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Solid Solution

A solid solution is formed when two metals

are completely soluble in liquid state and also
Solid Solution Hardening completely soluble in solid state.
when homogeneous mixtures of two or more
kinds of atoms (of metals) occur in the solid
state, they are known as solid solutions.

Solid Solution Substitutional solid solutions

Types of solid solutions If the atoms of the solvent or parent metal are
Solid solutions are of two types. They are replaced in the crystal lattice by atoms of the
(a) Substitutional solid solutions. solute metal then the solid solution is known
as substitutional solid solution.
(b) Interstitial solid solutions.

Hume Rothery rules for the formation

Substitutional solid solutions
of substitutional solid solutions
Hume Rothery formulated certain rules which
govern the formation of substitutional solid
Crystal structure factor Relative size factor
For complete solid solubility, the two As the size (atomic radii) difference between
elements should have the same type of crystal two elements increases, the solid solubility
structure becomes more restricted.
For extensive solid solubility the difference in
atomic radii of two elements should be less
than about 15 percent.

Chemical affinity factor Relative valence factor

Solid solubility is favoured when the two It is found that a metal of lower valence tends
metals have lesser chemical affinity. to dissolve more of a metal of higher valence
If the chemical affinity of the two metals is than vice versa.
greater then greater is the tendency towards
compound formation.

Substitutional solid solutions Substitutional solid solutions

Interstitial Solid Solutions Interstitial Solid Solutions
In interstitial solid solutions, the solute atom
does not displace a solvent atom.
but rather it enters one of the holes or
interstices between the solvent atoms.

Interstitial Solid Solutions Effect of Solute Size

Effect of Solute Size Effect of Solute Size

The degree of strength imparted by the
alloying element depends on the relative
difference in size between the solute and
Effect of Solute Size Effect of Solute Size
A large difference in size creates more
distortion of the crystalline lattice. This extra
distortion further impedes the progress of
dislocations, resulting in higher stength.

Effect of Solute Size Effect of Solute Size

Based on atomic mass, zinc and copper atoms Aluminum (27.0) and Silicon (28.1) are both
are nearly the same size, 65.4 and 63.5, substantially smaller than copper and give
respectively. Zinc gives the lowest return on much greater return.
strength. Beryllium (9.0) is about 1/7 the size of copper
Nickel (58.7) is also very close in size to and tin (118.7) is nearly double the size. These
copper, but not as close as zinc. elements give the highest return on strength

Effect of Solute Size Selection of alloying elements

Solution hardening, or alloying, is a powerful Various alloying elements are also used in
method to improve the strength of a material. different combinations in efforts to vary other
important properties, such as conductivity,
elastic modulus, ductility, and cost.
Selection of alloying elements
All properties of a material must be
scrutinized by the designer before a material
choice can be made.

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