
licensor. Electrical/Instr. work: PBO recommendation targeted by 3rd week of Mar'15.
- Change in the scope based on health check report
has an impact on Project cost and schedule.
E 4 Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 90.7% Catch Up Sch: 69.0 % Act:

Backlog 14.8% as of 15-Feb-15 in Construction Open Const - Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica & As Required
activities viz., Civil works and Mechanical works for M/s Deens has been lined up to supplement Civil works. Further 1 additional Civil &
offsite area as well as unit areas. Structural works contracts targeted to award by mid Mar15.
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; - Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion
Time lapsed - 34 M have been lined up to supplement structural works. Further 1 additional Civil &
Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act Structural works contracts targeted to award by mid Mar15.
60.2 81.1 69.0 45.4 - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site. Approx 12000 labours
Contractors are facing problem in retaining the are available at site, though induction programme has been carried out for more than BPCL/EIL
labour at site. 18000 labours . requirement of manpower at site is approx 19000 nos.
Approx 10000 labours are available against - RCC work & structural fabrication/erection work to be expedited to give complete
requirement of 20000 at site. front to mechanical contractor progressively upto Apr-May'15.
-Construction progress for Jan'15 got improved - Lighting of areas to facilitate night shift working.
(During the month progress achieved is 3.84 %) - Provision made for snacks/dinner for labour to facilitate working in extended/night
E 7 - Provision of multiple entries inside plant areas to ease manpower/machinery
mobilisation to be explored.
- Additional mechanical contracts being awarded to supplement existing mechanical
- In order to boost progress, permission from labour union of Kochi to be taken up for
two shift work.

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by BPCL Jun'15 IV
clearance for BOO area. Jun'15.
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
E 8 commissioning of Demountable flare
(Commissioning expected by end Jun'15)

Slow construction progress in Offsite IREP area. Open Constructio -Management level meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL at site on 19.02.15. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s n - M/s AA Erectors being mobilized by KSSPPL for Structural work.
KSSIIPL on 12.09.13 - M/s JD Works to be mobilized shortly by KSSPPL for UG piping works.
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15 - Payment released for 150 MT crane by KSSPPL. One 80MT crane also shall be
Progress figures mobilized shortly. (Currently one 100MT, one 75MT & one 70MT available).
Sch: 100% Front: 99.7% Act.: 53.54% - Rock blasting being expedited for drain on West side of piperack area 104, CW line
Insufficient mobilisation of manpower: at East of VGO.
Required: 635 nos - BG already arranged for 400 MT cement, apart from current stock of 100 MT.
Deployed: 216 nos - KSSPPL shall be expediting around 700 MT of strl steel required for completing the
currently progressing areas of piperack on priority. Entire fabrication completion
targeted by 30.04.15.
- Bridge erection at area 117 shall be taken up. Bridge at area 113 nearing
-Strl steel painting & repair works shall be expedited with new gang.
E 27 - Manpower for restarting manhole works shall be additionally deployed.
- CW road crossing of 84" pipes shall be expedited.
- Area wise handing over of piperack to mechanical agency shall be expedited.

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


Risk Owner
(Open /
Risk Id


Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Slow progress of ETP works by M/s Paramount Open Project - Mobilization of additional 120 nos manpower by Mar-15(Presently 145 nos EIL/BPCL As stated
LAD: 30.09.15 manpower available)
CCD:10.08.15 - Completion of raft for TWT/SBR/ACT by 30th Apr-15
ECD: 30.06.16 - Control room slab casting in sub-station by 31.03.15
Overall progress: - 2nd slab in chemical house by 25th Mar'15
Sch: 91.6 % Act: 49.2 % - Completion of equalisation tank targeted by Jun'15.
Construction Progress: - Procurement of BQ plate for Spent caustic tanks to be expedited.
E 34 Sch: 86.1% Front: 100 % Act: 29.3 %
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13. (Duration:
21 M+2 M incl pre commng)

Open Project - Sub-station-Completion of RCC super structure completion by 15.06.2015 EIL/BPCL As Required
- Chemical House- Completion of RCC super structure by 10. 03.2015
- DM tanks (2 nos) : Tank B: all 160 nos pile completed, excavation of PCC
completed, pile cap by 10.03.2015. Tank -A : 120/160nos piling completed, expected
pile cap by 28.03.2015.
- Delivery of fabricated structural steel to be expedited to reach at site by 31.03.2015.
E 40 Strl steel erection will start by 24.03.2015
- M/s DWEL being expedited to delivery of balance bought out items.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works- FCCU Open Project - 5575m3 offloaded to M/s Tuaman (3374m3 completed) As Required
Constr. Sch: 100 %; Front: 91.3% - 2432m3 offloaded to M/s PGC (692m3 completed)
Act: 67.1 % - 2025MT structural work offloaded to REL
CCD: 24.12.14 - 1684 MT structural work offloaded to ZIPL EIL/BPCL
ECD: Oct'15 - 310 MT Offloaded to TEL
Management level meeting held with M/s Shriram on 19.02.15 at site.
-Mobilisation of resources is being expedited. At present only 110 nos, manpower
mobilised against requirement of 350 nos. M/s Shriram agreed to augment additional
E 41 50 nos for civil work by 25.02.15.
- M/s Shriram to complete balance Civil work by 30.03.15.
- SEPC to expedite structural erection for Tech str A,D,BPR-2

Completion of Pre-engineered Building Works (3 Open Project PEB1: M/s B&R agreed to complete balance work by 2nd week of Mar'15 except road EIL/BPCL As Required
Nos) by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. work. Project Material storage commenced.
PEB 2 All works targeted to complete by 20.04.15
PEB 3: All works targeted to complete by 20.03.15
E 46 Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.

Slow construction progress in Offsite-DHDS area. Open Constructio -Work stopped by M/s KSSIIPL. Balance work being expedited by additional Misc. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
Work stopped by M/s KSS in DHDS area for Civil & n Civil/Strl contractor.
Strl work ?? -Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica &
CDD: 24.01.15 M/s Deen has been lined up to supplement Civil works.
ECD:. Dec'15 - Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion
E 49 have been lined up to supplement structural works. Further 1 additional Civil &
Structural works contracts targeted to award by mid Mar'14.

Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 25.02.15 at site. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
Works-FCCU n - M/s Petron have started with night shift work.
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14 - PECL have erected the gantry crane & same to be made operational by mid Mar'15
CCD: 25.10.15 - 150MT crane is made operational, 200MT crane to be mobilised by mid Mar'15.
Construction Progress: Currently 4 crane available at site
Sch: 46.1 %; Front: 17.4%; Act.:11.9% - 10 nos semi automatic welding machines shall be operational by Mar'15
AG Piping fabrication: 74252 ID / 486195 ID - Auto blasting installed to be made operational by Mar'15
completed - Gratings & consumables are being ordered. Handrails, wrapping coating mtrls & GI
AG Piping Erection: 21716 IM / 811115 ID pipes ordering to be expedited.
E 50 completed

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun15 for CDU/VDU BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project commissioning.
F 1

Timely payment to sub contractor by main contractor Open Const. Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: EIL/BPCL As Required IV
- Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented
on request from contractors.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being
implemented as per contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank
G 1
guarantee being implemented for future contract of more than 5CR value.
- Expeditious processing of RA bills.
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Page 570 of 749
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


Risk Owner
(Open /
Risk Id


Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. - Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade EIL/BPCL As Required
union leaders that workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.
At present only approx 12000 labours are working - Respective contractors being persued to increase manpower commensurate with
against requirement of 15000-18000 labours. site requirement.
- Additional entry gate provision being made to facilitate smooth entry inside working
K 2 area.
- Availibilty of permits being made available for inside refinery works.

Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Feb'15

Page 571+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

50% / 30% / 10%)

Score - Previous
Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
Impact Score =>
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
Project Cost
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

Risk score)
Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


CPP: Integration of various packages & BOP Open Engg/Cont Low N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.02 0.05 -0.02 - Integration of packages incl. GTG, HRSG & UB to be ensured based on vendor inputs. Engg Mar'15 IV
Items of CPP. . term - HAZOP review completed for GTG, HRSG & UB package.
90 % model review for CPP - 90% model review for HRSG completed on 04.02.15.
Package wise HAZOP for GTG, HRSG, UB,Gas -90% model review for UB package held from 18.11.14 to 20.11.14.
B 19 Booster compressor. - GBC ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held with M/s BHEL for Gas booster compressor on 12-13

Delay in Interface Engineering (including control Open Engg/proc Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 Package vendor inputs being made available by expediting for updation of interface engineering Projects / Continuous IV
system) due to non availability of Package urement term documents. Engg.
B 23 Vendor Data

Generation of Surplus Piping material Open ENGG Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.00 - Surplus material to be salvaged with effective substitution and being carried out during MTO preparation. ENGG Progressively IV
B 30 term

Ordering of Critical Valves Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 -0.32 -Revised MR (MR-3415): Ordered to M/s Oswal, M/s Shalimar, M/s AV valves and M/s L&T. EIL/BPCL Mar'15
Sch: 11.07.14 term - New MR-3515 (41 Nos) ordered on 05.02.15
C 73 Ant: 31.01.15
Dely: 06/07 M FOT /FOB

Release of balance piping Isometrics drawings Open Project Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.00 -Total 35484/ 35618 nos (99%) isometrics issued for units . Balance ISO's targeted progressively by mid Engg. 15-Mar-15 III
and GAD's. term Mar'15.
C 75 Target Sch: Jul'14 -All GADs issued except SRU block 199 nos balance). Same shall be targeted by mid Mar'15.
Ant: 15.03.15

Award of Composite Works (Structural Works & Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -Award recommendation issued on 17.02.15. EIL/BPCL 15-Mar-15
Mechanical) for NHT/ISOM-Refloated term
C 76 Sch: 08.05.14
Ant: 15.03.15

Delay in award of piping material with G2E Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 All items have been ordered, deliveries to be expedited in order to timely availability of piping material for EIL/BPCL Apr'15
C 79 specification in CPP area. term completion of steam network in CPP area.
Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 Management level meeting held on 20.02.15 at site. EIL/BPCL Mar'15
FCCU-M/s Essar-GRE term - 1600MT Demag CC-8800 made ready for erection after load test.
LAD : 09.07.15 EPIL/GRE committed the following :
CCD: 09.10.15 - Regenerator bottom section planned for erection on 02.03.15
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) - Erection of TSS bottom section planned for erection on 27.03.15
Overall Progress: Balance deliveries comprising of nozzles, lifting trunions, insert plates, spreader & lifting beam for equipment
D 1 Sch: 90.0% Act: 63.7 % fabrication of Regenerator (top section), Reactor, TSS to be expedited.
Construction Progress: - Steam drum delivery expected in 1st week of Mar'15.
Sch: 77.2% Front: 85.8% Act: 28.7 % - 1st lot of fabricated ESP materials dispatched, dispatch of balance materials to be expedited.

Completion of UB package Open Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 - 90% model review for UB package completed. Project / Continuous III
LAD : 31.03.15 term - Erection of steam drum-I & II completed. (Sch: 16.09.14: got delayed as 550MT crane could not be Constn.
CCD : 23.03.15 mobilized from M/s.TWC).
ECD:10.08.15 - Completion of structural erection work to be expedited. Piping erection work in progress for UB-1 & UB-2.
Awarded to M/s ISGEC on 25.07.13 Deaerator tank erection completed.
Overall progress:
Sch: 99.8 % Act: 81.8 %
D 3 Construction Progress:
Sch:100 % Front: 100 % Act: 50.2 %
Manpower : Required 450, Deployed 333 incl
39 welders

Delivery of wet gas compressor for DCU at Site Open Project Low N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 MRT completed on 10.11.14. Dispatch expected by mid Mar'15 due to Change order for additional Project/Inspe 15-Mar-15 IV
(M/s Eliot Ebara) term requirement of NRT sizing and LC amendment ction
D 5 LAD: 05.12.14
(CDD: 27.01.15; EDD: 15.03.15)
Delivery of Air Blower / Compressor for SRU Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 -0.20 All parts dispatched. Project/Inspe 28-Feb-15
LAD: 18.09.14 term ction
D 6 (CDD: 24.12.14; EDD: 28.02.15)
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Feb'15

Page 572+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

50% / 30% / 10%)

Score - Previous
Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
Impact Score =>
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
Project Cost
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

Risk score)
Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -Meeting held on 30.01.15, vendor agreed to erect main fractionator by end Feb15 and balance columns by Project / As stated
for FCCU :Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 term Apr15. Constn.
(18 M incl erection). - Foundation for main fractionator column : substructure work completed by L&T and super structure work
LAD: 22.01.15 being expedited through by M/s Tuaman and curing period of 28 days.
CCD:14.01.15 - Revised erection scheme approved.
ECD: 15.05.15 - Stripper & rectifier Column: Erection of bottom section for stripper expected to commence from end
Overall progress: Mar'15. Preparation of Hard stand to commence. Erection of bottom section for rectifier expected to
Sch: 100 % Act: 70.0 % commence from end Mar'15.
D 7 - Progress of works was affected due to
delayed handing over of fabrication yards and
completion of approach road upto fabrication
yard, which affected shifting of sections.

Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration due to delayed availability of burner data from M/s BPCL / EIL 15-May-15 III
LAD: 23.06.15 term Aecometric. Letter forwarded on 11.06.14 to BPCL for recommending extension for supply portion to M/s
CCD:18.02.15 (including Site work) Thermax upto 30.11.14. Further M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration upto 31.03.15 for supply
ECD: 18.05.15 through letter dated 08.10.14.
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl - Foundation work completed for 1st train. 2nd train foundation targeted by mid Mar'15. Bidder has
D 8 erection) requested for providing space for storage of MCC equipment & Refractory Materials.
- Refractory lining work in Combustion chamber can be started only after erection of MCC pkg.

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 Following commitments have been made by M/s Essar. Constr. Erection by May'15
Target Sch: 01.05.15 term -Shift Work: Works in two shifts implemented.
Ant Compl.: 30.07.16 - Coke Drum Supporting Structure concreting completed on 13.02.15.
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). - Opening of LC for imported items: M/s EPIL informed letter of credit through Bank of India opened.
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. - M/s Essar have been pressurized to deliver all coke drums progressively upto Apr15 and Coke fractionator
Overall Progress: by end Mar15.
Cum. Sch. 84.5 %; Act: 63.1 % - Crane (2000 MT): All consignment reached at port. Mobilization & assembly of crane by 3rd week of BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: Mar'15 and erection of equipments targeted to commence from Mar15 to May15.
Sch: 69.0% Front: 100% Act: 36.5 % -Clear water tank fabrication- Civil tank pad work completed, rolling in progress.
- Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 590 nos have been deployed
D 9 Strl Steel: Out of total 3210 MT, 2800 MT against requirement of 836 nos.
procured, 1539 MT fabricated & 1296 MT

Delay in hydrotesting of Vacuum column Open BPCL / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Vacuum Column : Vacuum column erected on 19.01.15, welding of mid & top section completed, pickling & Constn. / 15-Mar-15
Sch: Jun 14 Projects / term passivation in progress hydrotesting planned in 1st week of Mar'15 VTV /
CCD: 21.08.14 Const. Projects
Ant: 15.03.15
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit
D 12 Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude &
Vacuum column.

Logistics of VGO & DHDT reactors from Kochi Open T&CC Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Contract for ODC transportation awarded to M/s Urmila on 26.05.14. EIL/BPCL Mar'15
port to BPCL-KR site term - 1st DHDT Reactor rolled off on 26.02.15. 2nd Reactor likely to be rolled off on 08.03.15
(VGO Reator-2 Nos - CDD (07-Jan-15 FOB) - Erection of reactor planned with 1000 MT crane by 15.03.15
EDD: Mar'15 - First dumb barge (newly fabricated) launched in the river after IRS certification.
(DHDT Reactor-2 Nos - CDD (07-Oct-14 FOB:
unloaded onto barge on 26.12.14)
D 13 ISGEC Josen (3 nos) Column: expected to
receive at Kochi port from upto Mar'15.

Close Monitoring of ODC equipment (including Open Projects High N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.00 Out of total 57 nos. of ODCs; 22 nos received at site. & 6 nos under dispatch. Balance under close Shipping Continous IV
site fabricated/assembled) up to receipt at site term monitoring.
D 14
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Feb'15

Page 573+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

50% / 30% / 10%)

Score - Previous
Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
Impact Score =>
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
Project Cost
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

Risk score)
Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Completion of Demountable Flare works Open Project Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23 0.23 0.00 - 840 out of 850 MT Derrick structure received at site. Projects/Con As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13) term - Erection of Derrick structure up to 40 mtr completed. str.
Sch: 31.03.15 - Erection of Derrick up to 133 mtr by 14.04.2015
CCD: 24-Apr-15 - 1 no water seal drum and Molecular seal received at site. All flare riser expected to receive at site from
Ant: 24-Apr-15 workshop progressively by21.03.15.
D 17 Overall Progress - Flare tip and Water Seal drum(3 nos) under transit.
Sch: 99 % Act: 78.3 %

Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL Open Projects Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Management level review meeting held at Hydrabad on 10.02.15. M/s BHEL agreed to dispatch main Project/Inspe Continuous
on 26.09.13) term compressor by 25.04.15 and completion of MRT for drive turbine by 28.02.15. ction
LAD: 09.01.15 - M/s BHEL to prepone the delivery of CEP turbine (from Oct'15 to Apr'15).
D 19 CCD: 25.04.15
EDD: 31.10.15

Delivery of MAB-FCCU (Ordered to M/s Eliot Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - MRT of compressor and Steam turbine completed. Project/Inspe Continuous IV
Ebara on 04.09.13) term ction
LAD: 09.01.15
D 20 CDD: 03.04.15
Ant: 03.04.15

Delivery of VGO-HDT Reactor Open Projects Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 -All four sections released for hydro testing progressively on 30.01.15. Hydrotesting targeted by end Mar15. Project/Inspe Continuous III
Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13 term - M/s L&T being monitored continuously to deliver Reactors by Mar15. ction
LAD ; 29.12.14
CDD: 07.01.15
D 21
EDD: 09.04.15

Completion of HRSG Package Open Projects Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23 0.23 0.00 - 90% model review for HRSG completed. Project/Inspe Continuous III
LAD : 30.03.15 term - Balance engineering to be expedited by M/s Thermax. ction
CDD: 19.08.15 - HRSG #3, 4 & 5: Foundation works completed and handed over to M/s Thermax. Erection work
Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 commenced for HRSG-4 & HRSG-5
D 23 Overall Progress: - All column alignment completed for HRSG-3.
Sch: 92 % Act: 67 %

Delivery of Hot Gas Expander (Ordered to M/s Open Projects Low Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.14 0.14 0.00 - Generator subordered. Project/Inspe Continuous III
Dresser Rand on 31.012.13) term - Pedestal fabrication is at final-machining. ction
LAD ;30.03.15 - Exhaust case assembly, including diffuser and thermal insulation has been completed
D 24 CDD: 30.04.15

Delivery of Sulphur Forming Pkg (Ordered to Open Projects Medium N Y Y N Long I 0.35 0.18 0.18 0.00 -Silos with structure & Conveyors sub ordered by M/s Sandvik. Project/Inspe Continuous III
M/s Sandvik on 31.01.14) term - Bottom Cones for Silo C ,D, E & F dispatched to site. ction
LAD :01.08.14 -Delivery of Semi rolled sections of Silos shall commence from Jan'15 onwards. Structure to be made ready
D 25 CDD: 30.03.15 for installation works to commence.
- Space for SILO's to be expedited.
- Foundations for pelletiser shed to be made ready.

Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - Synchronous Motor ordered to M/s Toshiba Mitsubishi dispatched. MRT completed for compressor. EIL/ BPCL Continuous IV
-DHDT( Ordered to M/s Dresser Rand on term
D 27 11.09.13)
LAD: 29.01.15
CDD: 10.03.15
Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - Main motor ordered. KOM for Motor held on 06-07.05.14 & expected to receive by 13.04.15 (FOB: EIL/ BPCL Progressively IV
-VGO( Ordered to M/s Nueman & Essar on term Germany).
D 28 14.11.13 ) MRT completed.
LAD : 26.02.15
CDD: 13.04.15
ECD: 28.05.15
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Feb'15

Page 574+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

50% / 30% / 10%)

Score - Previous
Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
Impact Score =>
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
Project Cost
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

Risk score)
Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Delay by vendor with respect to CDD due to Open Projects Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 - Following bidders showing slow manufacturing progress: EIL/ BPCL 15-Mar-15 III
financial constraint. term - M/s Arjun Technologies (Pressure Vessel supplier): FOA No.:134, 184. . Meeting held on 09.02.15.
Balance orders expected to dispatch from Jan'15 to May'15.
- M/s Universal: Meeting held on 25.11.14, M/s UHE agreed to deliver balance items progressively upto
- M/s Bharat Pumps & Compressors (Pumps): FOA No.: 230, 311, 360, 423 & 444.
- M/s HDO (Columns, Heat Exchangers & Vessels): FOA No.: 199, 302, 310, 315, 318, 320, 327, 369, 389 &
D 29

Delay in delivery of Stripper column (IF-V-206) Open Projects Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 - All part received at Kochi. EIL/ BPCL Feb'15
by M/s Uttam Value Steel (Ordered on term
D 32 CDD: 18.10.14

Availability of 90 % Piping materials to generate Open Projects Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - As of now around 88% piping material has been received at site. Ordering of balance material is in EIL/ BPCL 15-Apr-15
adequate piping material front to composite term progress and expected progressively upto Apr'15.
contractors. -Vendors being expedited to prepone the deliveries.
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-3): Oct'14 - Storage area for piping materials to be expedited by BPCL. Additional requirement of 20000 m2 area in
EDD: Mid Feb'15 FACT being taken for piping storage.
D 33 Sch: (Final MTO): Dec'14-Feb'15
EDD: Mar'15-Jun'15

Delivery Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held on 12-13.08.14. EIL 15-Apr-15 IV
D 34 13 M FOB term - Compressor Journal Bearings were ordered. Impeller manufacturing is in process

Delay in delivery of equipments by: Open Project High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 Vendor being pushed for deliveries. Vendor shop visit/meeting being arranged. Inspection / 15-Apr-15 III
M/s TEMA :CDD: 06.01.14 to 15.01.15; term Project
EDD:Dec14 to Mar15
M/s Nuberg: CDD: 03.07.14 to 03.11.14; EDD:
Dec'14 to May'15
D 35 M/s GR Engg: CDD: 28.01.14 to 31.07.14;
EDD: Dec'14 to 31.01.15
M/s Fabtech Projects: CDD: Jul14 to Jan15;
EDD: Dec'14 to Jul15

Delay in submission & finalization of vendor Open Project Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 -0.32 -All burner drawings finaised across the table. HMTD/Projec
drawings for SRU burners & reduction burner term ts
D 36 Ordered to M/s UOP Callidus on 20.06.14.
CDD: 19.05.15

Space constraints: Open Constn. Very High Y N Y Y Short D 0.28 0.27 0.14 0.13 - During the project review meeting dated 23.01.15, following points discussed and requested with BPCL to BPCL 15-Mar-15
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and term provide assistance:
package contractors - Additional storage space for owner supply items (20,000 Sq. M).
E 2 ii) Area for Spool storage - Additional storage space for piping spools.

Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Feb'15

Page 575+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

50% / 30% / 10%)

Score - Previous
Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
Impact Score =>
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
Project Cost
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

Risk score)
Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Construction of NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 - Tender splitter into two parts (Structural/ Mechanical works & Civil work). 3 nos bids received on 21.01.15 BPCL/EIL 15-Mar-15
- Target Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 12 M Projects term for Structural/mechanical work. Award recommendation issued on 17.02.15.
available for construction works (excl. Civil work being done by misc. Civil agency (M/s Furnace Fabrica). Rigorous follow up with contractor to be
Dismantling works) against schedule of 22 M. made after award of contract.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to Electrical Work: Bids received on 10.02.15.
delay in P&IDs review meeting and delay in Instrumentation Work: 09 nos bids received on 11.02.15.
award of licensor.
- Change in the scope based on health check
report has an impact on Project cost and
E 4 schedule.
Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 90.7% Catch Up Sch: 69.0 % Act:

Delay in completion of Building Works by M/s Open Const High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - MCR, CPP control room : Release for panels by Oct'15 & total completion by Dec'15. Constn As Required
L&T for MCR and CPP control Room. - Other building works : SRR Completion progressively between Mar'15 to May'15.
Contr. Sch: 100% - L&T also agreed to augment required manpower to 1000 from current deployment of 850 to meet the
Front: 100 % target completion date.
Act:74.0 %
E 6 CCD: 20.12.14
Ant: 15.07.15

Backlog 14.8% as of 15-Feb-15 in Construction Open Const Very High N Y Y N Short term I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 - Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica & M/s Deens has been Constn As Required
activities viz., Civil works and Mechanical works lined up to supplement Civil works. Further 1 additional Civil & Structural works contracts targeted to award
for offsite area as well as unit areas. by mid Mar15.
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - - Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion have been lined up to
46 M; Time lapsed - 34 M supplement structural works. Further 1 additional Civil & Structural works contracts targeted to award by mid
Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act Mar15.
60.2 81.1 69.0 45.4 - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site. Approx 12000 labours are available at site,
Contractors are facing problem in retaining the though induction programme has been carried out for more than 18000 labours . requirement of manpower BPCL/EIL
labour at site. at site is approx 19000 nos.
Approx 10000 labours are available against - RCC work & structural fabrication/erection work to be expedited to give complete front to mechanical
requirement of 20000 at site. contractor progressively upto Apr-May'15.
-Construction progress for Jan'15 got improved - Lighting of areas to facilitate night shift working.
E 7 (During the month progress achieved is 3.84 %) - Provision made for snacks/dinner for labour to facilitate working in extended/night shift
- Provision of multiple entries inside plant areas to ease manpower/machinery mobilisation to be explored.
- Additional mechanical contracts being awarded to supplement existing mechanical contractors.
- In order to boost progress, permission from labour union of Kochi to be taken up for two shift work.

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Very High N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by Jun'15. BPCL Jun'15 IV
clearance for BOO area. term
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
E 8 commissioning of Demountable flare
(Commissioning expected by end Jun'15)

Completion of Raw water treatment plant Pkg Open Project Very High Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.29 0.29 0.00 - M/s Triveni to augment manpower by mobilizing additional manpower (Manpower required is 300 nos Constr. 30-Apr-15
(M/s Triveni Engg).(Delayed due to refloating) term while available manpower is 235 Nos).
Overall Progress: - Substation building: completion being targeted by Apr'15.
Contr. Sch: 99.5 % Act: 81% - Chemical house works completion being targeted by end Apr'15.
Construction Progress:
Sch: 100 % Front: 100 % Act: 75.5 %
E 13 Sch: 15.11.14 CCD: 24.03.15 ECD: Aug'15
Compl: 18 M+2M

Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Feb'15

Page 576+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

50% / 30% / 10%)

Score - Previous
Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
Impact Score =>
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
Project Cost
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

Risk score)
Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Slow construction progress of SRU Block due Open Proj. / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - All area handed over in SRU. Constn. 30-Apr-15
to delayed area handing over Constn. term - Pond Retaining wall construction is in progress.
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from - Piling for SRU : All piling drawing released. To meet Euro-IV compliance, focussed efforts being made for
end Jun14) are available with respect to ARU/SWS. Piling for ARU/SWS is completed. Balance piling work completion targeted by mid Mar'15.
schedule of 25 M (As per past experience - Civil works completion targeted by mid May15 and handing over of front to mechanical contractor targeted
minimum requirement for SRU is 30 M). from end Mid Mar'15 onwards.
- To meet Euro-IV compliance, readiness of ARU/SWS targeted by Dec15.


Delivery of bought out items by BHEL for GTG Open Const. / Low N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0.00 - All 3 GTGs received at site. Projects 30-Apr-15
package Projects term
(LAD supply:29.09.14; Ant - Jul'15)
E 19
Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13 with CDD for
delivery as 24.11.14.

Completion of UG piping work due delay in Open Const. Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 EIL/BPCL Mar'15
receipt of piping material and monsoon. term - All balance material deliveries being expedited, subsequently all UG piping work completion targeted by
E 22 end May'15.

Construction of Subway on the PWD road Open Project Very Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.04 0.04 0.00 Management level meeting held with B&R on 25.02.15 at site. Culvert top slab completed, road work in Constrn. 10-Mar-15 IV
including re routing of existing road / existing term progress. Road opening by 10.03.2015
facilities and necessary liasoning with
E 26 government department.
Construction of culvert got affected

Slow construction progress in Offsite IREP Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -Management level meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL at site on 19.02.15. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
area. on term - M/s AA Erectors being mobilized by KSSPPL for Structural work.
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s - M/s JD Works to be mobilized shortly by KSSPPL for UG piping works.
KSSIIPL on 12.09.13 - Payment released for 150 MT crane by KSSPPL. One 80MT crane also shall be mobilized shortly.
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15 (Currently one 100MT, one 75MT & one 70MT available).
Progress figures - Rock blasting being expedited for drain on West side of piperack area 104, CW line at East of VGO.
Sch: 100% Front: 99.7% Act.: 53.54% - BG already arranges for 400 MT cement, apart from current stock of 100MT.
Insufficient mobilisation of manpower: - KSSPPL shall be expediting around 700 MT of strl steel required for completing the currently progressing
Required: 635 nos areas of piperack on priority. Entire fabrication completion targeted by 30.04.15.
E 27 Deployed: 216 nos - Bridge erection at area 117 shall be taken up. Bridge at area 113 nearing completion.
-Strl steel painting & repair works shall be expedited with new gang.
- Manpower for restarting manhole works shall be additionally deployed.
- CW road crossing of 84" pipes shall be expedited.
- Area wise handing over of piperack to mechanical agency shall be expedited.

Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management review meeting held with M/s Essar on 20.01.15 at site EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
CPP term - Foundation work completed for HRSG-3.
Contr. Sch: 100%; Front: 100%; Act: 68.1% - Structural works for GTG shed under completion.
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: May'15 - Stack foundation : Only HRSG#3 fdn completed.
E 28 - boiler piperack foundations completed.

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Management level meeting held at site on 24.02.15. EIL/BPCL Continuous
block term - As on date the manpower is 470 Nos against the requirement of 750 Nos.
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) - ARU/SWS : TS-1 & TS-2 being expedited.
LAD: 12.01.15 TS Completion committed by MBE
CCD: 03.03.15 -TS-II : 10.03.2015
E 29 Ant: Oct'15 -TS-III: 31.03.2015
SCH. FRONT. ACT. -TS-I : 31.06.2015
99.83% 99.69 % 55.85% -TS-IV: 10.07.2015
-TS-V : 15.07.2015
-TS-VI: 15.04.2015
-MPR : 31.05.2015 II
-SILO: 20.03.2015
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Feb'15

Page 577+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

50% / 30% / 10%)

Score - Previous
Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
Impact Score =>
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
Project Cost
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

Risk score)
Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Composite works for CDU/VDU Block Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Management level Meeting held with M/s OIL on 24.02.15 and following action plan has been agreed EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Offshore on 04.11.13) term - M/s OIL was advised to augment welders to 52 nos. against 45 nos available to increase productivity.
SCH: 30.06.15 - Structural fabrication & erection to be expedited.
CCD: 03.07.15 - Piping productivity has increased with release of erection front.
ECD: 30.10.15 - Alloy steel piping fabrication to be expedited.
Contr. Sch: 75.0% - Fire proofing of columns commenced
E 30 Front: 66.3% - Agency for column dehumidification mobilised
Act: 40.1 % - Order placed for fabrication of rain protection shed

Completion of Coke handling work Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.00 -Meeting held at site on 09.01.15. Constr. Continuous III
(Awarded to M/s Thyssen on 04.11.13) term - Piling work in progress (1136 out of 1642 nos piles completed: 7-8 piles/day)
LAD: 18.04.15 -TT-3, TT-4, TT-5, Circular stacker cum reclaimer work in progress.
CCD: 03.07.15
EDD: Dec'15
E 31 Construction: Sch:61.3 %; Front:100.0%;
Overall Progress:
Sch: 78.3 % Act: 54.5%

Completion of DCU Heater works (Awarded to Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.00 Constrcution As Required III
M/s Heurtey on 04.11.13 (20 M) term -Heater A: Hot Work 6/6 box completed, Tube support fixing completed. Radiant coil erection completed.
LAD: May 15 Pedestal grouting (56/60) in progress.
CCD: 03.07.15 -Heater B:Hot Work 6/6 box completed, Tube support fixing 32/48 nos completed.
Ant: Oct'15 -Refractory Dry-out for 3/6 nos of convection module completed at shop. Fabrication for Stack in progress at
E 32 Overall Progress: shop. APH- str erection is in progress. Glass APH & Fan erection in progress.
Sch: 94.1 % Act: 81.2 % Crane-450 MT mobilised at site.
Construction work: Sch- 85.5% Front:100%

Slow progress of ETP works by M/s Paramount Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - Mobilization of additional 120 nos manpower by Mar-15(Presently 145 nos manpower available) EIL/BPCL As stated
LAD: 30.09.15 term - Completion of raft for TWT/SBR/ACT by 30th Apr-15
CCD:10.08.15 - Control room slab casting in sub-station by 31.03.2015
ECD: 30.06.16 - 2nd slab in chemical house by 25th Mar-2015
Overall progress: - Completion of equalisation tank targeted by Jun'15.
Sch: 91.6 % Act: 49.2 % - Procurement of BQ plate for Spent caustic tanks to be expedited.
Construction Progress:
E 34 Sch: 86.1% Front: 100 % Act: 29.3 %
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13.
(Duration: 21 M+2 M incl pre commng)

Completion of works for Tankage-II Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Management level meeting held on 25.02.15 at site. Total tanks: (New tanks 13 nos, work in progress for EIL/BPCL As stated
Sch: 30.06.15; CCD: 24.07.15; ECD: Sep'15 term 12 nos. Balance for 1 nos is YT-33 which shall be start after completion of YT-32; Modification tanks: Out of
Duration: 22 M total 16 nos, work in progress for 5 nos, 3 nos handed over to BPCL.)
Sch: 92.05 %; Front:95.35% Act: 43.56 % - B&R to augment resources to complete all balance work within agreed target.
E 35
Awarded to M/s B&R on 25-Sep-13

Completion of works for Tankage-III (Crude Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 Constr. As stated
Tanks) term - Plate erection to be expedited for YT-26/28.
(M/s IOT Anwesha ) - Tank pad completion works to be expedited in YT-25.
Sch: 27.02.15; CCD: 03.07.15
E 36 Duration: 20 M
Sch: 80.9 % Front: 100.0 % Act: 52.5 %

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Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Feb'15

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50% / 30% / 10%)

Score - Previous
Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
Impact Score =>
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
Project Cost
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

Risk score)
Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Slow progress of FCCU Heater works (Awarded Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 -Management level meeting held on 25.02.15 Project As Required III
to M/s Petron on 04.12.13 (16 M) term - Structural steel: Out of total 217 MT, 200 MT received.
LAD: 09.07.15 - Erection of radiant section completed.
CCD: 03.04.15 - Coil tubes: Pipes & fittings (part) delivered. PECL to take up radiant coil fabrication.
Ant: Oct'15 - Delivery of soot blowers and FD fans to be preponed to suit completion of heater by 03.04.15.
Overall Progress: - Procurement of refractory anchors & refractory blanket has been inordinately delayed & has cast
E 37 Sch: 100% Act: 67.7 % sequential hold on further site erection work, finalisation of refractory blanket details to be expedited
Construction progress:
Sch: 72.7% Front: 89.7% Act:38.3%

Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - PO amendment issued on 15.12.14. Projects As Required
Boiler Package for SRU Block (ordered to M/s term - Finalisation of subvendor for expansion bellows to be expedited.
Technicas on 31.012.13)
LAD: 09.06.15
CCD: 30.06.15; EDD: 30.09.15 (As per Vendor)
E 39 Overall Progress:
Sch: 81 % Act: 29 %

Slow progress of RO-DM works Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - Sub-station-Completion of RCC super structure completion by 15.06.2015 EIL/BPCL As Required
(Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13) term - Chemical House- Completion of RCC super structure by 10. 03.2015
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16 - DM tanks (2 nos) : Tank B: all 160 nos pile completed, excavation of PCC completed, pile cap by
(As per vendor) 10.03.2015. Tank -A : 120/160nos piling completed, expected pile cap by 28.03.2015.
Overall Progress: - Delivery of fabricated structural steel to be expedited to reach at site by 31.03.2015. Strl steel erection will
Sch: 98 % Act: 68.1% start by 24.03.2015
E 40 Construction Progress: - M/s DWEL being expedited to delivery of balance bought out items.
Sch: 100 %; Front: 100%; Act:43.15%

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works- Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 Management level meeting held with M/s Shriram on 19.02.15 at site. As Required
FCCU term - Mobilisation of resources is being expedited. At present only 110 nos, manpower mobilised against
Contr. Sch: 100 %; Front: 100% requirement of 350 nos. M/s Shriram agreed to augment additional 50 nos for civil work by 25.02.15.
Act: 73.1 % (M/s SEPC) - M/s Shriram to complete balance Civil work by 30.03.15. EIL/BPCL
CCD: 24.12.14 - SEPC to expedite structural erection for Tech str A,D,BPR-2
ECD: Oct'15 - 5575m3 offloaded to M/s Tuaman (3374m3 completed)
E 41 - 2432m3 offloaded to M/s PGC (692m3 completed)
- 2025MT structural work offloaded to REL
- 1684 MT structural work offloaded to ZIPL
- 310 MT Offloaded to TEL

Completion of Heater Works-DHDT (M/s Open Project Very High Y N N N Long I 0.1 0.10 0.10 0.00 -Modification of coils to be completed by 10.03.15 Constr. As Required III
Technip) term - Duct & Stack erection to be completed by 20.03.15
LAD: 24.04.15 - Hydrotesting of coil loops to be completed by 20.03.15
E 42 CCD: 03.03.15; ECD: Sep'15
Constr. Progress:
Sch: 99.3 % Front: 100 % Act: 78.5 %

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Procurement completed for structural steel Projects As Required III
Petron) term - Radiant panel erection completed for IV-H-101 & IV-H-201. APH Structure & Stack erection in progress
LAD:24.04.15 - Refractory for radiant section to be expedited
CCD:20.02.15 - Radiant coil tubes in transit and expected to arrive by 31.03.15
Ant: Dec'15
E 43 Overall Progress:
Sch: 100% Act: 71.7%
Construction Progress:
Sch: 99% Front: 97.4% Act.: 30.30%
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Feb'15

Page 579+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

50% / 30% / 10%)

Score - Previous
Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
Impact Score =>
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
Project Cost
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

Risk score)
Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Current manpower is 436 nos. against requirement of 600 nos. MBEL agreed to mobilise 200 nos Constrn. As Required
M/s McNally Bharat for DHDT & VGO term additional manpower for structural works
CCD: 10.01.15 - 6 cranes mobilised in order to carry out structural erection in both VGO & DHDT simultaneously.
ECD: Apr'15 - All structural erection to be completed by 31.03.15
Sch: 100 %; Front :99.55 % Act: 83.41 %
- Structural erection: DHDT: 1920 MT / 2600 MT
completed.; VGO: 1652 MT / 3065 MT
E 44 completed.
-UG Piping Laying: DHDT: 25009 IM / 25400 IM
completed; VGO: 27260 IM / 42000 IM

Completion of Pre-engineered Building Works Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 PEB1: M/s B&R agreed to complete balance work by 07.03.2015 except road work. Project Material storage Constrn. As Required
(3 Nos) by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. term commenced.
PEB 2 All works targeted to complete by 20.04.2015
PEB 3: All works targeted to complete by 20.03.2015
E 45 Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.

Completion of Cooling Tower -I & II Open Project High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 -Major backlog is due to construction (37%). Management level meeting held on 07.01.15 at site and PCTL EIL / BPCL As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 01.02.13) term to expedite to complete all works by Apr'15.
LAD: 31.01.15
CCD: 20.10.14
ECD: Mar'15
E 46 Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 100% Front: 100% Cum Act: 80.6%

Completion of Cooling Tower -III Open Project Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 - Manpower - Additional manpower to be deployed for civil works. (Required: 150 nos, Available: 87 nos) EIL / BPCL As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 11.09.15) term - Delivery of Bought out item to be expedited.
LAD: 30.06.15 - Mechanical contractor to be finalised.
CCD: 10.01.15 - RCC work for CWPH & CWTP to be expedited.
ECD: Aug'15 - Early delivery of Pipes and immediate commencement of Piping fabrication work.
E 47
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 100% Front: 100% Cum Act: 52.1%

Slow construction progress in Offsite-DHDS Open Constructi Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 -Work stopped by M/s KSSIIPL. Balance work being expedited by additional Misc. Civil/Strl contractor. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
area. on term -Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica & M/s Deen has been
Work stopped by M/s KSS in DHDS area for lined up to supplement Civil works. Further 1 additional Civil & Structural works contracts targeted to award
Civil & Strl work by mid Mar15.
CDD: 24.01.15 - Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion have been lined up to
E 48 ECD:. Dec'15 supplement structural works. Further 1 additional Civil & Structural works contracts targeted to award by mid

Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held on 25.02.15 at site. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
Works-FCCU on term - M/s Petron have started with night shift work.
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14 - PECL have erected the gantry crane & same to be made operational by mid Mar'15
CCD: 25.10.15 - 150MT crane is made operational, 200MT crane to be mobilised by mid Mar'15. Currently 4 crane
Construction Progress: available at site)
Sch: 46.1 %; Front: 17.4%; Act.:11.9% - 10 nos semi automatic welding machines shall be operational by Mar'15
AG Piping fabrication: 74252 ID / 486195 ID - Auto blasting installed to be made operational by Mar'15
completed - Gratings & consumables are being ordered. Handrails, wrapping coating mtrls & GI pipes ordering to be
AG Piping Erection: 21716 IM / 811115 ID expedited. Strl steel partially ordered.
E 49 completed

Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Feb'15

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50% / 30% / 10%)

Score - Previous
Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
Impact Score =>
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
Project Cost
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

Risk score)
Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Slow progress of work & poor manpower Open Constructi High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 Management review meeting held on 08.01.15. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
mobilisation by M/s B&R for Composite Works- on term -30 fitters, 40 welders & the required machineries shall be deployed by 30.01.15.
DCU -Insulation/painting agency to be finalised.
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14 - Hanger scaffolding to be introduced at site.
CCD: 11.11.15
Construction Progress:
Sch: 48.8 % Front: 27.1% Act.: 10.6%
E 50 AG piping fabrication: Only 92041 ID / 406975
ID fabrication completed.
AG piping erection: Only 66896 IM / 526435 IM
piping erection completed.

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work Open Constructi High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.48 0.48 0.00 Management level meeting held at Kochi site on 20.01.15 EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
for Refinery area: Generation of front for on term - RCC sub structure work shall be completed by Mar '15.
mechanical works affected (awarded to M/s - 30MT /day shall be fabricated from 01.01.15 onwards.
Mcnally Bharat on 26.09.13.)
Sch:100%; Front: 98.3%; Act: 36.9%
E 51 CCD: 25.01.15
ECD: Oct'15

Slow progress by M/s Tech Sharp for Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 Piping fabrication & erection work in progress in pipe rack 101-103, 108, 111-114. Fabrication in progress for Constr. 30-Apr-15 III
Composite works: Offsite IREP area due to on term piperack area 115.
delay in mobilisation. Awarded on 25.03.14. CS IBR & SS fabrication also commenced.
CCD: 24.09.15. Pipe support fabrication in progress.
Sch: 52.1% Front : 31.3% Actual : 13.3%
E 52 39836/ 285505 ID fabricated & 180402 /
1214330 IM erected.

Slow construction progress by M/s B&R for Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 - Management level meeting held 08.01.15 at site. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15 III
Composite works: Offsite Refinery area due to on term -Piping management system shall be installed by Jan'15
delay in mobilisation. - B&R to take up compressor erection immediately.
E 53 Awarded on 25.03.14.
CCD: 24.09.15
Sch:44.1%; Front: 11.1%; Act: 5.3%

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 Management level meeting held on 20.02.15 Constr. 30-Apr-15 III
works) by M/s L&T for CDU/VDU. on term -TS I by 20.03.15
Sch: 04.09.14 -TS II, III & IV,VI handed over.
E 54 CCD: 06.09.14 -TS V by 27.05.15
ECD: 31.03.15 -TS VII by 15.03.15.
Sch:100% Front: 99.44% Act: 88.20% - Main piperack 100% completion targeted by 12.03.15

Completion of Heater Works-CDU/VDU (M/s Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - MRM held on 16.01.15 Constr. As Required III
Technip) term Major backlog is due to manufacturing & Delivery and construction.
LAD:14.03.15 - Additional resources to be mobilised to recover construction backlogs
CCD: 06.02.15 All convection modules erected,
Ant: Jun'15 APH & Burners for VDU Heater erected.
E 55
CDU APH foundations handed over in Dec'14

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held on 20.02.15 EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15
works) by M/s L&T for DCU. on term -TS I by 25.03.15
Sch: 04.09.14 -TS II by 10.04.15.
CCD: 06.09.14 - TS III by 17.03.15.
E 56 ECD: 15.03.15 - TS IV handed over.
Sch: 100% Front: 100 % Act: 94.3 % -TS V by 08.03.15
- Main piperack completion targeted by 10.03.15

Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Feb'15

Page 581+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

50% / 30% / 10%)

Score - Previous
Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
Impact Score =>
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
Project Cost
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

Risk score)
Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Start of work for Tankage-IV by M/s Offshore Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level Meeting held on 24.02.15, M/s OIl committed to start night shift work in YT-150 from EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15 III
Awarded on 17.04.14 on term 10.03.2015
CCD: 16.01.16 - Scope of works : Modification of 10 No tanks and 02 No new tanks. Front has been released for YT-
Scope of modification: total 10 nos; Front 383,391 for modification and 150 for new.
released has been released for 2 nos (YT- - YT-150: Tank Pad completed, erection of annular plate completed, welding u/p, bottom plate erection
383/391) under progress..
E 57
Sch : 57.46% Front : 57.56% Actual : 21.51% - YT-383: Roof structure erection completed, roof plate erection u/p.
- YT-391: Hydrotesting completed, blasting and painting under progress.
- Ordering of cladding and moisture barriers to be expedited.

Slow progress for Tankage-I by M/s B&R Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held on 25.02.2015 with M/s B&R at site. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15 III
Awarded on 07.06.13 on term Start of Hydrotest
CCD: 06.04.15 - YT 341 : hydrotest by 06.04.2015
ECD:Aug'15 - YT 342 : Hydro test by 28.06.2015
Sch: 99.41 % Front: 100 % Act: 62.13 % - YT 343 : hydro test by 12.06.2015
- YT 344 : Hydrotest by 01.05.2015
E 58 - YT 111 : Hydrotest by 24.03.2015
- YT 112 : Hydrotest by 04.04.2015
- YT 113 : Hydrotest by 05.06.2015
- YT 114 : Hydrotest by 25.06.2015
-Manpower required is 250 nos, available is 161.

Start of work for SRU Tankage works (Ordered Open Constructi High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 -These tankages (Amine water and sour water services) are required for commissioning of CDU/VDU. Constr. 30-Apr-15
to M/s Tuaman on 19.02.14 on term - ISW-T-101 tank: 1st Shell & Bottom plate welding is in progress, Roof structural erection is in progress.
CCD:18.06.15 - ISW-T-201: Bottom plate & Shell erection is in progress.
E 59 Sch: 88 % Front: 74.7 % Act: 41.7 % - ISA-T-101: Annular plate welding completed & Bottom plate laying & Welding is in progress.
- IS-T-502 & IS-T-102 A/ B tand pad ready.

Composite works by M/s Albana for DHDT Open Constructi Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12 0.12 0.00 - Piping fabrication & piping erection in MPR in progress. Constr. 30-Apr-15 III
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD: on term Structural fabrication in progress for reactor structure, piping supports, piping manifold
18.11.15. - Equipment erection in progress (50 nos equipment erection completed)
Sch : 44.5% Front : 36.4% Actual : 18.2%
64907 ID / 210605 ID piping fabrication
E 60 completed. 17543 IM / 301995 IM erected.

Start of Composite works by M/s Offshore for Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 23.01.15 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to ensure Constr. 30-Apr-15 III
Offsite DHDS area on term sufficient manpower mobilization when work front is released to them.
Awarded to M/s OIL on 19.05.14 with CCD: - Qualified 9 Welders are available at site. Additional 6 Nos Welders by to be mobilized by 05.03.2015
Sch: 50.2% Front: 10.9% Act: 5.1%
E 61 5138 ID / 232725 ID piping fabrication
completed. 3078 IM / 1084540 IM erected.

Composite works by M/s offshore for SRU area Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 23.01.15 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to mobilise Constr. 30-Apr-15 III
Awarded to M/s OIL on 25.03.14 with CCD: on term additional resources, M/s OIL confirmed to increase the resources and achieved 1200 ID/day by Mar'15.
42530 / 298905 ID fabricated. - At present only 26 nos welders are available at site with per day rate of 1000 ID, however to achieve the
E 62 18200 IM / 299780 IM erected. completion schedule minimum 1500 ID/day to be achieved.
Sch : 39% Front : 31.8% Actual : 10.3%

Completion of balance piling work (Covered Open Constn. Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12 0.12 0.00 -Out of 2205 nos piles, 833 nos piles completed. BPCL 30-Apr-15 III
E 63 under Piling-IIII Contract) term
(Total 2077 Nos piles approx).
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Feb'15

Page 582+15 of 32
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

50% / 30% / 10%)

Score - Previous
Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
Impact Score =>
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
Project Cost
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

Risk score)
Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Completion of Composite works by M/s Albana Open Constructi Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12 0.12 0.00 - Piping fabrication work & Piping erection work in progress. Constr. 30-Apr-15 III
for VGO Unit on term - Equipment erection in progress (13 nos completed)
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD: - Structural fabrication in progress for TS-2
Sch : 31.1% Front : 28.6% Actual : 13.8%
E 64 53608 ID / 145080 ID piping fabrication &
26678 / 248080 IM completed.

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun15 for CDU/VDU commissioning. BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project term
F 1

Implementation of Change management Open PROCES Medium N Y Y N Long D 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.00 a. Change management should be in place immediately Projects Continuous IV
system S/ENGG/ term b. Strict discipline to be maintained else end objective would be difficult to meet.
The same affects : CONS.
- Finalization of basic philosophies All Disciplines are restricted to book manhours and all HOD's should review & make strict control of
- Scope of services manhours booking.
- Release of deliverables
F 2 Various scope changes (as advised by BPCL),
resulting in expenditure of extra manhours
against control manhours.

Timely Commissioning of UB package to meet Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 -Strict monitoring required at all stages upto commissioning. Constn. / as scheduled III
refinery commissioning schedule. term -Completeness of supply of all subparts, their assembly and other BOP Items to be ensured. Projects /
LAD : 31.03.15 (UB 1) - Both steam drum delivered at site. RCC work for chimney completed, foundation work in progress for UB's. BPCL
F 3 30.06.15 (UB 2) Erection of structure started.
- Progress of work affected due to delay in completion of civil foundations.

Timely payment to sub contractor by main Open Const. Medium N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.00 Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: Project/BPCL As Required IV
contractor term - Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being implemented as per
contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank guarantee being implemented
G 1 for future contract of more than 5CR value.
- Expeditious processing of RA bills.

Infrastructure at Kochi Open Const. Low N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.03 0.03 0.00 Contractor to identify the proposed areas in and around Project area and BPCL to facilitate by persuading Constn. / As Required IV
G 2 term with local authorities for required permission. Projects /
Implementation of environmental clearance Open Projects Medium Y N N N Short D 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.00 - Meeting held with BPCL on EIL recommendations and action plan finalised. BPCL / As required IV
conditions by EIL (received from MoEF vide term - BPCL to take up with MOEF for approval of changes in system already incorporated. (e.g. configuration for Projects
Letter dated 22.11.12) CPP)
G 7 - Incorporation of EC and RRA recommendations in balance systems under progress.

Statutory approvals Open Projects / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - All drawings for F&B approval issued progressively upto 29.09.14. EIL/BPCL 30-Apr-15 IV
- Factory inspectorate approval BPCL term -Compilation of documents for Factory Inspectorate, CEA approval to started on priority.
- CEA (Central electrical authority) approval
I 2 -IBR approval (LAD - IBR Package for DCU by
end Dec'13; CDU/VDU by 31.12.13)

Implementation of Health, Safety and Open Const. Very High N N Y Y Short D 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 - Deployment of skilled manpower for enforcement of safety precautions. Constn. Continuous III
J 1 environmental (HSE) system term - Monitoring of the HSE conditions and maintenance of records ./ reports.
- Safety Drills being organised on monthly basis.
Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. High N N Y Y Short I 0.5 0.40 0.40 0.00 -Utilisation of migrant and skilled labour from outside Kerala needs to be encouraged. However, the same Constn / As Required
term will be effective only if proper labour colony facilities are arranged by the contractors. BPCL
At present only approx 12000 labours are - Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade union leaders that
K 2
working against requirement of 15000-18000 workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.
Quarry operator strike : Quarry operator strike Open Const. High N N Y Y Short I 0.5 0.40 0.40 Being taken up through BPCL at District Collector & Chief Ministers office for early settlement. Constn / As Required
in the state from 12.02.15 has affected the term BPCL
concreting work.
K 5

Risk Id
Kochi Refinery, BPCL

Total Risk Score

Key Risk Description
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Open / Close)

Risk Owner

(Very High /
High / Medium /
Low / Very Low)
(95% / 80% /
50% / 30% / 10%)
Project Cost
( Y / N)

EIL Cost
(Y / N)

( Y / N)

Output Quality
( Y / N)

(Long Term /
Short term)

(D/I )

Impact Score =>

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
Current Risk
Score ->

{5}* {12}

Previous Risk

(Current risk
Score - Previous

Risk score)
Action Plan
Action By
Target Date
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Job No.: A307
Job No.: A307
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


Risk Owner
(Open /
Risk Id


Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Management level meeting held on 20.01.15 at site. EIL/BPCL Feb'15-Mar'15
FCCU-M/s Essar-GRE - Hard stand construction completed.
LAD : 09.07.15 - Crane (1600 MT): Load test and readiness targeted by end Feb'15. EPIL/GRE to
CCD: 09.10.15 arrange another crane (1000 MT-from M/s VTV) for Regenerator bottom section
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) erection.
Overall Progress: - 1st lot & 2nd lot cyclones for reactor & regenerator dispatched progressively on
Sch: 90.0% Act: 63.7 % 21.01.15, balance shipment targeted by end Feb'15. M/s Emtrol is being expedited.
Construction Progress: - Erection of TSS bottom and top section targeted by end Feb'15.
Sch: 66.1% Front: 85.8% Act: 25.6 % - Erection of regenerator bottom section targeted from end Feb'15.
- Erection of external riser targeted by end Mar'15.
D 1 - Erection of reactor bottom section targeted by end Mar'15.
- Agencies being pressurized to expedite completion of balance works by Dec15 and
requested to submit Catchup plan.
- ESP structures are under despatch.

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Following commitments have been made by M/s Essar. Erection by
Target Sch: 01.05.15 -Shift Work: Works in two shifts implemented. May'15
Ant Compl.: 30.07.16 - Structural erection upto 127 m completed. Cage erection completed on 19.12.14.
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). - Opening of LC for imported items: M/s EPIL informed letter of credit through Bank of
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. India opened.
Overall Progress: - M/s Essar have been pressurized to deliver all coke drums progressively upto Apr15
Cum. Sch. 79.2 %; Act: 60.0 % and Coke fractionator by end Mar15. BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: - Crane (2000 MT): All consignment reached at port. Mobilization targeted by Feb15
Sch: 61.5% Front: 100% Act: 32.7 % and erection of equipments targeted to commence from Mar15 to May15.
D 9 -Clear water tank fabrication- Agency being finalised, Civil tank pad work commenced.
Strl Steel: Out of total 3210 MT, 2138 MT procured, - Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 457 nos
1207 MT fabricated & 793 MT received. have been deployed against requirement of 607 nos.

Construction of NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / - Tender splited into two parts (Structural/ Mechanical works & Civil work). 3 nos bids EIL/BPCL Feb'15
- Target Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 12 M available Projects received on 21.01.15 for Structural/mechanical work. Civil work being done by misc.
for construction works (excl. Dismantling works) Civil agency (M/s Furnace Fabrica). Rigorous follow up with contractor to be made
against schedule of 22 M. after award of contract.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay Electrical Work: Bids due on 03.02.15.
in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award of Instrumentation Work: Bids due on 04.02.15. .
- Change in the scope based on health check report
has an impact on Project cost and schedule.
E 4 Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 88.4% Catch Up Sch: 62.3 % Act:

Backlog 18.4% as of 15-Jan-15 in Construction Open Const - Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica & EIL As Required
activities viz., Civil works and Mechanical works for M/s Deens has been lined up to supplement Civil works. Further 1 additional Civil &
offsite area as well as unit areas. Structural works contracts targeted to award by mid Feb15.
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; - Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion
Time lapsed - 33 M have been lined up to supplement structural works. Further 1 additional Civil &
Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act Structural works contracts targeted to award by mid Feb15.
53.5 76.0 62.9 41.4 - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site. Approx 11000 labours
Contractors are facing problem in retaining the are available at site, though induction programme has been carried out for more than EIL/BPCL
labour at site. 18000 labours . requirement of manpower at site is approx 19000 nos.
Approx 10000 labours are available against - RCC work & structural fabrication/erection work to be expedited to give complete
requirement of 20000 at site. front to mechanical contractor progressively upto Apr-May'15.
-Construction progress for Jan'15 got improved - Lighting of areas to facilitate night shift working.
(During the month progress achieved is 3.84 %) - Provision made for snacks/dinner for labour to facilitate working in extended/night
E 7 - Provision of multiple entries inside plant areas to ease manpower/machinery
mobilisation to be explored.
- Additional mechanical contracts being awarded to supplement existing mechanical
- In order to boost progress, permission from labour union of Kochi to be taken up for
two shift work.

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


Risk Owner
(Open /
Risk Id


Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Slow construction progress of SRU Block due to Open Proj. / - Management level meeting held with M/s B&R on 08.01.15 at EIL site and EIL Feb'15
delayed area handing over Constn. augmentation of manpower by min. 100 nos to be expedited for concreting work
- At present only 95 % area given to M/s MBEL, progress. All area handed over in SRU.
balance Site for SRU block shall be available by - Retaining wall completed for the available front. Balance piling being carried out
Jan'15. (The works are covered under SG-II Tender through Piling III to take up further retaining wall work.
: Awarded to B&R on 22.11.12) - Piling for SRU : All piling drawing released. To meet Euro-IV compliance, focussed
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from end efforts being made for ARU/SWS. Piling for ARU/SWS is completed. Balance piling
Jun14) are available with respect to schedule of 25 work completion targeted by mid Feb'15.
M (As per past experience minimum requirement for - Civil works completion targeted by mid May15 and handing over of front to EIL/BPCL
SRU is 30 M). mechanical contractor targeted from end Feb15 onwards.
E 14 - To meet Euro-IV compliance, readiness of ARU/SWS targeted by Dec15.

Slow progress of ETP works by M/s Paramount Open Project Management level meeting held on 09.01.15. EIL/BPCL As stated
LAD: 30.09.15 - Completion of equalisation tank targeted by Mar'15.
CCD:10.08.15 - Chemical house super strl work completion targeted by mid Mar15.
ECD: 30.06.16 - During the meeting on 05.12.14, M/s Paramount informed that ETP plant can be
Overall progress: made ready by Dec15.
Sch: 86.6 % Act: 39.6 % - Substation Building: Slab completion for switch gear room targeted by end Feb'15.
Construction Progress: - Night shift work being implemented. Additional manpower of 30 nos being planned to
E 34 Sch: 75.6% Front: 100 % Act: 23.2 % mobilise by end Jan'15.
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13. (Duration:
21 M+2 M incl pre commng)

Slow progress of RO-DM works Open Project - M/s Driplex informed that DM water can be provided by Sep15 for CPP and EIL/BPCL As Required
(Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13) accordingly have been asked to submit completion plan.
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16 (As -M/s Driplex to mobilise additional resources for completion as per catch-up plan.
per vendor) - DM tanks (2 nos) : Piling rig mobilised and piling work commenced. Tank B: (76/160
Overall Progress: nos piling completed). Tank -A : (20/160nos piling completed).
Sch: 98 % Act: 62.9%
Construction Progress:
E 40 Sch: 100 %; Front: 100%; Act:36.0%

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works- FCCU Open Project Management level meeting held with M/s Shriram on 19.01.15 at site. As Required
Contr. Sch: 100 %; Front: 100% - Mobilisation of resources is being expedited. At present only 110 nos, manpower
Act: 68.2 % (M/s SEPC) mobilised against requirement of 350 nos. M/s Shriram agreed to augment additional
CCD: 24.12.14 98 nos manpower by Feb'15. EIL/BPCL
ECD: Oct'15 - M/s Shriram agreed to complete foundation for Tech structure F & Tech structure D
by 07.02.15. Structural fabrication/erection for tech structure A/E/D targeted
progressively by end Feb15.
Management level meeting held with M/s Zillion on 13.01.15 at site.
- M/s Zillion agreed to complete all fabrication drawings by end Jan15.
- M/s Zillion agreed to fabricate 500 MT structural steel by 31.01.15 & additional 500
MT by 15.02.15.

E 41

Slow construction progress in Offsite-DHDS area. Open Constructio -Work stopped by M/s KSSIIPL. Balance work being expedited by additional Misc. EIL/BPCL Feb'15
Work stopped by M/s KSS in DHDS area for Civil & n Civil/Strl contractor.
Strl work -Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica &
CDD: 24.01.15 M/s Deen has been lined up to supplement Civil works. Further 1 additional Civil &
ECD:. Dec'15 Structural works contracts targeted to award by mid Feb15.
- Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion
E 49 have been lined up to supplement structural works. Further 1 additional Civil &
Structural works contracts targeted to award by mid Feb15.

Ordering of Critical Valves Open Project -Revised MR (MR-3415): Ordered to M/s Oswal, M/s Shalimar, M/s AV valves and M/s BPCL Feb'15
Sch: 11.07.14 L&T.
Ant: 07.02.15 - New MR-3515 (41 Nos) floated, Award recomn issued on 09.01.15.
C 73 Dely: 06/07 M FOT /FOB

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


Risk Owner
(Open /
Risk Id


Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Logistics of VGO & DHDT reactors from Kochi port Open T&CC - Contract for ODC transportation awarded to M/s Urmila on 26.05.14. EIL/BPCL Feb'15
to BPCL-KR site - DHDT reactor unloaded into barge on 26.12.14 and anchored at BPCL's jetty.
(VGO Reator-2 Nos - CDD (07-Jan-15 FOB) EDD: - Construction of jetty work for unloading is being expedited to be ready by Feb'15.
Mar'15 - Erection of reactor planned with 1000 MT crane by mid Feb'15.
(DHDT Reactor-2 Nos - CDD (07-Oct-14 FOB: - M/s Urmila to carry out strengthening of the Chitrapuzha bridge.
unloaded onto barge on 26.12.14) - Management level meeting with M/s Urmila planned in 1st week of Feb'15 at EIL
ISGEC Josen (3 nos) Column: expected to receive Delhi.
D 13 at Kochi port from Feb'15 to mid Mar'15.

Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on Open Projects - Compressor casing dispatched from M/s NP Italy workshop on 17.09.14.(Received EIL/BPCL Continuous
26.09.13) at BHEL workshop).
LAD: 09.01.15 - Compressor casing received at BHEL workshop on 28.10.14 and is under
CCD: 25.04.15 machining. Further delivery of compressor takes normally 10-11 month after receipt of
EDD: 31.10.15 casing.
D 19 - M/s BHEL to prepone the delivery of CEP turbine (from Oct'15 to Apr'15).
- Meeting with M/s BHEL planned on 10.02.15.

Slow progress of work & poor manpower Open Constructio Management review meeting held on 08.01.15. EIL/BPCL Continuous
mobilisation by M/s B&R for Composite Works-DCU n -30 fitters, 40 welders & the required machineries shall be deployed by 30.01.15.
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14 -Insulation/painting agency finalization by 31.01.15.
CCD: 11.11.15 - Hanger scaffolding to be introduced at site.
Construction Progress:
Sch: 38.6 % Front: 27.1% Act.: 10.6%
AG piping fabrication: Only 55911 ID / 406975 ID
fabrication completed.
AG piping erection: Only 39904 IM / 526435 IM
E 20 piping erection completed.

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Open Constructio Management level meeting held at Kochi site on 20.01.15 EIL/BPCL As Required
Refinery area: Generation of front for mechanical n - RCC sub structure work shall be completed by Mar '15.
works affected (awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on - 30MT /day shall be fabricated from Jan'15 onwards.
26.09.13.) - 1500 MT each fabrication shall be done during Feb'15. Bal 600 MT fabrication to be
Sch:98.9%; Front: 95.9%; Act: 29.9% done by 28.02.15.
CCD: 25.01.15
ECD: Oct'15
E 49

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 14.01.15 EIL/BPCL As Required
works) by M/s L&T for DCU. n - Handing over of complete branch piperack targeted by 28.02.15.
Sch: 04.09.14 - TS-I : completion by 20.02.15.
CCD: 06.09.14 -TS-II : completion by 25.03.15.
ECD: 15.03.15 - TS-III : Structural erection targeted by 31.01.15. Completion by 28.02.15.
Sch: 100% Front: 98.7 % Act: 90.6 %

E 51

Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. -Utilisation of migrant and skilled labour from outside Kerala needs to be encouraged. Constn / As Required
However, the same will be effective only if proper labour colony facilities are arranged BPCL
At present only approx 11000 labours are working by the contractors.
against requirement of 15000-18000 labours. - Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade
union leaders that workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.
K 2

Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project - M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration due to delayed availability of burner BPCL / EIL 15-May-15 III
LAD: 23.06.15 data from M/s Aecometric. Letter forwarded on 11.06.14 to BPCL for recommending
CCD:18.02.15 (including Site work) extension for supply portion to M/s Thermax upto 30.11.14. Further M/s Thermax
ECD: 18.05.15 seeking extension for duration upto 31.03.15 for supply through letter dated 08.10.14.
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl - Foundation work completed for 1st train. 2nd train foundation targeted by mid
erection) Feb'15. Bidder has requested for providing space for storage of MCC equipment &
Refractory Materials.
D 8 - Refractory lining work in Combustion chamber can be started only after erection of
MCC pkg.

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun15 for CDU/VDU BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project commissioning.
F 1
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


Risk Owner
(Open /
Risk Id


Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by BPCL Mar'15 IV
clearance for BOO area. Mar'15.
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
E 8 commissioning of Demountable flare
(Commissioning expected by end Mar'15)

Timely payment to sub contractor by main contractor Open Const. Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: Project/BPCL As Required IV
- Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being
implemented as per contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank
guarantee being implemented for future contract of more than 5CR value.
G 1 - Expeditious processing of RA bills.

Infrastructure at Kochi Open Const. Contractor to identify the proposed areas in and around Project area and BPCL to Constn. / As Required IV
facilitate by persuading with local authorities for required permission. Projects /
G 2
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 588+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in issue of Process deliverables for Open Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.2 0.00 Actions Taken so far: Projects / 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
engineering for NHT / ISOM due to delay in term - UOP package received on 08.08.13. Process
receipt of Process Package from M/s UOP - PDS issued for all Columns, Vessels, Air Fin Coolers, Exchangers & Refrigeration pkg, pumps (part
(Process pkg incl. resolution sheet received on balance).
mid Aug'13 against sch of 30-Apr-13) - All 30 nos P&IDs issued for engineering
A 1 Schedule : 31-Jul-13 Action Plan for balance
Anticipated : mid Nov'13 - 19 nos out of 23 nos pumps datasheet issued for engineering. Balance progressively targeted by 15.11.13.

Delay in Finalisation of balance OSBL Open Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Meeting held with BPCL on 18-20.09.13. Process / 15-Oct-13 sep'13
distribution P&IDs due to delay in receipt of term Projects
data from BPCL
LAD - 30-Nov-12; Ant - 15-Oct13
Natural gas operating/ design condition
information has been received from BPCL
A 2 during meeting dated 13 & 14.8.13.
Steam distribution : Preliminary discussion on
BOO steam distribution held with BPCL. BPCL
approval on EIL scheme required.

Holds, missing information, corrections, Open Process Medium N N N N Short D 0 0.00 - All P&IDs incorporating DCNs issued. Process 25/10/13 Oct'13
changes in PDS / P&IDs - CDU / VDU term
- DCNs on account of HAZOP
A 3 recommendations for CDU / VDU

Holds, missing information, corrections, Open Process Medium N N N N Short D 0 0.00 - Design Change Note based on Hazop recommendations issued on 03.01.14. All major process P&IDs 15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
changes in PDS / P&IDs - DCU term released.
- Major pumps data received and foundation drawing released. Projects /
A 4 Engg 31-Mar-14

Delay in Process Package for TGTU (M/s CB & Close BPCL / Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 -Process package received on 14.04.13 Projects / Apr'13
INC) Process term Process
LAD : 31-Dec-12 ; Ant : 12-Apr-13
A 5
Agreement signed by BPCL-KR issued to
Licensor on 04.04.13

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / Close Process Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 All PDS issued for Engg. All Process P&IDS issued. Utility P&IDs: 15 out of 15 nos issued for engineering. - Apr'13
P&IDs for DHDT term
A 6 P&ID's : LAD : 30-Nov-12; Ant : 08-May-13

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS for Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Process package from M/s Lummus received on 17-Aug-12. Process - Mar'13
DCU term All Equipment PDS issued for engineering. Utility equipment issued for engineering.
LAD : 29-Dec-12; Ant : 19-Mar-13
A 7

Finalisation of Utility import / export Close Process Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Based on latest information from BOO HGU and SWII (FCC), Revised Design Basis issued. Projects / - Mar'13
requirements from BOO by BPCL. Flare load term Process
A 8 changed substantially and repeatedly from
estimated values.

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / Close Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Process P&IDs: All process P&ID issued. Process Apr'13
P&IDs for FCC term PDS: Heat Exch. - 52/52 issued for Engg.
LAD :29-Jan-13; Ant : 08-May-13 Pumps 49/50 issued for Engineering.
A 9 Vessels 38/38 tags issued for Engg.
Air cooler 6/6 issued for Engineering.

-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs Close Process Low N N N N Short I 0 0.00 0 0.00 - Common Interconnection P&ID for FCC, VGO and DHDT will be issued (covered under risk A09). Hence BPCL / 31-Dec-12 Jan'13
for DHDT term clubbed with Risk no. A09. Projects /
LAD: 30-Nov-12 POSD
A 10
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Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 589+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 All process P&IDs issued. Process Apr'13
P&IDs for VGO-HDT term Pumps PDS issued for engg,.
A 11 LAD : 29-Jan-13; Ant : 10-May-13 All Vessels PDS issued for engg.

-Preparation of Offsite P&IDs for tankages Close POSD Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - All 32 P&ID issued for engineering Apr'13
(LAD - 21.01.13) term
- Delay has been due to delay in receipt of As-
built drawings from BPCL-KR (except CEMP-II).
A 12 All details received now.
-Upgradation of Crude oil pipeline system
(Inside refinery) to be taken up.

In view of increase in sulphur load PDS & Close Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - All PDS and P&ID revised and issued. Apr'13
P&IDs for sulphur block (ARU, SWS & SRU) is term
A 13
being reviewed and released as per priority of
Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/E Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process - Apr'13
A 14 Engineering after release of MR NGG term

-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs Close Process High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Out of 2 nos offsite interconnection P&IDs, 1 no. (New facilities) has been issued for engineering. Balance BPCL / 15-Mar-13 Feb'13
LAD :30-Nov-12 term 1 no. targeted by 15.03.13 Projects /
A 15

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/E Low Y Y Y Y Long D 0.2 0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering. Process - Apr'13
A 16 Engineering after Order NGG/Proc term
Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/E Very Low Y Y Y Y Long D 0.2 0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process - Apr'13
A 17 Engineering after Equipment manufacturing NGG/Proc term

Updation of estimated utilities on account of Close Process Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 In case of revision in process parameters of an equipment the utility estimates furnished by engineering RED / PED/ As Required Apr'13
A 18 revision in process parameters (revision of PDS term against older Revision of PDS should not be used until same is got verified/ updated for current revision. PROCESS
based on engg comments) RED to update all such changes within stipulated time frame as per departmental guidelines and Process to
incorporate in the revised PDS.
ISBL Distribution P&IDs for VGO-HDT Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Utility P&IDs: P&IDs (14 / 17 ) issued for engg (except for small bore piping: Pump Seal & Vent Drain). The Process 31-May-13 Apr'13
A 19 SCH: 30-Nov-12 term same are targeted by Jun'13.
ANT: Jun-13

ISBL Distribution P&IDs for FCCU Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Utility P&IDs: 30/36 issued for engineering. Process 31-May-13 Apr'13
SCH: 30-Nov-12 term P&IDs for small bore Piping shall be issued by 31.05.13.
A 20 ANT: 31-May-13

Utility distribution P&IDs for DCU Close Process Low N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0 0.00 Distribution P&IDs issued for engineering. Jan'13
A 21 term

Final issue for OSBL utility distribution P&IDs Open Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Revised P&ID for Condensate System issued on 15.05.13. BPCL 25-May-13 May'13
LAD: 30-Nov-12 term
ANT: 25-May-13
A 22 Updation of P&ID as per finalised condensate
philosophy to be taken up.

Incompatibility between Process design basis Open Engg Very High N N N N Short D 0 0.00 - Inconsistency related to type of Isolation valve (Ball Vs. gate / globe/check) between instrumentation and Engg. 30-Apr-14 May'14
and Engineering Design Basis term process design basis identified during coordination meetings resolved by TSD.
(Piping / SED / RED / PED / instrumentation /
HMTD design basis) - affects subsequent
A 23 detailed engineering activities.

Fuel oil system for GTG: Implementation of the Open Power High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - System configuration including 8 pumps, filters & centrifuge finalised and PDS for pumps issued. Filters & Projects 30-May-14 May'14
system based on modalities finalised Tech. term Centrifuge PDS issued for engineering on 22.05.14. (CPP group)
(associated system for existing Fuel oil tank - Readiness of the fuel forwarding system to be ensured w.r.t. GTG commg schedule (i.e. in Mar 15).
A 24 tapping with new GTG).
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 590+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
BPCL confirmation/clarification over Close Engg. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - PDS for desalting pumps issued on 25.10.13. MR issued on 13.11.13. Engg Nov'13
datasheets/GADs for existing/new raw water term
intake pump obtained from M/s KBL
A 25 (LAD for MR for pumps - 07.03.13)

A 26 Identifications of hook-ups on flare lines and Close Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Identification of hook ups for Flare line, FCC flare, PRU flare and NHT / ISOM completed during site visit Projects / 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
finalisation of methodology
Signing of ISBL P&IDs and with BPCL
battery limiti.e.
P&IDs Open Process / Low N N Y N term
Short D 0.16 0.05 -0.05 by EIL Process.
Signing of P&IDs completed for: Constn.
Process / 31-Jan-15
for of Shut
Units, Utility down / Hot
packages tapping.
& other packages. POSD term - Hook sketches
-CDU/VDU Blocktoonbe24.06.14.
prepared and signed by Piping / POSD / BPCL. Marking at site to be taken up on POSD /
- DCU unit on 03.07.14 & CR LPG unit on 22.07.14.
-- VGO
unit onof12.07.14.
methodology for taking up works targeted by end Dec 13.
A 27 - DHDT unit on 24.07.14
- FCCU unit on 23.07.14
- SRU block on 25.07.14.
- Offsite P&IDs issued to BPCL. Signing completed

Offsite Interconnection P&ID Close Process / High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Updated P&IDs released. Process / Mar'14 & Apr'14
- Updation of P&IDs based on HAZOP review POSD term POSD /
A 28
for offsite.

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for Open Engg. Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Equipment layout issued for engineering on 23.08.13 Piping 21-Aug-13 JUL'13
NHT/ISOM Ant - 21-Aug-13) term
Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:
i) 3 D Modelling
B 1 ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for Close Engg. Very high N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Equipment layout issued for engineering Piping 26-Dec-12 Jan'13
VGO-HDT term
B 2 LAD - 07-Nov-12
Ant- 26-Dec-12

Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for
i) 3 D Modelling Close Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Equipment layout issued for engineering Projects / 21-Dec-12 Jan'13
FCCU (targeted by
ii) Civil/Structural & 27.12.2012)
UG Piping Tender term Piping /
B 3 Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:
preparation BPCL
i) 3 D Modelling
ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender
NIT for Heater for FCCU Open ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 NIT issued on 24.06.13, bids due on 23.07.13 Projects / 18-Jun-13 May'13
LAD -01-Apr-13 ; Ant - 18-Jun-13 term Process /
B 4

a) Cost/time overrun due to rework Close Procure/E Medium Y N Y N Long D 0.12 0.00 1) Involvement of technical/engineering team and client with vendor where non-standard products are Projects As Required Apr'13
b) Non completion of critical project activities NGG/CON term required
within time & delay in Project completion S. 2) Clarification of all doubts prior to beginning of work
B 5 c) Poor performance of Sub-contractors and 3) Procedures for internal review and approval of design/deliverables to be followed

New requirement of power recovery system Close Project High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.00 -Discussions with prospective bidders held seeking details on implementation methodology. Engg (Elec) 15-Jan-13 Jan'13
(FCCU) shall have impact on project cost. term -Decision regarding System integration schemes taken during meeting dated 17th & 18th Dec 12. MR
B 6 3 Nos PRTs envisaged (FCC-1 Nos ; VGO- 2 issued

Updation of Equipment layout for engineering Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Layout finalised with licensor. Final layout under study. Piping 15-Jun-13 May'13
for TGTU term - Model review for SRU completed on 30th May'13 (except TGTU, incinerator section & downstream of
B 7 LAD - 21-Jan-13; sulphur pit).
Ant: Mid Jun'13

Issue 2nd MTO Piping (Sch - 30-Apr-13; Ant - Close Piping Very High N N Y Y Short D 0.2 0.00 Intermediate MTO released on 31.05.13. Piping 31-May-13 May'13
End May 13) term
Piping preliminary MTO has been released
without covering DHDT, VGO FCC& offsite
B 8 interconnection P&IDs, Flare system & offsite
storage P&IDs. Prel. MTO covers 35% for large
bore pipes.
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 591+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in thermal design for Heat exchangers & Close HMTD Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Thermal design completed for DHDT, VGO-HDT and FCCU. HMTD Apr'13
Air coolers for licensed and non licensed units - term
LAD (DHDT): 02-Feb-13
B 9 LAD (VGO-HDT): 09-Feb-13
LAD (FCCU): 08-Mar-13

Issue Overall UG piping layout drawing for the Close Engg. High N N N N Short D 0 0.00 - Layout for OWS, CRWS, CW & FW lines issued for Offsite. Gen Civil 31-May-13 May'13
B 10 complex term

Completion of 30 % Model review Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 VGO-HDT: 30 % modelling completed on 7th Jun'13 Piping Prog. May'13
B 11 VGO- LAD: 09-Mar-13 term FCCU: 30 % modelling completed on 06.06.13. To
FCCU-LAD : 23-Apr-13 SRU (excluding TGTU) completed on 30.05.13. Jun 13
NIT for Civil & Strl work for existing Refinery Open Project/C& Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - NIT issued for publishing on 12.06.13 with sale period from 17.06.2013 to 05.07.2013 Project / C&P 18-Jun-13 May'13
Area P term
C 12 LAD: 31-Jan-13
ANT: 18-Jun-13

a) Inaccurate assessment of quantum of work Close Engg/proc Very High N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 Wide variation of BOQ and site executed quantities for item rate tenders to be controlled. Engg As Required Apr'13
urement term Past data to be analysed and used for reference purposes.
B 13

MR issue for MCC (Main combustion Chamber) Close Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 MR issued on 02.05.13. Engg Apr'13
packages. term
B 14
LAD: 16-Feb-13
Ant: 15-Apr-13
Timely finalisation of Package Interface Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Management level meetings with package contractors being organised to expedite the works. Projects / May'14
CDSP-DCU awarded on 22-Aug-13; term - Battery limit conditions for CDSP Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13) submitted by vendor & Engg. /
RR pkg-FCC awarded on 25-Jul-13. approved under code 2 on 07.05.14. Process
(Battery Limit conditions for each package to be - Battery limit conditions for R&R Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 25.07.13) received from vendor and
frozen within three months of award to ensure approved.
time availability for engg, procurement and
B 15 construction by all the concerned).

Unit and offsite interfaces (Elevation termination Close Engg. Medium N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.00 - Clubbed with Risk ID A27 TSD - Mar'14 & Apr'14
levels) term

B 16

Timely availability of piling and foundation load Open Projects High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Data received from all vendors. All piling drawings for CPP area released. ENGG/PLNG Mid Mar'14 Feb'14
data from Package (GTG, UB, HRSG) Vendors term - Foundation drawings for & HRSG under progress and targeted by mid Mar'14.
to meet piling tender & Civil / Strl tender
B 17 schedule requirements.
LAD - 28.02.13; Ant - upto Feb 14.

NIT for Heater for DCU Close PROCES Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - NIT issued on 11.03.13, bids due on 16.04.13. Pre bid meeting targeted on 02.04.13. (Delivery : 18 M for 10-Mar-13 Feb'13
LAD -15-Feb-13; S/ENGG term Mechanical Completion including Pre-Commissioning Activities)
B 18

CPP: Integration of various packages & BOP Open Engg/Cont Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.00 - Integration of packages incl. GTG, HRSG & UB to be ensured based on vendor inputs. Engg Feb'15 IV
Items of CPP. . term - HAZOP review completed for GTG, HRSG & UB package. Projects /
90 % model review for CPP - 90% model review for HRSG planned in end Jan'15. Process
Package wise HAZOP for GTG, HRSG, UB,Gas -90% model review for UB package held from 18.11.14 to 20.11.14. Process /
B 19 Booster compressor. - GBC ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held with M/s BHEL for Gas booster compressor on 12-13 HMTD
Aug'14. C&P

Distributed Control System (DCS) Open Engg/proc Medium N Y N N Long I 0.15 0.00 - Preparation of Inst. dwgs./ docs. by the DCS vendor, using Smart Plant Instrumentation (SPI) is already Projects Continuous Sep'14 & Oct'14
Detailed engg., supply and erection urement term covered in DCS vendors scope in DCS
B 20 (ordered on M/s Emerson Process on 04.11.13)

B 21
60 % Model review for Close ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Model review completed on 13.09.13 ENGG Aug'13
DCU (LAD:03.07.13 Act:13.09.13) term
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 592+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Package Vendor refuses to submit Open Engg/proc Low N Y Y N Long D 0.14 0.00 - Being taken up with respective package vendors for implementation. Instn / Continuous Sep'14 & Oct'14
Instrumentation Drawings/ Documentation in urement term Projects
B 22 Smart Plant Instrumentation Database as per
Client Requirement

Delay in Interface Engineering (including control Open Engg/proc Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 Package vendor inputs being made available by expediting for updation of interface engineering Projects / Continuous IV
system) due to non availability of Package urement term documents. Engg.
B 23 Vendor Data

60 % Model review for DHDT (LAD:07.08.13 Open ENGG Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Model review completed on 04.10.13 ENGG 4-Oct-13 sep'13
Ant:04.10.13) term
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor,
Feed filter & Heater pkg awaited from vendor.
B 20 - Vendor drawings for sheds awaited.

Delay in completion of P&IDs by gen Civil Open GC Medium N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 - All P&IDs released G. Civil 25-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 09-Jan-13 (DHDT) term
B 24 LAD: 30-Jan-13 (VGO-HDT)
LAD: 30-Mar-13 (FCCU)
Order of MR for DG set Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Ordered to M/s Powerica Ltd on 29.09.14 (Delivery duration 13 M+ 3 M site works). BPCL 5-Oct-14 Sep'14 & Oct'14
Dely: (12 M FOB + 3 M Site work) term
B 25 Sch: 05.11.13

Receipt of Inputs from Process / Vendors for 60 Close ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Model review completed on 24.10.13. Process / 25-Oct-13 sep'13
% Model review for VGO-HDT required for term Process to remove holds as per piping Hold up lists released till date by 25th Oct 13. Projects
procurement of piping material (LAD:14.08.13 - Piping to release updated hold up lists based on release of holds by process on fortnightly basis to process
Ant:25.10.13) / project / planning / TSD / Risk Coordinator.
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor, - Meeting between Process, Piping, Projects shall be organised within 3 days of issue of hold up lists.
Feed filter & Heater pkg awaited from vendor. - Process to issue Revised P&IDs latest within 4 weeks of HAZOP recommendations.
- Vendor drawings for sheds awaited.

B 26

60 % Model review for Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Model review completed on 25.10.13. ENGG 25-Oct-13 sep'13
FCCU (LAD:16.09.13 Ant:25.10.13) term
- Line size for 300 nos P&IDs under hold
-Vendor data needed for coalescer, electric
heater, pumps & filters
- Review of model by Licensor (Stone &
B 27 Webster) envisaged.

60 % Model review for Open ENGG Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Model review started on 28.10.13 and under progress. Targeted to complete by 31.10.13. ENGG 31-Oct-13 sep'13
B 28 SRU (LAD:31.08.13; Ant:31.10.13) term
-As per P&IDs, No. of lines hold are 51 (ARU),
Delay in release
164 (SRU),15 of Intermediate
(SWS) & 60(TGTU) 2nd
+ MTO Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Intermediate 2nd MTO released on 31.10.13, based on above MR under preparation. Projects / 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
155(Utilities Act:31.10.13) term ENGG
-CVs Size Hold as follows: 13 (ARU), 6 (SWS),
125 (SRU). Pump nozzle for 6 nos. pumps
under hold),Valve
-All Control sizes Face
for 256 lines under
to Face hold, are
Control All
HOLD. valve
for TGTU flange, bypass valve
are HOLD.
and flanges (21 nos.) & PSV inlet outlet flanges
and reducers (37 nos.)
-DHDT: By-pass lines for CVs under hold
B 29 (30nos), PSV's mating flanges and reducers (44
nos), Lines (103 nos.) not considered in MTO.
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 593+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Generation of Surplus Piping material Open ENGG Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.00 - Surplus material to be salvaged with effective substitution and being carried out during MTO preparation. ENGG Progressively IV
B 30 term

B 31 HAZOP for FCCU Close ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - HAZOP study completed on 29.11.13. ENGG Nov'13
LAD - 23-Sep-13
Completion of 90 % engineering by Mar-14. Open ENGG Low N N Y N term
Short D 0.16 0.00 - As of 15 Aug'14 Engineering progress is 91.4 %. ENGG Aug'14
Average progress achieved in last 3 months 3.0 term
B 32 LD Milestone date - Dec'13

Release of final Piping MTO Open ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Final MTO released on 11.09.14. Sep'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14
Sch: Jul'14 term
B 33

Finalisation of GTG fuel forwarding scheme for Open POSD Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Revised P&IDs issued for connecting tank-101 & 102. Process / Sep'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14
naphtha to day tank when Naphtha tank being term New pump process datasheet released for piping naphtha from YT-332 to CPP day tank. Engg.
B 34 under maintenance.

Delay in award of PRT -FCCU(Hot gas Close Project Medium Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand on 30.12.13 Engg / C&P 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
expander) term
LAD: 19.04.13
Ant: 30.12.13
Multiple Bids extensions leading to delay in
ordering. 02 Bids recd on 12.08.13 (Dresser
Rand ,Elliot Ebara)
C 1
Org. BDD: 27.06.13
1st extension: 16.07.13
2nd Extension: 01.08.13
3rd extension: 09.08.13
Duration: 16 M FOB

Award of Heater for VGO-HDT Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron with delivery period of 18 M on 21.08.13. Projects 30-Aug-13 JUL'13
LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant -End Aug'13 term
C 2 Duration: 18 M

Issue of RFQ for PRT (Hot gas expander) Close Project Very High Y Y Y N Short D 0.36 0.00 - BPCL confirmation sought for minimum nos (10.97 MW or 80% of 10.97) for qualifying criteria. Accordingly C&P 30-May-13 May'13
LAD: 25-Jan-13 term BQC changed and approved by BPCL. Draft NIT by 25.05.13. Publishing targeted by end May 13.
C 3 Ant: 30-May-13
Duration: 16 M FOB

Variation in foreign exchange rates has an Close Project Very High Y N N N Short I 0.2 0.00 - As per latest cost status report the impact of cost variation has been neutralised by savings. Projects Continuous Nov'13
impact on the foreign component of overall term
project cost
C 4

Award of Heater for DHDT Close ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Awarded to M/s Technip on 04.09.13 (Duration 18 M) Projects / 15-Sep-13 Aug'13
C 5 LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant - Mid Sep13 term HMTD
Duration: 18 M

NIT for Composite Works for DCU Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping 25-Oct-13 sep'13
C 6 LAD -06.06.13 ; Ant - 25.10.13 term

NIT for Composite Works for DHDT/VGO Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping 31-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -06.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13 term
C 7

NIT for Composite Works for FCCU Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -12.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term
C 8

NIT for Composite Works for Offsite IREP area Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -23.05.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term
C 9
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 594+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Award of PRT for DHDT & VGO-HDT unit Open ENGG Medium Y Y Y N Short D 0.36 0.00 -Ordered on M/s Shin Nippon & M/s Flowserve on 30.01.14 (except Tag IV-P-301 A/B due to poor past EIL 15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
(Pumps centrifugal multistage) term performance of PRT supplied under CEMP-II by M/s GENP);
Sch: 23.04.13 - Separate MR released for item tag IV-P-301 A/B. BPCL informed that order expected to be placed as per
Ant: 15.03.14 (IV-P-301A/B) previous recommendation, ordering expected by mid Mar'14.
- As a parallel action MR was issued however RFQ kept under hold in view of BPCL information regarding
C 10 ordering by mid Mar 14.

