Too Tall

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T a l l

TooBlasser Riley
by Ga
r i a n Lies
a t e d by B
illust r


ISBN-13: 978-0-325-01575-0
ISBN-10: 0-325-01575-9

Book 101
Level J

LLI_tootall_0059_COV.indd 2-3 1/9/08 12:11:52 PM

Too Tall
Author: Gail Blasser Riley
361 Hanover Street
Portsmouth, NH 038013912
Offices and agents throughout the world
Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention Books
Copyright 2009 by Irene C. Fountas, Gay Su Pinnell, and Heinemann
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form
or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and
retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. Requests
for permission should be mailed to the Permissions Department at Heinemann,
361 Hanover Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801.
ISBN-13: 978-0-325-01575-0 ISBN-10: 0-325-01575-9
Editorial Development, Design, and Production by Brown Publishing Network
Illustrations: Brian Lies
Printed in China
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RRD 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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Too Tall
by Gail Blasser Riley
illustrated by Brian Lies

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Lola was sad.
They didnt pick me,
she told her mother and father.
But I still want to play
on a team.
Lola decided to try out
for another team.

Lola wanted to play on a team.

On Monday, she went to try out
for the volleyball team.
Sorry! the coach said.
Youre up there, and the net
is down here.
Youre just too tall!


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On Tuesday, Lola went
to try out for the softball team.
Sorry! said the coach.
No one can pitch the ball
to you.
Youre just too tall!

Lola hung her head.

They didnt pick me
for the softball team,
she told her mother.
Try again, Lola,
said her mother.
Youll find a team
thats right for you.


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On Wednesday, Lola went
to try out for the track team.
It wouldnt be fair,
said the coach.
Youd win every race
with those long legs!
Youre just too tall.

Lola went home.

Im just too tall, she cried.
No one will ever want me
on their team!
Try again, Lola,
said her father.
Dont give up.


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On Thursday, Lola went Lola didnt like to swim anyway,
to try out for the swim team. so she wasnt quite so sad.
The coach shook his head. But she still wanted
Im sorry, he said. to be on a team.
The pool is only four feet deep.
Youre much too tall.


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On Friday, Lola went to try out Youre just too tall, the coach
for the bowling team. shouted from inside. Sorry!
Well, she tried to try out. Lola was sad.
But she couldnt even fit When she got home, she said,
through the door I give up. I cant be on a team.
of the bowling alley. Im just too tall.

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On Saturday, Lolas friends NO! said Lola.
came over. I dont want to try out
Come try out for our team, for the team.
said Jill. The coach wont pick me.
We need one more player, Im just too tall.
said Mindy.
We need YOU!

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Lolas friends came back Lola thought about it.
on Sunday. She still didnt want to try out
Please change your mind, for another team.
they said. But she did want to help
Please come and try out! her friends.
We know youll get picked Okay, she said. Lets go.
for our team!

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So Lola tried out for the
basketball team.
This time, the coach picked her
right away.
Im not too tall? she asked.
Not at all, said the coach.
For this team,
youre just perfect!


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