NIT for Composite Works for Offsite DHDS area Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Projects / 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term HMTD
C 11

NIT for Composite Works for Existing refinery Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Projects / 31-Oct-13 sep'13
area term HMTD
C 12 LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13

Award of : Open Project/En Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 -Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 Engg/Proj 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
Main fractionator for FCCU gg term
LAD: 25-Mar-12
Ant: 20-Jul-13
C 13

Issue NIT for Tankage-II Close Project/C& Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 NIT issued on 29.05.13, bids due on 18.06.13. Project / C&P 31-May-13 May'13
LAD: 21-Jan-13 P term
C 14 ANT: 31-May-13

Award for RO-DM Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. duration is 22 M. Engg / C&P 29-Jun-13 May'13
LAD:30-Jan-13 term
C 15 Ant: end Jun'13
(Execution Duration - 20 M + 2 M)

Delay in award for Cooling tower Close Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 21.02.13. Duration is 20 Months. BPCL 28-Feb-13 Feb'13
LAD : 31-Dec-12; Ant - end Feb 13 term
C 16

NIT for Reactor regenerator package for FCCU Close Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 BQC finalised on 15.01.13. Tender under compilation. Draft NIT being issued to BPCL for approval. Projects / 21-Feb-13 Feb'13
LAD : 01-Jan-13 Licensor term NIT targeted by 21-Feb-13. BPCL
Ant: 21-Feb-13
C 17 Changes in scope of supply led to revision in
BQC / tender.

Award for Raw water quarries Close Project Low N N N N Short I 0 0.00 Ordered to M/s Paulose George (15 M). BPCL Apr'13
LAD :03-May-13 term
C 18
ANT: 15-Apr-13

Ordering of Reactor for VGO-HDT Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Ordered on M/s L&T on 08.04.13. Proj/Engg - Mar'13
LAD: 29-Dec-12 term
C 19
ACT: 08-Apr-13

Award of contract for Piling-II Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T on 09.04.13 with duration of 12 M. BPCL - Mar'13
LAD: 31-Dec-12 term
C 20
Ant: 15-Apr-13

Award of Civil & Strl work for offsite new area Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron on 09.04.13 with 18 M duration. BPCL - Mar'13
LAD: 22-Jan-13 term
C 21 Ant: 30-Mar-13

Award of Crude and Vacuum heaters (LAD Close Engg. Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Technip on 07.03.13 (Duration 23 M) Projects / 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
29.12.12) term C&P / BPCL
C 22 Ant : 07.03.13
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 595+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Storage of sulphur and related issues with Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.00 - Scheme finalised. Projects / Apr'13
Granulator to be finalised between BPCL / EIL. term BPCL
C 23

NIT for ETP package with WAO (Wet air Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Tender released on 26.03.13; BQC finalised on 08.04.13. NIT targeted by 16-Apr-13 Engg Apr'13
C 24 oxidation) term
LAD: 15-Jan-13
Ant: 16-Apr-13
Ordering of Desalter Internals (LAD:03-Dec-12) Close Project High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Award recommendation issued on 11.02.13. Awarded to M/s Howe baker on 07.03.13 Proj/Engg 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
Ant: 07-Mar-13 term
C 25

Award of contract for Building incl substations Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T (duration 20 M) BPCL Apr'13
LAD: 07-Feb-13 term
C 26 Ant: 15-Apr-13

Filling of existing part fire water pond required Open Strl High N N Y N Short term D 0.16 0.00 KB tech completed development of flare area & handed over the area to M/s L&T.for piling. Projects 30-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
for area preparation.

Sch - 28.08.13; Area handed over to M/s L&T

C 27

Delay in ordering of Long Lead Items. Close Engg / Very High N N Y N Short term D 0.16 0.00 - Evaluation of LLIs to be ensured with-in 1 month from receipt of bids by Engg. & PBO recommendation Engg / C&P / TBA - 1 month of Dec'13
Technical / Commercial evaluation of long lead C&P with-in 1 week by C&P. Projects bids receipt
items (compressors & packages) taking more - Pre tender / Pre enquiry meetings to be conducted with bidders to avoid extensions in bid due date due to PBO - 1 week of
than 2 months. lack of clarity in scope / other requirements. TBA
- Immediate after issue of Enquiry a firm action plan to be developed by the Project coordinator clearly
indicating targets for Issue of TQ / CQ , Post bid meetings, TBA/CBA, PBO reco., Price bid opening and
award recommendation dates.
- Uploading of bids in eDMS by C&P within 1 - 2 days (Max.) of bid submission by bidders.
- Restriction of multiple TQs / CQs.
C 28
- Rigorous follow up by C&P / Engg. / Projects for receipt of TQ / CQ replies from bidders within cut off

Award of Waste heat Boiler package (Waste Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Tecnicas Reunidas S.A. on 31.12.13 BPCL 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
Heat Boilers along with respective steam term
drums(un engineered ), Incinerator Combustion
Chambers (engineered), Incinerator vent
LAD: 27.04.13
Ant: 30.12.13
C 29 Bids extension:
1st extension - from 28.05.13 to 20.06.13.
2nd Extension- from 20.06.13 to 02.07.13.
3rd extension - from 02.07.13 to 08.07.13.
Duration: Supply + Erection - 18 M

Delay in award of CDSP package Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 Awarded to M/s Essar Project on 22.08.13 (Duration: 27 M) C&P / Engg / 30-Aug-13 JUL'13
Schedule: 02.03.13 term Projects
Anticipated : 30.08.13
Completion of works
Sch: 01.05.15 ( M); RFQ Duration : ( M)
C 30 Anticipated: 23.11.15 (27 M)
Bidders quoted 27 M against schedule of 26 M.
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 596+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ordering of GTG Pkg (LAD:10-Mar-13; Ant - Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 - Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13. Projects / 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
20.07.13) term Engg / C&P /
Bid received on 28.03.13. Multiple extension (4 BPCL
times) in bid due date on request of M/s
C 31 Siemens.
Duration (Supply) - 15 M FOB /16 M FOT as
per RFQ; Sch : 20 M

Delay in Ordering of HRSG Close Projects / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.00 - Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 Projects / 20-Dec-13 Nov'13
(Sch Order - 22-May-13; Ant - 20-Dec-13) Engg term BPCL
Initial Change in configuration by BPCL. It is planned that common facility (incl. common piperack, utility lines etc) shall be taken up as per project
Multiple extensions (twice) in bid due date due schedule requirement. This shall be taken up during KOM with selected bidder.
non availability of exhaust data for GTG.
Post Enquiry changes in type of Fuel (LSVR) by
C 32 No PTR available for LSVR Fuel
Completion of Works
Sch. : 30.06.15
Ant. : 30.08.15 (20 M)

Ordering of Reactor regenerator package for Close Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 - 2 Bids (Essar & L&T) received on 25.04.13. Projects / Jun'13
FCCU Licensor term - TBA issued on 21.05.13. BPCL
LAD : 10-Apr-13 - PBO recomn. issued on 30.05.13 and BPCL approval received on 03.06.13
Act: 10-Jul-13 - Price bids opened on 04.06.13.
Changes in scope of supply led to revision in - Award recommendation issued on 25.06.13.
C 33
BQC / tender due to which NIT was delayed. - Awarded to M/s Essar on 10.07.13.
Bidders sought extension in dates.

Award of Coke handling system (DCU) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 BPCL 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
LAD :22-Apr-13 term Awarded to M/s ThyssenKrupp ;
Ant :30-Oct-13 (Duration 21 M+2 M (Mech + Pre Commg)
C 34 Duration: 21 M+2 M
No bidder could meet the BQC criteria in view
of which the tender has been re-floated.

Award of UB package Open Process / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - 3 no. bids received on extended date of 02.02.13. Projects / 31-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD : 19-Jan-13 Engg / term - Meeting with bidders held from 19.02.13 to 26.02.13. PBO recomn. issued on 06.05.13. Price bids opened C&P / BPCL
Ant : 31-Jul-13 constn on 09.05.13.
C 35 Duration: 20 M - Award recomm issued on 12.06.13.
Execution duration as per RFQ - 20 M; Sch - 24-26 M

Award of ETP tender. Close Project/C& Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Awarded to M/s Paramount (with 21 M for mechanical completion + 2 M for commissioning). C&P/Engg/Pr Aug'13
LAD: 24-Apr-13 P term Execution duration as per RFQ was - 22 + 2 M; Sch - 28 M oj
Ant: 30-Sep-13
C 36 Duration: 22 M+2 M

Anticipated Completion: 29-Jul-15

Multiple Contracts awarded to same agency Close Purch / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Meeting held with EIL & BPCL. Approach paper prepared and signed jointly by EIL / BPCL for limiting single BPCL / C&P - sep'13
beyond their capabilities / capacities. Contrc. term agency getting work orders against more than 2 tenders. (In cases of big agencies with financial capability,
one agency can get maximum works order against 3 tenders)

C 37

Failure of contractors Open Const. Low N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 Limit the number of works being awarded to one Agency so that alternatives can be worked out fast. C&P - sep'13
term BPCL/EIL To evolve a System to be implemented to ensure that the maximum number of jobs awarded to
single agency is only 2 if NOT to be preferably made ONE only.
C 38 BPCL /
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 597+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ordering of Ejector Pkg Open Project Medium Y Y Y N Short I 0.90 0.00 Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery period of 13 M. BPCL 15-Jul-13 Jun'13
C 39 (LAD:12-Jan-13; Ant: 15-Jul-13) term

Award of Heater package for DCU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.40 0.00 Awarded to M/s Heurtey, (Duration - 20 M) BPCL 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
(LAD:24-May-13; Ant: 15-Nov-13 term
Earlier 04 Bids recd on 21.05.13. (Petron,
Thermax, Heurtey, Technip).
C 40 Due to Technical and related commercial issues
enquiry re-floated.
Duration 20 M

Award of Civil & Strl work for DHDS offsite area Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.40 0.00 Awarded to M/s KSS on 25.07.13. (Duration 18 M) BPCL 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
(LAD: 30-Mar-13; Ant: 20.07.13) term
C 41 Duration: 18 M

Award of Civil & Strl work for refinery area. Close Project High N N Y N Short I 0.40 0.00 Awarded to Mcnally Bharat on 26.09.13. Project/C&P sep'13
(LAD:25-Apr-13; Ant: 10.10.13) term Duration- 16 Months
Duration: 16 M
C 42
Completion of works Sch: 09-Sep-14
Ant: 24-Jan-15

Issue NIT for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 NIT issued on 01.08.13, bids due on 30.08.13 Gen 25-Jul-13 JUL'13
(LAD:24-Jun-13; Ant: 25.07.13) term Civil/Project
C 43 Duration : 16 M

Award of work for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Awarded to M/s McNally Bharat. Duration - 16 M Gen 30-Oct-13 Oct'13
(LAD:17-Sep-13; Ant: 30-Oct-13) term Civil/Project
Duration: 16 M
C 44

Ordering of Main Air blower & wet gas Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 MAB awarded to M/s Elliot Ebara on 04.09.13. C&P/Engg/Pr 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
compressor for FCCU term WGC awarded to M/s BHEL oj
LAD: 04-Mar-13
Ant: 30-Sep-13
(Total execution duration is 25-27 M : 19 M
C 45 FOT for delivery of WGC & MAB at site + 6 to
8 M Site installation & pre-comm; Time
Available from order to MC OF FCCU - 24

Award of Civil & Strl contract for CDU/ VDU & Close Project Close N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 0 0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T on 07.03.13. Award recomm sent to BPCL on 01.02.13. Award to be targeted by C&P 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
DCU term 07.03.13.
C 46 LAD: 15-Dec-12
Ant: 07-Mar-13

Ordering of wet gas compressor for DCU Close Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Ordered to M/s Eliot Ebara on 28.06.13. Jun'13
C 47 LAD: 02-Feb-13 term
Ant: 30-Jun-13

Ordering of OFF GAS COMPRESSOR - VGO Open Project High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Ordered on M/s Dresser Rand, Dely - 17 M FOT Dispatch EIL/BPCL 30-Oct-13 Oct'13
LAD: 08-Jun-13 term
Ant: 30-Oct-13
RFQ duration: 17 M FOB

C 48
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 598+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Award of Sulphur Forming Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28 0.00 - Ordered to M/s Sandvik. BPCL 30-Jan-14 Jan'14
LAD: 03.04.13 term
Ant: 30.01.14
Earlier enquiry re-floated due to changes in MR
requirements by BPCL(MR was revised as
Evaluation methodology was to be based on
NPV and in view of 2 different types of
C 49 technologies viz., sulphur pelletiser and sulphur
granule); refloated again as financial criteria
was not met by all the bidders.

Award of contract for Civil & structural for FCCU Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28 0.00 Awarded to M/s Sriram on 25.09.13 BPCL 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
area (refloated) term
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 15 M Dec'14; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated
C 50 19.06.13, based on past Performance of
recommended bidder tender refloated.

Award of contract for Civil & structural for DHDT Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28 0.00 Awarded to M/s McNally bharat on 11.09.13 (with 16 M execution period) BPCL Aug'13
& VGO area (refloated) term
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 16 M Jan15; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated
C 51 19.06.13, based on past Performance of
recommended bidder tender refloated.

Award of contract for Civil & structural for CPP Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Essar Projects on 19.08.13 BPCL 28-Aug-13 JUL'13
area term
C 52 Ant: end Aug-13
Duration: 16 M

Award of MCC package Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Thermax BPCL 14-Aug-13 JUL'13
LAD:10.06.13 term
Ant: 14.08.13
C 53 Duration: 12 M despatch and 6 M for site work

Award of contract for RWTP (Refloat case) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Triveni BPCL 19-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 14-Jan-13 term
Ant: 19-Jul-13
C 54 (Execution Duration - 18+2 M)

Award of Thermal oxidiser burner & reduction Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.00 Ordered to M/s Callidus and M/s UOP India on 20.06.14. BPCL Jun'14
pkg term
LAD: 28.05.13
C 55 Ant: 15.06.14 (Incinerator burner)
(Execution Duration - 14 M)
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 599+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Award of Air blower/compressor for SRU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Ordered on M/s Howden Process Compressors Projects / 19-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 29-Mar-13 term C&P
Ant: 25-Jul-13
(Execution Duration - 17 M FOB/ 18 M FOT)
C 56

Delay in Award of contract for Demountable Close Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 Awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13 with duration of 18 M. Projects/ 28-Sep-13 Aug'13
flare (LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 28-Sep-13) term Process/
Change in type of Flare. Initially as per DFR Engg / C&P/
normal flare was envisaged.

Post enquiry significant changes (received on

15.03.13) in Flare Load/Process Data Sheet
due to enormous increase in BOO flare load
and non acceptance of mitigation measures by
FCCU Licenser.
C 57 Change in flare load data due to change in flare
height upto 150 M.

Completion of works
Sch. : 31.01.15
Ant. : 28.02.15

Award for SG-III (Refloated) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Awarded on M/s Ray Engineering on 23.01.14. Engg / C&P Jan'14
LAD: 01.11.13 term
Ant: 30.01.14
C 58 Duration: 12 M

Award for:RGC compressor for VGO-HDT Open Project/En Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg 29-Jun-13 Jun'13
(LAD: 30-Mar-13; Ant: end Jun 13) gg term
Dely: 18 M
C 59

Award of MUG compressor for VGO-HDT Close Project/En Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Ordered to M/s Neumen & Essar on 14.11.13 BPCL 30-Nov-13 Nov'13
(LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 30.11.13) gg term
C 60 Dely: 16 M FOB

Award of Contract for Tankage-III (Crude tank: Close Project/En Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s IOT Anwesha on 04.12.13. (duration: 20 M) BPCL 15-Dec-13 Nov'13
02 Nos & 1 surge relief tank and crude drain gg term
Outage of existing crude tank from crude to
naphtha can be taken up after commissioning
of new crude tanks. Shutdown of existing tanks-
C 61 17 & 18 depend on commissioning of new
crude tanks-25/26 under tankage-III.
Sch: 01.10.13
Ant: 15-Dec-13

Award for: Close Project/En Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg 28-Jun-13 Jun'13
RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD: 26-Mar-13; gg term
C 62 Ant: Jun 13)

Award for: Close Project/En Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand Proj/Engg Aug'13
MUG Compressor for DHDT (LAD: 30-Mar-13; gg term
Ant: 20-Sep-13)
C 63 Duration : 18 M FOB
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 600+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Award of Tankage-II Close BPCL High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Awarded to M/s B&R BPCL 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
(TF-4: 5 Nos, Exist ETP-II:2 Nos, Exist Asphalt: term
2 Nos)
C 64 Sch: 30.04.13
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Duration:22 M

Award of Tankage-IV (Total 15 Nos Tanks) Open BPCL / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Offshore on 17.04.14. EIL / BPCL 25-Apr-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
LAD: Jan14 Projects term
Outage for Tank YT-340 depends on
readiness of at least one new DCU feed tank
which will require 14 M durations. Alternative
scheme required to be finalised for outage.
Outage of Tankage YT-18 depends on
C 65 readiness of new crude tanks (Tankage-III; YT-
25/26). Alternative scheme required to be
finalised for outage.

Award of Composite Works for CDU/VDU (06 Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 .Awarded to M/s Offshore (Duration- 20 months) BPCL 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
Bids - L&T, Petron, Offshore, Mcnally Bharat, term
Albana, IOTL recd on 04.09.13)
LAD -30.08.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13
C 66
Duration - 20 M

Award for contract for development of flare area Close Project Very High Y N Y N Short D 0.24 0.00 Contract for development of flare area awarded to M/s KB Tech.. Engg / C&P 30-Dec-13 Nov'13
LAD: 01-Nov-13 term
Ant: end Dec'13
C 67

Award of Composite Works for VGO-HDT, Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Composite Works for VGO-HDT & DHDT Projects / 30-May-14 May'14
DHDT, CPP and Offsites (DHDS) term -DHDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M). Engg.
LAD 31.12.13 ; Ant - 30.05.14 -VGO-HDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
Composite Works for Offsite
Part B (DHDS): Awarded to M/s Offshore on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
C 68 Composite Works for CPP: Awarded to M/s Zillion Infra. on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).

Award of Heater package for FCCU Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron on 04.12.13. Duration is 16 M BPCL 15-Dec-13 Nov'13
(LAD:08-Jul-13; Ant: 15-Dec-13 term
Earlier 05 Bids recd on 23.07.13. (Thermax,
C 69 Technicas, Petron, B&R, JNK).
Duration 20 M

Award of Gas Booster Compressor for CPP Open Project Medium Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.00 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. Dely: 13 M. 30-Jul-14 Jul'14
(Dly: 13 M FOB / 14 M FOT)) term
C 70 (LAD:29.12.13; Ant: 30.07.14)

Award of Slurry Filter (MR- 4880) for FCCU unit Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.00 -Ordered on M/s Asco Filtri Srl ON 17.10.14. BPCL Oct'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14
and existing refinery. (Dely: 10 M FOB) term
C 71 LAD:09.05.13
Ant: 10.10.14

Ordering for Intermediate Piping 2nd MTO. Open Project Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - All pipes, fittings & flanges ordered. C&P 14-Aug-14 Aug'14
LAD: Jan'14 onwards term
C 72 Piping intermediate MTO-II released on Engg
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 601+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ordering of Critical Valves Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 -Revised MR (MR-3415): Ordered to M/s Oswal, M/s Shalimar, M/s AV valves and M/s L&T. EIL/BPCL Feb'15
Sch: 11.07.14 term - New MR-3515 (41 Nos) floated, Award recomn issued on 09.01.15.
C 73 Ant: 31.01.15
Dely: 06/07 M FOT /FOB
Award of contract for Mechanical works-CPP Open Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Awarded to M/s Zillion on 19.05.14. 25-May-14 May'14
area term
C 74 LAD: 28.02.14
Ant: 25.05.14

Release of balance piping Isometrics drawings Open Project Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.00 -Total 34393 / 35337 nos (98%) isometrics issued for units . Balance ISO's targeted progressively by end Engg. Feb'15 III
and GAD's. term Jan'15.
C 75 Target Sch: Jul'14 -All GADs issued except SRU block (235 nos). Same shall be targeted by end Jan'15.
Ant: 31.01.15

Award of Composite Works (Structural Works & Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -Tender splited into two parts (Structural/ Mechanical works & Civil work). 3 nos bids received on 21.01.15 EIL/BPCL 15-Feb-15
Mechanical) for NHT/ISOM-Refloated term for Structural/mechanical work. Civil work being done by misc. Civil agency (M/s Furnace Fabrica).
C 76 Sch: 08.05.14
Ant: 15.02.15

Award of Fuel forwarding Pumps (08 nos) for Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Ordered to M/s Sulzer. BPCL 5-Aug-14 Jul'14
GTG (Dely: 6 M FOB / 7 M FOT) term
C 77 Sch:27.06.14
Ant: 05.08.14

Award of Electrical & Instrumentation Works for Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Electrical Works: EIL/BPCL Nov'14 Nov'14
Units & Offsite term Part A: M/s Technimont
Sch: 30.06.14 Part B: M/s Consilium
Ant: 10.11.14 - Instrumentation Works:
C 78 Electrical/Instr. Works: Part A: CDU/VDU, DCU, Part A: M/s Technimont .
FCCU, DHDT, VGO-HDT & IREP Offsite: Part B: M/s Consilium
Part B: SRU & DHDS/Refinery Offsite :

Delay in award of piping material with G2E Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 All items have been ordered, deliveries to be expedited in order to timely availability of piping material for EIL/BPCL Feb'15-Apr'15
C 79 specification in CPP area. term completion of steam network in CPP area.
Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 Management level meeting held on 20.01.15 at site. EIL/BPCL Feb'15-Mar'15
FCCU-M/s Essar-GRE term - Hard stand construction completed.
LAD : 09.07.15 - Crane (1600 MT): Load test and readiness targeted by end Feb'15. EPIL/GRE to arrange another crane
CCD: 09.10.15 (1000 MT-from M/s VTV) for Regenerator bottom section erection.
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) - 1st lot & 2nd lot cyclones for reactor & regenerator dispatched progressively on 21.01.15, balance
Overall Progress: shipment targeted by end Feb'15. M/s Emtrol is being expedited.
Sch: 90.0% Act: 63.7 % - Erection of TSS bottom and top section targeted by end Feb'15.
Construction Progress: - Erection of regenerator bottom section targeted from end Feb'15.
Sch: 66.1% Front: 85.8% Act: 25.6 % - Erection of external riser targeted by end Mar'15.
D 1 - Erection of reactor bottom section targeted by end Mar'15.
- Agencies being pressurized to expedite completion of balance works by Dec15 and requested to submit
Catchup plan.
- ESP structures are under despatch.

Delivery of GTG Pkg at site (LAD:29-Sep-14; Close Project Very High Y Y N N Long I 0.25 0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID E19 Project 24-Nov-14 Nov'13
Ant - 24-Nov-14) term
Awarded to M/s BHEL
D 2 Duration (Supply) - 16 M

Completion of UB package Open Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 - 90% model review for UB package completed. Project / Continuous III
LAD : 31.03.15 term - Erection of steam drum-I & II completed. (Sch: 16.09.14: got delayed as 550MT crane could not be Constn.
CCD : 23.03.15 mobilized from M/s.TWC).
ECD:10.08.15 - Completion of structural erection work to be expedited. Piping erection work in progress for UB-1 & UB-2.
Awarded to M/s ISGEC on 25.07.13
D 3 Overall progress:
Sch: 99.0 % Act: 76.5 %
Construction Progress:
Sch:99.6 % Front: 100 % Act: 43.7 %
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 602+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delivery/Erection of Ejector Pkg Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.20 0.00 -All Indigenous component received at site within CDD. Project/Inspe Sep'14 Sep'14 & Oct'14
Delivery LAD : 11.06.14 term - All Foreign Source Components dispatched. ction
D 4 Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery
period of 12 M FOB / 13 M FOT.

Delivery of wet gas compressor for DCU at Site Open Project Low N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 MRT completed on 10.11.14. Dispatch expected by Mid Feb'15 due to Change order for additional Project/Inspe 15-Feb-15 IV
(M/s Eliot Ebara) term requirement of NRT sizing and LC amendment ction
D 5 LAD: 05.12.14
(CDD: 27.01.15; EDD: 15.02.15)
Delivery of Air Blower / Compressor for SRU Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.06 0.14 Ordered to M/s Howden Process on 25.07.13 (17 M delivery Sch). Project/Inspe 28-Feb-15 III
LAD: 18.09.14 term Lube oil system under final testing. Further the final testing getting delayed as confirmed by M/s Howden ction
(CDD: 24.12.14; EDD: 28.02.15) due to delayed delivery by M/s Enpro (1st shift testing targeted by 25.02.15 & 2nd shift testing targeted by
D 6 30.03.15).
Close monitoring to be done to ensure delivery on CDD.

Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -Meeting held on 22.11.14, vendor agreed to deliver main fractionator by Jan'15 and balance columns by Project / As stated
for FCCU :Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 term Mar/Apr'15. Constn.
(18 M incl erection). - Foundation for main fractionator column (by M/s L&T): Only raft work completed and super structural work
LAD: 22.01.15 being expedited by M/s Tuaman and targeted by end Jan'15 and curing period of 28 days.
CCD:14.01.15 - Erection for main fractionator targeted by end of Feb'15. Crane 1250 MT and 550 MT mobilised, erection
ECD: 15.05.15 scheme approved.
Overall progress: - Stripper & rectifier Column: Erection of bottom section for stripper expected to commence from end
Sch: 100 % Act: 66.6 % Mar'15. Preparation of Hard stand to commence. Erection of bottom section for rectifier expected to
D 7 - Progress of works was affected due to commence from end Mar'15.
delayed handing over of fabrication yards and
completion of approach road upto fabrication
yard, which affected shifting of sections.

Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration due to delayed availability of burner data from M/s BPCL / EIL 15-May-15 III
LAD: 23.06.15 term Aecometric. Letter forwarded on 11.06.14 to BPCL for recommending extension for supply portion to M/s
CCD:18.02.15 (including Site work) Thermax upto 30.11.14. Further M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration upto 31.03.15 for supply
ECD: 18.05.15 through letter dated 08.10.14.
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl - Foundation work completed for 1st train. 2nd train foundation targeted by mid Feb'15. Bidder has
D 8 erection) requested for providing space for storage of MCC equipment & Refractory Materials.
- Refractory lining work in Combustion chamber can be started only after erection of MCC pkg.

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 Following commitments have been made by M/s Essar. Constr. Erection by May'15
Target Sch: 01.05.15 term -Shift Work: Works in two shifts implemented.
Ant Compl.: 30.07.16 - Structural erection upto 127 m completed. Cage erection completed on 19.12.14.
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). - Opening of LC for imported items: M/s EPIL informed letter of credit through Bank of India opened.
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. - M/s Essar have been pressurized to deliver all coke drums progressively upto Apr15 and Coke fractionator
Overall Progress: by end Mar15. Additional manpower (75 nos) by M/s VTV shall available at site by 3rd week of Jan'15.
Cum. Sch. 79.2 %; Act: 60.0 % - Crane (2000 MT): All consignment reached at port. Mobilization targeted by Feb15 and erection of BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: equipments targeted to commence from Mar15 to May15.
Sch: 61.5% Front: 100% Act: 32.7 % -Clear water tank fabrication- Agency being finalised, Civil tank pad work commenced.
- Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 457 nos have been deployed
D 9 Strl Steel: Out of total 3210 MT, 2138 MT against requirement of 607 nos.
procured, 1207 MT fabricated & 793 MT - Management level review meeting being planned with M/s Essar by 2nd week of Jan'15.

Delivery of RGC compressor for VGO-HDT Open Project/En Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - All items received at site. Project/Inspe end Dec'14 Dec'14
(LAD: 05.03.15 Ant : 27.12.14) gg term ction
D 10 Dely: 18 M
Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13
Delivery of RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD : Open Project/En Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Received at site and erected. Project/Inspe 27-Dec-14 Dec'14
D 11 05.02.15; Ant : 27.12.14) gg term ction
Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 603+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in hydrotesting of Vacuum column Open BPCL / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Vacuum Column : Vacuum column erected on 19.01.15, hydrotesting planned in Mid Feb'15. Constn. / 15-Feb-15
Sch: Jun 14 Projects / term VTV /
CCD: 21.08.14 Const. Projects
Ant: 15.02.15
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit
D 12 Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude &
Vacuum column.

Logistics of VGO & DHDT reactors from Kochi Open T&CC Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Contract for ODC transportation awarded to M/s Urmila on 26.05.14. EIL/BPCL Feb'15
port to BPCL-KR site term - DHDT reactor unloaded into barge on 26.12.14 and anchored at BPCL's jetty.
(VGO Reator-2 Nos - CDD (07-Jan-15 FOB) - Construction of jetty work for unloading is being expedited to be ready by Feb'15.
EDD: Mar'15 - Erection of reactor planned with 1000 MT crane by mid Feb'15.
(DHDT Reactor-2 Nos - CDD (07-Oct-14 FOB: - M/s Urmila to carry out strengthening of the Chitrapuzha bridge.
unloaded onto barge on 26.12.14) - Management level meeting with M/s Urmila planned in 1st week of Feb'15 at EIL Delhi.
D 13 ISGEC Josen (3 nos) Column: expected to
receive at Kochi port from Feb'15 to mid

Close Monitoring of ODC equipment (including Open Projects High N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.00 Out of total 57 nos. of ODCs; 22 nos received at site. & 6 nos under dispatch. Balance under close Shipping Continous IV
D 14 site fabricated/assembled) up to receipt at site term monitoring.

Close Procure/C Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Transporter philosophy frozen and hindrance enroute has been covered under Risk ID K3. Shipping As Required Nov'13
Delay in delivery at site due to non-availability of onstr term
transporter / hindrances enroute.

D 15

Delay in delivery of equipments: Open Contract / Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Equipment by Ganson BPCL Jun'14
- M/s Gansons due to substantial rise in raw Inspection term - M/s Ganson agreed to supply balance item of CDU/VDU. Items for SRU and DCU refloated under MR-
material cost due to current market conditions. 6560 (DCU): All items relocated to M/s Patel Airtemp, M/s Phils Heavy, M/s Acoustics India ; M/s Beekay
Engg ; M/s Fab-Tech, M/s Nuberg Engg.

D 16

Completion of Demountable Flare works Open Project Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23 0.23 0.00 - Flare foundation work completed. Projects/Con As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13) term - Erection scheme finalised. str.
Sch: 31.03.15 - Flare tip & molecular seal drum under dispatch. Molecular seal received at site. All flare riser expected to
CCD: 24-Apr-15 receive at site from workshop progressively by end Feb'15. Derrick structure: parts received at site, balance
Ant: 24-Apr-15 targeted by mid Feb'15.
D 17 Overall Progress
Sch: 93.7 % Act: 63.1 %
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 604+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Addition of 4th Riser in Demountable Flare and Open Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 - BPCL confirmation on the additional flare stack addition received. BPCL / EIL As Required Oct'13
identification of additional Equipment to be Process term - Agreed with Air Oil / BPCL for completion of 4th riser within CDD.
procured due to the same. (BPCL informed - Revised PDS & P&IDs released on 15.11.13.
additional of 1 no. riser during meeting dated - Order placement (change order) issued to M/s Airoil on 14.11.13.
16th Oct 13.)
- Flare (with 3 risers) awarded to M/s Airoil on
D 18 25-Sep-13.
Completion of Flare work:
Sch: 31-Mar-15
Ant: 24-Mar-15 (Duration: 18 M)

Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL Open Projects Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Compressor casing dispatched from M/s NP Italy workshop on 17.09.14.(Received at BHEL workshop). Project/Inspe Continuous
on 26.09.13) term - Compressor casing received at BHEL workshop on 28.10.14 and is under machining. Further delivery of ction
LAD: 09.01.15 compressor takes normally 10-11 month after receipt of casing.
CCD: 25.04.15 - M/s BHEL to prepone the delivery of CEP turbine (from Oct'15 to Apr'15).
D 19 EDD: 31.10.15 - Meeting with M/s BHEL planned on 10.02.15.

Delivery of MAB-FCCU (Ordered to M/s Eliot Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - MRT of compressor and Steam turbine completed. Project/Inspe Continuous IV
Ebara on 04.09.13) term ction
LAD: 09.01.15
D 20 CDD: 03.04.15
Ant: 03.04.15

Delivery of VGO-HDT Reactor Open Projects Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 -Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13; Dly 21M FOT. Close monitoring to be done to ensure delivery on CDD. Project/Inspe Continuous III
Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13 term -Skirt fabrication completed. ction
LAD ; 29.12.14 - Strike has been called off with effect from 12.05.14 at L&T Hazira workshop. Vendor being followed up
CDD: 07.01.15 continuously to deliver reactor before Feb'15.
D 21
EDD: 05.04.15

Delivery of DHDT Reactor Open Projects High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Reactor received at Kochi port and unloaded to barge on 26.12.14. Project/Inspe Continuous Dec'14
Ordered to M/s Doosan Engg & Const Co. on term ction
LAD ;15.12.14
D 22 CDD: 07.10.14
Overall Progress:
Sch: 98 % Act: 95.0 %

Completion of HRSG Package Open Projects Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23 0.23 0.00 - 90% model review for HRSG planned in end Jan'15. Project/Inspe Continuous III
LAD : 30.03.15 term - Balance engineering to be expedited by M/s Thermax. ction
CDD: 19.08.15 - HRSG #3, 4 & 5: Foundation works completed and handed over to M/s Thermax. Erection work
Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 commenced for HRSG-4.
D 23 Overall Progress: - Column erection started for 1st HRSG.
Sch: 91 % Act: 66 %

Delivery of Hot Gas Expander (Ordered to M/s Open Projects Low Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.14 0.14 0.00 - Generator subordered. Project/Inspe Continuous III
Dresser Rand on 31.012.13) term - Pedestal fabrication is at final-machining. ction
LAD ;30.03.15 - Exhaust case assembly, including diffuser and thermal insulation has been completed
D 24
CDD: 30.04.15

Delivery of Sulphur Forming Pkg (Ordered to Open Projects Medium N Y Y N Long I 0.35 0.18 0.18 0.00 -Silos with structure & Conveyors sub ordered by M/s Sandvik. Project/Inspe Continuous III
M/s Sandvik on 31.01.14) term - Bottom Cones for Silo C ,D, E & F dispatched to site. ction
LAD :01.08.14 -Delivery of Semi rolled sections of Silos shall commence from Jan'15 onwards. Structure to be made ready
D 25 CDD: 30.03.15 for installation works to commence.
- Space for SILO's to be expedited.
- Foundations for pelletiser shed to be made ready.

Delivery of steel plates by M/s Essar to other Open Projects Very Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Strl. Steel for R&R- Project/Inspe Continuous Jun'14
vendors. term Major portion of steel plates have been delivered by M/s Essar. ction
CDD: Progressively by 15.01.14.
D 26
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 605+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - Synchronous Motor ordered to M/s Toshiba Mitsubishi. Expected to receive at M/s Dresser shop by EIL/ BPCL Continuous IV
-DHDT( Ordered to M/s Dresser Rand on term 03.02.15.
D 27 11.09.13)
LAD: 29.01.15
CDD: 10.03.15
Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - Main motor ordered. KOM for Motor held on 06-07.05.14 & expected to receive by 13.04.15 (FOB: EIL/ BPCL Progressively IV
-VGO( Ordered to M/s Nueman & Essar on term Germany).
D 28 14.11.13 )
LAD : 26.02.15
CDD: 13.04.15
Delay by vendor with respect to CDD due to Open Projects Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 - Following bidders showing slow manufacturing progress: EIL/ BPCL Feb'15 III
financial constraint. term - M/s Arjun Technologies (Pressure Vessel supplier): FOA No.:134, 184. . Balance orders expected to
dispatch from Jan'15 to May'15.
- M/s Universal: Meeting held on 25.11.14, M/s UHE agreed to deliver balance items progressively upto
D 29
- M/s Bharat Pumps & Compressors (Pumps): FOA No.: 230, 311, 360, 423 & 444.
- M/s HDO (Columns, Heat Exchangers & Vessels): FOA No.: 199, 302, 310, 315, 318, 320, 327, 369, 389 &

Non acceptance of PO for DHDT & VGO feed Open Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - M/s Filtrex asking for deviations on commercial terms. Meeting held on 08.07.14 to resolve the issues with EIL/ BPCL Aug'14 Aug'14
filter by M/s Filtrex (MR-4370) term M/s Filtrex. Vendor provided all details.
Ordered on 21.12.13 to M/s Filtrex ( Dely: 13 M
D 30

Non acceptance of work order by M/s Open Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Order has been accepted by M/s Flowserve and amendment issued by BPCL on 11.07.14. EIL/ BPCL Jul'14 Jul'14
Flowserve for DHDT Centrifugal pumps term
Ordered on 30.01.14 to M/s Flowserve (MR-
D 31
5403) (FOA No 550 & 551)
CDD: 01.03.15

Delay in delivery of Stripper column (IF-V-206) Open Projects High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Order got delayed due to delay in manufacturing works. At present EIL/ BPCL Feb'15
by M/s Uttam Value Steel (Ordered on term fabrication of Stripper column going beyond Jan15 due to which there will be likely delay of 3-5 months
19.08.13) including site works. Vendor to be expedited to supply within CDD.
D 32 CDD: 18.10.14 - Vendor being continuously followed up to expedite manufacturing progress. Debutanizer and Depropanizer
EDD: 31.03.15 already dispatched in sections to site.

Availability of 90 % Piping materials to generate Open Projects Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - As of now around 81% piping material has been received at site. Ordering of balance material is in EIL/ BPCL Feb'15
adequate piping material front to composite term progress and expected progressively upto Feb'15.
contractors. -Vendors being expedited to prepone the deliveries.
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-3): Oct'14 - Storage area for piping materials to be expedited by BPCL. Additional requirement of 20000 m2 area in
EDD: Mid Feb'15 FACT being taken for piping storage.
D 33 Sch: (Final MTO): Dec'14-Feb'15
EDD: Mar'15-Jun'15

Delivery Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held on 12-13.08.14. EIL Feb'15 IV
D 34 13 M FOB term - Compressor Journal Bearings were ordered. Impeller manufacturing is in process

Delay in delivery of equipments by: Open Project High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 Vendor being pushed for deliveries. Vendor shop visit/meeting being arranged. Inspection / Feb'15 III
M/s TEMA :CDD: 06.01.14 to 15.01.15; term Project
EDD:Dec14 to Mar15
M/s Nuberg: CDD: 03.07.14 to 03.11.14; EDD:
Dec'14 to May'15
D 35 M/s GR Engg: CDD: 28.01.14 to 31.07.14;
EDD: Dec'14 to 31.01.15
M/s Fabtech Projects: CDD: Jul14 to Jan15;
EDD: Dec'14 to Jul15

Delay in submission & finalization of vendor Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 -Submission of drawing by vendor & approval by HMTD to be expedited. HMTD/Projec Feb'15
drawings for SRU burners & reduction burner term ts
D 36 Ordered to M/s UOP Callidus on 20.06.14.
CDD: 19.05.15

Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 606+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Slow Progress of works by Piling I contractor Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Piling completed for CDU/VDU DCU & Offsite (except boundary wall) Constn. Mid Oct'13 sep'13
M/s DBM. (CDU/VDU, DCU & Offsite) - term Balance piling (479 nos) for GTG, UB & stack area being done by M/s DBM. Job given on 07.10.13 with
Awarded on 25.09.12 (Sch - 100 %, Act 91.7%) CCD by 1st week of Dec'13.
RCC Piles:4822 / 5307 Nos.
Balance for offsite (SS VGO & compound area
E 1 at FACT).
Presently 5 total rigs are operating

Space constraints: Open Constn. Medium Y N Y Y Short D 0.28 0.14 0.14 0.00 - During the project review meeting dated 28.08.14 following points discussed and BPCL agreed: BPCL Feb'15 III
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and term - Area for spool storage handed over to Mechanical contractors.
E 2 package contractors - FACT area arranged for storage of materials of owner and package contractors. Storage in FACT area
ii) Area for Spool storage commenced.

Delay in completion of rock blasting affecting Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 -Major rock blasting work completed. Constn. sep'14 Aug'14
release of construction front for VGO & offsite term
E 3 area as hard rock encountered.

Construction of NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 - Tender splited into two parts (Structural/ Mechanical works & Civil work). 3 nos bids received on 21.01.15 BPCL/EIL Feb'15
- Target Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 12 M Projects term for Structural/mechanical work. Civil work being done by misc. Civil agency (M/s Furnace Fabrica). Rigorous
available for construction works (excl. follow up with contractor to be made after award of contract.
Dismantling works) against schedule of 22 M. Electrical Work: Bids due on 03.02.15.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to Instrumentation Work: Bids due on 04.02.15. .
delay in P&IDs review meeting and delay in
award of licensor.
- Change in the scope based on health check
report has an impact on Project cost and
E 4 schedule.
Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 88.4% Catch Up Sch: 62.3 % Act:

Availability of Soil investigation Report for new Open BPCL / High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Agency finalized on 07.06.2013 and investigation to commence. BPCL / 15-Jul-13 JUL'13
Crude tankages area. Projects / term - Report targeted to issue by mid Jul 13. Projects
Delay in availability of soil data will affect Const.
preparation for piling tender and layouts
E 5
Further civil / structural tender will also affected.

Delay in completion of Building Works by M/s Open Const High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - MCR, CPP control room : Release for panels by Oct'15 & total completion by Dec'15. Constn As Required
L&T for MCR and CPP control Room. - Other building works : SRR Completion progressively between Jan'15 to May'15.
Contr. Sch: 100% - L&T also agreed to augment required manpower to 1000 from current deployment of 900 to meet the
Front: 100 % target completion date.
Act:69.9 %
E 6 CCD: 20.12.14
Ant: 15.07.15

Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 607+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Backlog 18.4% as of 15-Jan-15 in Construction Open Const Very High N Y Y N Short term I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 - Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica & M/s Deens has been Constn As Required
activities viz., Civil works and Mechanical works lined up to supplement Civil works. Further 1 additional Civil & Structural works contracts targeted to award
for offsite area as well as unit areas. by mid Feb15.
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - - Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion have been lined up to
46 M; Time lapsed - 33 M supplement structural works. Further 1 additional Civil & Structural works contracts targeted to award by mid
Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act Feb15.
53.5 76.0 62.9 41.4 - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site. Approx 11000 labours are available at site,
Contractors are facing problem in retaining the though induction programme has been carried out for more than 18000 labours . requirement of manpower BPCL/EIL
labour at site. at site is approx 19000 nos.
Approx 10000 labours are available against - RCC work & structural fabrication/erection work to be expedited to give complete front to mechanical
requirement of 20000 at site. contractor progressively upto Apr-May'15.
-Construction progress for Jan'15 got improved - Lighting of areas to facilitate night shift working.
E 7 (During the month progress achieved is 3.84 %) - Provision made for snacks/dinner for labour to facilitate working in extended/night shift
- Provision of multiple entries inside plant areas to ease manpower/machinery mobilisation to be explored.
- Additional mechanical contracts being awarded to supplement existing mechanical contractors.
- In order to boost progress, permission from labour union of Kochi to be taken up for two shift work.

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Very High N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by Mar'15. BPCL Mar'15 IV
clearance for BOO area. term
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
E 8 commissioning of Demountable flare
(Commissioning expected by end Mar'15)

Completion of piling work by M/s L&T (Piling-II): Open Constn. High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 L&T has completed all piles in Demountable flare area, Air compressor & DG shed area. Constr. Immediate Jul'14
CDD- 08.05.14. term
(Total 12003 Nos piles).
(Contr.Sch- 100%, Front-100%, Act-100%)
Only 10 nos. hydraulic & 4 nos. conventional
E 9 rigs are currently
operational at site. Total 10124 nos completed
out of 12003

Payment to contractors Close Constn. Low N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 Ensure that 90% payment of the RA bills certified by EIL are released to the contractors within 7 days of BPCL within 7 days of sep'13
E 10 term receipt by client. certified RA bills
Unrealistic project time leading to under quality Close Project / Low N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 Ensure that realistic dates of availability of inputs(drawings, front and materials) are considered in project/ Project / As Required sep'13
Engg. / term construction schedule rather than compressing construction schedules alone to meet the completion target. Planning
E 11 planning

Dismantling of LO CAT SRU and area handing Open BPCL Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 All 5 nos tank area cleared and released. Area handed over to M/s B&R for Tankage-II works on 30.04.2014 BPCL end Apr'14 May'14
over to Tankage II contractor (Required for New term
tankagesTF-4) by BPCL.
E 12 Will affect release of front for tankages.

Completion of Raw water treatment plant Pkg Open Project Very High Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.29 0.29 0.00 - M/s Triveni shall augment manpower by mobilizing 25 Nos carpenters along with adequate no of Constr. Feb'15
(M/s Triveni Engg).(Delayed due to refloating) term barbendors (Manpower required is 359 nos while available manpower is 166 Nos).
Overall Progress: - Substation building: completion being targeted by Mar'15.
Contr. Sch: 98.4 % Act: 76.6% - Chemical house works completion being targeted by end Mar'15.
Construction Progress: - 90 % Model review held on 03.11.14.
E 13 Sch: 99.7 % Front: 100 % Act: 71.3 %
Sch: 15.11.14 CCD: 24.03.15 ECD: Aug'15
Compl: 18 M+2M

Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 608+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Slow construction progress of SRU Block due to Open Proj. / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s B&R on 08.01.15 at EIL site and augmentation of manpower by Constn. Feb'15
delayed area handing over Constn. term min. 100 nos to be expedited for concreting work progress. All area handed over in SRU.
- At present only 95 % area given to M/s MBEL, - Retaining wall completed for the available front. Balance piling being carried out through Piling III to take
balance Site for SRU block shall be available by up further retaining wall work.
Jan'15. (The works are covered under SG-II - Piling for SRU : All piling drawing released. To meet Euro-IV compliance, focussed efforts being made for
Tender : Awarded to B&R on 22.11.12) ARU/SWS. Piling for ARU/SWS is completed. Balance piling work completion targeted by mid Feb'15.
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from - Civil works completion targeted by mid May15 and handing over of front to mechanical contractor targeted
end Jun14) are available with respect to from end Feb15 onwards.
E 14 schedule of 25 M (As per past experience - To meet Euro-IV compliance, readiness of ARU/SWS targeted by Dec15. EIL/BPCL
minimum requirement for SRU is 30 M).

Area for FCC Feed Tanks (Diversion of ETP II Open Proj. / Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Graded and handed over to tankage-II Constr. Jul'14
to ETP III and development of area reqd. by Constn. term
E 15

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and Close Proj. Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID E33 BPCL Dec'13 Nov'13
development of area reqd. by May, 2013 term
Ant - Dec 2013
E 16

Land acquisition for Crude tank (2 nos.) . (LAD - Close Proj. Very High N N N N Short I 0 0.00 M/s BPCL Vide mail dated 21.08.2013 has handed over the area for SG-III. BPCL Aug'13
E 17 Jul 13; Ant - 30-Aug-13) term

Allocation of identified fabrication areas for OPEN BPCL Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Details of area has been cleared and allocated by BPCL during Review meeting at site. BPCL As Required sep'13
ODC Equipments & Other Agencies term
E 18

Delivery of bought out items by BHEL for GTG Open Const. / Low N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0.23 -0.23 - All 3 GTGs received at site. Projects Feb'15 IV
package Projects term - Extension sought by M/s BHEL.
(LAD supply:29.09.14; Ant - Jul'15) - Contractor for Mechanical works for CPP awarded to M/s Zillion.
E 19
Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13 with CDD for
delivery as 24.11.14.

HEAVY LIFT Cranes for INTALLATION OF Close Const. Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 -Included in mechanical contractor scope. Project / - Nov'13
REACTORS - term - Based on prel. Erection scheme, 1600 T heavy lift crane with 600 T trailing crane envisaged for erection of Constn.
Finalisation of Erection scheme and capacity both VGO and DHDT reactors.
the crane, inclusion in scope and timely - Timely mobilization of cranes and preparation of Load Test.
E 20 mobilisation at site - Finalization of erection scheme.

E 21
Theft of material
Completion of UGfrom Warehouse
piping work due delay in Close
Open EIL
Const. Low
Very High Y N Y N Long
Short DI 0.12
0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - Security arrangements in Warehouse in place by BPCL. Constn.
EIL/BPCL Feb'15 - Mar'13
receipt of piping material and monsoon. term - All balance material deliveries being expedited by Feb'15, subsequently all UG piping work completion
targeted by end Feb'15.
E 22

Lighting during construction Open Constn. Low N N N Y Short D 0.04 0.00 Area lighting being done. Constn. As Required May'13
E 23 term

Delay in construction due to monsoon. As work Open EIL Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 -During 2013-2014 monsoon following actions were taken Constn. As Required sep'13
progress between Jun to Sep is expected to be term - Temporary drains were constructed for draining accumulated rain water.
hindered due to monsoon, all out effort to be - Pumping arrangements for draining water accumulated in pits were made.
made to release tender as per sch. Generally to
manage delays in initial stages of project,
E 24 constr. Duration are reduced while floating
tenders. This needs to be avoided.
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 609+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Adequacy Check for Hook-up of LPG Flare and Open Project Low Y N N N Short I 0.2 0.00 LPG flare - As per EIL study LPG flare is adequate. Report issued to BPCL and clarification received. BPCL / EIL 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
ACID Flare between existing CDU-II flare and term Acid flare - HC flare & Sour flare system P&IDs issued for engineering on 15.06.13.
CEMP-II flare DHDS sour flare replacement: Sour Flare system P&ID (DHDS Area) issued for comments on 17.05.13, this
additional requirement of existing structure and replacement of sour stack by higher size (16") being
checked for adequacy.
E 25 New flare components to be procured for revised stack size.

Construction of Subway on the PWD road Open Project Very Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.04 0.04 0.00 Management level meeting held with B&R on 08.01.15 at site. Culvert top slab completed, road work in Constrn. end Jan'15 IV
including re routing of existing road / existing term progress.
facilities and necessary liasoning with
E 26 government department.
Construction of culvert got affected

Slow construction progress in Offsite IREP Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -Management level meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL at site on 12.01.15. EIL/BPCL Feb'15
area. on term - Additional gangs to be deployed to complete cable trenches work.
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s - M/s KSS has been asked to deploy additional 50 nos civil manpower. Manpower for UG piping work has
KSSIIPL on 12.09.13 been increased up to 38 nos. Additional manpower to be deployed to carry out work for OWS/ CRWS.
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15 - Rock blasting in progress in balance areas.
Progress figures -Cable trench cast in situ offloaded to PGC (Misc Civil contract)
Sch: 100% Front: 99.7% Act.: 52.2% - M/s KSS has been asked to complete one manhole per day
E 27 - TMT bars: Out of ordered 500 MT qty 150 MT qty received, balance being delivered progressively.
- Additional agencies including M/s Tuaman & M/s PGC have been lined up to supplement Civil/Structural

Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management review meeting held with M/s Essar on 20.01.15 at site EIL/BPCL Feb'15
CPP term - Foundation work completed for HRSG-3.
Contr. Sch: 100%; Front: 100%; Act: 68.1% - Structural works for GTG shed under completion.
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: May'15 - Stack foundation : Only HRSG#3 fdn completed.
E 28 - boiler piperack foundations completed.

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Management level meeting held at site on 20.01.15. EIL/BPCL Continuous
block term - As on date the manpower is 180 Nos against the requirement of 400 Nos.
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) - ARU/SWS : TS-1 & TS-2 being expedited.
LAD: 12.01.15
CCD: 03.03.15
E 29 Ant: Oct'15
98.3% 85.3 % 43.5%

Composite works for CDU/VDU Block Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Management level Meeting held with M/s OIL on 14.01.15 and following action plan has been agreed EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Offshore on 04.11.13) term - M/s OIL was advised to augment welders to 52 nos. against 39 nos available to increase productivity.
SCH: 30.06.15 - Structural fabrication & erection to be expedited.
CCD: 03.07.15 - Auto blasting m/c received, being installed.
ECD: 30.10.15
Contr. Sch: 65.2%
E 30 Front: 63.3%
Act: 33.9 %

Completion of Coke handling work Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.00 -Meeting held at site on 09.01.15. Constr. Continuous III
(Awarded to M/s Thyssen on 04.11.13) term - Piling work in progress (1136 out of 1642 nos piles completed: 7-8 piles/day)
LAD: 18.04.15 -TT-3, TT-4, TT-5, Circular stacker cum reclaimer work in progress.
CCD: 03.07.15
EDD: Dec'15
E 31 Construction: Sch:49.1 %; Front:100.0%;
Overall Progress:
Sch: 51.3 % Act: 37.9%
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 610+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Completion of DCU Heater works (Awarded to Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.00 Review meeting held at site on 26.09.14. Constrcution As Required III
M/s Heurtey on 04.11.13 (20 M) term -Heater A: All radiant panels erected.
LAD: May 15 -Heater B: All radiant panels erected.
CCD: 03.07.15 Shop fabrication of coil, convection modules, APH structure and duct to be expedited.
Ant: Oct'15 -Crane 150 MT mobilised.
E 32 Overall Progress: - M/s Heurtey has been asked to increase number of welders and start works round the clock.
Sch: 88.5 % Act: 77.5 %
Construction work: Sch- 76.9% Front:100%

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and Open Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Total area handed over on 05.05.14. Project As stated Jun'14
development of area reqd. by May, 2013 term
Completion Sch: 30.01.15
Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. (Duration:
E 33
20 M+2 M incl pre commng)

Slow progress of ETP works by M/s Paramount Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 Management level meeting held on 09.01.15. EIL/BPCL As stated
LAD: 30.09.15 term - Completion of equalisation tank targeted by Mar'15.
CCD:10.08.15 - Chemical house super strl work completion targeted by mid Mar15.
ECD: 30.06.16 - During the meeting on 05.12.14, M/s Paramount informed that ETP plant can be made ready by Dec15.
Overall progress: - Night shift work being implemented. Additional manpower of 30 nos being planned to mobilise by end
Sch: 86.6 % Act: 39.6 % Jan'15.
Construction Progress:
E 34 Sch: 75.6% Front: 100 % Act: 23.2 %
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13.
(Duration: 21 M+2 M incl pre commng)

Completion of works for Tankage-II Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Management level meeting held on 08.01.15 at site. Total tanks: (New tanks 13 nos, work in progress for EIL/BPCL As stated
Sch: 30.06.15; CCD: 24.07.15; ECD: Sep'15 term 12 nos. Balance for 1 nos is YT-33 which shall be start after completion of YT-32; Modification tanks: Out of
Duration: 22 M total 16 nos, work in progress for 5 nos, 3 nos handed over to BPCL.)
Sch: 84.6 %; Front:87.3% Act: 38.3 % - B&R to augment resources to complete all balance work within agreed target.
E 35 - Plates: 375 MT (SA 516 Grade 70) - not yet delivered.
Awarded to M/s B&R on 25-Sep-13

Completion of works for Tankage-III (Crude Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 Constr. As stated
Tanks) term - Plate erection to be expedited for YT-26/28.
(M/s IOT Anwesha ) - Tank pad completion works to be expedited in YT-25.
Sch: 27.02.15; CCD: 03.07.15
E 36 Duration: 20 M
Sch: 71.10 % Front: 100.0 % Act: 45.9 %

Slow progress of FCCU Heater works (Awarded Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 -Management level meeting held on 07.01.15 Project As Required III
to M/s Petron on 04.12.13 (16 M) term - Structural steel: Out of total 217 MT, 200 MT received.
LAD: 09.07.15 - Erection of radiant section completed.
CCD: 03.04.15 - Coil tubes: Delivery held up due to financial constraints.
Ant: Oct'15 - Delivery of soot blowers and FD fans to be preponed to suit completion heater by 03.04.15.
Overall Progress: - Procurement of refractory anchors & refractory blanket to be expedited.
E 37 Sch: 98.4% Act: 58.5 %
Construction progress:
Sch: 71.2% Front: 89.7% Act:32.5%

Handing over of fabrication space to M/s Close Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID D7 BPCL As Required Dec'13
Fabtech for Main Fractionators Column of term
E 38
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 611+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - PO amendment issued on 15.12.14. Projects As Required
Boiler Package for SRU Block (ordered to M/s term - Finalisation of subvendor for expansion bellows to be expedited.
Technicas on 31.012.13)
LAD: 09.06.15
CCD: 30.06.15; EDD: 30.09.15 (As per Vendor)
E 39 Overall Progress:
Sch: 78 % Act: 25 %

Slow progress of RO-DM works Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - During the meeting on 05.12.14, M/s Driplex informed that DM water can be provided by Sep15 for CPP EIL/BPCL As Required
(Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13) term and accordingly have been asked to submit completion plan.
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16 -In view of delay in handing over of areas and various site related issues and soil problem encountered
(As per vendor) during execution, progress of construction badly affected. Letter issued on 05.09.14 to submit revised catch
Overall Progress: up plan for mitigating backlogs in construction & manufacturing. M/s Driplex to mobilise additional resources
Sch: 98 % Act: 62.9% for completion as per catch-up plan.
E 40 Construction Progress: - DM tanks (2 nos) : Piling rig mobilised and piling work commenced. Tank B: (76/160 nos piling completed).
Sch: 100 %; Front: 100%; Act:36.0% Tank -A : (20/160nos piling completed).

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works- Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 Management level meeting held with M/s Shriram on 19.01.15 at site. As Required
FCCU term - Mobilisation of resources is being expedited. At present only 110 nos, manpower mobilised against
Contr. Sch: 100 %; Front: 100% requirement of 350 nos. M/s Shriram agreed to augment additional 98 nos manpower by end Jan15.
Act: 68.2 % (M/s SEPC) - M/s Shriram agreed to complete foundation for Tech structure F by 28.01.15 & Tech structure D by EIL/BPCL
CCD: 24.12.14 07.02.15. Structural fabrication/erection for tech structure A/E/D targeted progressively by end Feb15.
ECD: Oct'15 Management level meeting held with M/s Zillion on 13.01.15 at site.
E 41 - M/s Zillion agreed to complete all fabrication drawings by end Jan15.
- M/s Zillion agreed to fabricate 500 MT structural steel by 31.01.15 & additional 500 MT by 15.02.15.

Completion of Heater Works-DHDT (M/s Open Project Very High Y N N N Long I 0.1 0.10 0.10 0.00 - Fabrication of Convection Modules for IG-H-101 is in progress. Constr. As Required III
Technip) term - Convection modules for IG-H-102 despatched.
LAD: 24.04.15 - Radiant Refractory blanket works completed for IG-H-102 & in progress for IG-H-101.
E 42 CCD: 03.03.15; ECD: Sep'15 - Radiant coil erection for IG-H-102 done. Alignment and welding in progress.
Constr. Progress:
Sch: 95.0 % Front: 100 % Act: 67.7 %

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 -Management level meeting held on 14.11.14. Order has been placed for all bought out items. Projects As Required III
Petron) term - Procurement completed for 600 MT out of 935 MT steel.
LAD:24.04.15 - Fabrication in progress at Coimbatore Yard for both heaters (IV-H-101 & IV-H-201)
CCD:20.02.15 - Radiant panel erection completed for IV-H-101 & IV-H-201.
Ant: Dec'15
E 43 Overall Progress:
Sch: 100% Act: 63.4%
Construction Progress:
Sch: 97.1% Front: 97.4% Act.: 27.5%

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -Management level meeting held with M/s MBEL on 13.11.14 at site. M/s MBEL agreed: Constrn. As Required
M/s McNally Bharat for DHDT & VGO term - Current manpower is 436 nos. against requirement of 570 nos. MBEL agreed to mobilise 4 separate gangs
CCD: 10.01.15 for UG piping.
ECD: Apr'15 - 4 cranes mobilised and Additional 2 nos cranes to be mobilized in order to carry out structural erection in
Sch: 100 %; Front :99.55 % Act: 79.8 % both VGO & DHDT simultaneously.
- Structural erection: DHDT: 1530 MT / 2600 MT - Delivery of balance anchor bolts to be expedited.
completed.; VGO: 1285 MT / 3065 MT -TS-4 for DHDT targeted by 15.01.15
E 44 completed.
-UG Piping Laying: DHDT: 17790 IM / 25400 IM
completed; VGO: 18798 IM / 42000 IM

Completion of Pre-engineered Building Works Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 PEB1: M/s B&R agreed to complete balance work by end Dec'14. Project Material storage commenced. Constrn. As Required
(3 Nos) by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. term PEB 2 All works targeted to complete by Feb'15
PEB 3: All works targeted to complete by Feb'15
Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.
E 45

Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 612+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Completion of Cooling Tower -I & II Open Project High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 -Major backlog is due to construction (37%). Management level meeting held on 07.01.15 at site and PCTL EIL / BPCL As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 01.02.13) term to expedite to complete all works by Apr'15.
LAD: 31.01.15
CCD: 20.10.14
ECD: Mar'15
E 46 Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 100% Front: 100% Cum Act: 76.4%

Completion of Cooling Tower -III Open Project Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 -Major backlog is due to engineering & construction. Last management level meeting held on 14.10.14 at EIL / BPCL As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 11.09.15) term site. Commitment made by M/s PCT has again slipped.
LAD: 30.06.15 - Balance Area for CWTP handed over after completion of grading by M/s PEL.
CCD: 10.01.15 - Manpower - Additional manpower to be deployed for civil works. (Required: 151 nos, Available: 99 nos)
ECD: Aug'15 - Delivery of Bought out item to be expedited.
E 47 - Mechanical contractor to be finalised.RCC work for CWPH & CWTP to be expedited. Backfilling to be
Construction progress: expedited.
Cum Sch: 98.8% Front: 100% Cum Act: 48.3%

Slow construction progress in Offsite-DHDS Open Constructi Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 -Work stopped by M/s KSSIIPL. Balance work being expedited by additional Misc. Civil/Strl contractor. EIL/BPCL Feb'15
area. on term -Civil works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s PGC, M/s Furnace Fabrica & M/s Deen has been
Work stopped by M/s KSS in DHDS area for lined up to supplement Civil works. Further 1 additional Civil & Structural works contracts targeted to award
Civil & Strl work by mid Feb15.
CDD: 24.01.15 - Structural works: Additional agencies including M/s Ray, M/s MNB Nair & M/s Zillion have been lined up to
E 48 ECD:. Dec'15 supplement structural works. Further 1 additional Civil & Structural works contracts targeted to award by mid

Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held on 07.01.15 at site. EIL/BPCL Feb'15
Works-FCCU on term - M/s Petron agreed to start night shift.
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14 - 150MT crane is mobilised. 80MT crane shall be shortly deployed. 200MT crane to be despatched soon.
CCD: 25.10.15 The 150MT & 200 MT cranes shall be operational by end Jan'15.
Construction Progress: - 10 nos semi automatic welding machines shall be operational by Jan'15.
Sch: 35.2 %; Front: 15.5%; Act.: 8.4% - Auto blasting shall start by Jan'15.
AG Piping fabrication: 42564 ID / 486195 ID - Gratings & consumables are being ordered. Handrails, wrapping coating mtrls & GI pipes ordering to be
completed expedited. Strl steel partially ordered.
AG Piping Erection: 12032 ID / 811115 ID - Gantry crane shall be despatched by third week & received by end of Jan'15.
E 49 completed

Slow progress of work & poor manpower Open Constructi High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 Management review meeting held on 08.01.15. EIL/BPCL Feb'15
mobilisation by M/s B&R for Composite Works- on term -30 fitters, 40 welders & the required machineries shall be deployed by 30.01.15.
DCU -Insulation/painting agency finalization by 31.01.15.
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14 - Hanger scaffolding to be introduced at site.
CCD: 11.11.15
Construction Progress:
E 50
Sch: 38.6 % Front: 27.1% Act.: 10.6%
AG piping fabrication: Only 55911 ID / 406975
ID fabrication completed.
AG piping erection: Only 39904 IM / 526435 IM
piping erection completed.
Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work Open Constructi High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.48 0.48 0.00 Management level meeting held at Kochi site on 20.01.15 EIL/BPCL Feb'15
for Refinery area: Generation of front for on term - RCC sub structure work shall be completed by Mar '15.
mechanical works affected (awarded to M/s - 30MT /day shall be fabricated from 01.01.15 onwards.
Mcnally Bharat on 26.09.13.) - 1500 MT each fabrication shall be done during Feb 2015. Bal 600 MT fabrication to be done by 28.02.15.
Sch:98.9%; Front: 95.9%; Act: 29.9%
E 51 CCD: 25.01.15
ECD: Oct'15

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Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 613+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Slow progress by M/s Tech Sharp for Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 Piping fabrication & erection work in progress in pipe rack 101-103, 108, 111-114. Fabrication in progress for Constr. Feb'15 III
Composite works: Offsite IREP area due to on term piperack area 115.
delay in mobilisation. Awarded on 25.03.14.
CCD: 24.09.15.
Sch: 39.6% Front : 24.7% Actual : 11.3%
E 52 29040 / 285505 ID fabricated & 139484 /
1214330 IM erected.

Slow construction progress by M/s B&R for Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 - Management level meeting held 08.01.15 at site. EIL/BPCL Feb'15 III
Composite works: Offsite Refinery area due to on term -Piping management system shall be installed by Jan'15
delay in mobilisation. - B&R to take up compressor erection immediately.
E 53 Awarded on 25.03.14.
CCD: 24.09.15
Sch:44.1%; Front: 11.1%; Act: 5.3%

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 Management level meeting held on 14.01.15 Constr. Feb'15 III
works) by M/s L&T for CDU/VDU. on term -TS I by 28.02.15
Sch: 04.09.14 -TS II, III & IV,VI handed over.
E 54 CCD: 06.09.14 -TS V by 27.04.15
ECD: 31.03.15 -TS VII by 28.02.15.
Sch:100% Front: 99.44% Act: 88.20% - Main piperack completion targeted by 31.01.15

Completion of Heater Works-CDU/VDU (M/s Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - MRM held on 16.01.15 Constr. As Required III
Technip) term Major backlog is due to manufacturing & Delivery and construction.
LAD:14.03.15 - Additional resources to be mobilised to recover construction backlogs
CCD: 06.02.15 All convection modules erected,
Ant: Jun'15 APH & Burners for VDU Heater erected.
E 55
CDU APH foundations handed over in Dec'14

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held on 14.01.15 EIL/BPCL Feb'15
works) by M/s L&T for DCU. on term - Handing over of complete branch piperack targeted by 28.02.15.
Sch: 04.09.14 - TS-I : completion by 20.02.15.
E 56 CCD: 06.09.14 -TS-II : completion by 25.03.15.
ECD: 15.03.15 - TS-III : Structural erection targeted by 31.01.15. Completion by 28.02.15.
Sch: 100% Front: 98.7 % Act: 90.6 %
Start of work for Tankage-IV by M/s Offshore Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level Meeting held on 14.01.15 EIL/BPCL Feb'15 III
Awarded on 17.04.14 on term - Scope of works : Modification of 10 No tanks and 02 No new tanks. Front has been released for YT-
CCD: 16.01.16 383/391/150.
Scope of modification: total 10 nos; Front - Annular plate erection for tanks YT-26&YT-28 started.
released has been released for 2 nos (YT- - YT-150: Dismantling activities in progress.
383/391) - YT-383: Dismantling activities in progress. Plate material ordered.
E 57
Sch : 44.3% Front : 48.2% Actual : 13.7% - YT-391: tank cleaning under progress.
- Ordering of plate material to be expedited.
-Agency has been asked to mobilise and start work immediately. M/s Offshore to submit action plan for
completion and status of procurement.

Slow progress for Tankage-I by M/s B&R Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held on 08.01.2015 with M/s B&R at site. EIL/BPCL Feb'15 III
Awarded on 07.06.13 on term - Round the clock work to commence from 26.12.14.
CCD: 06.04.15 - YT 341 : hydrotest in Mar'15
ECD:Aug'15 - YT 342 : Annular plate erection from 03.02.15
Sch: 96.4 % Front: 100 % Act: 56.8 % - YT 343 : First jacking on 05.02.15.
- YT 344 : First jacking on 03.02.15.
- YT 111 : 4 / 8 shells completed
E 58 - YT 112 : 4 / 8 shells completed
- YT 113 : 2 / 8 shells completed
- YT 114 : 2 / 8 shells completed
-Manpower required is 250 nos, available is 186.

Start of work for SRU Tankage works (Ordered Open Constructi High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 -These tankages (Amine water and sour water services) are required for commissioning of CDU/VDU. Constr. Feb'15
to M/s Tuaman on 19.02.14 on term -Agency has been pressurised to mobilise resources and start work.
CCD:18.06.15 - SWS-1 Sour water tank & sour water storage tank pads handed over.
E 59
Sch: 81.7 % Front: 68.5 % Act: 31.5 % 2 tanks fdn handed over , 1 tank fdn by mid Jan & balance fdn by end Jan'15.

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Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 614+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Composite works by M/s Albana for DHDT Open Constructi Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12 0.12 0.00 - Fabrication shed erected. Constr. Feb'15 III
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD: on term Piping fabrication work in progress.
18.11.15. Structural fabrication yet to commence.
Sch : 33.6% Front : 22.5% Actual : 14.7%
48160 ID / 210605 ID piping fabrication
E 60 completed. 10352 IM / 301995 IM erected.

Start of Composite works by M/s Offshore for Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 12.11.14 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to mobilise Constr. Feb'15 III
Offsite DHDS area on term resources, establish fabrication yard and site facility and start work immediately.
Awarded to M/s OIL on 19.05.14 with CCD: - Mobilisation for 20 nos auto welding machine to be expedited.
E 61 Sch: 39.0% Front: 9.1% Act: 4.4%
500 ID / 232725 ID piping fabrication
completed. 2304 IM / 1084540 IM erected.

Composite works by M/s offshore for SRU area Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 09.12.14 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to mobilise Constr. Feb'15 III
Awarded to M/s OIL on 25.03.14 with CCD: on term resources, fabrication yard in progress
24.09.15. - 600 MT crane mobilised
16415 / 298905 ID fabricated. - At present only 13 nos welders are available at site with per day rate of 220 ID, however to achieve the
E 62 339 IM / 299780 IM erected. completion schedule minimum 1000 ID/day to be achieved.
Sch : 29.6% Front : 31.4% Actual : 7.9%

Completion of balance piling work (Covered Open Constn. Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12 0.20 -0.08 -Piling balance in Chitrapuzha area, Offsite Refinery area, new tender prepared. Piping III contract awarded BPCL Feb'15 III
E 63 under Piling-IIII Contract) term to M/s Keller Ground Engineering & work commenced. 435 piles completed.
(Total 2077 Nos piles approx).

Completion of Composite works by M/s Albana Open Constructi Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12 0.12 0.00 - Fabrication shed erected, side cladding in progress. Piping fabrication work in progress. Constr. Feb'15 III
for VGO Unit on term Piping erection work commenced on the main pipe rack.
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD:
Sch : 31.1% Front : 13.6% Actual : 11.0%
E 64 38734 ID / 145080 ID piping fabrication &
10410 / 248080 IM completed.

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun15 for CDU/VDU commissioning. BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project term
F 1

Implementation of Change management Open PROCES Medium N Y Y N Long D 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.00 a. Change management should be in place immediately Projects Continuous IV
system S/ENGG/ term b. Strict discipline to be maintained else end objective would be difficult to meet.
The same affects : CONS.
- Finalization of basic philosophies All Disciplines are restricted to book manhours and all HOD's should review & make strict control of
- Scope of services manhours booking.
- Release of deliverables
F 2 Various scope changes (as advised by BPCL),
resulting in expenditure of extra manhours
against control manhours.

Timely Commissioning of UB package to meet Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 -Strict monitoring required at all stages upto commissioning. Constn. / as scheduled III
refinery commissioning schedule. term -Completeness of supply of all subparts, their assembly and other BOP Items to be ensured. Projects /
LAD : 31.03.15 (UB 1) - Both steam drum delivered at site. RCC work for chimney completed, foundation work in progress for UB's. BPCL
F 3 30.06.15 (UB 2) Erection of structure started.
- Progress of work affected due to delay in completion of civil foundations.

Timely payment to sub contractor by main Open Const. Medium N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.00 Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: Project/BPCL As Required IV
contractor term - Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being implemented as per
contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank guarantee being implemented
G 1 for future contract of more than 5CR value.
- Expeditious processing of RA bills.
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 615+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Infrastructure at Kochi Open Const. Low N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.03 0.03 0.00 Contractor to identify the proposed areas in and around Project area and BPCL to facilitate by persuading Constn. / As Required IV
G 2 term with local authorities for required permission. Projects /
Scope changes & information flow to executing Open Process / High N Y Y N Long D 0.14 0.00 All DCN s and change orders, if any to be frozen and incorporated in P&IDs at 60% construction progress Process / All by 60% constn sep'13
group Engg. term stage. POSD / progress
G 3 Engg. /

Non-performing vendors Open Inspn Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 The vendor list to be carefully selected to avoid overloading of vendors shops. Bulk materials to be Inspn As Required sep'13
term distributed on different vendors.
G 4

Delay in Approval of Vendor List for various Close Purch / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Covered under risk ID C73 BPCL within 2 days of Nov'13
items of the project (specially for Long lead Contrc. term request
G 5

G 6 Finalisation of Non plant buildings.clearance Close BPCL

Implementation of environmental Open Projects Low
Medium N
N Short
Short D
D 0.16
0.08 0.04 0.04 0.00
0.00 -- BPCL-KR
Meeting held videwith
BPCLdated 06-Dec-12
on EIL sent a list of
recommendations Non
and plantplan
action buildings to be located under IREP Project. Projects
finalised. BPCL / 15-Apr-13
As required Apr'13
conditions by EIL (received from MoEF vide term
term -- BPCL
The same is reviewed
to take by EIL.for
up with MOEF Point wise issues
approval targeted
of changes to be discussed
in system with BPCL in
already incorporated. week
(e.g. starting
configuration for Projects
Letter dated 22.11.12) 15.04.13.
G 7 -- Incorporation
List of buildingsof finalised
EC and RRAbetween EIL and BPCL.inMethodology
recommendations for execution
balance systems under finalisation.
under progress.

Delay in commencement of site work for dyke Close Engg. / Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Documents approved from PESO BPCL Apr'13
wall inside TF-3 affected due to non availability Proj. term
of PESO approval for tankage area
I 1

Statutory approvals Open Projects / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - All drawings for F&B approval issued progressively upto 29.09.14. EIL/BPCL Feb'15 IV
- Factory inspectorate approval BPCL term -Compilation of documents for Factory Inspectorate, CEA approval to started on priority.
- CEA (Central electrical authority) approval
I 2 -IBR approval (LAD - IBR Package for DCU by
end Dec'13; CDU/VDU by 31.12.13)

Implementation of Health, Safety and Open Const. Very High N N Y Y Short D 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 - Deployment of skilled manpower for enforcement of safety precautions. Constn. Continuous III
J 1 environmental (HSE) system term - Monitoring of the HSE conditions and maintenance of records ./ reports.
- Safety Drills being organised on monthly basis.
Delay due to Labour strikes (due to labour issue Close Const. Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Client to be persuaded to settle labour issues (wage revision, other benefits) for Project duration. BPCL As Required Nov'13
like wage revision, other benefits) during project term
K 1 execution phase

Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. High N N Y Y Short I 0.5 0.40 0.40 0.00 -Utilisation of migrant and skilled labour from outside Kerala needs to be encouraged. However, the same Constn / As Required
term will be effective only if proper labour colony facilities are arranged by the contractors. BPCL
At present only approx 11000 labours are - Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade union leaders that
K 2
working against requirement of 15000-18000 workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.
Constraint in movement & transportation of Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 -A separate contract to be given to agency which will take care by approaching KSEB and telephonic Shipping As Required Jun'14
ODC eqpt. term authority.
K 3
-Fabn / transportation philosophy being finalised.

ODC transportation in view of Kochi Metro Open Project/En High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Closed as no concern as on date. BPCL As stated Jun'14
ODC movement schedule is from Nov'13 to Feb gg term
K 4

Cost monitoring & control on regular basis Close Costing High Y N N N Short D 0.08 0.00 Cost engg. to issue cost status report on regular basis Costing Monthly Apr'13
M 1 term
Increase in facilities on account of deletion zero Open Environ. Very High Y N N N Short D 0.08 0.00 Scope of facilities finalised. Environ. 15-Oct-13 sep'13
M 2 liquid discharge term
Job No.: A307

Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jan'15

Page 616+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Impact Score

Current Risk

(Current risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)
( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Variation in foreign exchange rates from Rs 50 Open Project Low Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.18 -0.18 - BPCL have informed that approval for revised cost received. EIL/BPCL
per USD as on Mar 12 to Rs. 60 per USD as on term
date and fluctuations in the intermediate period
and Scope changes w.r.t. DFR (additional in
scope) has significantly impacted on the overall
M 3 project cost.

Total Risk Score 23.06 23.46 -0.39

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


(Open /
Risk Id



Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Management level meeting held on 14.11.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Jan'15-Mar'15
FCCU-M/s Essar-GRE - Hard stand construction completed.
LAD : 09.07.15 - Crane (1600 MT): mobilisation by 15.02.15. EPIL/GRE to arrange another crane
CCD: 09.10.15 (1000 MT-from M/s VTV) for Regenerator bottom section erection.
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) - EPIL-GRE informed to dispatch cyclones for reactors by 30.12.14 and regenerator
Overall Progress: cyclones by Feb'15. M/s Emtrol is being expedited.
Sch: 86.4% Act: 58.4 % - Erection of TSS bottom and top section targeted by end Jan'15.
Construction Progress: - Hydrotesting for Regenrator & TSS targeted by Mar'15.
Sch: 53.8% Front: 85.2% Act: 21.6 % - Erection of regenerator bottom section targeted from end Jan'15.
- Erection of external riser targeted by end Feb'15.
- Erection of reactor bottom section targeted by end Jan'15.
D 1
- Agencies being pressurized to expedite completion of balance works by Dec15 and
requested to submit Catchup plan.
- Management level review meeting being planned with M/s Essar by 2nd week of

Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns for Open Project -Meeting held on 22.11.14, vendor agreed to deliver main fractionator by Jan'15 and EIL/BPCL As stated
FCCU :Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 (18 M balance columns by Mar/Apr'15.
incl erection). - Foundation for main fractionator column (by M/s L&T): Only raft work completed and
LAD: 22.01.15 super structural work being expedited by M/s Tuaman and targeted by end Jan'15 and
CCD:14.01.15 curing period of 10-15 days.
ECD: 15.05.15 - Erection for main fractionator targeted by 2nd week of Feb'15. Crane 1250 MT and
Overall progress: 550 MT mobilised, erection scheme approved.
Sch: 99.6 % Act: 63.2 % - Stripper & rectifier Column: Erection of bottom section for stripper expected to
D 7 - Progress of works was affected due to delayed commence from end Feb'15. Preparation of Hard stand to commence. Erection of
handing over of fabrication yards and completion of bottom section for rectifier expected to commence from end Mar'15.
approach road upto fabrication yard, which affected - Approach road work completed. Area improvement to be expedited for crane
shifting of sections. movement.

Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project - M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration due to delayed availability of burner EIL/BPCL 15-May-15 III
LAD: 23.06.15 data from M/s Accometric. Letter forwarded on 11.06.14 to BPCL for recommending
CCD:18.02.15 (including Site work) extension for supply portion to M/s Thermax upto 30.11.14. Further M/s Thermax
ECD: 18.05.15 seeking extension for duration upto 31.03.15 for supply through letter dated 08.10.14.
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl - Foundation work completed for 1st train. 2nd train foundation targeted by end
erection) Jan'15. Bidder has requested for providing space for storage of MCC equipment &
D 8 Refractory Materials.
- Refractory lining work in Combustion chamber can be started only after erection of
MCC pkg.

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Weekly review meeting held on 19.12.14. Constr. Erection by
Target Sch: 01.05.15 Following commitments have been made by M/s Essar. May'15
Ant Compl.: 30.07.16 -Shift Work: M/s EPIL has been asked to start works in two shifts.
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). - Structural erection upto 127 m completed. Cage erection completed on 19.12.14.
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. - Opening of LC for imported items: M/s EPIL informed letter of credit through Bank of
Overall Progress: India being opened.
Cum. Sch. 73.4 %; Act: 56.5 % - M/s Essar have been pressurized to deliver all coke drums progressively upto Apr15 EIL/BPCL
Construction Progress: and Coke fractionator by end Mar15.
Sch: 54.4% Front: 97.9 % Act: 29.4 % - Crane (2000 MT): Shipment work started from 05.12.14. Mobilization targeted by
Feb15 and erection of equipments targeted to commence from Mar15 to May15.
-Clear water tank fabrication- Agency being finalised, Civil tank pad work commenced.
D 9 - Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 457 nos
have been deployed against requirement of 607 nos.
- Management level review meeting being planned with M/s Essar by 2nd week of

Delay in erection & hydrotesting of Vacuum column Open BPCL / - Erection of Crude Column : Crude column erection & hydrotesting completed. VTV/EIL/ end Jan'15
Sch: Jun 14 Projects / - Erection of Vacuum Column : Vacuum column bottom section erected on 13.12.14. BPCL
CCD: 21.08.14 Const. Middle section planned on 05.01.15 & top section erection planned on 20.01.15.
Ant: end Jan'15
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit
Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude &
D 12 Vacuum column.
VTV Construction Progress:
Sch: 100.0% Front: 100% Act: 80%

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


(Open /
Risk Id



Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Logistics of VGO & DHDT reactors from Kochi port Open T&CC - Contract for ODC transportation awarded to M/s Urmila on 26.05.14. EIL/BPCL Delivery of
to BPCL-KR site - DHDT reactor unloaded into barge on 26.12.14 and expected to arrive at jetty by DHDT reactor at
06.01.15. site by Jan'15
(VGO Reator-2 Nos - CDD (07-Jan-15 FOB) EDD: - Construction of jetty work to be expedited.
Mar'15 - Erection of reactor planned with 1000 MT crane by mid Feb'15.
(DHDT Reactor-2 Nos - CDD (07-Oct-14 FOB: - M/s Urmila to take all statutory clearance / clearance from local bodies prior to
unloaded onto barge on 26.12.14) delivery of Reactor at Kochi-Port.
D 13
ISGEC Josen (3 nos) Column: expected to receive
at Kochi port from end Jan'15 to mid Mar'15.

Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on Open Projects - Compressor casing dispatched from M/s NP Italy workshop on 17.09.14.(Received EIL/BPCL Continuous
26.09.13) at BHEL workshop).
LAD: 09.01.15 - Compressor casing received at BHEL workshop on 28.10.14 and is under
CCD: 25.04.15 machining. Further delivery of compressor takes normally 10-11 month after receipt of
D 19 EDD: 31.10.15 casing.
- M/s BHEL to prepone the delivery of CEP turbine (from Oct'15 to Apr'15).

Delay in delivery of Stripper column (IF-V-206) by Open Projects - Order got delayed due to delay in manufacturing works. At present EIL/ BPCL Dec'14
M/s Uttam Value Steel (Ordered on 19.08.13) fabrication of Stripper column going beyond Dec14 due to which there will be likely
CDD: 18.10.14 delay of 3-5 months including site works. Vendor to be expedited to supply within
EDD: 31.03.15 CDD.
D 32 - Vendor being continuously followed up to expedite manufacturing progress.
Debutanizer and Depropanizer already dispatched in sections to site.

Availability of 90 % Piping materials to generate Open Projects - As of now around 66% piping material has been received at site. Ordering of EIL/ BPCL Jan'15
adequate piping material front to composite balance material is in progress and expected progressively upto Jan'15.
contractors. -Vendors being expedited to prepone the deliveries.
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-2) : JUN'14 - Storage area for piping materials to be expedited by BPCL.
D 33 EDD: Jan'15
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-3): Oct'14
EDD: Jan'15 to Feb'15

Construction of NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / - Composite Works (Civil Strl. & Mechanical) PBO recommendation issued on EIL/ BPCL end Dec'14
- Target Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 7-8 M available Projects 30.10.14, BPCL comments received on 04.11.14. As per BPCL email dated 01.12.14,
for construction works (excl. Dismantling works) Tender splits into two parts & draft NIT for mechanical/strl works forwarded to BPCL.
against schedule of 22 M.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay
in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award of
- Change in the scope based on health check report
E 4 has an impact on Project cost and schedule.
Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 85.4% Catch Up Sch: 55.1 % Act:

Backlog 9.2% as of 15-Dec-14 in Construction Open Const - In order to supplement progress of failing civil contractors, 4 separate contracts EIL/ BPCL As Required
activities viz., Civil works and Mechanical works for have been awarded (M/s Tuaman-Civil & Strl works, M/s Zillion-Strl. works, M/s Ray
offsite area as well as unit areas. Eng-Misc Strl. works & M/s Paulose George-Misc Civil works- I for IREP unit &
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; offsite). Further additional two agencies for Civil & Structural works awarded on
Time lapsed - 33 M 23.12.14 & are under mobilisation.
Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site. Approx 9000 labours
46.7 70.7 61.6 37.5 are available at site, though induction programme has been carried out for more than
Contractors are facing problem in retaining the 15000 labours . requirement of manpower at site is approx 15000 nos.
labour at site. - RCC work & structural fabrication/erection work to be expedited to give complete
Approx 10000 labours are available against front to mechanical contractor progressively upto Apr-May'15.
requirement of 20000 at site. - Lighting of areas to facilitate night shift working.
- Provision of snacks/dinner for labour to facilitate working in extended/night shift.
Completion of Civil & Strl. works: RCC Qty: 1, - Provision of multiple entries inside plant areas to ease manpower/machinery
87,386 m3 out of 3, 05,066 m3 completed; Steel mobilisation to be explored.
Qty: cum. 27,767 MT out of 53344 MT fabricated & - Management level meeting being planned with various misc.Civil/Strl contractors in
E 7 cum. 17,643 MT erected. Jan'15.
- Additional mechanical contracts being awarded to supplement existing mechanical
- All agencies being pressurised to mobilise additional resources and recover the
- In order to boost progress, permission from labour union of Kochi to be taken up for
two shift work.

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by BPCL Mar'15 IV
clearance for BOO area. Mar'15.
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
commissioning of Demountable flare
E 8
(Commissioning expected by end Mar'15)
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Risk Id



Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Slow construction progress of SRU Block due to Open Proj. / - Management level meeting held with M/s B&R on 17.11.14 at EIL site and Constn. 15-Feb-15
delayed area handing over Constn. augmentation of manpower by min. 100 nos to be expedited for concreting work
- At present only 95 % area given to M/s MBEL, progress. All area handed over in SRU block except for peripheral road.
balance Site for SRU block shall be available by - Retaining wall completed for the available front. Balance piling being carried out
Jan'15. (The works are covered under SG-II Tender through Piling III to take up further retaining wall work.
: Awarded to B&R on 22.11.12) - Piling for SRU : All piling drawing released. To meet Euro-IV compliance, focussed
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from end efforts being made for ARU/SWS. Piling for ARU/SWS (120 nos) targeted to complete
Jun14) are available with respect to schedule of 25 by end Jan'15. Balance piling work completion targeted by mid Feb'15.
M (As per past experience minimum requirement for - Civil works completion targeted by mid May15 and handing over of front to EIL/BPCL
E 14 SRU is 30 M). mechanical contractor targeted from end Feb15 onwards.
- To meet Euro-IV compliance, readiness of ARU/SWS targeted by Dec15.

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIIPL for Open Constructio -Management level meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL at site on 02.12.14. EIL/BPCL Jan'15
Offsite IREP area. n - Additional gangs to be deployed to complete cable trenches work.
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s - M/s KSS has been asked to deploy additional 50 nos civil manpower. Manpower for
KSSIIPL on 12.09.13 UG piping work has been increased up to 38 nos. Additional manpower to be
Constr. Sch:100%; Front:99.7%; Act: 50.1% deployed to carry out work for OWS/ CRWS.
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15 - Rock blasting in progress in balance areas.
-Cable trench cast in situ offloaded to PGC (Misc Civil contract)
- M/s KSS has been asked to complete one manhole per day
- TMT bars: Out of ordered 500 MT qty 150 MT qty received, balance being delivered
E 27 progressively.
- Additional agencies including M/s Tuaman & M/s PGC have been lined up to
supplement Civil/Structural works.

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU block Open Project - Management level meeting held at site on 13.11.14. EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) - As on date the manpower is 172 Nos against the requirement of 300 Nos.
LAD: 12.01.15 - TS-06 : Raft work completed. Structural steel erection targeted by 30.12.14.
CCD: 03.03.15 - Structural Erection commenced for TS-2 and for TS-03 targeted by 30.12.14.
Ant: Oct'15 - Out of total 1800 nos piles, 1140 nos completed. Pile cutting completed for 547 nos.
SCH. FRONT. ACT. Delay in completion of piling works affecting progress of civil works.
94.9% 76.8 % 35.6% - Balance pile completion including pile breaking targeted by 15.01.15.
- Out of total structural work of 4290 MT, only 1085 MT fabrication completed & 251
E 29 MT erection works completed. UG piping erection work yet to commence.

Composite works for CDU/VDU Block Open Project - Management level Meeting held with M/s OIL on 12.11.14 and following action plan EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Offshore on 04.11.13) has been agreed
SCH: 30.06.15 - M/s OIL was advised to augment welders to 50 nos. against 39 nos available to
CCD: 03.07.15 increase productivity.
ECD: 30.10.15 - Additional gamma ray source has been mobilised. Backlog in RT work has reduced.
E 30 Contr. Sch: 55.4% - Auto blasting m/c received, being installed.
Front: 57.55%
Act: 28.4 %

Slow progress of ETP works by M/s Paramount Open Project Management level meeting held on 05.12.14. EIL/BPCL As stated
LAD: 30.09.15 - Completion of engineering by M/s Paramount targeted by end Dec14.
CCD:10.08.15 - Completion of equalisation tank targeted by Mar'15.
ECD: 30.06.16 - Chemical house super strl work completion targeted by mid Mar15.
Overall progress: - M/s Paramount has been asked to start night shift work with immediate effect to
Sch: 80.6 % Act: 29.9 % boost construction progress.
Construction Progress: - During the meeting on 05.12.14, M/s Paramount informed that ETP plant can be
E 34 Sch: 64.3% Front: 100 % Act: 16.9 % made ready by Dec15.
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13. (Duration:
21 M+2 M incl pre commng)

Completion of works for Tankage-II (Awarded to M/s Open Project - Management level meeting held on 17.11.14 at site. Total tanks: (New tanks 13 nos, EIL/BPCL As stated
B&R on 25-Sep-13) work in progress for 12 nos. Balance for 1 nos is YT-33 which shall be start after
Sch: 30.06.15; CCD: 24.07.15; ECD: Sep'15 completion of YT-32; Modification tanks: Out of total 16 nos, work in progress for 5
Duration: 22 M nos, 3 nos handed over to BPCL.)
Sch: 78.2 %; Front:86.6% Act: 32.4 % - B&R to augment resources to complete all balance work within agreed target.
E 35 - Plates: 375 MT (SA 516 Grade 70) - Delivery to be expedited.

Slow progress of RO-DM works Open Project - During the meeting on 05.12.14, M/s Driplex informed that DM water can be EIL/BPCL As Required
(Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13) provided by Sep15 for CPP and accordingly have been asked to submit completion
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16 (As plan.
per vendor) -In view of delay in handing over of areas and various site related issues and soil
Overall Progress: problem encountered during execution, progress of construction badly affected. Letter
Sch: 97.4 % Act: 61.9% issued on 05.09.14 to submit revised catch up plan for mitigating backlogs in
Construction Progress: construction & manufacturing. M/s Driplex to mobilise additional resources for
Sch: 98.2 %; Front: 100%; Act:29.5 % completion as per catch-up plan.
E 40 - DM tanks (2 nos) : Piling rig mobilised and piling work commenced (72/160 nos
piling completed).

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Risk Id



Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Mobilisation of resources is being expedited. At present only 187 nos manpower As Required
Shriram EPC for FCCU mobilised against a requirement of 700 nos. Resource Deployment of skilled workmen
Contr. Sch: 99.5%; Front: 100% to be increased (Carpenters, bar benders to be increased).
Act: 55.3 % -5300 m3 RCC work has been already withdrawn from SEPC scope to M/s Tuaman EIL/BPCL
CCD: 24.12.14 scope. Additional 1500 m3 RCC work being offloaded from SEPC scope to M/s PGC.
E 41 ECD: Oct'15 2495 MT strl works offloaded to M/s Tuaman, M/s Zillion & M/s Ray engg.

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIIPL for Open Constructio -Work stopped by M/s KSSIIPL. Balance work being expedited by additional Misc. EIL/BPCL Jan'15
DHDS Offsite area. n Civil/Strl contractor.
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s -Cable trench cast in situ offloaded to PGC (Misc Civil contract)
KSSIL on 05.03.13 - Additional agencies including M/s Ray Engg. & M/s Zillion have been lined up to
CDD: 24.01.15 supplement Structural works. Another misc Civil/Strl work contract floated, award
ECD:. Dec'15 targeted by end Jan'15.
Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area - Additional agencies including M/s Deens, M/s Furnace fabrica & M/s KSS have been
E 49 Sch:98.5%; Front: 77.3%; Act: 18.4% lined up to supplement Structural works. Another misc Civil/Strl work contract floated,
award targeted by end Jan'15.

Slow progress of work & poor manpower Open Constructio Management review meeting held on 11.12.14. EIL/BPCL 31-Jan-15
mobilisation by M/s B&R for Composite Works-DCU n -30 fitters, 40 welders & the required machineries shall be deployed by 25.12.14
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14 -M/s B&R has been asked to expedite1200 ID/day by end Dec '14.
CCD: 11.11.15 - Finalisation of 2 more piping/eqpt agencies at site by third week of Dec'14.
Construction Progress: -Insulation/painting agency finalization by 31.01.15.
Sch: 30.68 % Front: 23.30% Act.: 7.42% - Hanger scaffolding to be introduced at site.
E 51 AG piping fabrication: Only 35316 ID / 406975 ID
fabrication completed.
AG piping erection: Only 31039 IM / 526435 IM
piping erection completed.

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Open Constructio Management level meeting held at Kochi site on 09.12.14. EIL/BPCL Feb'15
Refinery area: Generation of front for mechanical n - 2500 m3 of RCC shall be targeted to cast by Jan'15.
works affected (awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on - RCC sub structure work shall be completed by Mar '15.
26.09.13.) - 30MT /day shall be fabricated from 01.01.15 onwards.
Sch:95.2%; Front: 95.9%; Act: 25.4% - 1500 MT each fabrication shall be done during Jan & Feb'15. Bal 600 MT fabrication
CCD: 25.01.15 to be done by 28.02.15.
ECD: Oct'15 - Strl detailing completion by 31.12.14.
E 52 -600MT & 1000 MT erection targeted by Jan & Feb 15 respectively.
- 125 MT crane to be deployed by 12.12.14 & 150 MT by 15.01.15.

Slow construction progress by M/s B&R for Open Constructio Management level meeting held 11.12.14 at site. EIL/BPCL 10-Jan-14 III
Composite works: Offsite Refinery area due to delay n -Piping management system shall be installed by 10.01.15.
in mobilisation. - B&R to take up compressor erection immediately.
E 54 Awarded on 25.03.14.
CCD: 24.09.15
Sch:32.1%; Front: 8.5%; Act: 4.3%

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 05.11.14. EIL/BPCL Feb'15
works) by M/s L&T for DCU. n - Handing over of complete branch piperack targeted by 28.02.15.
Sch: 04.09.14 - TS-I : completion by 20.02.15.
CCD: 06.09.14 -TS-II : completion by 25.03.15.
E 57 ECD: 15.03.15 - TS-III : Structural erection targeted by 31.01.15. Completion by 28.02.15.
Sch: 100% Front: 98.7 % Act: 86.1 %

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun15 for CDU/VDU BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project commissioning.
F 1

Timely payment to sub contractor by main contractor Open Const. Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: EIL/BPCL As Required IV
- Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being
implemented as per contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank
guarantee being implemented for future contract of more than 5CR value.
G 1
- Expeditious processing of RA bills.

Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. -Utilisation of migrant and skilled labour from outside Kerala needs to be encouraged. EIL / BPCL As Required
However, the same will be effective only if proper labour colony facilities are arranged
At present only approx 9000 labours are working by the contractors.
against requirement of 15000-18000 labours. - Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade
K 2 union leaders that workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Medium / Low

Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

{6+7+8+9} *
50% / 30% /
/ Very Low)

Short term)


(Open /

{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id


10 * 11
( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

High /

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Signing of ISBL P&IDs and battery limit P&IDs for Units, Open Process / Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.00 Signing of P&IDs completed for: Process / 30-Dec-14 IV
Utility packages & other packages. POSD term -CDU/VDU Block on 24.06.14. POSD /
- DCU unit on 03.07.14 & CR LPG unit on 22.07.14.
- VGO unit on 12.07.14.
A 27 - DHDT unit on 24.07.14
- FCCU unit on 23.07.14
- SRU block on 25.07.14.
- Offsite P&IDs issued to BPCL. Signing targeted by end Dec'14.

CPP: Integration of various packages & BOP Items of Open Engg/Cont Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.05 0.08 -0.03 - Integration of packages incl. GTG, HRSG & UB to be ensured based on vendor inputs. Engg 30-Dec-14 IV
CPP. . term - HAZOP review completed for GTG, HRSG & UB package.
90 % model review for CPP - 90% model review for HRSG planned in end Dec'14.
Package wise HAZOP for GTG, HRSG, UB,Gas -90% model review for UB package held from 18.11.14 to 20.11.14.
B 19 Booster compressor. - GBC ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held with M/s BHEL for Gas booster compressor on 12-13

Delay in Interface Engineering (including control Open Engg/proc Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 Package vendor inputs being made available by expediting for updation of interface engineering documents. Projects / Continuous IV
system) due to non availability of Package Vendor Data urement term Engg.
B 23

Generation of Surplus Piping material Open ENGG Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.00 - Surplus material to be salvaged with effective substitution and being carried out during MTO preparation. ENGG Progressively IV
B 30 term

Ordering of Critical Valves Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 -Revised MR (MR-3415): Ordered to M/s Oswal, M/s Shalimar, M/s AV valves and M/s L&T. EIL/BPCL 15-Jan-15
Sch: 11.07.14 term - New MR-3515 (41 Nos) floated, TBA issued on 29.12.14.
C 73 Ant: 15.01.15
Dely: 06/07 M FOT /FOB
Release of balance piping Isometrics drawings and Open Project Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.00 -Total 32819 / 34373 nos (95%) isometrics issued for units . Balance ISO's targeted progressively by mid Engg. 15-Jan-15 III
GAD's. term Jan'15.
Target Sch: Jul'14 -Total 1576 / 2298 nos (69%) GAD's issued for units . Balance GAD's targeted progressively by mid Jan'15.
C 75 Ant: 15.01.15

Award of Composite Works ( Civil /Strl. Works & Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - 4 nos bids received on 30.09.14. PBO recommendation issued on 30.10.14, BPCL comments received on EIL/BPCL 15-Feb-15
Mechanical) for NHT/ISOM-Refloated term 04.11.14. As per BPCL email dated 01.12.14, Tender being split into two parts. Draft NIT targeted by
C 76 Sch: 08.05.14 31.12.14
Ant: 15.02.15

Delay in award of piping material with G2E specification Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 All items have been ordered, deliveries to be expedited in order to timely availability of piping material for EIL/BPCL Feb'15-Apr'15
C 79 in CPP area. term completion of steam network in CPP area.
Completion of Reactor regenerator package for FCCU- Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 Management level meeting held on 14.11.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Jan'15-Mar'15
M/s Essar-GRE term - Hard stand construction completed.
LAD : 09.07.15 - Crane (1600 MT): mobilisation by 15.02.15. EPIL/GRE to arrange another crane (1000 MT-from M/s VTV)
CCD: 09.10.15 for Regenerator bottom section erection.
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) - EPIL-GRE informed to dispatch cyclones for reactors by 30.12.14 and regenerator cyclones by Feb'15. M/s
Overall Progress: Emtrol is being expedited.
Sch: 86.4% Act: 58.4 % - Erection of TSS bottom and top section targeted by end Jan'15.
Construction Progress: - Hydrotesting for Regenrator & TSS targeted by Mar'15.
Sch: 53.8% Front: 85.2% Act: 21.6 % - Erection of regenerator bottom section targeted from end Jan'15.
D 1 - Erection of external riser targeted by end Feb'15.
- Erection of reactor bottom section targeted by end Jan'15.
- Agencies being pressurized to expedite completion of balance works by Dec15 and requested to submit
Catchup plan.
- Management level review meeting being planned with M/s Essar by 2nd week of Jan'15.

Completion of UB package Open Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 Management review held on 13.11.14 to pressurised M/s ISGEC for completing within CCD. Project / Continuous III
LAD : 31.03.15 term - 90% model review for UB package completed. Constn.
CCD : 23.03.15 - Erection of steam drum-I & II completed. (Sch: 16.09.14: got delayed as 550MT crane could not be
ECD:10.08.15 mobilized from M/s.TWC).
Awarded to M/s ISGEC on 25.07.13 - Completion of structural erection work to be expedited. Piping erection work commenced for UB-1.
D 3 Overall progress:
Sch: 99.0 % Act: 73.7 %
Construction Progress:
Sch:98.7 % Front: 100 % Act: 35.6 %
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Medium / Low

Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

{6+7+8+9} *
50% / 30% /
/ Very Low)

Short term)


(Open /

{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id


10 * 11
( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

High /

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Delivery of wet gas compressor for DCU at Site (M/s Open Project Low N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 MRT completed on 10.11.14. Dispatch expected by Jan'15. Project/Inspe 27-Jan-15 IV
Eliot Ebara) term - Condensate pump subordered to M/s Flowserve targeted to receive at shop by mid Jan'15. ction
D 5 LAD: 05.12.14
(CDD: 27.01.15; EDD: 27.01.15)
Delivery of Air Blower / Compressor for SRU Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 Ordered to M/s Howden Process on 25.07.13 (17 M delivery Sch). Project/Inspe 28-Feb-15 IV
LAD: 18.09.14 term Lube oil system under final testing. Further the final testing likely get delayed due to delayed delivery by M/s ction
D 6 (CDD: 24.12.14; EDD: 28.02.15) Enpro.
Close monitoring to be done to ensure delivery on CDD.

Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns for Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -Meeting held on 22.11.14, vendor agreed to deliver main fractionator by Jan'15 and balance columns by Project / As stated
FCCU :Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 (18 M incl term Mar/Apr'15. Constn.
erection). - Foundation for main fractionator column (by M/s L&T): Only raft work completed and super structural work
LAD: 22.01.15 being expedited by M/s Tuaman and targeted by end Jan'15 and curing period of 10-15 days.
CCD:14.01.15 - Erection for main fractionator targeted by 2nd week of Feb'15. Crane 1250 MT and 550 MT mobilised,
ECD: 15.05.15 erection scheme approved.
Overall progress: - Stripper & rectifier Column: Erection of bottom section for stripper expected to commence from end
D 7 Sch: 99.6 % Act: 63.2 % Feb'15. Preparation of Hard stand to commence. Erection of bottom section for rectifier expected to
- Progress of works was affected due to delayed commence from end Mar'15.
handing over of fabrication yards and completion of - Approach road work completed. Area improvement to be expedited for crane movement.
approach road upto fabrication yard, which affected
shifting of sections.

Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration due to delayed availability of burner data from M/s Accometric. BPCL / EIL 15-May-15 III
LAD: 23.06.15 term Letter forwarded on 11.06.14 to BPCL for recommending extension for supply portion to M/s Thermax upto
CCD:18.02.15 (including Site work) 30.11.14. Further M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration upto 31.03.15 for supply through letter dated
ECD: 18.05.15 08.10.14.
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl - Foundation work completed for 1st train. 2nd train foundation targeted by end Jan'15. Bidder has
D 8 erection) requested for providing space for storage of MCC equipment & Refractory Materials.
- Refractory lining work in Combustion chamber can be started only after erection of MCC pkg.

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 Weekly review meeting held on 19.12.14. Constr. Erection by May'15
Target Sch: 01.05.15 term Following commitments have been made by M/s Essar.
Ant Compl.: 30.07.16 -Shift Work: M/s EPIL has been asked to start works in two shifts.
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). - Structural erection upto 127 m completed. Cage erection completed on 19.12.14.
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. - Opening of LC for imported items: M/s EPIL informed letter of credit through Bank of India being opened.
Overall Progress: - M/s Essar have been pressurized to deliver all coke drums progressively upto Apr15 and Coke fractionator
Cum. Sch. 73.4 %; Act: 56.5 % by end Mar15. BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: - Crane (2000 MT): Shipment work started from 05.12.14. Mobilization targeted by Feb15 and erection of
D 9 Sch: 54.4% Front: 97.9 % Act: 29.4 % equipments targeted to commence from Mar15 to May15.
-Clear water tank fabrication- Agency being finalised, Civil tank pad work commenced.
- Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 457 nos have been deployed
against requirement of 607 nos.
- Management level review meeting being planned with M/s Essar by 2nd week of Jan'15.

Delivery of RGC compressor for VGO-HDT (LAD: Open Project/En Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 -0.06 - All items received at site. Project/Inspe end Dec'14
05.03.15 Ant : 27.12.14) gg term ction
D 10 Dely: 18 M
Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13
Delivery of RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD :05.02.15; Open Project/En Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 -0.06 - Received at site and erected. Project/Inspe 27-Dec-14
D 11 Ant : 27.12.14) gg term ction
Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13
Delay in erection & hydrotesting of Vacuum column Open BPCL / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Erection of Crude Column : Crude column erection & hydrotesting completed. Constn. / Jan'15
Sch: Jun 14 Projects / term - Erection of Vacuum Column : Vacuum column bottom section erected on 13.12.14. Middle section planned VTV /
CCD: 21.08.14 Const. on 05.01.15 & top section erection planned on 20.01.15. Projects
Ant: end Jan'15 (Vacuum column)
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit Mechanical
D 12 Compln after erection of Crude & Vacuum column.
VTV Construction Progress:
Sch: 100.0% Front: 100% Act: 80%

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Page 623+15 of 30


Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Medium / Low

Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

{6+7+8+9} *
50% / 30% /
/ Very Low)

Short term)


(Open /

{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id


10 * 11
( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

High /

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Logistics of VGO & DHDT reactors from Kochi port to Open T&CC Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.32 0.06 - Contract for ODC transportation awarded to M/s Urmila on 26.05.14. EIL/BPCL Jan'15
BPCL-KR site term - DHDT reactor unloaded into barge on 26.12.14 and expected to arrive at jetty by 06.01.15.
(VGO Reator-2 Nos - CDD (07-Jan-15 FOB) EDD: - Construction of jetty work to be expedited.
Mar'15 - Erection of reactor planned with 1000 MT crane by mid Feb'15.
(DHDT Reactor-2 Nos - CDD (07-Oct-14 FOB: - M/s Urmila to take all statutory clearance / clearance from local bodies prior to delivery of Reactor at Kochi-
D 13 unloaded onto barge on 26.12.14) Port.
ISGEC Josen (3 nos) Column: expected to receive at
Kochi port from end Jan'15 to mid Mar'15.

Close Monitoring of ODC equipment (including site Open Projects High N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.00 Out of total 57 nos. of ODCs; 20 nos received at site. & 4 nos under dispatch. Balance under close Shipping Continous IV
D 14 fabricated/assembled) up to receipt at site term monitoring and are expected at site from Nov'14.

Completion of Demountable Flare works (Awarded to Open Project Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23 0.23 0.00 - Flare foundation work completed. Projects/Con As Required III
M/s Airoil on 25.09.13) term - Fabrication of flare structure is in progress and delivery expected from Dec'14 onwards. Construction work str.
Sch: 31.03.15 to be started from Dec'14 onwards.
CCD: 24-Apr-15
D 17 Ant: 24-Mar-15
Overall Progress
Sch: 55.9 % Act: 47.4 %
Construction work likely to start from Oct'14.

Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on Open Projects Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Compressor casing dispatched from M/s NP Italy workshop on 17.09.14.(Received at BHEL workshop). Project/Inspe Continuous
26.09.13) term - Compressor casing received at BHEL workshop on 28.10.14 and is under machining. Further delivery of ction
LAD: 09.01.15 compressor takes normally 10-11 month after receipt of casing.
D 19 CCD: 25.04.15 - M/s BHEL to prepone the delivery of CEP turbine (from Oct'15 to Apr'15).
EDD: 31.10.15

Delivery of MAB-FCCU (Ordered to M/s Eliot Ebara on Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - MRT of compressor and Steam turbine completed. Project/Inspe Continuous IV
04.09.13) term ction
LAD: 09.01.15
D 20 CDD: 03.04.15
Ant: 03.04.15

Delivery of VGO-HDT Reactor Open Projects Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 -Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13; Dly 21M FOT. Close monitoring to be done to ensure delivery on CDD. Project/Inspe Continuous III
Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13 term -Skirt fabrication is completed. ction
LAD ; 29.12.14 - Strike has been called off with effect from 12.05.14 at L&T Hazira workshop. Vendor being followed up
CDD: 07.01.15 continuously to deliver reactor within CDD.
D 21
EDD: 30.03.15
Overall Progress:
Sch: 95.0 % Act: 90 %

Delivery of DHDT Reactor Open Projects High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 -0.16 - Reactor received at Kochi port and unloaded to barge on 26.12.14. Project/Inspe Continuous
Ordered to M/s Doosan Engg & Const Co. on 08.02.13 term ction
LAD ;15.12.14
CDD: 07.10.14
D 22 Overall Progress:
Sch: 98 % Act: 95.0 %

Completion of HRSG Package Open Projects Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23 0.23 0.00 - 90% model review for HRSG planned in end Dec'14. Project/Inspe Continuous III
LAD : 30.03.15 term - Balance engineering to be expedited by M/s Thermax. ction
CDD: 19.08.15 - HRSG #3, 4 & 5: Foundation works completed and handed over to M/s Thermax. Erection work
D 23 Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 commenced for HRSG-4.
Overall Progress: - Column erection started for 1st HRSG.
Sch: 64 % Act: 53 %

Delivery of Hot Gas Expander (Ordered to M/s Dresser Open Projects Low Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.14 0.14 0.00 - Generator subordered. Project/Inspe Continuous III
Rand on 31.012.13) term - Pedestal fabrication is at final-machining. ction
D 24 LAD ;30.03.15 - Exhaust case assembly, including diffuser and thermal insulation has been completed
CDD: 30.04.15

Delivery of Sulphur Forming Pkg (Ordered to M/s Open Projects Medium N Y Y N Long I 0.35 0.18 0.18 0.00 -Silos with structure & Conveyors sub ordered by M/s Sandvik. Project/Inspe Continuous III
Sandvik on 31.01.14) term - Bottom Cones for Silo C ,D, E & F dispatched to site. ction
LAD :01.08.14 -Delivery of Semi rolled sections of Silos shall commence from Dec'14 onwards. Structure to be made ready
D 25 CDD: 30.03.15 for installation works to commence.
Overall progress: - Space for SILO's to be expedited.
Sch: 51 %; Act: 46 % - Foundations for pelletiser shed to be made ready by end Dec'14.
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Medium / Low

Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

{6+7+8+9} *
50% / 30% /
/ Very Low)

Short term)


(Open /

{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id


10 * 11
( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

High /

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor -DHDT( Ordered Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - Synchronous Motor ordered to M/s Toshiba Mitsubishi. Expected to receive at M/s Dresser shop by EIL/ BPCL Continuous IV
to M/s Dresser Rand on 11.09.13) term 03.02.15.
D 27 LAD: 29.01.15
CDD: 10.03.15

Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor -VGO( Ordered to Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - Main motor ordered. KOM for Motor held on 06-07.05.14 & expected to receive by 13.04.15 (FOB: EIL/ BPCL Progressively IV
M/s Nueman & Essar on 14.11.13 ) term Germany).
D 28 LAD : 26.02.15
CDD: 13.04.15

Delay by vendor with respect to CDD due to financial Open Projects Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 - Following bidders showing slow manufacturing progress: EIL/ BPCL Jan'15 III
constraint. term - M/s Arjun Technologies (Pressure Vessel supplier): FOA No.:134, 184. . Balance orders expected to
dispatch from Jan'15 to May'15.
- M/s Universal: Meeting held on 25.11.14, M/s UHE agreed to deliver balance items progressively upto
D 29
- M/s Bharat Pumps & Compressors (Pumps): FOA No.: 230, 311, 360, 423 & 444.
- M/s HDO (Columns, Heat Exchangers & Vessels): FOA No.: 199, 302, 310, 315, 318, 320, 327, 369, 389 &

Delay in delivery of Stripper column (IF-V-206) by M/s Open Projects High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Order got delayed due to delay in manufacturing works. At present EIL/ BPCL Dec'14
Uttam Value Steel (Ordered on 19.08.13) term fabrication of Stripper column going beyond Dec14 due to which there will be likely delay of 3-5 months
CDD: 18.10.14 including site works. Vendor to be expedited to supply within CDD.
D 32 EDD: 31.03.15 - Vendor being continuously followed up to expedite manufacturing progress. Debutanizer and Depropanizer
already dispatched in sections to site.

Availability of 90 % Piping materials to generate Open Projects Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - As of now around 66% piping material has been received at site. Ordering of balance material is in EIL/ BPCL Jan'15
adequate piping material front to composite contractors. term progress and expected progressively upto Jan'15.
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-2) : JUN'14 -Vendors being expedited to prepone the deliveries.
EDD: Jan'15 - Storage area for piping materials to be expedited by BPCL.
D 33
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-3): Oct'14
EDD: Jan'15 to Feb'15

Delivery Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: 13 M Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held on 12-13.08.14. EIL Dec'14 IV
D 34 FOB term - Compressor Journal Bearings were ordered. Impeller manufacturing is in process

Delay in delivery of equipments by: Open Project High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 Vendor being pushed for deliveries. Vendor shop visit/meeting being arranged. Inspection / Dec'14 III
M/s TEMA :CDD: 06.01.14 to 15.01.15; EDD:Dec14 to term Project
M/s Nuberg: CDD: 03.07.14 to 03.11.14; EDD: Dec'14
to May'15
D 35 M/s GR Engg: CDD: 28.01.14 to 31.07.14; EDD: Dec'14
to 31.01.15
M/s Fabtech Projects: CDD: Jul14 to Jan15; EDD:
Dec'14 to Jul15

Delay in submission & finalisation of vendor drawings Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 -Reduction furnace layout drawing to be finalised in order to give front for release of piling drawings. HMTD/Projec Dec'14
for SRU burners & reduction burner package. term - Submission of drawing by vendor & approval by HMTD to be expedited. ts
Ordered to M/s UOP Callidus on 20.06.14.
D 36
CDD: 19.05.15

Space constraints: Open Constn. Medium Y N Y Y Short D 0.28 0.14 0.14 0.00 - During the project review meeting dated 28.08.14 following points discussed and BPCL agreed: BPCL Dec'14 III
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and package term - Area for spool storage handed over to Mechanical contractors.
E 2 contractors - FACT area arranged for storage of materials of owner and package contractors. Storage in FACT area
ii) Area for Spool storage commenced.
Job No.: A307
Page 625+15 of 30


Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Medium / Low

Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

{6+7+8+9} *
50% / 30% /
/ Very Low)

Short term)


(Open /

{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id


10 * 11
( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

High /

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Construction of NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 - Composite Works (Civil Strl. & Mechanical) PBO recommendation issued on 30.10.14, BPCL comments BPCL/EIL Dec'14
- Target Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 14 M available for Projects term received on 04.11.14. As per BPCL email dated 01.12.14, Tender splits into two parts & draft NIT for
construction works (excl. Dismantling works) against mechanical/strl works forwarded to BPCL.
schedule of 22 M.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay in
P&IDs review meeting and delay in award of licensor.
- Change in the scope based on health check report
has an impact on Project cost and schedule.
E 4 Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 85.4% Catch Up Sch: 55.1 % Act: 42.7%

Delay in completion of Building Works by M/s L&T for Open Const High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - MCR, CPP control room : Release for panels by Oct'15 & total completion by Dec'15. Constn As Required
MCR and CPP control Room. - Other building works : SRR Completion progressively between Jan'15 to May'15.
Contr. Sch: 99.7 % - L&T also agreed to augment required manpower to meet the target completion date.
Front: 100 %
E 6 Act:66.2 %
CCD: 20.12.14
Ant: 15.07.15
Backlog 9.2% as of 15-Dec-14 in Construction activities Open Const Very High N Y Y N Short term I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 - In order to supplement progress of failing civil contractors, 4 separate contracts have been awarded (M/s Constn As Required
viz., Civil works and Mechanical works for offsite area Tuaman-Civil & Strl works, M/s Zillion-Strl. works, M/s Ray Eng-Misc Strl. works & M/s Paulose George-Misc
as well as unit areas. Civil works- I for IREP unit & offsite). Further additional two agencies for Civil & Structural works awarded on
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; 23.12.14 & are under mobilisation.
Time lapsed - 33 M - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site. Approx 9000 labours are available at site,
Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act though induction programme has been carried out for more than 15000 labours . requirement of manpower
46.7 70.7 61.6 37.5 at site is approx 15000 nos.
Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at - RCC work & structural fabrication/erection work to be expedited to give complete front to mechanical BPCL/EIL
site. contractor progressively upto Apr-May'15.
Approx 10000 labours are available against requirement - Lighting of areas to facilitate night shift working.
of 20000 at site. - Provision of snacks/dinner for labour to facilitate working in extended/night shift.
- Provision of multiple entries inside plant areas to ease manpower/machinery mobilisation to be explored.
E 7 Completion of Civil & Strl. works: RCC Qty: 1, 87,386 - Management level meeting being planned with various misc.Civil/Strl contractors in Jan'15.
m3 out of 3, 05,066 m3 completed; Steel Qty: cum. - Additional mechanical contracts being awarded to supplement existing mechanical contractors.
27,767 MT out of 53344 MT fabricated & cum. 17,643 - All agencies being pressurised to mobilise additional resources and recover the backlog.
MT erected. - In order to boost progress, permission from labour union of Kochi to be taken up for two shift work.

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for clearance Open Constn. Very High N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by Mar'15. BPCL Mar'15 IV
for BOO area. term
E 8 Dismantling of PRU flare can start after commissioning
of Demountable flare (Commissioning expected by end
Completion of Raw water treatment plant Pkg (M/s Open Project Very High Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.29 0.29 0.00 - M/s Triveni shall augment manpower by mobilizing 25 Nos carpenters along with adequate no of Constr. Dec'14
Triveni Engg).(Delayed due to refloating) term barbendors (Manpower required is 359 nos while available manpower is 166 Nos).
- Substation building: completion being targeted by end Dec'14.
Overall Progress: - Chemical house works completion being targeted by end Dec'14
Contr. Sch: 94.1 % Act: 66.4% - 90 % Model review held on 03.11.14.
E 13 Construction Progress:
Sch: 92.3 % Front: 100 % Act: 61.1 %
Sch: 15.11.14 CCD: 24.03.15 ECD: Aug'15
Compl: 18 M+2M

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Medium / Low

Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

{6+7+8+9} *
50% / 30% /
/ Very Low)

Short term)


(Open /

{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id


10 * 11
( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

High /

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Slow construction progress of SRU Block due to Open Proj. / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s B&R on 17.11.14 at EIL site and augmentation of manpower by Constn. Dec'14
delayed area handing over Constn. term min. 100 nos to be expedited for concreting work progress. All area handed over in SRU block except for
- At present only 95 % area given to M/s MBEL, balance peripheral road.
Site for SRU block shall be available by Jan'15. (The - Retaining wall completed for the available front. Balance piling being carried out through Piling III to take
works are covered under SG-II Tender : Awarded to up further retaining wall work.
B&R on 22.11.12) - Piling for SRU : All piling drawing released. To meet Euro-IV compliance, focussed efforts being made for
E 14 - As per present trend 15 months (starting from end ARU/SWS. Piling for ARU/SWS (120 nos) targeted to complete by end Jan'15. Balance piling work
Jun14) are available with respect to schedule of 25 M completion targeted by mid Feb'15.
(As per past experience minimum requirement for SRU - Civil works completion targeted by mid May15 and handing over of front to mechanical contractor targeted EIL/BPCL
is 30 M). from end Feb15 onwards.
- To meet Euro-IV compliance, readiness of ARU/SWS targeted by Dec15.

Delivery of bought out items by BHEL for GTG package Open Const. / Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23 0.23 0.00 - All 3 GTGs received at site. Projects Dec'14 III
(LAD supply:29.09.14; Ant - Jul'15) Projects term - Extension sought by M/s BHEL.
Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13 with CDD for - Contractor for Mechanical works for CPP awarded to M/s Zillion.
E 19
delivery as 24.11.14. - N2 compressor (Delivery period is approx 6-8 M) : Ordered on 01.08.14, delivery going upto beyond Dec

Completion of UG piping work due delay in receipt of Open Const. Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - Pipes under shortage (IS pipes of 30", 40", 48") delivery to be expedited. EIL/BPCL Feb'15
piping material and monsoon. term - Shortage quantity being addressed at higher level. Being continuously monitored by inspection team.
- All balance material deliveries being expedited by Jan'15, subsequently all UG piping work completion
E 22
targeted by Feb'15.

Construction of Subway on the PWD road including re Open Project Very Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.04 0.20 -0.16 Management level meeting held with B&R on 17.11.14 at site. Culvert top slab completed, rerouting of Constrn. end Dec'14 IV
routing of existing road / existing facilities and term existing KWA drinking water supply line completed.
necessary liasoning with government department.
E 26 Construction of culvert got affected (Ant. Compln-end

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIIPL for Offsite Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -Management level meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL at site on 02.12.14. EIL/BPCL Jan'15
IREP area. on term - Additional gangs to be deployed to complete cable trenches work.
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s KSSIIPL - M/s KSS has been asked to deploy additional 50 nos civil manpower. Manpower for UG piping work has
on 12.09.13 been increased up to 38 nos. Additional manpower to be deployed to carry out work for OWS/ CRWS.
Constr. Sch:100%; Front:99.70%; Act: 50.11% - Rock blasting in progress in balance areas.
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15 -Cable trench cast in situ offloaded to PGC (Misc Civil contract)
E 27 - M/s KSS has been asked to complete one manhole per day
- TMT bars: Out of ordered 500 MT qty 150 MT qty received, balance being delivered progressively.
- Additional agencies including M/s Tuaman & M/s PGC have been lined up to supplement Civil/Structural

Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for CPP Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management review meeting held with M/s Essar on 19.09.14 at site & 25.09.14 at EIL HO. EIL/BPCL Dec'14
Contr. Sch: 99.8%; Front: 100%; Act: 58.0% term - Foundation work completed for HRSG-3.
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: May'15 - Completion of Structural works for GTG shed under completion.
- Stack foundation : Only HRSG#3 fdn completed.
E 28
- Completion of boiler piperack foundations targeted by 30.12.14 (20/21 nos raft completed).

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU block Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Management level meeting held at site on 13.11.14. EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) term - As on date the manpower is 172 Nos against the requirement of 300 Nos.
LAD: 12.01.15 - TS-06 : Raft work completed. Structural steel erection targeted by 30.12.14.
CCD: 03.03.15 - Structural Erection commenced for TS-2 and for TS-03 targeted by 30.12.14.
Ant: Oct'15 - Out of total 1800 nos piles, 1140 nos completed. Pile cutting completed for 547 nos. Delay in completion of
E 29 SCH. FRONT. ACT. piling works affecting progress of civil works.
94.9% 76.8 % 35.6% - Balance pile completion including pile breaking targeted by 15.01.15.
- Out of total structural work of 4290 MT, only 1085 MT fabrication completed & 251 MT erection works
completed. UG piping erection work yet to commence.

Composite works for CDU/VDU Block Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Management level Meeting held with M/s OIL on 12.11.14 and following action plan has been agreed EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Offshore on 04.11.13) term - M/s OIL was advised to augment welders to 50 nos. against 39 nos available to increase productivity.
SCH: 30.06.15 - Additional gamma ray source has been mobilised. Backlog in RT work has reduced.
CCD: 03.07.15 - Auto blasting m/c received, being installed.
E 30 ECD: 30.10.15
Contr. Sch: 55.4%
Front: 57.55%
Act: 28.4 %
Job No.: A307
Page 627+15 of 30


Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Medium / Low

Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

{6+7+8+9} *
50% / 30% /
/ Very Low)

Short term)


(Open /

{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id


10 * 11
( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

High /

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Completion of Coke handling work Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.00 -Meeting held at site on 10.09.14. Constr. Continuous III
(Awarded to M/s Thyssen on 04.11.13) term - Piling work commenced (929 out of 1642 nos piles completed: 7-8 piles/day) M/s TKII to augment piling
LAD: 18.04.15 rigs immediately.
CCD: 03.07.15 -TKII has been advised to commence work in all work fronts to achieve min. 5% construction progress.
EDD: Dec'15
E 31 Construction: Sch:37.2 %; Front:100.0%; Act:14.56%
Overall Progress:
Sch: 51.3 % Act: 37.9%

Completion of DCU Heater works (Awarded to M/s Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.00 Review meeting held at site on 26.09.14. Constrcution As Required III
Heurtey on 04.11.13 (20 M) term -Heater A: All radiant panels erected.
LAD: May 15 -Heater B: All radiant panels erected.
CCD: 03.07.15 Shop fabrication of coil, convection modules, APH str and duct to be expedited.
Ant: Oct'15 -Crane 150 MT mobilised.
E 32 Overall Progress: - M/s Heurtey has been asked to increase number of welders and start works round the clock.
Sch: 77.8 % Act: 70.8 %
Construction work: Sch- 67.5% Front:97.2% Act:39.6%

Slow progress of ETP works by M/s Paramount Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 Management level meeting held on 05.12.14. EIL/BPCL As stated
LAD: 30.09.15 term - Completion of engineering by M/s Paramount targeted by end Dec14.
CCD:10.08.15 - Completion of equalisation tank targeted by Mar'15.
ECD: 30.06.16 - Chemical house super strl work completion targeted by mid Mar15.
Overall progress: - M/s Paramount has been asked to start night shift work with immediate effect to boost construction
Sch: 80.6 % Act: 29.9 % progress.
E 34 Construction Progress: - During the meeting on 05.12.14, M/s Paramount informed that ETP plant can be made ready by Dec15.
Sch: 64.3% Front: 100 % Act: 16.9 %
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13. (Duration: 21
M+2 M incl pre commng)

Completion of works for Tankage-II Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Management level meeting held on 17.11.14 at site. Total tanks: (New tanks 13 nos, work in progress for EIL/BPCL As stated
Sch: 30.06.15; CCD: 24.07.15; ECD: Sep'15 term 12 nos. Balance for 1 nos is YT-33 which shall be start after completion of YT-32; Modification tanks: Out of
Duration: 22 M total 16 nos, work in progress for 5 nos, 3 nos handed over to BPCL.)
E 35 Sch: 78.2 %; Front:86.6% Act: 32.4 % - B&R to augment resources to complete all balance work within agreed target.
- Plates: 375 MT (SA 516 Grade 70) - not yet delivered.
Awarded to M/s B&R on 25-Sep-13
Completion of works for Tankage-III (Crude Tanks) Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 Constr. As stated
(M/s IOT Anwesha ) term - Plate erection to be expedited for YT-26/28.
Sch: 27.02.15; CCD: 03.07.15 - Sand filling works to be expedited in YT-25.
E 36 Duration: 20 M
Sch: 59.9 % Front: 100.0 % Act: 41.4 %
Slow progress of FCCU Heater works (Awarded to M/s Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 -Management level meeting held on 14.11.14 Project As Required III
Petron on 04.12.13 (16 M) term - Structural steel: Out of total 217 MT, 200 MT received.
LAD: 09.07.15 - Fabrication of radiant section completed.
CCD: 03.04.15 - Coil tubes: Delivery held up due to financial constraints.
Ant: Oct'15 - Delivery of soot blowers and FD fans to be preponed to suit completion heater by 03.04.15.
E 37 Overall Progress:
Sch: 88.9% Act: 44.6 %
Construction progress:
Sch: 63.2% Front: 60.65% Act:30.3%

Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Boiler Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - PO amendment issued on 15.12.14. Projects As Required
Package for SRU Block (ordered to M/s Technicas on term - Finalisation of subvendor for expansion bellows to be expedited.
LAD: 09.06.15
E 39 CCD: 30.06.15; EDD: 30.09.15 (As per Vendor)
Overall Progress:
Sch: 70 % Act: 19 %

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Page 628+15 of 30


Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Medium / Low

Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

{6+7+8+9} *
50% / 30% /
/ Very Low)

Short term)


(Open /

{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id


10 * 11
( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

High /

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Slow progress of RO-DM works Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - During the meeting on 05.12.14, M/s Driplex informed that DM water can be provided by Sep15 for CPP EIL/BPCL As Required
(Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13) term and accordingly have been asked to submit completion plan.
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16 (As per -In view of delay in handing over of areas and various site related issues and soil problem encountered
vendor) during execution, progress of construction badly affected. Letter issued on 05.09.14 to submit revised catch
Overall Progress: up plan for mitigating backlogs in construction & manufacturing. M/s Driplex to mobilise additional resources
E 40 Sch: 97.4 % Act: 61.9% for completion as per catch-up plan.
Construction Progress: - DM tanks (2 nos) : Piling rig mobilised and piling work commenced (72/160 nos piling completed).
Sch: 98.2 %; Front: 100%; Act:29.5 %

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 -Management level meeting held at Kochi on 18.09.14. As Required
Shriram EPC for FCCU term -Mobilisation of resources is being expedited. At present only 187 nos , manpower mobilised, against a
Contr. Sch: 99.5%; Front: 100% requirement of 700 nos. Resource Deployment of skilled workmen to be increased (Carpenters, bar benders
Act: 55.3 % to be increased). EIL/BPCL
E 41 CCD: 24.12.14 -5300 m3 RCC work has been already withdrawn from SEPC scope to M/s Tuaman scope. Additional 1500
ECD: Oct'15 m3 RCC work being offloaded from SEPC scope to M/s PGC. 2495 MT strl works offloaded to M/s Tuaman,
M/s Zillion & M/s Ray engg.

Completion of Heater Works-DHDT (M/s Technip) Open Project Very High Y N N N Long I 0.1 0.10 0.10 0.00 - Fabrication of Convection Modules for IG-H-101 is in progress. Constr. As Required III
LAD: 24.04.15 term - Convection modules for IG-H-102 despatched.
CCD: 03.03.15; ECD: Sep'15 - Radiant Refractory blanket works completed for IG-H-102 & in progress for IG-H-101.
E 42 Constr. Progress: - Radiant coil erection for IG-H-102 done. Alignment and welding in progress.
Sch: 87.9 % Front: 100 % Act: 62.7 %

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Petron) Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 -Management level meeting held on 14.11.14. Order has been placed for all bought out items. Projects As Required III
LAD:24.04.15 term - Procurement completed for 600 MT out of 935 MT steel.
CCD:20.02.15 - Fabrication in progress at Coimbatore Yard for both heaters (IV-H-101 & IV-H-201)
Ant: Dec'15 - Radiant panel erection completed for IV-H-101 & IV-H-201.
Overall Progress:
E 43 Sch: 97.7 % Act: 53.6 %
Construction Progress:
Sch: 80.6% Front: 96.1% Act.: 17.4%

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -Management level meeting held with M/s MBEL on 13.11.14 at site. M/s MBEL agreed: Constrn. As Required
McNally Bharat for DHDT & VGO term - Current manpower is 436 nos. against requirement of 570 nos. MBEL agreed to mobilise 4 separate gangs
CCD: 10.01.15 for UG piping.
ECD: Apr'15 - 4 cranes mobilised and Additional 2 nos cranes to be mobilized in order to carry out structural erection in
Sch: 97.27 %; Front :99.55 % Act: 63.71 % both VGO & DHDT simultaneously.
- Structural erection: DHDT: 825 MT / 2600 MT - Delivery of balance anchor bolts to be expedited.
E 44 completed.; VGO: 746 MT / 3065 MT completed. -TS-4 for DHDT targeted by 15.01.15
-UG Piping Laying: DHDT: 11089 IM / 25400 IM
completed; VGO: 11038 IM / 42000 IM completed.

Completion of Pre-engineered Building Works (3 Nos) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 PEB1: M/s B&R agreed to complete balance work by end Dec'14. Project Material storage commenced. Constrn. As Required
by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. term PEB 2 All works targeted to complete by 31.12.14.
E 45 PEB 3: All works targeted to complete by 31.12.14.
Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.
Completion of Cooling Tower -I & II Open Project High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 -Major backlog is due to construction (37%). Management level meeting held on 14.10.14 at site. EIL / BPCL As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 01.02.13) term Commitment made by M/s PCT has again slipped. Manpower at site is 392 nos instead of committed 670
LAD: 31.01.15 nos. Supply of balance U/G and A/G Piping Material by PCTL to be expedited. Shortage of TMT steel (540
CCD: 20.10.14 MT) to be expedited. PCTL to target to complete all Civil work by Dec'14.
ECD: Mar'15
E 46 Overall Progress:
Sch: 100 % Act: 77.3 %
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 100% Front: 100% Cum Act: 71.2%
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Medium / Low

Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

{6+7+8+9} *
50% / 30% /
/ Very Low)

Short term)


(Open /

{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id


10 * 11
( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

High /

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Completion of Cooling Tower -III Open Project Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 -Major backlog is due to engineering & construction. Last management level meeting held on 14.10.14 at EIL / BPCL As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 11.09.15) term site. Commitment made by M/s PCT has again slipped.
LAD: 30.06.15 - Balance Area for CWTP handed over after completion of grading by M/s PEL.
CCD: 10.01.15 - Manpower - Additional manpower to be deployed for civil works. (Required: 151 nos, Available: 99 nos)
ECD: Aug'15 - Delivery of Bought out item to be expedited.
E 47 Overall Progress: - Mechanical contractor to be finalised.RCC work for CWPH & CWTP to be expedited. Backfilling to be
Sch: 90.2 % Act: 46.3 % expedited.
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 91.5% Front: 100% Cum Act: 45.7%

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIIPL for DHDS Open Constructi Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 -Work stopped by M/s KSSIIPL. Balance work being expedited by additional Misc. Civil/Strl contractor. EIL/BPCL Dec'14
Offsite area. on term -Cable trench cast in situ offloaded to PGC (Misc Civil contract)
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s KSSIL - Additional agencies including M/s Ray Engg. & M/s Zillion have been lined up to supplement Structural
on 05.03.13 works. Another misc Civil/Strl work contract floated, award targeted by end Jan'15.
CDD: 24.01.15 - Additional agencies including M/s Deens, M/s Furnace fabrica & M/s KSS have been lined up to
E 48 ECD:. Dec'15 supplement Structural works. Another misc Civil/Strl work contract floated, award targeted by end Jan'15.
Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area
Sch:98.5%; Front: 77.3%; Act: 18.4%

Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Works- Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held on 12.12.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Dec'14
FCCU on term - M/s Petron agreed to start night shift.
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14 - 150MT crane is under transit. 80MT crane shall be shortly deployed. 200MT crane to be despatched soon.
CCD: 25.10.15 The 150MT & 200 MT cranes shall be operational by end Dec'14.
Construction Progress: - 10 nos semi automatic welding machines shall be operational by third week of Dec 14. 26 nos welding
Sch: 27.09 %; Front: 12.73%; Act.: 6.52% machines are under transit.
AG Piping fabrication: 24857 ID / 486195 ID completed - Auto blasting shall start by end Dec '14.
AG Piping Erection: 4944 ID / 811115 ID completed - Gratings & consumables are being ordered. Handrails, wrapping coating mtrls & GI pipes ordering to be
expedited. Strl steel partially ordered.
E 49 - Gantry crane shall be despatched by third week & received by end of Dec '14.
- Second RT agency to start work by end Dec'14. Source pit & concrete bunker to be prepared by PECL.
- 1000 ID/day to be achieved from 3rd week of Dec 14.
- SS welder qualification to start by end Dec 14.
- Welding of site joints to commence from third week of Dec '14.

Slow progress of work & poor manpower mobilisation by Open Constructi High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 Management review meeting held on 11.12.14. EIL/BPCL Dec'14
M/s B&R for Composite Works-DCU on term -30 fitters, 40 welders & the required machineries shall be deployed by 25.12.14
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14 -M/s B&R has been asked to expedite1200 ID/day by end Dec '14.
CCD: 11.11.15 - Finalisation of 2 more piping/eqpt agencies at site by third week of Dec'14.
Construction Progress: -Insulation/painting agency finalization by 31.01.15.
Sch: 30.68 % Front: 23.30% Act.: 7.42% - Hanger scaffolding to be introduced at site.
E 50
AG piping fabrication: Only 35316 ID / 406975 ID
fabrication completed.
AG piping erection: Only 31039 IM / 526435 IM piping
erection completed.

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Open Constructi High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.48 0.48 0.00 Management level meeting held at Kochi site on 09.12.14. EIL/BPCL Dec'14
Refinery area: Generation of front for mechanical works on term - 2500 m3 of RCC shall be cast during Jan'15 & the supervisory staff reqd for this shall be deployed by later
affected (awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 26.09.13.) half of Dec'14.
Sch:95.2%; Front: 95.9%; Act: 25.4% - RCC sub structure work shall be completed by Mar '15.
CCD: 25.01.15 - 30MT /day shall be fabricated from 01.01.15 onwards.
E 51 ECD: Oct'15 - 1500 MT each fabrication shall be done during Jan & Feb 2015. Bal 600 MT fabrication to be done by
- Strl detailing completion by 31.12.14.
-600MT & 1000 MT erection targeted by Jan & Feb 15 respectively.
- 125 MT crane to be deployed by 12.12.14 & 150 MT by 15.01.15.
Slow progress by M/s Tech Sharp for Composite works: Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 Pping fabrication & erection work in progress in pipe rack 101-103, 108, 111-114. Fabrication in progress for Constr. Dec'14 III
Offsite IREP area due to delay in mobilisation. Awarded on term piperack area 115.
on 25.03.14.
CCD: 24.09.15.
E 52 Sch: 29.46% Front : 23.41% Actual : 7.76%
20632 / 285505 ID fabricated & 99337 / 1214330 IM
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Medium / Low

Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

{6+7+8+9} *
50% / 30% /
/ Very Low)

Short term)


(Open /

{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id


10 * 11
( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

High /

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Slow construction progress by M/s B&R for Composite Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 - Management level meeting held 11.12.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Dec'14 III
works: Offsite Refinery area due to delay in mobilisation. on term -Piping management system shall be installed by 10.01.15.
Awarded on 25.03.14. - B&R to take up compressor erection immediately.
E 53 CCD: 24.09.15
Sch:32.1%; Front: 8.5%; Act: 4.3%

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping works) Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 Management level meeting held on 05.11.14. Constr. Dec'14 III
by M/s L&T for CDU/VDU. on term -TS I by 28.02.15
Sch: 04.09.14 -TS II, III & IV handed over.
E 54 CCD: 06.09.14 -TS V by 27.04.15
ECD: 31.03.15 -TS VII by 28.02.15.
Sch:100% Front: 99.44% Act: 88.20% - Main piperack completion targeted by 13.01.15

Completion of Heater Works-CDU/VDU (M/s Technip) Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - MRM held on 14.11.14 Constr. As Required III
LAD:14.03.15 term Major backlog is due to manufacturing & Delivery and construction. Erection of APH, Hot air ducts for VDU
CCD: 06.02.15 Heater is in progress.
Ant: Jun'15 - Additional resources to be mobilised to recover construction backlogs
Overall Progress: Convection module 4/5 erected for Crude Heater A & 3/5 erected for Crude Heater B.
E 55
Sch: 97.8 % Act: 89.4 % CDU APH foundations to be handed over by Dec'14
Constr. Progress:
Sch: 98.1 % Front: 92.6.0% Act: 69.6 %

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping works) Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held on 05.11.14. EIL/BPCL Jan'15
by M/s L&T for DCU. on term - Handing over of complete branch piperack targeted by 28.02.15.
Sch: 04.09.14 - TS-I : completion by 20.02.15.
E 56 CCD: 06.09.14 -TS-II : completion by 25.03.15.
ECD: 15.03.15 - TS-III : Structural erection targeted by 31.01.15. Completion by 28.02.15.
Sch: 100% Front: 98.7 % Act: 86.1 %
Start of work for Tankage-IV by M/s Offshore Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level Meeting held on 12.11.14. EIL/BPCL Dec'14 III
Awarded on 17.04.14 on term - Scope of works : Modification of 10 No tanks and 02 No new tanks. Front has been released for YT-
CCD: 16.01.16 383/391/150.
Scope of modification: total 10 nos; Front released has - Annular plate erection for tanks YT-26&YT-28 started.
been released for 2 nos (YT-383/391) - YT-150: Dismantling activities in progress.
Sch : 35.80% Front : 41.86% Actual : 9.85% - YT-383: Dismantling activities in progress. Plate material ordered.
E 57
- YT-391: tank cleaning under progress.
- Ordering of plate material to be expedited.
-Agency has been asked to mobilise and start work immediately. M/s Offshore to submit action plan for
completion and status of procurement.

Slow progress for Tankage-I by M/s B&R Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held on 11.12.14 with M/s B&R at site. EIL/BPCL Dec'14 III
Awarded on 07.06.13 on term - Round the clock work to commence from 26.12.14.
CCD: 06.04.15 - YT 341 : First jacking on 18.12.14.
ECD:Aug'15 - YT 342 : Annular plate erection from 24.12.14. Shell plate erection from 30.12.14. First jacking on
Sch: 92.97 % Front: 100 % Act: 50.31 % 05.02.15.
- YT 343 : Shell plate erection from 17.12.14. First jacking on 05.02.15.
- YT 344 : First jacking on 05.01.15.
E 58 - YT 111 : first jacking on 17.12.14.
- YT 112 : First jacking on 27.12.14.
- YT 113 : First jacking on 05.01.15.
- YT 114 : First jacking on 14.01.15.
- Entire fire bricks shall be at site by 22.12.14.
- Additional 45 nos manpower by 25.12.14.
- Receipt of balance MS plates by 26.12.14.

Start of work for SRU Tankage works (Ordered to M/s Open Constructi High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 -These tankages (Amine water and sour water services) are required for commissioning of CDU/VDU. Constr. Dec'14
Tuaman on 19.02.14 on term -Agency has been pressurised to mobilise resources and start work.
E 59 CCD:18.06.15 - SWS-1 Sour water tank & sour water storage tank pads handed over.
Sch: 74.3 % Front: 68.5 % Act: 21.0 %
Composite works by M/s Albana for DHDT Open Constructi Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12 0.12 0.00 - Fabrication shed erected. Constr. Dec'14 III
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD: on term Piping fabrication work in progress.
Sch : 25.61% Front : 21.82% Actual : 11.92%
E 60 38810 ID / 210605 ID piping fabrication completed.
6746 IM / 301995 IM erected.
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Medium / Low

Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

{6+7+8+9} *
50% / 30% /
/ Very Low)

Short term)


(Open /

{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id


10 * 11
( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

High /

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Start of Composite works by M/s Offshore for Offsite Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 12.11.14 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to mobilise Constr. Dec'14 III
DHDS area on term resources, establish fabrication yard and site facility and start work immediately.
E 61 Awarded to M/s OIL on 19.05.14 with CCD: 18.11.15. - Mobilisation for 20 nos auto welding machine to be expedited.
Sch: 28.7% Front: 9.1% Act: 4.1%

Start of Composite works by M/s offshore for SRU area Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 09.12.14 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to mobilise Constr. Dec'14 III
Awarded to M/s OIL on 25.03.14 with CCD: 24.09.15. on term resources, fabrication yard in progress
11163 / 298905 ID fabricated. Erection not yet started. - 600 MT crane mobilised
Sch : 22.80% Front : 28.63% Actual : 6.68% - At present only 4 nos welders are available at site with per day rate of 120 ID, however to achieve the
E 62 completion schedule minimum 1000 ID/day to be achieved.

Completion of balance piling work (Covered under Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.32 -0.12 -Piling balance in Chitrapuzha area, Offsite Refinery area, new tender prepared. Piping III contract awarded BPCL Dec'14 III
E 63 Piling-IIII Contract) term to M/s Keller Ground Engineering & work commenced.
(Total 2077 Nos piles approx).
Completion of Composite works by M/s Albana for VGO Open Constructi Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12 0.12 0.00 - Fabrication shed erected, side cladding in progress. Piping fabrication work in progress. Constr. Dec'14 III
Unit on term Piping erection work commenced on the main pipe rack.
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD: 18.11.15
E 64 31124 ID / 203790 ID piping fabrication & 6826 /
336280 IM completed.

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun2015 for CDU/VDU commissioning. BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
F 1 commissioning and commissioning of Project term

Implementation of Change management system Open PROCES Medium N Y Y N Long D 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.00 a. Change management should be in place immediately Projects Continuous IV
The same affects : S/ENGG/ term b. Strict discipline to be maintained else end objective would be difficult to meet.
- Finalization of basic philosophies CONS.
- Scope of services All Disciplines are restricted to book manhours and all HOD's should review & make strict control of
- Release of deliverables manhours booking.
F 2 Various scope changes (as advised by BPCL), resulting
in expenditure of extra manhours against control

Timely Commissioning of UB package to meet refinery Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 -Strict monitoring required at all stages upto commissioning. Constn. / as scheduled III
commissioning schedule. term -Completeness of supply of all subparts, their assembly and other BOP Items to be ensured. Projects /
LAD : 31.03.15 (UB 1) - Both steam drum delivered at site. RCC work for chimney completed, foundation work in progress for UB's. BPCL
F 3 30.06.15 (UB 2) Erection of structure started.
- Progress of work affected due to delay in completion of civil foundations.

Timely payment to sub contractor by main contractor Open Const. Medium N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.00 Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: Project/BPCL As Required IV
term - Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being implemented as per
contract provision.
G 1 - Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank guarantee being implemented
for future contract of more than 5CR value.
- Expeditious processing of RA bills.

Infrastructure at Kochi Open Const. Low N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.03 0.03 0.00 Contractor to identify the proposed areas in and around Project area and BPCL to facilitate by persuading Constn. / As Required IV
G 2 term with local authorities for required permission. Projects /
Implementation of environmental clearance conditions Open Projects Medium Y N N N Short D 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.00 - Meeting held with BPCL on EIL recommendations and action plan finalised. BPCL / As required IV
by EIL (received from MoEF vide Letter dated 22.11.12) term - BPCL to take up with MOEF for approval of changes in system already incorporated. (e.g. configuration for Projects
G 7 - Incorporation of EC and RRA recommendations in balance systems under progress.

Statutory approvals Open Projects / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - All drawings for F&B approval issued progressively upto 29.09.14. EIL/BPCL Dec'14 IV
- Factory inspectorate approval BPCL term -Compilation of documents for Factory Inspectorate, CEA approval to started on priority.
- CEA (Central electrical authority) approval
I 2
-IBR approval (LAD - IBR Package for DCU by end
Dec'13; CDU/VDU by 31.12.13)

Implementation of Health, Safety and environmental Open Const. Very High N N Y Y Short D 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 - Deployment of skilled manpower for enforcement of safety precautions. Constn. Continuous III
J 1 (HSE) system term - Monitoring of the HSE conditions and maintenance of records ./ reports.
- Safety Drills being organised on monthly basis.
Job No.: A307
Page 632+15 of 30


Integrated Refinery Expansion Project


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Medium / Low

Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

{6+7+8+9} *
50% / 30% /
/ Very Low)

Short term)


(Open /

{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id


10 * 11
( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

High /

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. High N N Y Y Short I 0.5 0.40 0.40 0.00 -Utilisation of migrant and skilled labour from outside Kerala needs to be encouraged. However, the same Constn / As Required
term will be effective only if proper labour colony facilities are arranged by the contractors. BPCL
At present only approx 9000 labours are working - Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade union leaders that
K 2
against requirement of 15000-18000 labours. workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.

Variation in foreign exchange rates from Rs 50 per USD Open Project Low Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.18 0.18 0.00 - BPCL to put up Revised cost in BPCL Board and seek approval on the same. EIL/BPCL Dec'14 III
as on Mar 12 to Rs. 60 per USD as on date and term
fluctuations in the intermediate period and Scope
M 3 changes w.r.t. DFR (additional in scope) has
significantly impacted on the overall project cost.

Total Risk Score 23.46 23.99 -0.53

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


(Open /
Risk Id



Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Award of Electrical & Instrumentation Works for Open Project - Electrical Works: EIL/BPCL Nov'14
Units & Offsite Part A: M/s Technimont
Sch: 30.06.14 Part B: M/s Consilium
Ant: 10.11.14 - Instrumentation Works:
C 78 Electrical/Instr. Works: Part A: CDU/VDU, DCU, Part A: M/s Technimont .
FCCU, DHDT, VGO-HDT & IREP Offsites: Part B: M/s Consilium
Part B: SRU & DHDS/Refinery Offsites :

Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Management level meeting held on 14.11.14 at site. 30-Dec-14
FCCU-M/s Essar-GRE - Hard stand construction completed. EIL / BPCL
LAD : 09.07.15 - Crane (1600 MT): Mobilisation by 15.02.15. EPIL/GRE to arrange alternate crane for
CCD: 09.10.15 erection of Regenerator bottom section.
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) - EPIL-GRE informed to dispatch cyclones for reactors by 30.12.14 and regenerator
Overall Progress: cyclones by Feb'15. M/s Emtrol is being expedited.
Sch: 81.8% Act: 53.8 % - Fdn for flue gas area and ESP handed over
Construction Progress: - M/s EPIL has commenced structural erection for FGC.
D 1 Sch: 42.8% Front: 84.4% Act: 17.9 % - TSS Vessel: Assembly for skirt, shell 1 & 2 commenced. TSS assembly and
erection of bottom section targeted by 30.12.14.
- Essar being followed up for submission of catch up plan. Next management level
meeting planned on 12.12.14.

Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns for Open Project -Meeting held on 12.11.14, vendor agreed to complete erection of main fractionator by EIL/BPCL As stated
FCCU :Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 (18 M Jan'15 and balance columns by Mar/Apr'15.
incl erection). - Foundation for main fractionator column (by M/s L&T) completed and super
LAD: 22.01.15 structural work being expedited by M/s Tuaman.
CCD:14.01.15 -1250 MT and 550 MT crane mobilised at site, erection scheme approved.
ECD: 15.05.15 - Stripper & rectifier Column: Erection of bottom section expected to commence from
Overall progress: Jan'15. Preparation of Hard stand being expedited for readiness by Jan'15.
Sch: 78.2 % Act: 59.9 % - Approach road work completed. Area improvement to be expedited for crane
D 7 - Progress of works was affected due to delayed movement.
handing over of fabrication yards and completion of
approach road upto fabrication yard, which affected
shifting of sections.

Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project - M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration due to delayed availability of burner BPCL / EIL 15-May-15 III
LAD: 23.06.15 data from M/s Accometric. Letter forwarded on 11.06.14 to BPCL for recommending
CCD:18.02.15 (including Site work) extension for supply portion to M/s Thermax upto 30.11.14. Further M/s Thermax
ECD: 18.05.15 seeking extension for duration upto 31.03.15 for supply through letter dated 08.10.14.
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl - Foundation readiness targeted by end Dec'14. Bidder has requested for providing
erection) space for storage of MCC equipment & Refractory Materials.
D 8 Overall progress:
Sch: 80.0 % Act: 71.3 %

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Management review meeting held on 14.11.14. Constr. Dec'14
Target Sch: 01.05.15 -Shift Work: M/s EPIL has been asked to start works in two shifts.
Ant Compl.: 30.07.16 - Meeting held with M/s Essar for financial issues on 01.09.14. Financial help sought
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). by M/s Essar, being addressed by BPCL to enable opening of LC.
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. - Strl. Steel works offloaded from MK Engg. (580 MT / 650 MT fabrication completed,
Overall Progress: all dispatch expected by mid Dec'14) to M/s UHE (For derrick structure-1073 MT), M/s
Cum. Sch. 67.5 %; Act: 53.2 % SP Infraprojects (Coke drum str-737 MT) & M/s Essar steel (200MT) BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: - M/s EPIL to ensure the availability of Coke Fractionator & 2 coke drums by 31.03.15
Sch: 47.4% Front: 97.9 % Act: 26.7 % & balance by 15.04.15.
- The first shipment sail on 05.12.14. The second shipment targeted by 12.12.14 and
ETA Kochi targeted by 14 Jan 215.
D 9 Mobilisation of 2000 MT crane targeted in Feb'15 and erection to be targeted from
Mar'15 to May'15.
-Clear water tank fabrication- Agency being finalised, Civil tank pad work commenced.
- Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 457 nos
have been deployed, while requirement is 607.
- Next management level meeting planned on 12.12.14.

Delay in erection of Crude & vacuum column Open BPCL / Director level meeting held with M/s VTV. Constn. / VTV Dec'14
Sch: Jun 14 Projects / - Crude column erection completed on 24.09.14. Hydrotesting targeted by end / BPCL
CCD: 21.08.14 Const. Dec'14.
Ant: Dec'14 - Erection of Vacuum Column : Delayed due to delay in receipt of bottom section.
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit Erection of sections expected from mid Dec'14 to end Dec'14.
Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude &
Vacuum column.
D 12
VTV Construction Progress:
Sch: 100.0% Front: 100% Act: 62%

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Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on Open Projects - Compressor casing dispatched from M/s NP Italy workshop on 17.09.14.(Received EIL/BHEL/BP Continuous
26.09.13) at BHEL workshop). CL
LAD: 09.01.15 - Compressor casing received at BHEL workshop on 28.10.14 and is under
CCD: 25.04.15 machining. Further delivery of compressor takes normally 10-11 month after receipt of
D 19 EDD: 31.10.15 casing.
- M/s BHEL to prepone the delivery of CEP pump (from May'15 to Apr'15).

Delivery of VGO-HDT Reactor Open Projects -Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13; Dly 21M FOT. EIL/BPCL Continuous III
Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13 - Hydrotesting at vendor shop for all sections targeted by mid Jan'15.
LAD ; 29.12.14 - Shop activities being expedited by regular visit and status being monitored on
CDD: 07.01.15 weekely basis to avoid further delay.
EDD: 30.03.15
D 21 Overall Progress:
Sch: 95.0 % Act: 90 %
Labour Strike: From 16.12.13 to
12.05.14.Equipment delivery affected.

Delay by vendors with respect to CDD due to Open Projects - Following bidders showing slow manufacturing progress: EIL/ BPCL Dec'14 III
financial constraint. - M/s Arjun Technologies (Pressure Vessel supplier): FOA No.:134, 184. Meeting held
on 04.11.14. Balance orders expected to dispatch from Dec'14 to Mar'15.
- M/s Reynold Chem. (Heat Exchangers): FOA No.: 189: As a parallel action separate
MR-6122 released and ordered.
- M/s Bharat Pumps & Compressors (Pumps): FOA No.: 230, 311, 360,& 444.
Meeting held on 06.09.14 with M/s BP&CL. Vendor confirmed subordering of raw
D 29 materials on 09.09.14.
- M/s HDO (Columns, Heat Exchangers & Vessels): Foa No.: 199, 302, 310, 315, 318,
320, 369, 389 & 395.

Availability of 90 % Piping materials to generate Open Projects - As of now around 60% piping material has been received at site. Around 92-95 % EIL/ BPCL Dec'14
adequate piping material front to composite material has been ordered upto intermediate IIIrd MTO. Ordering of balance 5-8%
contractors. material is expected by end Dec14. Delivery of ordered material against intermediate
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-2) : JUN'14 -II MTO expected by Dec'14 to Jan'15
EDD: Dec'14 -Vendors being expedited to prepone the deliveries.
D 33 Sch: (Intermediate MTO-3): Oct'14
EDD: Dec'14-Jan'15.

Completion duration for NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / - Composite Works (Civil Strl. & Mechanical) PBO recommendation issued on EIL/BPCL Dec'14
Mechanical completion of NHT/ISOM - Target Projects 30.10.14, BPCL comments received on 04.11.14. As per BPCL email dated 01.12.14,
Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 14 M available for Tender being split into two parts & SOR targeted by 15.12.14.
construction works (excl. Dismantling works) against - MR for compressors (BHEL & DR: Adequacy and health check completed):
schedule of 22 M. Adequacy check report from BHEL and from D-R received. Execution philosophy
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay finalized on 17.10.14 for compressor (Dresser Rand make). MR issued on 23.10.14,
in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award of RFQ under preparation. MR for BHEL make compressor targeted by mid Dec'14.
- Change in the scope based on health check report
has an impact on Project cost and schedule.
E 4 Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 81.5% Catch Up Sch: 47.1 % Act:

Backlog 31.4 (% wrt target sch) as of 15-Nov-14 in Open Const - In order to supplement progress of failing civil contractors, 4 separate contracts As Required
Construction activities viz., Civil works and have been awarded (M/s Tuaman-Civil & Strl works, M/s Zillion-Strl. works, M/s Ray
Mechanical works for offsite area as well as unit Eng-Misc Strl. works & M/s Paulose George-Misc Civil works- I for IREP unit &
areas. offsite). Further additional two agencies for Civil & Structural works being lined up and
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; targeted to award by end Dec'14.
Time lapsed - 30 M; Remaining Duration - 16 M - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site. Approx 9000 labours
CatchUp sch Const Sch Front Act 40.5 are available at site, though induction programme has been carried out for more than EIL/BPCL
65.8 58.0 34.4 15000 labours . requirement of manpower at site is approx 15000 nos. BPCL/EIL
Backlog in Civil / strl works will affect availability of have introduced reward schemes based on attendance, performance to enhance
E 7
front for mechanical contractor (CDU / VDU ,DCU, labour retention.
FCCU, VGO,DHDT & Offsite). - Work in shifts being implemented for all construction works at site.

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by BPCL Mar'15 IV
clearance for BOO area. Mar'15.
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
commissioning of Demountable flare
E 8
(Commissioning expected by end Mar'15)
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Balance availability of area for SRU Block Open Proj. / - Management level meeting held with M/s B&R on 17.11.14 at EIL site and Dec'14
- At present only 95 % area given to M/s MBEL, Constn. augmentation of manpower by min. 100 nos to be expedited for concreting work
balance Site for SRU block shall be available by mid progress. All area handed over in SRU block except for peripheral road.
Dec'14. (The works are covered under SG-II Tender - Retaining wall completed for the available front. Balance piling being carried out EIL/BPCL
: Awarded to B&R on 22.11.12) through Piling III to take up further retaining wall work.
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from end - Piling for SRU : At present 1140 nos piles completed against scope of 1800 nos. at
Jun14) are available with respect to schedule of 25 site by M/s MBEL. Balance piling targeted by mid Jan'15.
M (As per Past experience minimum requirement for
E 14 SRU is 30 M).

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIIPL for Civil Open Constructio Management level meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL at site on 14.11.14. EIL/BPCL Dec'14
& Strl work in Offsite IREP area. n - Additional gangs to be deployed to complete cable trenches work.
Constr. Sch:100%; Front:99.7%; Act: 48.1% - M/s KSS has been asked to deploy additional 50 nos civil manpower. Manpower for
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15 UG piping work has been increased up to 38 nos. Additional manpower to be
deployed to carry out work for OWS/ CRWS.
- Rock blasting in progress.
- M/s KSS agreed to complete all balance piperack foundations by mid Dec'14. Cable
trench cast in situ offloaded to PGC (Misc Civil contract)
- M/s KSS has been asked to complete one manhole per day
- TMT bars: Out of ordered 500 MT qty 150 MT qty received, balance being delivered
E 27 progressively.
- Additional agencies including M/s Tuaman & M/s PGC have been lined up to
supplement Civil Structural works.

Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for CPP Open Project Management review meeting held with M/s Essar on 19.09.14 at site & 25.09.14 at EIL/BPCL Dec'14
Contr. Sch: 97.1%; Front: 100%; Act:54.1% EIL HO.
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: May'15 - Foundation work completed for HRSG-3.
- Completion of Structural works for GTG shed under completion.
E 28 - Stack foundation : Only HRSG#3 fdn completed.
- Completion of boiler piperack foundations targeted by 15.12.14 (20/21 nos raft

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU block Open Project - Management level meeting held at site on 13.11.14. EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) - As on date the manpower is 172 Nos against the requirement of 300 Nos.
LAD: 12.01.15 - TS-06 : Raft work completed. Structural steel erection targeted by 15.12.14.
CCD: 03.03.15 - Structural Erection commenced for TS-2 and for TS-03 targeted by 15.12.14.
Ant: Oct'15 - Out of total 1800 nos piles, 1140 nos completed. Pile cutting completed for 547 nos.
SCH. FRONT. ACT. Delay in completion of piling works affecting progress of civil works.
88.5% 68.4 % 30.5% - Balance pile completion including pile breaking targeted by 15.01.15.
E 29
- Out of total structural work of 4290 MT, only 1085 MT fabrication completed & 251
MT erection works completed. UG piping erection work yet to commence.

Composite works for CDU/VDU Block Open Project - Management level Meeting held with M/s OIL on 12.11.14 and following action plan EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Offshore on 04.11.13) has been agreed
SCH: 30.06.15 - M/s OIL was advised to augment welders to 50 nos. against 39 nos available to
CCD: 03.07.15 increase productivity.
ECD: 30.10.15 - Additional gamma ray source has been mobilised. Backlog in RT work has reduced.
E 30 Contr. Sch: 46.56% - Auto blasting m/c received, being installed.
Front: 54.19%
Act: 25.34 %

Progress of ETP Works Open Project Management level meeting held on 12.11.14 at site and on 05.12.14 at EIL Delhi. EIL/BPCL As stated
LAD: 30.09.15 - Augmentation of 100 manpower to be expedited.
CCD:10.08.15 - Chemical house completion by Mar'15
ECD: 30.06.16 - Piling work commenced in ACT/SBR/TWT area (17/612 nos completed). Completion
Overall progress: of Piling by Dec'14
Sch: 73.5 % Act: 24.5 % - Completion of equalisation tank by Mar'15.
Construction Progress: - M/s Paramount shall submit action plan for completion of ETP by Dec'15.
Sch: 53.48% Front: 90.20 % Act: 13.18 %
E 34 Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13. (Duration:
21 M+2 M incl pre commng)

Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Boiler Open Project - Meeting held with vendor on 29.08.14. Recommendation for PO amendment BPCL As Required
Package for SRU Block (ordered to M/s Technicas forwarded to BPCL on 11.09.14. BPCL to issue PO amendment.
on 31.012.13) - Finalisation of subvendor for expansion bellows being expedited.
LAD: 09.06.15
CCD: 30.06.15; EDD: 30.09.15 (As per Vendor)
E 39 Overall Progress:
Sch: 70 % Act: 19 %

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Progress of RO-DM Plant (Awarded to M/s Driplex Open Project Management level meeting held on 05.12.14 at EIL Delhi. EIL/BPCL As Required
on 12.06.13) In view of delay in handing over of areas and various site related issues and soil
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16 (As problem encountered during execution, progress of construction badly affected. M/s
per vendor) Driplex has been asked to prepare a catch-up plan to expedite construction activities
Overall Progress: for compln. of RO-DM plant by Apr/May'15 in order to commission UB's & HRSG by
Sch: 96.5 % Act: 60.7% Jun'15. Letter issued on 05.09.14 to submit revised catch up plan for mitigating
Construction Progress: backlogs in construction & manufacturing. M/s Driplex to mobilise additional resources
Sch: 94.93 %; Front: 100%; Act:26.46 % for completion as per catch-up plan.
E 40 Area handed over, part of area is water logged due - DM tanks (2 nos) : Piling rig mobilised and piling work commenced (42/160 nos
to plant drain which is under completion. completed).

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Management level meeting held at Kochi on 18.09.14. As Required
Shriram EPC for FCCU -Mobilisation of resources is being expedited. At present only 170 nos , manpower
Contr. Sch: 94.67%; Front: 98.34% mobilised, against a requirement of 700 nos. Resource Deployment of skilled
Act: 51.39 % workmen to be increased (Carpenters, bar benders to be increased). EIL/BPCL
CCD: 24.12.14 -7917 m3 RCC work has been already withdrawn from SEPC scope to M/s Tuaman
E 41 ECD: Oct'15 (5300 m3) & M/s Paulose George (2617 m3). 3215 MT strl works offloaded to M/s
Tuaman, M/s Zillion & M/s Ray engg.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Management level meeting held with M/s MBEL on 13.11.14 at site. M/s MBEL EIL/BPCL As Required
McNally Bharat for DHDT & VGO agreed:
CCD: 10.01.15 - Current manpower is 436 nos. against requirement of 570 nos. MBEL agreed to
ECD: Apr'15 mobilise 4 separate gangs for UG piping.
Sch: 97.27 %; Front :99.55 % Act: 63.71 % - 4 cranes mobilised and Additional 2 nos cranes to be mobilized in order to carry out
- Structural erection: DHDT: 825 MT / 2600 MT structural erection in both VGO & DHDT simultaneously.
completed.; VGO: 746 MT / 3065 MT completed. - Delivery of balance anchor bolts to be expedited.
-UG Piping Laying: DHDT: 11089 IM / 25400 IM -TS-4 for DHDT targeted by 15.01.15
E 44 completed; VGO: 11038 IM / 42000 IM completed.

Completion of Pre-engineered Building Works (3 Open Project PEB1: M/s B&R agreed to complete balance work by Dec'14. Project Material storage EIL/BPCL As Required
Nos) by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. commenced.
PEB 2 All works targeted to complete by 31.12.14.
E 45 PEB 3: All works targeted to complete by 31.12.14.
Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIIPL for Open Constructio Management level Meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 14.11.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Dec'14
DHDS Offsite area. n - M/s KSS agreed to deploy additional 50 nos manpower by mid Dec'14. Agencies for
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s structural erection have been finalised and started mobilising at site.
KSSIL on 05.03.13 - M/s KSS has been asked to deploy additional manpower to complete all equipment
CDD: 24.01.15 fdns.
ECD:. Dec'15 - KSS to expedite cable trench work.
Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area -Additional contracts lined up to supplement site work: M/s Ray Engineering, M/s
Sch:95.19%; Front: 72.67%; Act: 17.59% Deens. 4117 m3 RCC work has been already withdrawn from KSSIIPL scope to M/s
Ray Engg. (2800 m3), M/s Paulose George (800 m3) & M/s Deens (517 m3). 2431
E 47
MT strl works offloaded to M/s Ray Engg.
- Futher new tender under preparation to offload M/s KSSIIPL works.

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Open Constructio Management level meeting held at Kochi site on 13.11.14. EIL/BPCL Dec'14
Refinery area: Generation of front for mechanical n -MBEL asked to explore the methodology to reduce attrition of present labour. MBEL
works affected (awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on to augment additional resources (from 210 nos to 400 nos) MBEL committed to
26.09.13.) increase manpower upto 300 nos by mid Dec'14.
Sch:85.3%; Front: 89.74%; Act: 21.28% - Availability of front to mechanical contractor to be expedited by completing all
CCD: 25.01.15 piperack foundations by 30.12.14 and structural erection by Dec'14. Works offloaded
E 50 ECD: Oct'15 to M/s Ray & M/s Deens to supplement Civil & Strl works. Further 2 additional Civil
&Structural works contracts being lined up and expected to award by mid Dec'14.

Slow construction progress by M/s B&R for Open Constructio - Management level meeting held 17.11.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Dec'14 III
Composite works: Offsite Refinery area due to delay n -Agency for radiography to be expedited.
in mobilisation. - Development of fabrication yard to be expedited as area has already shown.
Awarded on 25.03.14. - Welder qualification works commenced.
E 52 CCD: 24.09.15
Sch:21.3%; Front: 5.8%; Act: 3.6%

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 05.11.14. EIL/BPCL Jan'15
works) by M/s L&T for DCU. n - Handing over of complete branch piperack targeted by 28.02.15.
Sch: 04.09.14 - TS-III : Structural erection targeted by 31.01.15.
CCD: 06.09.14 - TS-IV: Complete hand over targeted by 05.12.14.
E 55 ECD: 15.03.15 - TS-V: Start of structural erection targeted by 25.12.14.
Sch: 100% Front: 98.51 % Act: 82.77 %

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Start of work for Tankage-IV by M/s Offshore Open Constructio - Management level Meeting held on 12.11.14. EIL/BPCL Dec'14 III
Awarded on 17.04.14 n - Scope of works : Modification of 10 No tanks and 02 No new tanks. Front has been
CCD: 16.01.16 released for YT-383/391/150.
Scope of modification: total 10 nos; Front released - Annular plate erection for tanks YT-26&YT-28 started.
has been released for 2 nos (YT-383/391) - YT-150: Dismantling activities in progress.
Sch: 24.9% Front: 44.2 % Act: 6.1 % - YT-383: Dismantling activities in progress. Plate material ordered.
- YT-391: tank cleaning under progress.
E 56
- Ordering of plate material to be expedited.
-Agency has been asked to mobilise and start work immediately. M/s Offshore to
submit action plan for completion and status of procurement.

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun2015 for BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project CDU/VDU commissioning.
F 1

Timely payment to sub contractor by main contractor Open Const. Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: BPCL/EIL As Required IV
- Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being
implemented as per contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank
guarantee being implemented for future contract of more than 5CR value.
G 1 - Expeditious processing of RA bills.

Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. -Utilisation of migrant and skilled labour from outside Kerala needs to be encouraged. Constn / As Required
However, the same will be effective only if proper labour colony facilities are arranged BPCL
At present only approx 9000 labours are working by the contractors.
against requirement of 20000-25000 labours. - Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade
union leaders that workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.
-BPCL/EIL to jointly introduce some incentive system for workers to reach manpower
K 2 upto 12000 by Dec'14.
- Work in shifts to be implemented for all construction works at site.

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Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Nov'14

Page 638+15 of 30
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
(Very High / High /

(95% / 80% / 50% /

Score - Previous
Impact Score =>
(Open / Close)

Medium / Low /

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Current Risk

(Current risk
Project Cost
Risk Owner

Risk score)
30% / 10%)

Short term)

Very Low)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Award of Electrical & Instrumentation Works for Units & Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 -0.10 - Electrical Works: EIL/BPCL Nov'14
Offsite term Part A: M/s Technimont
Sch: 30.06.14 Part B: M/s Consilium
Ant: 10.11.14 - Instrumentation Works:
C 78 Electrical/Instr. Works: Part A: CDU/VDU, DCU, FCCU, Part A: M/s Technimont .
DHDT, VGO-HDT & IREP Offsites: Part B: M/s Consilium
Part B: SRU & DHDS/Refinery Offsites :

Total Risk Score 23.99 24.42 -0.43

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Ordering of Critical Valves Open Project Revised MR (MR-3415) issued covering all critical valves along with all critical valves BPCL 10-Nov-14
Sch: 11.07.14 of MR-3211 floated. Award recommendation issued on 08.10.14.
C 73 Ant: 10.11.14
Dely: 06/07 M FOT /FOB
Award of Composite Works ( Civil /Strl. Works & Open Project - 4 nos bids received on 30.09.14. PBO recommednation issued to BPCL on EIL/BPCL 15-Nov-14
Mechanical) for NHT/ISOM-Refloated 31.10.14.
C 76 Sch: 08.05.14
Ant: 15.11.14

Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Management level meeting held on 16.10.14 at site.
FCCU-M/s Esaar-GRE - Completion of hard stand targeted by 09.11.14. 09.11.14
LAD : 09.07.15 - Crane (1600 MT): Ship movement started, assembly targeted by 10.11.14 & load
CCD: 09.10.15 test by 30.11.14. Final erection scheme submitted on 15.09.14. Readiness of crane
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) for erection targeted by Dec'14. Dec'14
Overall Progress: - EPIL-GRE informed to dispatch cyclones for reactors by 30.11.14 and regenerator
Sch: 76.7 % Act: 51.7 % cyclones by 31.12.14. M/s Emtrol has been asked to pre pone the deliveries upto
Construction Progress: Dec14 during meeting dated 25.08.14. EIL/BPCL
Sch: 32.5% Front: 79.9% Act: 14.6 % - Fdn for flue gas area, stack fdns and ESP fdn to be expedited (Excavation already
- M/s EPIL has been asked to commence area development around FGC equipments
& commence hard stand work from 07.10.14 and to be ready by 09.11.14.
D 1 - TSS srection: Assembly for skirt, sheel 1 & 2 commenced. TSS assembly and
complete erection targeted by 15.11.14.
Area for storage of fabricated materials to be identified and allocated. Issues being
followed up.

Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project - M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration due to delayed availability of burner BPCL / EIL 15-May-15 III
LAD: 23.06.15 data from M/s Aecometric. Letter forwarded on 11.06.14 to BPCL for recommending
CCD:18.02.15 (including Site work) extension for supply portion to M/s Thermax upto 30.11.14. Further M/s Thermax
ECD: 18.05.15 seeking extension for duration upto 31.03.15 for supply through letter dated 08.10.14.
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl - Foundation readiness to be delayed till Dec'14. Bidders has requested for providing
erection) space for storage of MCC equipment & Refractory Materials.
D 8 Overall progress: - Refractory liining work in Combustion chamber can be started only after erection of
Sch: 80.0 % Act: 69.8 % MCC pkg.

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project -Management review meeting held on 19.09.14 and 12.09.14. Weekly review meeting Constr. Continuous
Target Sch: 01.05.15 held at site on 10.10.14. Following commitments have been made by M/s Essar.
Ant Compl.: 30.07.16 -Shift Work: M/s EPIL asked to start works in two shifts.
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). - Meeting held with M/s Essar for financial issues on 01.09.14. Proposal from M/s
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. Essar for financial support forwarded to BPCL for review / approval.
Overall Progress: - Strl. Steel works offloaded from MK Engg. to M/s UHE (For derrick structure-1073
Cum. Sch. 62.9 %; Act: 49.5 % MT), M/s SP Infraprojects (Coke drum str-737 MT) & ESSAR steel (200MT) BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: - M/s EPIL to ensure the availability of Coke Fractionator by end Dec14 and all the
Sch: 40.5 % Front: 94.1 % Act: 24.1 % four Coke Drums progressively by Apr15.
- Mobilisation of 2000 MT crane targeted in Feb'15 and erection to be targeted from
Mar'15 to May'15.
-Crane (200 MT): Crane parts started arriving at site. Crane readiness by mid Nov14.
D 9 -Clear water tank fabrication- Agency finalization by Nov'14.
- Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 457 nos
have been deployed, while requirement is 607.

Delay in erection of Crude & vacuum column Open BPCL / Director level meeting held with M/s VTV. Constn. / VTV Dec'14
Sch: Jun 14; CCD: 21.08.14 Projects / - Erection of Crude Column : Crude column erection completed on 24.09.14. / BPCL
Ant: Dec'14 Const. Hydrotesting targeted by 07.11.14.
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit - Erection of Vacuum Column : Delayed due to delay in receipt of bottom section.
Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude & Erection of sections expected from mid Nov'14 to end Nov'14 and hydrotesting by mid
D 12 Vacuum column. Dec'14.
VTV Construction Progress:
Sch: 100.0% Front: 100% Act: 57%

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Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Logistics of VGO & DHDT reactors from Kochi port Open T&CC - Contract for ODC transportation awarded to M/s Urmila on 26.05.14. EIL/BPCL Nov'14
to BPCL-KR site - Agency confirmed availability of Barge/Trailer at the time of delivery of Reactors. Out
of 2 nos modified barge, 1 no completed and balance one 1 no by 1st week of Nov'14.
(VGO Reator-2 Nos - CDD (07-Jan-15 FOB) EDD: Drawings for new barge submitted to IRS for approval.
Mar'15 1 nos new barge fabrication by 24.12.14.
(DHDT Reactor-2 Nos - CDD (07-Oct-14 FOB) - Construction of jetty not yet started as land for jetty is yet to be finalised. M/s Urmila
agreed to finalise and hire the IOCL land for jetty.
DHDT Reactor (M/s Doosan) expected to receive at - M/s Urmila to take all statutory clearance / clearance from local bodies prior to
Kochi port by Nov'14. delivery of Reactor at Kochi-Port.
D 13 ISGEC Josen (3 nos) Column: expected to receive
at Kochi port from Nov'14 to Jan'15.

Delay by vendor with respect to CDD due to Open Projects - Following bidders showing slow manufacturing progress: EIL/ BPCL Nov'14 III
financial constraint. - M/s Arjun Technologies (Pressure Vessel supplier): FOA No.:184.
- M/s Reynold Chem. (Heat Exchangers): FOA No.: 189: As a parallel action separate
MR-6122 released. Award recommendation issued to BPCL. Cancellation request
forwarded to BPCL on 13.10.14.
- M/s Bharat Pumps & Compressors (Pumps): FOA No.: 230, 311, 360,& 444.
Meeting held on 06.09.14 with M/s BP&CL. Vendor confirmed subordering of raw
D 29 materials on 09.09.14.
- M/s HDO (Columns, Heat Exchangers & Vessels): Foa No.: 199, 302, 315, 318, 327,
369, 389 & 395.

Delay in delivery of Stripper column (IF-V-206) by Open Projects - Order got delayed due to delay in manufacturing works. At present EIL/ BPCL Nov'14
M/s Uttam Value Steel (Ordered on 19.08.13) fabrication of Stripper column going beyond Nov14 due to which there will be likely
D 32 CDD: 18.10.14 delay of 3-5 months including site works. Vendor to be expedited to supply within
EDD: 31.03.15 CDD.

Availability of 90 % Piping materials to generate Open Projects - As of now around 42-45% piping material has been received at site. Around 90-95 EIL/ BPCL Nov'14
adequate piping material front to composite % material has been ordered upto intermediate IIIrd MTO. Ordering of balance 5-10%
contractors. material is in progress and expected progressively upto mid Nov'14. Delivery of
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-2) : JUN'14 ordered material against intermediate -II expected by mid Nov'14.
D 33
EDD: Nov'14 -Vendors being expedited to prepone the deliveries.
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-3): Oct'14 - Storage area for piping materials to be expedited by BPCL.
EDD: Dec'14.
Completion duration for NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / - Composite Works (Civil Strl. & Mechanical) PBO recommendation issued on BPCL/EIL Nov'14
Mechanical completion of NHT/ISOM - Target Projects 31.10.14. Award targeted by Nov'14.
Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 15 M available for - MR for compressors (BHEL & DR: Adequacy and health check under progress):
construction works (excl. Dismantling works) against Adequacy check report from BHEL expected by end Oct14 and from D-R received on
schedule of 22 M. 19.09.14. Execution philosophy finalized on 17.10.14 for compressor ( Dressar Rand
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay make ). MR targeted by mid Nov'14.
in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award of
- Change in the scope based on health check report
E 4 has an impact on Project cost and schedule.
Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 77.1% Catch Up Sch: 39.6 % Act:

Backlog 29.6 (% wrt target sch) as of 15-Oct-14 in Open Const - In order to supplement progress of failing civil contractors, 4 separate agencies has Constn As Required
Construction activities viz., Civil works and been lined up (M/s Tuaman-Civil & Strl works, M/s Zillion-Strl. works, M/s Ray Eng-
Mechanical works for offsite area as well as unit Misc Strl. works & M/s Paulose George-Misc Civil works- I for IREP unit & offsite).
areas. Further additional two agencies for Civil & Structural works being lined up.
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site. Approx 9000 labours
Time lapsed - 30 M; Remaining Duration - 16 M are available at site, though induction programme has been carried out for more than
Desc. Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act 15000 labours . requirement of manpower at site is approx 15000 nos. BPCL/EIL to
Overall 34.9 61.0 58.0 31.4 jointly introduce some incentive system for workers to reach manpower upto 12000 by BPCL/EIL
E 7 Backlog in Civil / strl works will affect availability of Nov'14.
front for mechanical contractor (CDU / VDU ,DCU, - Work in shifts to be implemented for all construction works at site.
FCCU, VGO,DHDT & Offsite).

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by BPCL Mar'15 IV
clearance for BOO area. Mar'15.
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
E 8
commissioning of Demountable flare
(Commissioning expected by end Mar'15)

Delay in balance area availability for SRU Block Open Proj. / - Management level meeting held with M/s B&R on 19.09.14 at EIL site & on Constn. Nov'14
- At present only 95 % area given to M/s MBEL, Constn. 25.09.14 at EIL HO and augmentation of manpower by min. 100 nos to be expedited
balance Site for SRU block shall be available by 2nd for concreting work progress. M/s B&R has been asked to expedite complete SRU
week of Nov'14. (The works are covered under filling by 10.11.14. All area handed over in SRU block except for peripheral road.
SG-II Tender : Awarded to B&R on 22.11.12) - Retaining wall completed for the available front. Piling to be carried out through
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from end Piling III to take up further retaining wall work.
Jun14) are available with respect to schedule of 25 - Piling for SRU : At present 989 nos piles completed against front of 1700 nos &
E 14 M (As per Past experience minimum requirement for scope of 1800 nos. at site by M/s MBEL.
SRU is 30 M). EIL/BPCL

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Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIIPL for Open Constructio Management level meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL at site on 15.10.14. EIL/BPCL Nov'14
Offsite IREP area. n - M/s KSS agreed to complete all balance piperack foundations by 31.10.14.
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s - Additional gangs to be deployed to complete cable trenches work.
KSSIIPL on 12.09.13 - M/s KSS has been asked to deploy additional 50 nos civil manpower. Manpower for
Constr. Sch:100%; Front:94.3%; Act: 45.0% UG piping work has been increased up to 38 nos. Additional manpower to be
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15 deployed to carry out work for OWS/ CRWS.
- Rock blasting in progress and targeted to complete by 31.10.14.
- M/s KSS agreed to complete all balance piperack foundations by 31.10.14. Cable
trench work to be commence in Oct14.
- M/s KSS has been asked to complete one manhole per day
- TMT bars: Out of ordered 500 MT qty 150 MT qty received, balance being delivered
E 27 progressively.
- Additional agencies including M/s Tuaman & M/s PGC have been lined up to
supplement Civil Structural works.

Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for CPP Open Project Management review meeting held with M/s Essar on 19.09.14 at site & 25.09.14 at EIL/BPCL Nov'14
Contr. Sch: 93.4%; Front: 94.5%; Act:47.3% EIL HO.
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: May'15 - Foundation work completed for HRSG-3.
- Completion of Structural works for GTG shed targeted by mid Nov'14.
E 28 - Stack foundation : Only HRSG#3 fdn completed.
- Completion of boiler piperack targeted by 30.10.14.
- All balance drawings for which data is available shall be targeted for issue by
Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU block Open Project - Management level meeting held at site on 15.10.14. EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) - As on date the manpower is 172 Nos against the requirement of 300 Nos.
LAD: 12.01.15 - Foundation work: TS-06 by 30.10.14.
CCD: 03.03.15 - Structural Erection commenced for TS-2 & TS-03 and for TS-06 start of strl erection
Ant: Oct'15 targeted by end Oct'14.
SCH. FRONT. ACT. - Out of total 1800 nos piles, 989 nos completed. Pile cutting completed for 504 nos.
80.6% 59.7 % 26.9% Delay in completion of piling works affecting progress of civil works.
- Balance pile completion including pile breaking targeted by end Nov'14.
E 29 - Out of total structural work of 4290 MT, only 852 MT fabrication completed & 176 MT
erection works completed. UG piping erection work yet to commence.

Composite works for CDU/VDU Block Open Project - Management level Meeting held with M/s OIL on 08.10.14 and following action plan EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Offshore on 04.11.13) has been agreed
SCH: 30.06.15 - M/s OIL was advised to augment welders to 50 nos. against 39 nos available to
CCD: 03.07.15 increase productivity.
ECD: 30.10.15 -M/s OIL confirmed to cover pipe rack for rain protection modular shed, for which
Contr. Sch: 37.9% order has been placed & expected to receive at site by end Oct'14..
Front: 47.3% - Additional gamma ray source has been mobilised. Backlog in RT work has reduced.
E 30 Act: 21.5 % - Piping fabrication rate of 1500 ID / day from current 800 ID/Day targeted to achieved
from 15.10.14.
- OIL to deploy their auto blasting machine.

Progress of ETP Works Open Project -Management level meeting held on 14.10.14. EIL/BPCL As stated
LAD: 30.09.15 - Physical handing over of balance area for treated water tank, API/TPI, ex TPI sump
CCD:10.08.15 completed. Signing protocol to be expedited.
ECD: 30.06.16 - M/s Paramount has been asked to mobilise additional 60 nos manpower
Overall progress: progressively by 30.10.14
Sch: 65.7 % Act: 22.3 % -Piling drawing for ACT & SBR area approved vide across the table review meeting
Construction Progress: dated 05.09.14.
Sch: 42.6 % Front: 90.0 % Act: 11.4 % - Work in progress in substation area, equalisation tank, treated water tank, sludge
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13. (Duration: thickener, spent caustic tank, chemical handling areas.
E 34 21 M+2 M incl pre commng) - Completion of foundation work for chemical house to be expedited by augmenting
manpower & resources.
-Piling work being executed by M/s Simplex. 2 nos rigs targeted to be mobilised by
30.10.14. Start of work targeted from 01.11.14 to be completed by 31.12.14.

Progress of RO-DM Plant (Awarded to M/s Driplex Open Project -In view of delay in handing over of areas and various site related issues and soil EIL/BPCL As Required
on 12.06.13) problem encountred during execution, progress of construction badly affected. M/s
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16 (As Driplex has been asked to prepare a catch-up plan to expedite construction activities
per vendor) for compln. of RO-DM plant by Apr/May'15 in order to commission UB's & HRSG by
Overall Progress: Jun'15. The catch-up plan has been discussed & reviewed and issued on 26.07.14.
Sch: 94.3 % Act: 57.9% Letter issued on 05.09.14 to submit revised catch up plan for mitigating backlogs in
Construction Progress: construction & manufacturing. M/s Driplex to mobilise additional resources for
Sch: 87.8 %; Front: 100%; Act:22.9 % completion as per catch-up plan.
Area handed over, part of area is water logged due - DM tanks (2 nos) : Filling in area targeted to complete by end Oct'14. Piling drawing
to plant drain which is under completion. received from M/s driplex and is under review. Piling work targeted to commence from
end Oct'14.
E 40 -90 % model review completed.
- Meeting held with M/s Driplex at site on 14.10.14 & M/s Driplex has been asked to
mobilse addln. 45 nos manpower for civil works by 31.10.14 & another 50 nos by

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Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Management level meeting held at Kochi on 18.09.14. As Required
Shriram EPC for FCCU -Mobilisation of resources is being expedited. At present only 187 nos , manpower
Contr. Sch: 85.0%; Front: 95.4% mobilised,against a requirement of 700 nos. Resource Deployment of skilled workmen
Act: 45.3 % to be increased (Carpenters, bar benders to be increased). EIL/BPCL
CCD: 24.12.14 -5300 m3 RCC work has been already withdrawn from SEPC scope to M/s Tuaman
ECD: Oct'15 scope. Additional 1500 m3 RCC work being offloaded from SEPC scope to M/s PGC.
E 41 2495 MT strl works offloaded to M/s Tuaman, M/s Zillion & M/s Ray engg.

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for DHDS Open Constructio Management level Meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 15.10.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Nov'14
Offsite area. n - M/s KSS agreed to deploy additional 50 nos manpower by end Oct14. Agencies for
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s structural erection have been finalised and started mobilising at site.
KSSIL on 05.03.13 - M/s KSS has been asked to deploy additional manpower to complete all equipment
CDD: 24.01.15 fdns.
ECD:. Dec'15 - KSS to expedite cable trench work.
Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area -Additional contracts lined up to supplement site work: M/s Ray Engineering, M/s
Sch:90.1%; Front: 72.2%; Act: 15.9% Deens. Others contracts being lined up are:
Misc. Strl Works-II: 4 nos bids received on 30.09.14. PBO targeted by 31.10.14.
E 49 Misc. Civil & Strl-II: 5 Bids received on 07.10.14. PBO targeted by 31.10.14.
- Scope of Civil Work in areas 204 - 207 handed over to SG-III Contractor.

Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 16.10.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Nov'14
Works-FCCU n - M/s Petron agreed to increase nos of welders to 30 nos & fitters to 20 nos by
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14 30.10.14.
CCD: 25.10.15 - Semi automatic welding machine shall be in operational by 05.11.14
E 50 Construction Progress: - M/s Petron has been asked to commence min. 1000-1500 ID / day to complete
Sch: 8.6 %; Front: 9.8%; Act.: 2.3% entire job.
AG Piping fabrication: 1980 ID / 500000 ID Present rate is 160 ID / day.
Slow progress of work & poor manpower Open Constructio Management review meeting held on 19.09.14. EIL/BPCL Nov'14
mobilisation by M/s B&R for Composite Works-DCU n -Subcontracting agency finalised and 30 nos addln. manpower targeted to be
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14 available at site by end Oct'14. Agency for heavy equipment erection has been
CCD: 11.11.15 finalised and mobilisation schedule under submission.
Construction Progress: -Semi automatic welding machine - 3 nos recd at site. Commissioning yet to be done.
Sch: 12.3 % Front: 20.2% Act.: 2.8% AG piping fabrication: Only 12108 ID / 304970 ID fabrication completed.
AG piping erection: Only 1078 IM / 412580 IM piping erection completed.
E 51

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Open Constructio Management level meeting held at Kochi site on 15.10.14. EIL/BPCL Nov'14
Refinery area: Generation of front for mechanical n -MBEL asked to explore the methodology to reduce attrition of present labour. MBEL
works affected (awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on to augment additional resources (from 210 nos to 400 nos) MBEL committed to
26.09.13.) increase manpower upto 300 nos by end Oct14.
Sch:76.4%; Front: 82.6%; Act: 18.8% - Availability of front to mechanical contractor to be expedited by completing all
CCD: 25.01.15 piperack foundations by 30.10.14 and structural erection by mid Nov14. Works
ECD: Oct'15 offloaded to M/s Ray &M/s Deens to supplement Civil & Strlworks. Further 2 additional
E 52
Civil &Structural works contracts being lined upand expected to award by end Nov14.

Slow construction progress by M/s B&R for Open Constructio - Management level meeting held 19.09.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Nov'14 III
Composite works: Offsite Refinery area due to delay n -Agency for radiography to be expedited.
in mobilisation. - Development of fabrication yard to be expedited as area has already shown.
E 54 Awarded on 25.03.14. - Welder qualification works commenced.
CCD: 24.09.15

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun2015 for BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project CDU/VDU commissioning.
F 1

Timely payment to sub contractor by main contractor Open Const. Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: Project/BPCL As Required IV
- Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being
implemented as per contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank
G 1
guarantee being implemented for future contract of more than 5CR value.
- Expeditious processing of RA bills.

Infrastructure at Kochi Open Const. Contractor to identify the proposed areas in and around Project area and BPCL to Constn. / As Required IV
facilitate by persuading with local authorities for required permission. Projects /
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Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. -Utilisation of migrant and skilled labour from outside Kerala needs to be encouraged. Constn / As Required
However, the same will be effective only if proper labour colony facilities are arranged BPCL
At present only approx 9000 labours are working by the contractors.
against requirement of 15000 labours. - Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade
union leaders that workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.
-BPCL/EIL to jointly introduce some incentive system for workers to reach manpower
upto 12000 by Dec'14.
- Work in shifts to be implemented for all construction works at site.
K 2

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Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in issue of Process deliverables for engineering for Open Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.2 0.00 Actions Taken so far: Projects / 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
NHT / ISOM due to delay in receipt of Process Package from term - UOP package received on 08.08.13. Process
M/s UOP (Process pkg incl. resolution sheet received on mid - PDS issued for all Columns, Vessels, Air Fin Coolers, Exchangers & Refrigeration pkg, pumps (part
Aug'13 against sch of 30-Apr-13) balance).
Schedule : 31-Jul-13 - All 30 nos P&IDs issued for engineering
A 1 Anticipated : mid Nov'13 Action Plan for balance
- 19 nos out of 23 nos pumps datasheet issued for engineering. Balance progressively targeted by 15.11.13.

Delay in Finalisation of balance OSBL distribution P&IDs due Open Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Meeting held with BPCL on 18-20.09.13. Process / 15-Oct-13 sep'13
to delay in receipt of data from BPCL term Projects
LAD - 30-Nov-12; Ant - 15-Oct13
Natural gas operating/ design condition information has been
received from BPCL during meeting dated 13 & 14.8.13.
Steam distribution : Preliminary discussion on BOO steam
A 2 distribution held with BPCL. BPCL approval on EIL scheme

Holds, missing information, corrections, changes in PDS / Open Process Medium N N N N Short D 0 0.00 - All P&IDs incorporating DCNs issued. Process 25/10/13 Oct'13
P&IDs - CDU / VDU term
- DCNs on account of HAZOP recommendations for CDU /

Holds, missing information, corrections, changes in PDS / Open Process Medium N N N N Short D 0 0.00 - Design Change Note based on Hazop recommendations issued on 03.01.14. All major process P&IDs 15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
P&IDs - DCU term released.
- Major pumps data received and foundation drawing released. Projects /
A 4 Engg 31-Mar-14

Delay in Process Package for TGTU (M/s CB & INC) Close BPCL / Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 -Process package received on 14.04.13 Projects / Apr'13
LAD : 31-Dec-12 ; Ant : 12-Apr-13 Process term Process

A 5 Agreement signed by BPCL-KR issued to Licensor on


Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs for DHDT Close Process Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 All PDS issued for Engg. All Process P&IDS issued. Utility P&IDs: 15 out of 15 nos issued for engineering. - Apr'13
P&ID's : LAD : 30-Nov-12; Ant : 08-May-13 term
A 6

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS for DCU Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Process package from M/s Lummus received on 17-Aug-12. Process - Mar'13
LAD : 29-Dec-12; Ant : 19-Mar-13 term All Equipment PDS issued for engineering. Utility equipment issued for engineering.
A 7

Finalisation of Utility import / export requirements from BOO Close Process Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Based on latest information from BOO HGU and SWII (FCC), Revised Design Basis issued. Projects / - Mar'13
by BPCL. Flare load changed substantially and repeatedly term Process
A 8 from estimated values.

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs for FCC Close Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Process P&IDs: All process P&ID issued. Process Apr'13
LAD :29-Jan-13; Ant : 08-May-13 term PDS: Heat Exch. - 52/52 issued for Engg.
Pumps 49/50 issued for Engineering.
A 9 Vessels 38/38 tags issued for Engg.
Air cooler 6/6 issued for Engineering.

-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs for DHDT Close Process Low N N N N Short I 0 0.00 0 0.00 - Common Interconnection P&ID for FCC, VGO and DHDT will be issued (covered under risk A09). Hence BPCL / 31-Dec-12 Jan'13
LAD: 30-Nov-12 term clubbed with Risk no. A09. Projects /
A 10
Kochi Refinery, BPCL
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 645+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs for VGO- Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 All process P&IDs issued. Process Apr'13
HDT term Pumps PDS issued for engg,.
A 11 LAD : 29-Jan-13; Ant : 10-May-13 All Vessels PDS issued for engg.

-Preparation of Offsites P&IDs for tankages (LAD - 21.01.13) Close POSD Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - All 32 P&ID issued for engineering Apr'13
- Delay has been due to delay in receipt of As-built drawings term
from BPCL-KR (except CEMP-II). All details received now.
-Upgradation of Crude oil pipeline system (Inside refinery) to
A 12 be taken up.

In view of increase in sulphur load PDS & P&IDs for sulphur Close Process Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - All PDS and P&ID revised and issued. Apr'13
block (ARU, SWS & SRU) is being reviewed and released as term
A 13
per priority of procurement.

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Engineering after Close Process/E Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process - Apr'13
A 14 release of MR NGG term

-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs Close Process High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Out of 2 nos offsite interconnection P&IDs, 1 no. (New facilities) has been issued for engineering. Balance BPCL / 15-Mar-13 Feb'13
LAD :30-Nov-12 term 1 no. targeted by 15.03.13 Projects /
A 15

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Engineering after Close Process/E Low Y Y Y Y Long D 0.2 0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering. Process - Apr'13
A 16 Order NGG/Proc term
Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Engineering after Close Process/E Very Low Y Y Y Y Long D 0.2 0.00 Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process - Apr'13
A 17 Equipment manufacturing NGG/Proc term

Updation of estimated utilities on account of revision in Close Process Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 In case of revision in process parameters of an equipment the utility estimates furnished by engineering RED / PED/ As Required Apr'13
A 18 process parameters (revision of PDS based on engg term against older Revision of PDS should not be used until same is got verified/ updated for current revision. PROCESS
comments) RED to update all such changes within stipulated time frame as per departmental guidelines and Process to
incorporate in the revised PDS.
ISBL Distribution P&IDs for VGO-HDT Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Utility P&IDs: P&IDs (14 / 17 ) issued for engg (except for small bore piping: Pump Seal & Vent Drain). The Process 31-May-13 Apr'13
A 19 SCH: 30-Nov-12 term same are targeted by Jun'13.
ANT: Jun-13

ISBL Distribution P&IDs for FCCU Close Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Utility P&IDs: 30/36 issued for engineering. Process 31-May-13 Apr'13
SCH: 30-Nov-12 term P&IDs for small bore Piping shall be issued by 31.05.13.
A 20 ANT: 31-May-13

Utility distribution P&IDs for DCU Close Process Low N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0 0.00 Distribution P&IDs issued for engineering. Jan'13
A 21 term

Final issue for OSBL utility distribution P&IDs Open Process Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Revised P&ID for Condensate System issued on 15.05.13. BPCL 25-May-13 May'13
LAD: 30-Nov-12 term
ANT: 25-May-13
A 22 Updation of P&ID as per finalised condensate philosophy to
be taken up.

Incompatibility between Process design basis and Open Engg Very High N N N N Short D 0 0.00 - Inconsistency related to type of Isolation valve (Ball Vs. gate / globe/check) between instrumentation and Engg. 30-Apr-14 May'14
Engineering Design Basis term process design basis identified during coordination meetings resolved by TSD.
(Piping / SED / RED / PED / instrumentation / HMTD design
basis) - affects subsequent detailed engineering activities.
A 23

Fuel oil system for GTG: Implementation of the system Open Power High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - System configuration including 8 pumps, filters & centrifuge finalised and PDS for pumps issued. Filters & Projects 30-May-14 May'14
based on modalities finalised (associated system for existing Tech. term Centrifuge PDS issued for engineering on 22.05.14. (CPP group)
Fuel oil tank tapping with new GTG). - Readiness of the fuel forwarding system to be ensured w.r.t. GTG commg schedule (i.e. in Mar 15).
A 24
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Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
BPCL confirmation/clarification over datasheets/GADs for Close Engg. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - PDS for desalting pumps issued on 25.10.13. MR issued on 13.11.13. Engg Nov'13
existing/new raw water intake pump obtained from M/s KBL term
(LAD for MR for pumps - 07.03.13)
A 25

A 26 Identifications of hook-ups on flare lines and finalisation of Close Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Identification of hook ups for Flare line, FCC flare, PRU flare and NHT / ISOM completed during site visit Projects / 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
Signing of ISBLwith BPCLand
P&IDs i.e.battery
limit of Shut for
P&IDs down / Hot
Units, Open Process / Low N N Y N term
Short D 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.00 by EIL Process.
Signing of P&IDs completed for: Constn.
Process / 30-Oct-14 IV
Utility packages & other packages. POSD term - Hook sketches
-CDU/VDU Blocktoonbe24.06.14.
prepared and signed by Piping / POSD / BPCL. Marking at site to be taken up on POSD /
- DCU unit on 03.07.14 & CR LPG unit on 22.07.14.
-- VGO
unit onof12.07.14.
methodology for taking up works targeted by end Dec 13.
A 27 - DHDT unit on 24.07.14
- FCCU unit on 23.07.14
- SRU block on 25.07.14.
- Offsite P&IDs signing by end week of Oct'14.

Offsite Interconnection P&ID Close Process / High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Updated P&IDs released. Process / Mar'14 & Apr'14
- Updation of P&IDs based on HAZOP review for offsite. POSD term POSD /
A 28

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for NHT/ISOM Ant Open Engg. Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Equipment layout issued for engineering on 23.08.13 Piping 21-Aug-13 JUL'13
- 21-Aug-13) term
Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:
i) 3 D Modelling
B 1 ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender preparation

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for VGO-HDT Close Engg. Very high N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Equipment layout issued for engineering Piping 26-Dec-12 Jan'13
LAD - 07-Nov-12 term
B 2 Ant- 26-Dec-12

Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:

i) 3 D Modelling
Issue of Equipment
ii) Civil/Structural layout
& UG for engineering
Piping for FCCU (targeted Close
Tender preparation Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Equipment layout issued for engineering Projects / 21-Dec-12 Jan'13
by 27.12.2012) term Piping /
B 3 Delay in this activity shall hamper the following: BPCL
i) 3 D Modelling
ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender preparation
NIT for Heater for FCCU Open ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 NIT issued on 24.06.13, bids due on 23.07.13 Projects / 18-Jun-13 May'13
B 4 LAD -01-Apr-13 ; Ant - 18-Jun-13 term Process /

a) Cost/time overrun due to rework Close Procure/E Medium Y N Y N Long D 0.12 0.00 1) Involvement of technical/engineering team and client with vendor where non-standard products are Projects As Required Apr'13
b) Non completion of critical project activities within time & NGG/CON term required
delay in Project completion S. 2) Clarification of all doubts prior to beginning of work
B 5 c) Poor performance of Sub-contractors and Vendors 3) Procedures for internal review and approval of design/deliverables to be followed

New requirement of power recovery system (FCCU) shall Close Project High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.00 -Discussions with prospective bidders held seeking details on implementation methodology. Engg (Elec) 15-Jan-13 Jan'13
have impact on project cost. term -Decision regarding System integration schemes taken during meeting dated 17th & 18th Dec 12. MR
B 6 3 Nos PRTs envisaged (FCC-1 Nos ; VGO- 2 Nos) issued

Updation of Equipment layout for engineering for TGTU Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Layout finalised with licensor. Final layout under study. Piping 15-Jun-13 May'13
LAD - 21-Jan-13; term - Model review for SRU completed on 30th May'13 (except TGTU, incinerator section & downstream of
B 7 Ant: Mid Jun'13 sulphur pit).

Issue 2nd MTO Piping (Sch - 30-Apr-13; Ant - End May 13) Close Piping Very High N N Y Y Short D 0.2 0.00 Intermediate MTO released on 31.05.13. Piping 31-May-13 May'13
Piping preliminary MTO has been released without covering term
DHDT, VGO FCC& offsite interconnection P&IDs, Flare
system & offsite storage P&IDs. Prel. MTO covers 35% for
B 8 large bore pipes.

Delay in thermal design for Heat exchangers & Air coolers for Close HMTD Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Thermal design completed for DHDT, VGO-HDT and FCCU. HMTD Apr'13
licensed and non licensed units - term
LAD (DHDT): 02-Feb-13
B 9 LAD (VGO-HDT): 09-Feb-13
LAD (FCCU): 08-Mar-13
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Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Issue Overall UG piping layout drawing for the complex Close Engg. High N N N N Short D 0 0.00 - Layout for OWS, CRWS, CW & FW lines issued for Offsite. Gen Civil 31-May-13 May'13
B 10 term

Completion of 30 % Model review Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 VGO-HDT: 30 % modelling completed on 7th Jun'13 Piping Prog. May'13
B 11 VGO- LAD: 09-Mar-13 term FCCU: 30 % modelling completed on 06.06.13. To
FCCU-LAD : 23-Apr-13 SRU (excluding TGTU) completed on 30.05.13. Jun 13
NIT for Civil & Strl work for existing Refinery Area Open Project/C& Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - NIT issued for publishing on 12.06.13 with sale period from 17.06.2013 to 05.07.2013 Project / C&P 18-Jun-13 May'13
LAD: 31-Jan-13 P term
C 12 ANT: 18-Jun-13

a) Inaccurate assessment of quantum of work Close Engg/proc Very High N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 Wide variation of BOQ and site executed quantities for item rate tenders to be controlled. Engg As Required Apr'13
urement term Past data to be analysed and used for reference purposes.
B 13

MR issue for MCC (Main combustion Chamber) packages. Close Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 MR issued on 02.05.13. Engg Apr'13
B 14 LAD: 16-Feb-13
Ant: 15-Apr-13

Timely finalisation of Package Interface Open Engg. High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Management level meetings with package contractors being organised to expedite the works. Projects / May'14
CDSP-DCU awarded on 22-Aug-13; term - Battery limit conditions for CDSP Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13) submitted by vendor & Engg. /
RR pkg-FCC awarded on 25-Jul-13. approved under code 2 on 07.05.14. Process
(Battery Limit conditions for each package to be frozen within - Battery limit conditions for R&R Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 25.07.13) received from vendor and
three months of award to ensure time availability for engg, approved.
procurement and construction by all the concerned).
B 15

Unit and offsite interfaces (Elevation termination levels) Close Engg. Medium N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.00 - Clubbed with Risk ID A27 TSD - Mar'14 & Apr'14

B 16

Timely availability of piling and foundation load data from Open Projects High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Data received from all vendors. All piling drawings for CPP area released. ENGG/PLNG Mid Mar'14 Feb'14
Package (GTG, UB, HRSG) Vendors to meet piling tender & term - Foundation drawings for & HRSG under progress and targeted by mid Mar'14.
Civil / Strl tender schedule requirements.
B 17 LAD - 28.02.13; Ant - upto Feb 14.

NIT for Heater for DCU Close PROCES Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - NIT issued on 11.03.13, bids due on 16.04.13. Pre bid meeting targeted on 02.04.13. (Delivery : 18 M for 10-Mar-13 Feb'13
LAD -15-Feb-13; S/ENGG term Mechanical Completion including Pre-Commissioning Activities)
B 18

CPP: Integration of various packages & BOP Items of CPP. Open Engg/Cont Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.08 0.08 0.00 - Integration of packages incl. GTG, HRSG & UB to be ensured based on vendor inputs. Engg 30-Oct-14 III
90 % model review for CPP . term - HAZOP review completed for GTG, HRSG & UB package. Projects /
Package wise HAZOP for GTG, HRSG, UB,Gas Booster - 60% model review for HRSG targeted by end Oct'14. Process
compressor. -90% model review for GTG & UB package targeted by end Oct'14. Process /
B 19 - GBC ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held with M/s BHEL for Gas booster compressor on 12-13 HMTD
Aug'14. C&P

Distributed Control System (DCS) Open Engg/proc Medium N Y N N Long I 0.15 0.08 -0.08 - Preparation of Inst. dwgs./ docs. by the DCS vendor, using Smart Plant Instrumentation (SPI) is already Projects Continuous
Detailed engg., supply and erection urement term covered in DCS vendors scope in DCS
B 20 (ordered on M/s Emerson Process on 04.11.13)

B 21
60 % Model
Package review
Vendor for to submit Instrumentation Drawings/ Close
refuses ENGG
Open Engg/proc Very
LowHigh N N
Y Y N Short
Long D 0.16
0.14 0.04 0.00 - Being
-0.04 Model taken
completed on 13.09.13
with respective package vendors for implementation. ENGG/
Instn Continuous Aug'13
DCU (LAD:03.07.13
Documentation Act:13.09.13)
in Smart Plant Instrumentation Database as urement term Projects
B 22 per Client Requirement

Delay in Interface Engineering (including control system) due Open Engg/proc Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 Package vendor inputs being made available by expediting for updation of interface engineering documents. Projects / Continuous IV
to non availability of Package Vendor Data urement term Engg.
B 23
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 648+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
60 % Model review for DHDT (LAD:07.08.13 Ant:04.10.13) Open ENGG Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Model review completed on 04.10.13 ENGG 4-Oct-13 sep'13
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor, Feed filter & term
Heater pkg awaited from vendor.
- Vendor drawings for sheds awaited.
B 20

Delay in completion of P&IDs by gen Civil Open GC Medium N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 - All P&IDs released G. Civil 25-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 09-Jan-13 (DHDT) term
B 24 LAD: 30-Jan-13 (VGO-HDT)
LAD: 30-Mar-13 (FCCU)
Order of MR for DG set Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 -0.20 - Ordered to M/s Powerica Ltd on 29.09.14 (Delivery duration 13 M+ 3 M site works). BPCL 5-Oct-14
Dely: (12 M FOB + 3 M Site work) term
B 25 Sch: 05.11.13

Receipt of Inputs from Process / Vendors for 60 % Model Close ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Model review completed on 24.10.13. Process / 25-Oct-13 sep'13
review for VGO-HDT required for procurement of piping term Process to remove holds as per piping Hold up lists released till date by 25th Oct 13. Projects
material (LAD:14.08.13 Ant:25.10.13) - Piping to release updated hold up lists based on release of holds by process on fortnightly basis to process
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor, Feed filter & / project / planning / TSD / Risk Coordinator.
Heater pkg awaited from vendor. - Meeting between Process, Piping, Projects shall be organised within 3 days of issue of hold up lists.
- Vendor drawings for sheds awaited. - Process to issue Revised P&IDs latest within 4 weeks of HAZOP recommendations.

B 26

60 % Model review for Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Model review completed on 25.10.13. ENGG 25-Oct-13 sep'13
FCCU (LAD:16.09.13 Ant:25.10.13) term
- Line size for 300 nos P&IDs under hold
-Vendor data needed for coalescer, electric heater, pumps &
- Review of model by Licensor (Stone & Webster) envisaged.
B 27

60 % Model review for Open ENGG Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Model review started on 28.10.13 and under progress. Targeted to complete by 31.10.13. ENGG 31-Oct-13 sep'13
B 28 SRU (LAD:31.08.13; Ant:31.10.13) term
-As per P&IDs, No. of lines hold are 51 (ARU), 164 (SRU),15
(SWS)in&release of Intermediate
60(TGTU) 2nd MTO
+ 155(Utilities Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Intermediate 2nd MTO released on 31.10.13, based on above MR under preparation. Projects / 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
-CVs Size HoldAct:31.10.13)
as follows: 13 (ARU), 6 (SWS), 125 (SRU). term ENGG
-All Control Valve Face to Face Dimensions are HOLD. All
CVs for TGTU Pump
are nozzle
HOLD. for 6 nos. pumps under hold), sizes
for 256 lines under hold, Control valve matching flange,
bypass valve and flanges (21 nos.) & PSV inlet outlet flanges
and reducers (37 nos.)
-DHDT: By-pass lines for CVs under hold (30nos), PSV's
mating flanges and reducers (44 nos), Lines (103 nos.) not
B 29 considered in MTO.

Generation of Surplus Piping material Open ENGG Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.00 - Surplus material to be salvaged with effective substitution and being carried out during MTO preparation. ENGG Progressively IV
B 30 term

B 31 HAZOP for FCCU Close ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - HAZOP study completed on 29.11.13. ENGG Nov'13
LAD - 23-Sep-13
Completion of 90 % engineering by Mar-14. Open ENGG Low N N Y N term
Short D 0.16 0.05 -0.05 - As of 15 Aug'14 Engineering progress is 91.4 %. ENGG Aug'14
Average progress achieved in last 3 months 3.0 % term

B 32 LD Milestone date - Dec'13

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 649+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Release of final Piping MTO Open ENGG High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.13 -0.13 - Final MTO released on 11.09.14. Sep'14
Sch: Jul'14 term
B 33

Finalisation of GTG fuel forwarding scheme for naphtha to Open POSD Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 -0.20 - Revised P&IDs issued for connecting tank-101 & 102. Process / Sep'14
day tank when Naphtha tank being under maintenance. term New pump process datasheet released for piping naphtha from YT-332 to CPP day tank. Engg.
B 34

Delay in award of PRT -FCCU(Hot gas expander) Close Project Medium Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand on 30.12.13 Engg / C&P 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
LAD: 19.04.13 term
Ant: 30.12.13
Multiple Bids extensions leading to delay in ordering. 02 Bids
recd on 12.08.13 (Dresser Rand ,Elliot Ebara)
Org. BDD: 27.06.13
1st extension: 16.07.13
C 1
2nd Extension: 01.08.13
3rd extension: 09.08.13
Duration: 16 M FOB

Award of Heater for VGO-HDT Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron with delivery period of 18 M on 21.08.13. Projects 30-Aug-13 JUL'13
LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant -End Aug'13 term
C 2 Duration: 18 M

Issue of RFQ for PRT (Hot gas expander) Close Project Very High Y Y Y N Short D 0.36 0.00 - BPCL confirmation sought for minimum nos (10.97 MW or 80% of 10.97) for qualifying criteria. Accordingly C&P 30-May-13 May'13
LAD: 25-Jan-13 term BQC changed and approved by BPCL. Draft NIT by 25.05.13. Publishing targeted by end May 13.
C 3 Ant: 30-May-13
Duration: 16 M FOB
Variation in foreign exchange rates has an impact on the Close Project Very High Y N N N Short I 0.2 0.00 - As per latest cost status report the impact of cost variation has been neutralised by savings. Projects Continuous Nov'13
foreign component of overall project cost term
C 4

Award of Heater for DHDT Close ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Awarded to M/s Technip on 04.09.13 (Duration 18 M) Projects / 15-Sep-13 Aug'13
C 5 LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant - Mid Sep13 term HMTD
Duration: 18 M

NIT for Composite Works for DCU Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping 25-Oct-13 sep'13
C 6 LAD -06.06.13 ; Ant - 25.10.13 term

NIT for Composite Works for DHDT/VGO Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping 31-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -06.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13 term
C 7

NIT for Composite Works for FCCU Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -12.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term
C 8

NIT for Composite Works for Offsite IREP area Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Piping 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -23.05.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term
C 9

Award of PRT for DHDT & VGO-HDT unit (Pumps centrifugal Open ENGG Medium Y Y Y N Short D 0.36 0.00 -Ordered on M/s Shin Nippon & M/s Flowserve on 30.01.14 (except Tag IV-P-301 A/B due to poor past EIL 15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
multistage) term performance of PRT supplied under CEMP-II by M/s GENP);
Sch: 23.04.13 - Separate MR released for item tag IV-P-301 A/B. BPCL informed that order expected to be placed as per
Ant: 15.03.14 (IV-P-301A/B) previous recommendation, ordering expected by mid Mar'14.
- As a parallel action MR was issued however RFQ kept under hold in view of BPCL information regarding
C 10 ordering by mid Mar 14.

NIT for Composite Works for Offsite DHDS area Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Projects / 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 term HMTD
C 11

NIT for Composite Works for Existing refinery area Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Risk ID C68 Projects / 31-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13 term HMTD
C 12
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 650+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Award of : Open Project/En Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 -Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 Engg/Proj 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
Main fractionator for FCCU gg term
LAD: 25-Mar-12
Ant: 20-Jul-13
C 13

Issue NIT for Tankage-II Close Project/C& Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 NIT issued on 29.05.13, bids due on 18.06.13. Project / C&P 31-May-13 May'13
LAD: 21-Jan-13 P term
C 14 ANT: 31-May-13

Award for RO-DM Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. duration is 22 M. Engg / C&P 29-Jun-13 May'13
LAD:30-Jan-13 term
C 15 Ant: end Jun'13
(Execution Duration - 20 M + 2 M)

Delay in award for Cooling tower Close Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 21.02.13. Duration is 20 Months. BPCL 28-Feb-13 Feb'13
LAD : 31-Dec-12; Ant - end Feb 13 term
C 16

NIT for Reactor regenerator package for FCCU Close Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 BQC finalised on 15.01.13. Tender under compilation. Draft NIT being issued to BPCL for approval. Projects / 21-Feb-13 Feb'13
LAD : 01-Jan-13 Licensor term NIT targeted by 21-Feb-13. BPCL
Ant: 21-Feb-13
C 17 Changes in scope of supply led to revision in BQC / tender.

Award for Raw water quarries Close Project Low N N N N Short I 0 0.00 Ordered to M/s Paulose George (15 M). BPCL Apr'13
LAD :03-May-13 term
C 18
ANT: 15-Apr-13

Ordering of Reactor for VGO-HDT Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Ordered on M/s L&T on 08.04.13. Proj/Engg - Mar'13
LAD: 29-Dec-12 term
C 19
ACT: 08-Apr-13

Award of contract for Piling-II Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T on 09.04.13 with duration of 12 M. BPCL - Mar'13
LAD: 31-Dec-12 term
C 20
Ant: 15-Apr-13

Award of Civil & Strl work for offsite new area Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron on 09.04.13 with 18 M duration. BPCL - Mar'13
LAD: 22-Jan-13 term
C 21 Ant: 30-Mar-13

Award of Crude and Vacuum heaters (LAD 29.12.12) Close Engg. Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Technip on 07.03.13 (Duration 23 M) Projects / 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
Ant : 07.03.13 term C&P / BPCL
C 22

Storage of sulphur and related issues with Granulator to be Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.00 - Scheme finalised. Projects / Apr'13
finalised between BPCL / EIL. term BPCL
C 23

NIT for ETP package with WAO (Wet air oxidation) Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Tender released on 26.03.13; BQC finalised on 08.04.13. NIT targeted by 16-Apr-13 Engg Apr'13
C 24 LAD: 15-Jan-13 term
Ant: 16-Apr-13
Ordering of Desalter Internals (LAD:03-Dec-12) Close Project High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Award recommendation issued on 11.02.13. Awarded to M/s Howe baker on 07.03.13 Proj/Engg 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
Ant: 07-Mar-13 term
C 25

Award of contract for Building incl substations Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T (duration 20 M) BPCL Apr'13
LAD: 07-Feb-13 term
C 26 Ant: 15-Apr-13
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 651+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Filling of existing part fire water pond required for area Open Strl High N N Y N Short term D 0.16 0.00 KB tech completed development of flare area & handed over the area to M/s L&T.for piling. Projects 30-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14

Sch - 28.08.13; Area handed over to M/s L&T

C 27

Delay in ordering of Long Lead Items. Close Engg / Very High N N Y N Short term D 0.16 0.00 - Evaluation of LLIs to be ensured with-in 1 month from receipt of bids by Engg. & PBO recommendation Engg / C&P / TBA - 1 month of Dec'13
Technical / Commercial evaluation of long lead items C&P with-in 1 week by C&P. Projects bids receipt
(compressors & packages) taking more than 2 months. - Pre tender / Pre enquiry meetings to be conducted with bidders to avoid extensions in bid due date due to PBO - 1 week of
lack of clarity in scope / other requirements. TBA
- Immediate after issue of Enquiry a firm action plan to be developed by the Project coordinator clearly
indicating targets for Issue of TQ / CQ , Post bid meetings, TBA/CBA, PBO reco., Price bid opening and
award recommendation dates.
- Uploading of bids in eDMS by C&P within 1 - 2 days (Max.) of bid submission by bidders.
- Restriction of multiple TQs / CQs.
C 28
- Rigorous follow up by C&P / Engg. / Projects for receipt of TQ / CQ replies from bidders within cut off

Award of Waste heat Boiler package (Waste Heat Boilers Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Tecnicas Reunidas S.A. on 31.12.13 BPCL 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
along with respective steam drums(un engineered ), term
Incinerator Combustion Chambers (engineered), Incinerator
vent stacks).
LAD: 27.04.13
Ant: 30.12.13
Bids extension:
C 29 1st extension - from 28.05.13 to 20.06.13.
2nd Extension- from 20.06.13 to 02.07.13.
3rd extension - from 02.07.13 to 08.07.13.
Duration: Supply + Erection - 18 M

Delay in award of CDSP package Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 Awarded to M/s Essar Project on 22.08.13 (Duration: 27 M) C&P / Engg / 30-Aug-13 JUL'13
Schedule: 02.03.13 term Projects
Anticipated : 30.08.13
Completion of works
Sch: 01.05.15 ( M); RFQ Duration : ( M)
C 30 Anticipated: 23.11.15 (27 M)
Bidders quoted 27 M against schedule of 26 M.

Ordering of GTG Pkg (LAD:10-Mar-13; Ant - 20.07.13) Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 - Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13. Projects / 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
Bid received on 28.03.13. Multiple extension (4 times) in bid term Engg / C&P /
due date on request of M/s Siemens. BPCL
Duration (Supply) - 15 M FOB /16 M FOT as per RFQ; Sch :
C 31 20 M

Delay in Ordering of HRSG Close Projects / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.00 - Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 Projects / 20-Dec-13 Nov'13
(Sch Order - 22-May-13; Ant - 20-Dec-13) Engg term BPCL
Initial Change in configuration by BPCL. It is planned that common facility (incl. common piperack, utility lines etc) shall be taken up as per project
Multiple extensions (twice) in bid due date due non availability schedule requirement. This shall be taken up during KOM with selected bidder.
of exhaust data for GTG.
Post Enquiry changes in type of Fuel (LSVR) by BPCL.
No PTR available for LSVR Fuel
C 32 Completion of Works
Sch. : 30.06.15
Ant. : 30.08.15 (20 M)
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Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ordering of Reactor regenerator package for FCCU Close Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 - 2 Bids (Essar & L&T) received on 25.04.13. Projects / Jun'13
LAD : 10-Apr-13 Licensor term - TBA issued on 21.05.13. BPCL
Act: 10-Jul-13 - PBO recomn. issued on 30.05.13 and BPCL approval received on 03.06.13
Changes in scope of supply led to revision in BQC / tender - Price bids opened on 04.06.13.
due to which NIT was delayed. - Award recommendation issued on 25.06.13.
C 33
Bidders sought extension in dates. - Awarded to M/s Esaar on 10.07.13.

Award of Coke handling system (DCU) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 BPCL 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
LAD :22-Apr-13 term Awarded to M/s ThyssenKrupp ;
Ant :30-Oct-13 (Duration 21 M+2 M (Mech + Pre Commg)
C 34 Duration: 21 M+2 M
No bidder could meet the BQC criteria in view of which the
tender has been re-floated.

Award of UB package Open Process / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - 3 no. bids received on extended date of 02.02.13. Projects / 31-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD : 19-Jan-13 Engg / term - Meeting with bidders held from 19.02.13 to 26.02.13. PBO recomn. issued on 06.05.13. Price bids opened C&P / BPCL
Ant : 31-Jul-13 constn on 09.05.13.
C 35 Duration: 20 M - Award recomm issued on 12.06.13.
Execution duration as per RFQ - 20 M; Sch - 24-26 M

Award of ETP tender. Close Project/C& Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Awarded to M/s Paramount (with 21 M for mechanical completion + 2 M for commissioning). C&P/Engg/Pr Aug'13
LAD: 24-Apr-13 P term Execution duration as per RFQ was - 22 + 2 M; Sch - 28 M oj
Ant: 30-Sep-13
C 36 Duration: 22 M+2 M
Anticipated Completion: 29-Jul-15

Multiple Contracts awarded to same agency beyond their Close Purch / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Meeting held with EIL & BPCL. Approach paper prepared and signed jointly by EIL / BPCL for limiting single BPCL / C&P - sep'13
capabilities / capacities. Contrc. term agency getting work orders against more than 2 tenders. (In cases of big agencies with financial capability,
one agency can get maximum works order against 3 tenders)

C 37

Failure of contractors Open Const. Low N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 Limit the number of works being awarded to one Agency so that alternatives can be worked out fast. C&P - sep'13
term BPCL/EIL To evolve a System to be implemented to ensure that the maximum number of jobs awarded to
single agency is only 2 if NOT to be preferably made ONE only.
C 38 BPCL /

Ordering of Ejector Pkg Open Project Medium Y Y Y N Short I 0.90 0.00 Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery period of 13 M. BPCL 15-Jul-13 Jun'13
C 39 (LAD:12-Jan-13; Ant: 15-Jul-13) term

Award of Heater package for DCU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.40 0.00 Awarded to M/s Heurtey, (Duration - 20 M) BPCL 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
(LAD:24-May-13; Ant: 15-Nov-13 term
Earlier 04 Bids recd on 21.05.13. (Petron, Thermax, Heurtey,
C 40 Due to Technical and related commercial issues enquiry re-
Duration 20 M

Award of Civil & Strl work for DHDS offsite area Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.40 0.00 Awarded to M/s KSS on 25.07.13. (Duration 18 M) BPCL 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
(LAD: 30-Mar-13; Ant: 20.07.13) term
C 41 Duration: 18 M

Award of Civil & Strl work for refinery area. Close Project High N N Y N Short I 0.40 0.00 Awarded to Mcnally Bharat on 26.09.13. Project/C&P sep'13
(LAD:25-Apr-13; Ant: 10.10.13) term Duration- 16 Months
Duration: 16 M
C 42
Completion of works Sch: 09-Sep-14
Ant: 24-Jan-15

Issue NIT for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 NIT issued on 01.08.13, bids due on 30.08.13 Gen 25-Jul-13 JUL'13
(LAD:24-Jun-13; Ant: 25.07.13) term Civil/Project
C 43 Duration : 16 M
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Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Award of work for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Awarded to M/s McNally Bharat. Duration - 16 M Gen 30-Oct-13 Oct'13
(LAD:17-Sep-13; Ant: 30-Oct-13) term Civil/Project
Duration: 16 M
C 44

Ordering of Main Air blower & wet gas compressor for FCCU Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 MAB awarded to M/s Elliot Ebara on 04.09.13. C&P/Engg/Pr 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
LAD: 04-Mar-13 term WGC awarded to M/s BHEL oj
Ant: 30-Sep-13
(Total execution duration is 25-27 M : 19 M FOT for delivery
of WGC & MAB at site + 6 to 8 M Site installation & pre-
C 45 comm; Time Available from order to MC OF FCCU - 24

Award of Civil & Strl contract for CDU/ VDU & DCU Close Project Close N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 0 0.00 Awarded to M/s L&T on 07.03.13. Award recomm sent to BPCL on 01.02.13. Award to be targeted by C&P 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
LAD: 15-Dec-12 term 07.03.13.
C 46 Ant: 07-Mar-13

Ordering of wet gas compressor for DCU Close Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Ordered to M/s Eliot Ebara on 28.06.13. Jun'13
C 47 LAD: 02-Feb-13 term
Ant: 30-Jun-13

Ordering of OFF GAS COMPRESSOR - VGO Open Project High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Ordered on M/s Dresser Rand, Dely - 17 M FOT Dispatch EIL/BPCL 30-Oct-13 Oct'13
LAD: 08-Jun-13 term
Ant: 30-Oct-13
RFQ duration: 17 M FOB

C 48

Award of Sulphur Forming Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28 0.00 - Ordered to M/s Sandvik. BPCL 30-Jan-14 Jan'14
LAD: 03.04.13 term
Ant: 30.01.14
Earlier enquiry re-floated due to changes in MR requirements
by BPCL(MR was revised as Evaluation methodology was to
be based on NPV and in view of 2 different types of
technologies viz., sulphur pelletiser and sulphur granule);
C 49 refloated again as financial criteria was not met by all the

Award of contract for Civil & structural for FCCU area Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28 0.00 Awarded to M/s Sriram on 25.09.13 BPCL 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
(refloated) term
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 15 M Dec'14; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated 19.06.13,
C 50 based on past Performance of recommended bidder tender
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Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Award of contract for Civil & structural for DHDT & VGO area Close Project Very High N Y Y N Short D 0.28 0.00 Awarded to M/s McNally bharat on 11.09.13 (with 16 M execution period) BPCL Aug'13
(refloated) term
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 16 M Jan15; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated 19.06.13,
C 51 based on past Performance of recommended bidder tender

Award of contract for Civil & structural for CPP area Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Essar Projects on 19.08.13 BPCL 28-Aug-13 JUL'13
LAD:28-Jun-13 term
Ant: end Aug-13
C 52 Duration: 16 M

Award of MCC package Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Thermax BPCL 14-Aug-13 JUL'13
LAD:10.06.13 term
Ant: 14.08.13
C 53 Duration: 12 M despatch and 6 M for site work (ODC)

Award of contract for RWTP (Refloat case) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Triveni BPCL 19-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 14-Jan-13 term
Ant: 19-Jul-13
C 54 (Execution Duration - 18+2 M)

Award of Thermal oxidiser burner & reduction pkg Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.00 Ordered to M/s Callidus and M/s UOP India on 20.06.14. BPCL Jun'14
LAD: 28.05.13 term
Ant: 15.06.14 (Incinerator burner)
C 55 (Execution Duration - 14 M)

Award of Air blower/compressor for SRU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Ordered on M/s Howden Process Compressors Projects / 19-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 29-Mar-13 term C&P
Ant: 25-Jul-13
(Execution Duration - 17 M FOB/ 18 M FOT)
C 56

Delay in Award of contract for Demountable flare (LAD: 08- Close Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 Awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13 with duration of 18 M. Projects/ 28-Sep-13 Aug'13
Apr-13; Ant: 28-Sep-13) term Process/
Change in type of Flare. Initially as per DFR normal flare was Engg / C&P/

Post enquiry significant changes (received on 15.03.13) in

Flare Load/Process Data Sheet due to enormous increase in
BOO flare load and non acceptance of mitigation measures
by FCCU Licenser.

Change in flare load data due to change in flare height upto

C 57 150 M.

Completion of works
Sch. : 31.01.15
Ant. : 28.02.15

Award for SG-III (Refloated) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Awarded on M/s Ray Engineering on 23.01.14. Engg / C&P Jan'14
LAD: 01.11.13 term
Ant: 30.01.14
C 58 Duration: 12 M
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Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Award for:RGC compressor for VGO-HDT (LAD: 30-Mar-13; Open Project/En Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg 29-Jun-13 Jun'13
Ant: end Jun 13) gg term
Dely: 18 M
C 59

Award of MUG compressor for VGO-HDT Close Project/En Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Ordered to M/s Neumen & Essar on 14.11.13 BPCL 30-Nov-13 Nov'13
(LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 30.11.13) gg term
C 60 Dely: 16 M FOB

Award of Contract for Tankage-III (Crude tank: 02 Nos & 1 Close Project/En Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s IOT Anwesha on 04.12.13. (duration: 20 M) BPCL 15-Dec-13 Nov'13
surge relief tank and crude drain tank) gg term
Outage of existing crude tank from crude to naphtha can be
taken up after commissioning of new crude tanks. Shutdown
of existing tanks- 17 & 18 depend on commissioning of new
crude tanks-25/26 under tankage-III.
C 61 Sch: 01.10.13
Ant: 15-Dec-13

Award for: Close Project/En Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg 28-Jun-13 Jun'13
RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD: 26-Mar-13; Ant: Jun 13) gg term
C 62

Award for: Close Project/En Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand Proj/Engg Aug'13
MUG Compressor for DHDT (LAD: 30-Mar-13; Ant: 20-Sep- gg term
C 63 Duration : 18 M FOB

Award of Tankage-II Close BPCL High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 Awarded to M/s B&R BPCL 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
(TF-4: 5 Nos, Exist ETP-II:2 Nos, Exist Asphalt: 2 Nos) term
Sch: 30.04.13
C 64 Ant: 30-Sep-13
Duration:22 M

Award of Tankage-IV (Total 15 Nos Tanks) Open BPCL / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Offshore on 17.04.14. EIL / BPCL 25-Apr-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
LAD: Jan14 Projects term
Outage for Tank YT-340 depends on readiness of at least
one new DCU feed tank which will require 14 M durations.
Alternative scheme required to be finalised for outage.
Outage of Tankage YT-18 depends on readiness of new
crude tanks (Tankage-III; YT-25/26). Alternative scheme
C 65 required to be finalised for outage.

Award of Composite Works for CDU/VDU (06 Bids - L&T, Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 .Awarded to M/s Offshore (Duration- 20 months) BPCL 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
Petron, Offshore, Mcnally Bharat, Albana, IOTL recd on term
LAD -30.08.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13
C 66
Duration - 20 M

Award for contract for development of flare area Close Project Very High Y N Y N Short D 0.24 0.00 Contract for development of flare area awarded to M/s KB Tech.. Engg / C&P 30-Dec-13 Nov'13
LAD: 01-Nov-13 term
Ant: end Dec'13
C 67
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Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Award of Composite Works for VGO-HDT, DHDT, CPP and Open ENGG Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Composite Works for VGO-HDT & DHDT Projects / 30-May-14 May'14
Offsites (DHDS) term -DHDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M). Engg.
LAD 31.12.13 ; Ant - 30.05.14 -VGO-HDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
Composite Works for Offsite
Part B (DHDS): Awarded to M/s Offshore on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
C 68 Composite Works for CPP: Awarded to M/s Zillion Infra. on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).

Award of Heater package for FCCU Close Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Awarded to M/s Petron on 04.12.13. Duration is 16 M BPCL 15-Dec-13 Nov'13
(LAD:08-Jul-13; Ant: 15-Dec-13 term
Earlier 05 Bids recd on 23.07.13. (Thermax, Technicas,
C 69 Petron, B&R, JNK).
Duration 20 M

Award of Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: 13 M FOB / Open Project Medium Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.00 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. Dely: 13 M. 30-Jul-14 Jul'14
14 M FOT)) term
C 70 (LAD:29.12.13; Ant: 30.07.14)

Award of Slurry Filter (MR- 4880) for FCCU unit and existing Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.32 -0.32 -Ordered on M/s Asco Filtri Srl ON 17.10.14. BPCL Oct'14
refinery. (Dely: 10 M FOB) term
C 71 LAD:09.05.13
Ant: 10.10.14

Ordering for Intermediate Piping 2nd MTO. Open Project Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.05 -0.05 - All pipes, fittings & flanges ordered. C&P 14-Aug-14 Aug'14
LAD: Jan'14 onwards term
C 72 Piping intermediate MTO-II released on 30.10.13. Engg

Ordering of Critical Valves Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 Revised MR (MR-3415) issued covering all critical valves along with all critical valves of MR-3211 floated. EIL/BPCL 30-Oct-14
Sch: 11.07.14 term Award recommendation issued on 08.10.14.
C 73 Ant: 20.10.14
Dely: 06/07 M FOT /FOB
Award of contract for Mechanical works-CPP area Open Project Medium N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - Awarded to M/s Zillion on 19.05.14. 25-May-14 May'14
LAD: 28.02.14 term
C 74 Ant: 25.05.14

Release of balance piping Isometrics drawings and GAD's. Open Project Very High N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.00 -Total 29529/ 32638 nos (90%) isometrics issued for units . Balance ISO's targeted progressively by mid Engg. Oct'14 III
Target Sch: Jul'14 term Nov'14.
C 75 Ant: Nov'14 - Piping items has been ordered for Intermediate MTO-II, delivery expected by Oct'14 to Nov'14.

Award of Composite Works ( Civil /Strl. Works & Mechanical) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - 4 nos bids received on 30.09.14. PBO recommednation issued to BPCL on 21.10.14. EIL/BPCL 15-Nov-14
for NHT/ISOM-Refloated term
C 76 Sch: 08.05.14
Ant: 15.11.14

Award of Fuel forwarding Pumps (08 nos) for GTG (Dely: 6 M Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Ordered to M/s Sulzer. BPCL 5-Aug-14 Jul'14
FOB / 7 M FOT) term
C 77 Sch:27.06.14
Ant: 05.08.14

Award of Electrical & Instrumentation Works for Units & Open Project Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 - Award recommendation for both the tenders issued to BPCL on 27.10.14. EIL/BPCL 30-Oct-14 III
Offsite term Electrical Works: Bids received on 26.09.14.
Sch: 30.06.14 Part A: M/s Technimont & M/s Kazmunai Services
Ant: 10.11.14 Part B: M/s Technimont, M/s Consilium & M/s Kazmunai Services.
C 78 Electrical/Instr. Works: Part A: CDU/VDU, DCU, FCCU, - Instrumentation Works: Bids received on 29.09.14.
DHDT, VGO-HDT & IREP Offsites: Part A: M/s Technimont & M/s Eternity Petroleum.
Part B: SRU & DHDS/Refinery Offsites : Part B: M/s Technimont, M/s Consilium & M/s Kazmunai Services, M/s Eternity Petroleum.

Delay in award of piping material with G2E specification in Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 Procurement to be expedited in order to timely availability of piping material for completion of steam network EIL/BPCL 30-Oct-14
C 79 CPP area. term in CPP area.
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Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Completion of Reactor regenerator package for FCCU-M/s Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 Management level meeting held on 16.10.14 at site.
Esaar-GRE term - Completion of hard stand targeted by 09.11.14. Projects 09.11.14
LAD : 09.07.15 - Crane (1600 MT): Shipment movement started and expected to arrive at Kochi by end Oct'14, assembly
CCD: 09.10.15 targeted by 10.11.14 & load test by 30.11.14. Final erection scheme submitted on 15.09.14. Readiness of Constn
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) crane for erection targeted by Dec'14. Dec'14
Overall Progress: - EPIL-GRE informed to dispatch cyclones for reactors by 30.11.14 and regenerator cyclones by 31.12.14.
Sch: 76.7 % Act: 51.7 % M/s Emtrol has been asked to pre pone the deliveries upto Dec14 during meeting dated 25.08.14.
Construction Progress: - Fdn for flue gas area, stack fdns and ESP fdn targeted to complete by end Oct'14 (Excavation already
Sch: 32.5% Front: 79.9% Act: 14.6 % completed).
- M/s EPIL has been asked to commence area development around FGC equipments & commence hard 30.10.14
stand work from 07.10.14 and to be ready by 09.11.14. BPCL
- TSS srection: Assembly for skirt, sheel 1 & 2 commenced. TSS assembly and complete erection targeted
by 15.11.14.
Area for storage of fabricated materials to be identified and allocated. Issues being followed up.
D 1

Delivery of GTG Pkg at site (LAD:29-Sep-14; Ant - 24-Nov- Close Project Very High Y Y N N Long I 0.25 0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID E19 Project 24-Nov-14 Nov'13
14) term
Awarded to M/s BHEL
D 2 Duration (Supply) - 16 M

Completion of UB package Open Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 Management review held on 09.09.14 to pressurised M/s ISGEC for completing within CCD. Weekely Project / Oct'14 III
LAD : 31.03.15 term meeting held at site on 08.10.14. Constn.
CCD : 23.03.15 - 90% model review planned at Kochi by end Oct'14.
ECD:10.08.15 - Erection of steam drum-I targeted by end Oct'14.
Awarded to M/s ISGEC on 25.07.13 - Completion of balance foundations being progressively targeted by end Oct'14.
D 3 Overall progress:
Sch: 91.7 % Act: 66.1 %
Construction Progress:
Sch: 86.2 % Front: 100 % Act: 23.2 %

Delivery/Erection of Ejector Pkg Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.20 0.06 -0.06 -All Indigenous component received at site within CDD. Project/Inspe Sep'14
Delivery LAD : 11.06.14 term - All Foreign Source Components dispatched. ction
D 4 Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery period of 12 M
FOB / 13 M FOT.

Delivery of wet gas compressor for DCU at Site (M/s Eliot Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 Material against all suborders received. Project/Inspe 27-Jan-15 IV
Ebara) term Casing for compressor and turbine received at shop. ction
D 5 LAD: 05.12.14 Machining of components of both main compressor and steam turbine under progress.
(CDD: 27.01.15; EDD: 27.01.15)
Sch: 69.2%; Act: 67%

Delivery of Air Blower / Compressor for SRU Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 Ordered to M/s Howden Process on 25.07.13 (17 M delivery Sch). Project/Inspe 24-Dec-14 IV
LAD: 18.09.14 term Order placed for Motor, turbines, Casings, forgings, impellers, gear box. Part castings and forgings received. ction
D 6 (CDD: 24.12.14; EDD: 24.12.14) Close monitoring to be done to ensure delivery on CDD.

Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns for FCCU Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -Meeting held on 09.09.14, vendor agreed to deliver main fractionator by Jan'15 and balance columns by Project / As stated
:Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 (18 M incl erection). term Mar/Apr'15. Constn.
LAD: 22.01.15 - Foundation for main fractionator column (by M/s L&T) completed and super structural work being
CCD:14.01.15 expedited by M/s Tuaman.
ECD: 15.05.15 - Erection for main fractionator targeted by Jan'15. Crane 1250 MT and 550 MT mobilised, erection scheme
Overall progress: approved.
Sch: 78.2 % Act: 56.5 % - Stripper & rectifier Column: Erection of bottom section expected to commence from Jan'15. Preparation of
D 7 - Progress of works was affected due to delayed handing Hard stand to commence.
over of fabrication yards and completion of approach road - Approach road work completed. Area improvement to be expedited.
upto fabrication yard, which affected shifting of sections.

Kochi Refinery, BPCL
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 658+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration due to delayed availability of burner data from M/s BPCL / EIL 15-May-15 III
LAD: 23.06.15 term Aecometric. Letter forwarded on 11.06.14 to BPCL for recommending extension for supply portion to M/s
CCD:18.02.15 (including Site work) Thermax upto 30.11.14. Further M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration upto 31.03.15 for supply
ECD: 18.05.15 through letter dated 08.10.14.
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl erection) - Foundation readiness to be delayed till Dec'14. Bidders has requested for providing space for storage of
D 8 Overall progress: MCC equipment & Refractory Materials.
Sch: 80.0 % Act: 69.8 % - Refractory liining work in Combustion chamber can be started only after erection of MCC pkg.

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 -Management review meeting held on 19.09.14 and 12.09.14. Weekly review meeting held at site on Constr. Oct'14
Target Sch: 01.05.15 term 10.10.14. Following commitments have been made by M/s Essar.
Ant Compl.: 30.07.16 -Shift Work: M/s EPIL asked to start works in two shifts.
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). - Meeting held with M/s Essar for financial issues on 01.09.14. Proposal from M/s Essar for financial support
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. forwarded to BPCL for review / approval.
Overall Progress: - Strl. Steel works offloaded from MK Engg. to M/s UHE (For derrick structure-1073 MT), M/s SP
Cum. Sch. 62.9 %; Act: 49.5 % Infraprojects (Coke drum str-737 MT) & ESSAR steel (200MT) BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: - M/s EPIL to ensure the availability of Coke Fractionator by end Dec14 and all the four Coke Drums
Sch: 40.5 % Front: 94.1 % Act: 24.1 % progressively by Apr15.
- Mobilisation of 2000 MT crane targeted in Feb'15 and erection to be targeted from Mar'15 to May'15.
D 9 -Crane (200 MT): Crane parts started arriving at site. All parts expected to arrive by end Oct14 and crane
readiness by mid Nov14.
-Clear water tank fabrication- Agency finalization by Oct'14.
- Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 457 nos have been deployed,
while requirement is 607.

Delivery of RGC compressor for VGO-HDT (LAD: 05.03.15 Open Project/En Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - Turbine and compressor MRT completed. Compressor train under dispatch. Project/Inspe 27-Dec-14 IV
Ant : 27.12.14) gg term Transfer oil pump and lube oil accumulator already dispatched. ction
Dely: 18 M
D 10 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13

Delivery of RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD :05.02.15; Ant : Open Project/En Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - Compressor MRT completed. Performance test completed successfully. Project/Inspe 27-Dec-14 IV
27.12.14) gg term Turbine rotors ready and casing under assembly. Dispatch expected by end Oct'14. ction
Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13 Steam turbine: All components except inner casing ready for assembly. Casing inner (steam chamber) got
D 11 rejected in hydrotesting. Inner casing to be expedited at BHEL Haridwar shop.

Delay in erection of Crude & vacuum column Open BPCL / Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Director level meeting held with M/s VTV. Constn. / Dec'14
Sch: Jun 14 Projects / term - Erection of Crude Column : Crude column erection completed on 24.09.14. Hydrotesting targeted by VTV /
CCD: 21.08.14 Const. 31.10.14. Projects
Ant: Dec'14 - Erection of Vacuum Column : Delayed due to delay in receipt of bottom section. Erection of sections
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit Mechanical expected from end Oct'14 to end Nov'14 and hydrotesting by mid Dec'14.
D 12 Compln after erection of Crude & Vacuum column.
VTV Construction Progress:
Sch: 100.0% Front: 100% Act: 57%

Logistics of VGO & DHDT reactors from Kochi port to BPCL- Open T&CC High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Contract for ODC transportation awarded to M/s Urmila on 26.05.14. EIL/BPCL Oct'14
KR site term - Agency confirmed availability of Barge/Trailer at the time of delivery of Reactors. Barge will be ready with
reqd modification by Oct'14.
(VGO Reator-2 Nos - CDD (07-Jan-15 FOB) EDD: Mar'15 - Barge readiness targeted as follows:
(DHDT Reactor-2 Nos - CDD (07-Oct-14 FOB) 2 nos Ammonia Barges modifications by 15.10.14. & 31.10.14. Drawings for new barge submitted to IRS for
DHDT Reactor (M/s Doosan) expected to receive at Kochi 1 nos new barge fabrication by 24.12.14.
D 13 port by Nov'14. - Construction of jetty not yet started as land for jetty is yet to be finalised. M/s Urmila agreed to finalise and
ISGEC Josen (3 nos) Column: expected to receive at Kochi hire the IOCL land for jetty.
port from Nov'14 to Jan'15. - M/s Urmila to take all statutory clearance / clearance from local bodies prior to delivery of Reactor at Kochi-

Close Monitoring of ODC equipment (including site Open Projects High N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.00 Out of total 57 nos. of ODCs; 20 nos received at site. & 4 nos under dispatch. Balance under close Shipping Continous IV
D 14 fabricated/assembled) up to receipt at site term monitoring and are expected at site from Oct'14.
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 659+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Close Procure/C Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Transporter philosophy frozen and hindrance enroute has been covered under Risk ID K3. Shipping As Required Nov'13
Delay in delivery at site due to non-availability of transporter / onstr term
hindrances enroute.

D 15

Delay in delivery of equipments: Open Contract / Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Equipment by Ganson BPCL Jun'14
- M/s Gansons due to substantial rise in raw material cost Inspection term - M/s Ganson agreed to supply balance item of CDU/VDU. Items for SRU and DCU refloated under MR-
due to current market conditions. 6560 (DCU): All items relocated to M/s Patel Airtemp, M/s Phils Heavy, M/s Acoustics India ; M/s Beekay
Engg ; M/s Fab-Tech, M/s Nuberg Engg.

D 16

Completion of Demountable Flare works (Awarded to M/s Open Project Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23 0.23 0.00 - Flare foundation work completed. Projects/Con As Required III
Airoil on 25.09.13) term - Construction work to be started from Oct'14. Fabrication of flare structure is in progress and delivery str.
Sch: 31.03.15 expected from Oct'14 onwards.
CCD: 24-Mar-15
D 17 Ant: 24-Mar-15
Overall Progress
Sch: 55.9 % Act: 47.4 %
Construction work likely to start from Oct'14.

Addition of 4th Riser in Demountable Flare and identification Open Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.00 - BPCL confirmation on the additional flare stack addition received. BPCL / EIL As Required Oct'13
of additional Equipment to be procured due to the same. Process term - Agreed with Air Oil / BPCL for completion of 4th riser within CDD.
(BPCL informed additional of 1 no. riser during meeting dated - Revised PDS & P&IDs released on 15.11.13.
16th Oct 13.) - Order placement (change order) issued to M/s Airoil on 14.11.13.
- Flare (with 3 risers) awarded to M/s Airoil on 25-Sep-13.
Completion of Flare work:
D 18 Sch: 31-Mar-15
Ant: 24-Mar-15 (Duration: 18 M)

Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on 26.09.13) Open Projects Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Compressor casing dispatched from M/s NP Italy workshop on 17.09.14.(Expected to arrive at BHEL Project/Inspe Continuous
LAD: 09.01.15 term workshop by end Oct'14). ction
CCD: 25.04.15 - Further delivery of compressor takes normally 10-11 month after receipt of casing.
EDD: 25.09.15 Meeting held on 26.05.14 with BHEL & GENP along with EIL & BPCL at site. BHEL has committed to deliver
D 19 within CDD and agreed to prepare micro schedule for completion within CDD after receipt of casing at
BHEL shop. However close monitoring being done.

Delivery of MAB-FCCU (Ordered to M/s Eliot Ebara on Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - All major items has been subordered. Project/Inspe Continuous IV
04.09.13) term Air Blower: Main casing received at workshop. Main coupling received on 25.08.14. ction
LAD: 09.01.15 Steam Turbine: Casing received at shop. Bearing also received .
D 20 CDD: 03.04.15
Ant: 03.04.15

Delivery of VGO-HDT Reactor Open Projects Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 -Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13; Dly 21M FOT. Close monitoring to be done to ensure delivery on CDD. Project/Inspe Continuous III
Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13 term -Skirt fabrication is completed. ction
LAD ; 29.12.14 - Strike has been called off with effect from 12.05.14 at L&T Hazira workshop. Vendor being followed up
CDD: 07.01.15 continuously to deliver reactor within CDD.
D 21
EDD: 06.03.15
Overall Progress:
Sch: 95.0 % Act: 89.5 %
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 660+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delivery of DHDT Reactor Open Projects High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 - Hydrotesting completed on 09-10 Oct'14. Change order related to shipment is in finalisation with BPCL and Project/Inspe Continuous III
Ordered to M/s Doosan Engg & Const Co. on 08.02.13 term vendor. ction
LAD ;15.12.14
CDD: 07.10.14
D 22 Overall Progress:
Sch: 95 % Act: 92.0 %

Completion of HRSG Package Open Projects Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23 0.23 0.00 - Review meeting held with M/s Thermax on 08.10.14. Project/Inspe Continuous III
LAD : 30.03.15 term - Balance engineering to be expedited by M/s Thermax. ction
CDD: 19.08.15 - HRSG #3, 4 & 5: Foundation works completed and handed over to M/s Thermax.
D 23 Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 - Column erection started for 1st HRSG.
Overall Progress:
Sch: 64 % Act: 53 %

Delivery of Hot Gas Expander (Ordered to M/s Dresser Rand Open Projects Low Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.14 0.14 0.00 - Generator subordered Project/Inspe Continuous III
on 31.012.13) term - Pedestal fabrication is at final-machining. ction
D 24 LAD ;30.03.15 - Fabrication of exhaust diffuser and inner exhaust case targeted by end Oct'14
CDD: 30.04.15

Delivery of Sulphur Forming Pkg (Ordered to M/s Sandvik on Open Projects Medium N Y Y N Long I 0.35 0.18 0.18 0.00 -Silos with structure & Conveyors sub ordered by M/s Sandvik. Project/Inspe Continuous III
31.01.14) term - Delivery of Semi rolled sections of Silos shall commence from Nov'14 onwards. Structure to be made ction
LAD :01.08.14 ready for installation works to commence.
D 25 CDD: 30.03.15 - Space for SILO's to be expedited as material expected to receive at site by Oct'14.
Overall progress: - Foundations for pelletiser shed to be made ready by end Nov'14.
Sch: 44 %; Act: 40.5 %

Delivery of steel plates by M/s Essar to other vendors. Open Projects Very Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Strl. Steel for R&R- Project/Inspe Continuous Jun'14
CDD: Progressively by 15.01.14. term Major portion of steel plates have been delivered by M/s Essar. ction
D 26

Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor -DHDT( Ordered to Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - Synchronous Motor ordered to M/s Toshiba Mitsubishi. Expected to receive at M/s Dresser shop by EIL/ BPCL Continuous IV
M/s Dresser Rand on 11.09.13) term 03.02.15.
LAD: 29.01.15
D 27
CDD: 10.03.15

Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor -VGO( Ordered to M/s Open Projects Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - Main motor ordered. KOM for Motor held on 06-07.05.14 & expected to receive by 13.04.15 (FOB: EIL/ BPCL Progressively IV
Nueman & Essar on 14.11.13 ) term Germany).
LAD : 26.02.15
D 28
CDD: 13.04.15

Delay by vendor with respect to CDD due to financial Open Projects Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 - Following bidders showing slow manufacturing progress: EIL/ BPCL Oct'14 III
constraint. term - M/s Arjun Technologies (Pressure Vessel supplier): FOA No.:184.
- M/s Reynold Chem. (Heat Exchangers): FOA No.: 189: As a parallel action separate MR-6122 released.
Award recommendation issued to BPCL. Cancellation request forwarded to BPCL on 13.10.14.
- M/s Bharat Pumps & Compressors (Pumps): FOA No.: 230, 311, 360,& 444.
D 29 Meeting held on 06.09.14 with M/s BP&CL. Vendor confirmed subordering of raw materials on 09.09.14.
- M/s HDO (Columns, Heat Exchangers & Vessels): Foa No.: 199, 302, 315, 318, 327, 369, 389 & 395.

Non acceptance of PO for DHDT & VGO feed filter by M/s Open Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 -0.20 - M/s Filtrex asking for deviations on commercial terms. Meeting held on 08.07.14 to resolve the issues with EIL/ BPCL Aug'14 Aug'14
Filtrex (MR-4370) term M/s Filtrex. Vendor provided all details.
Ordered on 21.12.13 to M/s Filtrex ( Dely: 13 M FOB)
D 30

Non acceptance of work order by M/s Flowserve for DHDT Open Projects Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Order has been accepted by M/s Flowserve and amendment issued by BPCL on 11.07.14. EIL/ BPCL Jul'14 Jul'14
Centrifugal pumps term
Ordered on 30.01.14 to M/s Flowserve (MR-5403) (FOA No
D 31
550 & 551)
CDD: 01.03.15

Delay in delivery of Stripper column (IF-V-206) and Open Projects High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Order got delayed due to delay in manufacturing works. At present EIL/ BPCL Oct'14
Debutaniser Column (IF-V-302) by M/s Uttam Value Steel term fabrication of Stripper column going beyond Nov14 due to which there will be likely delay of 3-5 months
D 32 (Ordered on 19.08.13) including site works. Vendor to be expedited to supply within CDD.
CDD: 18.10.14
EDD: 31.03.15
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 661+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Availability of 90 % Piping materials to generate adequate Open Projects Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - As of now around 42-45% piping material has been received at site. Around 90-95 % material has been EIL/ BPCL Oct'14
piping material front to composite contractors. term ordered upto intermediate IIIrd MTO. Ordering of balance 5-10% material is in progress and expected
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-2) : JUN'14 progressively upto end Oct'14. Delivery of ordered material against intermediate -II expected by Oct'14.
EDD: Oct'14 -Vendors being expedited to prepone the deliveries.
D 33
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-3): Oct'14 - Storage area for piping materials to be expedited by BPCL.
EDD: Dec'14.

Delivery Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: 13 M FOB Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held on 12-13.08.14. EIL Oct'14 IV
D 34 term - Compressor Journal Bearings were ordered. Impeller manufacturing is in process

Delay in delivery of equipments by: Open Project High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 Vendor being pushed for deliveries. Vendor shop visit/meeting being arranged. Inspection / Oct'14 III
M/s TEMA :CDD: 06.01.14 to 15.01.15; EDD:Dec14 to term Project
M/s Nuberg: CDD: 03.07.14 to 03.11.14; EDD: 31.10.14 to
D 35 M/s GR Engg: CDD: 28.01.14 to 31.07.14; EDD: 30.11.14 to
M/s Fabtech Projects: CDD: Jul14 to Jan15; EDD: Oct14 to

Delay in submission & finalisation of vendor drawings for Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 -Reduction furncae layout drawing to finalised in order to give front for release piling drawings HMTD/Projec Oct'14
SRU burners & reduction burner package. term - Submission of drawing by vendor & approval by HMTD to be expedited. ts
Ordered to M/s UOP Callidus on 20.06.14.
D 36
CDD: 19.05.15

Slow Progress of works by Piling I contractor M/s DBM. Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Piling completed for CDU/VDU DCU & Offsite (except boundary wall) Constn. Mid Oct'13 sep'13
(CDU/VDU, DCU & Offsites) - Awarded on 25.09.12 (Sch - term Balance piling (479 nos) for GTG, UB & stack area being done by M/s DBM. Job given on 07.10.13 with
100 %, Act 91.7%) CCD by 1st week of Dec'13.
RCC Piles:4822 / 5307 Nos.
Balance for offsite (SS VGO & compound area at FACT).
E 1 Presently 5 total rigs are operating

Space constraints: Open Constn. Medium Y N Y Y Short D 0.28 0.14 0.67 -0.53 - During the project review meeting dated 28.08.14 following points discussed and BPCL agreed: BPCL Oct'14 III
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and package term - Area for spool storage handed over to Mechanical contractors.
contractors - FACT area arranged for storage of materials of owner and package contractors. Development of the area
E 2 ii) Area for Spool storage with fence is in progress.

Delay in completion of rock blasting affecting release of Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 -0.20 -Major rock blasting work completed. Constn. sep'14 Aug'14
construction front for VGO & offsite area as hard rock term
E 3 encountered.

Completion duration for NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 - Composite Works (Civil Strl. & Mechanical) PBO recommendation issued to BPCL on 21.10.14. 4 nos bids BPCL/EIL Nov'14
Mechanical completion of NHT/ISOM - Target Schedule : Projects term received on 30.09.14.
30.09.15; Only 15 M available for construction works (excl. Award targeted by Nov'14.
Dismantling works) against schedule of 22 M. - MR for compressors (BHEL & DR: Adequacy and health check under progress): Adequacy check report
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay in P&IDs from BHEL expected by end Oct14 and from D-R received on 19.09.14. Execution philosophy finalized on
review meeting and delay in award of licensor. 17.10.14 for compressor ( Dressar Rand make ). MR targeted by end Oct'14.
- Change in the scope based on health check report has an
impact on Project cost and schedule.
E 4 Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 77.1% Catch Up Sch: 39.6 % Act: 32.3%

Availability of Soil investigation Report for new Crude Open BPCL / High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Agency finalized on 07.06.2013 and investigation to commence. BPCL / 15-Jul-13 JUL'13
tankages area. Projects / term - Report targeted to issue by mid Jul 13. Projects
Delay in availability of soil data will affect preparation for Const.
piling tender and layouts drawings.
Further civil / structural tender will also affected.
E 5
Kochi Refinery, BPCL
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 662+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in completion of Building Works by M/s L&T for MCR Open Const High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - MCR area, CPP control room area : It has been decided to complete balance strl work by Dec'14 & Constn As Required
and CPP control Room. finishing by Mar'15.
Contr. Sch: 96.0 % - Other building works : Finishing work to be completed by Dec'14.
Front: 100 % - L&T also agreed to augment required manpower to meet the target completion date.
E 6 Act:58.8%
CCD: 20.12.14
Ant: 15.05.15
Backlog 29.6 (% wrt target sch) as of 15-Oct-14 in Open Const Very High N Y Y N Short term I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 - In order to supplement progress of failing civil contractors, 4 separate agencies has been lined up (M/s Constn As Required
Construction activities viz., Civil works and Mechanical works Tuaman-Civil & Strl works, M/s Zillion-Strl. works, M/s Ray Eng-Misc Strl. works & M/s Paulose George-Misc
for offsite area as well as unit areas. Civil works- I for IREP unit & offsite). Further additional two agencies for Civil & Structural works being lined
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; Time up.
lapsed - 30 M; Remaining Duration - 16 M - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site. Approx 9000 labours are available at site,
Desc. Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act though induction programme has been carried out for more than 15000 labours . requirement of manpower
Overall 34.9 61.0 58.0 31.4 at site is approx 15000 nos. BPCL/EIL to jointly introduce some incentive system for workers to reach
Backlog in Civil / strl works will affect availability of front for manpower upto 12000 by end Oct'14. BPCL/EIL
mechanical contractor (CDU / VDU ,DCU, FCCU, - Work in shifts to be implemented for all construction works at site.
E 7
VGO,DHDT & Offsite).

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for clearance for Open Constn. Very High N N N N Long I 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by Mar'15. BPCL Mar'15 IV
BOO area. term
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after commissioning of
E 8 Demountable flare (Commissioning expected by end Mar'15)

Completion of piling work by M/s L&T (Piling-II): CDD- Open Constn. High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 L&T has completed all piles in Demountable flare area, Air compressor & DG shed area. Constr. Immediate Jul'14
08.05.14. term
(Total 12003 Nos piles).
(Contr.Sch- 100%, Front-100%, Act-100%)
Only 10 nos. hydraulic & 4 nos. conventional rigs are
E 9 currently
operational at site. Total 10124 nos completed out of 12003

Payment to contractors Close Constn. Low N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 Ensure that 90% payment of the RA bills certified by EIL are released to the contractors within 7 days of BPCL within 7 days of sep'13
E 10 term receipt by client. certified RA bills
Unrealistic project time leading to under quality Close Project / Low N N Y N Long D 0.08 0.00 Ensure that realistic dates of availability of inputs(drawings, front and materials) are considered in project/ Project / As Required sep'13
Engg. / term construction schedule rather than compressing construction schedules alone to meet the completion target. Planning
E 11 planning

Dismantling of LO CAT SRU and area handing over to Open BPCL Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 All 5 nos tank area cleared and released. Area handed over to M/s B&R for Tankage-II works on 30.04.2014 BPCL end Apr'14 May'14
Tankage II contractor (Required for New tankagesTF-4) by term
E 12 Will affect release of front for tankages.

Completion of Raw water treatment plant Pkg (M/s Triveni Open Project Very High Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.29 0.29 0.00 - M/s Triveni shall augment manpower by mobilizing 25 Nos carpenters along with adequate no of Constr. Oct'14
Engg).(Delayed due to refloating) term barbendors (Manpower required is 359 nos while available manpower is 166 Nos).
- Substation building: Foundation works commenced, completion to be targeted by Dec'14.
Overall Progress: - Chemical house works commenced.
Contr. Sch: 91.7 % Act: 61.7% - 90 % Model review planned in 1st week of Nov'14..
E 13 Construction Progress:
Sch: 87.3 % Front: 100 % Act: 55.4 %
Sch: 15.11.14 CCD: 24.03.15 ECD: Aug'15
Compl: 18 M+2M
Area availability for SRU Block Open Proj. / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s B&R on 19.09.14 at EIL site & on 25.09.14 at EIL HO and Constn. Oct'14
- At present only 95 % area given to M/s MBEL, balance Site Constn. term augmentation of manpower by min. 100 nos to be expedited for concreting work progress. M/s B&R has
for SRU block shall be available by 2nd week of Nov'14. been asked to expedite complete SRU filling by 10.11.14. All area handed over in SRU block except for
(The works are covered under SG-II Tender : Awarded to peripheral road.
B&R on 22.11.12) - Retaining wall completed for the available front. Piling to be carried out through Piling III to take up further
E 14 - As per present trend 15 months (starting from end Jun14) retaining wall work.
are available with respect to schedule of 25 M (As per Past - Piling for SRU : At present 989 nos piles completed against front of 1700 nos & scope of 1800 nos. at site
experience minimum requirement for SRU is 30 M). by M/s MBEL.

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 663+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Area for FCC Feed Tanks (Diversion of ETP II to ETP III and Open Proj. / Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Graded and handed over to tankage-II Constr. Jul'14
development of area reqd. by Apr.13) Constn. term
E 15

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and development Close Proj. Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID E33 BPCL Dec'13 Nov'13
of area reqd. by May, 2013 term
Ant - Dec 2013
E 16

Land acquisition for Crude tank (2 nos.) . (LAD - Jul 13; Ant - Close Proj. Very High N N N N Short I 0 0.00 M/s BPCL Vide mail dated 21.08.2013 has handed over the area for SG-III. BPCL Aug'13
E 17 30-Aug-13) term

Allocation of identified fabrication areas for ODC Equipments OPEN BPCL Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Details of area has been cleared and allocated by BPCL during Review meeting at site. BPCL As Required sep'13
& Other Agencies term
E 18

Delivery of bought out items by BHEL for GTG package Open Const. / Medium Y Y Y N Long I 0.45 0.23 0.23 0.00 - All 3 GTGs received at site. Projects Dec'14 III
(LAD supply:29.09.14; Ant - Jul'15) Projects term - Contractor for Mechanical works for CPP awarded to M/s Zillion.
Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13 with CDD for delivery as - N2 compressor (Delivery period is approx 6-8 M) : Ordered on 01.08.14, delivery going upto Dec 2014,
E 19 24.11.14. However BHEL confirm that they expect supply to be completed within CDD of GTG package.

HEAVY LIFT Cranes for INTALLATION OF REACTORS - Close Const. Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 -Included in mechanical contractor scope. Project / - Nov'13
Finalisation of Erection scheme and capacity the crane, term - Based on prel. Erection scheme, 1600 T heavy lift crane with 600 T trailing crane envisaged for erection of Constn.
inclusion in scope and timely mobilisation at site both VGO and DHDT reactors.
- Timely mobilization of cranes and preparation of Load Test.
E 20 - Finalization of erection scheme.

E 21
Theft of
Delay in material from
completion ofWarehouse
UG piping work due delay in receipt of Close
Open EIL
Const. Low
Very High Y N Y N Long
Short DI 0.12
0.6 0.57 0.38 0.00
0.19 Security
- Pipes arrangements
under in Warehouse
shortage (IS pipes of 30",in36",
place by48")
40", BPCL.
ordered to be expedited. Constn.
EIL/BPCL Oct'14 - Mar'13
piping material required at site and due to monsoon term - Shortage quantity being addressed at higher level. Being continuously monitored by inspection team.
- All deliveries to be expedited by end Oct'14, subsequently all UG piping work completion to be expedited
E 22
by Dec'14.

Lighting during construction Open Constn. Low N N N Y Short D 0.04 0.00 Area lighting being done. Constn. As Required May'13
E 23 term

Delay in construction due to monsoon. As work progress Open EIL Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 -During 2013-2014 monsoon following actions were taken Constn. As Required sep'13
between Jun to Sep is expected to be hindered due to term - Temporary drains were constructed for draining accumulated rain water.
monsoon, all out effort to be made to release tender as per - Pumping arrangements for draining water accumulated in pits were made.
sch. Generally to manage delays in initial stages of project,
constr. Duration are reduced while floating tenders. This
E 24 needs to be avoided.

Adequacy Check for Hook-up of LPG Flare and ACID Flare Open Project Low Y N N N Short I 0.2 0.00 LPG flare - As per EIL study LPG flare is adequate. Report issued to BPCL and clarification received. BPCL / EIL 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
between existing CDU-II flare and CEMP-II flare term Acid flare - HC flare & Sour flare system P&IDs issued for engineering on 15.06.13.
DHDS sour flare replacement: Sour Flare system P&ID (DHDS Area) issued for comments on 17.05.13, this
additional requirement of existing structure and replacement of sour stack by higher size (16") being
checked for adequacy.
E 25 New flare components to be procured for revised stack size.

Construction of Subway on the PWD road including re routing Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Culvert part I covering 8 m out of 13 m completed, rerouting of existing KWA drinking water supply line Constrn. 13-Nov-14
of existing road / existing facilities and necessary liasoning term completed. Management level meeting held with B&R on 19.09.14 at site & on 25.09.14 at EIL HO. B&R
with government department. agreed to execute work on extended hours to complete balance works in all respect by 13.11.14.
Construction of culvert got affected (Ant. Compln-Nov'14, Raft completed, wall work in progress.
E 26 Compl date Committed by B&R 13.11.14)

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 664+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIIPL for Offsite IREP Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL at site on 15.10.14. EIL/BPCL Oct'14
area. on term - M/s KSS agreed to complete all balance piperack foundations by 31.10.14.
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s KSSIIPL on - Additional gangs to be deployed to complete cable trenches work.
12.09.13 - M/s KSS has been asked to deploy additional 50 nos civil manpower. Manpower for UG piping work has
Constr. Sch:100%; Front:94.3%; Act: 45.0% been increased up to 38 nos. Additional manpower to be deployed to carry out work for OWS/ CRWS.
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15 - Rock blasting in progress and targeted to complete by 31.10.14.
- M/s KSS agreed to complete all balance piperack foundations by 31.10.14. Cable trench work to be
commence in Oct14.
E 27 - M/s KSS has been asked to complete one manhole per day
- TMT bars: Out of ordered 500 MT qty 150 MT qty received, balance being delivered progressively.
- Additional agencies including M/s Tuaman & M/s PGC have been lined up to supplement Civil Structural

Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for CPP Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management review meeting held with M/s Essar on 19.09.14 at site & 25.09.14 at EIL HO. EIL/BPCL Oct'14
Contr. Sch: 93.4%; Front: 94.5%; Act:47.3% term - Foundation work completed for HRSG-3.
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: May'15 - Completion of Structural works for GTG shed targeted by mid Nov'14.
- Stack foundation : Only HRSG#3 fdn completed.
E 28 - Completion of boiler piperack targeted by 30.10.14.
- All balance drawings for which data is available shall be targeted for issue by 30.10.14.

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU block Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Management level meeting held at site on 15.10.14. EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) term - As on date the manpower is 172 Nos against the requirement of 300 Nos.
LAD: 12.01.15 - Foundation work: TS-06 by 30.10.14.
CCD: 03.03.15 - Structural Erection commenced for TS-2 & TS-03 and for TS-06 start of strl erection targeted by end
Ant: Oct'15 Oct'14.
E 29 SCH. FRONT. ACT. - Out of total 1800 nos piles, 989 nos completed. Pile cutting completed for 504 nos. Delay in completion of
80.6% 59.7 % 26.9% piling works affecting progress of civil works.
- Balance pile completion including pile breaking targeted by end Nov'14.
- Out of total structural work of 4290 MT, only 852 MT fabrication completed & 176 MT erection works
completed. UG piping erection work yet to commence.

Composite works for CDU/VDU Block Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Management level Meeting held with M/s OIL on 08.10.14 and following action plan has been agreed EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Offshore on 04.11.13) term - M/s OIL was advised to augment welders to 50 nos. against 39 nos available to increase productivity.
SCH: 30.06.15 -M/s OIL confirmed to cover pipe rack for rain protection modular shed, for which order has been placed &
CCD: 03.07.15 expected to receive at site by end Oct'14..
ECD: 30.10.15 - Additional gamma ray source has been mobilised. Backlog in RT work has reduced.
Contr. Sch: 37.9% - Piping fabrication rate of 1500 ID / day from current 800 ID/Day targeted to achieved from 15.10.14.
E 30 Front: 47.3% - OIL to deploy their auto blasting machine.
Act: 21.5 %

Completion of Coke handling work Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.00 -Meeting held at site on 10.09.14. Constr. Continuous III
(Awarded to M/s Thyssen on 04.11.13) term - Piling work commenced (802 out of 1642 nos piles completed: 7-8 piles/day) M/s TKII to augment piling
LAD: 18.04.15 rigs immediately.
CCD: 03.07.15 -TKII has been advised to commence work in all work fronts to achieve min. 5% construction progress
E 31 EDD: Dec'15 during Oct'14.
Construction: Sch:17.2 %; Act:11.5%
Overall Progress:
Sch: 42.4 % Act: 33.5%

Completion of DCU Heater works (Awarded to M/s Heurtey Open Project Medium Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.00 Review meeting held at site on 26.09.14. Constrcution As Required III
on 04.11.13 (20 M) term -Heater A: All panels received at site. 20/24 nos arch panels erected.
LAD: May 15 -Heater B: Out of 66 nos panels, 63 nos received at site, 3 panels dispatched by end Oct'14. 50/66 panels
CCD: 03.07.15 erected.
Ant: Oct'15 Shop fabrication of coil, convection modules, APH str and duct to be expedited.
E 32 Overall Progress: -Crane 150 MT mobilised.
Sch: 71.5 % Act: 65.0 % - M/s Heurtey has been asked to increase number of welders and start works round the clock.
Construction work: Sch- 49.1% Front:79.7% Act:28.9%

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and development Open Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Total area handed over on 05.05.14. Project As stated Jun'14
of area reqd. by May, 2013 term
Completion Sch: 30.01.15
Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. (Duration: 20 M+2 M
E 33
incl pre commng)
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 665+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Progress of ETP Works Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.29 0.29 -Management level meeting held on 14.10.14.. EIL/BPCL As stated
LAD: 30.09.15 term - Physical handing over of balance area for treated water tank, API/TPI, ex TPI sump completed. Signing
CCD:10.08.15 protocol to be expedited.
ECD: 30.06.16 - M/s Paramount has been asked to mobilise additional 60 nos manpower progressively by 30.10.14
Overall progress: - Revised piling drawing for API being submitted by 10.09.14. Piling drawing for ACT & SBR area approved
Sch: 65.7 % Act: 22.3 % vide across the table review meeting dated 05.09.14.
Construction Progress: - Work in progress in substation area, equalisation tank, treated water tank, sludge thickener, spent caustic
E 34 Sch: 42.6 % Front: 90.0 % Act: 11.4 % tank, chemical handling areas.
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13. (Duration: 21 M+2 M - Completion of foundation work for chemical house to be expedited by augmenting manpower & resources.
incl pre commng) -Piling work being executed by M/s Simplex. 2 nos rigs targeted to be mobilised by 30.10.14. Start of work
targeted from 01.11.14 to be completed by 31.12.14.

Completion of works for Tankage-II Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Management level meeting held on 19.09.14 at site and on 25.09.14 at EIL Delhi. Total tanks: (New tanks EIL/BPCL As stated
Sch: 30.06.15; CCD: 24.07.15; ECD: Sep'15 term 13 nos, work in progress for 12 nos. Balance for 1 nos is YT-33 which shall be start after completion of YT-
Duration: 22 M 32; Modification tanks: Out of total 16 nos, work in progress for 5 nos, 3 nos handed over to BPCL.)
Sch: 63.1 %; Front:84.4% Act: 21.8 % - B&R to augment resources to complete all balance work within agreed target.
E 35 - Plates: 375 MT (SA 516 Grade 70) - Subordered on 16.09.14.
Awarded to M/s B&R on 25-Sep-13 200 MT (IS 2062 GR B): All material received.

Completion of works for Tankage-III (Crude Tanks) Open Project High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Front for YT-29 is likely to be released by 30.10.14 Constr. As stated
(M/s IOT Anwesha ) term - Plate erection to be expedited for YT-26/28.
Sch: 27.02.15; CCD: 03.07.15 - Sand filling works to be expedited in YT-25.
E 36 Duration: 20 M
Sch: 38.2 % Front: 93.1 % Act: 29.0 %

Slow progress of FCCU Heater works (Awarded to M/s Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 -Management level meeting held on 25.09.14 Project As Required III
Petron on 04.12.13 (16 M) term - Structural steel: Out of total 217 MT, 200 MT sub ordered & 98 MT received at shop. Balance being
LAD: 09.07.15 targeted by end Oct'14.
CCD: 03.04.15 - Fabrication of radiant section targeted to complete by 07.11.14.
Ant: Oct'15 - Coil tubes: Expected to receive at site by 07.11.14.
E 37 Overall Progress: - Delivery of soot blowers and FD fans to be preponed to suit completion heater by 03.04.15.
Sch: 86.6 % Act: 39.1 %
Construction progress:
Sch: 32.1% Front: 60.7% Act:11.3%

Handing over of fabrication space to M/s Fabtech for Main Close Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID D7 BPCL As Required Dec'13
Fractionators Column of FCCU term
E 38

Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Boiler Package for Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Meeting held with vendor on 29.08.14. Recommendation for PO amendment forwarded to BPCL on Projects As Required
SRU Block (ordered to M/s Technicas on 31.012.13) term 11.09.14. BPCL to issue PO amendment.
LAD: 09.06.15 - Nozzle (N1 & N10) size of thermal incinerator on hold, same shall be finalised immediately.
CCD: 30.06.15; EDD: 30.09.15 (As per Vendor)
E 39 Overall Progress:
Sch: 63 % Act: 18 %

Progress of RO-DM Plant (Awarded to M/s Driplex on Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.29 0.29 -In view of delay in handing over of areas and various site related issues and soil problem encountred during EIL/BPCL As Required
12.06.13) term execution, progress of construction badly affected. M/s Driplex has been asked to prepare a catch-up plan
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16 (As per to expedite construction activities for compln. of RO-DM plant by Apr/May'15 in order to commission UB's &
vendor) HRSG by Jun'15. The catch-up plan has been discussed & reviewed and issued on 26.07.14. Letter issued
Overall Progress: on 05.09.14 to submit revised catch up plan for mitigating backlogs in construction & manufacturing. M/s
Sch: 94.3 % Act: 57.9% Driplex to mobilise additional resources for completion as per catch-up plan.
Construction Progress: - DM tanks (2 nos) : Filling in area targeted to complete by end Oct'14. Piling work targeted to commence
Sch: 87.8 %; Front: 100%; Act:22.9 % from end Oct'14.
E 40 Area handed over, part of area is water logged due to plant -90 % model review completed.
drain which is under completion. - Meeting held with M/s Driplex at site on 14.10.14 & M/s Driplex has been asked to mobilse addln. 45 nos
manpower for civil works by 31.10.14 & another 50 nos by 20.11.14.
- DM tanks: Piling drawing received from M/s driplex and is under review.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Shriram Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 -Management level meeting held at Kochi on 18.09.14. As Required
EPC for FCCU term -Mobilisation of resources is being expedited. At present only 140 nos , manpower mobilised,against a
Contr. Sch: 85.0%; Front: 95.4% requirement of 400 nos. Resource Deployment of skilled workmen to be increased (Carpenters, bar benders
Act: 45.3 % to be increased). EIL/BPCL
E 41
CCD: 24.12.14 -part Civil work offloaded to M/s Tuaman, M/s PGC & part structural work offloaded to M/s Zillion & M/s Ray
ECD: Oct'15 Engineering

Kochi Refinery, BPCL
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 666+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Completion of Heater Works-DHDT (M/s Technip) Open Project Very High Y N N N Long I 0.1 0.10 0.10 0.00 - Fabrication of Convection Modules for IG-H-101 is in progress. Constr. As Required III
LAD: 24.04.15 term - Convection modules for IG-H-102 despatched.
CCD: 03.03.15; ECD: Sep'15 - Radiant Refractory blanket works completed for IG-H-102 & in progress for IG-H-101.
- Radiant coil erection for IG-H-102 done. Alignment and welding in progress.
E 42 Constr. Progress:
Sch: 66.6 % Front: 100 % Act: 49.3 %

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Petron) Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 -Management level meeting held on 16.09.14. Order has been placed for all bought out items. Projects As Required III
LAD:24.04.15 term - Procurement completed for 600 MT out of 935 MT steel.
CCD:20.02.15 - Fabrication in progress at Coimbatore Yard for both heaters (IV-H-101 & IV-H-201)
Ant: Dec'15 - Radiant panel erection in progress for IV-H-101 & IV-H-201
Overall Progress:
E 43 Sch: 92.3 % Act: 49.8 %
Construction Progress:
Sch: 63.9% Front: 96.2% Act.: 14.3%

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s McNally Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -Management level meeting held with M/s MBEL on 15.10.14 at site. M/s MBEL agreed: Constrn. As Required
Bharat for DHDT & VGO term - Current manpower is 436 nos. against requirement of 570 nos. MBEL agreed to mobilise 4 separate gangs
CCD: 10.01.15 for UG piping.
ECD: Apr'15 - 4 cranes mobilised and Additional 2 nos cranes to be mobilized in order to carry out structural erection in
Sch: 93.9 %; Front :95.6 % Act: 62.7 % both VGO & DHDT simultaneously.
- Structural erection: DHDT: 722 MT / 2600 MT completed.; - Delivery of balance anchor bolts to be expedited.
E 44 VGO: 658 MT / 3065 MT completed. - VGO/DHDT: Completion of main piperack targeted by 31.10.14
-UG Piping Laying: DHDT: 8696 IM / 25400 IM completed; -TS-4 for DHDT targeted by 31.10.14.
VGO: 9030 IM / 42000 IM completed.

Completion of Pre-engineered Building Works (3 Nos) by M/s Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 PEB1: M/s B&R agreed to complete balance work by Oct'14. Project Material storage commenced. Constrn. As Required
B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. term PEB 2 All works targeted to complete by 31.12.14.
PEB 3: All works targeted to complete by 31.12.14.
E 45 Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.

Completion of Cooling Tower -I & II Open Project High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 -Major backlog is due to construction (37%). Management level meeting held on 14.10.14 at site. EIL / BPCL As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 01.02.13) term Commitment made by M/s PCT has again slipped. Manpower at site is 392 nos instead of committed 670
LAD: 31.01.15 nos. Supply of balance U/G and A/G Piping Material by PCTL to be expedited. Shortage of TMT steel (540
CCD: 20.10.14 MT) to be expedited. PCTL to target to complete all Civil work by Dec'14.
ECD: Mar'15
E 46 Overall Progress:
Sch: 99.5 % Act: 74.8 %
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 100% Front: 100% Cum Act: 63.3%

Completion of Cooling Tower -III Open Project Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 -Major backlog is due to engineering & construction. Last management level meeting held on 14.10.14 at EIL / BPCL As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 11.09.15) term site. Commitment made by M/s PCT has again slipped.
LAD: 30.06.15 - Balance Area for CWTP handed over after completion of grading by M/s PEL.
CCD: 10.01.15 - Manpower - Additional manpower to be deployed for civil works. (Required: 151 nos, Available: 99 nos)
ECD: Aug'15 - Delivery of Bought out item to be expedited.
E 47 Overall Progress: - Mechanical contractor to be finalised.RCC work for CWPH & CWTP to be expedited. Backfilling to be
Sch: 81.5 % Act: 40.7 % expedited.
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 71.7% Front: 100% Cum Act: 37.1%

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for DHDS Offsite Open Constructi Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 Management level Meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 15.10.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Oct'14
area. on term - M/s KSS agreed to deploy additional 50 nos manpower by end Oct14. Agencies for structural erection
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s KSSIL on have been finalised and started mobilising at site.
05.03.13 - M/s KSS has been asked to deploy additional manpower to complete all equipment fdns.
CDD: 24.01.15 - KSS to expedite cable trench work.
ECD:. Dec'15 -Additional contracts lined up to supplement site work: M/s Ray Engineering, M/s Tuaman & M/s Zillion.
Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area Others contracts being lined up are:
E 48 Sch:90.1%; Front: 72.2%; Act: 15.9% Misc. Civil Works-I: Awarded to M/s PGCC on 06.10.14.
Misc. Strl Works-II: 4 nos bids received on 30.09.14. PBO targeted by 31.10.14.
Misc. Civil & Strl-II: 5 Bids received on 07.10.14. PBO targeted by 31.10.14.
- Scope of Civil Work in areas 204 - 207 handed over to SG-III Contractor.

Kochi Refinery, BPCL
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 667+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Works-FCCU Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Management level meeting held on 16.10.14 at site. EIL/BPCL 30-Oct-14
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14 on term - M/s Petron agreed to increase nos of welders to 30 nos & fitters to 20 nos by 30.10.14.
CCD: 25.10.15 - Semi automatic welding machine shall be in operational by 05.11.14
Construction Progress: - M/s Petron has been asked to commence min. 1000-1500 ID / day to complete entire job.
E 49 Sch: 8.6 %; Front: 9.8%; Act.: 2.3% Present rate is 160 ID / day.
AG Piping fabrication: 1980 ID / 500000 ID completed

Slow progress of work & poor manpower mobilisation by M/s Open Constructi High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 Management review meeting held on 19.09.14. EIL/BPCL 30-Oct-14
B&R for Composite Works-DCU on term -Subcontracting agency finalised and 30 nos addln. manpower targeted to be available at site by end Oct'14.
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14 Agency for heavy equipment erection has been finalised and mobilisation schedule under submission.
CCD: 11.11.15 -Semi automatic welding machine - 3 nos recd at site. Commissioning yet to be done.
E 50 Construction Progress: AG piping fabrication: Only 12108 ID / 304970 ID fabrication completed.
Sch: 12.3 % Front: 20.2% Act.: 2.8% AG piping erection: Only 1078 IM / 412580 IM piping erection completed.

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Refinery Open Constructi Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 Management level meeting held at Kochi site on 15.10.14. EIL/BPCL Oct'14
area: Generation of front for mechanical works affected on term -MBEL asked to explore the methodology to reduce attrition of present labour. MBEL to augment additional
(awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 26.09.13.) resources (from 210 nos to 400 nos) MBEL committed to increase manpower upto 300 nos by end Oct14.
Sch:76.4%; Front: 82.6%; Act: 18.8% - Availability of front to mechanical contractor to be expedited by completing all piperack foundations by
CCD: 25.01.15 30.10.14 and structural erection by mid Nov14. Works offloaded to M/s Ray &M/s Deens to supplement
E 51 ECD: Oct'15 Civil & Strlworks. Further 2 additional Civil &Structural works contracts being lined upand expected to award
by end Nov14.

Slow progress by M/s Tech Sharp for Composite works: Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 Mobilisation started. Against requirement of 12 nos welders only six number welders are available at site. Constr. Oct'14 III
Offsite IREP area due to delay in mobilisation. Awarded on on term Resources to be expedited to commence work.
E 52 25.03.14. Piping fabrication work commenced.
CCD: 24.09.15

Slow construction progress by M/s B&R for Composite works: Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 - Management level meeting held 19.09.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Oct'14 III
Offsite Refinery area due to delay in mobilisation. on term -Agency for radiography to be expedited.
Awarded on 25.03.14. - Development of fabrication yard to be expedited as area has already shown.
E 53 CCD: 24.09.15 - Welder qualification works commenced.

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping works) by Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 -TS-1 by Dec'14; Constr. Oct'14 III
M/s L&T for CDU/VDU. on term TS-2, TS-3, TS-4 , TS-6: handed over.
Sch: 04.09.14 TS V : Beam & slab completion : 31.10.14.
E 54 CCD: 06.09.14 -TS VII : Civil completed. Erection to start after piperack erection completion, from this area.
ECD: 06.03.15
Sch:100% Front: 99.3% Act: 82.5%

Completion of Heater Works-CDU/VDU (M/s Technip) Open Project Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Major backlog is due to manufacturing & Delivery (3%) and construction (30%). Erection of APH, Hot air Constr. As Required III
LAD:14.03.15 term ducts for VDU Heater is in progress.
CCD: 06.02.15 - Additional resources to be mobilised to recover construction backlogs
Ant: Jun'15 Convection module 4/5 erected for Crude Heater A & 3/5 erected for Crude Heater B.
Overall Progress: CDU APH foundations to be handed over by mid Nov-14
E 55 Sch: 95.2 % Act: 86.3 %
Constr. Progress:
Sch: 85.4 % Front: 88.0% Act: 61.8 %

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping works) by Open Constructi Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Handing over of balance equipment foundation targeted progressively by Oct14. EIL/BPCL Oct'14
M/s L&T for DCU. on term - Handing over of complete branch piperack targeted by 30.10.14.
Sch: 04.09.14 TS-III : Start of structural erection in TS-III targeted by end Oct'14.
E 56 CCD: 06.09.14
ECD: 15.03.15
Sch: 100% Front: 98.3 % Act: 78.3 %
Start of work for Tankage-IV by M/s Offshore Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level Meeting held on18.09.14. EIL/BPCL Oct'14 III
Awarded on 17.04.14 on term - Scope of works : Modification of 10 No tanks and 02 No new tanks. Front has been released for YT-
CCD: 16.01.16 383/391/150.
Scope of modification: total 10 nos; Front released has been - Annular plate erection for tanks YT-26&YT-28 started.
released for 2 nos (YT-383/391) - YT-150: Dismantling activities in progress.
E 57 - YT-383: Dismantling activities in progress. Plate material ordered.
- YT-391: tank cleaning under progress.
- Ordering of plate material to be expedited.
-Agency has been asked to mobilise and start work immediately. M/s Offshore to submit action plan for
completion and status of procurement.
Kochi Refinery, BPCL
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 668+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Slow progress for Tankage-I by M/s B&R Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held on 19.09.14 with M/s B&R at site. EIL/BPCL Oct'14 III
Awarded on 07.06.13 on term M/s B&R agreed to increase manpower from 96 nos to 180 nos.
CCD: 06.04.15 B&R agreed to complete the civil works as per below targets:
ECD:Aug'15 1. YT-341 : Tank pad completed, annular plate laying & welding is in progress.
Sch: 85.6 % Front: 100 % Act: 39.9 % 2. YT-342: 20.08.14 Revised date: 02.11.14. Sand filling is in progress.
3. YT-343: 10.08.14 Revised date: 20.10.14. PCC & fire brick work is in progress.
4. YT-344: 30.07.14 Revised date: 04.11.14
5. YT-111: 15.07.14 Annular & Bottom plate welding completed & 3 nos Shell plate erection completed &
welding is in progress.
E 58 6. YT-112: 20.07.14 Annular plate laying & welding is in progress.
7. YT-113: 14.08.14 RCC wall done :revised date : 20.10.14. Sand filling is in progress.
8. YT-114: 08.08.14 Revised date: 17.10.14.Sand filling is in progress.
- Procurement of Balance Quantity of Plates (890 MT out of 1650 MT) to be expedited.

Start of work for SRU Tankage works (Ordered to M/s Open Constructi High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 -These tankages (Amine water and sour water services) are required for commissioning of CDU/VDU. Constr. Oct'14
Tuaman on 19.02.14 on term -Agency has been pressurised to mobilise resources and start work.
CCD:18.06.15 - Tank pads to be handed over from Sep'14 onwards.
E 59 Work yet to start - SWS-1 Sour water tank & sour water storage tank pads handed over.

Composite works by M/s Albana for DHDT Open Constructi Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12 0.12 0.00 - Fabrication shed erected. Constr. Oct'14 III
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD: 18.11.15. on term Piping fabrication work in progress.
5711 ID / 210605 ID piping fabrication completed.
E 60

Start of Composite works by M/s Offshore for Offsite DHDS Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 18.09.14 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to mobilise Constr. Oct'14 III
area on term resources, establish fabrication yard and site facility and start work immediately.
E 61 Awarded to M/s OIL on 19.05.14 with CCD: 18.11.15. - Mobilisation for 20 nos auto welding machine to be expedited.

Start of Composite works by M/s offshore for SRU area Open Constructi Medium N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.00 - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 18.09.14 at site. M/s OIL has been asked to mobilise Constr. Oct'14 III
Awarded to M/s OIL on 25.03.14 with CCD: 24.09.15. on term resources, fabrication yard in progress
2614 ID / 298914 ID piping fabrication completed. - 600 MT crane to be mobilised
Piping erection work yet to commence - At present only 4 nos welders are available at site with per day rate of 120 ID, however to achieve the
E 62
completion schedule minimum 1000 ID/day to be achieved.

Completion of balance piling work (Covered under Piling-IIII Open Constn. High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 -Piling balance in Chitrapuzha area, Offsite Refinery area, new tender prepared. Piping III contract awarded BPCL Oct'14
Contract) term to M/s Keller Ground Engineering.
E 63 (Total 2077 Nos piles approx).
Completion of Composite works by M/s Albana for VGO Unit Open Constructi Low N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.12 0.12 0.00 - Fabrication shed erected, side cladding in progress. Piping fabrication work in progress. Constr. Oct'14 III
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD: 18.11.15 on term Piping erection work commenced on the main pipe rack.
7114 ID / 203790 ID piping fabrication completed
E 64

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre-commissioning Open Projects High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun2015 for CDU/VDU commissioning. BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
and commissioning of Project term
F 1

Implementation of Change management system Open PROCES Medium N Y Y N Long D 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.00 a. Change management should be in place immediately Projects Continuous IV
The same affects : S/ENGG/ term b. Strict discipline to be maintained else end objective would be difficult to meet.
- Finalization of basic philosophies CONS.
- Scope of services All Disciplines are restricted to book manhours and all HOD's should review & make strict control of
- Release of deliverables manhours booking.
F 2 Various scope changes (as advised by BPCL), resulting in
expenditure of extra manhours against control manhours.

Timely Commissioning of UB package to meet refinery Open Constn. Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.10 0.10 0.00 -Strict monitoring required at all stages upto commissioning. Constn. / as scheduled III
commissioning schedule. term -Completeness of supply of all subparts, their assembly and other BOP Items to be ensured. Projects /
LAD : 31.03.15 (UB 1) - Both steam drum delivered at site. RCC work for chimney completed, foundation work in progress for UB's. BPCL
F 3 30.06.15 (UB 2) Erection of structure started.
- Progress of work affected due to delay in completion of civil foundations.
Kochi Refinery, BPCL
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 669+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Timely payment to sub contractor by main contractor Open Const. Medium N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.00 Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: Project/BPCL As Required IV
term - Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being implemented as per
contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank guarantee being implemented
G 1
for future contract of more than 5CR value.
- Expeditious processing of RA bills.

Infrastructure at Kochi Open Const. Low N N Y Y Long D 0.1 0.03 0.03 0.00 Contractor to identify the proposed areas in and around Project area and BPCL to facilitate by persuading Constn. / As Required IV
G 2 term with local authorities for required permission. Projects /
Scope changes & information flow to executing group Open Process / High N Y Y N Long D 0.14 0.00 All DCN s and change orders, if any to be frozen and incorporated in P&IDs at 60% construction progress Process / All by 60% constn sep'13
Engg. term stage. POSD / progress
G 3 Engg. /

Non-performing vendors Open Inspn Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 The vendor list to be carefully selected to avoid overloading of vendors shops. Bulk materials to be Inspn As Required sep'13
term distributed on different vendors.
G 4

Delay in Approval of Vendor List for various items of the Close Purch / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Covered under risk ID C73 BPCL within 2 days of Nov'13
project (specially for Long lead items) Contrc. term request
G 5

Finalisation of Non plant buildings. Close BPCL Low N N Y N Short D 0.16 0.00 - BPCL-KR vide e-mail dated 06-Dec-12 sent a list of Non plant buildings to be located under IREP Project. Projects 15-Apr-13 Apr'13
term - The same is reviewed by EIL. Point wise issues targeted to be discussed with BPCL in week starting
G 6 - List of buildings finalised between EIL and BPCL. Methodology for execution under finalisation.

Implementation of environmental clearance conditions by EIL Open Projects Medium Y N N N Short D 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.00 - Meeting held with BPCL on EIL recommendations and action plan finalised. BPCL / As required IV
(received from MoEF vide Letter dated 22.11.12) term - BPCL to take up with MOEF for approval of changes in system already incorporated. (e.g. configuration for Projects
G 7 - Incorporation of EC and RRA recommendations in balance systems under progress.

Delay in commencement of site work for dyke wall inside TF- Close Engg. / Medium N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Documents approved from PESO BPCL Apr'13
3 affected due to non availability of PESO approval for Proj. term
tankage area
I 1

Statutory approvals Open Projects / Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.00 - All drawings for F&B approval issued progressively upto 29.09.14. EIL/BPCL Oct'14 IV
- Factory inspectorate approval BPCL term -Compilation of documents for Factory Inspectorate, CEA approval to started on priority.
- CEA (Central electrical authority) approval
I 2
-IBR approval (LAD - IBR Package for DCU by end Dec'13;
CDU/VDU by 31.12.13)

Implementation of Health, Safety and environmental (HSE) Open Const. Very High N N Y Y Short D 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 - Deployment of skilled manpower for enforcement of safety precautions. Constn. Continuous III
system term - Monitoring of the HSE conditions and maintenance of records ./ reports.
J 1 - Safety Drills being organised on monthly basis.

Delay due to Labour strikes (due to labour issue like wage Close Const. Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Client to be persuaded to settle labour issues (wage revision, other benefits) for Project duration. BPCL As Required Nov'13
revision, other benefits) during project execution phase term
K 1

Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. High N N Y Y Short I 0.5 0.40 0.40 0.00 -Utilisation of migrant and skilled labour from outside Kerala needs to be encouraged. However, the same Constn / As Required
term will be effective only if proper labour colony facilities are arranged by the contractors. BPCL
At present only approx 9000 labours are working against - Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade union leaders that
K 2
requirement of 15000 labours. workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.

Constraint in movement & transportation of ODC eqpt. Open Project Low N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 -A separate contract to be given to agency which will take care by approaching KSEB and telephonic Shipping As Required Jun'14
term authority.
K 3
-Fabn / transportation philosophy being finalised.

ODC transportation in view of Kochi Metro Open Project/En High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 Closed as no concern as on date. BPCL As stated Jun'14
ODC movement schedule is from Nov'13 to Feb 15. gg term
K 4
Kochi Refinery, BPCL
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project Page 670+15 of 32

Low / Very Low)

{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
High / Medium /
(Open / Close)

Output Quality


Previous Risk

Previous Risk
Impact Score
(Long Term /

(Current risk
Current Risk
(95% / 80% /
Risk Owner

(Very High /

50% / 30% /

Short term)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->

Score -
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Cost monitoring & control on regular basis Close Costing High Y N N N Short D 0.08 0.00 Cost engg. to issue cost status report on regular basis Costing Monthly Apr'13
M 1 term
Increase in facilities on account of deletion zero liquid Open Environ. Very High Y N N N Short D 0.08 0.00 Scope of facilities finalised. Environ. 15-Oct-13 sep'13
M 2 discharge term

Variation in foreign exchange rates from Rs 50 per USD as Open Project Low Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.18 0.48 -0.30 - BPCL to put up Revised cost in BPCL Board and seek approval on the same. EIL/BPCL Oct'14 III
on Mar 12 to Rs. 60 per USD as on date and fluctuations in term
the intermediate period and Scope changes w.r.t. DFR
M 3 (additional in scope) has significantly impacted on the overall
project cost.

Total Risk Score 24.42 24.55 -0.13

Job No.: A307
Page 671 of 749
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


(Open /
Risk Id



Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Delay in issue of Process deliverables for Open Process Actions Taken so far: Projects / 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
engineering for NHT / ISOM due to delay in receipt - UOP package received on 08.08.13. Process
of Process Package from M/s UOP (Process pkg - PDS issued for all Columns, Vessels, Air Fin Coolers, Exchangers & Refrigeration
incl. resolution sheet received on mid Aug'13 against pkg, pumps (part balance).
sch of 30-Apr-13) - All 30 nos P&IDs issued for engineering
A 1 Schedule : 31-Jul-13 Action Plan for balance
Anticipated : mid Nov'13 - 19 nos out of 23 nos pumps datasheet issued for engineering. Balance progressively
targeted by 15.11.13.

Delay in Finalisation of balance OSBL distribution Open Process - Meeting held with BPCL on 18-20.09.13. Process / 15-Oct-13 sep'13
P&IDs due to delay in receipt of data from BPCL Projects
LAD - 30-Nov-12; Ant - 15-Oct13
Natural gas operating/ design condition information
has been received from BPCL during meeting dated
13 & 14.8.13.
A 2 Steam distribution : Preliminary discussion on BOO
steam distribution held with BPCL. BPCL approval
on EIL scheme required.

Holds, missing information, corrections, changes in Open Process - All P&IDs incorporating DCNs issued. Process 25/10/13 Oct'13
- DCNs on account of HAZOP recommendations for

Holds, missing information, corrections, changes in Open Process - Design Change Note based on Hazop recommendations issued on 03.01.14. All 15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
PDS / P&IDs - DCU major process P&IDs released.
- Major pumps data received and foundation drawing released. Projects /
A 4 Engg 31-Mar-14

Delay in Process Package for TGTU (M/s CB & Close BPCL / -Process package received on 14.04.13 Projects / Apr'13
INC) Process Process
LAD : 31-Dec-12 ; Ant : 12-Apr-13
A 5
Agreement signed by BPCL-KR issued to Licensor
on 04.04.13

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs Close Process All PDS issued for Engg. All Process P&IDS issued. Utility P&IDs: 15 out of 15 nos - Apr'13
for DHDT issued for engineering.
A 6 P&ID's : LAD : 30-Nov-12; Ant : 08-May-13

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS for DCU Close Process Process package from M/s Lummus received on 17-Aug-12. Process - Mar'13
LAD : 29-Dec-12; Ant : 19-Mar-13 All Equipment PDS issued for engineering. Utility equipment issued for engineering.
A 7

Finalisation of Utility import / export requirements Close Process Based on latest information from BOO HGU and SWII (FCC), Revised Design Basis Projects / - Mar'13
from BOO by BPCL. Flare load changed issued. Process
A 8 substantially and repeatedly from estimated values.

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs Close Process Process P&IDs: All process P&ID issued. Process Apr'13
for FCC PDS: Heat Exch. - 52/52 issued for Engg.
LAD :29-Jan-13; Ant : 08-May-13 Pumps 49/50 issued for Engineering.
A 9 Vessels 38/38 tags issued for Engg.
Air cooler 6/6 issued for Engineering.

-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs for Close Process - Common Interconnection P&ID for FCC, VGO and DHDT will be issued (covered BPCL / 31-Dec-12 Jan'13
DHDT under risk A09). Hence clubbed with Risk no. A09. Projects /
LAD: 30-Nov-12 POSD
A 10

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs Close Process All process P&IDs issued. Process Apr'13
for VGO-HDT Pumps PDS issued for engg,.
A 11 LAD : 29-Jan-13; Ant : 10-May-13 All Vessels PDS issued for engg.

-Preparation of Offsites P&IDs for tankages (LAD - Close POSD - All 32 P&ID issued for engineering Apr'13
- Delay has been due to delay in receipt of As-built
drawings from BPCL-KR (except CEMP-II). All
A 12 details received now.
-Upgradation of Crude oil pipeline system (Inside
refinery) to be taken up.
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Page 672 of 749
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project, Kochi


(Open /
Risk Id



Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

In view of increase in sulphur load PDS & P&IDs for Close Process - All PDS and P&ID revised and issued. Apr'13
sulphur block (ARU, SWS & SRU) is being reviewed
A 13
and released as per priority of procurement.

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process - Apr'13
A 14 Engineering after release of MR GG

-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs Close Process - Out of 2 nos offsite interconnection P&IDs, 1 no. (New facilities) has been issued for BPCL / 15-Mar-13 Feb'13
LAD :30-Nov-12 engineering. Balance 1 no. targeted by 15.03.13 Projects /
A 15

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering. Process - Apr'13
A 16 Engineering after Order GG/Procure

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process - Apr'13
A 17 Engineering after Equipment manufacturing GG/Procure

Updation of estimated utilities on account of revision Close Process In case of revision in process parameters of an equipment the utility estimates RED / PED/ As Required Apr'13
A 18 in process parameters (revision of PDS based on furnished by engineering against older Revision of PDS should not be used until same PROCESS
engg comments) is got verified/ updated for current revision.
RED to update all such changes within stipulated time frame as per departmental
ISBL Distribution P&IDs for VGO-HDT Close Process Utility P&IDs:
guidelines andP&IDs (14to/ incorporate
Process 17 ) issued for engg
in the (except
revised for small bore piping: Pump
PDS. Process 31-May-13 Apr'13
A 19 SCH: 30-Nov-12 Seal & Vent Drain). The same are targeted by Jun'13.
ANT: Jun-13

ISBL Distribution P&IDs for FCCU Close Process Utility P&IDs: 30/36 issued for engineering. Process 31-May-13 Apr'13
SCH: 30-Nov-12 P&IDs for small bore Piping shall be issued by 31.05.13.
A 20 ANT: 31-May-13

Utility distribution P&IDs for DCU Close Process Distribution P&IDs issued for engineering. Jan'13
A 21

Final issue for OSBL utility distribution P&IDs Open Process - Revised P&ID for Condensate System issued on 15.05.13. BPCL 25-May-13 May'13
LAD: 30-Nov-12
ANT: 25-May-13
A 22 Updation of P&ID as per finalised condensate
philosophy to be taken up.

Incompatibility between Process design basis and Open Engg - Inconsistency related to type of Isolation valve (Ball Vs. gate / globe/check) between Engg. 30-Apr-14 May'14
Engineering Design Basis instrumentation and process design basis identified during coordination meetings
(Piping / SED / RED / PED / instrumentation / HMTD resolved by TSD.
design basis) - affects subsequent detailed
A 23 engineering activities.

Fuel oil system for GTG: Implementation of the Open Power - System configuration including 8 pumps, filters & centrifuge finalised and PDS for Projects (CPP 30-May-14 May'14
system based on modalities finalised (associated Tech. pumps issued. Filters & Centrifuge PDS issued for engineering on 22.05.14. group)
system for existing Fuel oil tank tapping with new - Readiness of the fuel forwarding system to be ensured w.r.t. GTG commg schedule
A 24 GTG). (i.e. in Mar 15).

BPCL confirmation/clarification over Close Engg. - PDS for desalting pumps issued on 25.10.13. MR issued on 13.11.13. Engg Nov'13
datasheets/GADs for existing/new raw water intake
pump obtained from M/s KBL
A 25 (LAD for MR for pumps - 07.03.13)

A 26 Identifications of hook-ups on flare lines and Close Projects - Identification of hook ups for Flare line, FCC flare, PRU flare and NHT / ISOM Projects / 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
finalisation of methodology
Signing of ISBL P&IDs and with BPCL
battery limiti.e. availability
P&IDs for Open Process / completed during completed
Signing of P&IDs site visit byfor:
EIL Process. Constn.
Process / 15-Sep-14 IV
of ShutUtility
Units, downpackages
/ Hot tapping.
& other packages. POSD - Hook sketches
-CDU/VDU Blocktoonbe24.06.14.
prepared and signed by Piping / POSD / BPCL. Marking at site POSD /
to be taken up on priority.
- DCU unit on 03.07.14 & CR LPG unit on 22.07.14.
-- Finalisation
VGO unit onof12.07.14.
methodology for taking up works targeted by end Dec 13.
A 27 - DHDT unit on 24.07.14
- FCCU unit on 23.07.14
- SRU block on 25.07.14.
- Offsite P&IDs signing to be expedited.

Offsite Interconnection P&ID Close Process / Updated P&IDs released. Process / Mar'14 & Apr'14
- Updation of P&IDs based on HAZOP review for POSD POSD /
A 28

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for Open Engg. - Equipment layout issued for engineering on 23.08.13 Piping 21-Aug-13 JUL'13
NHT/ISOM Ant - 21-Aug-13)
Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:
i) 3 D Modelling
B 1 ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender preparation

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for VGO- Close Engg. Equipment layout issued for engineering Piping 26-Dec-12 Jan'13
B 2 LAD - 07-Nov-12
Ant- 26-Dec-12

Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:

i) 3 D of Equipment layout for engineering for FCCU
Modelling Close Engg. Equipment layout issued for engineering Projects / 21-Dec-12 Jan'13
(targeted by 27.12.2012)
ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender preparation Piping / BPCL
B 3 Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:
i) 3 D Modelling
ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender preparation
NIT for Heater for FCCU Open ENGG NIT issued on 24.06.13, bids due on 23.07.13 Projects / 18-Jun-13 May'13
LAD -01-Apr-13 ; Ant - 18-Jun-13 Process /
B 4
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a) Cost/time overrun due to rework Close Procure/EN 1) Involvement of technical/engineering team and client with vendor where non- Projects As Required Apr'13
b) Non completion of critical project activities within GG/CONS. standard products are required
time & delay in Project completion 2) Clarification of all doubts prior to beginning of work
B 5 c) Poor performance of Sub-contractors and 3) Procedures for internal review and approval of design/deliverables to be followed

New requirement of power recovery system (FCCU) Close Project -Discussions with prospective bidders held seeking details on implementation Engg (Elec) 15-Jan-13 Jan'13
shall have impact on project cost. methodology.
B 6 3 Nos PRTs envisaged (FCC-1 Nos ; VGO- 2 Nos) -Decision regarding System integration schemes taken during meeting dated 17th &
18th Dec 12. MR issued

Updation of Equipment layout for engineering for Open Engg. - Layout finalised with licensor. Final layout under study. Piping 15-Jun-13 May'13
TGTU - Model review for SRU completed on 30th May'13 (except TGTU, incinerator section
B 7 LAD - 21-Jan-13; & downstream of sulphur pit).
Ant: Mid Jun'13

Issue 2nd MTO Piping (Sch - 30-Apr-13; Ant - End Close Piping Intermediate MTO released on 31.05.13. Piping 31-May-13 May'13
May 13)
Piping preliminary MTO has been released without
covering DHDT, VGO FCC& offsite interconnection
B 8 P&IDs, Flare system & offsite storage P&IDs. Prel.
MTO covers 35% for large bore pipes.

Delay in thermal design for Heat exchangers & Air Close HMTD Thermal design completed for DHDT, VGO-HDT and FCCU. HMTD Apr'13
coolers for licensed and non licensed units -
LAD (DHDT): 02-Feb-13
B 9 LAD (VGO-HDT): 09-Feb-13
LAD (FCCU): 08-Mar-13

Issue Overall UG piping layout drawing for the Close Engg. - Layout for OWS, CRWS, CW & FW lines issued for Offsite. Gen Civil 31-May-13 May'13
B 10 complex

Completion of 30 % Model review Open Engg. VGO-HDT: 30 % modelling completed on 7th Jun'13 Piping Prog. May'13
B 11 VGO- LAD: 09-Mar-13 FCCU: 30 % modelling completed on 06.06.13. To
FCCU-LAD : 23-Apr-13 SRU (excluding TGTU) completed on 30.05.13. Jun 13
NIT for Civil & Strl work for existing Refinery Area Open Project/C&P - NIT issued for publishing on 12.06.13 with sale period from 17.06.2013 to Project / C&P 18-Jun-13 May'13
LAD: 31-Jan-13 05.07.2013
C 12 ANT: 18-Jun-13

a) Inaccurate assessment of quantum of work Close Engg/procur Wide variation of BOQ and site executed quantities for item rate tenders to be Engg As Required Apr'13
ement controlled.
B 13 Past data to be analysed and used for reference purposes.

MR issue for MCC (Main combustion Chamber) Close Project MR issued on 02.05.13. Engg Apr'13
B 14
LAD: 16-Feb-13
Ant: 15-Apr-13
Timely finalisation of Package Interface Open Engg. - Management level meetings with package contractors being organised to expedite Projects / May'14
CDSP-DCU awarded on 22-Aug-13; the works. Engg. /
RR pkg-FCC awarded on 25-Jul-13. - Battery limit conditions for CDSP Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13) submitted Process
(Battery Limit conditions for each package to be by vendor & approved under code 2 on 07.05.14.
frozen within three months of award to ensure time - Battery limit conditions for R&R Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 25.07.13) received
availability for engg, procurement and construction from vendor and approved.
B 15 by all the concerned).

Unit and offsite interfaces (Elevation termination Close Engg. - Clubbed with Risk ID A27 TSD - Mar'14 & Apr'14

B 16

Timely availability of piling and foundation load data Open Projects - Data received from all vendors. All piling drawings for CPP area released. ENGG/PLNG Mid Mar'14 Feb'14
from Package (GTG, UB, HRSG) Vendors to meet - Foundation drawings for & HRSG under progress and targeted by mid Mar'14.
piling tender & Civil / Strl tender schedule
B 17 requirements.
LAD - 28.02.13; Ant - upto Feb 14.

NIT for Heater for DCU Close PROCESS/ - NIT issued on 11.03.13, bids due on 16.04.13. Pre bid meeting targeted on 10-Mar-13 Feb'13
LAD -15-Feb-13; ENGG 02.04.13. (Delivery : 18 M for Mechanical Completion including Pre-Commissioning
B 18 Activities)

CPP: Integration of various packages & BOP Items Open Engg/Cont. - Integration of packages incl. GTG, HRSG & UB to be ensured based on vendor Engg 15-Sep-14 III
of CPP. inputs. Projects /
90 % model review for CPP - HAZOP review completed for GTG, HRSG & UB package. Process
Package wise HAZOP for GTG, HRSG, UB,Gas - 60% model review for HRSG targeted by mid Sep'14. Process /
B 19 Booster compressor. -90% model review for GTG & UB package targeted by mid Sep'14. HMTD
- GBC ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM held with M/s BHEL for Gas booster C&P
compressor on 12-13 Aug'14.

Distributed Control System (DCS) Open Engg/procur - Preparation of Inst. dwgs./ docs. by the DCS vendor, using Smart Plant Projects Continuous IV
Detailed engg., supply and erection ement Instrumentation (SPI) is already covered in DCS vendors scope in DCS
B 20 (ordered on M/s Emerson Process on 04.11.13)

B 21
60 % Model review for Close ENGG - Model review completed on 13.09.13 ENGG Aug'13
DCU (LAD:03.07.13 Act:13.09.13)
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Package Vendor refuses to submit Instrumentation Open Engg/procur - Being taken up with respective package vendors for implementation. Instn / Continuous IV
Drawings/ Documentation in Smart Plant ement Projects
Instrumentation Database as per Client
B 22

Delay in Interface Engineering (including control Open Engg/procur Package vendor inputs being made available by expediting for updation of interface Projects / Continuous IV
system) due to non availability of Package Vendor ement engineering documents. Engg.
B 23 Data

60 % Model review for DHDT (LAD:07.08.13 Open ENGG Model review completed on 04.10.13 ENGG 4-Oct-13 sep'13
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor, Feed
filter & Heater pkg awaited from vendor.
B 20 - Vendor drawings for sheds awaited.

Delay in completion of P&IDs by gen Civil Open GC - All P&IDs released G. Civil 25-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 09-Jan-13 (DHDT)
B 24 LAD: 30-Jan-13 (VGO-HDT)
LAD: 30-Mar-13 (FCCU)
Order for DG set Open Project - Award recommendation issued on 07.08.14. BPCL to award. BPCL 30-Sep-14 III
Dely: (12 M FOB + 3 M Site work)
B 25 Sch: 05.11.13
Ant: 30.09.14

Receipt of Inputs from Process / Vendors for 60 % Close ENGG - Model review completed on 24.10.13. Process / 25-Oct-13 sep'13
Model review for VGO-HDT required for Process to remove holds as per piping Hold up lists released till date by 25th Oct 13. Projects
procurement of piping material (LAD:14.08.13 - Piping to release updated hold up lists based on release of holds by process on
Ant:25.10.13) fortnightly basis to process / project / planning / TSD / Risk Coordinator.
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor, Feed - Meeting between Process, Piping, Projects shall be organised within 3 days of issue
filter & Heater pkg awaited from vendor. of hold up lists.
- Vendor drawings for sheds awaited. - Process to issue Revised P&IDs latest within 4 weeks of HAZOP recommendations.

B 26

60 % Model review for Open ENGG - Model review completed on 25.10.13. ENGG 25-Oct-13 sep'13
FCCU (LAD:16.09.13 Ant:25.10.13)
- Line size for 300 nos P&IDs under hold
-Vendor data needed for coalescer, electric heater,
pumps & filters
- Review of model by Licensor (Stone & Webster)
B 27 envisaged.

60 % Model review for Open ENGG - Model review started on 28.10.13 and under progress. Targeted to complete by ENGG 31-Oct-13 sep'13
B 28 SRU (LAD:31.08.13; Ant:31.10.13) 31.10.13.
-As per P&IDs, No. of lines hold are 51 (ARU), 164
Delay in release
(SRU),15 (SWS)of & Intermediate 2nd MTO
60(TGTU) + 155(Utilities Open ENGG - Intermediate 2nd MTO released on 31.10.13, based on above MR under Projects / 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
-CVs Size HoldAct:31.10.13)
as follows: 13 (ARU), 6 (SWS), 125 preparation. ENGG
-CDU/VDU: PumpFace
-All Control Valve nozzle
to for
Face6 nos. pumps under
Dimensions are
HOLD.sizes for 256
All CVs lines under
for TGTU hold, Control valve
are HOLD.
matching flange, bypass valve and flanges (21 nos.)
& PSV inlet outlet flanges and reducers (37 nos.)
-DHDT: By-pass lines for CVs under hold (30nos),
PSV's mating flanges and reducers (44 nos), Lines
B 29 (103 nos.) not considered in MTO.

Generation of Surplus Piping material Open ENGG - Surplus material to be salvaged with effective substitution and being carried out ENGG Progressively IV
during MTO preparation.
B 30

B 31 HAZOP for FCCU Close ENGG - HAZOP study completed on 29.11.13. ENGG Nov'13
LAD - 23-Sep-13
Completion of 90 % engineering by Mar-14. Open ENGG - As of 15 Aug'14 Engineering progress is 91.4 %. ENGG Aug'14
Average progress achieved in last 3 months 3.0 %

B 32 LD Milestone date - Dec'13

Release of final Piping MTO Open ENGG - MTO expected by 10.09.14. ENGG Sep'14 III
Sch: Jul'14
B 33 Ant: Sep'14

Finalisation of GTG fuel forwarding scheme for Open POSD - Revised P&IDs issued for connecting tank-101 & 102. Process / Sep'14 III
naptha to day tank when Naptha tank being under As per BPCL mail dated 25.08.14, requirement of connecting tank YT-332 is under Engg.
B 34 maintenance. review where in procurement of additional pumps is required. Process datasheet and
P&IDs expected to release by 15.09.14.
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Delay in award of PRT -FCCU(Hot gas expander) Close Project Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand on 30.12.13 Engg / C&P 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
LAD: 19.04.13
Ant: 30.12.13
Multiple Bids extensions leading to delay in ordering.
02 Bids recd on 12.08.13 (Dresser Rand ,Elliot
Org. BDD: 27.06.13
C 1
1st extension: 16.07.13
2nd Extension: 01.08.13
3rd extension: 09.08.13
Duration: 16 M FOB

Award of Heater for VGO-HDT Open Project Awarded to M/s Petron with delivery period of 18 M on 21.08.13. Projects 30-Aug-13 JUL'13
LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant -End Aug'13
C 2 Duration: 18 M

Issue of RFQ for PRT (Hot gas expander) Close Project - BPCL confirmation sought for minimum nos (10.97 MW or 80% of 10.97) for C&P 30-May-13 May'13
LAD: 25-Jan-13 qualifying criteria. Accordingly BQC changed and approved by BPCL. Draft NIT by
C 3 Ant: 30-May-13 25.05.13. Publishing targeted by end May 13.
Duration: 16 M FOB

Variation in foreign exchange rates has an impact on Close Project - As per latest cost status report the impact of cost variation has been neutralised by Projects Continuous Nov'13
the foreign component of overall project cost savings.
C 4

Award of Heater for DHDT Close ENGG Awarded to M/s Technip on 04.09.13 (Duration 18 M) Projects / 15-Sep-13 Aug'13
C 5 LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant - Mid Sep13 HMTD
Duration: 18 M

NIT for Composite Works for DCU Open ENGG Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Piping 25-Oct-13 sep'13
C 6 LAD -06.06.13 ; Ant - 25.10.13 Risk ID C68

NIT for Composite Works for DHDT/VGO Open ENGG Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Piping 31-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -06.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13 Risk ID C68
C 7

NIT for Composite Works for FCCU Open ENGG Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Piping 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -12.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 Risk ID C68
C 8

NIT for Composite Works for Offsite IREP area Open ENGG Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Piping 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -23.05.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 Risk ID C68
C 9

Award of PRT for DHDT & VGO-HDT unit (Pumps Open ENGG -Ordered on M/s Shin Nippon & M/s Flowserve on 30.01.14 (except Tag IV-P-301 A/B EIL 15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
centrifugal multistage) due to poor past performance of PRT supplied under CEMP-II by M/s GENP);
Sch: 23.04.13 - Separate MR released for item tag IV-P-301 A/B. BPCL informed that order
Ant: 15.03.14 (IV-P-301A/B) expected to be placed as per previous recommendation, ordering expected by mid
C 10 - As a parallel action MR was issued however RFQ kept under hold in view of BPCL
information regarding ordering by mid Mar 14.

NIT for Composite Works for Offsite DHDS area Open ENGG Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Projects / 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 Risk ID C68 HMTD
C 11

NIT for Composite Works for Existing refinery area Open ENGG Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Projects / 31-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13 Risk ID C68 HMTD
C 12

Award of : Open Project/Eng -Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 Engg/Proj 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
Main fractionator for FCCU g
LAD: 25-Mar-12
Ant: 20-Jul-13
C 13

Issue NIT for Tankage-II Close Project/C&P NIT issued on 29.05.13, bids due on 18.06.13. Project / C&P 31-May-13 May'13
LAD: 21-Jan-13
C 14 ANT: 31-May-13

Award for RO-DM Open Project - Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. duration is 22 M. Engg / C&P 29-Jun-13 May'13
C 15 Ant: end Jun'13
(Execution Duration - 20 M + 2 M)

Delay in award for Cooling tower Close Project Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 21.02.13. Duration is 20 Months. BPCL 28-Feb-13 Feb'13
LAD : 31-Dec-12; Ant - end Feb 13
C 16

NIT for Reactor regenerator package for FCCU Close Project / BQC finalised on 15.01.13. Tender under compilation. Draft NIT being issued to BPCL Projects / 21-Feb-13 Feb'13
LAD : 01-Jan-13 Licensor for approval. BPCL
Ant: 21-Feb-13 NIT targeted by 21-Feb-13.
C 17 Changes in scope of supply led to revision in BQC /

Award for Raw water quarries Close Project Ordered to M/s Paulose George (15 M). BPCL Apr'13
LAD :03-May-13
C 18
ANT: 15-Apr-13
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Ordering of Reactor for VGO-HDT Close Project Ordered on M/s L&T on 08.04.13. Proj/Engg - Mar'13
LAD: 29-Dec-12
C 19
ACT: 08-Apr-13

Award of contract for Piling-II Close Project Awarded to M/s L&T on 09.04.13 with duration of 12 M. BPCL - Mar'13
LAD: 31-Dec-12
C 20
Ant: 15-Apr-13

Award of Civil & Strl work for offsite new area Close Project Awarded to M/s Petron on 09.04.13 with 18 M duration. BPCL - Mar'13
LAD: 22-Jan-13
C 21 Ant: 30-Mar-13

Award of Crude and Vacuum heaters (LAD Close Engg. Awarded to M/s Technip on 07.03.13 (Duration 23 M) Projects / 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
29.12.12) C&P / BPCL
C 22 Ant : 07.03.13

Storage of sulphur and related issues with Close Project - Scheme finalised. Projects / Apr'13
Granulator to be finalised between BPCL / EIL. BPCL
C 23

NIT for ETP package with WAO (Wet air oxidation) Close Project Tender released on 26.03.13; BQC finalised on 08.04.13. NIT targeted by 16-Apr-13 Engg Apr'13
C 24 LAD: 15-Jan-13
Ant: 16-Apr-13
Ordering of Desalter Internals (LAD:03-Dec-12) Close Project Award recommendation issued on 11.02.13. Awarded to M/s Howe baker on 07.03.13 Proj/Engg 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
Ant: 07-Mar-13
C 25

Award of contract for Building incl substations Close Project Awarded to M/s L&T (duration 20 M) BPCL Apr'13
LAD: 07-Feb-13
C 26 Ant: 15-Apr-13

Filling of existing part fire water pond required for Open Strl KB tech completed development of flare area & handed over the area to M/s L&T.for Projects 30-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
area preparation. piling.

Sch - 28.08.13; Area handed over to M/s L&T

C 27

Delay in ordering of Long Lead Items. Close Engg / C&P - Evaluation of LLIs to be ensured with-in 1 month from receipt of bids by Engg. & Engg / C&P / TBA - 1 month of Dec'13
Technical / Commercial evaluation of long lead PBO recommendation with-in 1 week by C&P. Projects bids receipt
items (compressors & packages) taking more than 2 - Pre tender / Pre enquiry meetings to be conducted with bidders to avoid extensions PBO - 1 week of
months. in bid due date due to lack of clarity in scope / other requirements. TBA
- Immediate after issue of Enquiry a firm action plan to be developed by the Project
coordinator clearly indicating targets for Issue of TQ / CQ , Post bid meetings,
TBA/CBA, PBO reco., Price bid opening and award recommendation dates.
- Uploading of bids in eDMS by C&P within 1 - 2 days (Max.) of bid submission by
C 28
- Restriction of multiple TQs / CQs.
- Rigorous follow up by C&P / Engg. / Projects for receipt of TQ / CQ replies from
bidders within cut off dates.

Award of Waste heat Boiler package (Waste Heat Close Project Awarded to M/s Tecnicas Reunidas S.A. on 31.12.13 BPCL 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
Boilers along with respective steam drums(un
engineered ), Incinerator Combustion Chambers
(engineered), Incinerator vent stacks).
LAD: 27.04.13
Ant: 30.12.13
Bids extension:
C 29 1st extension - from 28.05.13 to 20.06.13.
2nd Extension- from 20.06.13 to 02.07.13.
3rd extension - from 02.07.13 to 08.07.13.
Duration: Supply + Erection - 18 M

Delay in award of CDSP package Open Project Awarded to M/s Essar Project on 22.08.13 (Duration: 27 M) C&P / Engg / 30-Aug-13 JUL'13
Schedule: 02.03.13 Projects
Anticipated : 30.08.13
Completion of works
Sch: 01.05.15 ( M); RFQ Duration : ( M)
C 30 Anticipated: 23.11.15 (27 M)
Bidders quoted 27 M against schedule of 26 M.

Ordering of GTG Pkg (LAD:10-Mar-13; Ant - Open Project - Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13. Projects / 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
20.07.13) Engg / C&P /
Bid received on 28.03.13. Multiple extension (4 BPCL
times) in bid due date on request of M/s Siemens.
C 31 Duration (Supply) - 15 M FOB /16 M FOT as per
RFQ; Sch : 20 M
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Delay in Ordering of HRSG Close Projects / - Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 Projects / 20-Dec-13 Nov'13
(Sch Order - 22-May-13; Ant - 20-Dec-13) Engg BPCL
Initial Change in configuration by BPCL. It is planned that common facility (incl. common piperack, utility lines etc) shall be
Multiple extensions (twice) in bid due date due non taken up as per project schedule requirement. This shall be taken up during KOM with
availability of exhaust data for GTG. selected bidder.
Post Enquiry changes in type of Fuel (LSVR) by
C 32 No PTR available for LSVR Fuel
Completion of Works
Sch. : 30.06.15
Ant. : 30.08.15 (20 M)

Ordering of Reactor regenerator package for FCCU Close Project / - 2 Bids (Essar & L&T) received on 25.04.13. Projects / Jun'13
LAD : 10-Apr-13 Licensor - TBA issued on 21.05.13. BPCL
Act: 10-Jul-13 - PBO recomn. issued on 30.05.13 and BPCL approval received on 03.06.13
Changes in scope of supply led to revision in BQC / - Price bids opened on 04.06.13.
tender due to which NIT was delayed. - Award recommendation issued on 25.06.13.
C 33
Bidders sought extension in dates. - Awarded to M/s Esaar on 10.07.13.

Award of Coke handling system (DCU) Open Project BPCL 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
LAD :22-Apr-13 Awarded to M/s ThyssenKrupp ;
Ant :30-Oct-13 (Duration 21 M+2 M (Mech + Pre Commg)
C 34 Duration: 21 M+2 M
No bidder could meet the BQC criteria in view of
which the tender has been re-floated.

Award of UB package Open Process / - 3 no. bids received on extended date of 02.02.13. Projects / 31-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD : 19-Jan-13 Engg / - Meeting with bidders held from 19.02.13 to 26.02.13. PBO recomn. issued on C&P / BPCL
Ant : 31-Jul-13 constn 06.05.13. Price bids opened on 09.05.13.
C 35 Duration: 20 M - Award recomm issued on 12.06.13.
Execution duration as per RFQ - 20 M; Sch - 24-26 M

Award of ETP tender. Close Project/C&P Awarded to M/s Paramount (with 21 M for mechanical completion + 2 M for C&P/Engg/Pr Aug'13
LAD: 24-Apr-13 commissioning). oj
Ant: 30-Sep-13 Execution duration as per RFQ was - 22 + 2 M; Sch - 28 M
C 36 Duration: 22 M+2 M
Anticipated Completion: 29-Jul-15

Multiple Contracts awarded to same agency beyond Close Purch / Meeting held with EIL & BPCL. Approach paper prepared and signed jointly by EIL / BPCL / C&P - sep'13
their capabilities / capacities. Contrc. BPCL for limiting single agency getting work orders against more than 2 tenders. (In
cases of big agencies with financial capability, one agency can get maximum works
order against 3 tenders)

C 37

Failure of contractors Open Const. Limit the number of works being awarded to one Agency so that alternatives can be C&P - sep'13
worked out fast.
BPCL/EIL To evolve a System to be implemented to ensure that the maximum
C 38 number of jobs awarded to single agency is only 2 if NOT to be preferably made ONE BPCL /
only. Projects

Ordering of Ejector Pkg Open Project Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery period of 13 M. BPCL 15-Jul-13 Jun'13
C 39 (LAD:12-Jan-13; Ant: 15-Jul-13)

Award of Heater package for DCU Open Project Awarded to M/s Heurtey, (Duration - 20 M) BPCL 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
(LAD:24-May-13; Ant: 15-Nov-13
Earlier 04 Bids recd on 21.05.13. (Petron, Thermax,
Heurtey, Technip).
C 40 Due to Technical and related commercial issues
enquiry re-floated.
Duration 20 M

Award of Civil & Strl work for DHDS offsite area Open Project Awarded to M/s KSS on 25.07.13. (Duration 18 M) BPCL 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
(LAD: 30-Mar-13; Ant: 20.07.13)
C 41 Duration: 18 M

Award of Civil & Strl work for refinery area. Close Project Awarded to Mcnally Bharat on 26.09.13. Project/C&P sep'13
(LAD:25-Apr-13; Ant: 10.10.13) Duration- 16 Months
Duration: 16 M
C 42
Completion of works Sch: 09-Sep-14
Ant: 24-Jan-15

Issue NIT for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project NIT issued on 01.08.13, bids due on 30.08.13 Gen 25-Jul-13 JUL'13
(LAD:24-Jun-13; Ant: 25.07.13) Civil/Project
C 43 Duration : 16 M

Award of work for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project Awarded to M/s McNally Bharat. Duration - 16 M Gen 30-Oct-13 Oct'13
(LAD:17-Sep-13; Ant: 30-Oct-13) Civil/Project
Duration: 16 M
C 44
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Ordering of Main Air blower & wet gas compressor Close Project MAB awarded to M/s Elliot Ebara on 04.09.13. C&P/Engg/Pr 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
for FCCU WGC awarded to M/s BHEL oj
LAD: 04-Mar-13
Ant: 30-Sep-13
(Total execution duration is 25-27 M : 19 M FOT for
C 45 delivery of WGC & MAB at site + 6 to 8 M Site
installation & pre-comm; Time Available from order
to MC OF FCCU - 24 months)

Award of Civil & Strl contract for CDU/ VDU & DCU Close Project Awarded to M/s L&T on 07.03.13. Award recomm sent to BPCL on 01.02.13. Award to C&P 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
LAD: 15-Dec-12 be targeted by 07.03.13.
C 46 Ant: 07-Mar-13

Ordering of wet gas compressor for DCU Close Project Ordered to M/s Eliot Ebara on 28.06.13. Jun'13
C 47 LAD: 02-Feb-13
Ant: 30-Jun-13

Ordering of OFF GAS COMPRESSOR - VGO Open Project Ordered on M/s Dresser Rand, Dely - 17 M FOT Dispatch EIL/BPCL 30-Oct-13 Oct'13
LAD: 08-Jun-13
Ant: 30-Oct-13
RFQ duration: 17 M FOB

C 48

Award of Sulphur Forming Open Project - Ordered to M/s Sandvik. BPCL 30-Jan-14 Jan'14
LAD: 03.04.13
Ant: 30.01.14
Earlier enquiry re-floated due to changes in MR
requirements by BPCL(MR was revised as
Evaluation methodology was to be based on NPV
and in view of 2 different types of technologies viz.,
C 49 sulphur pelletiser and sulphur granule); refloated
again as financial criteria was not met by all the

Award of contract for Civil & structural for FCCU Close Project Awarded to M/s Sriram on 25.09.13 BPCL 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
area (refloated)
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 15 M Dec'14; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated
C 50 19.06.13, based on past Performance of
recommended bidder tender refloated.

Award of contract for Civil & structural for DHDT & Close Project Awarded to M/s McNally bharat on 11.09.13 (with 16 M execution period) BPCL Aug'13
VGO area (refloated)
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 16 M Jan15; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated
C 51 19.06.13, based on past Performance of
recommended bidder tender refloated.

Award of contract for Civil & structural for CPP area Open Project Awarded to M/s Essar Projects on 19.08.13 BPCL 28-Aug-13 JUL'13
Ant: end Aug-13
C 52 Duration: 16 M

Award of MCC package Open Project Awarded to M/s Thermax BPCL 14-Aug-13 JUL'13
Ant: 14.08.13
C 53 Duration: 12 M despatch and 6 M for site work

Award of contract for RWTP (Refloat case) Open Project Awarded to M/s Triveni BPCL 19-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 14-Jan-13
Ant: 19-Jul-13
C 54 (Execution Duration - 18+2 M)

Award of Thermal oxidiser burner & reduction pkg Open Project Ordered to M/s Callidus and M/s UOP India on 20.06.14. BPCL Jun'14
LAD: 28.05.13
Ant: 15.06.14 (Incinerator burner)
C 55 (Execution Duration - 14 M)
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Award of Air blower/compressor for SRU Open Project Ordered on M/s Howden Process Compressors Projects / 19-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 29-Mar-13 C&P
Ant: 25-Jul-13
(Execution Duration - 17 M FOB/ 18 M FOT)
C 56

Delay in Award of contract for Demountable flare Close Project Awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13 with duration of 18 M. Projects/ 28-Sep-13 Aug'13
(LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 28-Sep-13) Process/
Change in type of Flare. Initially as per DFR normal Engg / C&P/
flare was envisaged.

Post enquiry significant changes (received on

15.03.13) in Flare Load/Process Data Sheet due to
enormous increase in BOO flare load and non
acceptance of mitigation measures by FCCU
C 57 Change in flare load data due to change in flare
height upto 150 M.

Completion of works
Sch. : 31.01.15
Ant. : 28.02.15

Award for SG-III (Refloated) Open Project - Awarded on M/s Ray Engineering on 23.01.14. Engg / C&P Jan'14
LAD: 01.11.13
Ant: 30.01.14
C 58
Duration: 12 M

Award for:RGC compressor for VGO-HDT (LAD: 30- Open Project/Eng Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg 29-Jun-13 Jun'13
Mar-13; Ant: end Jun 13) g
Dely: 18 M
C 59

Award of MUG compressor for VGO-HDT Close Project/Eng Ordered to M/s Neumen & Essar on 14.11.13 BPCL 30-Nov-13 Nov'13
(LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 30.11.13) g
C 60 Dely: 16 M FOB

Award of Contract for Tankage-III (Crude tank: 02 Close Project/Eng Awarded to M/s IOT Anwesha on 04.12.13. (duration: 20 M) BPCL 15-Dec-13 Nov'13
Nos & 1 surge relief tank and crude drain tank) g
Outage of existing crude tank from crude to naphtha
can be taken up after commissioning of new crude
tanks. Shutdown of existing tanks- 17 & 18 depend
on commissioning of new crude tanks-25/26 under
C 61 tankage-III.
Sch: 01.10.13
Ant: 15-Dec-13

Award for: Close Project/Eng Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg 28-Jun-13 Jun'13
RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD: 26-Mar-13; Ant: g
C 62 Jun 13)

Award for: Close Project/Eng Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand Proj/Engg Aug'13
MUG Compressor for DHDT (LAD: 30-Mar-13; Ant: g
C 63 Duration : 18 M FOB

Award of Tankage-II Close BPCL Awarded to M/s B&R BPCL 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
(TF-4: 5 Nos, Exist ETP-II:2 Nos, Exist Asphalt: 2
C 64 Sch: 30.04.13
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Duration:22 M

Award of Tankage-IV (Total 15 Nos Tanks) Open BPCL / Awarded to M/s Offshore on 17.04.14. EIL / BPCL 25-Apr-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
LAD: Jan14 Projects
Outage for Tank YT-340 depends on readiness of
at least one new DCU feed tank which will require
14 M durations. Alternative scheme required to be
finalised for outage.
Outage of Tankage YT-18 depends on readiness of
C 65 new crude tanks (Tankage-III; YT-25/26). Alternative
scheme required to be finalised for outage.

Award of Composite Works for CDU/VDU (06 Bids - Open Project .Awarded to M/s Offshore (Duration- 20 months) BPCL 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
L&T, Petron, Offshore, Mcnally Bharat, Albana, IOTL
recd on 04.09.13)
LAD -30.08.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13
C 66
Duration - 20 M
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Award for contract for development of flare area Close Project Contract for development of flare area awarded to M/s KB Tech.. Engg / C&P 30-Dec-13 Nov'13
LAD: 01-Nov-13
Ant: end Dec'13
C 67

Award of Composite Works for VGO-HDT, DHDT, Open ENGG Composite Works for VGO-HDT & DHDT Projects / 30-May-14 May'14
CPP and Offsites (DHDS) -DHDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M). Engg.
LAD 31.12.13 ; Ant - 30.05.14 -VGO-HDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
Composite Works for Offsite
Part B (DHDS): Awarded to M/s Offshore on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
C 68 Composite Works for CPP: Awarded to M/s Zillion Infra. on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).

Award of Heater package for FCCU Close Project Awarded to M/s Petron on 04.12.13. Duration is 16 M BPCL 15-Dec-13 Nov'13
(LAD:08-Jul-13; Ant: 15-Dec-13
Earlier 05 Bids recd on 23.07.13. (Thermax,
C 69 Technicas, Petron, B&R, JNK).
Duration 20 M

Award of Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: 13 Open Project Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. Dely: 13 M. 30-Jul-14 Jul'14
M FOB / 14 M FOT))
C 70 (LAD:29.12.13; Ant: 30.07.14)

Award of Slurry Filter (MR- 4880) for FCCU unit and Open Project -Award recomn. issued on 08.08.14. BPCL to award. BPCL 30-Sep-14
existing refinery. (Dely: 10 M FOB)
C 71 LAD:09.05.13
Ant: 30.09.14
Ordering for Intermediate Piping 2nd MTO. Open Project - All pipes, fittings & flanges ordered. C&P 14-Aug-14 Aug'14
LAD: Jan'14 onwards
C 72 Piping intermediate MTO-II released on 30.10.13. Engg

Ordering of Critical Valves Open Project Revised MR (MR-3415) issued covering all critical valves along with all critical valves EIL/BPCL 30-Sep-14
Sch: 11.07.14 of MR-3211 floated. Price bid opened on 09.09.14. Award recommendation targeted
C 73 Ant: 30.09.14 by 12.09.14.
Dely: 06/07 M FOT /FOB
Award of contract for Mechanical works-CPP area Open Project - Awarded to M/s Zillion on 19.05.14. 25-May-14 May'14
LAD: 28.02.14
C 74 Ant: 25.05.14

Release of balance piping Isometrics drawings and Open Project -Total 24054/ 30154 nos (81%) isometrics issued for units . Balance ISO's targeted Engg. Sep'14 III
GAD's. progressively by Sep'14.
C 75 Target Sch: Jul'14 - Piping items has been ordered for Intermediate MTO-II, delivery expected by
Ant: Sep'14 Sep'14-Oct'14.

Award of Composite Works ( Civil /Strl. Works & Open Project - Tender on sale from 28.08.14 to 17.09.14. 15-Oct-14
Mechanical) for NHT/ISOM-Refloated
C 76 Sch: 08.05.14
Ant: 15.10.14

Award of Fuel forwarding Pumps (08 nos) for GTG Open Project - Ordered to M/s Sulzer. BPCL 5-Aug-14 Jul'14
(Dely: 6 M FOB / 7 M FOT)
C 77 Sch:27.06.14
Ant: 05.08.14

Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Progressively
FCCU-M/s Esaar-GRE - Completion of hard stand targeted by 15.10.14. Projects upto Sep'14
LAD : 09.07.15 - M/s EPIL has been pressurised to complete construction of hard stand by 15.10.14.
CCD: 09.10.15 Submission of final erection scheme targeted by mid Sep'14 and approval by EIL Constn
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) targeted by 20.09.14. (Preliminary erection scheme discussed with EIL).
Overall Progress: - Work for assembly of hoppers and TSS to be commenced from 15.09.14.
Sch: 59.8 % Act: 47.3 % - Fdn for flue gas area, stack fdns and ESP fdn targeted to complete by end
Construction Progress: Oct'14(Excavation already completed).
Sch: 16.4 % Front: 71.1% Act: 11.1 % - Refractory lining to commence from 11.09.14 at Tarapur.
- M/s EPIL asked to commence area development around FGC equipments & hard
stand immediately and to be ready by 15.10.14.
- M/s EPIL agreed to mobilise 1600 MT crane by end Oct'14 and will ready for
erection by Dec'14. Shipment movement already started.
- Delivery of Cyclones expected at site from Nov14 to Feb15. M/s Emtrol has been
asked to pre pone the deliveries upto Dec14 during meeting dated 25.08.14.
Plennum fabrication status to be obtained from M/s GRE.
D 1 - Readiness for TSS erection targeted by 2nd week of Sep'14 to Feb'15.
Area for storage of fabricated materials to be identified and allocated. Already
discussed during director level meeting dated 26.06.14. Issues being followed up.
- Next Management review meeting with M/s Essar planned at site on 12.09.14.


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Delivery of GTG Pkg at site (LAD:29-Sep-14; Ant - Close Project Clubbed with Risk ID E19 Project 24-Nov-14 Nov'13
Awarded to M/s BHEL
D 2 Duration (Supply) - 16 M

Completion of UB package Open Project Management review held on 01.08.14 to pressurised M/s ISGEC for completing within Project / Sep'14 III
LAD : 31.03.15 CCD. Constn.
CCD : 23.03.15 - M/s ISGEC to expedite modelling work to carry out 90% modelling by Sep'14.
ECD:10.08.15 - Completion of balance foundations being progressively targeted by end Oct'14.
Awarded to M/s ISGEC on 25.07.13 -Erection of UB-1 & UB-2 to be expedited.
D 3 Overall progress: - Project review meeting planned with M/s ISGEC on 09.09.14 at EIL HO.
Sch: 78.1 % Act: 57.8 %
Construction Progress:
Sch: 63.3 % Front: 100 % Act: 16.6 %

Delivery/Erection of Ejector Pkg Open Project -All Indigenous component received at site within CDD. Project/Inspe Sep'14 IV
Delivery LAD : 11.06.14 - Foreign Source Components: Delivery of ejector and LRVP pkg dispatched. ction
Ant : 30.09.14
D 4 Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery
period of 12 M FOB / 13 M FOT.

Delivery of wet gas compressor for DCU at Site Open Project Material against all suborders received. Project/Inspe 27-Jan-15 IV
(M/s Eliot Ebara) Casing for compressor and turbine received at shop. ction
LAD: 05.12.14 Machining of components of both main compressor and steam turbine under
D 5 (CDD: 27.01.15; EDD: 27.01.15) progress.
Sch: 50.7%; Act: 48.2%

Delivery of Air Blower / Compressor for SRU Open Project Ordered to M/s Howden Process on 25.07.13 (17 M delivery Sch). Project/Inspe 24-Dec-14 IV
LAD: 18.09.14 Order placed for Motor, turbines, Casings, forgings, impellers, gear box. ction
D 6 (CDD: 24.12.14; EDD: 24.12.14) Hazop and modelling in progress from 26.08.14.
Close monitoring to be done to ensure delivery on CDD.

Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns for Open Project -All 3685 MT Plates received at Chakan Shop, plate cutting & welding in progress. Project / As stated
FCCU :Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 (18 M - Staggered delivery of columns is required from Sep'14 onwards as major piping Constn.
incl erection). works is held up due to hold for crane movement for these columns.
LAD: 22.01.15 - Foundation for main fractionator column (by M/s L&T) completed and superstructural
CCD:14.01.15 work being expedited by M/s Tuaman.
ECD: 15.05.15 - Erection for main fractionator targeted by Dec'14. Crane 1250 MT and 550 MT
Overall progress: mobilised, erection scheme approved.
D 7 Sch: 73.0 % Act: 50.8 % - Stripper & rectifier Column: Erection expected to commence from Dec'14.
- Progress of works was affected due to delayed Preparation of Hard stand commence from 3rd week of Sep'14.
handing over of fabrication yards and completion of - Approach road work completed. Area improvement to be expedited.
approach road upto fabrication yard, which affected
shifting of sections.

Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project - M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration due to delayed availability of burner BPCL / EIL 15-May-15 III
LAD: 23.06.15 data from M/s Aecometric. Letter issued to BPCL for recommending extension for
CCD:18.02.15 (including Site work) supply portion to M/s Thermax upto 30.11.14.
ECD: 18.05.15 - Foundation readiness to be delayed till Dec'14. Bidders has requested for providing
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl space for stoarge of MCC equipment & Refractory Materials.
D 8
Overall progress:
Sch: 71.0 % Act: 63.2 %

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project -Management review meeting held on 08.08.14 and 14.08.14 at site. Weekely review Constr. Continuously
Target Sch: 01.05.15 meeting held at site on 22.08.14. Following commitments have been made by M/s
Ant Compl.: Mar'16 Essar.
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). -Fabrication for Derrick structure agreed by Dec'14.
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. - Meeting held with M/s Essar for financial issues on 01.09.14.
Overall Progress: - Derrick and coke drum structure offload from M/s MK Engg scope to M/s
Cum. Sch. 49.0 %; Act: 37.0 % Infraprojects and M/s Universal respectively. Status to be obtained for structure BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: readiness.
Sch: 27.0 % Front: 92.2 % Act: 18.1 % - Balance fabrication (for Switch Deck 250 MT) targeted by 30.09.14.
- M/s Esaar agreed for readiness of Fractionator column and coke drum for erection
by 28.02.15.
-Supply of balance Plates (33/38 plates received) targeted by 14.09.14.
D 9 - Ordering of 2000 MT crane targeted by mid Sep'14 and Crane availability agreed
from Feb'15 to May'15.
- Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 227 nos
have been deployed, while requirement is 328.

Delivery of RGC compressor for VGO-HDT (LAD: Open Project/Eng - Drive turbine for LOP (Lube oil Pump) sub ordered to M/s KEPL on 22.03.14 & Project/Inspe 27-Dec-14 IV
05.03.15 Ant : 27.12.14) g targeted to receive at shop by Dec'14. ction
Dely: 18 M Impeller manufacturing is in process. Turbine casings reached at BHEL workshop.
D 10 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13 - Compressor: MRT expected to complete by mid Sep'14.

Delivery of RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD : Open Project/Eng - Drive turbine for LOP (Lube oil Pump) subordered to M/s KEPL on 22.03.14 & Project/Inspe 27-Dec-14 IV
05.02.15; Ant : 27.12.14) g targeted to receive at shop by Dec'14. ction
Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13 Turbine rotors and casings reached at BHEL workshop.
D 11 Steam turbine: All components except inner casing ready for assembly. Casing inner
(steam chamber) got rejected in hydrotesting. Inner casing to be expedited at BHEL
Haridwar shop.
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Delay in erection of Crude & vacuum column Open BPCL / Director level meeting held with M/s VTV. Constn. / VTV Oct'14
Sch: Jun 14 Projects / - Erection of Crude Column : Top section erection planned on 12.09.14 and / Projects
CCD: 21.08.14 Const. hydrotesting planned on 15.10.14. Middle section erected on 19.08.14 and Bottom
Ant: Oct 14 section erected on 07.08.14.
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit - Erection of Vacuum Column : Erection of sections expected from end Sep'14 to end
D 12 Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude & Oct'14 and hydrotesting by mid nov'14.
Vacuum column.
VTV progress Sch ( 100 %); Act (88.5%)

Logistics of VGO & DHDT reactors from Kochi port Open T&CC - Contract for ODC transportation awarded to M/s Urmila on 26.05.14. EIL/BPCL Sep'14
to BPCL-KR site - Agency confirmed availability of Barge/Trailer at the time of delivery of Reactors.
Barge will be ready with reqd modification by Sep'14.
(VGO Reator-2 Nos - CDD (07-Jan-15 FOB) EDD: - KOM held on 02.06.14 & follow up meeting held on 16.07.14. Barge readiness
Mar'15 targeted as follows:
(DHDT Reactor-2 Nos - CDD (07-Oct-14 FOB) 2 nos Ammonia Barges modifications by 30.09.14. Drawings for new barge submitted
to IRS for approval.
DHDT Reactor (M/s Doosan) expected to receive at 1 nos new barge fabrication by 24.12.14.
Kochi port by Nov'14. - M/s Urmila informed construction of jetty targeted by 30.09.14 (approval by
ISGEC Josen (3 nos) Column: expected to receive 30.08.14), Construction of jetty not yet started as land for jetty is yet to be finalised.
D 13
at Kochi port from Nov'14 to Jan'15. Meeting with M/s Urmila planned in 2nd week of Sep'14 to finalise modalities.
- M/s Urmila to take all statutory clearance / clearance from local bodies prior to
delivery of Reactor at Kochi-Port.

Close Monitoring of ODC equipment (including site Open Projects Out of total 57 nos. of ODCs; 16 nos received at site. & 3 nos under dispatch. Shipping Continous IV
fabricated/assembled) up to receipt at site Balance under close monitoring and are expected at site from Sep'14.

D 14

Close Procure/Co - Transporter philosophy frozen and hindrance enroute has been covered under Risk Shipping As Required Nov'13
Delay in delivery at site due to non-availability of nstr ID K3.
transporter / hindrances enroute.

D 15

Delay in delivery of equipments: Open Contract / Equipment by Ganson BPCL Jun'14

- M/s Gansons due to substantial rise in raw Inspection - M/s Ganson agreed to supply balance item of CDU/VDU. Items for SRU and DCU
material cost due to current market conditions. refloated under MR-6560 (DCU): All items relocated to M/s Patel Airtemp, M/s Phils
Heavy, M/s Acoustics India ; M/s Beekay Engg ; M/s Fab-Tech, M/s Nuberg Engg.

D 16

Completion of Demountable Flare works (Awarded Open Project - Hazop review covered in offsite Hazop. Projects/Cons As Required III
to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13) - Foundation drawing released. tr.
Sch: 31.03.15 - Flare foundation work completed.
CCD: 24-Mar-15 - Construction work to be started from Oct'14. Fabrication of flare structure is in
Ant: 24-Mar-15 progress and delivery expected from Sep'14 onwards.
D 17
Overall Progress
Sch: 48.2 % Act: 36.5 %
Construction work likely to start from Oct'14.

Addition of 4th Riser in Demountable Flare and Open Project / - BPCL confirmation on the additional flare stack addition received. BPCL / EIL As Required Oct'13
identification of additional Equipment to be procured Process - Agreed with Air Oil / BPCL for completion of 4th riser within CDD.
due to the same. (BPCL informed additional of 1 no. - Revised PDS & P&IDs released on 15.11.13.
riser during meeting dated 16th Oct 13.) - Order placement (change order) issued to M/s Airoil on 14.11.13.
- Flare (with 3 risers) awarded to M/s Airoil on 25-
D 18 Completion of Flare work:
Sch: 31-Mar-15
Ant: 24-Mar-15 (Duration: 18 M)

Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on Open Projects - Compressor casing has been ordered on NP Italy on 14.12.13 (Dely - end Aug 2014 Project/Inspe Continuous
26.09.13) & 03.12.14 FOB). ction
LAD: 09.01.15 - Receipt of compressor casing expected at BHEL shop from Oct'14.
CCD: 25.04.15 - Further delivery of compressor takes normally 10-11 month after receipt of casing.
EDD: 25.09.15 Meeting held on 26.05.14 with BHEL & GENP along with EIL & BPCL at site. BHEL
has committed to deliver within CDD and agreed to prepare micro schedule for
D 19 completion within CDD after receipt of casing at BHEL shop. However close
monitoring being done.
Meeting held on 06.08.14. Casing delivery expected within CDD.

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Delivery of MAB-FCCU (Ordered to M/s Eliot Ebara Open Projects - All major items has been subordered. Project/Inspe Continuous IV
on 04.09.13) Air Blower: Main casing received at workshop. Main coupling expected to receive at ction
LAD: 09.01.15 shop by Sep'14.
D 20
CDD: 03.04.15 Steam Turbine: Casing received at shop. Bearing expected to receive by Oct'14.
Ant: 03.04.15

Delivery of VGO-HDT Reactor Open Projects -Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13; Dly 21M FOT. Close monitoring to be done to Project/Inspe Continuous III
Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13 ensure delivery on CDD. ction
LAD ; 29.12.14 - Strike has been called off with effect from 12.05.14 at L&T Hazira workshop. Vendor
CDD: 07.01.15 being followed up continuously to deliver reactor within CDD.
D 21
EDD: 02.03.15
Overall Progress:
Sch: 85.0 % Act: 80.0 %

Delivery of DHDT Reactor Open Projects - Follow up visit held, though no delay anticipated as per CDD, however close Project/Inspe Continuous III
Ordered to M/s Doosan Engg & Const Co. on monitoring to be maintained. ction
LAD ;15.12.14
D 22 CDD: 07.10.14
Overall Progress:
Sch: 83.9 % Act: 82.9 %

Completion of HRSG Package Open Projects - Management review meeting held with M/s Thermax on 31.07.14. Project/Inspe Continuous III
LAD : 30.03.15 - Balance engineering to be expedited by m/s Thermax. ction
CDD: 19.08.15 - HRSG #4 & 5: Foundation works completed and handed over to M/s Thermax.
Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 Foundations works for HRSG#3 along with Stack, Pumps(10 nos) and cable trench
D 23 Overall Progress: works are planned for completion during the mid Sep'14.
Sch: 46 % Act: 38.8% - 30 % model review completed & 60 % model review targeted by mid sep'14.

Delivery of Hot Gas Expander (Ordered to M/s Open Projects - Generator subordered Project/Inspe Continuous III
Dresser Rand on 31.012.13) - Pedestal fabrication is at final-machining. ction
D 24 LAD ;30.03.15 - Fabrication of exhaust diffuser and inner exhaust case targeted by Sep'14
CDD: 30.04.15

Delivery of Sulphur Forming Pkg (Ordered to M/s Open Projects -Silos with structure & Conveyors sub ordered by M/s Sandvik. Project/Inspe Continuous III
Sandvik on 31.01.14) - Delivery of Semi rolled sections of Silos shall commence from Nov'14 onwards. ction
LAD :01.08.14 Structure to be made ready for installation works to commence.
D 25 CDD: 30.03.15 - Space for SILO's to be expedited as material expected to receive at site by Sep'14.
Overall progress: - Foundations for pelletiser shed to be made ready by end Nov'14.
Sch: 30 %; Act: 26.5 %

Delivery of steel plates by M/s Essar to other Open Projects Strl. Steel for R&R- Project/Inspe Continuous Jun'14
vendors. Major portion of steel plates have been delivered by M/s Essar. ction
CDD: Progressively by 15.01.14.
D 26

Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects - Synchronous Motor ordered to M/s Toshiba Mitsubishi. Expected to receive at M/s Continuous IV
-DHDT( Ordered to M/s Dresser Rand on 11.09.13) Dresser shop by 03.02.15.
LAD: 29.01.15 - HAZOP review completed on 20.06.14.
D 27
CDD: 10.03.15

Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects - Main motor ordered. KOM for Motor held on 06-07.05.14 & expected to receive by Progressively IV
-VGO( Ordered to M/s Nueman & Essar on 14.11.13 13.04.15 (FOB: Germany).
) - HAZOP completed on 19.06.14.
D 28
LAD : 26.02.15
CDD: 13.04.15

Delay by vendor with respect to CDD due to Open Projects - Following bidders showing slow manufacturing progress: Sep'14 III
financial constraint. - M/s Arjun Technologies (Pressure Vessel supplier): FOA No.: 133, 144 & 184.
Expediting meeting held at shop on 04.07.14.
- M/s Reynold Chem. (Heat Exchangers): FOA No.: 116, 189: As a parallel action
separate MR-6122 released. 30 nos bids received on 25.08.14.
- M/s Bharat Pumps & Compressors (Pumps): FOA No.: 230, 311, 360 & 444.
D 29 Continuous expediting being made by visiting vendor workshop for all critical orders in
respective regions.

Non acceptance of PO for DHDT & VGO feed filter Open Projects - M/s Filtrex asking for deviations on commercial terms. Meeting held on 08.07.14 to EIL/ BPCL Aug'14 Aug'14
by M/s Filtrex (MR-4370) resolve the issues with M/s Filtrex. Vendor provided all details.
Ordered on 21.12.13 to M/s Filtrex ( Dely: 13 M
D 30

Non acceptance of work order by M/s Flowserve for Open Projects - Order has been accepted by M/s Flowserve and amendment issued by BPCL on EIL/ BPCL Jul'14 Jul'14
DHDT Centrifugal pumps 11.07.14.
Ordered on 30.01.14 to M/s Flowserve (MR-5403)
D 31
(FOA No 550 & 551)
CDD: 01.03.15

Delay in delivery of Stripper column (IF-V-206) and Open Projects - Order got delayed due to delay in manufacturing works. At present only 7 shell sep'14
Debutaniser Column (IF-V-302) by M/s Uttam Value course rolled out of 17 nos due to which there be likely delay of 3-5 months including
Steel (Ordered on 19.08.13) site works. Vendor to be expedited to supply within CDD.
D 32 CDD: 18.10.14
EDD: 31.03.15

Availability of 90 % Piping materials to generate Open Projects - As of now around 40-45% piping material has been received at site. Around 90-95 EIL/ BPCL Sep'14
adequate piping material front to composite % material has been ordered. Ordering of balance 5-10% material is in progress and
contractors. expected progressively upto end Sep'14. Delivery of ordered material against
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-2) : JUN'14 intermediate -II expected by Sep-Oct'14.
EDD: Sep'14 -Vendors being expedited to prepone the deliveries.
D 33 Sch: (Intermediate MTO-3): Oct'14 - Storage area for piping materials to be expedited by BPCL.
EDD: Dec'14. Unit specific items:
- MR for VGO (4 nos) targeted to issue by 10.09.14.

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Delivery Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: 13 Open Project Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. Dely: 13 M. EIL sep'14 IV
D 34 M FOB

Slow Progress of works by Piling I contractor M/s Open Constn. Piling completed for CDU/VDU DCU & Offsite (except boundary wall) Constn. Mid Oct'13 sep'13
DBM. (CDU/VDU, DCU & Offsites) - Awarded on Balance piling (479 nos) for GTG, UB & stack area being done by M/s DBM. Job
25.09.12 (Sch - 100 %, Act 91.7%) given on 07.10.13 with CCD by 1st week of Dec'13.
RCC Piles:4822 / 5307 Nos.
Balance for offsite (SS VGO & compound area at
E 1 FACT).
Presently 5 total rigs are operating

Space constraints: Open Constn. - During the project review meeting dated 28.08.14 following points discussed and BPCL Sep'14
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and BPCL agreed:
package contractors - Balance 6 nos units in the township to be handed over for grading by M/s Ray (SG-
ii) Area for Spool storage III).
- FACT area to be arranged for storage of materials of owner and package
contractors. FACT area being arranged by BPCL by mid Sep'14.
E 2
-A separate meeting shall be planned with BPCL for identification of storage area for
package contractors by mid Sep'14.

Delay in completion of rock blasting affecting Open Constn. -Major rock blasting work completed. Constn. sep'14 Aug'14
release of construction front for VGO & offsite area
E 3 as hard rock encountered.

Completion duration for NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / - Composite Works (Civil Strl. & Mechanical) on 03.07.14: NIT on sale 28.08.14 to EIL/BPCL Sep'14
Mechanical completion of NHT/ISOM - Target Projects 17.09.14.
Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 15 M available for Award targeted by Oct'14.
construction works (excl. Dismantling works) against
schedule of 22 M.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay
in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award of
- Change in the scope based on health check report
has an impact on Project cost and schedule.
E 4 Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 65.9% Catch Up Sch: 27.2 % Act:
24.1 %

Availability of Soil investigation Report for new Open BPCL / - Agency finalized on 07.06.2013 and investigation to commence. BPCL / 15-Jul-13 JUL'13
Crude tankages area. Projects / - Report targeted to issue by mid Jul 13. Projects
Delay in availability of soil data will affect preparation Const.
for piling tender and layouts drawings.
Further civil / structural tender will also affected.
E 5

Slow Progress of Building Works by M/s L&T for Open Const Management level meeting held on 18.07.14, Constn As Required
MCR and CPP control Room. - MCR area, CPP control room area : It has been decided to complete balance strl
Contr. Sch: 87.2 % work by Dec'14 & finishing by Mar'15.
Front: 100 % - Other building works : Finishing work to be completed by Dec'14.
Act:49.3% - L&T also agreed to augment required manpower to meet the target completion date.
E 6 CCD: 20.12.14 - Management review meeting planned at site on 17.09.14.
Ant: 15.05.15

Backlog 27.8 (% wrt target sch) as of 15-Aug-14 in Open Const - In order to supplement progress by failing civil contractors, 2 separate agencies has Constn As Required
Construction activities viz., Civil works and been lined up (M/s Tuaman-Civil & Strl works & M/s Zillion-Strl. works). Further
Mechanical works for offsite area as well as unit additional two agencies for Civil & Structural works being lined up.
areas. - To provide financial assistance to Contractors for procurement of Reinforcement
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; steel & Cement: During review meeting dated 26.06.14, it has been decided that
Time lapsed - 29M; Remaining Duration - 17 M payment to be released to the sub vendors against Performa invoice submitted by
Desc. Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act contractor. BPCL to review and approve the same for maintaining the cash flow and
Overall 26.9 53.2 51.4 25.3 boost progress.
Backlog in Civil / strl works will affect - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site.Approx 7000 labours
availability of front for mechanical contractor are available at site, though induction programme has been carried out for more than
E 7 (CDU / VDU / DCU, FCCU, VGO/DHDT & Offsite). 15000 labours . requirement of manpower at site is approx 15000 nos.


Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by EIL/BPCL Mar'15 IV
clearance for BOO area. Mar'15.
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
E 8 commissioning of Demountable flare
(Commissioning expected by end Mar'15)
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Completion of piling work by M/s L&T (Piling-II): Open Constn. L&T has completed all piles in Demountable flare area, Air compressor & DG shed Constr. Immediate Jul'14
CDD- 08.05.14. area.
(Total 12003 Nos piles).
(Contr.Sch- 100%, Front-100%, Act-100%)
Only 10 nos. hydraulic & 4 nos. conventional rigs
E 9 are currently
operational at site. Total 10124 nos completed out of

Payment to contractors Close Constn. Ensure that 90% payment of the RA bills certified by EIL are released to the BPCL within 7 days of sep'13
E 10 contractors within 7 days of receipt by client. certified RA bills
Unrealistic project time leading to under quality Close Project / Ensure that realistic dates of availability of inputs(drawings, front and materials) are Project / As Required sep'13
Engg. / considered in project/ construction schedule rather than compressing construction Planning
E 11 planning schedules alone to meet the completion target.

Dismantling of LO CAT SRU and area handing over Open BPCL All 5 nos tank area cleared and released. Area handed over to M/s B&R for Tankage- BPCL end Apr'14 May'14
to Tankage II contractor (Required for New II works on 30.04.2014
tankagesTF-4) by BPCL.
E 12 Will affect release of front for tankages.

Completion of Raw water treatment plant Pkg (M/s Open Project - Project review meeting held on 23.08.14 with M/s Triveni. Constr. Sep'14
Triveni Engg).(Delayed due to refloating) -M/s Triveni shall augment manpower by mobilizing 25 Nos carpenters along with
adequate no of barbendors (Manpower required is 300 nos while available manpower
Overall Progress: is 152 Nos).
Contr. Sch: 78.4 % Act: 48.1% - Substation building: Foundation works commenced, completion to be targeted by
Construction Progress: Dec'14.
Sch: 72.0 % Front: 100 % Act: 42.8 % - Chemical house works commenced.
E 13 Sch: 15.11.14 CCD: 24.03.15 ECD: Aug'15 - Meeting planned in mid Sep'14 with M/s Triveni.
Compl: 18 M+2M

Area availability for SRU Block Open Proj. / - Management level meeting held with M/s B&R on 06.08.14 & 19.08.14 and Constn. Sep'14
- At present only 95 % area given to M/s MBEL, Constn. augmentation of manpower by min. 100 nos to be expedited for concreting work
balance Site for SRU block shall be available by end progress. M/s B&R has been asked to expedite complete SRU filling.
Sep'14. (The works are covered under SG-II Tender - Retaining wall in progress. B&R agreed to complete wall by 31.08.14 for which front
: Awarded to B&R on 22.11.12) is available and balance shall be completed by 30.09.14. B&R shall mobilize
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from end shuttering materials & manpower accordingly to meet above targets.
Jun14) are available with respect to schedule of 25 - Piling for SRU block included in Civil/ structural tender to save time and work
E 14 M (As per Past experience minimum requirement for awarded to M/s Mcnally on 04.11.13 (duration: 16 M) At present 964 nos piles
SRU is 30 M). completed against front of 1150 nos at site by M/s MBEL.Total nos of piles is 1800 EIL/BPCL
nos piles

Area for FCC Feed Tanks (Diversion of ETP II to Open Proj. / Graded and handed over to tankage-II Constr. Jul'14
ETP III and development of area reqd. by Apr.13) Constn.
E 15

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and Close Proj. Clubbed with Risk ID E33 BPCL Dec'13 Nov'13
development of area reqd. by May, 2013
Ant - Dec 2013
E 16

Land acquisition for Crude tank (2 nos.) . (LAD - Jul Close Proj. M/s BPCL Vide mail dated 21.08.2013 has handed over the area for SG-III. BPCL Aug'13
13; Ant - 30-Aug-13)
E 17

Allocation of identified fabrication areas for ODC OPEN BPCL Details of area has been cleared and allocated by BPCL during Review meeting at BPCL As Required sep'13
Equipments & Other Agencies site.
E 18

Delivery of bought out items by BHEL for GTG Open Const. / - All 3 GTGs received at site. Projects Sep'14 III
package Projects - Contractor for Mechanical works for CPP awarded to M/s Zillion.
(LAD supply:29.09.14; Ant - Jul'15) - N2 compressor (Delivery period is approx 6-8 M) : Ordered on 01.08.14, delivery
Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13 with CDD for going upto Dec 2014, However BHEL confirm that they expect supply to be completed
E 19 delivery as 24.11.14. within CDD of GTG package.

HEAVY LIFT Cranes for INTALLATION OF Close Const. -Included in mechanical contractor scope. Project / - Nov'13
REACTORS - - Based on prel. Erection scheme, 1600 T heavy lift crane with 600 T trailing crane Constn.
Finalisation of Erection scheme and capacity the envisaged for erection of both VGO and DHDT reactors.
crane, inclusion in scope and timely mobilisation at - Timely mobilization of cranes and preparation of Load Test.
E 20 site - Finalization of erection scheme.

E 21
Theft of
Delay in material
delivery from
of UGWarehouse
piping material Material Close
Open EIL
Const. Security
- Total arrangements
3 KM in Warehouse
pipe under shortage in place
(IS pipes byordered
of 24") BPCL. under FOA 769, 826, 0013, Constn. Sep'14 - Mar'13
required at site for Civil & strl contractor. 655,652, 593 to be expedited.
- Shortage quantity being addressed at higher level. Being continuously monitored by
E 22
inspection team.

Lighting during construction Open Constn. Area lighting being done. Constn. As Required May'13
E 23
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Delay in construction due to monsoon. As work Open EIL -During 2013-2014 monsoon following actions were taken Constn. As Required sep'13
progress between Jun to Sep is expected to be - Temporary drains were constructed for draining accumulated rain water.
hindered due to monsoon, all out effort to be made - Pumping arrangements for draining water accumulated in pits were made.
to release tender as per sch. Generally to manage
delays in initial stages of project, constr. Duration
E 24 are reduced while floating tenders. This needs to be

Adequacy Check for Hook-up of LPG Flare and Open Project LPG flare - As per EIL study LPG flare is adequate. Report issued to BPCL and BPCL / EIL 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
ACID Flare between existing CDU-II flare and clarification received.
CEMP-II flare Acid flare - HC flare & Sour flare system P&IDs issued for engineering on 15.06.13.
DHDS sour flare replacement: Sour Flare system P&ID (DHDS Area) issued for
comments on 17.05.13, this additional requirement of existing structure and
E 25 replacement of sour stack by higher size (16") being checked for adequacy.
New flare components to be procured for revised stack size.

Construction of Subway on the PWD road including Open Project Constrn. Sep'14
re routing of existing road / existing facilities and Culvert part I covering 8 m out of 13 m completed, rerouting of existing KWA drinking
necessary liasoning with government department. water supply line completed. Management level meeting held with B&R on 08.07.14.
Construction of culvert got affected (Ant. Compln- B&R agreed to execute work on extended hours to complete balance works in all
E 26 Nov'14, Compl date Committed by B&R 13.11.14) respect by 13.11.14.

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIIPL for Open Constructio Management level meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 07.08.14. EIL/BPCL Sep'14
Offsite IREP area. n - M/s KSS agreed to complete all balance piperack foundations by 31.10.14.
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s - Additional gangs to be deployed to complete cable trenches work.
KSSIIPL on 12.09.13 - 100 MT crane assembled and testing under progress.
Civil & Strl work-offsite IREP Area: - Additional manpower being expedited by M/s KSSIIPL.
Constr. Sch:97.3%; Front:78.0%; Act: 32.9% - M/s KSS informed that agency for rock blasting has been deployed since 04.08.14.
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15 - TMT bars: Out of ordered 500 MT qty only 94 MT qty received, balance expected by
E 27 12.09.14.
- Next Management review meeting planned at site on 17.09.14.

Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for CPP Open Project Management review meeting held with M/s Essar on 08.08.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Sep'14
Contr. Sch: 83.2%; Front: 90.7%; Act:35.0% - Foundation completion for HRSG-3 targeted by 15.09.14.
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: Apr'15 - Completion of Structural works for GTG shed targeted by 10.10.14.
- Stack foundation targeted to complete for HRSG-3 by 07.09.14, HRSG-4 by
20.09.14 & HRSG-5 by 05.10.14.
- All balance drawings for which data is available shall be targeted for issue by
E 28 15.09.14.
- Next Management review meeting planned at site on 12.09.14.

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU block Open Project - Management level meeting held at site on 07.08.14. EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) - As on date the manpower is 123 Nos against the requirement of 200 Nos.
LAD: 12.01.15 - Strl work at fabrication yard: Strl steel for TS-2 & TS-3 targeted by 15.09.14 &
CCD: 03.03.15 30.09.14 respectively.
Ant: Oct'15 - Breaking of Pile cap to be expedited.
E 29 SCH. FRONT. ACT. - Next Management review meeting planned at site on 17.09.14.
64.0% 57.8 % 20.1%

Composite works for CDU/VDU Block Open Project - Management level Meeting held with M/s OIL on 06.08.14 and following action plan EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Offshore on 04.11.13) has been agreed
SCH: 30.06.15 - M/s OIL advised to to augment welders to 50 nos. against 39 nos available.
CCD: 03.07.15 - Piping fabrication rate of 1500 ID / day from current 660 ID/Day targeted to achieve
ECD: 30.10.15 from 01.09.14.
Cum. Sch: 25.3% Concrete bunker to be constructed at fabrication yard to facilitate radiography work.
E 30 Front: 34.8% - OIL to deploy their own auto blasting & priming machine.
Act: 14.2 % - Next Management review meeting planned at site on 17.09.14.

Completion of Coke handling work Open Project -Major backlog is due to engineering (23 %), ordering (40%) & (5.8 %) Constr. Continuous III
(Awarded to M/s Thyssen on 04.11.13) due to delayed finalisation of layout.
LAD: 18.04.15 - Piling work commenced (542 out of 1642 nos piles completed as on date) M/s TKII
CCD: 03.07.15 to augment piling rigs immediately.
EDD: Dec'15 -TKII to augment manpower for Civil works as well.
E 31
Construction: Sch:7.2 %; Act:7.9%
Overall Progress:
Sch: 32.8 % Act: 26.0%
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Completion of DCU Heater works (Awarded to M/s Open Project Review meeting held at site on 22.08.14. Constrcution As Required III
Heurtey on 04.11.13 (20 M) -Heater A: All panels received at site. Out of balance 10 nos panels for erection, 3 nos
LAD: May 15 erection planned by 23.08.14 & balance 7 nos planned by 29.08.14.
CCD: 03.07.15 -Heater B: Out of 66 nos panels, 25 nos received at site. Balance panels being
Ant: Oct'15 expedited.
Overall Progress: - 2032 MT / 2300 MT structural steel received, balance 200 MT for stack is being
Sch: 57.6 % Act: 53.5 % expedited.
Construction work: Sch-33.6% Front:63.1% -Crane (150 MT) assembled and ready for testing.
E 32 Act:13.8%
As of end Jul'14
Heater A: Total 66 nos panels; Received: 66 nos;
Erected: 56 nos.
Heater B: Total 66 nos panels; Received: 25 nos;
Fabrication: 5 nos completed

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and Open Project - Total area handed over on 05.05.14. Project As stated Jun'14
development of area reqd. by May, 2013
Completion Sch: 30.01.15
Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. (Duration: 20
E 33
M+2 M incl pre commng)

Progress of ETP Works Open Project -60 % model review completed on 12.08.14. EIL/BPCL As stated
LAD: 30.09.15 - Physical handing over of balance area for treated water tank, API/TPI, ex TPI sump
CCD:10.08.15 completed. Signing protocall to be expedited.
ECD: 30.06.16 - In order to recover the construction backlog, paramount has agreed to mobilse
Overall progress: resource immediately & submit catchup plan. Letter issued on 05.09.14 to submit
Sch: 48.1 % Act: 15.7 % catch up plan for mitigating backlogs in construction & manufacturing.
Construction Progress: - Revised piling drawing for API being submitted by 10.09.14. Piling drawing for ACT &
Sch: 24.8 % Front: 81.1 % Act: 8.4 % SBR area approved vide across the table review meeting dated 05.09.14.
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13. (Duration: - Work in progress in substation area, equalisation tank, treated water tank, sludge
E 34 21 M+2 M incl pre commng) thickner, spent caustic tank, chemical handling areas.
- Next Management review meeting planned at site on 12.09.14.

Completion of works for Tankage-II Open Project - Management level meeting held on 06.08.14 at site and on 19.08.14 at EIL Delhi. EIL/BPCL As stated
Sch: 30.06.15; CCD: 24.07.15; ECD: Sep'15 Total tanks: (New tanks 13 nos, work in progress for 12 nos. Balance for 1 nos is YT-
Duration: 22 M 33 which shall be start after completion of YT-32; Modification tanks: Out of total 16
Sch: 48.1 %; Front:84.4% Act: 14.9 % nos, work in progress for 4 nos, 3 nos handed over to BPCL.)
- B&R to augment resources to complete all balance work within agreed target.
Awarded to M/s B&R on 25-Sep-13 - All modification work for YT-80 (MS Tank) completed by M/s B&R on 19.08.14.
- PO acceptance copy from M/s B&R awaited for 375 MT Plates ( SA 516 Grade 70)
& delivery for 200 MT: IS 2062 GR B to be expedited.
E 35 - Next Management review meeting planned at site on 16.09.14.

Completion of works for Tankage-III (Crude Tanks) Open Project - Front for YT-29 is likely to be released by 25.08.2014 Constr. As stated
(M/s IOT Anwesha ) - Tank Pad foundations for YT-26 & YT-28 planned for completion during the Sep14
Sch: 27.02.15; CCD: 03.07.15 month.
E 36 Duration: 20 M - Area graded and handed over for 2nd Crude tank.
Sch: 23.9 % Front: 91.4 % Act: 19.2 %

Slow progress of FCCU Heater works (Awarded to Open Project -Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Order has been placed for all Project As Required III
M/s Petron on 04.12.13 (16 M) bought out items.
LAD: 09.07.15 - Structural steel: Out of 190 MT, 68 MT received at Coimbatore fabrication yard.
CCD: 03.04.15 Balance being expedited by M/s Petron.
Ant: Oct'15 - Blasting and painting at Coimbatore is in completion stage.
E 37 Overall Progress: - Fabrication started for radiant section, erection planned by last week of Sep'14.
Sch: 66.6 % Act: 13.3 % - All radiant coils have been ordered to M/s MSL
Constrcution yet to start - Further as directed during director level meeting with BPCL dated 13.08.14, new
tenders for M/s Petron's work not to be floated.

Handing over of fabrication space to M/s Fabtech for Close Project Clubbed with Risk ID D7 BPCL As Required Dec'13
Main Fractionators Column of FCCU
E 38

Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Boiler Open Project -Nozzle size for 42" finalised, M/s Callidus to expedite balance data based on 42" Projects As Required
Package for SRU Block (ordered to M/s Technicas nozzle size.
on 31.012.13) - Burner details not yet finalised affecting progress of engineering and completion of
LAD: 09.06.15 package.
E 39 CCD: 30.06.15
Overall Progress:
Sch: 31 % Act: 14 %

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Progress of RO-DM Plant (Awarded to M/s Driplex Open Project -Management level meeting held on 21.07.14 at EIL Delhi. M/s Driplex has been EIL/BPCL As Required
on 12.06.13) asked to prepare a catchup plan to expedite constr. activities for compln. of RO-DM
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16 plant by Apr/May'15 in order to commission UB's & HRSG by Jun'15. The catch-up
Overall Progress: plan has been discussed & reviewed and issued on 26.07.14. Letter issued on
Sch: 87.1 % Act: 52.6% 05.09.14 to submit revised catch up plan for mitigating backlogs in construction &
Construction Progress: manufacturing. M/s Driplex to mobilise additional resources for completion as per
Sch: 71.5 %; Front: 100%; Act:18.7 % catchup plan.
Area handed over, part of area is water logged due - Piling work nearly in completion for Substation area (112 nos out of 131 nos piles
to plant drain which is under completion. casted).
- DM tanks (2 nos) piling drawing under approval. Piling yet to commenced at site.
-90 % model review completed.
E 40 - M/s Driplex has been asked to mobilse 200 labours against present 128 nos.
- DM tanks: Piling drawing received from M/s driplex and is under review.
- Next Management review meeting planned at site on 12.09.14.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Due to continuous poor progress of work and repeated slippages in commitments As Required
Shriram EPC for FCCU made by M/s SEPC, Management review meeting held on 04.09.14 at EIL Delhi.
Contr. Sch: 67.2%; Front: 94.0% -M/s SEPC asked to take immediate action to mobilise 100 manpower and take up
Act: 25.1 % work on multi fronts and ensure extended hours / night shift working. M/s SEPC EIL/BPCL
CCD: 24.12.14 agreed to mobilize additional 50 nos manpower by 15.09.14. At present only 140 nos
ECD: Oct'15 manpowers available.
- In addition to 2151 m3 RCC work which has been already withdrawn from SEPC
scope, additional 1500 m3 RCC work being offloaded from SEPC scope to be
E 41 executed through misc. civil agencies.
- Tech Structure A targeted to complete by mid Sep'14.
- Next Management review meeting planned at site on 16.09.14.

Completion of Heater Works-DHDT (M/s Technip) Open Project -Prefabrication of radiant coils for IG-H-101, fabrication of stack and fabrication of Constr. As Required III
LAD: 24.04.15 convection module to be expedited.
CCD: 03.03.15; ECD: Sep'15 - Platform erection are in progress for IG-H-102. Refractory works of Radiant Section
in progress for IG-H-102.
Constr. Progress: - Refractory works to be taken up in both the heaters simultaneously.
E 42 Sch: 52.5 % front: 100 % Act: 34.1 %

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Petron) Open Project -Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Order has been placed for all Projects As Required III
LAD:24.04.15 bought out items.
CCD:20.02.15 - Blasting and painting at Coimbatore is in completion stage.
Ant: Dec'15 - Fabrication for 6 panels out of 30 panels for radiant section completed, balance 20
Overall Progress: panels under dispatch and targeted progressively by 20.08.14.
Sch: 78.7 % Act: 14.9 % VGO Heater : Erection of radiant section started on 20.08.14 by M/s Petron.
Construction work yet to start - All radiant coils have been ordered to M/s Tubocex Spain.
- Structural erection work agreed to start by 16.08.14.
E 43
- Further as directed during director level meeting with BPCL dated 13.08.14, new
tenders for M/s Petron's work not to be floated.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Management level meeting held with M/s MBEL on 07.08.14 at site. M/s MBEL Constrn. As Required
McNally Bharat for DHDT & VGO agreed:
CCD: 10.01.15 - Current manpower is 410 nos. MBEL agreed to mobilise 2 separate gangs for UG
ECD: Apr'15 piping.
E 44 Sch: 84.0 %; Front :86.1 % Act: 46.1 % - 2 cranes mobilised and Additional 2 nos cranes to be mobilized in order to carry out
structural erection in both VGO & DHDT simultaneously.
- Management review meeting planned at site on 17.09.14.
Completion of Pre-engineered Building Works (3 Open Project Management level Meeting held with B&R on 06.08.14 and 19.08.14 Constrn. As Required
Nos) by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. PEB1: M/s B&R agreed to complete balance work by end Sep'14. Material storage
PEB 2 All works targeted to complete by 31.12.14.
E 46
PEB 3: All works targeted to complete by 31.12.14.
Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.

Completion of Cooling Tower -I & II Open Project -Major backlog is due to construction (46%). Last management level meeting held on As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 01.02.13) 23.07.14 at Site. Commitment made by M/s PCT has again slipped. Manpower at site
LAD: 31.01.15 is 439 nos instead of committed 670 nos. Supply of balance U/G and A/G Piping
CCD: 20.10.14 Material by PCTL to be expedited. Shortage of TMT steel to be expedited. PCTL to
ECD: Mar'15 target to complete all Civil work by Dec'14.
E 47 Overall Progress:
Sch: 96.1 % Act: 65.2 %
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 98.5% Front: 100% Cum Act: 51.7%

Completion of Cooling Tower -III Open Project -Major backlog is due to engineering & construction. Last management level meeting As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 11.09.15) held on 28.05.14 at Kolkata. Commitment made by M/s PCT has again slipped.
LAD: 30.06.15 - Balance Area for CWTP handed over after completion of grading by M/s PEL.
CCD: 10.01.15 - Manpower to be augmented urgently
ECD: Aug'15 Site to confirm - Delivery of Boughtout item to be expedited.
E 48 Overall Progress: -Uninterrupted RMC supply to be ensured.
Sch: 70.1 % Act: 31.0 %
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 55.0% Front: 100% Cum Act: 27.7%
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Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for DHDS Open Constructio Management level Meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 07.08.14 at site. EIL/BPCL sep'14
Offsite area. n - M/s KSSIPL to deploy cumulative 200 Manpower for Civil fdn work alone (Inside
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s DHDS area). As on date 82 nos deployed only.
KSSIL on 05.03.13 - KSS to expedite cable trench work.
CDD: 24.01.15 -Additional contracts lined up to supplement site work:
ECD:. Dec'15 Misc Strl Work (for 1800 MT): Awarded to M/s Zillion on 26.08.14.
Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area Misc. Civil works-2 (approx 3000 m3 RCC) : (DHDS Pipe rack or other areas of
Sch:76.0%; Front: 71.9%; Act: 12.9% IREP)-Award recommendation issued on 29.08.14.
Misc. Structural works-2 (approx 3100 MT): For Units & offsite - Award
recommendation issued on 06.08.14.
E 49 - Scope of Civil Work in areas 204 - 207 handed over to SG-III Contractor.
- Next Management review meeting planned at site on 17.09.14.

Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Open Constructio -Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Sep'14
Works-FCCU n - Welders: 3 welders qualified and welding to be start by mid Sep'14.
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14 - Further as directed during director level meeting with BPCL dated 13.08.14, new
E 50 CCD: 25.10.15 tenders for M/s Petron's work not to be floated.

Construction work yet to start at site

Slow progress of work & poor manpower Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 06.08.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Sep'14
mobilisation by M/s B&R for Composite Works-DCU n - B&R to mobilize 750 MT crane for erection of heavy lift.
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14 - B&R to expedite work for completion of fabrication shed.
CCD: 11.11.15 - Next Management review meeting planned at site on 16.09.14.
AG piping fabrication: Only 5724 ID / 304970 ID
E 51 fabrication completed.
AG piping erection: Only 552 IM / 412580 IM piping
erection completed.

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 07.08.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Sep'14
Refinery area: Generation of front for mechanical n -Manpower: As on date only 130 Nos against the requirement of 300 Nos reported to
works affected (awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on site. MBEL committed to increase manpower upto 220 nos.
26.09.13.) - In view of slow progress and delay in release of construction front to mechanical
E 52 Sch:59.3%; Front: 84.4%; Act: 13.4% contractor, new tender under preparation and likely to be awarded by mid Sep'14.
CCD: 25.01.15 - Next Management review meeting planned at site on 17.09.14.
ECD: Oct'15

Start of work by M/s Tech Sharp for Composite Open Constructio KOM held on 17.05.14. Mobilisation work initiated by M/s techsharp. Constr. Sep'14 III
works: Offsite IREP area due to delay in n Against requirement of 10 nos welders only four number welders are available at site.
mobilisation. Resources to be expedited to commence work.
E 53 Awarded on 25.03.14. Piping fabrication work commenced.
CCD: 24.09.15

Slow construction progress by M/s B&R for Open Constructio - Management level meeting held 06.08.14 at site and on 19.08.14. Sep'14 III
Composite works: Offsite Refinery area due to delay n -Agency for radiography to be expedited.
in mobilisation. - Development of fabrication yard to be expedited as area has already shown.
Awarded on 25.03.14. - Welder qualification works commenced.
E 54 CCD: 24.09.15 - Management review meeting planned at site on 16.09.14.
Work yet to start at site.

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio - Management level meeting held on 18.07.14, It has been decided to complete Constr. Sep'14 III
works) by M/s L&T for CDU/VDU. n balance civil & strl works by end Oct'14 & TS-5 strl by Nov'14.
Sch: 04.09.14 -M/s L&T to augment manpower and additional machineries for completion of balance
E 55 CCD: 06.09.14 works to generate front to mechanical contractor.
ECD: 15.02.15 - Management review meeting planned at site on 17.09.14.
Sch:99.8% Front: 97.8% Act: 80.3%

Completion of Heater Works-CDU/VDU (M/s Open Project - Major backlog is due to manufacturing & Delivery (8%) and construction (20%). Constr. As Required III
Technip) Erection of APH for VDU Heater is in progress.
LAD:14.03.15 - Additional resources to be mobilised to recover construction backlogs
CCD: 06.02.15 Convection module erection for CDU Heaters commenced.
Ant: Jun'15 CDU APH foundations to be handed over by end Sept-14
E 56 Overall Progress:
Sch: 89.8 % Act: 79.9 %
Constr. Progress:
Sch: 70.2 % Front: 88.0% Act: 50.5 %

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio - Management level meeting held on 18.07.14, It has been decided to complete EIL/BPCL Sep'14
works) by M/s L&T for DCU. n balance civil & strl works progressively by Dec'14.
Sch: 04.09.14 -M/s L&T to augment manpower and additional machineries for completion of balance
CCD: 06.09.14 works to generate front to mechanical contractor.
ECD: 15.03.15 -MPR : 1st tier for total length handed over, grids 25-30 expected to handed over by
Sch: 99.7% Front: 98.7 % Act: 69.9 % Sep'14.
E 57 TS-IV : total handing over by 15.09.14
TS-III : total handing over by 10.09.14
- Next Management review meeting planned at site on 17.09.14.

Start of work for Tankage-IV by M/s Offshore Open Constructio - Management level Meeting held on 07.07.14 Sep'14 III
Awarded on 17.04.14 n - OIL started to dismantle YT-150
CCD: 16.01.16 Scope of works : Modification of 10 No tanks and 02 No new tanks. Front has been
Scope of modification: total 10 nos; Front released released for YT-383/391/150.
has been released for 2 nos (YT-383/391) -B&R has been informed that 2 tanks YT-383 & 391 have been handed over for taking
E 58 up construction work and since these are to be made operational before taking outage
of next tanks, the completion of these tanks is most critical.
-Agency has been asked to mobilise and start work immediately. M/s Offshore to
submit action plan for completion and status of procurement.
- Management review meeting planned at site on 17.09.14.
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Slow progress for Tankage-I by M/s B&R Open Constructio - Management level meeting held on 06.08.14 with M/s B&R at site. Sep'14 III
Awarded on 07.06.13 n M/s B&R agreed to increase manpower from 90 nos to 150 nos.
CCD: 06.04.15 B&R agreed to complete the civil works as per below targets:
ECD:Aug'15 1. YT-341 : tank pad completed, annular plate laying commenced
Sch: 81.0 % Front: 100 % Act: 34.1 % 2. YT-342: 20.08.14 Revised date: 15.09.14
3. YT-343: 10.08.14 Revised date: 15.09.14
4. YT-344: 30.07.14 Revised date: 10.09.14
5. YT-111: 15.07.14 tank pad completed
6. YT-112: 20.07.14 Revised date: 08.09.14
E 59 7. YT-113: 14.08.14 Revised date: 10.09.14
8. YT-114: 08.08.14 Revised date: 10.09.14
- Procurement of Balance Quantity of Plates (890 MT out of 1650 MT) to be
- Management review meeting planned at site on 16.09.14.

Start of work for SRU Tankage works (Ordered to Open Constructio -These tankages (Amine water and sour water services) are required for Constr. Sep'14
M/s Tuaman on 19.02.14 n commissioning of CDU/VDU.
E 60 CCD:18.06.15 -Agency has been pressurised to mobilise resources and start work.
Work yet to start - Tank pads to be handed over from Sep'14 onwards.
Composite works by M/s Albana for DHDT Open Constructio - Fabrication shed in progress and expected to be completed by 10.09.14 Constr. Sep'14 III
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD: n Piping erection work to be expedited.
E 61
10 ID / 210605 ID piping fabrication completed.

Start of Composite works by M/s Offshore for Offsite Open Constructio - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 06.08.14 at site. M/s OIL has been Constr. Sep'14 III
DHDS area n asked to mobilise resources, establish fabrication yard and site facility and start work
Awarded to M/s OIL on 19.05.14 with CCD: immediately.
E 62 18.11.15. - Fabrication yard hand over targeted by 16.08.14.
- Mobilisation for 20 nos auto welding machine to be expedited.
- Management review meeting planned at site on 17.09.14.

Start of Composite works by M/s offshore for SRU Open Constructio - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 06.08.14 at site. M/s OIL has been Constr. Sep'14 III
area n asked to mobilise resources, establish fabrication yard and site facility and start work
Awarded to M/s OIL on 25.03.14 with CCD: immediately.
24.09.15. - 600 MT crane mobilisation targeted by 15.09.14.
E 63
1450 ID / 298914 ID piping fabrication completed. - Management review meeting planned at site on 17.09.14.
Piping erection work yet to commence

Completion of balance piling work (Covered under Open Constn. -Piling balance in Chitrapuzha area, Offsite Refinery area, new tender prepared. BPCL Sep'14
Piling-IIII Contract) Award recommendation issued on 02.09.14.
E 64 (Total 2077 Nos piles approx).
Completion of Composite works by M/s Albana for Open Constructio - Fabrication shed in progress and expected to be completed by 10.09.14. Piping Constr. Sep'14 III
VGO Unit n fabrication work started.
Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with CCD: Piping erection work to be expedited.
E 65 18.11.15
88 ID / 203790 ID piping fabrication completed

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun2015 for BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project CDU/VDU commissioning.
F 1

Implementation of Change management system Open PROCESS/ a. Change management should be in place immediately Projects Continuous IV
The same affects : ENGG/CON b. Strict discipline to be maintained else end objective would be difficult to meet.
- Finalization of basic philosophies S.
- Scope of services All Disciplines are restricted to book manhours and all HOD's should review & make
- Release of deliverables strict control of manhours booking.
F 2 Various scope changes (as advised by BPCL),
resulting in expenditure of extra manhours against
control manhours.

Timely Commissioning of UB package to meet Open Constn. -Strict monitoring required at all stages upto commisioning. as scheduled III
refinery commissioning schedule. -Completeness of supply of all subparts, their assembly and other BOP Items to be
Contr. Sch: 69.1%; Act: 52.4% ensured.
F 3 LAD : 31.03.15 (UB 1) - Both steam drum delivered at site. RCC work for chimney completed, foundation
30.06.15 (UB 2) work in progress for UB's. Erection of structure started.
Constr. Progress: Sch: 63.3%; Act: 16.6% - Progress of work affected due to delay in completion of civil foundations.

Timely payment to sub contractor by main contractor Open Const. Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: Project/BPCL As Required IV
- Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being
implemented as per contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank
guarantee being implemented for future contract of more than 5CR value.
G 1 - Expeditious processing of RA bills.

Infrastructure at Kochi Open Const. Contractor to identify the proposed areas in and around Project area and BPCL to Constn. / As Required IV
facilitate by persuading with local authorities for required permission. Projects /

Scope changes & information flow to executing Open Process / All DCN s and change orders, if any to be frozen and incorporated in P&IDs at 60% Process / All by 60% sep'13
group Engg. construction progress stage. POSD / constn progress
G 3 Engg. /

Non-performing vendors Open Inspn The vendor list to be carefully selected to avoid overloading of vendors shops. Bulk Inspn As Required sep'13
materials to be distributed on different vendors.
G 4
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Delay in Approval of Vendor List for various items of Close Purch / - Covered under risk ID C73 BPCL within 2 days of Nov'13
the project (specially for Long lead items) Contrc. request
G 5

Finalisation of Non plant buildings. Close BPCL - BPCL-KR vide e-mail dated 06-Dec-12 sent a list of Non plant buildings to be Projects 15-Apr-13 Apr'13
located under IREP Project.
- The same is reviewed by EIL. Point wise issues targeted to be discussed with BPCL
G 6 in week starting 15.04.13.
- List of buildings finalised between EIL and BPCL. Methodology for execution under

Implementation of environmental clearance Open Projects - Meeting held with BPCL on EIL recommendations and action plan finalised. As required IV
conditions by EIL (received from MoEF vide Letter - BPCL to take up with MOEF for approval of changes in system already incorporated.
dated 22.11.12) (e.g. configuration for CPP)
G 7 - Incorporation of EC and RRA recommendations in balance systems under progress.

Delay in commencement of site work for dyke wall Close Engg. / - Documents approved from PESO BPCL Apr'13
inside TF-3 affected due to non availability of PESO Proj.
approval for tankage area
I 1

Statutory approvals Open Projects / - IBR package for DCU targeted after 90 % model review. Sep'14 IV
- Factory inspectorate approval BPCL - List of all the buildings in IREP along with the plinth area details for taking approvals
- CEA (Central electrical authority) approval from F&B as well as Panchayath issued to BPCL on 12.04.14.
-IBR approval (LAD - IBR Package for DCU by end Approval for tall strl/stacks: Signed documents with 6 sets handed over on 13.05.14.
I 2 Dec'13; CDU/VDU by 31.12.13) -Compilation of documents for Factory Inspectorate, CEA approval to started on

Implementation of Health, Safety and environmental Open Const. - Deployment of skilled manpower for enforcement of safety precautions. Constn. Continuous III
(HSE) system - Monitoring of the HSE conditions and maintenance of records ./ reports.
J 1 - Safety Drills being organised on monthly basis.

Delay due to Labour strikes (due to labour issue like Close Const. Client to be persuaded to settle labour issues (wage revision, other benefits) for BPCL As Required Nov'13
wage revision, other benefits) during project Project duration.
K 1 execution phase

Mobilisation of Skilled workers Open Const. -Utilisation of migrant and skilled labour from outside Kerala needs to be encouraged. Constn / As Required
However, the same will be effective only if proper labour colony facilities are arranged BPCL
by the contractors.
- Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance by trade
K 2 union leaders that workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.

Constraint in movement & transportation of ODC Open Project -A separate contract to be given to agency which will take care by approaching KSEB Shipping As Required Jun'14
eqpt. and telephonic authority.
K 3
-Fabn / transportation philosophy being finalised.

ODC transportation in view of Kochi Metro Open Project/Eng Closed as no concern as on date. BPCL As stated Jun'14
ODC movement schedule is from Nov'13 to Feb 15. g
K 4

Cost monitoring & control on regular basis Close Costing Cost engg. to issue cost status report on regular basis Costing Monthly Apr'13
M 1

Increase in facilities on account of deletion zero Open Environ. Scope of facilities finalised. Environ. 15-Oct-13 sep'13
M 2 liquid discharge

Variation in foreign exchange rates from Rs 50 per Open Project - BPCL to put up Revised cost in BPCL Board and seek approval on the same. Sep'14
USD as on Mar 12 to Rs. 60 per USD as on date
and fluctuations in the intermediate period and
M 3 Scope changes w.r.t. DFR (additional in scope) has
significantly impacted on the overall project cost.

Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Aug'14
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Very High / High /

(95% / 80% / 50% /

Score - Previous
Impact Score =>
{6+7+8+9} * 10 *
(Open / Close)

Medium / Low /

Output Quality


Previous Risk
(Long Term /

Current Risk

(Current risk
Project Cost
Risk Owner

Risk score)
30% / 10%)

Short term)

Very Low)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost

Score ->
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Award for RO-DM Open Project Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 - Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. duration is 22 M. Engg / C&P 29-Jun-13 May'13
LAD:30-Jan-13 term
C 15 Ant: end Jun'13
(Execution Duration - 20 M + 2 M)

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and development Close Proj. Very High N N Y N Short I 0.4 0.00 Clubbed with Risk ID E33 BPCL Dec'13 Nov'13
of area reqd. by May, 2013 term
Ant - Dec 2013
E 16

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and development Open Project Very High N N Y N Long I 0.2 0.00 - Total area handed over on 05.05.14. Project As stated Jun'14
of area reqd. by May, 2013 term
Completion Sch: 30.01.15
Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. (Duration: 20 M+2 M
E 33
incl pre commng)

Progress of RO-DM Plant (Awarded to M/s Driplex on Open Project Very High Y N Y N Long I 0.3 0.29 0.29 0.00 -Management level meeting held on 21.07.14 at EIL Delhi. M/s Driplex has been asked to prepare a catchup EIL/BPCL As Required
12.06.13) term plan to expedite constr. activities for compln. of RO-DM plant by Apr/May'15 in order to commission UB's &
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: 28.02.16 HRSG by Jun'15. The catch-up plan has been discussed & reviewed and issued on 26.07.14. Letter issued
Overall Progress: on 05.09.14 to submit revised catch up plan for mitigating backlogs in construction & manufacturing. M/s
Sch: 87.1 % Act: 52.6% Driplex to mobilise additional resources for completion as per catchup plan.
Construction Progress: - Piling work nearly in completion for Substation area (112 nos out of 131 nos piles casted).
Sch: 71.5 %; Front: 100%; Act:18.7 % - DM tanks (2 nos) piling drawing under approval. Piling yet to commenced at site.
Area handed over, part of area is water logged due to plant -90 % model review completed.
E 40 drain which is under completion. - M/s Driplex has been asked to mobilse 200 labours against present 128 nos.
- DM tanks: Piling drawing received from M/s driplex and is under review.
- Management review meeting planned at site on 12.09.14.

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Delay in issue of Process deliverables for Open Process Actions Taken so far: Projects / 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
engineering for NHT / ISOM due to delay in receipt - UOP package received on 08.08.13. Process
of Process Package from M/s UOP (Process pkg - PDS issued for all Columns, Vessels, Air Fin Coolers, Exchangers & Refrigeration
incl. resolution sheet received on mid Aug'13 against pkg, pumps (part balance).
sch of 30-Apr-13) - All 30 nos P&IDs issued for engineering
A 1 Schedule : 31-Jul-13 Action Plan for balance
Anticipated : mid Nov'13 - 19 nos out of 23 nos pumps datasheet issued for engineering. Balance progressively
targeted by 15.11.13.

Delay in Finalisation of balance OSBL distribution Open Process - Meeting held with BPCL on 18-20.09.13. Process / 15-Oct-13 sep'13
P&IDs due to delay in receipt of data from BPCL Projects
LAD - 30-Nov-12; Ant - 15-Oct13
Natural gas operating/ design condition information
has been received from BPCL during meeting dated
13 & 14.8.13.
A 2 Steam distribution : Preliminary discussion on BOO
steam distribution held with BPCL. BPCL approval
on EIL scheme required.

Holds, missing information, corrections, changes in Open Process - All P&IDs incorporating DCNs issued. Process 25/10/13 Oct'13
- DCNs on account of HAZOP recommendations for

Holds, missing information, corrections, changes in Open Process - Design Change Note based on Hazop recommendations issued on 03.01.14. All 15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
PDS / P&IDs - DCU major process P&IDs released.
- Major pumps data received and foundation drawing released. Projects /
A 4 Engg 31-Mar-14

Delay in Process Package for TGTU (M/s CB & Close BPCL / -Process package received on 14.04.13 Projects / Apr'13
INC) Process Process
LAD : 31-Dec-12 ; Ant : 12-Apr-13
A 5
Agreement signed by BPCL-KR issued to Licensor
on 04.04.13

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs Close Process All PDS issued for Engg. All Process P&IDS issued. Utility P&IDs: 15 out of 15 nos - Apr'13
for DHDT issued for engineering.
A 6 P&ID's : LAD : 30-Nov-12; Ant : 08-May-13

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS for DCU Close Process Process package from M/s Lummus received on 17-Aug-12. Process - Mar'13
LAD : 29-Dec-12; Ant : 19-Mar-13 All Equipment PDS issued for engineering. Utility equipment issued for engineering.
A 7

Finalisation of Utility import / export requirements Close Process Based on latest information from BOO HGU and SWII (FCC), Revised Design Basis Projects / - Mar'13
from BOO by BPCL. Flare load changed issued. Process
A 8 substantially and repeatedly from estimated values.

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs Close Process Process P&IDs: All process P&ID issued. Process Apr'13
for FCC PDS: Heat Exch. - 52/52 issued for Engg.
LAD :29-Jan-13; Ant : 08-May-13 Pumps 49/50 issued for Engineering.
A 9 Vessels 38/38 tags issued for Engg.
Air cooler 6/6 issued for Engineering.

-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs for Close Process - Common Interconnection P&ID for FCC, VGO and DHDT will be issued (covered BPCL / 31-Dec-12 Jan'13
DHDT under risk A09). Hence clubbed with Risk no. A09. Projects /
LAD: 30-Nov-12 POSD
A 10

Delay in "issue for engineering - IFE" PDS / P&IDs Close Process All process P&IDs issued. Process Apr'13
for VGO-HDT Pumps PDS issued for engg,.
A 11 LAD : 29-Jan-13; Ant : 10-May-13 All Vessels PDS issued for engg.

-Preparation of Offsites P&IDs for tankages (LAD - Close POSD - All 32 P&ID issued for engineering Apr'13
- Delay has been due to delay in receipt of As-built
drawings from BPCL-KR (except CEMP-II). All
A 12 details received now.
-Upgradation of Crude oil pipeline system (Inside
refinery) to be taken up.
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In view of increase in sulphur load PDS & P&IDs for Close Process - All PDS and P&ID revised and issued. Apr'13
sulphur block (ARU, SWS & SRU) is being reviewed
A 13
and released as per priority of procurement.

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process - Apr'13
A 14 Engineering after release of MR GG

-Preparation of Offsite interconnection P&IDs Close Process - Out of 2 nos offsite interconnection P&IDs, 1 no. (New facilities) has been issued for BPCL / 15-Mar-13 Feb'13
LAD :30-Nov-12 engineering. Balance 1 no. targeted by 15.03.13 Projects /
A 15

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering. Process - Apr'13
A 16 Engineering after Order GG/Procure

Revision in PDS after issue of Issued for Close Process/EN Revision in PDS to be avoided once same is issued for engineering Process - Apr'13
A 17 Engineering after Equipment manufacturing GG/Procure

Updation of estimated utilities on account of revision Close Process In case of revision in process parameters of an equipment the utility estimates RED / PED/ As Required Apr'13
A 18 in process parameters (revision of PDS based on furnished by engineering against older Revision of PDS should not be used until same PROCESS
engg comments) is got verified/ updated for current revision.
RED to update all such changes within stipulated time frame as per departmental
ISBL Distribution P&IDs for VGO-HDT Close Process Utility P&IDs:
guidelines andP&IDs (14to/ incorporate
Process 17 ) issued for engg
in the (except
revised for small bore piping: Pump
PDS. Process 31-May-13 Apr'13
A 19 SCH: 30-Nov-12 Seal & Vent Drain). The same are targeted by Jun'13.
ANT: Jun-13

ISBL Distribution P&IDs for FCCU Close Process Utility P&IDs: 30/36 issued for engineering. Process 31-May-13 Apr'13
SCH: 30-Nov-12 P&IDs for small bore Piping shall be issued by 31.05.13.
A 20 ANT: 31-May-13

Utility distribution P&IDs for DCU Close Process Distribution P&IDs issued for engineering. Jan'13
A 21

Final issue for OSBL utility distribution P&IDs Open Process - Revised P&ID for Condensate System issued on 15.05.13. BPCL 25-May-13 May'13
LAD: 30-Nov-12
ANT: 25-May-13
A 22 Updation of P&ID as per finalised condensate
philosophy to be taken up.

Incompatibility between Process design basis and Open Engg - Inconsistency related to type of Isolation valve (Ball Vs. gate / globe/check) between Engg. 30-Apr-14 May'14
Engineering Design Basis instrumentation and process design basis identified during coordination meetings
(Piping / SED / RED / PED / instrumentation / HMTD resolved by TSD.
design basis) - affects subsequent detailed
A 23 engineering activities.

Fuel oil system for GTG: Implementation of the Open Power - System configuration including 8 pumps, filters & centrifuge finalised and PDS for Projects (CPP 30-May-14 May'14
system based on modalities finalised (associated Tech. pumps issued. Filters & Centrifuge PDS issued for engineering on 22.05.14. group)
system for existing Fuel oil tank tapping with new - Readiness of the fuel forwarding system to be ensured w.r.t. GTG commg schedule
A 24 GTG). (i.e. in Mar 15).

BPCL confirmation/clarification over Close Engg. - PDS for desalting pumps issued on 25.10.13. MR issued on 13.11.13. Engg Nov'13
datasheets/GADs for existing/new raw water intake
pump obtained from M/s KBL
A 25 (LAD for MR for pumps - 07.03.13)

A 26 Identifications of hook-ups on flare lines and Close Projects - Identification of hook ups for Flare line, FCC flare, PRU flare and NHT / ISOM Projects / 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
finalisation of methodology
Signing of ISBL P&IDs and with BPCL
battery limiti.e. availability
P&IDs for Open Process / completed during completed
Signing of P&IDs site visit byfor:
EIL Process. Constn.
Process / 08-Aug-14 IV
of ShutUtility
Units, downpackages
/ Hot tapping.
& other packages. POSD - Hook sketches
-CDU/VDU Blocktoonbe24.06.14.
prepared and signed by Piping / POSD / BPCL. Marking at site POSD /
to be taken up on priority.
- DCU unit on 03.07.14 & CR LPG unit on 22.07.14.
-- Finalisation
VGO unit onof12.07.14.
methodology for taking up works targeted by end Dec 13.
A 27 - DHDT unit on 24.07.14
- FCCU unit on 23.07.14
- SRU block on 25.07.14.
- Offsite P&IDs signing to be expedited.

Offsite Interconnection P&ID Close Process / Updated P&IDs released. Process / Mar'14 & Apr'14
- Updation of P&IDs based on HAZOP review for POSD POSD /
A 28

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for Open Engg. - Equipment layout issued for engineering on 23.08.13 Piping 21-Aug-13 JUL'13
NHT/ISOM Ant - 21-Aug-13)
Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:
i) 3 D Modelling
B 1 ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender preparation

Issue of Equipment layout for engineering for VGO- Close Engg. Equipment layout issued for engineering Piping 26-Dec-12 Jan'13
B 2 LAD - 07-Nov-12
Ant- 26-Dec-12

Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:

i) 3 D of Equipment layout for engineering for FCCU
Modelling Close Engg. Equipment layout issued for engineering Projects / 21-Dec-12 Jan'13
(targeted by 27.12.2012)
ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender preparation Piping / BPCL
B 3 Delay in this activity shall hamper the following:
i) 3 D Modelling
ii) Civil/Structural & UG Piping Tender preparation
NIT for Heater for FCCU Open ENGG NIT issued on 24.06.13, bids due on 23.07.13 Projects / 18-Jun-13 May'13
B 4 LAD -01-Apr-13 ; Ant - 18-Jun-13 Process /
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a) Cost/time overrun due to rework Close Procure/EN 1) Involvement of technical/engineering team and client with vendor where non- Projects As Required Apr'13
b) Non completion of critical project activities within GG/CONS. standard products are required
time & delay in Project completion 2) Clarification of all doubts prior to beginning of work
B 5 c) Poor performance of Sub-contractors and 3) Procedures for internal review and approval of design/deliverables to be followed

New requirement of power recovery system (FCCU) Close Project -Discussions with prospective bidders held seeking details on implementation Engg (Elec) 15-Jan-13 Jan'13
shall have impact on project cost. methodology.
B 6 3 Nos PRTs envisaged (FCC-1 Nos ; VGO- 2 Nos) -Decision regarding System integration schemes taken during meeting dated 17th &
18th Dec 12. MR issued

Updation of Equipment layout for engineering for Open Engg. - Layout finalised with licensor. Final layout under study. Piping 15-Jun-13 May'13
TGTU - Model review for SRU completed on 30th May'13 (except TGTU, incinerator section
B 7 LAD - 21-Jan-13; & downstream of sulphur pit).
Ant: Mid Jun'13

Issue 2nd MTO Piping (Sch - 30-Apr-13; Ant - End Close Piping Intermediate MTO released on 31.05.13. Piping 31-May-13 May'13
May 13)
Piping preliminary MTO has been released without
covering DHDT, VGO FCC& offsite interconnection
B 8 P&IDs, Flare system & offsite storage P&IDs. Prel.
MTO covers 35% for large bore pipes.

Delay in thermal design for Heat exchangers & Air Close HMTD Thermal design completed for DHDT, VGO-HDT and FCCU. HMTD Apr'13
coolers for licensed and non licensed units -
LAD (DHDT): 02-Feb-13
B 9 LAD (VGO-HDT): 09-Feb-13
LAD (FCCU): 08-Mar-13

Issue Overall UG piping layout drawing for the Close Engg. - Layout for OWS, CRWS, CW & FW lines issued for Offsite. Gen Civil 31-May-13 May'13
B 10 complex

Completion of 30 % Model review Open Engg. VGO-HDT: 30 % modelling completed on 7th Jun'13 Piping Prog. May'13
B 11 VGO- LAD: 09-Mar-13 FCCU: 30 % modelling completed on 06.06.13. To
FCCU-LAD : 23-Apr-13 SRU (excluding TGTU) completed on 30.05.13. Jun 13
NIT for Civil & Strl work for existing Refinery Area Open Project/C&P - NIT issued for publishing on 12.06.13 with sale period from 17.06.2013 to Project / C&P 18-Jun-13 May'13
LAD: 31-Jan-13 05.07.2013
C 12 ANT: 18-Jun-13

a) Inaccurate assessment of quantum of work Close Engg/procur Wide variation of BOQ and site executed quantities for item rate tenders to be Engg As Required Apr'13
ement controlled.
B 13 Past data to be analysed and used for reference purposes.

MR issue for MCC (Main combustion Chamber) Close Project MR issued on 02.05.13. Engg Apr'13
B 14
LAD: 16-Feb-13
Ant: 15-Apr-13
Timely finalisation of Package Interface Open Engg. - Management level meetings with package contractors being organised to expedite Projects / May'14
CDSP-DCU awarded on 22-Aug-13; the works. Engg. /
RR pkg-FCC awarded on 25-Jul-13. - Battery limit conditions for CDSP Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13) submitted Process
(Battery Limit conditions for each package to be by vendor & approved under code 2 on 07.05.14.
frozen within three months of award to ensure time - Battery limit conditions for R&R Pkg (awarded to M/s Essar on 25.07.13) received
availability for engg, procurement and construction from vendor and approved.
B 15 by all the concerned).

Unit and offsite interfaces (Elevation termination Close Engg. - Clubbed with Risk ID A27 TSD - Mar'14 & Apr'14

B 16

Timely availability of piling and foundation load data Open Projects - Data received from all vendors. All piling drawings for CPP area released. ENGG/PLNG Mid Mar'14 Feb'14
from Package (GTG, UB, HRSG) Vendors to meet - Foundation drawings for & HRSG under progress and targeted by mid Mar'14.
piling tender & Civil / Strl tender schedule
B 17 requirements.
LAD - 28.02.13; Ant - upto Feb 14.

NIT for Heater for DCU Close PROCESS/ - NIT issued on 11.03.13, bids due on 16.04.13. Pre bid meeting targeted on 10-Mar-13 Feb'13
LAD -15-Feb-13; ENGG 02.04.13. (Delivery : 18 M for Mechanical Completion including Pre-Commissioning
B 18 Activities)

CPP: Integration of various packages & BOP Items Open Engg/Cont. - Integration of packages incl. GTG, HRSG & UB to be ensured based on vendor Engg 13-Aug-14 III
of CPP. inputs. Projects /
90 % model review for CPP - HAZOP review completed for GTG, HRSG & UB package. Process
Package wise HAZOP for GTG, HRSG, UB,Gas - 60% model review for HRSG targeted by 12-13th Aug'14. Process /
B 19 Booster compressor. -90% model review for GTG & UB package targeted by mid Aug'14. HMTD
- GBC ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. KOM planned with M/s BHEL for Gas C&P
booster compressor on 12-13 Aug'14.

Distributed Control System (DCS) Open Engg/procur - Preparation of Inst. dwgs./ docs. by the DCS vendor, using Smart Plant Projects Aug'14 IV
Detailed engg., supply and erection ement Instrumentation (SPI) is already covered in DCS vendors scope in DCS
B 20 (ordered on M/s Emerson Process on 04.11.13) - Resolution of NDA issues for NHT to be resolved by Aug'14.

B 21
60 % Model review for Close ENGG - Model review completed on 13.09.13 ENGG Aug'13
DCU (LAD:03.07.13 Act:13.09.13)
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Package Vendor refuses to submit Instrumentation Open Engg/procur - Being taken up with respective package vendors for implementation. Instn / Continuous IV
Drawings/ Documentation in Smart Plant ement Projects
Instrumentation Database as per Client
B 22

Delay in Interface Engineering (including control Open Engg/procur Package vendor inputs being made available by expediting for updation of interface Projects / Continuous IV
system) due to non availability of Package Vendor ement engineering documents. Engg.
B 23 Data

60 % Model review for DHDT (LAD:07.08.13 Open ENGG Model review completed on 04.10.13 ENGG 4-Oct-13 sep'13
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor, Feed
filter & Heater pkg awaited from vendor.
B 20 - Vendor drawings for sheds awaited.

Delay in completion of P&IDs by gen Civil Open GC - All P&IDs released G. Civil 25-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 09-Jan-13 (DHDT)
B 24 LAD: 30-Jan-13 (VGO-HDT)
LAD: 30-Mar-13 (FCCU)
Order of MR for DG set Open Project - Award recommendation issued on 07.08.14. BPCL to award. BPCL 20-Aug-14 III
Dely: (12 M FOB + 3 M Site work)
B 25 Sch: 05.11.13
Ant: 20.08.14

Receipt of Inputs from Process / Vendors for 60 % Close ENGG - Model review completed on 24.10.13. Process / 25-Oct-13 sep'13
Model review for VGO-HDT required for Process to remove holds as per piping Hold up lists released till date by 25th Oct 13. Projects
procurement of piping material (LAD:14.08.13 - Piping to release updated hold up lists based on release of holds by process on
Ant:25.10.13) fortnightly basis to process / project / planning / TSD / Risk Coordinator.
- Integrated model for RGC, MUG compressor, Feed - Meeting between Process, Piping, Projects shall be organised within 3 days of issue
filter & Heater pkg awaited from vendor. of hold up lists.
- Vendor drawings for sheds awaited. - Process to issue Revised P&IDs latest within 4 weeks of HAZOP recommendations.

B 26

60 % Model review for Open ENGG - Model review completed on 25.10.13. ENGG 25-Oct-13 sep'13
FCCU (LAD:16.09.13 Ant:25.10.13)
- Line size for 300 nos P&IDs under hold
-Vendor data needed for coalescer, electric heater,
pumps & filters
- Review of model by Licensor (Stone & Webster)
B 27 envisaged.

60 % Model review for Open ENGG - Model review started on 28.10.13 and under progress. Targeted to complete by ENGG 31-Oct-13 sep'13
B 28 SRU (LAD:31.08.13; Ant:31.10.13) 31.10.13.
-As per P&IDs, No. of lines hold are 51 (ARU), 164
Delay in release
(SRU),15 (SWS)of & Intermediate 2nd MTO
60(TGTU) + 155(Utilities Open ENGG - Intermediate 2nd MTO released on 31.10.13, based on above MR under Projects / 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
-CVs Size HoldAct:31.10.13)
as follows: 13 (ARU), 6 (SWS), 125 preparation. ENGG
-CDU/VDU: PumpFace
-All Control Valve nozzle
to for
Face6 nos. pumps under
Dimensions are
HOLD.sizes for 256
All CVs lines under
for TGTU hold, Control valve
are HOLD.
matching flange, bypass valve and flanges (21 nos.)
& PSV inlet outlet flanges and reducers (37 nos.)
-DHDT: By-pass lines for CVs under hold (30nos),
PSV's mating flanges and reducers (44 nos), Lines
B 29 (103 nos.) not considered in MTO.

Generation of Surplus Piping material Open ENGG - Surplus material to be salvaged with effective substitution. ENGG Progressively IV
- Letter to be written to BPCL with backup details on reasons of Surplus generation on
account of changes by them :- Process & POSD to consolidate changes in P&IDs on
account of BPCL and forward to piping for attribution of surplus material to owner.
Based on the report, projects to take up the issue with BPCL.
B 30

B 31 HAZOP for FCCU Close ENGG - HAZOP study completed on 29.11.13. ENGG Nov'13
LAD - 23-Sep-13
Completion of 90 % engineering by Mar-14. Open ENGG - Catch up plan has been prepared as per discussion held on 18th Apr14. 90 % ENGG Aug'14 IV
As of 15.07.14 engineering progress is 89.2 %. completion of engineering targeted by Aug'14.
Average progress achieved in last 3 months 3.0 %
B 32 LD Milestone date - Dec'13

Release of final Piping MTO Open ENGG - HAZOP for all packages targeted to complete by end Aug'14. Revised process ENGG Aug'14 to Sep'14 III
Sch: Jul'14 package targeted by 26.08.14. Accordingly MTO expected by mid Sep'14.
Ant: Sep'14
B 33
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Finalisation of GTG fuel forwarding scheme for Open POSD - Scheme forwarded to BPCL on 17.07.14, BPCL to review. Aug'14 III
naptha to day tank when Naptha tank being under
B 34

Delay in award of PRT -FCCU(Hot gas expander) Close Project Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand on 30.12.13 Engg / C&P 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
LAD: 19.04.13
Ant: 30.12.13
Multiple Bids extensions leading to delay in ordering.
02 Bids recd on 12.08.13 (Dresser Rand ,Elliot
Org. BDD: 27.06.13
C 1
1st extension: 16.07.13
2nd Extension: 01.08.13
3rd extension: 09.08.13
Duration: 16 M FOB

Award of Heater for VGO-HDT Open Project Awarded to M/s Petron with delivery period of 18 M on 21.08.13. Projects 30-Aug-13 JUL'13
LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant -End Aug'13
C 2 Duration: 18 M

Issue of RFQ for PRT (Hot gas expander) Close Project - BPCL confirmation sought for minimum nos (10.97 MW or 80% of 10.97) for C&P 30-May-13 May'13
LAD: 25-Jan-13 qualifying criteria. Accordingly BQC changed and approved by BPCL. Draft NIT by
C 3 Ant: 30-May-13 25.05.13. Publishing targeted by end May 13.
Duration: 16 M FOB
Variation in foreign exchange rates has an impact on Close Project - As per latest cost status report the impact of cost variation has been neutralised by Projects Continuous Nov'13
the foreign component of overall project cost savings.
C 4

Award of Heater for DHDT Close ENGG Awarded to M/s Technip on 04.09.13 (Duration 18 M) Projects / 15-Sep-13 Aug'13
C 5 LAD -24.06.13 ; Ant - Mid Sep13 HMTD
Duration: 18 M

NIT for Composite Works for DCU Open ENGG Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Piping 25-Oct-13 sep'13
C 6 LAD -06.06.13 ; Ant - 25.10.13 Risk ID C68

NIT for Composite Works for DHDT/VGO Open ENGG Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Piping 31-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -06.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13 Risk ID C68
C 7

NIT for Composite Works for FCCU Open ENGG Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Piping 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -12.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 Risk ID C68
C 8

NIT for Composite Works for Offsite IREP area Open ENGG Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Piping 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -23.05.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 Risk ID C68
C 9

Award of PRT for DHDT & VGO-HDT unit (Pumps Open ENGG -Ordered on M/s Shin Nippon & M/s Flowserve on 30.01.14 (except Tag IV-P-301 A/B EIL 15-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
centrifugal multistage) due to poor past performance of PRT supplied under CEMP-II by M/s GENP);
Sch: 23.04.13 - Separate MR released for item tag IV-P-301 A/B. BPCL informed that order
Ant: 15.03.14 (IV-P-301A/B) expected to be placed as per previous recommendation, ordering expected by mid
C 10 - As a parallel action MR was issued however RFQ kept under hold in view of BPCL
information regarding ordering by mid Mar 14.

NIT for Composite Works for Offsite DHDS area Open ENGG Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Projects / 15-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 15.10.13 Risk ID C68 HMTD
C 11

NIT for Composite Works for Existing refinery area Open ENGG Single tender envisaged for composite works, risk clubbed and created under new Projects / 31-Oct-13 sep'13
LAD -22.07.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13 Risk ID C68 HMTD
C 12

Award of : Open Project/Eng -Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 Engg/Proj 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
Main fractionator for FCCU g
LAD: 25-Mar-12
Ant: 20-Jul-13
C 13

Issue NIT for Tankage-II Close Project/C&P NIT issued on 29.05.13, bids due on 18.06.13. Project / C&P 31-May-13 May'13
LAD: 21-Jan-13
C 14 ANT: 31-May-13

Award for RO-DM Open Project - Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. duration is 22 M. Engg / C&P 29-Jun-13 May'13
C 15 Ant: end Jun'13
(Execution Duration - 20 M + 2 M)

Delay in award for Cooling tower Close Project Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 21.02.13. Duration is 20 Months. BPCL 28-Feb-13 Feb'13
LAD : 31-Dec-12; Ant - end Feb 13
C 16

NIT for Reactor regenerator package for FCCU Close Project / BQC finalised on 15.01.13. Tender under compilation. Draft NIT being issued to BPCL Projects / 21-Feb-13 Feb'13
LAD : 01-Jan-13 Licensor for approval. BPCL
Ant: 21-Feb-13 NIT targeted by 21-Feb-13.
C 17 Changes in scope of supply led to revision in BQC /
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Award for Raw water quarries Close Project Ordered to M/s Paulose George (15 M). BPCL Apr'13
LAD :03-May-13
C 18
ANT: 15-Apr-13

Ordering of Reactor for VGO-HDT Close Project Ordered on M/s L&T on 08.04.13. Proj/Engg - Mar'13
LAD: 29-Dec-12
C 19
ACT: 08-Apr-13

Award of contract for Piling-II Close Project Awarded to M/s L&T on 09.04.13 with duration of 12 M. BPCL - Mar'13
LAD: 31-Dec-12
C 20
Ant: 15-Apr-13

Award of Civil & Strl work for offsite new area Close Project Awarded to M/s Petron on 09.04.13 with 18 M duration. BPCL - Mar'13
LAD: 22-Jan-13
C 21 Ant: 30-Mar-13

Award of Crude and Vacuum heaters (LAD Close Engg. Awarded to M/s Technip on 07.03.13 (Duration 23 M) Projects / 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
29.12.12) C&P / BPCL
C 22 Ant : 07.03.13

Storage of sulphur and related issues with Close Project - Scheme finalised. Projects / Apr'13
Granulator to be finalised between BPCL / EIL. BPCL
C 23

NIT for ETP package with WAO (Wet air oxidation) Close Project Tender released on 26.03.13; BQC finalised on 08.04.13. NIT targeted by 16-Apr-13 Engg Apr'13
C 24 LAD: 15-Jan-13
Ant: 16-Apr-13
Ordering of Desalter Internals (LAD:03-Dec-12) Close Project Award recommendation issued on 11.02.13. Awarded to M/s Howe baker on 07.03.13 Proj/Engg 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
Ant: 07-Mar-13
C 25

Award of contract for Building incl substations Close Project Awarded to M/s L&T (duration 20 M) BPCL Apr'13
LAD: 07-Feb-13
C 26 Ant: 15-Apr-13

Filling of existing part fire water pond required for Open Strl KB tech completed development of flare area & handed over the area to M/s L&T.for Projects 30-Mar-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
area preparation. piling.

Sch - 28.08.13; Area handed over to M/s L&T

C 27

Delay in ordering of Long Lead Items. Close Engg / C&P - Evaluation of LLIs to be ensured with-in 1 month from receipt of bids by Engg. & Engg / C&P / TBA - 1 month of Dec'13
Technical / Commercial evaluation of long lead PBO recommendation with-in 1 week by C&P. Projects bids receipt
items (compressors & packages) taking more than 2 - Pre tender / Pre enquiry meetings to be conducted with bidders to avoid extensions PBO - 1 week of
months. in bid due date due to lack of clarity in scope / other requirements. TBA
- Immediate after issue of Enquiry a firm action plan to be developed by the Project
coordinator clearly indicating targets for Issue of TQ / CQ , Post bid meetings,
TBA/CBA, PBO reco., Price bid opening and award recommendation dates.
- Uploading of bids in eDMS by C&P within 1 - 2 days (Max.) of bid submission by
C 28
- Restriction of multiple TQs / CQs.
- Rigorous follow up by C&P / Engg. / Projects for receipt of TQ / CQ replies from
bidders within cut off dates.

Award of Waste heat Boiler package (Waste Heat Close Project Awarded to M/s Tecnicas Reunidas S.A. on 31.12.13 BPCL 30-Dec-13 Dec'13
Boilers along with respective steam drums(un
engineered ), Incinerator Combustion Chambers
(engineered), Incinerator vent stacks).
LAD: 27.04.13
Ant: 30.12.13
Bids extension:
C 29 1st extension - from 28.05.13 to 20.06.13.
2nd Extension- from 20.06.13 to 02.07.13.
3rd extension - from 02.07.13 to 08.07.13.
Duration: Supply + Erection - 18 M

Delay in award of CDSP package Open Project Awarded to M/s Essar Project on 22.08.13 (Duration: 27 M) C&P / Engg / 30-Aug-13 JUL'13
Schedule: 02.03.13 Projects
Anticipated : 30.08.13
Completion of works
Sch: 01.05.15 ( M); RFQ Duration : ( M)
C 30 Anticipated: 23.11.15 (27 M)
Bidders quoted 27 M against schedule of 26 M.
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Ordering of GTG Pkg (LAD:10-Mar-13; Ant - Open Project - Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13. Projects / 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
20.07.13) Engg / C&P /
Bid received on 28.03.13. Multiple extension (4 BPCL
times) in bid due date on request of M/s Siemens.
C 31 Duration (Supply) - 15 M FOB /16 M FOT as per
RFQ; Sch : 20 M

Delay in Ordering of HRSG Close Projects / - Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 Projects / 20-Dec-13 Nov'13
(Sch Order - 22-May-13; Ant - 20-Dec-13) Engg BPCL
Initial Change in configuration by BPCL. It is planned that common facility (incl. common piperack, utility lines etc) shall be
Multiple extensions (twice) in bid due date due non taken up as per project schedule requirement. This shall be taken up during KOM with
availability of exhaust data for GTG. selected bidder.
Post Enquiry changes in type of Fuel (LSVR) by
C 32 No PTR available for LSVR Fuel
Completion of Works
Sch. : 30.06.15
Ant. : 30.08.15 (20 M)

Ordering of Reactor regenerator package for FCCU Close Project / - 2 Bids (Essar & L&T) received on 25.04.13. Projects / Jun'13
LAD : 10-Apr-13 Licensor - TBA issued on 21.05.13. BPCL
Act: 10-Jul-13 - PBO recomn. issued on 30.05.13 and BPCL approval received on 03.06.13
Changes in scope of supply led to revision in BQC / - Price bids opened on 04.06.13.
tender due to which NIT was delayed. - Award recommendation issued on 25.06.13.
C 33
Bidders sought extension in dates. - Awarded to M/s Esaar on 10.07.13.

Award of Coke handling system (DCU) Open Project BPCL 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
LAD :22-Apr-13 Awarded to M/s ThyssenKrupp ;
Ant :30-Oct-13 (Duration 21 M+2 M (Mech + Pre Commg)
C 34 Duration: 21 M+2 M
No bidder could meet the BQC criteria in view of
which the tender has been re-floated.

Award of UB package Open Process / - 3 no. bids received on extended date of 02.02.13. Projects / 31-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD : 19-Jan-13 Engg / - Meeting with bidders held from 19.02.13 to 26.02.13. PBO recomn. issued on C&P / BPCL
Ant : 31-Jul-13 constn 06.05.13. Price bids opened on 09.05.13.
C 35 Duration: 20 M - Award recomm issued on 12.06.13.
Execution duration as per RFQ - 20 M; Sch - 24-26 M

Award of ETP tender. Close Project/C&P Awarded to M/s Paramount (with 21 M for mechanical completion + 2 M for C&P/Engg/Pr Aug'13
LAD: 24-Apr-13 commissioning). oj
Ant: 30-Sep-13 Execution duration as per RFQ was - 22 + 2 M; Sch - 28 M
C 36 Duration: 22 M+2 M
Anticipated Completion: 29-Jul-15

Multiple Contracts awarded to same agency beyond Close Purch / Meeting held with EIL & BPCL. Approach paper prepared and signed jointly by EIL / BPCL / C&P - sep'13
their capabilities / capacities. Contrc. BPCL for limiting single agency getting work orders against more than 2 tenders. (In
cases of big agencies with financial capability, one agency can get maximum works
order against 3 tenders)

C 37

Failure of contractors Open Const. Limit the number of works being awarded to one Agency so that alternatives can be C&P - sep'13
worked out fast.
BPCL/EIL To evolve a System to be implemented to ensure that the maximum
C 38 number of jobs awarded to single agency is only 2 if NOT to be preferably made ONE BPCL /
only. Projects

Ordering of Ejector Pkg Open Project Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery period of 13 M. BPCL 15-Jul-13 Jun'13
C 39 (LAD:12-Jan-13; Ant: 15-Jul-13)

Award of Heater package for DCU Open Project Awarded to M/s Heurtey, (Duration - 20 M) BPCL 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
(LAD:24-May-13; Ant: 15-Nov-13
Earlier 04 Bids recd on 21.05.13. (Petron, Thermax,
Heurtey, Technip).
C 40 Due to Technical and related commercial issues
enquiry re-floated.
Duration 20 M

Award of Civil & Strl work for DHDS offsite area Open Project Awarded to M/s KSS on 25.07.13. (Duration 18 M) BPCL 20-Jul-13 JUL'13
(LAD: 30-Mar-13; Ant: 20.07.13)
C 41 Duration: 18 M

Award of Civil & Strl work for refinery area. Close Project Awarded to Mcnally Bharat on 26.09.13. Project/C&P sep'13
(LAD:25-Apr-13; Ant: 10.10.13) Duration- 16 Months
Duration: 16 M
C 42
Completion of works Sch: 09-Sep-14
Ant: 24-Jan-15

Issue NIT for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project NIT issued on 01.08.13, bids due on 30.08.13 Gen 25-Jul-13 JUL'13
(LAD:24-Jun-13; Ant: 25.07.13) Civil/Project
C 43 Duration : 16 M
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Award of work for Civil & Strl work-SRU Block Open Project Awarded to M/s McNally Bharat. Duration - 16 M Gen 30-Oct-13 Oct'13
(LAD:17-Sep-13; Ant: 30-Oct-13) Civil/Project
Duration: 16 M
C 44

Ordering of Main Air blower & wet gas compressor Close Project MAB awarded to M/s Elliot Ebara on 04.09.13. C&P/Engg/Pr 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
for FCCU WGC awarded to M/s BHEL oj
LAD: 04-Mar-13
Ant: 30-Sep-13
(Total execution duration is 25-27 M : 19 M FOT for
C 45 delivery of WGC & MAB at site + 6 to 8 M Site
installation & pre-comm; Time Available from order
to MC OF FCCU - 24 months)

Award of Civil & Strl contract for CDU/ VDU & DCU Close Project Awarded to M/s L&T on 07.03.13. Award recomm sent to BPCL on 01.02.13. Award to C&P 7-Mar-13 Feb'13
LAD: 15-Dec-12 be targeted by 07.03.13.
C 46 Ant: 07-Mar-13

Ordering of wet gas compressor for DCU Close Project Ordered to M/s Eliot Ebara on 28.06.13. Jun'13
C 47 LAD: 02-Feb-13
Ant: 30-Jun-13

Ordering of OFF GAS COMPRESSOR - VGO Open Project Ordered on M/s Dresser Rand, Dely - 17 M FOT Dispatch EIL/BPCL 30-Oct-13 Oct'13
LAD: 08-Jun-13
Ant: 30-Oct-13
RFQ duration: 17 M FOB

C 48

Award of Sulphur Forming Open Project - Ordered to M/s Sandvik. BPCL 30-Jan-14 Jan'14
LAD: 03.04.13
Ant: 30.01.14
Earlier enquiry re-floated due to changes in MR
requirements by BPCL(MR was revised as
Evaluation methodology was to be based on NPV
and in view of 2 different types of technologies viz.,
C 49 sulphur pelletiser and sulphur granule); refloated
again as financial criteria was not met by all the

Award of contract for Civil & structural for FCCU Close Project Awarded to M/s Sriram on 25.09.13 BPCL 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
area (refloated)
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 15 M Dec'14; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated
C 50 19.06.13, based on past Performance of
recommended bidder tender refloated.

Award of contract for Civil & structural for DHDT & Close Project Awarded to M/s McNally bharat on 11.09.13 (with 16 M execution period) BPCL Aug'13
VGO area (refloated)
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Compl: 16 M Jan15; Sch: Nov14
As decided during Management meeting dated
C 51 19.06.13, based on past Performance of
recommended bidder tender refloated.

Award of contract for Civil & structural for CPP area Open Project Awarded to M/s Essar Projects on 19.08.13 BPCL 28-Aug-13 JUL'13
Ant: end Aug-13
C 52 Duration: 16 M

Award of MCC package Open Project Awarded to M/s Thermax BPCL 14-Aug-13 JUL'13
Ant: 14.08.13
C 53 Duration: 12 M despatch and 6 M for site work

Award of contract for RWTP (Refloat case) Open Project Awarded to M/s Triveni BPCL 19-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 14-Jan-13
Ant: 19-Jul-13
C 54 (Execution Duration - 18+2 M)
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Award of Thermal oxidiser burner & reduction pkg Open Project Ordered to M/s Callidus and M/s UOP India on 20.06.14. BPCL Jun'14
LAD: 28.05.13
Ant: 15.06.14 (Incinerator burner)
C 55 (Execution Duration - 14 M)

Award of Air blower/compressor for SRU Open Project Ordered on M/s Howden Process Compressors Projects / 19-Jul-13 JUL'13
LAD: 29-Mar-13 C&P
Ant: 25-Jul-13
(Execution Duration - 17 M FOB/ 18 M FOT)
C 56

Delay in Award of contract for Demountable flare Close Project Awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13 with duration of 18 M. Projects/ 28-Sep-13 Aug'13
(LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 28-Sep-13) Process/
Change in type of Flare. Initially as per DFR normal Engg / C&P/
flare was envisaged.

Post enquiry significant changes (received on

15.03.13) in Flare Load/Process Data Sheet due to
enormous increase in BOO flare load and non
acceptance of mitigation measures by FCCU
C 57 Change in flare load data due to change in flare
height upto 150 M.

Completion of works
Sch. : 31.01.15
Ant. : 28.02.15

Award for SG-III (Refloated) Open Project - Awarded on M/s Ray Engineering on 23.01.14. Engg / C&P Jan'14
LAD: 01.11.13
Ant: 30.01.14
C 58
Duration: 12 M

Award for:RGC compressor for VGO-HDT (LAD: 30- Open Project/Eng Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg 29-Jun-13 Jun'13
Mar-13; Ant: end Jun 13) g
Dely: 18 M
C 59

Award of MUG compressor for VGO-HDT Close Project/Eng Ordered to M/s Neumen & Essar on 14.11.13 BPCL 30-Nov-13 Nov'13
(LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 30.11.13) g
C 60 Dely: 16 M FOB

Award of Contract for Tankage-III (Crude tank: 02 Close Project/Eng Awarded to M/s IOT Anwesha on 04.12.13. (duration: 20 M) BPCL 15-Dec-13 Nov'13
Nos & 1 surge relief tank and crude drain tank) g
Outage of existing crude tank from crude to naphtha
can be taken up after commissioning of new crude
tanks. Shutdown of existing tanks- 17 & 18 depend
on commissioning of new crude tanks-25/26 under
C 61 tankage-III.
Sch: 01.10.13
Ant: 15-Dec-13

Award for: Close Project/Eng Awarded to M/s BHEL Proj/Engg 28-Jun-13 Jun'13
RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD: 26-Mar-13; Ant: g
C 62 Jun 13)

Award for: Close Project/Eng Awarded to M/s Dresser Rand Proj/Engg Aug'13
MUG Compressor for DHDT (LAD: 30-Mar-13; Ant: g
C 63 Duration : 18 M FOB

Award of Tankage-II Close BPCL Awarded to M/s B&R BPCL 30-Sep-13 Aug'13
(TF-4: 5 Nos, Exist ETP-II:2 Nos, Exist Asphalt: 2
C 64 Sch: 30.04.13
Ant: 30-Sep-13
Duration:22 M

Award of Tankage-IV (Total 15 Nos Tanks) Open BPCL / Awarded to M/s Offshore on 17.04.14. EIL / BPCL 25-Apr-14 Mar'14 & Apr'14
LAD: Jan14 Projects
Outage for Tank YT-340 depends on readiness of
at least one new DCU feed tank which will require
14 M durations. Alternative scheme required to be
finalised for outage.
Outage of Tankage YT-18 depends on readiness of
C 65 new crude tanks (Tankage-III; YT-25/26). Alternative
scheme required to be finalised for outage.
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Award of Composite Works for CDU/VDU (06 Bids - Open Project .Awarded to M/s Offshore (Duration- 20 months) BPCL 31-Oct-13 Oct'13
L&T, Petron, Offshore, Mcnally Bharat, Albana, IOTL
recd on 04.09.13)
LAD -30.08.13 ; Ant - 31.10.13
C 66
Duration - 20 M

Award for contract for development of flare area Close Project Contract for development of flare area awarded to M/s KB Tech.. Engg / C&P 30-Dec-13 Nov'13
LAD: 01-Nov-13
Ant: end Dec'13
C 67

Award of Composite Works for VGO-HDT, DHDT, Open ENGG Composite Works for VGO-HDT & DHDT Projects / 30-May-14 May'14
CPP and Offsites (DHDS) -DHDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M). Engg.
LAD 31.12.13 ; Ant - 30.05.14 -VGO-HDT- Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
Composite Works for Offsite
Part B (DHDS): Awarded to M/s Offshore on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).
C 68 Composite Works for CPP: Awarded to M/s Zillion Infra. on 19.05.14 (16M+2M).

Award of Heater package for FCCU Close Project Awarded to M/s Petron on 04.12.13. Duration is 16 M BPCL 15-Dec-13 Nov'13
(LAD:08-Jul-13; Ant: 15-Dec-13
Earlier 05 Bids recd on 23.07.13. (Thermax,
C 69 Technicas, Petron, B&R, JNK).
Duration 20 M

Award of Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: 13 Open Project Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. Dely: 13 M. 30-Jul-14
M FOB / 14 M FOT))
C 70 (LAD:29.12.13; Ant: 30.07.14)

Award of Slurry Filter (MR- 4880) for FCCU unit and Open Project -Award recommendation issued on 08.08.14. BPCL 18-Aug-14
existing refinery. (Dely: 10 M FOB)
C 71
Ant: 18.08.14

Ordering for Intermediate Piping 2nd MTO. Open Project - All pipes, fittings & flanges ordered, balance for valves. Ordering progressively C&P 14-Aug-14 IV
LAD: Jan'14 onwards targeted by end Aug'14.
C 72 Piping intermediate MTO-II released on 30.10.13. Engg

Ordering of Critical Valves Open Project Revised MR (MR-3415) issued covering all critical valves along with all critical valves Engg. 30-Aug-14
Sch: 11.07.14 of MR-3211 floated. 10 nos bids received on 24.07.14. TBA targeted by 16.08.14.
Ant: 30.08.14
C 73 Dely: 06/07 M FOT /FOB

Award of contract for Mechanical works-CPP area Open Project - Awarded to M/s Zillion on 19.05.14. 25-May-14 May'14
LAD: 28.02.14
C 74 Ant: 25.05.14

Release of balance piping Isometrics drawings and Open Project -Total 22190/ 30154 nos (72%) isometrics issued for units . Balance ISO's targeted Engg. Aug'14-Sep'14 III
GAD's. progressively by progressively upto Sep'14.
Target Sch: Jul'14 - Piping items has been ordered for Intermediate MTO-II, delivery expected by
Ant: Sep'14 Aug'14-Sep'14.
C 75

Award of Composite Works ( Civil /Strl. Works & Open Project - Award recommendation issued to BPCL on 03.07.14. EIL/BPCL 18-Aug-14
Mechanical) for NHT/ISOM Sole bidder has not ready to give any discounts during negotiation, Being refloated.
Sch: 08.05.14 Draft NIT targeted by 18.08.14.
C 76 Ant: 10.10.14

Award of Fuel forwarding Pumps (08 nos) for GTG Open Project - Ordered to M/s Sulzer. BPCL 5-Aug-14
(Dely: 6 M FOB / 7 M FOT)
C 77 Sch:27.06.14
Ant: 05.08.14
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Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Progressively
FCCU -M/s EPIL has been asked to start site work by 26.08.14. Projects upto Aug'14
LAD : 09.07.15 - M/s EPIL has been pressurised to complete construction of hard stand by 15.10.14.
CCD: 09.10.15 Submission of erection scheme targeted by 18.08.14. Constn
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) - Deliveries of balance materials being expedited. (Nozzle for regenerator by end
Overall Progress: Aug'14, Reactor torricone by end Aug'14 and TSS torricone by mid Sep'14).
Sch: 57.62 % Act: 41.41 % - Work for assembly of hoppers and TSS to be commenced form 21.08.14 & 15.09.14
Construction Progress: respectively.
Sch: 12.4 % Front: 65.5% Act: 10.6 % - M/s EPIL asked to commence area development around FGC equipments & hard
stand immediately and to be ready by 15.10.14.
- M/s EPIL agreed to mobilise 1600 MT crane by 1st week of Oct'14 and will ready for
D 1 erection by 05.11.14.
- Readiness for TSS erection targeted by 2nd week of Sep'14 to Feb'15.
Area for storage of fabricated materials to be identified and allocated. Already
discussed during director level meeting dated 26.06.14. Issues being followed up.


Delivery of GTG Pkg at site (LAD:29-Sep-14; Ant - Close Project Clubbed with Risk ID E19 Project 24-Nov-14 Nov'13
Awarded to M/s BHEL
D 2 Duration (Supply) - 16 M

Completion of UB package Open Project Management review held on 01.08.14 to pressurised M/s ISGEC for completing within Project Aug'14 III
LAD : 31.03.15 CCD.
CCD : 23.03.15 - M/s ISGEC to expedite modelling work to carry out 90% modelling by end Aug'14.
ECD:10.08.15 -Erection of UB-1 targeted by mid Aug'14.
Awarded to M/s ISGEC on 25.07.13 - M/s ISGEC to expedite shed drawings for equipments.
D 3 Overall progress:
Sch: 69.1 % Act: 52.4 %
Construction Progress:
Sch: 53.5 % Front: 63.66 % Act: 14.12 %

Delivery/Erection of Ejector Pkg Open Project -All Indigenous component received at site within CDD. Project/Inspe Aug'14 IV
Delivery LAD : 11.06.14 - Foreign Source Components: Delivery of ejector and LRVP pkg targeted to be ction
Ant : 09.08.14 dispatch from Aug'14 onwards.
Awarded to M/s GEA on 10.07.13 with delivery - HAZOP & 3D model review held on 10th-11th Jul'14
D 4 period of 12 M FOB / 13 M FOT.

Delivery of wet gas compressor for DCU at Site Open Project Sub-orders of Casing, Nozzle, end plate, end wall, shaft of rotor completed. Project/Inspe 27-Jan-15 IV
(M/s Eliot Ebara) Bearing expected to receive from Aug'14 to Sep'14 progressively. ction
D 5 LAD: 05.12.14 Casing for compressor and turbine received at shop.
(CDD: 27.01.15; EDD: 27.01.15)
Sch: 45.0%; Act: 42.2%

Delivery of Air Blower / Compressor for SRU Open Project Ordered to M/s Howden Process on 25.07.13 (17 M delivery Sch). Project/Inspe 24-Dec-14 IV
LAD: 18.09.14 Order placed for Motor, turbines, Casings, forgings, impellers, gear box. ction
(CDD: 24.12.14; EDD: 24.12.14) Close monitoring to be done to ensure delivery on CDD.
D 6

Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns for Open Project -All 3685 MT Plates received at Chakan Shop, plate cutting & welding in progress. Project As stated
FCCU :Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 (18 M - Staggered delivery of columns is required from Sep'14 onwards as major piping
incl erection). works is held up due to hold for crane movement for these columns.
LAD: 22.01.15 - Priority assigned to complete main fractionator (IF-V-104) by Oct'14.
CCD:14.01.15 - Progress of works was affected due to delayed handing over of fabrication yards and
ECD: 15.05.15 completion of approach roach upto fabrication yard, which affected shifting of
Overall progress: sections.
D 7 Sch: 68.8 % Act: 46.6 % - Approach road work completed.
- Crane under mobilisation.

Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project - M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration due to delayed availability of burner BPCL 15-May-15 III
LAD: 23.06.15 data from M/s Accometric. Letter issued to BPCL for recommending extension for
CCD:18.02.15 (including Site work) supply portion to M/s Thermax upto 30.11.14.
ECD: 18.05.15 -MCC: Shell Rolling is completed.
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl - Foundation readiness targeted by Sep'14
D 8 Overall progress:
Sch: 71.0 % Act: 63.2 %
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Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project -Management review meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Following commitments have Aug'14
Target Sch: 01.05.15 been made by M/s Essar.
Ant Compl.: Mar'16 -Fabrication for Derrick structure agreed to complete by Dec'14.
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). - 500 MT qty out of total 1800 MT qty planned to offload from M/s MK Engg by
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. 12.08.14.
Overall Progress: - Balance fabrication for Switch Deck 250 MT) targeted by 30.09.14.
Cum. Sch. 49.0 %; Act: 37.0 % - Structural drawing for balance 1600 MT out of 3500 MT targeted to complete by EIL/BPCL
Construction Progress: 31.08.14.
Sch: 27.0 % Front: 92.2 % Act: 18.1 % - M/s Esaar has been asked the readiness of Fractionator Column and Coke Drum for
erection by 28.02.15.
D 9 -Supply of balance Plates (33/38 plates received) targeted by 10.09.14.
- Ordering of 2000 MT crane targeted by mid Aug'14 and Crane availability agreed
from Feb'15 to May'15.
- Completion of Coke drum structure upto 113 level by 10.09.14.
- Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 236 nos
have been deployed, balance 14 nos by 14.08.14.

Delivery of RGC compressor for VGO-HDT (LAD: Open Project/Eng - Drive turbine for LOP (Lube oil Pump) sub ordered to M/s KEPL on 22.03.14 & Project/Inspe 27-Dec-14 IV
05.03.15 Ant : 27.12.14) g targeted to receive at shop by Dec'14. ction
Dely: 18 M Impeller manufacturing is in process. Turbine casings reached at BHEL workshop.
D 10 Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13 - MRT targeted by 20.08.14.

Delivery of RGC compressor for DHDT(LAD : Open Project/Eng - Drive turbine for LOP (Lube oil Pump) subordered to M/s KEPL on 22.03.14 & Project/Inspe 27-Dec-14 IV
05.02.15; Ant : 27.12.14) g targeted to receive at shop by Dec'14. ction
Ordered to M/s BHEL on 28.06.13 Turbine rotors and casings reached at BHEL workshop.
D 11 Compressor MRT-1 conducted successfully. MRT-2 targeted by 30.08.14.

Delay in erection of Crude & vacuum column Open BPCL / Director level meeting held with M/s VTV. Constn. / VTV Oct'14
Sch: Jun 14 Projects / - Due to weld crack in all 4 nos bottom shell likely to be delayed by 2 month w.r.t CDD. / Projects
CCD: 21.08.14 Const. Revised target for erection and hydrotesting of column finalised. Root cause and
Ant: Oct 14 rectification completed. Detailed report issued to BPCL on 28.07.14.
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit - Crude Column: Bottom section erected on 07.08.14. Erection other sections planned
Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude & from 16.08.14 to 31.08.14.
D 12
Vacuum column. - Erection of Vacuum Column targeted from 30.08.14 to 30.09.14.
VTV progress Sch ( 98.5 %); Act (85.6%)

Logistics of VGO & DHDT reactors from Kochi port Open T&CC - Contract for ODC transportation awarded to M/s Urmila on 26.05.14. Sep'14 IV
to BPCL-KR site - Agency confirmed availability of Barge/Trailer at the time of delivery of Reactors.
Barge will be ready with reqrd modification by Sep'14.
(VGO Reator-2 Nos - CDD (07-Jan-15 FOB) EDD: - KOM held on 02.06.14 & follow up meeting held on 16.07.14. Barge readiness
Feb'15 targeted as follows:
(DHDT Reactor-2 Nos - CDD (07-Oct-14 FOB) 2 nos Ammonia Barges modifications by 30.09.14 drawings for new barge submitted
to IRS for approval.
D 13 1 nos new barge fabrication by 24.12.14
- M/s Urmila informed construction of jetty targeted by 30.09.14 (approval by
- M/s Urmila to take all statutory clearance / clearance from local bodies prior to
delivery of Reactor at Kochi-Port.

Close Monitoring of ODC equipment (including site Open Projects Out of total 57 nos. of ODCs; 14 nos received at site. & 5 nos under dispatch. Shipping Aug'14-Sep'14 IV
fabricated/assembled) up to receipt at site Balance under close monitoring and are expected at site from Jul'14 to Aug'15.
- Preflash drum, Crude Column reflux drum, Flare
D 14 KOD for CDU / VDU
- HP Air Receiver received for U/O

Close Procure/Co - Transporter philosophy frozen and hindrance enroute has been covered under Risk Shipping As Required Nov'13
Delay in delivery at site due to non-availability of nstr ID K3.
transporter / hindrances enroute.

D 15

Delay in delivery of equipments: Open Contract / Equipment by Ganson BPCL Jun'14

- M/s Gansons due to substantial rise in raw Inspection - M/s Ganson agreed to supply balance item of CDU/VDU. Items for SRU and DCU
material cost due to current market conditions. refloated under MR-6560 (DCU): All items relocated to M/s Patel Airtemp, M/s Phils
Heavy, M/s Acoustics India ; M/s Beekay Engg ; M/s Fab-Tech, M/s Nuberg Engg.

D 16
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Completion of Demountable Flare works (Awarded Open Project - Hazop review covered in offsite Hazop. Projects/Cons As Required III
to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13) - Foundation drawing released. tr.
Sch: 31.03.15 - Filling of area & piling work completed, excavation commenced. Delivery of
CCD: 24-Mar-15 foundation bolts from Airoil being expedited.
Ant: 24-Mar-15 - Foundation to be handed over by Aug'14.
D 17 Overall Progress - Construction work to be started from Oct'14. Fabrication of flare structure is in
Sch: 42.8 % Act: 34.9 % progress and being delivered from Aug'14 onwards.
Construction work likely to start from Oct'14.

Addition of 4th Riser in Demountable Flare and Open Project / - BPCL confirmation on the additional flare stack addition received. BPCL / EIL As Required Oct'13
identification of additional Equipment to be procured Process - Agreed with Air Oil / BPCL for completion of 4th riser within CDD.
due to the same. (BPCL informed additional of 1 no. - Revised PDS & P&IDs released on 15.11.13.
riser during meeting dated 16th Oct 13.) - Order placement (change order) issued to M/s Airoil on 14.11.13.
- Flare (with 3 risers) awarded to M/s Airoil on 25-
D 18 Completion of Flare work:
Sch: 31-Mar-15
Ant: 24-Mar-15 (Duration: 18 M)

Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on Open Projects - Compressor casing has been ordered on NP Italy on 14.12.13 (Dely - end Aug 2014 Project/Inspe Continuous
26.09.13) & 03.12.14 FOB). ction
LAD: 09.01.15 - Receipt of compressor casing expected at BHEL shop from Oct'14.
CCD: 25.04.15 - Further delivery of compressor takes normally 10-11 month after receipt of casing.
EDD: 25.09.15 Meeting held on 26.05.14 with BHEL & GENP along with EIL & BPCL at site. BHEL
has committed to deliver within CDD and agreed to prepare micro schedule for
D 19 completion within CDD after receipt of casing at BHEL shop. However close
monitoring being done.
Meeting held on 06.08.14. Casing delivery expected within CDD i.e

Delivery of MAB-FCCU (Ordered to M/s Eliot Ebara Open Projects - All major items has been subordered. Project/Inspe Continuous IV
on 04.09.13) Air Blower: Main casing received at workshop. ction
LAD: 09.01.15 Steam Turbine: Casing received at shop
D 20
CDD: 03.04.15
Ant: 03.04.15

Delivery of VGO-HDT Reactor Open Projects -Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13; Dly 21M FOT. Close monitoring to be done to Project/Inspe Continuous III
Ordered to M/s L&T on 08.04.13 ensure delivery on CDD. ction
LAD ; 29.12.14 - Strike has been called off with effect from 12.05.14 at L&T Hazira workshop. Vendor
CDD: 07.01.15 being followed up continuously to deliver reactor within CDD.
D 21
EDD: 16.02.15
Overall Progress:
Sch: 79.0 % Act: 75.0 %

Delivery of DHDT Reactor Open Projects - Follow up visit held, though no delay anticipated as per CDD, however close Project/Inspe Continuous III
Ordered to M/s Doosan Engg & Const Co. on monitoring to be maintained. ction
LAD ;15.12.14
D 22 CDD: 07.10.14
Overall Progress:
Sch: 77.1 % Act: 73.8 %

Completion of HRSG Package Open Projects - Management review meeting held with M/s Thermax on 31.07.14. Project/Inspe Continuous III
LAD : 30.03.15 - Balance engineering to be expedited by m/s Thermax by end Aug'14. ction
CDD: 19.08.15 - Tharmax has been asked to submit the foundations details of auxiliaries by
D 23 Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13 20.08.14.
Overall Progress: - 30 % model review completed & 60 % model review targeted by 11-14Aug'14
Sch: 34.7 % Act: 24.0%

Delivery of Hot Gas Expander (Ordered to M/s Open Projects - Generator subordered Project/Inspe Continuous III
Dresser Rand on 31.012.13) - Pedestal fabrication is at final-machining. ction
D 24 LAD ;30.03.15 - Fabrication of exhaust diffuser and inner exhaust case targeted by mid Aug'14.
CDD: 30.04.15

Delivery of Sulphur Forming Pkg (Ordered to M/s Open Projects -Silos with structure & Conveyors sub ordered by M/s Sandvik. Project/Inspe Continuous III
Sandvik on 31.01.14) - Delivery of Semi rolled sections of Silos shall commence from Nov'14 onwards. ction
LAD :01.08.14 Structure to be made ready for installation work to proceed.
D 25 CDD: 30.03.15 - Space for SILO's to be expedited as material expected to receive at site by end
- Foundations for pelletiser shed to be made ready by end Nov'14.

Delivery of steel plates by M/s Essar to other Open Projects Strl. Steel for R&R- Project/Inspe Continuous Jun'14
vendors. Major portion of steel plates have been delivered by M/s Essar. ction
CDD: Progressively by 15.01.14.
D 26

Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects - Synchronous Motor ordered to M/s Toshiba Mitsubishi. Expected to receive at M/s Continuous IV
-DHDT( Ordered to M/s Dresser Rand on 11.09.13) Dresser shop by 03.02.15.
LAD: 29.01.15 - HAZOP review completed on 20.06.14.
D 27
CDD: 10.03.15

Delivery of Make up Gas Compressor Open Projects - Main motor ordered. KOM for Motor held on 06-07.05.14 & expected to receive by Progressively IV
-VGO( Ordered to M/s Nueman & Essar on 14.11.13 13.04.15 (FOB: Germany).
) - HAZOP completed on 19.06.14.
D 28
LAD : 26.02.15
CDD: 13.04.15
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Delay by vendor with respect to CDD due to Open Projects - Following bidders showing slow manufacturing progress: Aug'14 III
financial constraint. - M/s Arjun Technologies (Pressure Vessel supplier): FOA No.: 133, 144 & 184.
Expediting meeting held at shop on 04.07.14, vendor agreed to dispatch balance
orders of FOA 133 progressively upto 30.08.14 for FOA 144 upto 02.08.14.
- M/s Reynold Chem. (Heat Exchangers): FOA No.: 116, 189: As a parallel action
separate MR-6122 released.
D 29 - M/s Bharat Pumps & Compressors (Pumps): FOA No.: 230, 311 & 444.
Continuous expediting being made by visiting vendor workshop for all critical orders in
respective regions.

Non acceptance of PO for DHDT & VGO feed filter Open Projects - M/s Filtrex asking for deviations on commercial terms. Meeting held on 08.07.14 to Aug'14 III
by M/s Filtrex (MR-4370) resolve the issues with M/s Filtrex. Proposed letter has been not accepted. Vendor
Ordered on 21.12.13 to M/s Filtrex ( Dely: 13 M has been asked to submit revised request.
D 30 FOB)

Non acceptance of work order by M/s Flowserve for Open Projects - Order has been accepted by M/s Flowserve and amendment issued by BPCL on EIL/ BPCL Jul'14
DHDT Centrifugal pumps 11.07.14.
Ordered on 30.01.14 to M/s Flowserve (MR-5403)
D 31
(FOA No 550 & 551)
CDD: 01.03.15

Delay in delivery of Stripper column (IF-V-206) and Open Projects - Order got delayed due to delay in manufacturing works. At present only 4 shell Aug'14
Debutaniser Column (IF-V-302) by M/s Uttam Value course rolled out of 17 nos due to which there be likely delay of 3-5 months including
Steel (Ordered on 19.08.13) site works. Vendor to be expedited to supply within CDD.
D 32 CDD: 18.10.14
EDD: 31.03.15

Availability of 90 % Piping materials to generate Open Projects - As of now around 35-40% piping material has been received at site. Around 85-90 EIL/ BPCL Sep'14
adequate piping material front to composite % material has been ordered. Ordering of balance 5-10% material is in progress and
contractors. expected by Aug'14. Delivery of ordered material against intermediate -II expected by
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-2) : JUN'14 Aug-Sep'14.
D 33 EDD: Sep'14 -Vendors to be expedited to prepone the deliveries.
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-3): Oct'14 - Storage area for piping materials to be expedited by BPCL.
EDD: Dec'14.
Delivery Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: 13 Open Project Ordered to M/s BHEL on 25.07.14. Dely: 13 M. Aug'14 III
D 34 M FOB

Slow Progress of works by Piling I contractor M/s Open Constn. Piling completed for CDU/VDU DCU & Offsite (except boundary wall) Constn. Mid Oct'13 sep'13
DBM. (CDU/VDU, DCU & Offsites) - Awarded on Balance piling (479 nos) for GTG, UB & stack area being done by M/s DBM. Job
25.09.12 (Sch - 100 %, Act 91.7%) given on 07.10.13 with CCD by 1st week of Dec'13.
RCC Piles:4822 / 5307 Nos.
Balance for offsite (SS VGO & compound area at
E 1 FACT).
Presently 5 total rigs are operating

Space constraints: Open Constn. - Balance 16 nos units in the township handed over for grading by M/s Ray (SG-III) on BPCL Aug'14
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and 21.07.14
package contractors - FACT area to be arranged for storage of materials of owner and package
ii) Area for Spool storage contractors.
E 2 - Alternatively, BPCL to take land on lease (300m X 200m) for storage of Material.

Delay in completion of rock blasting affecting Open Constn. -Rock breaking in VGO area 200 cum. balance targeted by 08.08.14 Engg./Constn. 8-Aug-14 III
release of construction front for VGO & offsite area
E 3 as hard rock encountered.

Completion duration for NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / - All long delivery equipments (incl. Compressors) to be awarded progressively by end EIL/BPCL Aug'14
Mechanical completion of NHT/ISOM - Target Projects Aug'14. Columns ordered to M/s Fabtech on 03.07.14 (CDD: 02.07.15)
Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 15 M available for Award recommendation issued for
construction works (excl. Dismantling works) against - Refrigeration package on 29.05.14:
schedule of 22 M. - Composite Works (Civil Strl. & Mechanical) on 03.07.14: Being refloated.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay
in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award of
E 4 - Change in the scope based on health check report
has an impact on Project cost and schedule.
Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 59.8% Catch Up Sch: 21.7 % Act:
20.9 %

Availability of Soil investigation Report for new Open BPCL / - Agency finalized on 07.06.2013 and investigation to commence. BPCL / 15-Jul-13 JUL'13
Crude tankages area. Projects / - Report targeted to issue by mid Jul 13. Projects
Delay in availability of soil data will affect preparation Const.
for piling tender and layouts drawings.
Further civil / structural tender will also affected.
E 5

Slow Progress of Building Works by M/s L&T for Open Const Management level meeting held on 18.07.14, Constn As Required
MCR and CPP control Room. - MCR area, CPP control room area : It has been decided to complete balance strl
Contr. Sch:79.4 % work by Dec'14 & finishing by Mar'15.
Front: 100 % - Other building works : Finishing work to be completed by Dec'14.
Act:46.2% - L&T also agreed to augment required manpower to meet the target completion date.
E 6 CCD: 20.12.14
Ant: 15.05.15

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Backlog 26.1 (% wrt target sch) as of 15-Jul-14 in Open Const Revised catch-up schedule prepared as per discussion held on 18th Apr14 with As Required
Construction activities viz., Civil works and CDU/VDU completion by Sep15 and balance units by Dec15.
Mechanical works for offsite area as well as unit - In order to supplement progress by failing civil contractor, contract for 2 additional
areas. Structural works & 1 civil work under evaluation and likely to awarded by mid Aug'14.
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; Additional 1 tender for offsite refinery area is under preparation.
Time lapsed - 28M; Remaining Duration - 18 M - To provide financial assistance to Contractors for procurement of Reinforcement
Desc. Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act steel & Cement: During review meeting dated 26.06.14, it has been decided that
Overall 23.9 49.4 48.6 23.3 payment to be released to the sub vendors against Performa invoice submitted by
Backlog in Civil / strl works will affect contractor. BPCL to review and approve the same for maintaining the cash flow and
availability of front for mechanical contractor boost progress.
E 7 (CDU / VDU / DCU, FCCU, VGO/DHDT & Offsite). - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site.Approx 7000 labours
are available at site, though induction programme has been carried out for 15000
labours . requirement of manpower at site is approx 15000 nos. EIL/BPCL

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by BPCL Mar'15 IV
clearance for BOO area. Mar'15.
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
E 8 commissioning of Demountable flare
(Commissioning expected by end Mar'15)

Completion of piling work by M/s L&T (Piling-II): Open Constn. L&T has completed all piles in Demountable flare area, Air compressor & DG shed Constr. Immediate
CDD- 08.05.14. area.
(Total 12003 Nos piles).
(Contr.Sch- 100%, Front-100%, Act-100%)
Only 10 nos. hydraulic & 4 nos. conventional rigs
E 9 are currently
operational at site. Total 10124 nos completed out of

Payment to contractors Close Constn. Ensure that 90% payment of the RA bills certified by EIL are released to the BPCL within 7 days of sep'13
E 10 contractors within 7 days of receipt by client. certified RA bills
Unrealistic project time leading to under quality Close Project / Ensure that realistic dates of availability of inputs(drawings, front and materials) are Project / As Required sep'13
Engg. / considered in project/ construction schedule rather than compressing construction Planning
E 11 planning schedules alone to meet the completion target.

Dismantling of LO CAT SRU and area handing over Open BPCL All 5 nos tank area cleared and released. Area handed over to M/s B&R for Tankage- BPCL end Apr'14 May'14
to Tankage II contractor (Required for New II works on 30.04.2014
tankagesTF-4) by BPCL.
E 12 Will affect release of front for tankages.

Completion of Raw water treatment plant Pkg (M/s Open Project - Project review meeting held on 26.06.14 with M/s Triveni. Constr. Aug'14
Triveni Engg).(Delayed due to refloating) -Balance engineering and complete ordering progressively by Aug'14.
-M/s Triveni shall augment manpower by mobilizing 25 Nos carpenters along with
Overall Progress: adequate no of barvendors and take up chemical house construction work.
Contr. Sch: 68.2 % Act: 41.2% (Manpower required is 300 nos & Available manpower is 136 Nos).
Construction Progress: - Substation building: Foundation works commenced , completion to be targeted by
Sch: 63.8 % Front: 100 % Act: 39.5 % Dec'14.
E 13 Sch: 15.11.14 CCD: 24.03.15 ECD: Aug'15 - Chemical house work yet to start.
Compl: 18 M+2M

Area availability for SRU Block Open Proj. / - Meeting held with M/s B&R management on 06.08.14 at site and resources have Aug'14
- At present only 91 % area given to M/s MBEL, Constn. been augmented. M/s B&R has been asked to expedite completion of balance area
balance Site for SRU block shall be available by end by end Aug'14 by augmenting additional dumpers.
Aug'14. (The works are covered under SG-II Tender - Retaining wall in progress. B&R agreed to complete wall by 31.08.14 for which front
: Awarded to B&R on 22.11.12) is available and balance shall be completed by 30.09.14. B&R shall mobilize
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from end shuttering materials & manpower accordingly to meet above targets.
Jun14) are available with respect to schedule of 25 - Piling for SRU block included in Civil/ structural tender to save time and work
M (As per Past experience minimum requirement for awarded to M/s Mcnally on 04.11.13 (duration: 16 M) At present 952 nos piles EIL/BPCL
SRU is 30 M). completed against front of 1150 nos at site by M/s MBEL. Release of balance piling
front at site progressively by mid Aug'14.Total nos of piles is 1800 nos piles
E 14 Front for balance piling 918 nos will released
progressively upto end Jul'14 on completion of site
grading by M/s B&R.

Area for FCC Feed Tanks (Diversion of ETP II to Open Proj. / Graded and handed over to tankage-II Constr.
ETP III and development of area reqd. by Apr.13) Constn.
E 15

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and Close Proj. Clubbed with Risk ID E33 BPCL Dec'13 Nov'13
development of area reqd. by May, 2013
Ant - Dec 2013
E 16

Land acquisition for Crude tank (2 nos.) . (LAD - Jul Close Proj. M/s BPCL Vide mail dated 21.08.2013 has handed over the area for SG-III. BPCL Aug'13
13; Ant - 30-Aug-13)
E 17

Allocation of identified fabrication areas for ODC OPEN BPCL Details of area has been cleared and allocated by BPCL during Review meeting at BPCL As Required sep'13
Equipments & Other Agencies site.
E 18
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Delivery of bought out items by BHEL for GTG Open Const. / - All 3 GTGs received at site. Projects Aug'14 III
package Projects - Contractor for Mechanical works for CPP awarded to M/s Zillion.
(LAD supply:29.09.14; Ant - Jul'15) - Subordering: MCC ordered.
Awarded to M/s BHEL on 25.07.13 with CDD for - N2 compressor (Delivery period is approx 6-8 M) : Ordered on 01.08.14, delivery
E 19 delivery as 24.11.14. going upto Dec 2014, However BHEL confirm that they expect supply to be completed
within CDD of GTG package.

HEAVY LIFT Cranes for INTALLATION OF Close Const. -Included in mechanical contractor scope. Project / - Nov'13
REACTORS - - Based on prel. Erection scheme, 1600 T heavy lift crane with 600 T trailing crane Constn.
Finalisation of Erection scheme and capacity the envisaged for erection of both VGO and DHDT reactors.
crane, inclusion in scope and timely mobilisation at - Timely mobilization of cranes and preparation of Load Test.
E 20 site - Finalization of erection scheme.

E 21
in material
delivery from
of UGWarehouse
piping material Material Close
Open EIL
Const. - Security arrangements
Total 2 KM in Warehouse
pipe under shortage in place
(IS 3589 pipesby
of BPCL.
32", 36", 44" & 48") ordered under Constn. -
Aug'14 Mar'13
required at site for Civil & strl contractor. FOA 592, 593, 652, 655 to be expedited.
- Shortage quantity being addressed at higher level. Being continuously monitored by
E 22
inspection team.

Lighting during construction Open Constn. Area lighting being done. Constn. As Required May'13
E 23

Delay in construction due to monsoon. As work Open EIL -During 2013-2014 monsoon following actions were taken Constn. As Required sep'13
progress between Jun to Sep is expected to be - Temporary drains were constructed for draining accumulated rain water.
hindered due to monsoon, all out effort to be made - Pumping arrangements for draining water accumulated in pits were made.
to release tender as per sch. Generally to manage
delays in initial stages of project, constr. Duration
E 24 are reduced while floating tenders. This needs to be

Adequacy Check for Hook-up of LPG Flare and Open Project LPG flare - As per EIL study LPG flare is adequate. Report issued to BPCL and BPCL / EIL 15-Nov-13 Oct'13
ACID Flare between existing CDU-II flare and clarification received.
CEMP-II flare Acid flare - HC flare & Sour flare system P&IDs issued for engineering on 15.06.13.
DHDS sour flare replacement: Sour Flare system P&ID (DHDS Area) issued for
comments on 17.05.13, this additional requirement of existing structure and
E 25 replacement of sour stack by higher size (16") being checked for adequacy.
New flare components to be procured for revised stack size.

Construction of Subway on the PWD road including Open Project 31-Aug-14

re routing of existing road / existing facilities and Culvert part I covering 8 m out of 13 m completed, rerouting of existing KWA drinking
necessary liasoning with government department. water supply line completed. Management level meeting held with B&R on 08.07.14.
Construction of culvert got affected (Ant. Compln- B&R agreed to execute work on extended hours to complete balance works in all
E 26 May'14, Compl date Committed by B&R 13.11.13) respect by 31.08.14.

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for Offsite Open Constructio Management level meeting held with M/s KSSPPL on 07.08.14. EIL/BPCL Aug'14
IREP area. n - M/s KSS agreed to complete all balance piperack foundations by 31.10.14.
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s - Additional gangs to be deployed to complete cable trenches work.
KSSIL on 12.09.13 - KSS agreed to assemble the 100 MT crane from from 16.08.14.
Civil & Strl work-offsite IREP Area: - Additional manpower being expedited by M/s KSS.
Constr. Sch:94.3%; Front:75.8%; Act: 31.1% - M/s KSS informed that agency for rock blasting has been deployed since 04.08.14.
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15 - TMT bars: Out of ordered 500 MT qty only 94 MT qty received, balance expected by
E 27

Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for CPP Open Project Management review meeting held with M/s Essar on 08.08.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Aug'14
Contr. Sch: 76.6%; Front: 87.1%; Act:31.1% - Foundation completion for HRSG-3 targeted by 22.08.14.
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: Apr'15 - Completion of Structural works for GTG shed targeted by 10.10.14.
- Stack foundation targeted to complete for HRSG-3 by 07.09.14, HRSG-4 by
E 28 20.09.14 & HRSG-5 by 05.10.14.

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU block Open Project - Management level meeting held at site on 07.08.14. EIL/BPCL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) - As on date the manpower is 123 nos against the requirement of 200 nos. 100 nos
LAD: 12.01.15 civil labour expected to join site by 12.08.14.
CCD: 03.03.15 - Strl work at fabrication yard: Strl steel for TS-2 & TS-3 targeted by 15.09.14 &
Ant: Oct'15 30.09.14 respectively.
SCH. FRONT. ACT. - Breaking of Pile cap to be expedited.
E 29 56.2% 52.9 % 17.7%

Composite works for CDU/VDU Block Open Project - Management level Meeting held with M/s OIL on 06.08.14 and following action plan EIL/BPCL Continuous III
(Awarded to M/s Offshore on 04.11.13) has been agreed
SCH: 30.06.15 - M/s OIL advised to to augment welders to 50 nos. against 39 nos available.
CCD: 03.07.15 - Piping fabrication rate of 1500 ID / day from current 660 ID/Day targeted to achieve
ECD: 03.07.15 from 01.09.14.
E 30 Cum. Sch: 20.7% - Additional radiography source to be deployed immediately to clear the backlog
Front: 26.1% approx 700 joints by carrying out 50-60 joints per day by mid Aug'14. Concrete bunker
Act: 11.4 % to be constructed at fabrication yard to facilitate radiography work.
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Completion of Coke handling work Open Project -Major backlog is due to engineering (29 %), ordering (49.2%) & (13.3 %) Continuous III
(Awarded to M/s Thyssen on 04.11.13) due to delayed finalisation of layout.
LAD: 18.04.15 - Piling work commenced (510 out of 1642 nos piles completed as on date) M/s TKII
CCD: 03.07.15 to augment piling rigs immediately.
EDD: Dec'15 -TKII to augment manpower for Civil works as well.
E 31
Construction: Sch:12.1 %; Act:8.5%
Overall Progress:
Sch: 25.9 % Act: 18.0%

Completion of DCU Heater works (Awarded to M/s Open Project - 1312 MT steel received & Radiant Section fabrication in progress at Coimbatore Project As Required III
Heurtey on 04.11.13 (20 M) fabrication yard. Welding completed for Panel frame of radiant end Panel for Heater
LAD: May 15 101B. Mobilization of work force & crane for erection work commenced. Procurement
CCD: 03.07.15 of steel to be augmented
Ant: Oct'15 - Handing over of Heater-B foundation handed over.
Overall Progress: -Crane (150 MT) expected to reach at site from 1st week of Aug'14.
Sch: 54.2 % Act: 51.1 %
Construction work: Sch-26.6% Front:56.7%
E 32 Act:10.5%
As of end Jul'14
Heater A: Total 66 nos pannels; Received: 62 nos;
Erected: 45 nos.
Heater B: Total 66 nos pannels; Received: 18 nos;
Fabrication: 20 nos in progress.

Area for RO-DM Plant : Dismantling of PIB and Open Project - Total area handed over on 05.05.14. Project As stated Jun'14
development of area reqd. by May, 2013
Completion Sch: 30.01.15
Awarded to M/s Driplex on 12.06.13. (Duration: 20
E 33
M+2 M incl pre commng)

Progress of ETP Works (Handing over of graded Open Project Management level meeting held on 21.07.14. EIL/BPCL As stated
area for ETP & dismantling of existing Oil Catcher) - M/s Paramount to complete major engineering by mid Aug'14.
LAD: 30.09.15 -60 % model review being in progress from 11th Aug'14.
CCD:10.08.15 Work commenced in substation (5 out of 42 fdns cast) and equalisation tank.
ECD: Dec'15 - Handing over of balance area for treated water tank, API/TPI, ex TPI sump targeted
Overall progress: by end Aug'14. Area handing over geeting delayed due to rain & U/G structure present
Sch: 47.6 % Act: 14.5 % in areas.
Construction Progress: - In order to recover the construction backlog, paramount has agreed to mobilse
E 34 Sch: 19.1 % Front: 61.5 % Act: 7.2 % resource immediately & submit catsup plan.
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13. (Duration: - To be followed up with M/s Paramount.
21 M+2 M incl pre commng)

Completion of works for Tankage-II Open Project - Management level meeting held on 06.08.14. Total tanks: 27 nos (New tanks 19 nos, As stated III
Sch: 30.06.15; CCD: 24.07.15; ECD: Sep'15 work in progress for 11 nos;. Modification tanks: 18 nos work in progress for 8 nos.)
Duration: 22 M - B&R to augment resources to complete all balance work within agreed target.
Sch: 40.3 %; Front:84.3% Act: 12.4 % Additional manpower to be increased by 30.08.14.
E 35 - B&R to complete the modification work for YT-80 (MS Tank) by 10.08.14.
Awarded to M/s B&R on 25-Sep-13 - Anchor bolts: 112 nos out of 206 nos expected to be available by 25.08.14.

Completion of works for Tankage-III (Crude Tanks) Open Project - Tank pad area handed over for 3 nos out of 4 nos tank. Constr. As stated
(M/s IOT Anwesha ) Excavation for tank pad YT-25/26/28 completed.
Sch: 27.02.15; CCD: 03.07.15 - Area grading in progress for 2nd Crude tank and area to be handed over by mid
E 36 Duration: 20 M Aug14.
Sch: 14.7 % Front: 67.8 % Act: 15 %

Slow progress of FCCU Heater works (Awarded to Open Project -Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Order has been placed for all As Required
M/s Petron on 04.12.13 (16 M) bought out items.
LAD: 09.07.15 - Structural steel: Out of 190 MT, 68 MT received at Coimbatore fabrication yard.
CCD: 03.04.15 Balance being expedited by M/s Petron.
Ant: Oct'15 - Blasting and painting at Coimbatore is in completion stage.
Overall Progress: - Fabrication started for radiant section, erection planned by last week of Sep'14. EIL
Sch: 47.1 % Act: 12.1 % - All radiant coils have been ordered to M/s MSL
E 37 - In view of slow progress by M/s Petron, separate tender is ready & Project team
visited at M/s Petrons workshop in Coimbatore from 07.08.14 to 08.08.14, visit report
submitted to BPCL on 09.08.14. BPCL decision awaited.

Handing over of fabrication space to M/s Fabtech for Close Project Clubbed with Risk ID D7 BPCL As Required Dec'13
Main Fractionators Column of FCCU
E 38

Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Boiler Open Project -PO amendment: Letter issued to BPCL on 31.07.14. BPCL confirmation awaited. BPCL As Required
Package for SRU Block (ordered to M/s Technicas
on 31.012.13)
LAD: 09.06.15
CCD: 30.06.15
E 39
Overall Progress:
Sch: 20 % Act: 12 %

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Progress of RO-DM Plant (Awarded to M/s Driplex Open Project -Management level meeting held on 21.07.14 at EIL Delhi. M/s Driplex has been EIL/BPCL As Required
on 12.06.13) asked to prepare a catchup plan to expedite constr. activities for compln. of RO-DM
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: Dec'15 plant by Apr/May'15 in order to commission UB's & HRSG by Jun'15. The catch-up
Overall Progress: plan has been discussed & reviewed and issued on 26.07.14. M/s Driplex to mobilise
Sch: 77.0 % Act: 49.5% additional resources for completion as per catchup plan.
Construction Progress: -90 % model review expected in Sep'14.
Sch: 63.2 %; Front: 100%; Act:17.7 % - M/s Driplex has been asked to mobilse 200 labours against present 107 nos.
E 40 Area handed over, part of area is water logged due - DM tanks: Soil strengthen to be carried out by additional work of Stone Column.
to plant drain which is under completion. Further tanks work held up.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Management review meeting held on 06.08.14 at site. M/s SEPC has been informed As Required
Shriram EPC that their performance to be evaluated for next one month, additional agency to be
Contr. Sch: 59.9%; Front: 92.7% lined to supplement progress (if required).
Act: 21.7 % -Resource Deployment of skilled workmen to be increased (Carpenters, bar benders EIL/BPCL
CCD: 24.12.14 to be increased).
ECD: Oct'15 -Manpower shall be increased to 400 nos. from present 135 nos. 50 nos being
planned to mobilise from 30.08.14.
- Tech Structure A targeted to complete by 13.08.14.
-Part Civil Work in FCCU offloaded to M/s Tauman. M/s Tuaman started mobilising.
Additional 2 nos Strl. work contract being lined up to offload above contracts (if
E 41 required). Award recommendation issued on 25.07.14. For other structural contract 5
nos bids received on 08.07.14.

Completion of Heater Works-DHDT (M/s Technip) Open Project Ordering of damper completed Projects As Required III
LAD: 24.04.15 Reactor Charge Heater - Radiant Panels erection completed
CCD: 03.03.15; ECD: Sep'15 Fractionator Reboiler Heater - Radiant Panel erection completed
Fabrication of convections section, ducts and stack in progress
Constr. Progress:
E 42 Sch: 44.6 % front: 100 % Act: 24.7 %

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Petron) Open Project -Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Order has been placed for all Projects As Required
LAD:24.04.15 bought out items.
CCD:20.02.15 - Structural steel: Out of 935 MT, 677 MT ordered, 437 MT received. 67 MT expected
Ant: Dec'15 to receive by 17.08.14.
Overall Progress: - Blasting and painting at Coimbatore is in completion stage. EIL/BPCL
Sch: 74.7 % Act: 13.9 % - Fabrication for 6 panels out of 30 panels for radiant section completed, balance 20
panels under dispatch and targeted progressively by 20.08.14.
- All radiant coils have been ordered to M/s Tubocex Spain.
E 43 - Structural erection work agreed to start by 16.08.14.
- In view of slow progress by M/s Petron, separate tender is ready & Project team
visited at M/s Petrons workshop in Coimbatore from 07.08.14 to 08.08.14, visit report
submitted to BPCL on 09.08.14. BPCL decision awaited.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Management level meeting held with M/s MBEL on 07.08.14 at site. M/s MBEL Projects As Required
McNally Bharat for DHDT & VGO agreed:
CCD: 10.01.15 - Current manpower is 410 nos. MBEL agreed to mobilise 2 separate gangs for UG
E 44 ECD: 31.03.15 piping by 25.08.14.
Sch: 78.3 %; Front :86.1 % Act: 42.6 % - 2 cranes mobilised and balance 2 cranes targeted to mobilised by 25.08.14.

Completion of Pre-engineered Building Works (3 Open Project Management level Meeting held with B&R on 06.08.14 at site. Projects As Required
Nos) by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. PEB 2 All works targeted to complete by 31.12.14.
PEB 3: All works targeted to complete by 31.12.14.
E 44 Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.

Completion of Cooling Tower -I & II Open Project -Major backlog is due to construction (45.2%). Last management level meeting held As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 01.02.13) on 23.07.14 at Site. Commitment made by M/s PCT has again slipped. Manpower at
LAD: 31.01.15 site is 439 nos instead of committed 670 nos.
CCD: 20.10.14 Against a requirement of 2045 MT reinforcement steel only 1372 MT is received.
ECD: Mar'15 PCTL to target to complete all Civil work by Dec'14.
E 45 Overall Progress:
Sch: 92.0 % Act: 62.0 %
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 93.9% Front: 100% Cum Act: 47.3%

Completion of Cooling Tower -III Open Project -Major backlog is due to engineering (33.4%) & construction (30%). Last As Required III
(Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 11.09.15) management level meeting held on 28.05.14 at Kolkata. Commitment made by M/s
LAD: 30.06.15 PCT has again slipped.
CCD: 10.01.15 - Balance Area for CWTP handed over after completion of grading by M/s PEL.
ECD: Aug'15 Site to confirm - Manpower to be augmented urgently
E 46 Overall Progress: -Dedicated transit mixers to be arranged to ensure prompt supply of RMC.
Sch: 59 % Act: 27.0 % -Uninterrupted RMC supply to be ensured.
Construction progress:
Cum Sch: 50.0% Front: 100% Cum Act: 24.6%
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Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for DHDS Open Constructio Management level Meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 07.08.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Aug'14
Offsite area. n - M/s KSSIPL to deploy cumulative 200 Manpower for Civil fdn work alone (Inside
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s DHDS area). As on date 82 nos deployed only.
KSSIL on 05.03.13 - KSS to expedite cable trench work.
CDD: 24.01.15 -Additional contracts lined up to supplement site work:
ECD:. Dec'15 Misc. Civil works-2 (approx 3000 m3) : (DHDS Pipe rack or other areas of IREP)-05
Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area nos bids received on 08.07.14.
E 47 Sch:68.5%; Front: 71.9%; Act: 11.2% Misc. Structural works-2 (approx 3100 MT): For Units & offsite - Award
recommendation issued on 06.08.14.
- Scope of Civil Work in areas 204 - 207 handed over to SG-III Contractor.

Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Open Constructio -Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Aug'14
Works-FCCU n - Piping fabrication shed: Foundations work completed, fabrication shed targeted to
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14 complete by 31.08.14.
CCD: 25.10.15 - In view of delay in start of works (5 Month elapsed) by M/s Petron, separate tender
E 48 for refloating is under progress.
Construction work yet to start at site

Slow progress of work & poor manpower Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 06.08.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Aug'14
mobilisation by M/s B&R for Composite Works-DCU n - B&R to mobilize 750 MT crane for erection of heavy lift from Aug14 onwards.
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14 - B&R agreed to complete fabrication shed by 25.08.14.
CCD: 11.11.15 - Semi welding m/c ordered on 31.07.14.

E 49

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 07.08.14 at site. EIL/BPCL Aug'14
Refinery area: Generation of front for mechanical n -Manpower: As on date only 110 Nos against the requirement of 300 Nos reported to
works affected (awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on site. MBEL committed to increase manpower upto 220 nos by 21.08.14.
26.09.13.) - TMT bars: 40 MT targeted to receive at site by 18.08.14.
Sch:52.7%; Front: 67.9%; Act: 11.7% - In view of slow progress and delay in release of construction front to mechanical
E 50 CCD: 25.01.15 contractor, new tender under preparation and likely to be awarded by Sep'14.
ECD: Oct'15

Start of work by M/s Tech Sharp for Composite Open Constructio KOM held on 17.05.14. Mobilisation work initiated by M/s techsharp. Constr. Aug'14 III
works: Offsite IREP area due to delay in n Pooja held on 22.07.14, WQT commenced.
E 51 Awarded on 25.03.14.
CCD: 24.09.15
Work yet to start at site.

Slow construction progress by M/s B&R for Open Constructio - Management level meeting held 06.08.14 at site. Aug'14 III
Composite works: Offsite Refinery area due to delay n -Agency for radiography to be expedited.
in mobilisation. - Development of fabrication yard to be expedited as area has already shown.
Awarded on 25.03.14. - Welder qualification works to commence by 16.08.14.
CCD: 24.09.15
E 52 Work yet to start at site.

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio - Management level meeting held on 18.07.14, It has been decided to complete Constr. Aug'14 III
works) by M/s L&T for CDU/VDU. n balance civil & strl works by end Oct'14 & TS-4 strl by Nov'14.
Sch: 04.09.14 -M/s L&T to augment manpower and additional machineries for completion of balance
CCD: 06.09.14 works to generate front to mechanical contractor.
ECD: 15.02.15 TS-2 total handover by 08.08.14
E 53 Sch:98.8% Front: 97.7% Act: 77.1% - TS-3 total handover by 31.08.14
- TS-6 total handover by 15.08.14
- MPR Grids 1 to 4 handing over by 22.08.14
49 welders deployed (further 3 welders by Mid Aug'14)

Completion of Heater Works-CDU/VDU (M/s Open Project - Major backlog is due to manufacturing & Delivery (9.8%) and construction (13.3%). Constr. As Required III
Technip) Erection of APH for VDU Heater is in progress.
LAD:14.03.15 - Additional resources to be mobilised to recover construction backlogs by Aug'14.
CCD: 06.02.15 Convection module erection for CDU Heaters to commence from Aug'14.
Ant: Jun'15 CDU APH foundations to be handed over by end Sept-14
E 54 Overall Progress:
Sch: 85.3 % Act: 77.2 %
Constr. Progress:
Sch: 60.5 % Front: 87.4% Act: 45.8 %

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio - Management level meeting held on 18.07.14, It has been decided to complete EIL/BPCL Aug'14
works) by M/s L&T for DCU. n balance civil & strl works progressively by Dec'14.
Sch: 04.09.14 -M/s L&T to augment manpower and additional machineries for completion of balance
CCD: 06.09.14 works to generate front to mechanical contractor.
ECD: 15.03.15 -MPR : 1st tier for total length handed over, grids 25-30 shall be handed over by
E 55 Sch: 98.9% Front: 98.7 % Act: 66.2 % Aug'14.
TS-IV : total handing over by 31.08.14

Start of work for Tankage-IV by M/s Offshore Open Constructio - Management level Meeting held on 07.07.14 Aug'14 III
Awarded on 17.04.14 n - OIL started to dismantle YT-150
CCD: 16.01.16 Scope of works : Modification of 10 No tanks and 02 No new tanks. Front has been
Scope of modification: total 10 nos; Front released released for YT-383/391/150.
has been released for 2 nos (YT-383/391) -B&R has been informed that 2 tanks YT-383 & 391 have been handed over for taking
E 56 up construction work and since these are to be made operational before taking outage
of next tanks, the completion of these tanks is most critical.
-Agency has been asked to mobilise and start work immediately. M/s Offshore to
submit action plan for completion and status of procurement.
- Next Management review meeting with M/s OIL planned on 06.08.14.
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Slow progress for Tankage-I by M/s B&R Open Constructio - Management level meeting held on 06.08.14 with M/s B&R at site. Aug'14 III
Awarded on 07.06.13 n M/s B&R agreed to increase manpower from 90 nos to 150 nos.
CCD: 06.04.15 B&R agreed to complete the civil works as per below targets:
ECD:Aug'15 1. YT-341 : 25.07.14 Revised date: 12.08.14
Sch: 77.1 % Front: 100 % Act: 31.5 % 2. YT-342: 20.08.14 Revised date: 20.08.14
3. YT-343: 10.08.14 Revised date: 10.08.14
4. YT-344: 30.07.14 Revised date: 10.08.14
5. YT-111: 15.07.14 Revised date: 29.08.14
6. YT-112: 20.07.14 Revised date: 18.08.14
E 57 7. YT-113: 14.08.14 Revised date: 22.08.14
8. YT-114: 08.08.14 Revised date: 14.08.14
- Procurement of Balance Quantity of Plates (890 MT out of 1650 MT) to be

Start of work for SRU Tankage works (Ordered to Open Constructio -These tankages (Amine water and sour water services) are required for Constr. Aug'14 III
M/s Tuaman on 19.02.14 n commissioning of CDU/VDU.
E 58 CCD:18.06.15 -Agency has been pressurised to mobilise resources and start work.
Work yet to start - Tank pads to be handed over from Aug'14 onwards.

Start of Composite works by M/s Albana for DHDT & Open Constructio - KOM held on 27.05.14. Constr. Aug'14 III
VGO Unit n - Fabrication shed in progress and expected to be completed by 14.08.14
DHDT: Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with - WPS/PQR in progress
E 59 CCD: 18.11.15.
VGO: Awarded to M/s Albana on 19.05.14 with
CCD: 18.11.15

Start of Composite works by M/offshore for Offsite Open Constructio - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 06.08.14 at site. M/s OIL has been Constr. Aug'14 III
DHDS area n asked to mobilise resources, establish fabrication yard and site facility and start work
Awarded to M/s OIL on 19.05.14 with CCD: immediately.
E 60
18.11.15. - Fabrication yard hand over targeted by 16.08.14.
- Mobilisation for 20 nos auto welding machine to be expedited.

Start of Composite works by M/s offshore for SRU Open Constructio - Management level meeting held with M/s OIL on 06.08.14 at site. M/s OIL has been Constr. Aug'14 III
area n asked to mobilise resources, establish fabrication yard and site facility and start work
Awarded to M/s OIL on 25.03.14 with CCD: immediately.
24.09.15. - M/s OIL agreed to establish complete fabrication yard by end Aug'14.
E 61 - 600 MT crane mobilisation targeted by 25.08.14.

Completion of balance piling work (Covered under Open Constn. -Piling balance in Chitrapuzha area, Offsite Refinery area, new tender prepared. 08 Engg./C&P 18-Aug-14 IV
Piling-IIII Contract) nos bids received on 22.07.14. PBO recommendation targeted by 18.08.14
E 62 (Total 2077 Nos piles approx).

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun2015 for BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project CDU/VDU commissioning.
F 1

Implementation of Change management system Open PROCESS/ a. Change management should be in place immediately Projects Continuous III
The same affects : ENGG/CON b. Strict discipline to be maintained else end objective would be difficult to meet.
- Finalization of basic philosophies S.
- Scope of services All Disciplines are restricted to book manhours and all HOD's should review & make
- Release of deliverables strict control of manhours booking.
F 2 Various scope changes (as advised by BPCL),
resulting in expenditure of extra manhours against
control manhours.

Timely Commissioning of UB package to meet Open Constn. -Strict monitoring required at all stages till award of UB Tender and further during as scheduled IV
refinery commissioning schedule. execution.
Contr. Sch: 69.1%; Act: 52.4% -Completeness of supply of all subparts, their assembly and other BOP Items to be
F 3 LAD : 31.03.15 (UB 1) ensured.
30.06.15 (UB 2) - Special attention to be given to multi flue chimney.

Timely payment to sub contractor by main contractor Open Const. Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: EIL/BPCL As Required IV
- Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being
implemented as per contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank
guarantee being implemented for future contract for more than 5CR value.
G 1 - Expeditious processing of RA bills.

Infrastructure at Kochi Open Const. Contractor to identify the proposed areas in and around Project area and BPCL to EIL/BPCL As Required IV
facilitate by persuading with local authorities for required permission.
G 2

Scope changes & information flow to executing Open Process / All DCN s and change orders, if any to be frozen and incorporated in P&IDs at 60% Process / All by 60% sep'13
group Engg. construction progress stage. POSD / constn progress
G 3 Engg. /

Non-performing vendors Open Inspn The vendor list to be carefully selected to avoid overloading of vendors shops. Bulk Inspn As Required sep'13
materials to be distributed on different vendors.
G 4

Delay in Approval of Vendor List for various items of Close Purch / - Covered under risk ID C73 BPCL within 2 days of Nov'13
the project (specially for Long lead items) Contrc. request
G 5
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Finalisation of Non plant buildings. Close BPCL - BPCL-KR vide e-mail dated 06-Dec-12 sent a list of Non plant buildings to be Projects 15-Apr-13 Apr'13
located under IREP Project.
- The same is reviewed by EIL. Point wise issues targeted to be discussed with BPCL
G 6 in week starting 15.04.13.
- List of buildings finalised between EIL and BPCL. Methodology for execution under

Implementation of environmental clearance Open Projects - Meeting held with BPCL on EIL recommendations and action plan finalised. As required IV
conditions by EIL (received from MoEF vide Letter - BPCL to take up with MOEF for approval of changes in system already incorporated.
dated 22.11.12) (e.g. configuration for CPP)
G 7 - Incorporation of EC and RRA recommendations in balance systems under progress.

Delay in commencement of site work for dyke wall Close Engg. / - Documents approved from PESO BPCL Apr'13
inside TF-3 affected due to non availability of PESO Proj.
approval for tankage area
I 1

Statutory approvals Open Projects / - IBR package for DCU targeted after 90 % model review. Aug'14 IV
- Factory inspectorate approval BPCL - List of all the buildings in IREP along with the plinth area details for taking approvals
- CEA (Central electrical authority) approval from F&B as well as Panchayath issued to BPCL on 12.04.14.
-IBR approval (LAD - IBR Package for DCU by end Approval for tall strl/stacks: Signed documents with 6 sets handed over on 13.05.14.
I 2 Dec'13; CDU/VDU by 31.12.13) -Compilation of documents for Factory Inspectorate, CEA approval to started on

Implementation of Health, Safety and environmental Open Const. - Deployment of skilled manpower for enforcement of safety precautions. Constn. Continuous III
(HSE) system - Monitoring of the HSE conditions and maintenance of records ./ reports.
- Safety Drills being organised monthly basis.
J 1

Delay due to Labour strikes (due to labour issue like Close Const. Client to be persuaded to settle labour issues (wage revision, other benefits) for BPCL As Required Nov'13
wage revision, other benefits) during project Project duration.
K 1 execution phase

Non availability of Skilled workers Open Const. -Utilisation of migrant labour and skilled labour from outside the state needs to be EIL/BPCL As Required III
encouraged. However, the same will be effective only if proper labour colony facilities
are arranged by the contractors.
- Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance of trade
K 2 union leaders that workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.

Constraint in movement & transportation of ODC Open Project -A separate contract to be given to agency which will take care by approaching KSEB Shipping As Required Jun'14
eqpt. and telephonic authority.
K 3
-Fabn / transportation philosophy being finalised.

ODC transportation in view of Kochi Metro Open Project/Eng Closed as no concern as on date. BPCL As stated Jun'14
ODC movement schedule is from Nov'13 to Feb 15. g
K 4

Cost monitoring & control on regular basis Close Costing Cost engg. to issue cost status report on regular basis Costing Monthly Apr'13
M 1

Increase in facilities on account of deletion zero Open Environ. Scope of facilities finalised. Environ. 15-Oct-13 sep'13
M 2 liquid discharge

Variation in foreign exchange rates from Rs 50 per Open Project - BPCL to put up Revised cost in BPCL Board and seek approval on the same. Aug'14
USD as on Mar 12 to Rs. 60 per USD as on date
and fluctuations in the intermediate period and
Scope changes w.r.t. DFR (additional in scope) has
M 3 significantly impacted on the overall project cost.

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Award of Slurry Filter (MR- 4880) for FCCU unit and Open Project -Award recommendation issued on 08.08.14. BPCL 18-Aug-14
existing refinery. (Dely: 10 M FOB)
C 71
Ant: 18.08.14

Ordering of Critical Valves Open Project Revised MR (MR-3415) issued covering all critical valves along with all critical valves Engg. 30-Aug-14
Sch: 11.07.14 of MR-3211 floated. 10 nos bids received on 24.07.14. TBA targeted by 16.08.14.
Ant: 30.08.14
C 73 Dely: 06/07 M FOT /FOB

Award of Composite Works ( Civil /Strl. Works & Open Project - Award recommendation issued to BPCL on 03.07.14. BPCL/EIL 18-Aug-14
Mechanical) for NHT/ISOM Sole bidder has not ready to give any discounts during negotiation, Being refloated.
Sch: 08.05.14 Draft NIT targeted by 18.08.14.
C 76 Ant: 10.10.14

Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Progressively
FCCU -M/s EPIL has been asked to start site work by 26.08.14. Projects upto Aug'14
LAD : 09.07.15 - M/s EPIL has been pressurised to complete construction of hard stand by 15.10.14.
CCD: 09.10.15 Submission of erection scheme targeted by 18.08.14. Constn
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) - Deliveries of balance materials being expedited. (Nozzle for regenerator by end
Overall Progress: Aug'14, Reactor torricone by end Aug'14 and TSS torricone by mid Sep'14).
Sch: 57.62 % Act: 41.41 % - Work for assembly of hoppers and TSS to be commenced form 21.08.14 & 15.09.14
Construction Progress: respectively.
Sch: 12.4 % Front: 65.5% Act: 10.6 % - M/s EPIL asked to commence area development around FGC equipments & hard
stand immediately and to be ready by 15.10.14.
- M/s EPIL agreed to mobilise 1600 MT crane by 1st week of Oct'14 and will ready for
D 1 erection by 05.11.14.
- Readiness for TSS erection targeted by 2nd week of Sep'14 to Feb'15.
Area for storage of fabricated materials to be identified and allocated. Already
discussed during director level meeting dated 26.06.14. Issues being followed up. BPCL

Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns for Open Project -All 3685 MT Plates received at Chakan Shop, plate cutting & welding in progress. Project As stated
FCCU :Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 (18 M - Staggered delivery of columns is required from Sep'14 onwards as major piping
incl erection). works is held up due to hold for crane movement for these columns.
LAD: 22.01.15 - Priority assigned to complete main fractionator (IF-V-104) by Oct'14.
CCD:14.01.15 - Progress of works was affected due to delayed handing over of fabrication yards and
ECD: 15.05.15 completion of approach roach upto fabrication yard, which affected shifting of
Overall progress: sections.
D 7 Sch: 68.8 % Act: 46.6 % - Approach road work completed.
- Crane under mobilisation.

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project -Management review meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Following commitments have Constr. Aug'14
Target Sch: 01.05.15 been made by M/s Essar.
Ant Compl.: Mar'16 -Fabrication for Derrick structure agreed to complete by Dec'14.
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). - 500 MT qty out of total 1800 MT qty planned to offload from M/s MK Engg by
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. 12.08.14.
Overall Progress: - Balance fabrication for Switch Deck 250 MT) targeted by 30.09.14.
Cum. Sch. 49.0 %; Act: 37.0 % - Structural drawing for balance 1600 MT out of 3500 MT targeted to complete by BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: 31.08.14.
Sch: 27.0 % Front: 92.2 % Act: 18.1 % - M/s Esaar has been asked the readiness of Fractionator Column and Coke Drum for
erection by 28.02.15.
D 9 -Supply of balance Plates (33/38 plates received) targeted by 10.09.14.
- Ordering of 2000 MT crane targeted by mid Aug'14 and Crane availability agreed
from Feb'15 to May'15.
- Completion of Coke drum structure upto 113 level by 10.09.14.
- Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 236 nos
have been deployed, balance 14 nos by 14.08.14.

Delay in erection of Crude & vacuum column Open BPCL / Director level meeting held with M/s VTV. Constn. / VTV Oct'14
Sch: Jun 14 Projects / - Due to weld crack in all 4 nos bottom shell likely to be delayed by 2 month w.r.t CDD. / Projects
CCD: 21.08.14 Const. Revised target for erection and hydrotesting of column finalised. Root cause and
Ant: Oct 14 rectification completed. Detailed report issued to BPCL on 28.07.14.
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit - Crude Column: Bottom section erected on 07.08.14. Erection other sections planned
Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude & from 16.08.14 to 31.08.14.
D 12
Vacuum column. - Erection of Vacuum Column targeted from 30.08.14 to 30.09.14.
VTV progress Sch ( 98.5 %); Act (85.6%)

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Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on Open Projects - Compressor casing has been ordered on NP Italy on 14.12.13 (Dely - end Aug 2014 Project/Inspe Continuous
26.09.13) & 03.12.14 FOB). ction
LAD: 09.01.15 - Receipt of compressor casing expected at BHEL shop from Oct'14.
CCD: 25.04.15 - Further delivery of compressor takes normally 10-11 month after receipt of casing.
EDD: 25.09.15 Meeting held on 26.05.14 with BHEL & GENP along with EIL & BPCL at site. BHEL
has committed to deliver within CDD and agreed to prepare micro schedule for
D 19 completion within CDD after receipt of casing at BHEL shop. However close
monitoring being done.
Meeting held on 06.08.14. Casing delivery expected within CDD i.e

Delay in delivery of Stripper column (IF-V-206) and Open Projects - Order got delayed due to delay in manufacturing works. At present only 4 shell EIL/ BPCL Aug'14
Debutaniser Column (IF-V-302) by M/s Uttam Value course rolled out of 17 nos due to which there be likely delay of 3-5 months including
Steel (Ordered on 19.08.13) site works. Vendor to be expedited to supply within CDD.
D 32 CDD: 18.10.14
EDD: 31.03.15

Availability of 90 % Piping materials to generate Open Projects - As of now around 35-40% piping material has been received at site. Around 85-90 EIL/ BPCL Sep'14
adequate piping material front to composite % material has been ordered. Ordering of balance 5-10% material is in progress and
contractors. expected by Aug'14. Delivery of ordered material against intermediate -II expected by
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-2) : JUN'14 Aug-Sep'14.
D 33 EDD: Sep'14 -Vendors to be expedited to prepone the deliveries.
Sch: (Intermediate MTO-3): Oct'14 - Storage area for piping materials to be expedited by BPCL.
EDD: Dec'14.
Space constraints: Open Constn. - Balance 16 nos units in the township handed over for grading by M/s Ray (SG-III) on BPCL Aug'14
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and 21.07.14
package contractors - FACT area to be arranged for storage of materials of owner and package
ii) Area for Spool storage contractors.
E 2 - Alternatively, BPCL to take land on lease (300m X 200m) for storage of Material.

Completion duration for NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / - All long delivery equipments (incl. Compressors) to be awarded progressively by end BPCL/EIL Aug'14
Mechanical completion of NHT/ISOM - Target Projects Aug'14. Columns ordered to M/s Fabtech on 03.07.14 (CDD: 02.07.15)
Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 15 M available for Award recommendation issued for
construction works (excl. Dismantling works) against - Refrigeration package on 29.05.14:
schedule of 22 M. - Composite Works (Civil Strl. & Mechanical) on 03.07.14: Being refloated.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay
in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award of
E 4 - Change in the scope based on health check report
has an impact on Project cost and schedule.
Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 59.8% Catch Up Sch: 21.7 % Act:
20.9 %

Slow Progress of Building Works by M/s L&T for Open Const Management level meeting held on 18.07.14, Constn As Required
MCR and CPP control Room. - MCR area, CPP control room area : It has been decided to complete balance strl
Contr. Sch:79.4 % work by Dec'14 & finishing by Mar'15.
Front: 100 % - Other building works : Finishing work to be completed by Dec'14.
Act:46.2% - L&T also agreed to augment required manpower to meet the target completion date.
E 6 CCD: 20.12.14
Ant: 15.05.15

Backlog 26.1 (% wrt target sch) as of 15-Jul-14 in Open Const Revised catch-up schedule prepared as per discussion held on 18th Apr14 with Constn As Required
Construction activities viz., Civil works and CDU/VDU completion by Sep15 and balance units by Dec15.
Mechanical works for offsite area as well as unit - In order to supplement progress by failing civil contractor, contract for 2 additional
areas. Structural works & 1 civil work under evaluation and likely to awarded by mid Aug'14.
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; Additional 1 tender for offsite refinery area is under preparation.
Time lapsed - 28M; Remaining Duration - 18 M - To provide financial assistance to Contractors for procurement of Reinforcement
Desc. Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act steel & Cement: During review meeting dated 26.06.14, it has been decided that
Overall 23.9 49.4 48.6 23.3 payment to be released to the sub vendors against Performa invoice submitted by
Backlog in Civil / strl works will affect contractor. BPCL to review and approve the same for maintaining the cash flow and
availability of front for mechanical contractor boost progress.
E 7 (CDU / VDU / DCU, FCCU, VGO/DHDT & Offsite). - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site.Approx 5000 labours
are available at site, though induction programme has been carried out for 15000
labours . requirement of manpower at site is approx 15000 nos. BPCL/EIL

Completion of Raw water treatment plant Pkg (M/s Open Project - Project review meeting held on 26.06.14 with M/s Triveni. Constr. Aug'14
Triveni Engg).(Delayed due to refloating) -Balance engineering and complete ordering progressively by Aug'14.
-M/s Triveni shall augment manpower by mobilizing 25 Nos carpenters along with
Overall Progress: adequate no of barvendors and take up chemical house construction work.
Contr. Sch: 68.2 % Act: 41.2% (Manpower required is 300 nos & Available manpower is 136 Nos).
Construction Progress: - Substation building: Foundation works commenced , completion to be targeted by
Sch: 63.8 % Front: 100 % Act: 39.5 % Dec'14.
E 13 Sch: 15.11.14 CCD: 24.03.15 ECD: Aug'15 - Chemical house work yet to start.
Compl: 18 M+2M

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Risk Id



Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Area availability for SRU Block Open Proj. / - Meeting held with M/s B&R management on 06.08.14 at site and resources have Constn. Aug'14
- At present only 91 % area given to M/s MBEL, Constn. been augmented. M/s B&R has been asked to expedite completion of balance area
balance Site for SRU block shall be available by end by end Aug'14 by augmenting additional dumpers.
Aug'14. (The works are covered under SG-II Tender - Retaining wall in progress. B&R agreed to complete wall by 31.08.14 for which front
: Awarded to B&R on 22.11.12) is available and balance shall be completed by 30.09.14. B&R shall mobilize
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from end shuttering materials & manpower accordingly to meet above targets.
Jun14) are available with respect to schedule of 25 - Piling for SRU block included in Civil/ structural tender to save time and work
M (As per Past experience minimum requirement for awarded to M/s Mcnally on 04.11.13 (duration: 16 M) At present 952 nos piles
SRU is 30 M). completed against front of 1150 nos at site by M/s MBEL. Release of balance piling BPCL/EIL
front at site progressively by mid Aug'14.Total nos of piles is 1800 nos piles
E 14 Front for balance piling 918 nos will released - Next Management review meeting with M/s B&R planned on 06.08.14.
progressively upto end Jul'14 on completion of site
grading by M/s B&R.

Delay in delivery of UG piping material Material Open Const. - Total 2 KM pipe under shortage (IS 3589 pipes of 32", 36", 44" & 48") ordered under BPCL Aug'14
required at site for Civil & strl contractor. FOA 592, 593, 652, 655 to be expedited.
- Shortage quantity being addressed at higher level. Being continuously monitored by
E 22
inspection team.

Construction of Subway on the PWD road including Open Project BPCL / EIL 31-Aug-14
re routing of existing road / existing facilities and Culvert part I covering 8 m out of 13 m completed, rerouting of existing KWA drinking
necessary liasoning with government department. water supply line completed. Management level meeting held with B&R on 08.07.14.
Construction of culvert got affected (Ant. Compln- B&R agreed to execute work on extended hours to complete balance works in all
E 26 May'14, Compl date Committed by B&R 13.11.13) respect by 31.08.14.

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for Offsite Open Constructio Management level meeting held with M/s KSSPPL on 07.08.14. BPCL / EIL Aug'14
IREP area. n - M/s KSS agreed to complete all balance piperack foundations by 31.10.14.
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s - Additional gangs to be deployed to complete cable trenches work.
KSSIL on 12.09.13 - KSS agreed to assemble the 100 MT crane from from 16.08.14.
Civil & Strl work-offsite IREP Area: - Additional manpower being expedited by M/s KSS.
Constr. Sch:94.3%; Front:75.8%; Act: 31.1% - M/s KSS informed that agency for rock blasting has been deployed since 04.08.14.
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15 - TMT bars: Out of ordered 500 MT qty only 94 MT qty received, balance expected by
E 27

Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for CPP Open Project Management review meeting held with M/s Essar on 08.08.14 at site. BPCL / EIL Aug'14
Contr. Sch: 76.6%; Front: 87.1%; Act:31.1% - Foundation completion for HRSG-3 targeted by 22.08.14.
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: Apr'15 - Completion of Structural works for GTG shed targeted by 10.10.14.
- Stack foundation targeted to complete for HRSG-3 by 07.09.14, HRSG-4 by
E 28 20.09.14 & HRSG-5 by 05.10.14.

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU block Open Project - Management level meeting held at site on 07.08.14. BPCL / EIL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) - As on date the manpower is 123 nos against the requirement of 200 nos. 100 nos
LAD: 12.01.15 civil labour expected to join site by 12.08.14.
CCD: 03.03.15 - Strl work at fabrication yard: Strl steel for TS-2 & TS-3 targeted by 15.09.14 &
Ant: Oct'15 30.09.14 respectively.
SCH. FRONT. ACT. - Breaking of Pile cap to be expedited.
E 29 56.2% 52.9 % 17.7% - Next Management review meeting with M/s Mcnally planned on 07.08.14.

Progress of ETP Works (Handing over of graded Open Project Management level meeting held on 21.07.14. Eil As stated
area for ETP & dismantling of existing Oil Catcher) - M/s Paramount to complete major engineering by mid Aug'14.
LAD: 30.09.15 -60 % model review being in progress from 11th Aug'14.
CCD:10.08.15 Work commenced in substation (5 out of 42 fdns cast) and equalisation tank. BPCL
ECD: Dec'15 - Handing over of balance area for treated water tank, API/TPI, ex TPI sump targeted
Overall progress: by end Aug'14. Area handing over geeting delayed due to rain & U/G structure present
Sch: 47.6 % Act: 14.5 % in areas.
Construction Progress: - In order to recover the construction backlog, paramount has agreed to mobilse
E 34 Sch: 19.1 % Front: 61.5 % Act: 7.2 % resource immediately & submit catsup plan.
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13. (Duration: - To be followed up with M/s Paramount.
21 M+2 M incl pre commng)

Completion of works for Tankage-III (Crude Tanks) Open Project - Tank pad area handed over for 3 nos out of 4 nos tank. Constr. As stated
(M/s IOT Anwesha ) Excavation for tank pad YT-25/26/28 completed.
Sch: 27.02.15; CCD: 03.07.15 - Area grading in progress for 2nd Crude tank and area to be handed over by mid
E 36 Duration: 20 M Aug14.
Sch: 14.7 % Front: 67.8 % Act: 15 %

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(Open /
Risk Id



Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Slow progress of FCCU Heater works (Awarded to Open Project -Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Order has been placed for all As Required
M/s Petron on 04.12.13 (16 M) bought out items.
LAD: 09.07.15 - Structural steel: Out of 190 MT, 68 MT received at Coimbatore fabrication yard. BPCL
CCD: 03.04.15 Balance being expedited by M/s Petron.
Ant: Oct'15 - Blasting and painting at Coimbatore is in completion stage.
Overall Progress: - Fabrication started for radiant section, erection planned by last week of Sep'14. EIL
Sch: 47.1 % Act: 12.1 % - All radiant coils have been ordered to M/s MSL
E 37 - In view of slow progress by M/s Petron, separate tender is ready & Project team
visited at M/s Petrons workshop in Coimbatore from 07.08.14 to 08.08.14, visit report
submitted to BPCL on 09.08.14. BPCL decision awaited.

Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Boiler Open Project -PO amendment: Letter issued to BPCL on 31.07.14. BPCL confirmation awaited. Projects/BPC As Required
Package for SRU Block (ordered to M/s Technicas L
on 31.012.13)
LAD: 09.06.15
CCD: 30.06.15
E 39
Overall Progress:
Sch: 20 % Act: 12 %

Progress of RO-DM Plant (Awarded to M/s Driplex Open Project -Management level meeting held on 21.07.14 at EIL Delhi. M/s Driplex has been EIL As Required
on 12.06.13) asked to prepare a catchup plan to expedite constr. activities for compln. of RO-DM
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: Dec'15 plant by Apr/May'15 in order to commission UB's & HRSG by Jun'15. The catch-up BPCL
Overall Progress: plan has been discussed & reviewed and issued on 26.07.14. M/s Driplex to mobilise
Sch: 77.0 % Act: 49.5% additional resources for completion as per catchup plan.
Construction Progress: -90 % model review expected in Sep'14.
Sch: 63.2 %; Front: 100%; Act:17.7 % - M/s Driplex has been asked to mobilse 200 labours against present 107 nos.
E 40 Area handed over, part of area is water logged due - DM tanks: Soil strengthen to be carried out by additional work of Stone Column.
to plant drain which is under completion. Further tanks work held up.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Management review meeting held on 06.08.14 at site. M/s SEPC has been informed Constr. As Required
Shriram EPC that their performance to be evaluated for next one month, additional agency to be
Contr. Sch: 59.9%; Front: 92.7% lined to supplement progress (if required).
Act: 21.7 % -Resource Deployment of skilled workmen to be increased (Carpenters, bar benders EIL/BPCL
CCD: 24.12.14 to be increased).
ECD: Oct'15 -Manpower shall be increased to 400 nos. from present 135 nos. 50 nos being
planned to mobilise from 30.08.14.
- Tech Structure A targeted to complete by 13.08.14.
-Part Civil Work in FCCU offloaded to M/s Tauman. M/s Tuaman started mobilising.
Additional 2 nos Strl. work contract being lined up to offload above contracts (if
E 41 required). Award recommendation issued on 25.07.14. For other structural contract 5
nos bids received on 08.07.14.

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Petron) Open Project -Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Order has been placed for all Projects As Required
LAD:24.04.15 bought out items.
CCD:20.02.15 - Structural steel: Out of 935 MT, 677 MT ordered, 437 MT received. 67 MT expected
Ant: Dec'15 to receive by 17.08.14.
Overall Progress: - Blasting and painting at Coimbatore is in completion stage. BPCL/EIL
Sch: 74.7 % Act: 13.9 % - Fabrication for 6 panels out of 30 panels for radiant section completed, balance 20
panels under dispatch and targeted progressively by 20.08.14.
- All radiant coils have been ordered to M/s Tubocex Spain.
E 43 - Structural erection work agreed to start by 16.08.14.
- In view of slow progress by M/s Petron, separate tender is ready & Project team
visited at M/s Petrons workshop in Coimbatore from 07.08.14 to 08.08.14, visit report
submitted to BPCL on 09.08.14. BPCL decision awaited.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Management level meeting held with M/s MBEL on 07.08.14 at site. M/s MBEL Projects As Required
McNally Bharat for DHDT & VGO agreed:
CCD: 10.01.15 - Current manpower is 410 nos. MBEL agreed to mobilise 2 separate gangs for UG
E 44 ECD: 31.03.15 piping by 25.08.14.
Sch: 78.3 %; Front :86.1 % Act: 42.6 % - 2 cranes mobilised and balance 2 cranes targeted to mobilised by 25.08.14.

Completion of Pre-engineered Building Works (3 Open Project Management level Meeting held with B&R on 06.08.14 at site. Projects As Required
Nos) by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. PEB 2 All works targeted to complete by 31.12.14.
PEB 3: All works targeted to complete by 31.12.14.
E 44 Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.

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Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for DHDS Open Constructio Management level Meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 07.08.14 at site. BPCL / EIL Aug'14
Offsite area. n - M/s KSSIPL to deploy cumulative 200 Manpower for Civil fdn work alone (Inside
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s DHDS area). As on date 82 nos deployed only.
KSSIL on 05.03.13 - KSS to expedite cable trench work.
CDD: 24.01.15 -Additional contracts lined up to supplement site work:
ECD:. Dec'15 Misc. Civil works-2 (approx 3000 m3) : (DHDS Pipe rack or other areas of IREP)-05
Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area nos bids received on 08.07.14.
E 47 Sch:68.5%; Front: 71.9%; Act: 11.2% Misc. Structural works-2 (approx 3100 MT): For Units & offsite - Award
recommendation issued on 06.08.14.
- Scope of Civil Work in areas 204 - 207 handed over to SG-III Contractor.

Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Open Constructio -Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. BPCL / EIL Aug'14
Works-FCCU n - Piping fabrication shed: Foundations work completed, fabrication shed targeted to
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14 complete by 31.08.14.
CCD: 25.10.15 - In view of delay in start of works (5 Month elapsed) by M/s Petron, separate tender
E 48 for refloating is under progress.
Construction work yet to start at site

Slow progress of work & poor manpower Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 06.08.14 at site. BPCL / EIL Aug'14
mobilisation by M/s B&R for Composite Works-DCU n - B&R to mobilize 750 MT crane for erection of heavy lift from Aug14 onwards.
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14 - B&R agreed to complete fabrication shed by 25.08.14.
CCD: 11.11.15 - Semi welding m/c ordered on 31.07.14.

E 49

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 07.08.14 at site. BPCL / EIL Aug'14
Refinery area: Generation of front for mechanical n -Manpower: As on date only 110 Nos against the requirement of 300 Nos reported to
works affected (awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on site. MBEL committed to increase manpower upto 220 nos by 21.08.14.
26.09.13.) - TMT bars: 40 MT targeted to receive at site by 18.08.14.
Sch:52.7%; Front: 67.9%; Act: 11.7% - In view of slow progress and delay in release of construction front to mechanical
E 50 CCD: 25.01.15 contractor, new tender under preparation and likely to be awarded by Sep'14.
ECD: Oct'15

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio - Management level meeting held on 18.07.14, It has been decided to complete BPCL / EIL Aug'14
works) by M/s L&T for DCU. n balance civil & strl works progressively by Dec'14.
Sch: 04.09.14 -M/s L&T to augment manpower and additional machineries for completion of balance
CCD: 06.09.14 works to generate front to mechanical contractor.
ECD: 15.03.15 -MPR : 1st tier for total length handed over, grids 25-30 shall be handed over by
E 55 Sch: 98.9% Front: 98.7 % Act: 66.2 % Aug'14.
TS-IV : total handing over by 31.08.14

Variation in foreign exchange rates from Rs 50 per Open Project - BPCL to put up Revised cost in BPCL Board and seek approval on the same. EIL/BPCL Aug'14
USD as on Mar 12 to Rs. 60 per USD as on date
and fluctuations in the intermediate period and
Scope changes w.r.t. DFR (additional in scope) has
M 3 significantly impacted on the overall project cost.

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Page 719+15 of 34
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Long Term / Short

(Current risk Score

Current Risk Score
{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
(Very High / High /

(95% / 80% / 50% /

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

- Previous Risk
Medium / Low /

Output Quality


Previous Risk
Project Cost
Risk Owner

30% / 10%)

Very Low)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Completion of Reactor regenerator package for FCCU Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Progressively
LAD : 09.07.15 term -M/s EPIL has been asked to start site work by 26.08.14. Projects upto Aug'14
CCD: 09.10.15 - M/s EPIL has been pressurised to complete construction of hard stand by 15.10.14. Submission of
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) erection scheme targeted by 18.08.14. Constn
Overall Progress: - Deliveries of balance materials being expedited. (Nozzle for regenerator by end Aug'14, Reactor
Sch: 57.62 % Act: 41.41 % tricone by end Aug'14 and TSS torricone by mid Sep'14).
Construction Progress: - Work for assembly of hoppers and TSS to be commenced form 21.08.14 & 15.09.14 respectively.
Sch: 12.4 % Front: 65.5% Act: 10.6 % - M/s EPIL asked to commence area development around FGC equipments & hard stand
immediately and to be ready by 15.10.14.
D 1 - M/s EPIL agreed to mobilise 1600 MT crane by 1st week of Oct'14 and will ready for erection by
- Readiness for TSS erection targeted by 2nd week of Sep'14 to Feb'15.
Area for storage of fabricated materials to be identified and allocated. Already discussed during
director level meeting dated 26.06.14. Issues being followed up.

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 -Management review meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Following commitments have been made by Constr. Aug'14
Target Sch: 01.05.15 term M/s Essar.
Ant Compl.: Mar'16 -Fabrication for Derrick structure agreed by Dec'14.
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). - 500 MT qty out of total 1800 MT qty planned to offload from M/s MK Engg by 12.08.14.
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. - Balance fabrication for Switch Deck 250 MT) targeted by 30.09.14.
Overall Progress: - Structural drawing for balance 1600 MT out of 3500 MT targeted to complete by 31.08.14.
Cum. Sch. 49.0 %; Act: 37.0 % - M/s Esaar asked to ready Fractionator column and coke drum for erection by 28.02.15. BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: -Supply of balance Plates (33/38 plates received) targeted by 10.09.14.
Sch: 27.0 % Front: 92.2 % Act: 18.1 % - Ordering of 2000 MT crane targeted by mid Aug'14 and Crane availability agreed from Feb'15 to
D 9 - Completion of Coke drum structure upto 113 level by 10.09.14.
- Resource augmentation for Civil & Strl works being expedited. At present 236 nos have been
deployed, balance 14 nos by 14.08.14.

Space constraints: Open Constn. Very High Y N Y Y Short I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 - During the project review meeting dated 26.06.14 following points discussed and BPCL agreed: BPCL Aug'14
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and package term - Balance 16 nos units in the township handed over for grading by M/s Ray (SG-III) on 21.07.14
contractors - FACT area to be arranged for storage of materials of owner and package contractors.
ii) Area for Spool storage - Alternatively, BPCL to take land on lease (300m X 200m) for storage of Material.

E 2

Completion duration for NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 - All long delivery equipments (incl. Compressors) to be awarded progressively by end Aug'14. BPCL/EIL Aug'14
Mechanical completion of NHT/ISOM - Target Schedule : Projects term Columns ordered to M/s Fabtech on 03.07.14 (CDD: 02.07.15)
30.09.15; Only 15 M available for construction works (excl. Award recommendation issued for
Dismantling works) against schedule of 22 M. - Refrigeration package on 29.05.14: Being refloated.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay in P&IDs - Composite Works (Civil Strl. & Mechanical) on 03.07.14: Being refloated.
review meeting and delay in award of licensor.
- Change in the scope based on health check report has an
impact on Project cost and schedule.
E 4 Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 59.8% Catch Up Sch: 21.7 % Act: 20.9 %

Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jul'14
Page 720+15 of 34
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Long Term / Short

(Current risk Score

Current Risk Score
{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
(Very High / High /

(95% / 80% / 50% /

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

- Previous Risk
Medium / Low /

Output Quality


Previous Risk
Project Cost
Risk Owner

30% / 10%)

Very Low)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Backlog 26.1 (% wrt target sch) as of 15-Jul-14 in Open Const Very High N Y Y N Short term I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 Revised catch-up schedule prepared as per discussion held on 18th Apr14 with CDU/VDU Constn As Required
Construction activities viz., Civil works and Mechanical works completion by Sep15 and balance units by Dec15.
for offsite area as well as unit areas. - In order to supplement progress by failing civil contractor, contract for 2 additional Structural works
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; Time & 1 civil work under evaluation and likely to awarded by mid Aug'14. Additional 1 tender for offsite
lapsed - 28M; Remaining Duration - 18 M refinery area is under preparation.
Desc. Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act - To provide financial assistance to Contractors for procurement of Reinforcement steel & Cement:
Overall 23.9 49.4 48.6 23.3 During review meeting dated 26.06.14, it has been decided that payment to be released to the sub
Backlog in Civil / strl works will affect availability of front vendors against Performa invoice submitted by contractor. BPCL to review and approve the same for
for mechanical contractor (CDU / VDU / DCU, FCCU, maintaining the cash flow and boost progress.
E 7 VGO/DHDT & Offsite). - Contractors are facing problem in retaining the labour at site.Approx 5000 labours are available at
site, though induction programme has been carried out for 15000 labours . requirement of manpower
at site is approx 15000 nos.

Area availability for SRU Block Open Proj. / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - Meeting held with M/s B&R management on 06.08.14 at site and resources have been augmented. Constn. Aug'14
- At present only 91 % area given to M/s MBEL, balance Site Constn. term M/s B&R has been asked to expedite completion of balance area by end Aug'14 by augmenting
for SRU block shall be available by end Aug'14. (The works additional dumpers.
are covered under SG-II Tender : Awarded to B&R on - Retaining wall in progress. B&R agreed to complete wall by 31.08.14 for which front is available and
22.11.12) balance shall be completed by 30.09.14. B&R shall mobilize shuttering materials & manpower
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from end Jun14) accordingly to meet above targets.
are available with respect to schedule of 25 M (As per Past - Piling for SRU block included in Civil/ structural tender to save time and work awarded to M/s
experience minimum requirement for SRU is 30 M). Mcnally on 04.11.13 (duration: 16 M) At present 952 nos piles completed against front of 1150 nos at
site by M/s MBEL. Release of balance piling front at site progressively by mid Aug'14.Total nos of BPCL/EIL
Front for balance piling 918 nos will released progressively piles is 1800 nos piles
E 14 upto end Jul'14 on completion of site grading by M/s B&R. - Next Management review meeting with M/s B&R planned on 06.08.14.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Shriram Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 -Management review meeting held on 06.08.14 at site. M/s SEPC has been informed that their Constr. As Required
EPC term performance to be evaluated for next one month, additional agency to be lined to supplement
Contr. Sch: 59.9%; Front: 92.7% progress (if required).
Act: 21.7 % -Resource Deployment of skilled workmen to be increased (Carpenters, bar benders to be EIL/BPCL
CCD: 24.12.14 increased).
ECD: Oct'15 -Manpower shall be increased to 400 nos. from present 135 nos. 50 nos being planned to mobilise
from 30.08.14.
- Tech Structure A targeted to complete by 13.08.14.
-Part Civil Work in FCCU offloaded to M/s Tauman. M/s Tuaman started mobilising. Additional 2 nos
Strl. work contract being lined up to offload above contracts (if required). Award recommendation
E 41 issued on 25.07.14. For other structural contract 5 nos bids received on 08.07.14.

Job No.: A307
Kochi Refinery, BPCL IV - RISK REGISTER Jul'14
Page 721+15 of 34
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(Long Term / Short

(Current risk Score

Current Risk Score
{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
(Very High / High /

(95% / 80% / 50% /

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

- Previous Risk
Medium / Low /

Output Quality


Previous Risk
Project Cost
Risk Owner

30% / 10%)

Very Low)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)

(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date


Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Petron) Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 -Management level meeting held on 08.08.14 at site. Order has been placed for all bought out items. Projects As Required
LAD:24.04.15 term - Structural steel: Out of 935 MT, 677 MT ordered, 437 MT received. 67 MT expected to receive by
CCD:20.02.15 17.08.14.
Ant: Dec'15 - Blasting and painting at Coimbatore is in completion stage.
Overall Progress: - Fabrication for 6 panels out of 30 panels for radiant section completed, balance 20 panels under BPCL/EIL
Sch: 74.7 % Act: 13.9 % dispatch and targeted progressively by 20.08.14.
- All radiant coils have been ordered to M/s Tubocex Spain.
E 43 - Structural erection work agreed to start by 16.08.14.
- In view of slow progress by M/s Petron, separate tender is ready & Project team visited at M/s
Petrons workshop in Coimbatore from 07.08.14 to 08.08.14, visit report submitted to BPCL on
09.08.14. BPCL decision awaited.

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for DHDS Offsite Open Constructi Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 Management level Meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 07.08.14 at site. BPCL / EIL Aug'14
area. on term - M/s KSSIPL to deploy cumulative 200 Manpower for Civil fdn work alone (Inside DHDS area). As on
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s KSSIL on date 82 nos deployed only.
05.03.13 - KSS to expedite cable trench work.
CDD: 24.01.15 -Additional contracts lined up to supplement site work:
ECD:. Dec'15 Misc. Civil works-2 (approx 3000 m3) : (DHDS Pipe rack or other areas of IREP)-05 nos bids
E 48 Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area received on 08.07.14.
Sch:68.5%; Front: 71.9%; Act: 11.2% Misc. Structural works-2 (approx 3100 MT): For Units & offsite - Award recommendation issued on
- Scope of Civil Work in areas 204 - 207 handed over to SG-III Contractor.

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Refinery Open Constructi Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.38 0.19 Management level meeting held on 07.08.14 at site. BPCL / EIL Aug'14
area: Generation of front for mechanical works affected on term -Manpower: As on date only 110 Nos against the requirement of 300 Nos reported to site. MBEL
(awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 26.09.13.) committed to increase manpower upto 220 nos by 21.08.14.
Sch:52.7%; Front: 67.9%; Act: 11.7% - TMT bars: 40 MT targeted to receive at site by 18.08.14.
CCD: 25.01.15 - In view of slow progress and delay in release of construction front to mechanical contractor, new
ECD: Oct'15 tender under preparation and likely to be awarded by Sep'14.
E 51

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Award of Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: 13 Open Project Award recommendation issued on 27.05.14. Award expected by 11.07.14. BPCL has BPCL 11-Jul-14
M FOB / 14 M FOT)) recommended to negotiate with BHEL on the reduction in delivery time by 2 months.
C 70 (LAD:29.12.13; Ant: 11.07.14)

Award of Slurry Filter (MR- 4880) for FCCU unit and Open Project -TBA issued on 10.06.14, PBO recommendation issued on 23.06.14. Award Projects / 10-Jul-14
existing refinery. (Dely: 10 M FOB) recommendation targeted by 10.07.14 C&P/BPCL
C 71
Ant: 25.07.14

Ordering of Critical Valves Open Project New MR (MR-3415) issued covering all critical valves along with all critical valves of Engg. 21-Jul-14
Sch: 11.07.14 MR-3211 floated. Bids due on 21.07.14.
Ant: 20.08.14
C 73

Award of Composite Works ( Civil /Strl. Works & Open Project - 04 bids received on 02.04.14. PBO recommendation issued on 16.05.14. Price bids BPCL/EIL 4-Jul-14
Mechanical) for NHT/ISOM opened on 17.06.14. Award recommendation targeted by 04.07.14.
Sch: 08.05.14
C 76 Ant: 15.07.14

Award of Fuel forwarding Pumps (08 nos) for GTG Open Project - Award recommendation issued on 01.07.14. BPCL to order. BPCL 15-Jul-14
(Dely: 6 M FOB / 7 M FOT)
C 77 Ant: 15.07.14

Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project - 90 % model review & HAZOP review completed. Progressively
FCCU - All R&R foundation along with TSS foundation completed. Handing over of TSS fdn Projects upto Aug'14
LAD : 09.07.15 targeted by 08.07.14.
CCD: 09.10.15 Strl. Steel fabrication for R&R along with TSS: 3600 MT out of 3803 MT completed. Constn
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) Strl. Steel erection for R&R- 645 MT out of 2300 (2300 MT for R&R & for TSS 1300
Overall Progress: MT) MT erection completed.
Sch: 50.78 % Act: 37.58 % Flue gas, ESP & Stack fdn etc: Strl. material is ready for dispatch for flue gas cooler.
Construction Progress: Foundation work to be expedited.
Sch: 23.0 % Front: 85.0% Act: 9.3 % Strl. Steel erection for TSS - Work yet to be commence. Additional resource for
D 1 assembly of modules, simultaneous erections of structures and delivery of cyclones to
be expedited.
Area for storage of fabricated materials to be identified and allocated. Already
discussed during director level meeting dated 26.06.14. Issues being followed up.


Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns for Open Project - Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 (18 M incl erection). 3685 MT out of 3747 MT Project As stated
FCCU (M/s Fabtech) Plates received at Chakan Shop, plate cutting & welding in progress.
LAD: 22.01.15 - Staggered delivery of columns is required from Sep'14 onwards as major piping
CCD:14.01.15 works is held up due to hold for crane movement for these columns.
ECD: 15.05.15 - Priority to be assigned to main fractionator (IF-V-104). Taken up with M/s Fabtech.
Overall progress: - Progress of works is affected due to delay in handing over of fabrication yards and
D 7 Sch: 65.5 % Act: 43.1 % completion of approach roach upto fabrication yard, which affected shifting of

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project -M/s Essar to mobilise addl. resources and expedite balance procurement. Constr. Jul'14
Target Sch: 01.05.15 -Coke Drum (4 nos) & Main Fractionator : Subordered on M/s VTV (for site fabricated
Ant Compl.: Mar'16 works). SS Clad (2231 MT) plates received at VTV shop. All fabrication yard area
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). released. Approach road cleared on 09.06.14. Site fabrication to start.
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. Mobilisation of 2000 MT crane targeted in Jan'15 and erection to be targeted from
Overall Progress: Mar'15 to May'15.
Cum. Sch. 44.5 %; Act: 34.21 % - Strl. Fabr.: 169 MT out of 3560 MT completed. Sch for strl. erection is from 04.08.14 BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: to 16.07.15. Strl. Fabrication Site to be visited in 1st week of Jul'14 and accordingly to
D 9 Sch: 24.2 % Front: 92.2 % Act: 16.6 % review the performance and take decision for offloading (if required).
- Manpower to be increased from present 227 to 505 for Civil work.

Delay in erection of Crude & vacuum column due to Open BPCL / Director level meeting held with M/s VTV. Constn. / VTV Oct'14
delayed ordering. Projects / - Due to weld crack in all 4 nos bottom shell likely to be delayed by 2 month w.r.t CDD. / Projects
Sch: Jun 14 Const. Revised target for erection and hydrotesting of column to be finalised after resolution
CCD: 21.08.14 of welding crack issue.
Ant: Oct 14 - Erection of Vacuum Column targeted from 06.08.14 to 28.08.14 & hydrotest planned
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit in Sept'14.
Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude & -1000 MT Crane :
D 12 Vacuum column. Load test completed and is ready for use.
VTV progress Sch ( 96.9 %); Act (84.9%) -500 MT Crane :
Load test completed and is ready for use.

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Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on Open Projects - Compressor casing has been ordered on NP Italy on 14.12.13 (Dely - end Aug 2014 Project/Inspe Continuous
26.09.13) & 03.12.14 FOB). ction
LAD: 09.01.15 - Receipt of compressor casing expected at BHEL shop from Oct'14.
CCD: 25.04.15 - Further delivery of compressor takes normally 10-11 month after receipt of casing.
EDD: 25.09.15 Meeting held on 26.05.14 with BHEL & GENP along with EIL & BPCL at site. BHEL
has committed to deliver within CDD and agreed to prepare micro schedule for
completion within CDD after receipt of casing at BHEL shop.
D 19
90% model review completed..
Hazop review completed on 19.06.14.

Space constraints: Open Constn. - During the project review meeting following points discussed and BPCL agreed: BPCL Jul'14
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and - Balance 16 nos units in the township to be handed over for grading by M/s Ray (SG-
package contractors III).
ii) Area for Spool storage - FACT area to be arranged for storage of materials of owner and package
- Alternatively, BPCL to take land on lease (300m X 200m) for storage of Material.
-Part of PEB1 new ware house handed over for material storage total warehouse
handover after completion of work by Jul'14.
E 2

Delay in completion of rock blasting affecting Open Constn. - M/s Mcnally to mobilise adequate resources & expedite rock breaking in VGO area. Engg./Constn.13-Jul-14
release of construction front for VGO & offsite area - Commitment made by Mcnally to complete balance blasting work by 31.07.14
as hard rock encountered.
E 3

Completion duration for NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / - All long delivery equipments (incl.compressors) to be awarded progressively by mid BPCL/EIL Jul'14
Mechanical completion of NHT/ISOM - Target Projects Jul'14. Reactor ordered on M/s Phills Heavy (CDD: 21.12.14)
Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 15 M available for - Award recommendation issued for
construction works (excl. Dismantling works) against Columns on 05.06.14.
schedule of 22 M. Health check compressor (BHEL make) on 05.06.14
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay New Compressor on 23.06.14
in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award of Refrigeration package on 29.05.14
licensor. - Composite Works (Civil Strl. & Mechanical) : Award recommendation targeted by
- Change in the scope based on health check report 04.07.14.
E 4 has an impact on Project cost and schedule.
Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 51.6% Catch Up Sch: 18.1 % Act:
17.8 %

Slow Progress of Building Works by M/s L&T for Open Const Front available for all 11 buildings . Constn As Required
MCR and CPP control Room. - MCR area, CPP control room area : MCR foundation completed and grade slab
Contr. Sch:73.8 % part 1 out of 3 completed. SS-10 grade slab part 1 out of 3 nos completed.
Front: 100 % - Manpower being augmented to 700 nos from present 550 nos.
Act:43% - Engineering for Packages like HVAC and Pressurization & Ventilation system in
CCD: 20.12.14 progress
Ant: 15.05.15 - Clean agent system: Drawings awaited from L&T.
E 6 - Casting of foundations up to first expansion joint in MCR to be expedited. Strl. dwg.
for Roof structures for MCR, SRR & substation to be cleared.
- Lifts: Orders placed, drawings received and under review.

Backlog 24.6 (% wrt target sch) as of 15-Jun-14 in Open Const Director level meeting held with contractors from May'14 to Jun'14. order to complete Constn As Required
Construction activities viz., Civil works and the Construction and liquidate Revised catch-up schedule prepared as per discussion
Mechanical works for offsite area as well as unit held on 18th Apr14 with CDU/VDU completion by Sep15 and balance units by
areas. Dec15.
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; - In order to supplement progress by failing civil contractor, additional 1 tender for civil
Time lapsed - 26M; Remaining Duration - 20 M works already awarded (M/s Tuaman) and 2 additional civil & Strl works under
Desc. Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act tendering and likely to awarded by end Jul'14..
Overall 21.1 45.3 45.3 20.7 - To provide financial assistance to Contractors for procurement of Reinforcement
Backlog in Civil / strl works will affect steel & Cement: During review meeting dated 26.06.14, it has been decided that
E 7 availability of front for mechanical contractor payment to be released to the subvendors against performa invoice submitted by
(CDU / VDU / DCU, FCCU, VGO/DHDT & Offsite). contractor. BPCL to review and approve the same for maintaining the cash flow and
expedite progress.

Completion of piling work by M/s L&T (Piling-II): Open Constn. L&T has completed nearly 10124 pile. Piling completed in Demountable flare area, Air Constr. Immediate
CDD- 08.05.14. compressor & DG shed area.
(Total 12003 Nos piles). Piling balance in Chitrapuzha area, Offsite Refinery area, new tender being prepared.
(Contr.Sch- 100%, Front-89.8%, Act-84.9%) Tender on sale from 30.06.14 to 21.07.14, bids due on 22.07.14.
Only 10 nos. hydraulic & 4 nos. conventional rigs
E 9 are currently
operational at site. Total 10124 nos completed out of

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Completion of Raw water treatment plant Pkg (M/s Open Project - Project review meeting held on 26.06.14 with M/s Triveni. Constr. Jul'14
Triveni Engg).(Delayed due to refloating) -Balance engineering targeted to complete by 15.07.14 and complete ordering
progressively by mid Jul'14.
Overall Progress: -M/s Triveni shall augment manpower by mobilizing 25 Nos carpenters along with
Contr. Sch: 58.6 % Act: 36.7% adequate no of barvendors by 1st week of July 14 and take up chemical house
Construction Progress: construction work by 1st week of July 14. (Manpower required is 300 nos & Available
Sch: 55.6 % Front: 100 % Act: 31.7 % manpower is 136 Nos).
E 13 Sch: 15.11.14 CCD: 24.03.15 ECD: Oct'15 - Substation building: Foundation works commenced , completion to be targeted by
Compl: 18 M+2M Dec'14.

Area availability for SRU Block Open Proj. / - Retaining wall in progress. Reservoir wall dismantling & grade slab dismantling Constn. Jul'14
- At present only 85 % area given to M/s MBEL, Constn. completed and filling in progress. FWPH dismantling under progress.
balance Site for SRU block shall be available by end - M/s B&R demobilised manpower due to organisational restructuring. Meeting held
Jul'14. (The works are covered under SG-II with M/s B&R management on 28.05.14. and resources have been augmented. M/s
Tender : Awarded to B&R on 22.11.12) B&R agreed to complete SRU earth filling work by 15.07.14.
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from end - Piling for SRU block included in Civil/ structural tender to save time and work
Jun14) are available with respect to schedule of 25 awarded to M/s Mcnally on 04.11.13 (duration: 16 M) At present 905 nos piles
M (As per Past experience minimum requirement for completed against front of 910 nos at site by M/s MBEL. Release of balance piling
SRU is 30 M). front at site progressively by end Jul'14.Total nos of piles is 1828 nos piles BPCL/EIL
E 14
Front for balance piling 918 nos will released
progressively upto end Jul'14 on completion of site
grading by M/s B&R.

Delay in delivery of UG piping material Material Open Const. - Total 2 KM pipe under shortage (IS 3589 pipes of 32", 36", 44" & 48") ordered under BPCL Jul'14
required at site for Civil & strl contractor. FOA 592, 593, 652, 655 to be expedited.
- Shortage quantity being addressed at higher level. Being continuously monitored by
E 22
inspection team.

Construction of Subway on the PWD road including Open Project BPCL / EIL Jul'14
re routing of existing road / existing facilities and Culvert part I covering 8 m out of 13 m completed, rerouting of existing KWA drinking
necessary liasoning with government department. water supply line completed. Balance work to be expedited.
Construction of culvert got affected (Ant. Compln-
E 26 May'14, Compl date Committed by B&R 13.11.13)

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for Offsite Open Constructio Meetings held with M/s KSSPPL on 12.06.14 M/s KSSIPL to deploy cumulative 200 BPCL / EIL 30-Jul-14
IREP area. n Manpower for Civil fdn work alone (Inside DHDS area) & 250 Manpower for Civil Fdn
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s (IREP area) . As on date 83 and 112 nos deployed resp. Rock Blasting in IREP area
KSSIL on 12.09.13 being expedited & targeted to completed by 1st week of Jul'14.
E 27 Civil & Strl work-offsite IREP Area: M/s Tuaman being deployed to supplement KSSPPL for trenches.
Constr. Sch:90.5%; Front:73.0%; Act: 28%
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15

Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for CPP Open Project -Meeting held M/s Essar on 12.06.14 at EIL HO. M/s Essar has been asked to deploy BPCL / EIL 15-Jul-14
Contr. Sch: 66.9%; Front: 69.5%; Act:24.6% additional manpower and machinery to recover the backlog and submit catchup plan.
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: Apr'15 Structural steel fabrication works: 490 MT received
for GTG shed. 295MT fabrication completed.
Release of balance AFC drawings for UG piping works, Earthing layout , precast
E 28 works etc. to be expedited.
- RCC drawings released 8522 Cum out of 9990 Cum & steel quantity released 1173
MT out of total 1262 MT.

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU block Open Project - During management review at Kolkata in 28.05.14, M/s B&R has committed site BPCL / EIL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) grading works for SRU block by 06.07.14. Balance front of 58 % will be released
LAD: 12.01.15 progressively by Aug'14 on completion of site grading by M/s B&R
CCD: 03.03.15 - Manpower for all works to be increased to 150 from present 60 nos. As on date the
Ant: Oct'15 manpower is 123Nos against the requirement of 200Nos. 25Nos reported to site and
SCH. FRONT. ACT. shall join.
E 29
48.4% 42.3 % 14.6% - 1018/1450MT TMT steel received at site .Non availability of sections (16/28MM) of
TMT still an area of concern . MBECL informed to place orders by mid Jul'14.

Progress of ETP Works (Handing over of graded Open Project Meeting held with with M/s Paramount on 15.05.14 Project As stated
area for ETP & dismantling of existing Oil Catcher) Work commenced in substation (5 out of 42 fdns cast) and equalisation tank.
LAD: 30.09.15 - Area handing over for RL-7 to M/s Paramount targeted by 10.07.14. Engineering
CCD:10.08.15 issues to be resolved for SBR/ACT area (relating to soil bore logs based on recent
ECD: Dec'15 testing) targeted by 15.07.14. Based on above revised drawings to be targeted by end
Overall progress: Jul'14.
Sch: 39.1 % Act: 12.9 % - 30 % model review targeted by mid Jul'14.
Construction Progress: -API, TPI Ex TPI area handing over targeted by 10.07.14.
E 34
Sch: 13.6 % Front: 20 % Act: 5.6 % Chemical house & DAF (Dissolved air floatation) area already handed over.
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13. (Duration: Works started in Chemical house area and sludge thickner area.
21 M+2 M incl pre commng) Dismantling of under ground structures observed while carried out foundation works
to be expedited.

Completion of works for Tankage-III (Crude Tanks) Open Project - Tank pad area handed over for 1 tank. Constr. As stated
(M/s IOT Anwesha ) Excavation for tank pad YT-26 completed
Sch: 27.02.15; CCD: 03.07.15 - Area grading in progress for 2nd Crude tank and area to be handed over by Jul'14.
E 36 Duration: 20 M
Sch: 5.0 % Front: 25 % Act: 4.8 %

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Slow progress of FCCU Heater works (Awarded to Open Project -Parallel action being initiated to supplement the works of M/s Petron. Final decision Project As Required
M/s Petron on 04.12.13 (16 M) shall be taken after reviewing the performance of M/s Petron for next 1 month, i.e
LAD: 09.07.15 upto mid Jul'14 based on milestones upto end Jun'14.
CCD: 03.04.15 - Radiant section fabrication drawings to be finalised across the table on fast track.
Ant: Oct'15 - Vendor being pressurised to mobilised at site immediately.
E 37 Overall Progress: - Strl. Steel: Total 193 MT. Ordering targeted by mid Jul'14 progressively. To be
Sch: 45.3 % Act: 8.33 % followed up with M/s Petron.

Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Boiler Open Project - Burner / reduction furnace data from Incinerator burner vendor required (M/s Projects/BPC As Required
Package for SRU Block (ordered to M/s Technicas Callidus). Input expected to receive by end Aug'14. KOM planned with M/s Callidus on L
on 31.012.13) 22.07.14.
LAD: 09.06.15 - Chamber (M/s Techno Process) & stack (M/s Loyd Steel) ordered on Indian
CCD: 30.06.15 Vendors, whereas order delivery is on FOB basis.
E 39 Overall Progress: -Vendor has submitted revised proposal on 17.06.14 for splitting of supply into
Sch: 11 % Act: 10 % offshore and onshore portion. Note for the same is under internal approval and
targeted by 15.07.14.

Progress of RO-DM Plant (Awarded to M/s Driplex Open Project - Director level meeting held on 20.06.14 at EIL Delhi. Following points agreed: Projects As Required
on 12.06.13) - M/s Driplex has sub ordered piling works to local agency. Agency to mobilise
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 ECD: Dec'15 resources and start work from Mid Jul'14 and complete by Sep'14 for substation area.
Overall Progress: - Completion of balance civil works including chemical house expected by Mar'15.
Sch: 68.26 % Act: 43.88% - Driplex started foundation pedestals for RO shed and targeted to complete the same
Construction Progress: by mid Aug'14. The fabrication of structural steel for shed is also to be expedited and
Sch: 55.5 %; Front: 100%; Act:15.2 % material receipt at site by Sep14 for starting of erection work and completing the shed
at the earliest.
E 40 - 90 % model review targeted by mid Jul'14. Ordering of piping material after 90 %
model review.
- Ordering of steam turbine to be finalised.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Director review meeting held on 13.05.14 Constr. As Required
Shiram EPC Resource Deployment of skilled workmen to be increased (Carpenters, bar benders to
Contr. Sch: 52.7%; Front: 69.4% be increased).
Act: 17.6 % -Requirement of approx 450 nos while available is approx 163 nos (including approx EIL/BPCL
CCD: 24.12.14 50 nos in fabrication yard). Manpower as on 10.06.14 is 151 nos
ECD: Oct'15 -Detailing of Structural Steel Drawings to be expedited to facilitate Structural Steel
fabrication. Precast manhole/trench works to be taken up. Fabrication of Structural
Steel to be expedited. 387MT progressively by 30.06.14. Required qty. of
E 41 reinforcement still not available at site.
-Part Civil Work in FCCU offloaded to M/s Tauman. Additional Strl. work contract
being lined up to offload above contracts (if required). 06 nos bids received on

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Petron) Open Project - Mobilisation work stated. Projects As Required
LAD:24.04.15 -Parallel action being initiated to supplement the works of M/s Petron. Final decision
CCD:20.02.15 shall be taken after reviewing the performance of M/s Petron for next 1 month, i.e
Ant: Dec'15 upto mid Jul'14 based on milestones upto end Jun'14.
Overall Progress: - Shop fabrication work started. BPCL/EIL
E 43 Sch: 51.6 % Act: 10.1 % - Strl. Steel: 400 MT out of 800 MT ordered, balance ordering targeted by end Jul'14
progressively. To be followed up with M/s Petron.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Director level meeting held with M/s MBEL on 28.05.14. M/s MBEL agreed: Constr As Required
Mcnally Bharat for DHDT & VGO -Out of indent for procurement of 4200MT of structural steel, delivery of 30MT is
CCD: 10.01.15 balance.
ECD: 31.03.15 -Balance 1480 bolts are expected at site by 15.06.14
Sch: 70 %; Front :75 % Act: 34.6 % -Strl. detailing: 5035MT out of 5630MT completed, balance by end Jul'14.
E 44 - During meeting dated 28.05.14 M/s MBEL agreed to increase manpower from 320
nos to 400 nos, however at present only 320 nos have been augmented.

Completion of PreEngineered Building Works (3 Open Project Work under progress by M/s B&R. 85 % work completed balance targeted by mid Constr As Required
Nos) by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. Jul'14 for PEB1.
PEB 2 structural work in progress.
E 44 Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being received at site.

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for DHDS Open Constructio Meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 02.05.14. M/s KSSIPL to deploy cumulative 200 BPCL / EIL 7-Jul-14
Offsite area. n Manpower for Civil fdn work alone (Inside DHDS area). As on date 83 nos deployed
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s only. Additional contracts lined up to supplement site work:
KSSIL on 05.03.13 Misc. Civil works-2 (approx 3000 m3) : (DHDS Pipe rack or other areas of IREP)-
CDD: 24.01.15 Tender on sale from 13 06.14, BDD- 07.07.14.
ECD:. Dec'15 Misc. Structural works-2 (approx 3100 MT): For Units & offsite - NIT issued on
E 47 Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area 12.06.14, bids due on 04.07.14.
Sch:60.7%; Front: 71.9%; Act: 8.4% - Scope of Civil Work in areas 204 - 207 handed over to SG-III Contractor.

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Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Open Constructio -KOM held on 21.04.14. Meeting held with M/s Petron on 06.06.14. Due to delay in BPCL / EIL 15-Jul-14
Works-FCCU n mobilisation and financial crunch. It has been decided to float parallel tender for
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14 composite works to supplement progress of composite works and decision to be
CCD: 25.10.15 taken based on performance upto mid Jul'14.
- Fabrication shed work under construction and targeted to complete by mid Jul'14.
- 70 MT and 273 MT crane under mobilisation.

E 48

Delay in mobilisation and start of work by M/s B&R Open Constructio KOM held on 08.04.14. Mobilisation work initiated by M/s B&R. BPCL / EIL Jul'14
for Composite Works-DCU n - Fabrication yard work under progress. B&R is arranging crane to commence
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14 erection of Eqpts. from July'14 onwards. Already 3 month has past, work not started at
CCD: 11.11.15 site.

E 49

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 28.05.14. BPCL / EIL Jul'14
Refinery area (awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on n -MBECL informed that manpower available at site is 49 nos and assured to augment
26.09.13.) manpower by 100 nos. by 10.06.2014, however as on date only 64 Nos against the
Sch:45.9%; Front: 58.3%; Act: 9.7% requirement of 200 Nos reported to site.
CCD: 25.01.15 - Anchor bolts being expedited (as on date 1189/3438Nos available at site).
ECD: Oct'15 - Strl. Detailing: Detailing for 3129MT completed against the AFC drawing release of
E 50 5785MT.(Scope :6010MT). Balance detailing to be completed by 05.07.2014.

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio - Management level meeting held on 13.05.14, M/s L&T to augment manpower and BPCL / EIL Jul'14
works) by M/s L&T for DCU. n additional machineries for completion of balance works to generate front to
Sch: 04.09.14 mechanical contractor.
CCD: 06.09.14
ECD: 15.02.15
Sch: 95.68% Front: 95.59 % Act: 63.12 %

E 55

Variation in foreign exchange rates from Rs 50 per Open Project - BPCL to put up Revised cost in BPCL Board and seek approval on the same. EIL/BPCL Jul'14
USD as on Mar 12 to Rs. 60 per USD as on date
and fluctuations in the intermediate period and
Scope changes w.r.t. DFR (additionals in scope) has
M 3 significantly impacted on the overall project cost.

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Risk Id



Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

Award of Gas Booster Compressor for CPP (Dly: 13 Open Project Award recommendation issued on 27.05.14. Award expected by 11.07.14. BPCL has BPCL 11-Jul-14
M FOB / 14 M FOT)) recommended to negotiate with BHEL on the reduction in delivery time by 2 months.
C 70 (LAD:29.12.13; Ant: 11.07.14)

Award of Slurry Filter (MR- 4880) for FCCU unit and Open Project -TBA issued on 10.06.14, PBO recommendation issued on 23.06.14. Projects / 10-Jul-14
existing refinery. (Dely: 10 M FOB) BPCL to provide PBO approval. Award recommendation targeted by 10.07.14 C&P/BPCL
C 71
Ant: 25.07.14

Award of Fuel forwarding Pumps (08 nos) for GTG Open Project - Award recommendation issued on 01.07.14. BPCL to order. BPCL 15-Jul-14
(Dely: 6 M FOB / 7 M FOT)
C 77 Ant: 15.07.14

Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project - Area for storage of fabricated materials to be identified and allocated. Already Progressively
FCCU discussed during director level meeting dated 26.06.14. Issues being followed up. Projects upto Aug'14
LAD : 09.07.15 - Handing over of TSS fdn targeted by 08.07.14.
CCD: 09.10.15 Constn
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) Flue gas, ESP & Stack fdn etc: Strl. material is ready for dispatch for flue gas cooler.
Overall Progress: Foundation work to be expedited.
Sch: 50.78 % Act: 37.58 % Strl. Steel erection for TSS - Work yet to be commence. Additional resource for
Construction Progress: assembly of modules, simultaneous erections of structures and delivery of cyclones to
Sch: 23.0 % Front: 85.0% Act: 9.3 % be expedited.
D 1


Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns for Open Project - Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 (18 M incl erection). 3685 MT out of 3747 MT Project As stated
FCCU (M/s Fabtech) Plates received at Chakan Shop, plate cutting & welding in progress.
LAD: 22.01.15 - Staggered delivery of columns is required from Sep'14 onwards as major piping
CCD:14.01.15 works is held up due to hold for crane movement for these columns.
ECD: 15.05.15 - Priority to be assigned to main fractionator (IF-V-104). Taken up with M/s Fabtech.
Overall progress: - Progress of works is affected due to delay in handing over of fabrication yards and
D 7 Sch: 65.5 % Act: 43.1 % completion of approach roach upto fabrication yard, which affected shifting of


Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project -M/s Essar to mobilise addl. resources and expedite balance procurement. Constr. Jul'14
Target Sch: 01.05.15 -Coke Drum (4 nos) & Main Fractionator : Subordered on M/s VTV (for site fabricated
Ant Compl.: Mar'16 works). SS Clad (2231 MT) plates received at VTV shop. All fabrication yard area
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). released. Approach road cleared on 09.06.14. Site fabrication to start.
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. Mobilisation of 2000 MT crane targeted in Jan'15 and erection to be targeted from
Overall Progress: Mar'15 to May'15.
Cum. Sch. 44.5 %; Act: 34.21 % - Strl. Fabr.: 169 MT out of 3560 MT completed. Sch for strl. erection is from 04.08.14 BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: to 16.07.15. Strl. Fabrication Site to be visited in 1st week of Jul'14 and accordingly to
D 9 Sch: 24.2 % Front: 92.2 % Act: 16.6 % review the performance and take decision for offloading (if required).
- Manpower to be increased from present 227 to 505 for Civil work.

Delay by vendor with respect to CDD due to slow Open Projects - Following bidders showing slow manufacturing progress: M/s Arjun Technologies EIL/ BPCL Jul'14 III
progress of manufacturing works and financial (Pressure Vessel supplier): FOA No.: 133, 144 & 184.
constraint. M/s Reynold Chem. (Heat Exchangers): FOA No.: 116, 189
M/s Bharat Pumps & Compressors (Pumps): FOA No.: 230, 311 & 444.
Continuous expediting being made by visiting vendor workshop for all critical orders in
D 29 respective regions.

Non acceptance of PO for DHDT & VGO feed filter Open Projects - M/s Filtrex asking for deviations on commercial terms. Meeting being called on EIL/ BPCL Jul'14 III
by M/s Filtrex (MR-4370) 08.07.14 to resolve the issues with M/s Filtrex.
Ordered on 21.12.13 to M/s Filtrex ( Dely: 13 M
D 30

Non acceptance of work order by M/s Flowserve for Open Projects - Order not accepted by vendor. Meeting with vendor held on 17.06.14. EIL/ BPCL Jul'14 III
DHDT Centrifugal pumps
Ordered on 30.01.14 to M/s Flowserve (MR-5403)

D 31
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Risk Id



Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

Space constraints: Open Constn. - During the project review meeting following points discussed and BPCL agreed: BPCL Jul'14
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and - Balance 16 nos units in the township to be handed over for grading by M/s Ray (SG-
package contractors III).
ii) Area for Spool storage - FACT area to be arranged for storage of materials of owner and package
- Alternatively, BPCL to take land on lease (300m X 200m) for storage of Material.
-Part of PEB1 new ware house handed over for material storage total warehouse
handover after completion of work by Jul'14.
E 2

Completion duration for NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / - All long delivery equipments (incl.compressors) to be awarded progressively by mid BPCL/EIL Jul'14
Mechanical completion of NHT/ISOM - Target Projects Jul'14. Reactor ordered on M/s Phills Heavy (CDD: 21.12.14)
Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 15 M available for - Award recommendation issued for
construction works (excl. Dismantling works) against Health check compressor (BHEL make) on 05.06.14
schedule of 22 M. New Compressor on 23.06.14
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay Refrigeration package on 29.05.14
in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award of Composite Works (Civil Strl. & Mechanical) on 03.07.14.
E 4 - Change in the scope based on health check report
has an impact on Project cost and schedule.
Physical Progress:
Target Sch: 51.6% Catch Up Sch: 18.1 % Act:
17.8 %

Backlog 24.6 (% wrt target sch) as of 15-Jun-14 in Open Const Director level meeting held with contractors from May'14 to Jun'14. order to complete Constn As Required
Construction activities viz., Civil works and the Construction and liquidate Revised catch-up schedule prepared as per discussion
Mechanical works for offsite area as well as unit held on 18th Apr14 with CDU/VDU completion by Sep15 and balance units by
areas. Dec15.
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; - In order to supplement progress by failing civil contractor, additional 1 tender for civil
Time lapsed - 26M; Remaining Duration - 20 M works already awarded (M/s Tuaman) and 2 additional civil & Strl works under
Desc. Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act tendering and likely to awarded by end Jul'14.
Overall 21.1 45.3 45.3 20.7 - To provide financial assistance to Contractors for procurement of Reinforcement
Backlog in Civil / strl works will affect steel & Cement: During review meeting dated 26.06.14, it has been decided that
E 7 availability of front for mechanical contractor payment to be released to the subvendors against performa invoice submitted by
(CDU / VDU / DCU, FCCU, VGO/DHDT & Offsite). contractor. BPCL to review and approve the same for maintaining the cash flow and
expedite progress.

Relocation of existing facility (PRU Flare) for Open Constn. Demountable flare awarded to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13. Commissioning targeted by BPCL Mar'15 IV
clearance for BOO area. Mar'15.
Dismantling of PRU flare can start after
E 8 commissioning of Demountable flare
(Commissioning expected by end Mar'15)

Area availability for SRU Block Open Proj. / - Retaining wall in progress. Reservoir wall dismantling & grade slab dismantling Constn. Jul'14
- At present only 85 % area given to M/s MBEL, Constn. completed and filling in progress. FWPH dismantling under progress.
balance Site for SRU block shall be available by end - M/s B&R demobilised manpower due to organisational restructuring. Meeting held
Jul'14. (The works are covered under SG-II with M/s B&R management on 28.05.14. and resources have been augmented. M/s
Tender : Awarded to B&R on 22.11.12) B&R agreed to complete SRU earth filling work and targeted by 15.07.14.
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from end - Piling for SRU block included in Civil/ structural tender to save time and work
Jun14) are available with respect to schedule of 25 awarded to M/s Mcnally on 04.11.13 (duration: 16 M) At present 905 nos piles
M (As per Past experience minimum requirement for completed against front of 910 nos at site by M/s MBEL. Release of balance piling
SRU is 30 M). front at site progressively by end Jul'14.Total nos of piles is 1828 nos piles BPCL/EIL

E 14 Front for balance piling 918 nos will released

progressively upto end Jul'14 on completion of site
grading by M/s B&R.

Construction of Subway on the PWD road including Open Project BPCL / EIL Jul'14
re routing of existing road / existing facilities and Culvert part I covering 8 m out of 13 m completed, rerouting of existing KWA drinking
necessary liasoning with government department. water supply line completed. Balance work to be expedited.
Construction of culvert got affected (Ant. Compln-
E 26 May'14, Compl date Committed by B&R 13.11.13)

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for Offsite Open Constructio Meetings held with M/s KSSPPL on 12.06.14 M/s KSSIPL to deploy cumulative 200 BPCL / EIL 30-Jul-14
IREP area. n Manpower for Civil fdn work alone (Inside DHDS area) & 250 Manpower for Civil Fdn
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s (IREP area) . As on date 83 and 112 nos deployed resp. Rock Blasting in IREP area
KSSIL on 12.09.13 being expedited & targeted to completed by 1st week of Jul'14.
E 27 Civil & Strl work-offsite IREP Area: M/s Tuaman being deployed to supplement KSSPPL for trenches.
Constr. Sch:90.5%; Front:73.0%; Act: 28%
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: Jun'15

Slow progress of M/s Essar civil & Strl. work for CPP Open Project -Meeting held M/s Essar on 12.06.14 at EIL HO. M/s Essar has been asked to deploy BPCL / EIL 15-Jul-14
Contr. Sch: 66.9%; Front: 69.5%; Act:24.6% additional manpower and machinery to recover the backlog and submit catchup plan.
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: Apr'15 Structural steel fabrication works: 490 MT received
for GTG shed. 295MT fabrication completed.
Release of balance AFC drawings for UG piping works, Earthing layout , precast
E 28 works etc. to be expedited.
- RCC drawings released 8522 Cum out of 9990 Cum & steel quantity released 1173
MT out of total 1262 MT.

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Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU block Open Project - During management review at Kolkata in 28.05.14, M/s B&R has committed site BPCL / EIL Continuous
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) grading works for SRU block by 06.07.14. Balance front of 58 % will be released
LAD: 12.01.15 progressively by Aug'14 on completion of site grading by M/s B&R
CCD: 03.03.15 - Manpower for all works to be increased to 150 from present 60 nos. As on date the
Ant: Oct'15 manpower is 123Nos against the requirement of 200Nos. 25Nos reported to site and
E 29 SCH. FRONT. ACT. shall join.
48.4% 42.3 % 14.6% - 1018/1450MT TMT steel received at site .Non availability of sections (16/28MM) of
TMT still an area of concern . MBECL informed to place orders by mid Jul'14.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Director review meeting held on 13.05.14 Constr. As Required
Shiram EPC Resource Deployment of skilled workmen to be increased (Carpenters, bar benders to
Contr. Sch: 52.7%; Front: 69.4% be increased).
Act: 17.6 % -Requirement of approx 450 nos while available is approx 163 nos (including approx EIL/BPCL
CCD: 24.12.14 50 nos in fabrication yard). Manpower as on 10.06.14 is 151 nos
ECD: Oct'15 -Detailing of Structural Steel Drawings to be expedited to facilitate Structural Steel
fabrication. Precast manhole/trench works to be taken up. Fabrication of Structural
Steel to be expedited. 387MT progressively by 30.06.14. Required qty. of
E 41 reinforcement still not available at site.
-Part Civil Work in FCCU offloaded to M/s Tauman. Additional Strl. work contract
being lined up to offload above contracts (if required). 06 nos bids received on

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Petron) Open Project - Mobilisation commenced. Projects As Required
LAD:24.04.15 -Parallel action being initiated to supplement the works of M/s Petron. Final decision
CCD:20.02.15 shall be taken after reviewing the performance of M/s Petron for next 1 month, i.e
Ant: Dec'15 upto mid Jul'14 based on milestones upto end Jun'14.
Overall Progress: - Shop fabrication work started. BPCL/EIL
E 43 Sch: 51.6 % Act: 10.1 % - Strl. Steel: 400 MT out of 800 MT ordered, balance ordering targeted by end Jul'14
progressively. To be followed up with M/s Petron.

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for DHDS Open Constructio Meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 02.05.14. M/s KSSIPL to deploy cumulative 200 BPCL / EIL 7-Jul-14
Offsite area. n Manpower for Civil fdn work alone (Inside DHDS area). As on date 83 nos deployed
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s only. Additional contracts lined up to supplement site work:
KSSIL on 05.03.13 Misc. Civil works-2 (approx 3000 m3) : (DHDS Pipe rack or other areas of IREP)-
CDD: 24.01.15 Tender on sale from 13 06.14, BDD- 07.07.14.
ECD:. Dec'15 Misc. Structural works-2 (approx 3100 MT): For Units & offsite - NIT issued on
E 47 Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area 12.06.14, bids due on 04.07.14.
Sch:60.7%; Front: 71.9%; Act: 8.4% - Scope of Civil Work in areas 204 - 207 handed over to SG-III Contractor.

Slow mobilisation by M/s Petron for Composite Open Constructio -KOM held on 21.04.14. Meeting held with M/s Petron on 06.06.14. Due to delay in BPCL / EIL 15-Jul-14
Works-FCCU n mobilisation and financial crunch. It has been decided to float parallel tender for
Awarded to M/s Petron on 26.02.14 composite works to supplement progress of composite works and decision to be
CCD: 25.10.15 taken based on performance upto mid Jul'14.
- Fabrication shed work under construction and targeted to complete by mid Jul'14.
- 70 MT and 273 MT crane under mobilisation.

E 48

Delay in mobilisation and start of work by M/s B&R Open Constructio KOM held on 08.04.14. Mobilisation work initiated by M/s B&R. BPCL / EIL Jul'14
for Composite Works-DCU n - Fabrication yard work under progress. B&R is arranging crane to commence
Awarded to M/s B&R on 12.03.14 erection of Eqpts. from July'14 onwards. Already 3 month has past, work not started at
CCD: 11.11.15 site.

E 49

Slow construction progress for Civil & Strl work for Open Constructio Management level meeting held on 28.05.14. BPCL / EIL Jul'14
Refinery area (awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on n -MBECL informed that manpower available at site is 49 nos and assured to augment
26.09.13.) manpower by 100 nos. by 10.06.2014, however as on date only 64 Nos against the
Sch:45.9%; Front: 58.3%; Act: 9.7% requirement of 200 Nos reported to site.
CCD: 25.01.15 - Anchor bolts being expedited (as on date 1189/3438Nos available at site).
ECD: Oct'15 - Strl. Detailing: Detailing for 3129MT completed against the AFC drawing release of
E 50 5785MT.(Scope :6010MT). Balance detailing to be completed by 05.07.2014.

Completion of Civil & Strl works (incl. UG Piping Open Constructio - Management level meeting held on 13.05.14, M/s L&T to augment manpower and BPCL / EIL Jul'14
works) by M/s L&T for DCU. n additional machineries for completion of balance works to generate front to
Sch: 04.09.14 mechanical contractor.
CCD: 06.09.14
ECD: 15.02.15
Sch: 95.68% Front: 95.59 % Act: 63.12 %

E 55

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Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

Start of work for Tankage-IV by M/s Offshore Open Constructio - Management level meeting held on 28.05.14 with M/s B&R at KolKata. BPCL / EIL Jul'14 III
Awarded on 17.04.14 n Agency being asked to start work immediately.
CCD: 16.01.16
E 56

Slow progress for Tankage-I by M/s B&R Open Constructio - Management level meeting held on 28.05.14 with M/s B&R at KolKata. BPCL / EIL Jul'14 III
Awarded on 07.06.13 n M/s B&R agreed to increase manpower from 90 nos to 150 nos.
CCD: 06.04.15 Agency being asked to start work immediately.
E 57 ECD:Aug'15
Sch: 70.6 % Front: 100 % Act: 27.9 %

Start of work for SRU Tankage works (Ordered to Open Constructio - Agency has been pressurised to mobilise resources and start work. BPCL / EIL Jul'14 III
M/s Tuaman on19.02.14 n - Tank pads to be handed over from Aug'14 onwards.
E 58

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun2015. BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project :
F 1 Works to be awarded by BPCL

Timely Commissioning of UB package to meet Open Constn. -Strict monitoring required at all stages till award of UB Tender and further during Constn. / as scheduled IV
refinery commissioning schedule. execution. Projects /
Contr. Sch: 42.9%; Act: 34.1% -Completeness of supply of all subparts, their assembly and other BOP Items to be BPCL
F 3 LAD : 31.03.15 (UB 1) ensured.
30.06.15 (UB 2) - Special attention to be given to multi flue chimney.

Timely payment to sub contractor by main contractor Open Const. Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: Project/BPCL As Required IV
- Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being
implemented as per contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank
guarantee being implemented for future contract for more than 5CR value.
G 1 - Expeditious processing of RA bills.

Infrastructure at Kochi Open Const. Contractor to identify the proposed areas in and around Project area and BPCL to Constn. / As Required IV
facilitate by persuading with local authorities for required permission. Projects /
G 2

Implementation of environmental clearance Open Projects - Meeting held with BPCL on EIL recommendations and action plan finalised. BPCL / As required IV
conditions by EIL (received from MoEF vide Letter - BPCL to take up with MOEF for approval of changes in system already incorporated. Projects
dated 22.11.12) (e.g. configuration for CPP)
G 7 - Incorporation of EC and RRA recommendations in balance systems under progress.

Non availability of Skilled workers Open Const. -Utilisation of migrant labour and skilled labour from outside the state needs to be Constn / As Required III
encouraged. However, the same will be effective only if proper labour colony facilities BPCL
are arranged by the contractors.
- Slow down in progress of work by Union workmen, inspite of assurance of trade
K 2 union leaders that workers shall be instructed to improve productivity.

Variation in foreign exchange rates from Rs 50 per Open Project - BPCL to put up Revised cost in BPCL Board and seek approval on the same. EIL/BPCL Jul'14
USD as on Mar 12 to Rs. 60 per USD as on date
and fluctuations in the intermediate period and
Scope changes w.r.t. DFR (additionals in scope) has
M 3 significantly impacted on the overall project cost.

Job No.: A307
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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Current Risk Score ->

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Medium / Low / Very

Previous Risk Score

(Long Term / Short

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
(Very High / High /

(95% / 80% / 50% /

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality

Project Cost
Risk Owner

30% / 10%)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Completion of Reactor regenerator package for FCCU Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.43 0.43 - 90 % model review & HAZOP review completed. Progressively
LAD : 09.07.15 term - All R&R foundation along with TSS foundation completed. Handing over of TSS Projects upto Aug'14
CCD: 09.10.15 fdn targeted by 08.07.14.
Ant: Mar'16 (Upto pre commissioning) Strl. Steel fabrication for R&R along with TSS: 3600 MT out of 3803 MT Constn
Overall Progress: completed.
Sch: 50.78 % Act: 37.58 % Strl. Steel erection for R&R- 645 MT out of 2300 (2300 MT for R&R & for TSS
Construction Progress: 1300 MT) MT erection completed.
Sch: 23.0 % Front: 85.0% Act: 9.3 % Flue gas, ESP & Stack fdn etc: Strl. material is ready for dispatch for flue gas
cooler. Foundation work to be expedited.
D 1 Strl. Steel erection for TSS - Work yet to be commence. Additional resource for
assembly of modules, simultaneous erections of structures and delivery of
cyclones to be expedited.
Area for storage of fabricated materials to be identified and allocated. Already
discussed during director level meeting dated 26.06.14. Issues being followed up.

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 -M/s Essar to mobilise addl. resources and expedite balance procurement. Constr. Jul'14
Target Sch: 01.05.15 term -Coke Drum (4 nos) & Main Fractionator : Subordered on M/s VTV (for site
Ant Compl.: Mar'16 fabricated works). SS Clad (2231 MT) plates received at VTV shop. All
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). fabrication yard area released. Approach road cleared on 09.06.14. Site
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. fabrication to start.
Overall Progress: Mobilisation of 2000 MT crane targeted in Jan'15 and erection to be targeted from
Cum. Sch. 44.5 %; Act: 34.21 % Mar'15 to May'15. BPCL/EIL
Construction Progress: - Strl. Fabr.: 169 MT out of 3560 MT completed. Sch for strl. erection is from
D 9 Sch: 24.2 % Front: 92.2 % Act: 16.6 % 04.08.14 to 16.07.15. Strl. Fabrication Site to be visited in 1st week of Jul'14 and
accordingly to review the performance and take decision for offloading (if
- Manpower to be increased from present 227 to 505 for Civil work.

Space constraints: Open Constn. Very High Y N Y Y Short I 0.7 0.67 0.16 0.51 - During the project review meeting following points discussed and BPCL agreed: BPCL Jul'14
i) Area for Storage of materials for project and package term - Balance 16 nos units in the township to be handed over for grading by M/s Ray
contractors (SG-III).
ii) Area for Spool storage - FACT area to be arranged for storage of materials of owner and package
- Alternatively, BPCL to take land on lease (300m X 200m) for storage of Material.
-Part of PEB1 new ware house handed over for material storage total warehouse
handover after completion of work by Jul'14.
E 2

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Page 732+15 of 38


Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Current Risk Score ->

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Medium / Low / Very

Previous Risk Score

(Long Term / Short

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
(Very High / High /

(95% / 80% / 50% /

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality

Project Cost
Risk Owner

30% / 10%)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Completion duration for NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 - All long delivery equipments (incl.compressors) to be awarded progressively by BPCL/EIL Jul'14
Mechanical completion of NHT/ISOM - Target Schedule : Projects term mid Jul'14. Reactor ordered on M/s Phills Heavy (CDD: 21.12.14)
30.09.15; Only 15 M available for construction works (excl. - Award recommendation issued for
Dismantling works) against schedule of 22 M. Columns on 05.06.14.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay in P&IDs Health check compressor (BHEL make) on 05.06.14
review meeting and delay in award of licensor. New Compressor on 23.06.14
- Change in the scope based on health check report has an Refrigeration package on 29.05.14
impact on Project cost and schedule. - Composite Works (Civil Strl. & Mechanical) : Award recommendation targeted
E 4 Physical Progress: by 04.07.14.
Target Sch: 51.6% Catch Up Sch: 18.1 % Act: 17.8 %

Backlog 24.6 (% wrt target sch) as of 15-Jun-14 in Open Const Very High N Y Y N Short term I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 Director level meeting held with contractors from May'14 to Jun'14. order to Constn As Required
Construction activities viz., Civil works and Mechanical works complete the Construction and liquidate Revised catch-up schedule prepared as
for offsite area as well as unit areas. per discussion held on 18th Apr14 with CDU/VDU completion by Sep15 and
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; Time balance units by Dec15.
lapsed - 26M; Remaining Duration - 20 M - In order to supplement progress by failing civil contractor, additional 1 tender for
Desc. Catch Up sch: Const Sch Front Act civil works already awarded (M/s Tuaman) and 2 additional civil & Strl works
Overall 21.1 45.3 45.3 20.7 under tendering and likely to awarded by end Jul'14..
Backlog in Civil / strl works will affect availability of front - To provide financial assistance to Contractors for procurement of Reinforcement
for mechanical contractor (CDU / VDU / DCU, FCCU, steel & Cement: During review meeting dated 26.06.14, it has been decided that
E 7 VGO/DHDT & Offsite). payment to be released to the subvendors against performa invoice submitted by
contractor. BPCL to review and approve the same for maintaining the cash flow
and expedite progress.

Area availability for SRU Block Open Proj. / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - Retaining wall in progress. Reservoir wall dismantling & grade slab dismantling Constn. Jul'14
- At present only 85 % area given to M/s MBEL, balance Site Constn. term completed and filling in progress. FWPH dismantling under progress.
for SRU block shall be available by end Jul'14. (The works - M/s B&R demobilised manpower due to organisational restructuring. Meeting
are covered under SG-II Tender : Awarded to B&R on held with M/s B&R management on 28.05.14. and resources have been
22.11.12) augmented. M/s B&R agreed to complete SRU earth filling work by 15.07.14.
- As per present trend 15 months (starting from end Jun14) - Piling for SRU block included in Civil/ structural tender to save time and work
are available with respect to schedule of 25 M (As per Past awarded to M/s Mcnally on 04.11.13 (duration: 16 M) At present 905 nos piles
experience minimum requirement for SRU is 30 M). completed against front of 910 nos at site by M/s MBEL. Release of balance
piling front at site progressively by end Jul'14.Total nos of piles is 1828 nos piles BPCL/EIL
Front for balance piling 918 nos will released progressively
E 14 upto end Jul'14 on completion of site grading by M/s B&R.

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Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Current Risk Score ->

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Medium / Low / Very

Previous Risk Score

(Long Term / Short

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
(Very High / High /

(95% / 80% / 50% /

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality

Project Cost
Risk Owner

30% / 10%)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )
( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Shiram Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 -Director review meeting held on 13.05.14 Constr. As Required
EPC term Resource Deployment of skilled workmen to be increased (Carpenters, bar
Contr. Sch: 52.7%; Front: 69.4% benders to be increased).
Act: 17.6 % -Requirement of approx 450 nos while available is approx 163 nos (including EIL/BPCL
CCD: 24.12.14 approx 50 nos in fabrication yard). Manpower as on 10.06.14 is 151 nos
ECD: Oct'15 -Detailing of Structural Steel Drawings to be expedited to facilitate Structural Steel
fabrication. Precast manhole/trench works to be taken up. Fabrication of
Structural Steel to be expedited. 387MT progressively by 30.06.14. Required qty.
E 41 of reinforcement still not available at site.
-Part Civil Work in FCCU offloaded to M/s Tauman. Additional Strl. work contract
being lined up to offload above contracts (if required). 06 nos bids received on

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Petron) Open Project Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.48 0.09 - Mobilisation work stated. Projects As Required
LAD:24.04.15 term -Parallel action being initiated to supplement the works of M/s Petron. Final
CCD:20.02.15 decision shall be taken after reviewing the performance of M/s Petron for next 1
Ant: Dec'15 month, i.e upto mid Jul'14 based on milestones upto end Jun'14.
Overall Progress: - Shop fabrication work started. BPCL/EIL
E 43 Sch: 51.6 % Act: 10.1 % - Strl. Steel: 400 MT out of 800 MT ordered, balance ordering targeted by end
Jul'14 progressively. To be followed up with M/s Petron.

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for DHDS Offsite Open Constructi Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 Meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 02.05.14. M/s KSSIPL to deploy cumulative BPCL / EIL 7-Jul-14
area. on term 200 Manpower for Civil fdn work alone (Inside DHDS area). As on date 83 nos
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s KSSIL on deployed only. Additional contracts lined up to supplement site work:
05.03.13 Misc. Civil works-2 (approx 3000 m3) : (DHDS Pipe rack or other areas of
CDD: 24.01.15 IREP)-Tender on sale from 13 06.14, BDD- 07.07.14.
ECD:. Dec'15 Misc. Structural works-2 (approx 3100 MT): For Units & offsite - NIT issued on
E 48 Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area 12.06.14, bids due on 04.07.14.
Sch:60.7%; Front: 71.9%; Act: 8.4% - Scope of Civil Work in areas 204 - 207 handed over to SG-III Contractor.

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Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

Award of Thermal oxidiser burner & reduction pkg Open Project Incinerator burner:MR 7582: Price bids opened on 09.05.14. Award recommendation BPCL 30-May-14
LAD: 28.05.13 issued on 16.05.14. Delivery of waste heat boiler is affected due to burner data.
Ant: 30.05.14 (Incinerator burner)
C 55 (Execution Duration - 14 M)

Award of Gas Booster Compressor for CPP Open Project Award recommendation issued on 27.05.14. Award targeted by 05.06.14. BPCL 5-Jun-14
(LAD:29.12.13; Ant: 05.06.14)
C 70
Award of Composite Works (Mechanical & Civil /Strl. Open Project - 04 bids received on 02.04.14 (Petron, KSS, Techsharp & Bilfinger). PBO BPCL 20-Jun-14
Works) for NHT/ISOM recommendation issued on 16.05.14, BPCL approval targeted by 30.05.14.
Sch: 08.05.14
C 76 Ant: 20.06.14

Completion of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project - 90 % model review completed on 20.03.14. Inspection end May'14
FCCU - All R&R foundation work completed, TSS foundation targeted by 30.05.14.
LAD : 09.07.15 Strl. Steel fabrication drawings- Projects
Ant: Sep'15 (Upto pre commissioning) Total Qty: 2444 MT; Drawings released.: 2436 MT, balance targeted by end May14.
Strl. Fabr. work- Constn
Fabricated Qty.: 1644 MT; Dispatched Qty: 966 MT; Under Fabrication: 721 MT
D 1 - Strl. Fabr. & erection for TSS-
Total Qty.:1388 MT; under Fabrication.: 211 MT

Completion of all three site Fabricated Columns for Open Project - Ordered to M/s Fabtech on 15.07.13 (18 M incl erection). Order placed for Plates Project As stated
FCCU (M/s Fabtech) (BQ + LAS) on M/s Essar. 3685 MT out of 3747 MT Plates received at Chakan Shop,
LAD: 22.01.15 plate cutting & welding in progress.
CDD:14.01.15 - Staggered delivery of columns is required from Sep'14 onwards as major piping
ECD: 15.05.15 works is held up due to hold for crane movement for these columns.
- Priority to be assigned to main fractionator (IF-V-104). Taken up with M/s Fabtech.
D 7

Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project - M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration due to delayed availability of burner EIL/BPCL 30-May-14
LAD: 23.06.15 vendor from M/s Accometric. Meeting held with M/s Accometric on 28.05.14. Burner
CDD:18.02.15 Flange details from burner vendor targeted by end May'14.
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl -MCC: Shell Rolling is completed, C-seam welding is in process
D 8

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project M/s Essar to mobilise addl. resources and expedite balance procurement. Constr. Area handing
Target Sch: 01.05.15 Main Fractionator: 265 MT out of 290 MT clad plates received at VTV site & is under over by
Ant Compl.: 21.11.15 rolling, balance targeted by end May14. Coke Drum: SS Clad (177 MT) plates endMay'14
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). received at VTV shop, balance 2054 MT expected to receive at VTV shop
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. progressively by mid Jun14.
Bidder facing Financial crunch. The fabrication area to be cleared of rock and handed over by end May14.
D 9 Cum. Sch. 42.6; Act: 29.3 % Temporarily fabrication works panned near canteen area.
Area marked for Coke drum A has been handed over to EPIL on 27.05.14.

Delay in erection of Crude & vacuum column due to Open BPCL / Director level meeting held with M/s VTV. M/s VTV agreed: Constn. / VTV 5-Sep-14
delayed ordering. Projects / - Erection for crude column targeted from Jun'14 & hydro testing targeted by / Projects
Sch: Jun 14 Const. 25.08.14.
Ant: Sep 14 - Erection of Vacuum Column targeted from 07.07.14 to 02.08.14 & hydrotest planned
Normally 12-14 Months are required for Unit in 05.09.14.
Mechanical Compln after erection of Crude & -1000 MT Crane :
D 12
Vacuum column. Assembly work started.
VTV progress Sch ( 94.2 %); Act (83.5%) -500 MT Crane :
Assembly work & Load test completed.

Delay in delivery of equipments: Open Contract / Equipment by Ganson Inspection 30-May-14
- M/s Gansons due to substantial rise in raw Inspection - M/s Ganson agreed to supply balance item of CDU/VDU. Items for SRU and DCU
material cost due to current market conditions. refloated under MR-6560 (DCU) & MR-6120 (SRU): All items ordered. Projects
- M/s Tema due to financial constraint. -Slow progress by M/s Tema due to financial constraint. Meeting held on 06.05.14 with

D 16

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Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

Completion of Demountable Flare works (Awarded Open Project - Hazop review completed. Projects/Cons As Required
to M/s Airoil on 25.09.13) - Foundation drawing released. tr.
Sch: 31.03.15 - 30 % model review targeted by mid Jun'14.
Duration: 18 M - Filling of area & piling work completed, excavation commenced. Delivery of
D 17 Ant: 24-Mar-15 foundation bolts from Airoil being expedited.
- Foundation to be handed over by Aug'14.

Delivery of WGC-FCCU (Ordered to M/s BHEL on Open Projects - Compressor casing has been ordered on NP Italy on 14.12.13 (Dely - end Aug 2014 Project/Inspe Continuous
26.09.13) & 03.12.14 FOB). ction
LAD: 09.01.15 - Receipt of compressor casing expected at BHEL shop from Oct'14.
CCD: 25.04.15 - Further delivery of compressor takes normally 10-11 month after receipt of casing.
EDD: 25.09.15 Meeting held with M/s BHEL & M/s GE NP on 19.02.14, M/s BHEL to submit detailed
catch-up plan.
D 19 Meeting held on 26.05.14 with BHEL. BHEL has committed to deliver within CDD.
60% model review completed.

Delivery of HRSG Package Open Projects - All load data and layout received from M/s Thermax. Project/Inspe Continuous
LAD : 30.03.15 - Fan subordered to M/s Andrew Yule. ction
D 23 CDD: 19.08.15 -HRSG casing engineering targeted to complete by 25-June-14
Awarded to M/s Thermax on 20.12.13
Completion duration for NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / - Target sch for completion by Sep'15 finalized and issued. Project May'14
Mechanical completion of NHT/ISOM - Target Projects All long delivery equipments (incl.compressors) to be awarded progressively by
Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 15 M available for May'14. Reactor ordered on M/s Phills Heavy.
construction works (excl. Dismantling works) against - Unit shut down held from 04th May'14 to 14th May'14 all shutdown hook ups,
schedule of 22 M. blinding and dismantling of 7 equipments identified for shut down & is completed.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to delay - 70 % ISO's targeted to release by Jun'14, At present only 200/1296 nos ISOs
in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award of released.
E 4 - Change in the scope based on health check report
has an impact on Project cost and schedule.

Slow Progress of Building Works by M/s L&T for Open Const Front available for all 11 buildings . Constn As Required
MCR and CPP control Room. - MCR area, CPP control room area : all substructure RCC work targeted for
Contr. Sch: 67.9% completion by end May'14.
Front: 100 % - Manpower being augmented to 700 nos from present 550 nos.
Act: 39.7% - Engineering for Packages like HVAC and Pressurization & Ventilation system in
CCD: 20.12.14 progress
Ant: 15.05.15 - Clean agent system: Drawings awaited from L&T.
E 6 - Casting of foundations up to first expansion joint in MCR to be expedited. Strl. dwg.
for Roof structures for MCR, SRR & substation to be cleared.
- Lifts: Orders placed, drawings awaited.

Backlog 22.6 (% wrt sch) as of 15-May-14 in Open Const Director level meeting held with contractors from Apr'14 to May'14. rder to complete Constn As Required
Construction activities viz., Piling work & Civil works the Construction and liquidate Revised catch-up schedule prepared as per discussion
for offsite area as well as unit areas. held on 18th Apr14 with CDU/VDU completion by Sep15 and balance units by
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 M; Dec15.
Time lapsed - 26M; Remaining Duration - 20 M - Civil Works-CDU/VDU & DCU : Structural work being expedited.
Desc. Const Sch Front Act -Civil Works -FCCU/VGO/DHDT/IREP/DHDS/Refinery area : Requirement for
Overall 40.8 37.1 18.6 adequate mobilisation of resources being taken up with higher management of
Backlog in Civil / strl works will affect respective contractors.
E 7 availability of front for mechanical contractor All agencies being expedited to submit catch-up plan for accumulating backlogs.
(CDU / VDU / DCU, FCCU, VGO/DHDT & Offsite). - Misc. Civil & Strl works floated and awarded to M/s Tuaman.

Completion of Raw water treatment plant Pkg (M/s Open Project - Project review meeting held on 15.04.14 with M/s Triveni at EIL HO. Huge backlog Constr. As stated
Triveni Engg).(Delayed due to refloating) seen in detailed engg.Slow construction progress due to inadequate mobilization
Contr. Sch: 47.7 % Front: 100 % (asking rate has now gone up to 9-10% Per month). (Manpower Req 284 nos. Avl
Act: 25.4% 118 Nos)
Sch: 15.11.14 CCD: 24.03.15 ECD: 24.03.15
E 13 Compl: 18 M+2M

Area availability for SRU Block Open Proj. / - Retaining wall in progress. Reservoir wall dismantling & 70& grade slab dismantling Constn. End May'14
- At present only 75 % area given to M/s MBEL, Constn. completed and filling in progress. FWPH dismantling under progress.
balance Site for SRU block shall be available by mid - M/s B&R demobilised manpower due to organisational restructuring. Meeting held
Jun'14. (The works are covered under SG-II Tender with M/s B&R management on 26.04.14. and resources have been augmented.
: Awarded to B&R on 22.11.12) - At present only 313 nos manpower deployed at site. M/s B&R agreed to increase
- As per present trend 17 months (starting from end manpower upto 375 nos. Along with 3 excavators & dumper to be increased upto 40
Apr14) are available with respect to schedule of 25 nos from present of 20 nos by end May'14.
M (As per Past experience minimum requirement for - Piling for SRU block included in Civil/ structural tender to save time and work
SRU is 30 M). awarded to M/s Mcnally on 04.11.13 (duration: 16 M) At present 608 / 1828 nos piles
completed at site by M/s MBEL.
E 14

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Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for Offsite Open Constructio Meeting held with M/s KSSPPL on 05.05.14. M/s KSSIPL to deploy cumulative 200 Constr. 30-May-14
IREP area. n Manpower for Civil fdn work alone (Inside DHDS area) & 250 Manpower for Civil Fdn
Civil & Strl work for IREP area awarded to M/s (IREP area) . As on date 83 & 216 nos deployed resp. Rock Blasting in IREP area
KSSIL on 12.09.13 being expedited for completion by end May'14.
E 27 Civil & Strl work-offsite IREP Area: M/s Tuaman shall be deployed to supplement KSSPPL for trenches.
Constr. Sch:84.8%; Front:70.2%; Act: 24.0%
CCD: 08.10.14; ECD: 15.05.15

Release of balance front to M/s Essar to start civil & Open Project - M/s Essar agreed to deploy additional manpower and machinery. Constr. 30-May-14
Strl. work for CPP Structural steel fabrication works: 490 MT received
Contr. Sch: 56.3%; Front: 57.2%; Act:18.2% for GTG shed. 295MT fabrication completed.
CCD:18.12.14; ECD: 18.02.15 Release of balance Arc drawings for UG piping works, Earthing layout , precast works
etc. to be expedited.
E 28

Slow progress of Civil & Strl Works for SRU block Open Project Director level meeting held with M/s Mcnally on 23.04.14 . Constr. Continous
(Awarded to M/s Mcnally Bharat on 04.11.13) - Manpower for all works to be increased to 150 from present 60 nos.
LAD: 12.01.15 - Strl Steel works: 370 MT shall be delivered progressively by 05-May-14. 170 MT of
CCD: 03.03.15 structural steel fabrication for TS-2 shall be done by 30-May-14
Ant: 03.07.15
E 29 40.7% 39.9 % 10.8%

Progress of ETP Works (Handing over of graded Open Project Meeting held with with M/s Paramount on 15.05.14 Project As stated
area for ETP & dismantling of existing Oil Catcher. ) Work commenced in substation (5 out of 42 fdns cast) and equalisation tank.
LAD: 30.09.15 - Area handing over for RL-7 to M/s Paramount targeted progressively from 15.05.14.
(CDD:10.08.15) - Area for chemical house by 25.05.14
Awarded to M/s Paramount on 11.09.13. (Duration: - area for TPI/API by 31.05.14
21 M+2 M incl pre commng)

E 34

Slow progress of FCCU Heater works (Awarded to Open Project KOM held at site on 29.01.14 BPCL As Required
M/s Petron on 04.12.13 (16 M) - Radiant section fabrication drawings to be finalised across the table on fast track.
LAD: 09.07.15 - Vendor being pressurised to mobilised at site immediately.
Ant: 03.04.15 - Strl. Steel: Total 193 MT. Ordering targeted by mid Jun'14 progressively. To be
followed up with M/s Petron.
E 37 - Management meeting held with M/s Petron on 07.05.14. Action for slow progress to
be taken against PETRON based on EILs CCEC decision, tender under preparation.

Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Boiler Open Project -KOM held on 28-29Jan'14 at EIL Delhi. Projects/BPC As Required
Package for SRU Block (ordered to M/s Technicas - Burner data from Incinerator burner vendor required and same under ordering. L
on 31.012.13) Input expected to receive by Jun'14.
LAD: 09.06.15 - Chamber (M/s Techno Process) & stack (M/s Loyd Steel) ordered on Indian
CCD: 30.06.15 Vendors, whereas order delivery is on FOB basis. Vendor has requested to amend
E 39
free trade warehouse zone requirement to enable dispatch of materials. Matter taken
up with BPCL.

Progress of RO-DM Plant (Awarded to M/s Driplex Open Project - Director level meeting held on 06.05.14 at EIL Delhi. Following points agreed: Projects As Required
on 12.06.13) - Balance engineering including piping targeted to complete by mid Jun'14.
LAD: 31.01.15; CCD: 11.04.15 - 90 % model review targeted by 15.06.14.
Sch: 47.6 %; Front: 93.3%; Act:11.6 % - M/s Driplex advised to complete soil investigation substation building & RO-DM
E 40 Shed areas.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Director review meeting held on 13.05.14 Projects As Required
ShriRam EPC Resource Deployment of skilled workmen to be increased (Carpenters, bar benders to
Contr. Sch: 45.4%; Front: 56.7% be increased).
Act: 12.8 % -Requirement of approx 450 nos while available is approx 163 nos (including approx
CCD: 24.12.14 50 nos in fabrication yard)
ECD:31.05.15 -Detailing of Structural Steel Drawings to be expedited to facilitate Structural Steel
fabrication. Precast manhole/trench works to be taken up. Fabrication of Structural
E 41 Steel to be expedited.
-Part Civil Work in FCCU offloaded to M/s Tauman. Additional Strl. work contract
being lined up to offload above contracts (if required). NIT issued on 26.05.14, bids
due on 17.06.14.

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Petron) Open Project - M/s Petron yet to mobilise at site to start work. BPCL As Required
LAD:24.04.15 - Shop fabrication work started.
CCD:20.02.15 - Fans ordered. Load data expected by end May'14.
- Strl. Steel: 160 MT out of 800 MT ordered, balance ordering targeted by mid Jun'14
progressively. To be followed up with M/s Petron.
E 43 - Management meeting held with M/s Petron on 07.05.14. Action for slow progress to
be taken against PETRON based on EILs CCEC decision, tender under preparation.

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Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project -Director level meeting held with M/s MBEL on 23.04.14. M/s MBEL agreed: Projects As Required
Mcnally Bharat for DHDT & VGO 323 MT of matching steel urgently required shall be delivered progressively by 05-
Sch: 61 %; Front :71.7 % May-14.
Act: 28.9 % All rock blasting targeted for completion by end May'14
E 44

Completion of PreEngineered Building Works (3 Open Project Work under progress by M/s B&R. 50 % work completed balance targeted by end Projects As Required
Nos) by M/s B&R (SG-II) - Warehouses. May'14 for PEB1. Buildings to be expedited for storage of material / equipment being
received at site.
E 44

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for DHDS Open Constructio Meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 02.05.14. M/s KSSIPL to deploy cumulative 200 BPCL / EIL 5-Jun-14
Offsite area. n Manpower for Civil fdn work alone (Inside DHDS area). As on date 83 nos deployed
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s only. Additional contracts lined up to supplement site work:
KSSIL on 05.03.13. Misc. Civil works-2 (approx 3000 m3) : (DHDS Pipe rack or other areas of IREP)-
Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area SOR issued on 20.05.14. NIT targeted by 05.06.14.
E 47 Sch:54.2%; Front: 33.9%; Act: 5.4% Misc. Structural works-2 (approx 3100 MT): For Units & offsite - SOR issued on
20.05.14. NIT targeted by 05.06.14.

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Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

Award of Thermal oxidiser burner & reduction pkg Open Project Incinerator burner:MR 7582: Price bids opened on 09.05.14. Award recommendation BPCL 30-May-14
LAD: 28.05.13 issued on 16.05.14. Delivery of waste heat boiler is affected due to burner data.
Ant: 30.05.14 (Incinerator burner)
C 55 (Execution Duration - 14 M)

Award of Gas Booster Compressor for CPP Open Project Award recommendation issued on 27.05.14. Award targeted by 05.06.14. BPCL 5-Jun-14
(LAD:29.12.13; Ant: 05.06.14)
C 70
Ordering of additional Critical Valves Open Project MR-3211 (417 nos): Award recommendation issued on 08.05.14. Award targeted by BPCL 30-May-14 III
C 73 Balance MR under preparation.

Award of Composite Works (Mechanical & Civil /Strl. Open Project - 04 bids received on 02.04.14 (Petron, KSS, Techsharp & Bilfinger). PBO BPCL 20-Jun-14
Works) for NHT/ISOM recommendation issued on 16.05.14, BPCL approval targeted by 30.05.14.
Sch: 08.05.14
C 76 Ant: 20.06.14

Completion of MCC pkg for SRU Open Project - M/s Thermax seeking extension for duration due to delayed availability of burner EIL/BPCL 30-May-14
LAD: 23.06.15 vendor from M/s Accometric. Meeting held with M/s Accometric on 28.05.14. Burner
CDD:18.02.15 Flange details from burner vendor targeted by end May'14.
Ordered to M/s Thermax on 19.08.13 (18 M incl -MCC: Shell Rolling is completed, C-seam welding is in process
D 8

Space constraints: Open Constn. - Part Township area handed over by BPCL, 6 out of 19 buildings in colony handed BPCL 30-May-14 III
i) Area for Storage of Client materials over for dismantling, balance to be expedited by May'14 so as to ready for allocating
ii) Area for Spool storage to mechanical agencies by Jul/Aug'14.

'-Part of PEB1 new ware house handed over for material storage total warehouse
handover after completion of work by end May'14.
(Fabrication area handing over: R&R -90 % fabrication area handed over, CDSP
(8500 out of 1000 sq.m handed over) balance by end May'14.
E 2
Meeting held with FACT authorities to lease out some land from FACT.

Construction of Subway on the PWD road including Open Project Culvert part I covering 8 m out of 13 m shal be completed by first week of June 14. BPCL / EIL May'14 III
re routing of existing road / existing facilities and further the balance stretch shall be taken up.
necessary liasoning with government department.
Construction of culvert got affected (Ant. Compln-
E 26 May- June'14, Compl date Committed by B&R

Slow progress of FCCU Heater works (Awarded to Open Project KOM held at site on 29.01.14 BPCL As Required
M/s Petron on 04.12.13 (16 M) - Radiant section fabrication drawings to be finalised across the table on fast track.
LAD: 09.07.15 - Vendor being pressurised to mobilised at site immediately.
Ant: 03.04.15 - Strl. Steel: Total 193 MT. Ordering targeted by mid Jun'14 progressively. To be
followed up with M/s Petron.
E 37 - Management meeting held with M/s Petron on 07.05.14. Action for slow progress to
be taken against PETRON based on EILs CCEC decision, tender under preparation.

Supply and commissioning of Waste Heat Boiler Open Project -KOM held on 28-29Jan'14 at EIL Delhi. Projects/BPC As Required
Package for SRU Block (ordered to M/s Technicas - Burner data from Incinerator burner vendor required and same under ordering. L
on 31.012.13) Input expected to receive by Jun'14.
LAD: 09.06.15 - Chamber (M/s Techno Process) & stack (M/s Loyd Steel) ordered on Indian
CCD: 30.06.15 Vendors, whereas order delivery is on FOB basis. Vendor has requested to amend
E 39
free trade warehouse zone requirement to enable dispatch of materials. Matter taken
up with BPCL.

Slow progress of Heater Works-VGO (M/s Petron) Open Project - M/s Petron yet to mobilise at site to start work. BPCL As Required
LAD:24.04.15 - Shop fabrication work started.
CCD:20.02.15 - Fans ordered. Load data expected by end May'14.
- Strl. Steel: 160 MT out of 800 MT ordered, balance ordering targeted by mid Jun'14
progressively. To be followed up with M/s Petron.
E 43 - Management meeting held with M/s Petron on 07.05.14. Action for slow progress to
be taken against PETRON based on EILs CCEC decision, tender under preparation.

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for DHDS Open Constructio Meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 02.05.14. M/s KSSIPL to deploy cumulative 200 BPCL / EIL 5-Jun-14
Offsite area. n Manpower for Civil fdn work alone (Inside DHDS area). As on date 83 nos deployed
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s only. Additional contracts lined up to supplement site work:
KSSIL on 05.03.13. Misc. Civil works-2 (approx 3000 m3) : (DHDS Pipe rack or other areas of IREP)-
Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area SOR issued on 20.05.14. NIT targeted by 05.06.14.
E 47 Sch:54.2%; Front: 33.9%; Act: 5.4% Misc. Structural works-2 (approx 3100 MT): For Units & offsite - SOR issued on
20.05.14. NIT targeted by 05.06.14.

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Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by Jun2015. BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project :
F 1 Works to be awarded by BPCL

Timely payment to sub contractor by main contractor Open Const. Following methodology being taken up for smooth cash flow to contractors: Project/BPCL As Required IV
- Issue of comfort letter by BPCL to sub Vendors & subcontractor being implemented.
- Provision for direct payments to contractors sub vendors & subcontractor being
implemented as per contract provision.
- Provision of interest bearing mobilisation advance against equivalent bank
guarantee being implemented for future contract for more than 5CR value.
G 1 - Expeditious processing of RA bills.

Infrastructure at Kochi Open Const. Contractor to identify the proposed areas in and around Project area and BPCL to Constn. / As Required IV
facilitate by persuading with local authorities for required permission. Projects /
G 2

Statutory approvals Open Projects / - IBR package for DCU targeted after 90 % model review. EIL/BPCL 30-May-14 III
- Factory inspectorate approval BPCL - List of all the buildings in IREP along with the plinth area details for taking approvals
- CEA (Central electrical authority) approval from F&B as well as Panchayath issued to BPCL on 12.04.14, BPCL to take approval
-IBR approval (LAD - IBR Package for DCU by end Approval for tall strl/stacks: Signed documents with 6 sets handed over on 13.05.14,
I 2 Dec'13; CDU/VDU by 31.12.13) BPCL to take approval
-Compilation of documents for Factory Inspectorate, CEA approval to started on

Non availability of Skilled workers Open Const. Utilisation of migrant labour and skilled labour from outside the state needs to be Constn / As Required IV
encouraged. However, the same will be effective only if proper labour colony facilities BPCL
K 2 are arranged by the contractors.

ODC transportation in view of Kochi Metro Open Project/Eng - BPCL to inform the probable date of commencement of metro work. BPCL As stated III
ODC movement schedule is from Nov'13 to Feb 15. g - Alternate route for ODC movement to be checked.
- RCM issued letter to BPCL . Issue has been put to the notice of Kochi metro &
K 4
District Collector.

Variation in foreign exchange rates from Rs 50 per Open Project - BPCL to put up Revised cost in BPCL Board and seek approval on the same. EIL/BPCL 30-May-14 III
USD as on Mar 12 to Rs. 59 per USD as on date
and fluctuations in the intermediate period and
Scope changes w.r.t. DFR (additionals in scope) has
M 3 significantly impacted on the overall project cost.
Job No.: A307
Page 740+13 of 36
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Current Risk Score ->

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Medium / Low / Very

Previous Risk Score

(Long Term / Short

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
(Very High / High /

(95% / 80% / 50% /

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality

Project Cost
Risk Owner

30% / 10%)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Award of Thermal oxidiser burner & reduction pkg Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 Incinerator burner:MR 7582: Price bids opened on 09.05.14. Award BPCL 30-May-14
LAD: 28.05.13 term recommendation issued on 16.05.14. Delivery of waste heat boiler is affected due
Ant: 30.05.14 (Incinerator burner) to burner data.
C 55 (Execution Duration - 14 M)

Completion of CDSP Package: Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 M/s Essar to mobilise addl. resources and expedite balance procurement. Constr. Area handing
Target Sch: 01.05.15 term Main Fractionator: 265 MT out of 290 MT clad plates received at VTV site & is over by
Ant Compl.: 21.11.15 under rolling, balance targeted by end May14. Coke Drum: SS Clad (177 MT) endMay'14
(Duration: 24 M + 3 M grace). plates received at VTV shop, balance 2054 MT expected to receive at VTV shop
Awarded to M/s Essar on 22.08.13. progressively by mid Jun14.
Bidder facing Financial crunch. The fabrication area to be cleared of rock and handed over by end May14.
9 Cum. Sch. 42.6; Act: 29.3 % Temporarily fabrication works panned near canteen area.
Area marked for Coke drum A has been handed over to EPIL on 27.05.14.

Completion duration for NHT/ISOM (Revamp) Open Constn. / Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.00 - Target sch for completion by Sep'15 finalized and issued. Project May'14
Mechanical completion of NHT/ISOM - Target Projects term All long delivery equipments (incl.compressors) to be awarded progressively by
Schedule : 30.09.15; Only 15 M available for May'14. Reactor ordered on M/s Phills Heavy.
construction works (excl. Dismantling works) - Unit shut down held from 04th May'14 to 14th May'14 all shutdown hook ups,
against schedule of 22 M. blinding and dismantling of 7 equipments identified for shut down & is completed.
- Process package was delayed by 2 M due to - 70 % ISO's targeted to release by Jun'14, At present only 200/1296 nos ISOs
delay in P&IDs review meeting and delay in award released.
of licensor.
E 4 - Change in the scope based on health check
report has an impact on Project cost and

Backlog 22.6 (% wrt sch) as of 15-May-14 in Open Const Very High N Y Y N Short term I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 Director level meeting held with contractors from Apr'14 to May'14. rder to Constn As Required
Construction activities viz., Piling work & Civil complete the Construction and liquidate Revised catch-up schedule prepared as
works for offsite area as well as unit areas. per discussion held on 18th Apr14 with CDU/VDU completion by Sep15 and
Target Duration - 43 M; Contractual Duration - 46 balance units by Dec15.
M; Time lapsed - 26M; Remaining Duration - 20 M - Civil Works-CDU/VDU & DCU : Structural work being expedited.
Desc. Const Sch Front Act -Civil Works -FCCU/VGO/DHDT/IREP/DHDS/Refinery area : Requirement for
Overall 40.8 37.1 18.6 adequate mobilisation of resources being taken up with higher management of
Backlog in Civil / strl works will affect respective contractors.
E 7 availability of front for mechanical contractor All agencies being expedited to submit catch-up plan for accumulating backlogs.
(CDU / VDU / DCU, FCCU, VGO/DHDT & - Misc. Civil & Strl works floated and awarded to M/s Tuaman.

Job No.: A307
Page 741+13 of 36
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

Current Risk Score ->

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Medium / Low / Very

Previous Risk Score

(Long Term / Short

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
(Very High / High /

(95% / 80% / 50% /

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality

Project Cost
Risk Owner

30% / 10%)



{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id

( Y / N)

(D/I )

( Y / N)

( Y / N)
(Y / N)

Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date

Area availability for SRU Block Open Proj. / Very High Y N Y N Short I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - Retaining wall in progress. Reservoir wall dismantling & 70& grade slab Constn. End May'14
- At present only 75 % area given to M/s MBEL, Constn. term dismantling completed and filling in progress. FWPH dismantling under progress.
balance Site for SRU block shall be available by - M/s B&R demobilised manpower due to organisational restructuring. Meeting
mid Jun'14. (The works are covered under SG-II held with M/s B&R management on 26.04.14. and resources have been
Tender : Awarded to B&R on 22.11.12) augmented.
- As per present trend 17 months (starting from - At present only 313 nos manpower deployed at site. M/s B&R agreed to
end Apr14) are available with respect to schedule increase manpower upto 375 nos. Along with 3 excavators & dumper to be
of 25 M (As per Past experience minimum increased upto 40 nos from present of 20 nos by end May'14.
requirement for SRU is 30 M). - Piling for SRU block included in Civil/ structural tender to save time and work
awarded to M/s Mcnally on 04.11.13 (duration: 16 M) At present 608 / 1828 nos
E 14 piles completed at site by M/s MBEL.

Slow Construction progress for Civil Works by M/s Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short I 0.7 0.67 0.67 0.00 -Director review meeting held on 13.05.14 Projects As Required
ShriRam EPC term Resource Deployment of skilled workmen to be increased (Carpenters, bar
Contr. Sch: 45.4%; Front: 56.7% benders to be increased).
Act: 12.8 % -Requirement of approx 450 nos while available is approx 163 nos (including
CCD: 24.12.14 approx 50 nos in fabrication yard)
ECD:31.05.15 -Detailing of Structural Steel Drawings to be expedited to facilitate Structural Steel
fabrication. Precast manhole/trench works to be taken up. Fabrication of
E 41 Structural Steel to be expedited.
-Part Civil Work in FCCU offloaded to M/s Tauman. Additional Strl. work contract
being lined up to offload above contracts (if required). NIT issued on 26.05.14,
bids due on 17.06.14.

Slow construction progress by M/s KSSIL for Open Constructi Very High Y Y Y N Short I 0.9 0.86 0.86 Meeting held with M/s KSSIIPL on 02.05.14. M/s KSSIPL to deploy cumulative BPCL / EIL 5-Jun-14
DHDS Offsite area. on term 200 Manpower for Civil fdn work alone (Inside DHDS area). As on date 83 nos
Civil & Strl work for DHDS area awarded to M/s deployed only. Additional contracts lined up to supplement site work:
KSSIL on 05.03.13. Misc. Civil works-2 (approx 3000 m3) : (DHDS Pipe rack or other areas of
Civil & Strl work-offsite DHDS Area IREP)-SOR issued on 20.05.14. NIT targeted by 05.06.14.
Sch:54.2%; Front: 33.9%; Act: 5.4% Misc. Structural works-2 (approx 3100 MT): For Units & offsite - SOR issued on
20.05.14. NIT targeted by 05.06.14.
E 48

Job No.: A307

IV - RISK REGISTER Page 742+12 of 749+12

Kochi Refinery, BPCL
As of 08-Mar-13
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30%

( D / I ) ((40% / 100%)

Current Risk Score ->

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score
Medium / Low / Very

(Long Term / Short

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
term) (50% / 100%)
( Y / N) (20% / 0%)
(Very High / High /

( Y / N) (40% / 0%)

( Y / N) (10% / 0%)
(Y / N) (30% / 0%)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality

Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id


/ 10%)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in Process Package for NHT / ISOM Open BPCL / Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Awarded to M/s UOP on 22-Nov-12. Projects / 24-May-13
LAD : 30-Apr-13 ; Ant : 24-May-13 Process - Agreement singed with M/s UOP on 15.02.13 Process
- PFD review held from 25th to 27th Feb13.
A 1 - P&ID submission from Licensor expected by 04-Apr-13 and
review targeted from 22-Apr-13 at USA.

Delay in Process Package for TGTU (M/s CB & Open BPCL / Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 -P&ID review meeting held from 25 Feb 13 to 06 Mar 13 at Projects / 15-Apr-13
INC) Process Texas. Process
A 2 LAD : 31-Dec-12 ; Ant : 15-Apr-13 Final Process package targeted by 15.04.13.

-Preparation of Offsites P&IDs for tankages Open POSD High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.32 0.32 0.00 - Out of 32 P&IDs, 29 nos. issued for engineering and 3 nos. Projects / 22-Mar-13
(LAD - 21.01.13) issued for comments. Balance P&ID-1142 & 1143 (Fuel Oil), POSD
- Delay has been due to delay in receipt of As- and 1140 (ATF) issue for engineering targeted by 22-Mar-13.
built drawings from BPCL-KR (except CEMP-
A #REF! II). All details recieved now.
-Upgradation of Crude oil pipeline system
(Inside refinery)

In view of increase in sulphur load PDS & Open Process Very High Y Y Y Y Short term D 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - All PDS for ARU & SWS revised. P&IDs for ARU (part) Process / R&D 31-Mar-13
P&IDs for sulphur block (ARU, SWS & SRU) is issued. All Revised P&IDs (ARU & SWS) targeted to issue by
being reviewed and released as per priority of 16.03.13.
procurement. -Major PDS for SRU revised and balance PDS / P&IDs
targeted for issue by 19.03.13. Utility distribution P&IDs -
Issued for engineering - ARU/SWS/SRU from 20.03.13
A onwards.
' - Rev.A issued for CW, N2 , Air , Steam and BFW/Service
water/DM water (7 / 15 issued).

Finalisation of Utility import / export Open Process Low N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.12 0.12 0.00 Based on latest information from BOO HGU and SWII (FCC), Projects / 18-Mar-13 III
requirements from BOO by BPCL. Flare load Revised Design Basis targeted by 04.03.13. Process
A changed substantially and repeatedly from Approval from BPCL targeted by 18.03.13.
estimated values.
Job No.: A307

IV - RISK REGISTER Page 743+12 of 749+12

Kochi Refinery, BPCL
As of 08-Mar-13
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30%

( D / I ) ((40% / 100%)

Current Risk Score ->

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score
Medium / Low / Very

(Long Term / Short

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
term) (50% / 100%)
( Y / N) (20% / 0%)
(Very High / High /

( Y / N) (40% / 0%)

( Y / N) (10% / 0%)
(Y / N) (30% / 0%)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality

Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id


/ 10%)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Final issue for OSBL distribution P&IDs Open Process Medium N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.20 0.152 0.05 - Out of 2 nos offsite interconnection P&IDs, 1 no. (New BPCL 31-Mar-13 III
LAD: 30-Nov-12 facilities) has been issued for engineering. Balance 1 no.
ANT: 31-Mar-13 targeted by 15.03.13
-During PRM dated 28.02.13 and 01.03.13, EIL informed that
pending information (for CPP, FCCU, NSU-I, SRU and HGU) is
A ### required from BPCL on priority to clear the OSBL distribution

Finalisation of tender for Civil works including Open Strl Very High Y Y Y N Long term I 0.45 0.43 0.4275 0.00 Load details required from Flare vendor for finalisation of piling Projects 31-Jul-13
piling in demountable Flare area (Delay in tender and drawings.
award of Flare adversely affecting the sch.) Load data from demountable flare vendor to be obtained at
Sch - 20-May-13; Ant - 31-Jul-13 offer stage and tender to be finalised based on recomnended
B #REF! vendors data (load data is likely by end Jun'13).

Timely availability of piling and load data from Open Projects Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Firm layout and other relevant data for piling to be asked ENGG/PLNG Sep'13
Package (GTG, UB, HRSG) Vendors to meet from Package Vendors at offer stage.
piling tender & Civil / Strl tender schedule -Award of GTG package targeted by 15.06.13.
requirements. -Award of UB package targeted by 15.04.13.
LAD - 28-Feb-13; Ant - from Mid Apr 13 to Sep -Award of HRSG package targeted by Aug'13
13. - Issue piling layout targeted progressively from Apr to Sep'13.
- Any balance piling left to be taken up through additional piling
tender III.

HRSG package on critical path since the Open Engg Very High Y N Y N Long term I 0.3 0.29 0.285 0.00 - To finalise PDS for HRSG based on GTG exhaust data of ENGG Aug'13
HRSG PDS can be finalised after receipt of selected vendor (data received with offers) and issue
GTG exhaust data. amendment. The same is expected by end May 13.
Sch Order - 22-May-13; Ant - Aug 13 - Based on the above Award of HRSG targeted by Aug 13.
Tender prepared & uploaded in eDMS, BQC - Strict monitoring of HRSG Tender at various stages pre-
approved by BPCL on 05.03.13, further BQC award and during execution.
B being revised.

Issue of RFQ for PRT (Hot gas expander) Open Project High Y Y N N Short term I 0.5 0.40 0.40 -Licensors reply (for flow, temp & pressure related issues) Engg (Elec) 31-Mar-13
LAD: 25-Jan-13 recd on 06.03.13. Revised MR targeted to be issued by
Ant: 31-Mar-13 18.03.13.
C 1
Duration: 16 M FOB

Job No.: A307

IV - RISK REGISTER Page 744+12 of 749+12

Kochi Refinery, BPCL
As of 08-Mar-13
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30%

( D / I ) ((40% / 100%)

Current Risk Score ->

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score
Medium / Low / Very

(Long Term / Short

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
term) (50% / 100%)
( Y / N) (20% / 0%)
(Very High / High /

( Y / N) (40% / 0%)

( Y / N) (10% / 0%)
(Y / N) (30% / 0%)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality

Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id


/ 10%)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Delay in award of CDSP package Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short term I 0.9 0.86 0.3325 0.52 - NIT issued on 11.02.13 and NDA signed upto 19.02.13.BDD C&P / Engg / 15-Jun-13
Sch: 02-Mar-13 extended upto 04.04.13, original BDD- 19.03.13. Projects
Ant:15-Jun-13 -Post bid receipt, Techno/commercial evaluation to be done
Earlier PQ was envisaged as NDA agreement across the table within 1 month
was to be signed with prospective bidders. Now
C #REF! Bidders has to sign NDA before downloading
the tender.

Delay in award for Cooling tower Close Project High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.32 -0.32 Awarded to M/s Paharpur on 21.02.13. Duration is 20 Months. BPCL 28-Feb-13
LAD : 31-Dec-12; Ant - end Feb 13

Ordering of GTG Pkg (LAD:10-Mar-13; Ant - Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short term I 0.9 0.86 0.855 0.00 - Technical evaluation targeted by 30.04.13. Projects / BPCL 15-Jun-13
15-Jun-13) - Task force from concerned disciplines will be centrally located
Bid due date further extended to 22.03.13. for evaluation of bids and action plan will be issued for
(Earlier BDD - 11.02.13, 08.03.13) adherence to the above target.
Duration (Supply) - 15 M FOB /16 M FOT as
C ### per RFQ; Sch : 20 M

Ordering of Reactor regenerator package for Open Project / Very High Y Y Y N Short term I 0.9 0.86 0.86 -Tender on sale from 19.02.13 to 25.03.13. Pre bid meeting Projects / BPCL 15-Jun-13
FCCU Licensor held on 11.03.13. Amendment targeted by 15,03.13. Bid due
LAD : 10-Apr-13 date being extended to 16.04.2013.
Ant: 15-Jun-13 -Techno/commercial evaluation by task force will done across
Changes in scope of supply led to revision in the table within 1 month i.e. by . An action plan for evaluation
BQC / tender due to which NIT was delayed. will be issued for adherence by the team.
- Bidders seeking extension in execution duration (30-36
months against RFQ duration of 24 months). Proposed to
extend to 27 Months.

Award of UB package Open Process / Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 3 no. bids received on extended date of 02.02.13. Engg. / Projects 21-Apr-13
LAD : 19-Jan-13 Engg / Meeting with bidders held from 19.02.13 to 26.02.13. PBO / Process / C&P
Ant : 21-Apr-13 constn recomn. targeted by 25.03.13.. Award targeted by 21.04.13. / BPCL

Ordering of Ejector Pkg (LAD:12-Jan-13) Open Project Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 02 Bids received on 11.01.13. Proj/Engg 30-Apr-13
Ant: 30-Apr-13 Meeting held with bidders. TBA under preparation.

Award of Sulphur Pelletiser Open Project Very High N Y Y N Short term D 0.28 0.27 0.06 0.21 -Evaluation Process of original MR stalled based on BPCL C&P 15-Jul-13
LAD: 03-Apr-13 mail dated 12.03.13.
Ant; 15-Jul-13 - Revised MR targeted by 15.04.13.
C Enquiry being re-floated due to changes in MR - Award targeted by mid Jul 13.
requirements by BPCL.

Job No.: A307

IV - RISK REGISTER Page 745+12 of 749+12

Kochi Refinery, BPCL
As of 08-Mar-13
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30%

( D / I ) ((40% / 100%)

Current Risk Score ->

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score
Medium / Low / Very

(Long Term / Short

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
term) (50% / 100%)
( Y / N) (20% / 0%)
(Very High / High /

( Y / N) (40% / 0%)

( Y / N) (10% / 0%)
(Y / N) (30% / 0%)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality

Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id


/ 10%)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Award of contract for RWTP Open Project Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Award recommendation sent on 08.03.13. Award targeted by BPCL 31-Mar-13
LAD: 14-Jan-13 BPCL response on L1 bidders under holiday, under review by
Ant: 31-Mar-13
(Execution Duration - 22 M)
Award for RO-DM Open Project Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Bids due date extended upto 26.03.13 Orginal: Engg 31-May-13
LAD:30-Jan-13 BDD:26.02.2013
C ### Ant: 31-May-13
Delay in Award of contract for Demountable Open Project Very High Y Y Y N Short term I 0.9 0.86 0.855 0.00 Projects/ 31-Jul-13
flare (LAD: 08-Apr-13; Ant: 31-Jul-13) '- The revised design basis issued to BPCL-KR for their Process/
- Change in type of Flare. Initially as per DFR approval on 06.03.13 Engg / C&P/
normal flare was envisaged. - Process data sheet (IFE) targeted by 16-03-13 and layout by
- Post enquiry significant changes in Flare 16-03-13.
Load/Process Data Sheet due to enormous - Due to significant Technical and commercial changes
increase in BOO flare load and non (consortium bids is acceptable) tender to be refloated. Same is
acceptance of mitigation measures by FCCU targeted by end Mar'13. Award targeted by end Jul'13.
C ### Licenser.

NIT for ETP package with WAO (Wet air Open Project Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Tender under preparation, readiness by 18.03.13. BQC to Engg 22-Mar-13
oxidation) BPCL by 18.03.13. NIT publishing targeted by 22.03.13

C ### LAD: 15-Jan-13

Ant: 22-Mar-13
Award of contract for Building incl substations Open Project Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Price bids opened on 11.03.13. Award recommendation C&P 31-Mar-13
targeted by 18.03.13.
LAD: 07-Feb-13

Ant: 31-Mar-13
C ###

Award of contract for Piling-II Open Project Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 Award recommendation sent on 07.03.13. Award targeted by C&P 31-Mar-13
LAD: 31-Dec-12 31.03.13.
C ###
Ant: 31-Mar-13

Award of Civil & Strl work for offsite new area Open Project Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38 0.475 -0.10 Price bids opened on 19.02.13. Award Recommendation C&P 30-Mar-13
LAD: 22-Jan-13 issued on 05.03.13. Award of works by end Mar'13.
C ### Ant: 30-Mar-13

Handing over of Land for project usage Open Proj. High N N Y N Long term I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 Client to be followed up to acquire the allocated land and hand BPCL Continuous III
over to the project usage at the earliest.
Job No.: A307

IV - RISK REGISTER Page 746+12 of 749+12

Kochi Refinery, BPCL
As of 08-Mar-13
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30%

( D / I ) ((40% / 100%)

Current Risk Score ->

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score
Medium / Low / Very

(Long Term / Short

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
term) (50% / 100%)
( Y / N) (20% / 0%)
(Very High / High /

( Y / N) (40% / 0%)

( Y / N) (10% / 0%)
(Y / N) (30% / 0%)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality

Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id


/ 10%)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Payment to contractors Open Constn. Low N N Y Y Long term D 0.1 0.03 0.03 0.00 Ensure that 90% payment of the RA bills certified by EIL are BPCL within 7 days of IV
released to the contractors within 7 days of receipt by client. certified RA bills

Dismantling of LO CAT SRU (Required for New Open BPCL Medium N N Y Y Long term D 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.00 Tender being floated by BPCL-KR and site will be available by BPCL 30-Apr-13 IV
tankagesTF-4) by BPCL : will affect release of Apr 13
front for tankages.

Relocation of existing FWPH (Constn. / Open Proj. / Very High Y N Y N Short term I 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.00 - Relocation of FWPH and reservoir (including civil works and Constn. 30-Aug-13
Commng.) and site grading of area for handing Constn. grading of area) targeted by end Aug 13. (Contractual
over for SRU. (Ant - Aug'13) milestone of SG II contractor M/s B&R for civil works is July
Site for SRU block shall be available only after 13)
dismantling of existing FWPH & reservoir. (The - Award of Composite works (by ROC) for relocated pump
works are covered under SG-II Tender : house targeted by end May 13. Award to local agency for re-
Awarded to B&R on 22.11.12) routing of piping works to be taken up by RCM, if works can be
As per present trend 25 months are available taken up parallely.
with respect to requirement of minimum 30 M. - Engineering / Procurement activities for Sulphur block to be
E #REF! expedited parallely.
- Award for Piling II (which includes piling of reatining wall) by
- Construction Execution Philosophy for award of Piling / Civil
under review/ finalisation. Award of works being targeted by
end Aug 13.

Area for MCR and FCC Feed Tanks: Diversion Open Proj. / Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Scheme for re-routing of ETP-II to ETP-III finalised. 1-Jun-13
of ETP II to ETP III and development of area Constn. - Routing to be completed by end Apr 13 so that dismantling of
reqd. by Apr.13 ETP-II can be commenced. Constn.
Ant: Jun'13 - All MR's (for pumps & piping materials) have been floated.
Availability of OWS & CRWS pumps to be ensured within 4 Projects
months of order i.e. by Jun 13.
- Electrical procurement initiated, Cables (part) ordered. BPCL
to confirm the availability of cables (For connection with ETP-
IV) by May 13.
E - Readiness of CRWS / OWS sump by Apr 13 to be monitored.
Micro schedule for completion of works under preparation by
EIL site for rigorous monitoring.

Land acquisition for Crude tank (2 nos.) . (LAD Open Proj. Very High N N N N Short term I 0 0.00 0.38 -0.38 During meeting held on 28/29.01.13, BPCL-KR informed that BPCL Apr-13 IV
- Jul 13; Ant - Apr 13) land shall be made available by Mar/Apr13.
EIL requested BPCL to provide survey/ coordinate details and
bore hole data details of land area for preparation of site
E #REF! grading work tender

Allocation of identified fabrication areas for OPEN BPCL Medium Y N Y Y Long term I 0.35 0.18 0.175 0.00 BPCL to expedite BPCL As Required III
ODC Equipments & Other Agencies
Job No.: A307

IV - RISK REGISTER Page 747+12 of 749+12

Kochi Refinery, BPCL
As of 08-Mar-13
Integrated Refinery Expansion Project

(95% / 80% / 50% / 30%

( D / I ) ((40% / 100%)

Current Risk Score ->

Previous Risk score)

(Current risk Score -
Previous Risk Score
Medium / Low / Very

(Long Term / Short

{6+7+8+9} * 10 * 11
term) (50% / 100%)
( Y / N) (20% / 0%)
(Very High / High /

( Y / N) (40% / 0%)

( Y / N) (10% / 0%)
(Y / N) (30% / 0%)

Impact Score =>

(Open / Close)

Output Quality

Project Cost
Risk Owner




{5}* {12}
EIL Cost
Risk Id


/ 10%)
Key Risk Description Action Plan Action By Target Date Risk Severity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Adequacy Check for Hook-up of LPG Flare and Open Project Very High Y N N N Short term I 0.2 0.19 0.19 0.00 - Adequacy report for CDU II issued on 11.03.13. BPCL / EIL 31-Mar-13 III
ACID Flare between existing CDU-II flare and - Adeauqcy report for CEMP II targeted after finalisation of
E #REF! CEMP-II flare IREP flare design.

Availability of Hydrogen and Nitrogen for Pre- Open Projects High N N Y N Long term I 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.00 BPCL-KR to ensure that Hydrogen & Nitrogen are available by BPCL 1-Jun-15 III
commissioning and commissioning of Project : Jun2015.
Works to be awarded by BPCL
F 1

Statutory approvals Open Projects / Very High N N Y N Short term I 0.4 0.38 0.38 0.00 - Documents for submission to PESO authorities for approval BPCL 18-Mar-13
- PESO Approval for IREP complex BPCL sent to BPCL-KR
- DGCA approval on 25.01.13. Meeting with PESO authorities scheduled on
I 1 13.03.13 at Nagpur.
- BPCL to obtain DGCA approval on priority (in any case
before award of flare).
Total Risk Score 12.09 10.86 1.24

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